Chapter 10 - The Past
Penny and Ben quickly rushed over to Mal, and so did the rest of the VKs. "How are you here? And how have you stayed so young?" Queen Leah asked Mal. "Queen Leah, don't worry, Maleficent is still on the Island," Ben reassured her, "this is Mal, her daughter." "Don't you remember Ben's proclamation to give the new generation a chance?" Penny asked and Mal grabbed onto her hand. Penny sent her a reassuring squeeze and Carlos was now by Penny's side. "A chance to what, Penny? Destroy us?" Queen Leah asked. Penny gulped and Carlos wrapped his arm around her waist. "You remember, don't you? The poison apples and spells?"
Queen Leah scoffed. "Spells! My daughter was raised by fairies because of your mother's curse!" Queen Leah yelled at Mal. "Her first words, her first steps - I missed it all!" Mal had let go of Ben's hand and slowly began to approach Queen Leah.
"I'm so so - "
"No, stay away from her!" Chad yelled.
"Don't do this Chad," Penny pleaded. "What? They were raised by their parents, Penny." "And so were you!" Penny shot back, but Chad dismissed her. "What do you think villains teach their kids, huh? Kindness? Fair play? No. You stole another girl's boyfriend," Chad told Mal.
He then rounded at Jay and said, "You enjoy hurting people." Turning to Evie, he said, "You're nothing but a gold digger and a cheater." He then turned to Carlos. "And you're just using Penny and will end up breaking her heart!"
"Mirror, mirror, in my hand, who's the biggest jerk in the land?" Evie pointed the mirror at Chad, and it showed him to be the biggest jerk. Penny snorted, but then got very angry when Chad pushed Evie's arm, causing Evie to stumble. Before Jay or anyone else could do anything, Penny was storming toward Chad. "Penny, no!" She heard her father yell, but it was too late. She punched Chad straight in the nose, knocking him out cold. Audrey screamed and the VKs stared at Penny in shock, everyone did really, except for her father.
Penny then fell on all fours and her breathing became labored. The VKs went to approach her, but were stopped. "Don't touch her! Stay away! Everyone!" They turned to see Peter Pan running over and he fell onto his knees in front of his daughter.
"It's okay. I'm here, darling."
"I can't. . . I can't stop it. . ."
Peter looked around before picking his daughter up and flying away, Tinkerbell flying right behind them. The four looked at one another and ran off. Ben had called out their names, but they didn't stop.
Penny did keep her promise after all.
☆ ☆ ☆
Later that day, Penny was in her room, resting. She had changed out of her dress and intio leggings and one of Carlos' shirts. There was a knock on her door, but she didn't want to get up. "Come in!" She yelled out. Turning her head to the side, she saw Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos walk in. Mal approached the girl first and sat on the chair next to bed. "How are you feeling?"
Mal gave her a look and Penny sighed.
"You guys want to know what happened earlier?" They all nodded and Penny sat up. She waved her hand and the door and window locked themselves. She then waved her hand again, and they all looked at her. "I made my room soundproof." "Is it that serious?" Jay asked as he sat on the beanbag.
"Yeah. Only Ben, his parents, and Fairy Godmother know. And of course, my dad. You all have to promise me not to tell anyone." They all promised and Evie sat in the hammock while Carlos sat next to Penny.
"First off, I'm not 16."
"What? You're 15? 17?" Jay asked.
"Close. I'm 1,016 years old."
They all burst out laughing, but stopped when Penny didn't laugh. "Wait, you're serious?" "Really guys? I'm the daughter of Peter Pan and my parents met in 1900." Everyone was shocked for a moment, but they motioned for Penny to continue.
"I grew up in London for the first 14 years of my life, then I went to go live with my dad. He was angry that my mom basically abandoned us. And we slowly turned evil. We would kill pirates and be just downright nasty and evil. Then. . . My mom died. She died at the age of 100, she had me when she was 16, and I lived with her until I was 14. That was 32 years that we haven't seen my mother, but time works differently in Neverland. One year feels like a decade. So that's 320 years we haven't seen her. Her last wish was for us to be good again. And although it was difficult, we managed to, but. . ."
"But you still have the evil side of you, and you're fighting it?" Mal finished for her. Penny nodded and no one knew how to react. "You said you killed pirates?"
"Only those that were stupid enough to ignore our warnings. My father at one point searched for the heart of the truest believer. Every kid that wasn't it was trapped in Neverland, never going home."
Penny paused before continuing.
"We were evil. We played games and always won. Because Peter Pan never fails. And Penny Pan never fails. Now, Hook and his son were smart and did their best to stay away from us, but we would fight every now and then."
"You know Harry?"
"He was 14 too when Neverland became my home. So yes, I know a thing or two about them. Anyway, no one really knows our full story except for the ones I've named, and now, you guys. We did turn good, but Hook and Harry were still seen as villains. And now, my demons are fighting for control. That's my story."
☆ ☆ ☆
The next day during lunch, everyone but Penny were ignoring the VKs. Penny sat at the end of the bench with Carlos' hand over her shoulder. They all complimented on her look (at top) since she dressed a little more like them this time. Ben had greeted them all but soon left, having to attend royal business.
Doug was coming over when Chad began to call him back over to where they were. "Doug? What are you doing?" "Doug has his own mind and his own voice and body, and he can use them as much as he pleases," Penny told Chad with a glare. Evie sent her a grateful smile as Doug sat down next to her.
"How long does she think that's going to last?"
Penny looked up to see Audrey and Jane.
"Mal's just the bad girl infutation."
Jane agreed with Audrey. "I mean, he's never going to make a villain a Queen." Penny had enough and slammed her hands down on the table. "Really, Jane? You are such a two faced stuck up princess like every other girl in this school! Mal went out of her way and did her hair for you and this is how you repay her! By insulting her and being a second Audrey? I expected this from Audrey, but never from you." Penny felt herself slipping, but dug her nails into her skin to stop it.
"How can you blame Mal? All of you? She is not her mother! She was going to apologize to Queen Leah for her mother's actions until Chad decided to open up his big mouth! You're all hypocrites, saying that you want to be friends with them without even giving them a chance!"
Penny's vision grew red, and she knew that her eyes were turning black. Jane's gasped had confirmed it, so Penny gave Jane one last glare before flying off. In the distance, Peter watched his daughter and quickly flew after her.
So, yeah, this is kind of a OUAT/Descendants crossover.
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