Chapter 23 - Escaping the Isle

All Hell broke loose as the VKs, Penny, Ben, and Lonnie tried to escape the pirates. Penny made sure that everyone was in front of her, but it was too late. The pirates began to swing off of the ship and they landed in front of the group of seven, making them split up. "Get Ben out of here!" Penny yelled as she used her magic to conjure up a sword. Jay kicked a barrel over where they placed the swords and they all picked one up and began fighting. Carlos began to shoot the smoke bombs, giving them some time and a chance to escape. Penny felt someone grab her foot and she was pulled down.

"And where do you think you're going, lassie?"

Penny kicked the pirate off of her and flew back onto her feet, only to have three pirates surround her. Penny only smirked and everyone stopped for a moment as they watched Penny fight. It was muscle memory for the girl, and she didn't even need to use magic as she fought off the pirates.

She saw Gil going after Ben.


She threw him her sword before making another one appear. She kept fighting off pirates and she noticed that her shadow ripped the shadows off of a few pirates. "No! Get to the others!" The shadow nodded and Penny found herself battling her demons. "I'll take care of her." Penny looked up to see Harry making his way over.

"Hey Harry. I see you still wear guy liner."

The two glared at one another before Harry yelled and charged at Penny. Penny blocked his sword with her own and she smirked up at him.

"Ah, fighting like old time's sake, eh Hook? I'll cut that hand off for you, that way, you and your daddy can actually match."

Harry growled and he tried to strike at Penny, but she blocked him. "And here I thought you would've loved to visit your dear brother." "Hm. What ever happened to him?" "He, Cruella, and Regina took off to Storybrooke the moment the barrier was broken for a second. They took dad with him."

"And they left you here? How sad."

Harry swept at Penny's feet, but Penny flew into the air.

"Ooh, bad form," Penny told him as she tripped him. "Don't you remember your dear uncle?" Harry yelled and he began to attack Penny, but he blocked all of his blows. She noticed that Evie was struggling, so she used her magic and pushed Harry away before flying over to help Evie.

"Where's Ben?!" Evie yelled.

"Fighting Gil!" Penny yelled as she ducked.

Penny groaned and she began to see dark red. "No!"

A pirate had managed to slice her shoulder, but he only ripped the leather. Penny glared at him before she began to fight him. "Keep Penny under control!" Ben shouted as he noticed his best friend struggling to not let the demons win.


"Let's go, bring it on. Bring it on, it's going down. Time is running out. Bring it on it's going down."

Jay immediately made his way over and the two fought back to back as Jay tried to calm the girl. "You need to get Ben out of here!" Penny told Jay. "And leave you here? No way." "I never said to leave me here." "You can't take them on by yourself, if you do, your demons will win!" Penny groaned, she knew that Jay was right, but they needed to get out of the Isle and back to Auradon. Having enough, she created a fireball and shot it at some pirates. "Ben! Run! Go!" Ben did as told and they all slowly began to get to the other side of the bridge. "Not so fast, Pan!"

Harry charged at the girl and they began fighting once again.

"So, I see they know about your past."

"Of course. They're my family."

"That De Vil boy never takes his eyes off of you." Harry immediately got an idea and he smirked. He made to swipe at Penny with his sword, but then quickly used his hook and he now had hold of the brunette. "Hey Carlos!" Harry called out. Carlos turned to see Penny struggling, but then Harry placed his lips onto hers.

Carlos felt his heart sink, but then Penny used her magic to push Harry off of her. "You shouldn't have done that." She conjured up a bow and arrows and began to shoot people, but only to hurt them. She then took Harry's hook and she leaned over the railing. "Ah, ah, ah." Harry looked between the girl and his hook, glaring at Penny.

VKs, Penny, Lonnie

"Let's go, pound for pound. We're prepared to stand our ground. Put your swords up, put 'em up. It's going down."

"Don't you remember, Harry?"

Harry glared, saying nothing.

"Penelope Pan never fails."


"Yo - ho, ho - oh, oh - oh, oh - oh.
Yo - ho, ho - oh, oh - oh, oh - oh."

Penny then threw his hook into the water and Harry dove after it. Penny flew into the air and began using her bow and arrows again. Everyone was now on the other side and they all looked over at Penny. "Penny!" Mal yelled out. "Destroy the bridge!" Penny ordered Mal. "What?!" "Just do it!" "No!" Carlos yelled out.

He made to cross the bridge, but Penny's shadow flew in front of him. "I suggest you don't get close."

Penny groaned and waved her wand, the bridge was now destroyed. They all watched Penny as she took one last shot before flying through. "Let's go!" Penny rushed and they all ran to the limousine.


What's my name?
What's my name?
What's my name?




Say it now!

"No! Move! Out of my way!" Uma yelled, but only to come face to face with the destroyed bridge.

Lonnie and Carlos threw the swords into the trunk and Jay got in the driver's seat. Everyone else climbed in, but no one noticed that Mal had accidentally dropped her spellbook.

Jay began to drive through the Isle, racing toward the entrance. Lonnie sat in the passenger seat, so she pressed the remote, letting the barrier open up and a bridge form. Penny saw her shadow flying next to them before it flew off to Auradon.

It was quiet between them, no one knew what to say. The tension was thick, not only between Ben and Mal, but between Carlos and Penny as well. Carlos didn't know what to think after he saw Harry kiss his girlfriend, but Penny did push Harry away. And Penny didn't want to say anything because she didn't want to start another fight between herself and Carlos. Evie noticed and sent Penny an encouraging smile. Peny sent a small smile back, but it quickly left her face and she looked down. She began to fidget with the bracelet, but this time, Carlos didn't hold her hand.

Mal noticed that the couple weren't holding onto each other and she frowned. She remembered that Penny and Carlos were happy just before the boys went to make the fake wand. Did something happen during the fight? Mal wondered. She and Evie shared a look and the daughter of Maleficent knew that something happened when the daughter of the Evil Queen gave her a certain look.

Ben had noticed too, but decided against saying something to either one of them.

Penny gripped her head and lightly groaned.

"You okay?" Ben asked Penny.

"Don't worry about me. You're safe now, Ben."

"At least I got to see the Isle," Ben started. "They're my people too. My father may have forgotten or ignored the Isle people, but I won't. Uma helped me see that." "Ben, Uma captured you," Mal reminded the King. "She's an angry girl with a bad plan. It's not so different from you when you came to Auradon, Mal," Ben told the dark fairy.

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