The next morning Louis doesn't feel very well, he's feels tired and like he has the flu but he has no other symptoms. He pushes it aside as he gets up and dresses in black skinny jeans, a white tee and denim jacket. He slips his vans on and a beanie, then grabs his wallet, phone and backpack. He's organised to go to the library to finish an assignment, he just doesn't want to be around the girls for the whole day on a Saturday and he doesn't want to be around the smell of bonds right now.
He walks downstairs and smells breakfast cooking, there is lots of chatter and he knows the guys have all stayed over. They always do, they are a constant in the house.
As Louis enters the kitchen everyone looks up, the girls are scattered around sitting on their Alphas laps, everyone is eating and still in pj's including Harry and Scott who are shirtless and standing near the fridge. Louis ignores them as he goes to grab a bottle of water.
"Morning kiddo" Drew and the boys chorus.
"Morning" Louis mumbles.
"Are you heading out?" Andy asks confused.
"Yeah, to the library" Louis replies as he grabs his water and shuts the fridge.
"Alone?" Scott asks before he can stop himself.
Louis looks at him confused.
"Yeah, again, I'm 18 not 8 I can do things alone" Louis Sasses.
"Don't sass us omega" Harry says darkly.
"Whatever" Louis replies as he goes to walk out of the kitchen.
"Kid, you haven't eaten anything" Edward says.
"I'm not hungry, see you later " Louis says and he walks out.
Everyone looks to Harry and Scott knowing they want to step in.
"Louis" Harry calls coldly as he follows after Louis.
The others all secretly watch the exchange from the kitchen.
"What?" Louis asks as he reaches the door, he opens it and turns to face Harry eyebrow raised.
"Why aren't you eating" Harry asks as Scott comes up to stand intimidatingly next to Harry,
"For the tenth time, I'm not hungry" Louis says.
"Why not" Scott asks.
"I don't know, I'm just not" Louis says frustratingly.
"What library are you going too?" Scott asks,
"The one in the University" Louis answers angrily.
"When will you be back" Harry asks.
"None of your business, I don't answer to you and I never will so get lost" Louis says, he is just so frustrated and upset at everything right now and Harry and Scott have no right to talk to him like they are.
"Don't you dare speak to us like that Louis William" Scott growls anomalistically
"Then don't be a dick, go back to ignoring me it's much easier to deal with" Louis sasses.
He then goes to step outside the house.
"Walk out that door and you're grounded" Harry says.
"Bullshit, you're not my alpha and I don't report to you" Louis says, he's had enough, he sticks his headphones in and heads off down the driveway, leaving Harry and Scott extremely pissed off.
"You're way out of your depth with him" Dan chuckles as Harry and Scott enter the kitchen again.
Harry chucks a dishcloth at him to shut him up.
"It would be a lot easier if you just told him guys" Edward says.
They both ignore Edward's statement.
"Why are you allowing him to go to the library alone" Scott asks the boys.
"He's 18 guys, he's allowed to do that, we aren't his Alphas and unless you guys are going to step up...." Drew says.
"We told you, we can't" Harry says.
The boys shake their heads and sigh, there's just no telling Harry and Scott.
Louis makes it to the library and gets to work, he relaxes considerably as he works on his assignment. Even though he can still smell Alphas everywhere, he isn't bombarded with the smell of a bond and it seems to clear his head a bit. He's just been feeling so fuzzy lately and it's a little worrying, maybe he will be getting his heat soon.
Louis is a little worried about getting his heat, it means he will find out if he has a soulmate and who they are. It could take months or years to find his soulmate though, but when he has his heat at least he will know who they are when he sees them.
He misses a few calls from the boys but he doesn't bother answering or replying he just needs to be alone for a while.
When he finally finishes and sends his assignment off, Louis realises it's 2pm, he's been at the library nearly five hours. He supposes he better go home, he has a lot of course work to do and Louis knows he will be up late studying, he plans to use it as an excuse to stay in his room.
Louis gets up and packs up his things but as he pushes his chair into the table Louis gets a dizzy spell. He has to steady himself, he gets an overwhelming feeling to vomit and it's scary. Louis hands become clammy and he begins to sweat. He feels so sick. He tries to shake it off and when he gets outside the library he breathes in the fresh hair and it helps.
He contemplates calling one of the boys to come and get him but he doesn't want to annoy them and have another reason for the girls to get upset at him. He sucks it up and begins the walk home. He starts to feel a little better and as he nears the park he sees his group of friends all smoking pot in their group.
"Louis! Get over here kid" Max yells as he sees him approaching.
Louis will admit his friends aren't exactly the type he thought he would have, but they are all he's got and they have never not been kind to him.
Max and George and Rhys are betas, while Jeremy and Luke are Alphas. Them smoking pot at the park is not uncommon and they do it most days.
"Hiya kid, hows things" Jeremy says smiling.
"Okay" Louis says as he joins the group.
"Want a hit?" Rhys says as he hands his blunt over.
"Nah, better not, I'm on my way home and I'll get my arse kicked if they notice I'm stoned" Louis says.
The boys laugh, they don't have to worry about big brothers or being kept in a bubble as they aren't omegas and Louis gets jealous sometimes.
Louis hangs around the park for another half an hour before his phone buzzes again in his pocket. When he pulls it out he sees it's Scott calling him, he has no idea why he is calling.
"Hello" Louis answers
"Where are you?" Scott's angry voice echos.
Louis has no idea what is going on and why Scott and Harry are acting like total dicks towards him now. He suddenly feels sick again.
"I'm at the park, walking home from the library" Louis says tiredly.
"It's getting late, you need to be home" Scott says.
"Okay, thanks" Louis sasses and hangs up, he doesn't need Scott's confusing shit right now.
"Who was that" Jeremy asks.
"Just my brothers, I have to go. See you guys Monday" Louis says.
They all ruffle Louis hair and tell him goodbye as he continues his walk home. His phone keeps buzzing in his pocket but he ignores it, knowing he's going to get a lecture when he gets home.
As he opens the front door and walks into the house, Louis sees Harry and Scott storm up to him. They are both dressed in jeans and sweater, looking hot yet scary, Louis didn't know they would still be here.
His brothers and the girls are in the lounge room and he sighs knowing he now has an audience for whatever shit Harry and Scott are going to get up him for now.
"Did you hang up on Scott?" Harry fumes.
Louis shrugs and goes to walk passed them all, he feels like throwing up again and he doesn't know why, he gets clammy and he tries his hardest to hide it from Harry and Scott.
"Do not shrug your shoulders and disrespect us like that omega" Harry bellows.
Louis tries to hold in his tears, he just feels so alone and useless and just doesn't want to be at home anymore.
"Stop and listen when we are talking to you" Scott yells.
Louis is just so down and tired, he turns around and faces Harry and Scott, trying to hold his tears at bay.
"Why the fuck do you smell like weed" Harry then asks angrily,
At that, the boys are all walking into the entrance.
"Louis?" Andy asks upset.
Great now he's in deep shit.
"I... I met the guys at the park, they were smoking it not me" Louis says.
"So you lied when you said you were at the library?" Harry asks angrily.
"No, I was at the library for five hours, I finished my assignment, then when I was walking home I saw the guys at the park and I stopped to say hi, that's it" Louis defends himself.
"Why were they smoking weed around you?" Scott asks.
"Because they were already doing it when I saw them" Louis says.
"They should have enough respect to not do it around you, what kind of friends are they" Harry says angrily.
They are always so angry and Louis hates it, now he's going to get a lecture on how shit his friends are.
"We don't want you hanging around your friends anymore" Scott says.
Louis looks at him like he's gone mad.
"Well good thing it's got nothing to do with you, I can hang out with whoever I want to and I don't need your permission" Louis says upset.
"No, but you do need ours, and we agree" Andy says.
"I don't need your permission either, I'm 18 I can do what I want" Louis says.
"God Louis, why do you have to be so disrespectful to everyone, this house is so much nicer to live in when you're not here" Amy then says from the doorway where the girls are standing.
"Yeah, everyone is always angry or stressed out when you're around, you can do anything right" Katie, Drew's mate says.
"Girls" Edward warns.
"What Edward, it's true" Lucy, Andy's mate says.
"We pity whoever your alpha is going to be" Katie says.
Louis let's a tear slip, why does he have to be such a fuck up.
He turns to leave the room he can't take much more, his brothers aren't even standing up for him.
"You haven't been given permission to leave this conversation Louis" Scott says.
"You know what, I don't give a fuck, fuck you and Harry and all of you, I don't want anything to do with any of you anymore" Louis says, his voice choked.
He received gasps from the girls and angry looking Alphas but he turns and leaves the room, before they can scold him even more.
By the time Louis gets to his room he's shaking like mad, he seems to have a fever and he makes it to the toilet just in time to empty his stomach. He feels so weird.
Thoughts then start to roam around Louis head, his inner omega scolding him for being rude, for not being good enough for his brothers. For making Harry and Scott hate him. He can't stop the thoughts.
He decides to have a shower and the warm water helps, he feels a lot more calm and centred when he's done and dressed in his pyjamas.
He then grabs his backpack, he has so much school work to finish, he's just starting when he hears a knock at the door.
He sighs and decides to ignore whoever it is.
"Louis" he hears Harry call through the door.
"Go away" Louis says tiredly.
Harry ignores Louis request and he and Scott open Louis door and walk in. They seem a lot more calm but still cold and angry, they seem to have a permanent scowl on their faces these days.
"We need to talk" Scott says.
"No we don't, I told you I never want to talk to you again" Louis says.
He doesn't want to deal with this right now.
"Well, your behaviour and attitude lately have been unacceptable" Harry says.
They both then come further into the room and stand next to Louis bed, Louis can't help the feeling he gets when he smells Harry and Scott, it's like their smell is made just for him. It calms him and he hates it. He tries to ignore the feelings.
Louis doesn't respond, instead he tries to just concentrate on his school work.
"Listen kid, not talking to us, isn't going to get you anywhere, but it will get you a spanking" Scott says darkly.
"You spank me and you will never see me again" Louis spits back looking into both their eyes.
"We will see about that omega" Harry says half smirking smugly.
Harry then grabs Louis and pulls him upright off the bed by his shoulder, Louis struggles to get free and starts freaking out. Alphas aren't supposed to spank omegas unless they are theirs and claimed and both Harry and Scott know this. Them knowing Louis is theirs isn't enough, they just want to scare Louis into submission though they would never hurt Louis.
Louis doesn't know this though and freaks out, he starts yelling and struggling and breathing harshly, thinking an alpha is going to hurt him.
"Let me go, don't touch me" he yells upset.
Harry and Scott didn't expect this reaction from Louis though, they expected a few sassy remarks back, but not this.
They both look at each other worriedly.
"Louis, stop it we aren't going to hurt you" Harry tries.
"Yes you are, that's all you do....I can't" Louis says as his breathing becomes more irregular.
That hits Harry and Scott hard, they've been unintentionally hurting their omega and that actually stabs them right in the heart.
"Lou" Scott says, his voice gentle.
"Get off" Louis tries, he knows there is going to be a mark left on his arm but he just needs to get away from Harry and Scott, he can't breathe, he feels so weird and sick and just like he wants to pass out.
Drew then comes into the room.
"What is going on" Drew asks.
He goes towards Louis but there is a growl from Harry and Scott.
"Don't you fucking dare growl at me" Drew says in his alpha voice.
Harry and Scott aren't ones to back down ever, but Drew is protecting his little brother and Harry and Scott know they have no claim on Louis yet and it's their own fault.
Harry reluctantly lets go of Louis and Drew swoops him up in his arms.
"Louis, it's okay buddy, just breathe, come on" Drew says gently.
Louis can't though, he can't get air in.
"Scent me kiddo, it's okay" Drew says and that gets Scott and Harry seething.
They bare their teeth at Drew.
"If you're not helping and won't let him scent you than get the fuck out now" Drew says angrily.
Louis breathing picks up completely and he starts panicking badly.
"Shit, Lou, just breathe, I've got you" Drew says kindly.
Louis tries to calm down with Drew's scent, scenting his neck but his smell is mixed with Kate's and he can't stand it, it makes it worse.
"Fuck, here" Scott says as he takes Louis from Drew, Drew allowing it once he sees how gentle Scott is being.
Inside Scott is panicking, he and Harry can't stand to see their omega like this. They need to protect him and calm him.
"Hey Louis, it's okay, just relax" Scott says as he brings Louis into his arms
Louis goes willingly, he's so far gone he doesn't really notice what's going on.
Scott looks to Harry for help, he doesn't really know what he's supposed to say or do.
"Just talk to him, get him to scent you" Harry says looking to Drew for confirmation.
Drew nods, he knows Louis is having a panic attack and needs to calm down.
He leaves the room quietly knowing Harry and Scott are what Louis needs right now even though they were the cause of the attack in the first place.
"Hey, Kid, it's okay, just relax, Scott's got you" Harry tries.
Scott gently grabs the back of Louis head and guides him to his scent gland in his neck, Scott holds Louis there gently as he paces the room with Louis.
As soon as Louis smells Scott's smell, he begins to calm down.
"That's it Louis, good job" Scott says as he notices Louis is relaxing.
"Good boy Louis" Harry says as he comes up behind Louis so he's cocooned safely between Harry and Scott's body.
Louis is silently crying, he won't open his eyes, he is so tired and hates that he's given in to Harry and Scott. He ends up crying himself to sleep in their arms.
When Louis is fast asleep Harry wipes away the tears that have fallen from Louis eyes, and they both tuck Louis into bed.
"Should we stay" Harry asks .
"I don't think we should, the last thing we want is for him to freak out when he sees us again" Scott says.
Scott agrees, they tuck Louis's in and both leave reluctantly to head downstairs to the boys. Harry and Scott find them all sitting in the lounge.
"Is he okay?" Edward asks,
"He calmed down, he's asleep" Harry says.
"What happened?" Drew asks
"We don't really know" Scott confesses.
"He's sick, I know that much" Drew says and the boys look at him concerned.
"Why do you say that?" Edward asks.
"He's been looking pale and thin all week, he was warm when I was holding him before" Drew says
"Maybe it's his heat?" Harry questions.
"I've never known this to happen before a heat, omegas don't get sick beforehand, maybe it's just a cold" Andy says.
The boys nod concerned.
"We should get going" Scott then says.
The boys nod.
"Call us, if like.....you need too" Harry says.
"We will" Andy smiles knowingly,
Harry and Scott nod and make their way to their rover. It's freezing out but as Alphas they don't feel it, even with no shirts on.
They settle in the car Scott diving, their apartment only 15 minutes from the boys home.
"I want to be what he needs Scott" Harry says breaking the silence.
"I know" Scott says sighing.
"I'm done with fighting it, seeing him like that tonight was heartbreaking, I just need him and I want to hold him like we used to" Harry says.
"I know H, I want to tell him, but after tonight, I don't know how he's going to act towards us. We've pushed him away and neglected him for months, we've obviously confused the shit out of him and we have to work out a way to fix it" Scott says.
"We are assholes" Harry says.
"To the one person we should be giving the world too" Scott finishes.
They both sigh and remain silent for the rest of the drive, both lost in their thoughts.
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