It's been two days of pure worry for Scott and Harry, Louis is still unconscious and the boys are concerned. The room is quiet but nurses are in and out every 10 to 15 minutes making sure Louis vitals are okay and his antibiotics are working. His temperature is still high and Dan is concerned as Louis oxygen levels are low.
Harry and Scott haven't left Louis side at all, the other boys have brought them in food and clothing every day. they won't shower though, so their scent is strong for Louis. They hold him and whisper sweet nothings to Louis, hoping he can hear them.
It's Friday night, three days later when Louis starts to stir.
"Lou, sweetheart" Harry says as he swipes Louis fringe off his forehead.
Louis whines.
"Darling, it's okay, you're okay" Scott reassures.
"Can you open your eyes baby?" Harry asks gently,
Louis registers Harry and Scott's voices, he registers how much his head is throbbing and his eyes feel like led, he feels like he's been hit by a bus and it's a bit hard to breathe.
"Darling, it's okay, you're doing so well" Harry reassures.
Louis can smell Harry and Scott's scent, he can feel their gentle touches and he slowly opens his eyes.
He comes face to face with a teary eyed Harry and Scott
"Oh baby thank god" Scott says smiling.
They both lean down and kiss Louis on the head.
"Are you okay, how are you feeling?" Harry asks gently.
"Hurts" Louis says as tears prick his eyes.
He's so confused and upset, he doesn't know where he is or what's happening.
"I'll page Dan" Scott says as he gets up to talk to the nurse.
"Don't cry little one, it's all okay, just relax" Harry tells Louis when he sees his omega start to cry, Harry can feel Louis is about to panic.
"I'm scared" Louis says upset.
"I know darling, but it's okay, Scott and I are here and we won't let a single thing happen to you" Harry reassures.
Dan and Scott then come back into the room, Scott takes his place next to Louis and Dan smiles, as he comes in to asses Louis.
"Hiya kiddo, gave us quite a scare you did.. we're so happy to see those eyes open" he says.
"Why am I here" Louis asks as he tries to wipe his tears away, he's trying not to get worked up but he can't help it and his chest is rattling and not letting him breathe properly.
"Well, you've got a concussion from when you hit your head the other night, you've developed pneumonia and a chest infection and..you've been in a coma, your body was suffering rejection" Dan says.
Louis freezes, he forgot about Harry and Scott rejecting him.
"We aren't rejecting you Louis, please baby just relax" Scott says.
Louis needed to hear Scott say that to him, needs them close right now. As much as he's mad at them, upset at them, his omega needs them at this moment and he makes himself relax at Scott's words,
"Good boy, you're ours now Louis and we are here to take care of you" Harry says gently.
"I want to go home, when can I go home" Louis asks as he sits up shakily.
"Just go slow" Scott says.
"You just woke up kiddo, and you've got pneumonia, you need to stay a little longer" Dan says.
"But I don't want too" Louis says sniffling, tears threatening to spill down his face.
The boys all look at Louis and in that moment realise just how small and vulnerable he actually is, the poor kid looks absolutely exhausted and sick and it crushes them.
"Listen sweetheart, you look so tired, and we know you're not feeling well. Let's lie back and have a sleep so your body can feel better" Scott says gently.
Louis looks at Scott and his breathing comes out fast, he just doesn't want to stay here, it's smells funny and Louis is scared.
"Don't cry angel, you're our good omega, our good boy and we need you to be brave for a little while okay, Scott and I won't leave you for a second" Harry says.
Louis does feel really sick and tired and he doesn't want to move really, as long as Harry and Scott don't leave him he thinks he'll be okay,
"Promise" Louis asks cutely.
"Pinky promise darling" Harry says.
Louis sniffs and nods and the boys help him lay back down on the bed.
"So good for us Lou" Scott says.
"Such a good omega" Harry says.
Louis eyes close automatically and it isn't long before he's out.
The boys look towards a smiling dan as he fixes Louis oxygen.
"Don't say it Dan" Harry says
"I didn't say anything" Dan says laughing.
Scott and Harry smile
"You are really cute together though" Dan says.
Harry and Scott shake their heads trying not to blush.
"How long does he have to stay Dan" Scott asks,
"A few more days, I just want to make sure his temp goes down and the antibiotics are working okay" Dan says.
The boys nod as Dan leaves the room, Scott and Harry are so thankful Louis woke up and he's okay with them , they can't wait to take him home. They decide to tag team and have a shower incase Louis wakes up again. They then settle down the most relaxed they've been in a while, next to their omega.
Three days later Louis is getting cabin fever, he hates the hospital smell and the strange Alphas and just wants to leave.
"Please Scott I just want to go home" Louis cries.
"We know you do darling but you're still sick" Scott tries to reason.
"I'm....not....i'm not...." Louis tries as he cries.
"Oh darling" Scott says as he reaches out to swipe Louis tears away.
"Please, I'm begging you" Louis says vulnerably
"Lou, sweetheart, would our home be an option? You coming home with us?" Scott asks
Louis looks to Harry who's sitting on the bed, on the opposite side to Scott, holding Louis hand
"I..." Louis starts
He didn't even think of this, think of the fact that he now has soulmates and he doesn't want to go home to the boys and their bonds and nest, now that they've pack mated.
"You do not have to say yes Lou, it's just an option, the decision is completely up to you" Harry tells him
"I..don't want to go back to the boys, I don't feel welcome there, but....I don't know if I want to come to your place" Louis says truthfully
Even though Scott and Harry have been overly nice and caring and loving and his inner omega is satisfied and sated right now. Louis doesn't trust them fully, he's still hurt and feels upset at them
"Louis, darling, you're always welcome with the boys, that's your home" Harry says forcefully, he wants to make sure Louis knows his brothers love him endlessly and are sorry for the mistakes they've made.
Louis stares at Harry, not believing him in the slightest
"We know you arranged to rent your own flat Lou, but please understand why we can't let you move there" Scott says gently
Tears prick Louis eyes, he's so overwhelmed and feels lonely even though his soulmates are right in front of him. Telling him they love him.
Harry reaches out and swipes Louis tear off his cheek.
"How's about, you come to our place but, we will give you your own room, your own space...until you're ready to trust us fully" Harry says
Louis sniffs
"We just want you safe Lou, and to make you happy, we will do everything possible to make sure you're okay and getting everything you need. You're ours now, and you come first" Scott tells him with sincerity, Louis let's himself believe if only for a second.
Louis takes a deep breath and nods slightly, Harry and Scott relax at that.
"Please let me leave, I need to leave" Louis says brokenly
"We will do our best baby, let us talk with Dan okay" Scott tells him
Louis lies down and cries as Harry and Scott get up and kiss him on the head, they reluctantly leave Louis room to go and find Dan.
After some persuasion Dan agreed to let Harry and Scott take Louis home, he agreed it's what's best for Louis to heal. Dan prescribes Louis medication and drills Harry and Scott on how to care for Louis and any warning signs they need to look out for.
Louis is silent on the way out of the hospital and the car ride to Harry and Scott's
"Okay Lou?" Harry asks from the front seat.
Louis looks up and meets his eyes in the rear view mirror, he doesn't respond with words, he just nods
Louis hasn't really visited Harry and Scott's much. He used to go over with the boys all the time, they then moved to a penthouse in the city and Louis and the boys house became the meeting point, the place everyone would gather. So Louis actually hasn't been to the penthouse before, he's nervous but he doesn't feel unsafe at all.
When they pull up to the underground carpark, Harry and Scott both help Louis out of the car, he's still tired and his chest aches but other than that he's okay.
Harry grabs Louis bag from the hospital out of the boot and Scott holds his hand out for Louis to take.
Louis looks at his hand and then to Scott uneasily. Scott smiles reassuringly at Louis and he hesitantly takes Scott's hand. Scott holds Louis tiny hand tightly. Although it crushes him that Louis hesitated to take his hand, he understands why Louis is wary of them both.
When they get to the lift and inside, Harry shows Louis how the lift works.
"Our floor is the top floor Lou, you need a special code to get to our level, I'll program it in your phone for you until you remember it okay" Harry says as he enters the code and the lift closes.
"This is our own private lift, it only accesses the top three floors, no one else can use it, unless they know the code" Scott explains.
Louis is a little overwhelmed and just takes it all in.
When the doors open to the penthouse, Louis nearly loses his breath. The place is stunning.
The doors open to a wide entry way with white and grey marble, there's a side table in front and a place for keys and wallets. You walk right and there's a step down to a huge open living room, there's two sitting rooms in one. To the right there is a bar and a lounge facing the bar with step other comfy couch chairs. There is also a staircase that leads to the level above
To the left is a huge open living room with a grey couch and flat screen TV the whole room is covered in grey carpet
The smell is the first thing that hits Louis, it smells so much like Harry and Scott it relaxes Louis omega greatly.
"Come in darling" Scott say as he helps Louis step down into the lounge. Louis looks around in awe, as he looks to the ceiling, he sees the second level. There is a wooden railing all the way around the second floor, you can look down at the floor below from above. Louis sees a lot of artwork on the walls.
Behind Louis he sees a step up into a huge kitchen that overlooks the city of London. To the right of the kitchen is a huge dining area with a sunken table and chairs that looks over london as you eat. The entire side of the wall continues into the lounge room, it's all one big glass window and looks amazing.
"You like it?" Harry asks smiling as he sees Louis face.
"Yeah" Louis says in wonder
Scott and Harry smile.
"Let's get you settled in your room and we can have some dinner okay" Harry says
Louis nods and they lead him towards the stairs and up to the second level. There isn't much upstairs, two bedrooms, an office and a smaller lounge area. Everything is grey carpet and cosy.
Harry and Scott lead Louis to a wide hallway, there are two double doors at the end that lead to Harry and Scott's home office. Scott and Harry stop at the first door in the hallway.
"This is your room for now darling" Scott says as they open the door. It's beautiful and homy with a queen size bed in the middle, grey carpet, with a fireplace and TV on the wall opposite the bed. The floor to ceiling window overlooks London and Louis loves it instantly
Harry and Scott can sense Louis is overwhelmed so they take over.
"We've had your clothes brought over from the boys house, we've set them up in this wardrobe for now" Harry says as he opens the walk in wardrobe
Louis nods in thanks
"We've also brought you a new phone, and programmed the boys and our numbers in" Scott tells him, as he hands Louis the phone on the nightstand.
Louis takes it shyly,
"Now, Dan has said you need to rest and you shouldn't really be out of bed over the next week, so do you want to have a shower and change and get comfy in bed. Scott and I will bring you up some dinner and we can eat in here together?" Harry says gently
Louis again, just nods
Scott and Harry look towards each other concerned, they don't say anything though.
"We will leave you to it then darling" Scott says
The boys go to leave the room when they hear Louis timid voice.
"Um...where.....where will you be sleeping?" Louis asks, finally looking at Harry and Scott
They both smile
"Come here" Harry says and Louis follows them back the the top of the stairs.
"See those doors down there" Scott asks as he points to the set of double grey doors near the lounge room
"Yeah" Louis whispers
"That's our room, you're welcome anytime, day or night okay. Our room is always open to you" Scott says reassuringly
Louis looks at Scott assessing him, Louis doesn't know if he should believe him or not, he's still so confused and is just waiting for Harry and Scott to flip a switch and become mean once again.
Louis just sighs and turns around and goes back to the bedroom and shuts the door.
Harry and Scott look towards each other, sigh and head downstairs to get started on dinner.
"He just needs time Scotty" Harry says as he get the ingredients out for a stir fry.
"I know H, I'm just mad at myself, at us, for treating him like we did" Scott says
"I feel the same, we can't take it back though, so we need to make sure he knows we're here for him now" Harry says
"I feel like he's just waiting for us to start being mean again, he's just waiting for it to come crashing down and I hate it" Scott tells Harry
"He's going to be like that for a while, we just have to show him it's not going to happen. He will trust us eventually" Harry says
Scott nods and they go back to cooking dinner.
Upstairs Louis is just lying in bed staring out the window, the view is amazing. He's so sore and tired but he can't sleep. He wants to so badly trust Harry and Scott but he can't seem to get the uneasy feeling out of his gut. It's settled there and he hates it. He thinks about going to the bathroom and cutting but he's honestly so tired.
He takes his phone out, there's so many messages from the boys but he ignores them all. He brings up Harry and Scott's numbers and hesitates before he sends the message
"Would I be allowed to watch TV?"
Louis doesn't feel like getting in trouble and doesn't want Harry and Scott to turn mean and flip shit if he's doing something they don't want him to. As much as he's mad and angry at them and wants to rebel and do the opposite of what they want, his omega is still healing and needs to ask.
"Of course you can darling, you don't have to ask us that, you're free to do anything you'd like here" Scott tells him.
Louis doesn't reply, he knows that's not true, that rules will eventually come, as well as punishments.
Louis turns the TV on, and puts reruns of friends on, he instantly feels comfort and relaxes at the familiar show.
When the stir fry is ready Harry and Scott plate it up and bring it up to Louis room on a tray. When they get to the hallway they clearly hear Louis slight giggle. They stop in their tracks and look to one another, they smile, loving that sound coming from their omega.
"I want to hear that sound from him forever" Scott says smiling.
"Me too, let's give him the world" Harry says.
Scott nods and they enter Louis room.
"You like friends?" Harry says gently.
"Louis is lying propped up on pillows, he looks to Harry and Scott scared when they walk in.
"Oh, I'm sorry, is it to loud?" Louis asks worriedly.
"What? No Lou, not at all" Harry tells him reassuringly.
Louis sits up properly as Harry and Scott bring the tray over.
"You don't need to eat it all, but just try your best okay" Harry says as he puts the tray on Louis lap.
"Thanks" Louis whispers.
"Do you mind if we eat with you?" Scott asks.
Louis looks at him confused
"Why.....why are you asking me?" Louis asks carefully.
"We don't want you being uncomfortable" Scott says.
"You're my Alphas, it doesn't matter what I think or want" Louis says as he plays with his food.
"Of course it matters sweetheart, why do you say that?" Harry asks.
"You just want to control me" Louis says.
"That's not at all true Louis, we want what's best for you and we want to give you the world" Harry says.
Louis scoffs.
"Louis, we're sorry we didn't go about this the right way. We're sorry we stuffed this up so bad" Harry says.
"You're only saying that so I trust you, you're trying to get me on your good side and then you're going to turn mean again and control me" Louis says upset.
"That is not true baby, and we will continue to tell you that for as long as you need to hear it" Scott says.
Louis doesn't respond and just picks at his dinner.
"The boys called while we were making dinner" Harry says nonchalantly.
Louis looks to Harry
"What did they want?" Louis asks
"To make sure you're okay, they really want to come and see you" Scott tells him gently.
"I don't want to see them" Louis says
"Darling, they are your brothers, they didn't mean to hurt you, they really are sorry" Harry says as he leans his elbows on his knees and looks to Louis.
"Just like you guys?" Louis says a hint of anger in his voice.
"Yes, sweetheart, just like us" Scott tells him.
"I don't want to see the girls ever again" Louis says upset.
"We know this is hard and we understand it's going to take time. We aren't forcing you to see the girls at all, but we think you should consider just hearing the boys out" Harry tells him.
Louis sighs.
"Fine, whatever, I don't care anymore" Louis says.
The boys don't respond they just go back to watching friends and giving off their relaxing pheromones to the room.
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