Chapter 2: Monitor Lizard Castle
We currently see some humans resting on a beach on a far off island, teenagers who were relaxing. One of which happened to be nervous, "a-are you sure we should be here?" They asked. "Relax, this island is totally safe, besides nobody comes here so we won't be bothered" another said laying down. "Just because no one comes here, doesn't mean there isn't anything here, I once hear that there are several species of powerful animals that live on isolated islands like this" the first person said.
"Oh right, does that mean there's powerful fire breathing lizards here" another teenager mocked as they laughed, unaware though something had been watching them. As two had found some neat rocks and began packing them up, they heard a growling sound before looking to the jungle, as they did they flinched seeing several glowing eyes. "Attack!" A voice yelled, suddenly several creatures sped out of the trees towards the humans circling them, while also spitting fire balls. They screamed before the creatures stopped, revealing they were large lizards with odd wheels strapped to their bodies, and stared them down, with a large female walking up to them.
(The others)
(The female)
"How dare you" she said taking a bag from them. "P-please spare us! We don't taste very good" one human cried, "ew, I'm not going to eat you. Rumors have it that humans taste awful, no we have a different idea in mind for your punishment" she said before smirking.
The lizards were seen using their wheels like motorcycle wheels and drove back to a large castle carrying the humans, tied up, on their backs. A turtle that was on the island saw, then traveled to Big Green to inform them of what happened.
[Big Green]
Ben was now demonstrating some of his powers to his teammates. Currently he was racing them on their turtles around a race track. Don't be fooled, the turtles were actually pretty fast, this was due to them using tank treads to move around faster. "Gotta admit, that is pretty cool" he admitted, seeing Sonia speed next to him "I know right? When it comes to reliable speed, the turtles of Big Green are what you need," she complimented as her turtle chirped at her. "Eh, she may be right, but me and my turtle are faster." Mighty Ray bragged as he sped forward, "hey Easy there Ray, don't burn him out," Ben said.
"N9 way! My turtle ain't gonna quit on me, because I am Mighty Ray!" The lightning eyed hero boasted, just before his turtle began panting and had suddenly stopped, sending the lightning blaster flying off. With the impact causing his eyeballs to pop out "Ahh?! Mighty Ray are you okay?!" Ben exclaimed wanting to make sure his new friend was okay. "Aside from my pride getting broken, I'm fine," the eyeless warrior said as he felt around, "you mean aside from the fact your eyes just popped out of your sockets?!" Ben said utterly confused.
"Ah that's normal," he looked back to see Sonia walk up to them, "you see, Mighty Ray's eyes are magic, and sometimes they pop out" she explained "wow, that seems pretty inconvenient," Ben muttered before grabbing the eyes, which felt a lot like glass. Then had popped them back into Ray's head, "oh thanks buddy." He thanked before going over to his turtle, "why not ride one yourself Ben?" Lin Chung suggested as he and his turtle stopped next to them. "Uh I'm not sure, seems kinda rude to try and ride a turtle" Ben said, "nonsense, here I'll let you use mine," Sonia offered getting off her turtle.
Ben then got on, "so how do you make it go-OOAAHHHHHHH?!?!" In a flash Ben had shot forward, with the shelled reptile moving at high speed "okay, I admit this is pretty cool, but it's kinda hard, to control!!" he said, "how do you steer!?"
After a long while of riding Ben had gotten off. "I'm guessing you have had enough for today" Mr. No hands commented, "no offense guys, but I think the turtles aren't for me. I mean, I gotta give it to them, they sure know how to hustle," the turtles seemed proud of that comment, "but it's a bit hard to control them when riding, maybe something with a bit more cooperation would be better for me," Ben said.
He then left the race track after a shower before spotting a turtle, "oh hey little guy," he greeted, the turtle looked to him before waddling over. Ben kneeled down and pet it to which it nuzzles his hand, "ha ha, aww that's kinda cute" he said, then it squeaked at him before scratching an image of Commander Ape Truly onto the floor. "Oh you need to see him?" He asked, the turtle nodded, the alien shapeshifter then took the turtle to the leader. "Oh dear!" Ape truly said, "what's wrong?" Ben asked, "this turtle just told me about an urgent danger, apparently a few humans came to an isolated island for a small trip. Then afterward had been kidnapped by the monitor lizard army," he explained. "Monitor Lizards? Like the Komodo dragon?" Ben asked "very much so, we must find the island and rescue the humans." Ape Truly said before speaking into a mic, "First Squad, we are needed on the isolated island of Kamodas. Monitor lizards have captured a group of humans."
He then hurried to the plane hangar and got in his personal helicopter, which for some reason had flies on the propellers. Ben then turns into Omni before picking up the turtle "lead the way little guy" he said, turtle nodded as they flew out. With first squad, after hearing the announcement, they had entered their tubes down to the launch bay. Then had exited the facility following Ben and Commander Ape truly, "I still don't know why we need to go rescue some people from a bunch of lizards" Mighty Ray said. Then got whacked in the head by Sonia's tongue, "they're not just lizards Banana brain, the commander said they were monitor lizards" she said.
"Do you even know what a monitor lizard is Mystique Sonia? For all we know these things are probably harmless," Mighty Ray countered. Then Lin Chung spoke up "do not be so sure Mighty Ray, while I have never met any, I've heard that the Monitor Lizards are far more powerful and are known to be one of the most dangerous lizards in hidden kingdom. With some other sources saying they're related to the Komodo Dragon," he explained, making him gulp "Komodo dragon you say?" He asked.
They all had finally arrived at the island from earlier with Commander Ape Truly landing in his helicopter. He then walked out carrying some gold as a peace offering, "come everyone, we must make sure to stay together, there aren't just one type of monitor lizard, there are several. And all have been said to be extremely unique and strong, with the lizards on this island known to be very fast. However surely this gift of gold should be enough to make negotiations easy" he said confidently. "Let's not count our eggs before they hatch commander," Ben warned as the turtle lead them through a castle, "this path must be the way to their castle" Mighty Ray said, the group kept walking down the path, keeping an eye out around them. Ben however heard something "does anyone hear that?" he asked, "here what?" They listened closely before hearing... an engine purring "hmm? Strange... sound" Jumpy commented.
Ben then assumed his Omnisapien form, "whoever's out there, show yourself" he said, only to receive a fast moving monitor lizard speed right at him "look out?!" The alien then slammed his hand into the ground and created a Diamond wall to block it. Just then two more lizards popped put "it's an Ambush!" Sonia said before using her tongue to whip them back"Kerpleh!"
Jumpy then began jump roping which made a ball of spinning rope around him, he then chased after the lizards and knocked them away before throwing some carrots at them. Which exploded on contact, "nice shot Jumpy!" Mr. No Hands said before kicking multiple lizard while hovering in the air, Lin Chung then used his staff to bat and smack multiple lizards at once and shot multiple bamboo shoot darts at them. Ben then used his tail to slam the ground creating the shockwave and flew up "take this!" The alien then used Big Chill's mouth to shoot a freezing vapor at the lizards.
The vapor had froze a couple before the large female from before had arrived "hey knock that off" she ordered, "make me lizard lips" Omni taunted before signaling to Mighty Ray. He smirked before eating a banana, "I am Mighty Ray! Fear my eye balls!" At his battle cry, Ray began blasting lightning at the other lizards shocking them into submission. She grunted in frustration before taking her two wheels and used them as fans to blow the icy vapor at him. Freezing Mighty Ray, "and Since you didn't listen the first time, I'll be taking this as compensation" she then smacked Mighty Ray's head with her tail. Causing his one of his eyes to fall out, "hey gold," the lizards then took it and sped off, "hey that ain't a gold ball! That's my eye ball!" He complained before his icy shell cracked which set him free. Then jumped on his turtle before chasing them "follow those lizards!" Ben said, they all began chasing the varanidae through the jungles.
Ben had chased after the large female using XLR8's legs "hey give me back that eye ball!" He shouted, "leave me alone human! I got better places to be," she said before spinning around. Driving in reverse, then raised her head and began spitting fire balls at him, Omni had dodged the blasts before shooting water at her, which countered the fire blasts.
What made it more irritating was that she had done a pretty good job driving away, and seemed to be taunting him as she continuously reversed. He growled before turning his arms into Diamond Head's, and had created several crystal obstacles behind in front of them, she gasped before turning back around and dodged each crystal shard. With the obstacles making her lose focus on him, and focus more on the road and maneuvering. "Well, those are some nice moves" he commented, then saw her approaching a castle, "oh man" he then created more crystal obstacles to block her, and everytime he made a wall she always got past before it could form. "Dangit, wish there was some way to slow her, wait a minute," he then saw Mighty Ray not too far away.
"Hey Mighty Ray! Any chance you can use your powers on one eye ball from a distance?" He asked, "yeah why?" The currently one eyed hero asked, "let's just say that lizard who's got it is gonna be in the shock of her life," he quipped. "Ooh a punster huh? that's what I like to here" Mighty Ray said, then took out a banana and gagged "eww!" He then ate it before charging his eye up, "I am Mighty Ray! Fear my Eye balls!" He then tapped one eye which caused it to spark. The eye the female monitor lizard had the began to spark also, the next thing she knew she was electrified big time and had fallen over before she could even reach the castle.
"Ow..." she groaned, "got her!" The Omnisapien then tied her up with several bandages, "excellent thinking Ben" Lin Chung said before they got off their turtles. Mighty Ray then went over to the downed female "I'll be taking that" he said before taking back his eye ball, they soon saw more monitor lizards around them. "Stand back, we don't mean any harm" Ben said "back off and we'll let your friend go" he ordered, she grunted before waking up. "Do as he says" a deep voice ordered, a larger monitor lizard then walked out and seemed to be wearing a golden headdress, "oh Monitor Lizard king," Ape truly said walking up to him, then offered the gold "ah Ape truly. A long time it has been my old friend" the larger lizard greeted.
"What the, father you know these people?" The female asked, "father" first squad repeated, "yes I do daughter, the man you see before you is an old friend of mine named Commander Ape truly. Also, my fellow reptile, if you would, can you please release my daughter?" Monitor lizard king asked. Ben did as requested and took the bandages off her, "will admit, you've got nice speed." She said shaking off the daze of being shocked by magic lightning. "So why exactly are you here?" The king asked, "we received word that some of your subordinates have captured a small group of humans." Ape truly explained, "I had no choice, not only have those humans trespassed on our home, but they also stole something very sacred to us," the Monitor Lizard princess said. "I already apologized" they then saw the humans from earlier being dragged around tied to some of the Monitor Lizard's backs as they drove around a race track. "I didn't know they were eggs," he said again, the Princess then showed the bag which contained the rocks, which had cracked open to release several little adorable monitor lizard hatchlings.
"Even so you can't just drive them around like that until they pass out, that's very cruel" Ben said, "sorry but that is our law. Taking our children is a high offense, however. Seeing as you know my companion here, I am willing to make a compromise," The Monitor Lizard king said.
Then had roared at his subordinates, they looked at him before driving off and let the humans off them, "if one of you can beat my best racer in a race around our grand track. We shall release the humans" he explained, "and what if we lose?" Lin Chung asked, "then you have to compete again. We may be cold blooded but I'm not like other animal kings and queens who subject their enemies to cruel punishments" the King explained.
"Very well, so who shall participate in the race?" Ape truly asked, 1st squad began to talk among themselves to see who will race, only for Ben to speak up. "I'll do it commander" he said, "very well Ben, good luck" Ape Truly said, he then went over to the starting line and assumed his Omnisapien form. At the same time the king's fastest racer had drove up, that being the Princess, "a few rules before we start. First no flying, this is a terrestrial only race" the king said "understood" Ben replied putting his wings away. "Second, no cheating by combat" the kind said as his daughter flinched "y-yes father" she said remembering how much trouble she was in the last few races she did after blasting her fellow racers as they passed her.
"That is all, the first one to the finish line wins" he said, the two racers then geared up, Ben took a running stance as the Princess revved her wheels. "Oh your marks, get set. GO!!" And with that both racers flew from the starting line, first obstacle was several poles, like with the Diamond pillars he made earlier, the lizard had gracefully maneuvered through them. Ben had did the same, occasionally using Elasti-Slam's powers to stretch and maneuver through the tighter gaps as they passed it, "huh for a non monitor, you got some moves" the Princess complimented "I can say the same for you" Ben replied. The next obstacle was a long bumpy road full of ramps, both competitors had maneuvered through the bumps.
But ben had took it a step further and used Cannonbolt's armor to roll over it all and bounce off, "woah yeah! Now this is what I call fun!" He cheered before going off a ramp, the lizard Princess then drove off another ramp too and had landed on a looping branch. Following its path and landed just behind ben, she growled before charging up a fire ball, then had stopped remembering the rules and had tried to pass Ben. Next up came some deep caves, she had navigated through as much as she could before going down a dark tunnel, Ben had then made it out and was close to the finish line. "Looks like the win is all mine," he said, then noticed his opponent wasn't around, "hey where did she go?" He asked, he then looked back and around but couldn't see a sign of her.
Worried, he sped back in "hey are you down here?" He called out, then used Wildmutt's neck gills to find a trace of the Monitor Lizard Princess. He sniffed around before catching her trail going down a cave, along with the sound of grunting. "Hold on!" The Aline sped down, then after stopping at a large hole in the ground he found her stuck down there and under a rock. "Ow, that hurt..." she groaned, then noticed her predicament, "oh no."
She began trying to get the rock off her, but with one of her arms trapped under the stone it felt futile, "hold on" she heard. Then saw large vines come down from where she fell and grab the stone, they began to pull the rock up, allowing her to get out before dropping it back down. "Grab on," she bit onto the vines as they pulled her out, as the Princess managed to pull herself out she was shocked to see Ben helping her "y-you helped me?" she questioned, then had climbed out.
"Well yeah, I'm a member of Big Green, our literal mission is to help people" he explained, "you'd help even an enemy?" She asked. "You're not really an enemy, you just wanted the best for your people and only did what you thought was right. I can't Fault you for that" Ben answered, she smiled "thank you," the two then assumed running stance before hearing a crack. Looking down the hole they saw the ground around the Boulder the Monitor Lizard Princess was under begin to crack "that's bad isn't it?" Ben asked, he got his answer as the ground opened completely making it fall, "yes, yes it is! Run!" She yelled, they immediately dashed away as the caves began to cave in "not good not good, which way is the way out?!" She yelled confused in the darkness.
"Uh, this way!" Ben said tracking where he came from, she followed before something hit her face "ahh my eyes?!"
Ben sped back and saw some dirt got in them, "I can't see!" Noticing that the cave in was getting closer, and the small spikes on the sides of her neck brace, ben spoke "listen I may have an idea. But I'm gonna need your help" he said, "if it gets us out of here fast, I'll do anything" she replied trying to wipe the first out, "first, let me on your back" the alien said. The lizard got down which allowed Ben to climb on, "now get on your wheels and start driving!" he said grabbing onto her spikes, she then readied her wheels and began rolling.
"Hold on!" He yelled, then had drove her like a motorcycle, dodging falling rocks and stalactites and hopping over cracks in the ground. He then saw the opening he went through start to seal up, "hold on, it's about to get crazy!" Ben said, "I'm okay with crazy". He reeled his arm back before turning it into Armadrillo's, they then sped forward at high speed as he flung his fist.
Back outside everyone was confused as to what the tremor was, "I hope the underground caves didn't collapse." The king said worried for both Ape Truly's ally and his daughter. Then out of nowhere the ground bursts open, and out of it came Ben, who was still riding the Monitor Lizard royal as they both crossed the finish line. "Whew that was close" he said, "very, thanks for the save" she added as he got off, "hold on."
Showing some good sportsmanship Ben had sprayed her face with water, washing the dirt out, then had turned back "oh thanks" she said. "Is everything okay?" Her father asked, "yes, Ben here had saved me when I got lost, and had guided me out when the caves started to cave in" the Princess answered, the king then bowed to him "thank you sir Tennyson. For saving my daughter" he said, "it's no problem your highness", "and for doing so, I shall agree to release the humans," he said as some of the lizards freed the people form the ropes.
"Nice job Ben" Lin Chung praised, "in addition I have a request to make" the Princess said, "what shall it be your highness?" Ape Truly asked, "after seeing how amazing you Big Green heroes are, I'd like to join big Green," she said. "Why certainly, everyone has a place in Big Green, so long as your father approves." Ape Truly replied, the older lizard nodded "if that is what you desire my daughter, I will allow it. Represent the Monitor Lizard Kingdom well" he said.
She nodded, "but what would be a good job for her?" Ape truly asked, "actually, I'd like to join Big Green, serving as Ben's personal transport," she said, then assumed her bike mode, he looked surprised, but smiled "sure, besides I think it's much easier to drive you than it is a turtle," he said before hopping on.
The two then popped a wheelie and drove around, as they did Ben spoke up "by the way, do you have a name?" He asked, "oh yeah, it's Veronica" she replied, "awesome."
Later on we see 1st Squad, Ape Truly, Ben and Veronica riding back to Big Green, with the newly formed Duo racing to the front to take the lead.
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