Francis woke up and stretched. He checked his phone and saw a few messages from Alfred. He started to read some before he was reminded of his classes. He checked the time 7:10 AM. His classes are at 7:30 AM. Francis quickly got changed and left for his classes. He briefly said hi to Matthew who was drinking hot chocolate at the table. He quickly hurried to his classes bumping into a few people on the way.
The class was as it normally was. Although Francis couldn't get eyes that reminded him of flowers out of his head. He shook his head as he tried to pay more attention to the class. It wasn't that the classes were bad. Francis loved his classes to death, it's just he couldn't focus. He also got Arthur as a partner. Honestly, how this man even got into cullinary arts will forever be a mystery. When the class ended Francis decieded to start reading the messages again.
Alfred F. Jones: So I know you have morning classes, but you said nothing about miday classes so...
Alfred F. Jones: would you like to go to a near by cafe with me at 11?
Alfred F. Jones: Text me when you wake up, cya!
Francis checked the time. 8:22 AM. He started to send a text when he heard a voice besides him. "Oh, you know that wanker?"
Francis looked up to see Arthur next to him with his arms folded. Francis opened his mouth, but was interupted by Arthur. "That bugger had the nerve to say that my eyebrows are too big. Can you believe that..." Arthur seemed to pause as if trying to remember Francis' name. Francis quickly sent Alfred a text that he'll be there soon before raising an eyebrow at Arthur. "Oh well," He seemed to be embarssed. "I guess I should get going." He quickly walked away as Francis watched him. He glanced at the time again. 8:33 AM.
He sighed before he started to walk to a park that was near the cafe. He had time to spare so he might as well enjoy the scenery. As he looked at some of the flowers he couldn't help but remember his family in France. How close was his sister to getting her dream of being a fasion designer? He spent a lot of time walking around and looking at all the flowers. A certain blue bush caught his eye. It were blue hydrangea with nepeta mixed it in. It reminded the French man of a certain pair of twins.
"Hey dude, you ready?" Francis jumped as he turned around to see Alfred standing there. He was wearing a simple hoodie that said "United States of Awesomeness"
"Oui" Francis nodded as he followed behind Alfred. They entered the café which had a blue theme. It was actually quite refreshing. On the side there were black trees painted on the side. "Alfred, where did you find this place?"
Alfred smiled brightly at you as you two were seated. "My friend Abbe showed it to me. Said that sometimes they use blue tulips and have killer waffles. Anyway what are you getting?" Alfred questioned as he leaned forward. Francis glanced down at the menu.
"Black tea," Francis glanced at the menu again. "That's it." He put the menu down as Alfred hummed. Francis noticed that he still had the bandages on. "Mon ami, did you change the bandages?" Francis glanced at the bandages.
Alfred shrugs slightly. "You only really need to change it once a day so I'm planning on doing it later," Alfred glanced at the bandages nervously. "I forgot to thank you for doing this. Like I could have been a murder and you decided to be a chill dude and not give a fuck."
Francis frowned slightly at the curse. "pas de malediction." Alfred's head tilted in the cutest way- Francis' eyes widened as he realized what he thought. Alfred's eyes narrowed and he opened his mouth to say something when the waitress came by to take their orders. After she was gone whatever Alfred was about to say seemed to have slipped his mind.
"oh yeah, what does pas de whatever mean?" Alfred's head tilted again and Francis felt a slight blush on his face.
"I'm not sure about the english translation," Francis smiled slightly at Alfred who's grin seemed to grow.
"Coolio," the American then started to look at the table. The silence streatched, it was slightly awkward. The waitress came back with their order. Alfred got his waffles and coffee while Francis got his black tea. Francis took a small sip of the scorching tea. His mouth felt completly burned. Francis glanced down at his tea and when he glanced up at Alfred there was syrup all over his face.
"I think you may be eating the gaufres too fast." He grabbed a napkin and wipped the syrup off Alfred's face. Alfred finished his bite before he glanced at Francis.
"You said that french word on purpose to make me confused. For all I know you said babies." He pointed the fork at Francis accusingly. Francis laughed a little. "Anyway these pancakes are delcious." Alfred cut a small piece and put it in front of Francis' mouth. He waved it slightly. "You know you want some," Alfred dragged the know out for a good five seconds. Francis just looked at Alfred questiongly. He just did the puppy dog eyes and they were starting to work.
Francis sighed as he put the waffle in his mouth. It tasted surprisingly good. "savoureux" Francis quietly said as he watched Alfred huff.
"I feel like you are saying all those french stuff on purpose"
Francis took another sip of tea. It was a lot cooler now. "aucune idée de ce que vous voulez dire," Francis smirked as Alfred raised his hands and looked away.
"See what I mean" Alfred loudly stated as he started to eat the rest of his waffles. Francis smiled softly as he continued to drink the tea, savoring the familiar taste. He wished this moment could last forever. They talked the rest of the afternoon away about friends and family. "I'll text ya after class!" Alfred hugged Francis after they left the cafe. He quickly backed, blushing a little. "Well bye!" Alfred smiled once more before he turned and started to walk away.
"A plus tard" Francis called to Alfred who just waved without turning around. He walked away with a smile on his face.
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