Chapter 29 - Neverland

Penny and Carlos stood in front of their friends, Peter, and Felix. "Are you sure we should go? I mean, it's a lot of work - " Penny started, but her father cut her off. "That's exactly why you should go, love." Penny sighed and nodded. She then smiled and pulled her father into a hug. "See you in a week." "See you darling." The couple hugged everyone and they slid their backpacks on. "Tink?" Tinkerbell got up from Peter's shoulders and flew over Carlos, sprinkling pixie dust on the boy. Penny smiled over at her boyfriend and she was no longer touching the ground. "Just think happy thoughts." Carlos didn't have many happy thoughts, but the ones that he did have involved his friends, Ben, Dude, and of course, Penny.

Carlos no longer felt the concrete floor and he looked down to see that he was now floating. Penny chuckled and they turned to everyone else. "Okay. See you guys soon." "I'll send Tink over when time's up," Peter told his daughter. Penny nodded and held onto Carlos' hand. "Second star to the right, and straight on 'till morning."

The two flew up into the sky and they noticed Penny's shadow following them.

☆ ☆ ☆

"Carlos, welcome to Neverland."

Carlos' eyes widened and Penny chuckled. They touched down on the sandy beach and Carlos began to look around in awe. "Come on, we'll explore later. I want to go back to camp." Carlos nodded and they flew up into the air. He followed his girlfriend and they soon flew down to an abandoned campsite. "This is where you guys lived?"

"Yup. The lost boys lived up in the trees while dad, Felix, and I had our own tents down here."

Carlos nodded and they walked into Penny's old tent.

"So, how long will we be here for?"

"Well, time works differently here. What may seem like a day over there can be a week over here." Carlos' eyes widened and Penny laughed. "So we're going to be here for seven weeks?" "Yup. Don't worry, I already have everything planned out so it doesn't feel like eternity. Trust me, you'll go mad if you try to count the days."

The two began to unpack and Carlos had changed into clothes that were more suited for Neverland.

"I'll just give you some basic information. Neverland is beautiful, but it's also dangerous. That being said, don't stray too far. If you happen to get lost, I already casted a spell so a map would appear in your hands and it'll lead you back to me. Never got to Echo Caves, never go inside Dark Hallow, and never visit the mermaids alone."

"Aren't mermaids nice?"

Penny shook her head.

"There are a few, like ariel, but these mermaids will drag you down to the bottom of the ocean."

Carlos shivered. "Got it. Don't visit the mermaids."

The two then left Penny's tent and they began to walk around, holding hands. Penny would talk about Neverland and her experience and Carlos listened in awe. He would ask a few questions here and there, and Penny happily answered them. Penny made sure that he had a bag of pixie dust on him at all times, so if he wanted to fly or for emergency, he was ready. They had traveled so deep into the woods that they now faced a fork in the road. Penny looked to her right and shook her head. "We'll go left. And you see those thorns over there?"

Carlos took a closer look and nodded as he watched a black liquid slip off of the thorns. "Never go near them," Penny warned.


"That's dreamshade. It's poison could kill you within hours. The only way to live is to drink from the fountain at the top of that mountain," Penny pointed to a mountain and Carlos followed her finger. "But if you drink from that water, you will have to stay in Neverland for the rest of your life. And I don't know about you, yeah I may love it here, but I wouldn't want to stay here for all eternity."

"Me neither. Especially if I'm not with you." Penny turned to Carlos and smiled. "You're sweet. Come on, it's getting dark and we have to hunt for our food."

"Hunt?" The De Vil boy asked.

"Yeah, hunt. I'll teach you tomorrow how to shoot a bow and arrow." Carlos nodded and he began to follow Penny. He studied her as she conjured up a bow and arrow and aimed it at a turkey. He saw how her body became stiffed yet relaxed and how focused she got. He noticed the little crease that formed as she furrowed her eyebrows together and how she bit her lip.

Penny breathed out and let go of the arrow at the same time. It had plunged itself into the turkey's head and Penny smirked. "I got dinner." She quickly grabbed the turkey then held onto Carlos. "You may want to close your eyes."

Carlos did as told and he felt a rush. When he opened his eyes, they were now back at camp.


Penny laughed and pecked his lips. "I'm going to skin the turkey then cook it. Do you remember the stream we passed by?" Carlos nodded and he grabbed a bucket to go get some water for the two.

When he got back to camp, he saw that Penny was already cooking the turkey, and there was another fire lit with a hook over it.

That night, the two layed in bed and Carlos held onto Penelope. The two were muttering sweet words to each other and they both grew sleepy. Penny felt a gentle kiss on her forehead before she fell asleep.

☆ ☆ ☆

Four days have passed by in Auradon, meaning four weeks have passed by in Neverland. Neither Penny or Carlos noticed, however. The two were having so much fun and enjoying themselves to even notice or keep track of the days. Carlos woke up to an empty bed and he quickly got ready before leaving the tent. He immediately noticed that Penny was already dressed and she was making breakfast. "Morning, love," Penny greeted when Carlos walked over and snaked his arms around her waist. "Good morning," the boy muttered and kissed Penny's cheek. "So, what's the plan for today?" He asked.

"I was thinking after breakfasts, we could go to the lake, have a picnic there and end our day at the beach?"

"That sounds perfect."

The two also took their time in Neverland to talk things out about their relationship and how they will both be making better efforts. They truly love each other and don't want to let the other go, so they will be strong and go through everything together, one step at a time.

The two had swam in the lake, ate while drying off and they walked along the beach. They sat on a tree as they watched the waves crash down. Within their first month of dating, Penny found out that none of them could swim, so with the help of Ben, the two taught them all how to swim.

Carlos stared at his girlfriend in admiration as she played her flute.

Penny suddenly stopped playing and shot up. Carlos had noticed and the two dropped down from the tree. "Penny? What's wrong?" Penny said nothing as she looked around. She waved her hand at Carlos and then snapped her fingers. The two were now wearing different clothes, Carlos had a sword, and Penny had her weapons.

"Someone's here."

The two looked around and there was movement in the bushes. They raised their weapons and Penny growled when she saw who it was. "What are you doing back? I thought you went back to Neverland when the barrier broke for a minute."

"Ah, yes, but then my son sent a letter, saying that you were still alive and now have a boyfriend."

"What's it to you, Hook?"

"I came to tell you that I've changed."

Penny rose an eyebrow at this.

"I have. . . Why hasn't the devil or any of the lost boys come out yet?" "We live in Auradon now. What do you want, Killian?" "This is Harry's dad?" Carlos asked. Killian sighed and faced the two teenagers. "Being a pirate isn't necessarily a bad thing. I've come to let bygones be bygones, Penny. And, I was wondering if you could give this to Harry."

Hook gave Penny a letter and she grabbed it.

"It's my apology to him. I guess I'll see you around, Pan."

"Yeah. . . See you around, Jones."

Hook then threw a magic bean to the ground and he went through the portal.

After that, the two decided to go back to camp and they called it a day. The remaining three weeks passed by and soon enough, Tinkerbell arrived to the Island. "Penny, Carlos, your week is up." The two nodded and packed their things. "It was fun while it lasted." "That it was. We should bring the others one day," Carlos suggested and Penny nodded. Tinkerbell sprinkled pixie dust over Carlos and the three looked at Neverland one last time before flying off. Penny still had the letter and was debating on if she should deliver it to Harry or not. Penny sighed, knowing that once they get back to Auradon, their life will be hectic once again.

But as long as she has Carlos, her friends, the lost boys, and her dad by her side, she doesn't mind.

Hope you guys enjoyed this little chapter while you wait for me to start Act 3. Love you guys❤💕

Also, D3 comes out tomorrow!!!

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