5; Basement

yall I dont think the closets are just called closets but pretend ok

Once Tubbo was sure everyone else was asleep, he crept out of his bed, sneaking into the main room. He was still for a moment, allowing his eyes to adjust to the darkness. The boy spotted the stairwell that led into the basement, remembering how the zombie had dashed down it.

With fear's claws raking down his back, shredding his skin, he hesitantly walked down the stairs. His feet made soft clicks against the stone, and he looked around into the darkness. The basement was far bigger than he though it'd be, filled with those wooden closets that could be transported. A few posters were hung on the walls, too covered in dust and ruined from age for him to make out anything on them.

Tubbo's mind and heart screamed at him, telling him to go and get out of there as fast as he can. His gut, his pure instinct, however, kept urging him on, tugging the boy forwards into the darkness. There was an odd feeling stirring within Tubbo, he almost felt safe. Why, he didn't know. He literally watched a zombie run down here, and he couldnt find it.

He began poking around, looking into almost every crevice he could lay his eyes on. The boy opened doors to the closets quickly, and jumped and ran a little ways away, expecting something to jump out at him. He did this until he came to the last closet. The last place he'll check.

He cautiously stepped towards the closet, and the warm hug of safety was replaced by fear. It ran it's claws lightly along his spine, sending chills all over his body. Tubbo reached out, about  to touch the knob, when a sharp shake took over the closet.

Suddenly, something kept out of the closet, barreling into the boy. Tubbo and whatever the other thing was tossed and wrestled on the floor, both desperately trying to get off of each other. Eventually, the other sprang off of Tubbo, whimpering with fear and clutching the side of its stomach. Tubbo instantly recognized the zombie, and his breathing stopped for a moment. He sat up, and locked eyes with the dead(?) creature. A thin line of blood trickled from its lips, and dripped gently from its chin, adding to the blood stains on its shirt. The boys eyes trailed to its side, where it seemed to be hurt.

"Tommy?" Tubbo asked, offering his hand to the zombie. The zombie opened its mouth, as if trying to speak, but stopped, as if it didnt know what to say, or as if it didnt know how to speak. It closed its mouth again, instead nodding eagerly. Tubbo felt the knot loosen itself a bit, and he couldnt bring himself to really believe it was Tommy.

"T...B..Ee." 'Tommy' tried to speak, but Tubbo guessed with such a gash in your neck, it was hard to speak. Tubbo gasped, and tears threatened to spill from his eyes.

"Tubbee?" Tubbo asked, his mouth slightly turning into a smile and he gaped at the undead male. Tommy's eyes lit up and he smiled as best as he could. Tubbo has a sudden feeling of calm, like he could stay here forever and nothing bad could happen.

Tubbo hadn't realized he was staring at Tommy's side, which he was still clutching, until Tommy seemed to growl at him. It wasnt a bad growl, more of a confused or curious growl. Tubbo blinked, and before he realized what he was doing, he gently pulled Tommy's arms away from the wound. He remembered seeing this one on Tommy, it looked a bit fresher than his other ones. The side of his stomach area was cut open, and you could see a bit of the organs inside. Tubbo was greatly disgusted, yet amazed, once he realized they still seemed to function.

He scooted closer to Tommy, wanting to get a better look. He wanted to touch the wound, he wanted to know how much blood Tommy was losing from it, but he knew Tommy wouldnt appreciate that. He looked over Tommy once more, his eyes trailing across every cut, gash, and injury. He sat on his knees, trying to think of how he could help his friend.

His eyes widened and he smiled a bit. "Wait here," Tubbo disappeared up the stairs, thankfully remembering to be light on his feet so he didnt wake the others. The knot in his stomach had dissolved, uncovering the flame of hope.

The boy returned a moment later, holding a medical box. He returned to his position infront of Tommy, opening the box with quick movements. He sorted through the kit for a minute or two, trying to find the biggest bandages he could. He managed to find a few patches, and one of the longer bandages that reminded him of toilet paper. (What, I'm not wrong)

Tommy watched him curiously, and flinched when Tubbo tried to put one of the patches on his face. He reared back a bit, his eyes wide. Tubbo hurried to shush him, before he accidentally spoke to loud, or knocked something over behind him.

"Shh, I'm just going to put this over your wound. It won't hurt, I promise." Tubbo looked into Tommy's eyes, dark blue meeting crystal blue. Tommy was still for a moment, visually considering, until he finally gave in. The boy relaxed himself, turning his head slightly so that Tubbo could have an easier time.

"Okay, just don't move," Tubbo said as he tried to find the best way to put the patch. He took awhile, not wanting to mess it up, but finally he gingerly pressed the patch over the wound on Tommy's mouth. When Tubbo removed his hands from the others face, Tommy reached his own to his face, lightly patting and prodding at the patch. He seemed surprised, and when he looked at Tubbo again, a warm smile was on his face. It looked much better, now that Tubbo couldnt see the inside of his mouth from his cheek.

"Do you want me to try and help with your other injuries?" The boy asked, earning a shy nod in reply. Tubbo found himself giggling at how Tommy felt like the roles had reversed. Usually Tommy would help Tubbo-- Or at least, try to. But that was before... Tubbo shook his head.

Tubbo began to gently patch Tommy up, wrapping the bandages around his torso, neck, and knee, and putting patches on two open wounds on his arms. It took awhile, and Tubbo could see some sunlight trickling down the stairs.

Tubbo glanced at Tommy again, knowing the others are bound to wake up any moment now.

"I have to go now, are you okay on your own down here?" Tubbo asked, and Tommy locked his gaze with him, nodding. It wasnt an 'I-wasnt-listening' nod, it was a sure one. Tommy understood.

He wasn't so lost, after all.

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