Chapter 11 - Coronation Day
Penny sighed as she made some space in her room. Mal and Evie would be getting ready for the coronation with Penny. Ever since yesterday's events, the four have treated Penny as if she were a piece of china, which made her slightly angry. Instead of blowing up on them, she told them how she felt and they all agreed to treat her like normal. There was a knock on her door before it opened to reveal Mal and Evie. "Hey." They all greeted each other with hugs and they all seemed nervous. "Okay, we're nervous because this is our first coronation and I'll be up with Ben. What are you nervous about?" Mal asked.
"I don't know," Penny admitted.
"Let's just forget about it and start getting ready, yeah?" Mal and Evie nodded and Evie and Penny first began to get Mal ready. Just like for her date, Evie did Mal's makeup while Penny did her hair. Evie was kind enough to make all three of their dresses and she has yet to reveal the final product to Penny.
Once they finished with Mal, Evie and Penny did their own makeup while Mal used a spell to put Penny's hair into a beautiful bun with a braid. She then did the same with Evie, but said a spell to give Evie curly hair. As soon as all three had changed into their dresses, they all smiled at one another. "Oh, I actually have gifts for you guys."
"Us too."
The three all hugged one another before leaving Penny's dorm and were escorted by guards. They then met up with the boys and Ben and they all hugged one another. Penny gave Carlos, Jay, and Ben their gift. "We all have cufs, and I decided to give you guys these."
The three boys thanked her and they were then getting into carriages. Carlos had got in before helping Penny in and their ride started. "You look beautiful." "And you look handsome." Carlos pressed a gentle kiss to Penny's head and she smiled up at him. "So, when is Mal giving Ben the anti love potion?" "After the coronation," Carlos answered before realizing what happened. "How did you know?" "It was a bit suspicious when Evie pulled me away and Mal offered Ben a cookie, then he began to sing her name. That, and Ben told me. He's my best friend."
"Are you mad at us?"
"No. Mal likes Ben and thought that it wouldn't happen naturally. I'm assuming you had more confidence in us?" "Yeah. When you asked me to be your date, I thought that I had a better chance." Penny nodded and pecked Carlos' lips. Their ride soon ended and Carlos helped Penny out before they met up with her dad.
The three then sat at front and soon enough, the ceremony was starting. As Ben walked by, everyone bowed at him. Ben stopped and Fairy Godmother cleared her throat.
"May I ask Penelope Pan to step forward."
Everyone turned to Penny who only widened her eyes in shock. Carlos helped her up and Penny made her way over to Ben. "Ben told me that you promised to stay by his side while he is King. So, we need to get you coronated as well. Or somewhat coronated." Penny's eyes widened before nodding.
Fairy Godmother grabbed a tiara and placed it on her head.
She then turned to Ben once King Adam lifted the glass case - which was used for his enchanted rose - and handed Fairy Godmother her wand. "Do you, prince Ben, solemnly swear to govern the people of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?"
"I do solemnly swear."
"And do you, Penelope Pan, solemnly swear to stand by King Ben and help govern Auradon. And if you two would disagree, work it out, as King Ben's Royal Advisor?"
"I do solemnly swear."
"Then it is my honor and joy to bless our new King and his advisor, Penelope Pan." Before Fairy Godmother had blessed the pair of best friends, a hand shot out and grabbed hold of the wand. Everyone gasped and Ben stood protectively in front of Penny. Peter shot up from his seat and he too stood protectively in front of his daughter. Everyone watched as Jane had hold of the wand and it was going haywire since she did not know how to handle it. A stream of magic was shot at a random direction and Jane did her best to try to control it. "Child, what are you doing?" Fairy Godmother asked her daughter.
"If you won't make me beautiful, then I'll do it myself! Bibbid bobbidi boo!"
"Get down!"
Peter and Penny had successfully casted a spell so the stream of magic disappeared. Mal then ran over and she and Jane began to fight over the wand.
"Careful, Mal," Queen Belle warned.
The two daughters of very different fairies fought over the wand, but in the end, Mal had won it. Jane instantly ran to the side once she saw Mal holding the wand, and almost everyone looked at Mal - the daughter of Maleficent - in fear.
"Give me the wand, Mal," said Ben.
"Stay back!"
"It's okay."
"Ben, I said stand back."
"I told you so!" Audrey exclaimed. Mal quickly rounded on her and held the wand out, making Audrey to step back. The doors opened to reveal Jay and Evie who was holding Dude. Carlos shot up from his seat and Penny looked at them with disbelief. Especially Carlos. "Carlos?" The brunette questioned as she moved to stand by Ben. Carlos didn't meet her eyes, however, too ashamed.
"We gotta go," Carlos whispered to Mal.
"Revenge time," muttered Jay.
"You really want to do this?" Ben asked as he and Penny stepped forward. "We have no choice, Ben! Our parents - " "Already made their choice," said Penny. "Now it's time you all make yours." It was silent for a minute as everyone watched Mal, waiting for her to make a choice. "I think I want to be good," Mal spoke quietly.
"You are good," Ben reassured.
"How do you know that?!"
"Because I'm listening to my heart."
"I want to listen to my heart too." Mal then turned to her friends. "And my heart is telling me that we are not our parents. I mean, stealing things doesn't make you happy. Tourney and victory pizza with the team make you happy," Mal told Jay, who held a small smile. Mal then turned to Carlos. "And you, scratching Dude's belly makes you happy. Who would've thought?"
People chuckled at that, and Mal turned to Evie.
"And Evie, you do not have to play dumb to get a guy. You are so smart." Mal then sighed.
"And I don't want to take oved the world with evil. It doesn't make me happy. I want to go to school and be with Ben," Mal lifted her hand up to see Ben's ring, "because Ben makes me really happy. Us being friends makes me really happy, not destroying things." Mal then turned to Penny and Penny noticed the tears in Mal's eyes. "And Penny, you make all of us happy. Evie and I have a new sister. You and Jay goof around and he has a new sister too. And you've made Carlos so happy - the happiest he's ever been." Penny now had tears in her eyes and she and Carlos shared a look.
"I choose good, you guys," said Mal.
She got scared when no one joined her, but then instantly smiled when Jay walked over. "I choose good, too." Evie smiled and walked over. "I choose good." Everyone waited on Carlos and the boy turned to Penny and saw the hope and love in her eyes.
"So, just to be clear, we don't have to be worried about how really mad our parents will be?" Everyone laughed at that. "Because they're going to be really, really mad." "They can't reach you here," Ben told him. "And they'll have to get through me if they want to get to any of you," Penny reassured them.
"Okay. Then I choose good."
Mal and Carlos invited both Ben and Penny over and they all cheered as the descendants of villains are making the right choice. Their choice.
That joyful moment, however, was short lived.
"I'm baaaack!"
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