"So you're telling us, this kid had Louis phone and ID on him?" Harry says as he, Scott, Drew and Edward are standing outside an interview room with an underage omega inside.

"Yep, pulled him in an hour ago, you'll never guess from where" Drew says.

Harry and Scott look to each other with worry.

"Snitch" Harry and Scott say at the same time.

"Yep" Edward confirms.

"So this is either a huge coincidence and this boy was the one on Louis bus that stole Louis stuff, or this is all related somehow?" Harry says.

"We've got the teams looking to see if this boy has a connection to anyone in the Cillian pack" Edward says.

"The twins who attacked Louis?" Scott asks curiously.

"It could be, we're also cross referencing Snitch to see if the pack frequent there at all" Drew says.

"Good thinking, let's also cross reference everyone's ID's my gut is telling me Louis ID has been used there before" Scott says.

"Shit, like the Claudia Myers case?" Drew says in realisation.

Scotts stomach sinks, he hopes to god it's not like that case but the more he thinks about it, the more he's sure Louis is involved somehow.

"What happened with that case?" Edward asks.

"Claudia Myers was a pure white wolf, her eyes were blue as blue and her blood was said to have healing powers, anyone who drank her blood was healed instantly. She was taken though, and her blood was sold on the black market, they kept her alive on the brink of death for months. Her captors then started using her blood and mixing it with drugs, they created a drug that was so exclusive and cost thousands. The effects were sexual gratification and the best high of your life. We didn't get to her in time and she passed away before we found her" Scott says as he remembers the case. It was awful for everyone involved.

"She was also used a catcher, as they call them underground. Her ID was given to young unmated omegas wanting to enter clubs underage. They started going missing and we found out that Claudia's ID was being used so the catchers would know who to grab that night" Drew finishes.

"It was one of our biggest sex trafficking busts ever, we shut it down and haven't seen anything like it since" Scott says.

It's silent as they all come to terms with the possibilities in front of them.

"So Louis could be being used as a catcher unknowingly?" Harry asks as he tries to keep his anger at bay.

"Let's just talk to this boy first, see what he tells us" Drew says.

"Have you ever had Louis blood tested?" Scott then asks Edward and Drew.

"What? You think Louis is a pure white wolf?" Edward asks in disbelief.

The boys all look to each other

"Well, your dad did go rogue when he was born, it might have been for that reason?" Scott says

"And those twins from the Cillian pack wanted Louis for something, he was targeted" Harry says

"But pure wolf's are so rare, there hasn't been one for years" Edward says

"Any known pure wolf's, I assume and especially after Claudia's case, people would be keeping it under wraps to protect them" Harry says

An unsettling feeling makes its way into all their stomachs. They are left with more questions than answers and Harry and Scott's instincts want to be near their omega.

"Let's get this questioning done, we need to get answers and back to Louis" Harry says.

The boys agree and head into the interview room with heavy hearts.


The boy sitting in the interview room looks all of about 15, he's omega and definitely newly presented.

He looks absolutely nothing like Louis though, with blonde hair and green eyes. Red flags are raised in Scott and Harry's mind instantly. There's no way this kid could think he would get into a club with Louis ID

The kid looks scared and slightly shakes as Harry and Scott sit down. Drew and Edward watch on and listen from behind the glass.

Harry and Scott instantly take pity on this kid.

"Hey there, Louis is it?" Harry asks as he holds up Louis ID with a slight non threatening smirk.

The kid gulps.

"I'm detective Wolf and this is Detective Styles, we're just going to ask you a few questions okay" Scott tells him.

The kid looks terrified

"Look you're not in any trouble right now, we just need to ask you some questions and if you cooperate with us we can get you out of here okay" Harry tells him.

The kid nods

"What's your real name?" Harry asks

"Um...Noah Bolton" the boy says quietly

"It's nice to meet you Noah" Scott says with a smile, trying not to intimidate the kid.

"What were you doing at Snitch tonight?" Harry then asks as he gets his folder out ready to take notes.

"Um....well, my friends were all going, there was a party on tonight and I wanted to go too" Noah says.

"How old are you? You do realise snitch is a 21 and up club don't you?" Scott then asks

"I'm 18, but one of my friends told me if I used this ID I would be let straight in" Noah says

"And then what?" Harry asks cautiously

"And then I had to use that phone to call my friend and to tell him I was inside the club" Noah says pointing to Louis old phone in the evidence bag on the table.

"What's your friends name" Harry asks

"Jeremy Locket, but please don't tell him I snitched" Noah says looking scared.

"Jeremy is an Alpha?" Scott confirms

"Yes" Noah confirms.

"Do you know Louis Tomlinson?" Harry asks questioningly,

"He goes to my uni, we're friends but not super close" Noah says.

"Did you not question why his ID was given to you?" Scott asks.

"Well, Jeremy said Louis' mates own snitch and that they will let Louis friends in but they have to use Louis ID" Noah says

Harry and Scott look to each other, they then turn back to Noah.

"What would you say if we told you, WE are Louis mates" Harry says. And Noah instantly knows Harry is being sincere, Noah's eyes become as wide as saucers.

"Fuck, please don't put me in jail" Noah says.

"Calm down omega, we aren't going to put you in jail, but this is serious. We think something bad might have happened to you tonight, if our boys didn't catch you with a fake ID" Scott says.

"What? Like what?" Noah asks

"Have you heard of the Cillian Pack?" Harry asks

"Yeah, the pack is dangerous and full of rogues" Noah says scared, it then clicks that he might have been a victim of omega trade.

"Has anyone else that you know of used Louis ID to get into the club?" Scott asks, knowing they now have Noah's full cooperation, he's definitely scared.

"I know a few who have, yeah and it's worked so I just thought it was true, that Louis mates owned the club" Noah says.

The boys nod.

"Can you write down the names of anyone you know who's used the ID" Harry says as he hands Noah a piece of paper and a pen. Noah agrees and starts writing.

"Jeremy isn't going to get in trouble is he? I don't think he knew any of this, it's well known around campus that his group are trouble but not like this" Noah says.

"We will look into it okay, your name won't come up, but we do suggest you find some new friends and keep your head low for a while" Scott tells him.

Noah agrees and when he's finished the list of names Scott and Harry let him go.

It's not until they meet to debrief and go over the names that their blood runs cold. The list has six names on it. Including Cody Shaw, Rhys Holmes and Joshua Lindt.

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