Ch. 7
Enjoy x
It was three months later , and the official court day . There were a few court days before , each one inspected something else , and today was the finale .
Louis gripped Harry's bicep with one hand , his other hand intertwined with Harry's , as the two were sitting next to the lawyer .
Frank and Martha were sitting on the other side with their own lawyer , bored looks on their faces ; they knew they were going to lose the case and couldn't wait for the trial to be over .
Harry turned his head towards Louis and pressed a kiss to the side of his head , "Want some water ?"
"Please ." Louis whispered , Harry reached for a glass and filled it for him , Louis took it with a trembling hand and sipped . "I'm scared ."
"You have nothing to be scared of ." Harry placed his hand on his knee , the lawyer turned to the two with a cheering smile , "We've got it , lads , there's no way we're walking out of here defeated ."
The judge walked into he room , everyone stood up for her and sat back down after she was seated . She opened the trial and went through all the information she and the jury had .
She called Frank up to testify once more , Martha right after him . She brought two body guards who worked for Frank and were on a day off the same day of the kidnap , then Harry testified , and lastly Louis .
The jury gave the judge the list of who voted guilty and who voted not guilty , before announcing Frank and Martha as guilty and sentenced the two of them for a lifetime in jail .
Louis covered his face with his hands as tears ran down his cheeks , slumping back in his chair in relief . Harry brought him into a tight hug and rubbed his back , kissing his head a few times , "It's over , baby , it's all over ."
Louis clutched him close , digging his fingers into his back as he cried in relief . He took a few deep breaths and collected himself before he pulled back , Harry gave him a smile , "We're okay , it's going to be okay ."
Louis nodded and wiped his cheeks , they stood up from their seats and shook hands with their lawyer , before they were escorted to a meeting room , Harry , Louis , their lawyer and Martha and Frank's lawyer .
They had papers to sign , such as the fortune of the two transferring to Louis . All of their money , Martha's jewelry business , the mansion , the cars - everything that once belonged to the couple , now belonged to Louis .
Harry kept his hand on Louis' back ; it was a lot to take in at once , and even though the lawyer told him to take his time to think things over and what to do with everything , some of the things Louis already thought about .
"I don't want the mansion ." He shook his head , "I'll take what I want from there , which isn't much , but everything else can be sold - the furniture , electronics , whatever I don't take is on sale . I still need to think about the cars . Uhm , the money - I want it in my bank account in a separate plan-out ."
Harry rubbed his hand up and down his back , "Have you thought about the jewelry business ?"
"Not - not thoroughly . I was planning on asking for advice , from you two ." Louis said , gesturing to Harry and Carl , their lawyer . "I was thinking about either selling the whole company as one unit , or selling each shop to a different manager ."
"Either could work out just fine , or you can have someone manage the shops for you ." Carl said , "That way you'll have a good income and not have to do much . Maybe design some jewelry , but that would be up to you ."
"I think it's a really good idea ." Harry nodded along , "You can bring your creative side out , designing jewelry ."
"I'll think about it ." Louis nodded .
They signed over what was decided , and Frank's lawyer gave Louis the keys to the mansion to collect what he wanted out of there .
Harry and Louis were escorted out of the court building , once inside the car Harry pulled out of the parking spot .
"Harry ."
"Yes ?"
"I - there's something I want to talk to you about ."
Harry turned to look at him for a split second , before looking back to the road . "Is there anything wrong ?"
"No , no . I just want to tell you something that I want , something I've been thinking about ." Louis said .
"Go on ."
"Since , ehm , since now I have my parents' money , I was thinking w-we could look for houses ." Louis shifted in his seat , growing shy . "Was thinking we could find us a place together , somewhere close to where you got the job offer ."
Harry felt his chest blooming with warmth ; a few weeks ago he got a job offer at a military base , to train soldiers . And since military bases were nowhere near civilians , the closest places are small towns about two hours away from the base .
"Are you sure , love ? Is that what you really want ?" Harry asked .
Louis blushed soft-pink and nodded , "Yeah . Very much so . We just - I want to wait to finish school properly , before we move ."
"Oh , oh of course . There's no rush ." Harry nodded , a smile spreading on his lips .
After making a quick stop to get some boxes and tape , they reached the mansion , which was still guarded by the police . An officer stopped them at the front gates , before opening when he saw it was the two of them and not any nosey press people .
Harry drove up the short pathway and parked in front of the house , turning to face Louis . "Are you ready to go back in ?"
Louis bit his lower lip nervously before he nodded , they stepped out of the car and Harry carried the boxes they brought up the front steps . He unlocked the door and punched the code in , opening the door and holding it open for Louis .
The place was still marked with police measurements and forensics , faded blue on the floor and walls where blood was cleaned .
The two walked up to the second floor and into Louis' old room . Harry started putting together the boxes , while Louis picked everything out of his closet , night stands and dresser .
Harry took the framed picture from the shelf and smiled down at it , Louis looked at him and blushed a bit , "Is it the picture you told me about ?"
"Yeah ." Harry nodded and placed it down in one of the boxes , "Need anything from the bathroom ?"
"No ." Louis shook his head , then bit his lower lip , "I uh , I think - I think we should take some other stuff from here . Like , not just my clothes and belongings ."
"Like what ?" Harry asked , "I thought you didn't want anything from here ."
"Yeah , I really didn't , but then I thought about it again , and I thought ... I thought we could still have some stuff , because it might make me feel better taking expensive things from the people who screwed me over ."
Harry found himself laughing in amusement at his words . "What stuff were you thinking about taking ?"
"Like the TV ." Louis placed more clothes in the box , Harry chuckled , "Okay . Which one ?"
"The big one from the lounge ." Louis said as he turned back to his closet , "And the round table from the lounge , too . Maybe the fridge , but I'm not sure about that one ."
Harry held his lower lip between his teeth , "I actually love that idea . What about keeping one of the cars ?"
"Was thinking about that , too , but if we move to a small town we wouldn't need a fancy car . We could keep a Jeep , or maybe an SUV so you have a nice , slick black car to go to work with ." Louis said as he finished with one box , letting Harry tape it closed .
"You're so thoughtful ." Harry smiled and pushed the box to the corner of the room , "What about a fancy car for you ? so you have a nice car when you go to the jewelry shops ."
"Mm , yeah , maybe ." Louis nodded and placed his shoes inside of a new box , "What else should we take ?"
Harry twisted his mouth to the side , "I don't know . We can go around the house when we're done here and decide ."
"Okay ." Louis nodded and kept filling his boxes . Once done with the closet he opened the dresser and took everything out , while Harry carried the full boxes down to the car .
It didn't take Louis long to take what he wanted out of the dressers and night stands , Harry took the boxes to the car . Louis took pictres of the TV and the table and chairs in the lounge to have them delivered to a storage , where they would keep what they're taking before moving out and to a house together .
Harry walked back up the stairs , finding Louis in the lounge . "Want to look around ?"
Louis nodded and reached for his hand as they walked downstairs to the first floor . They went to the living room , Louis looked around a bit before shaking his head , "No , nothing that I want . You ?"
"No . Moving on ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded and the two stepped out to the backyard .
Louis nodded his head to the swinging bench , "We should have the bench ." He said and pulled his phone out to take a picture of the bench . He kept looking around , walking with Harry next to him , their hands still laced together .
"What about the barbecue grill ?" Harry nodded his head forward , Louis nodded and took a picture of it .
They walked back into the mansion and went to the dining area , though except for the large table and fancy chairs there wasn't much to take from there . They went to the kitchen , Louis grabbed a few cooking books , "These were Diego's favourite books . We should cook something from here ."
Harry moved his arm to rest around Louis' waist , he brought him closer and nodded , "Definitely ."
"I miss him a lot ." Louis leaned back against the metal counter , hugging the three books to his chest as he looked around , "He was one of the only workers here who was actually a friend ."
Harry rubbed his back , down to rubbing up and down his side , "He was a good man . They all were ."
Louis blinked back tears and shook his head , remembering what the counsellor told him during one of the first few meetings ; survivor's guilt . Even though he felt guilty , it wasn't his fault that people were killed .
"Let's keep moving ." Harry grabbed his waist and lead him out of the kitchen , back to the entrace . He put both his hands on his waist , "Are you comfortable with going down to the basement ?"
Louis bit his lower lip and shook his head , "Too much ."
"Okay . Have we got everything we want ?" Harry pulled him closer , as close as he could with Louis still holding the books between their chests (more like Louis' chest and Harry's stomach) .
"Yeah , let's get out of here ." Louis nodded , Harry held the door open for him and they stepped out of the mansion , he locked the door and followed Louis to the car . Louis put the books down on the passenger's seat before turning back to look at the mansion ; it was his home , and leaving it behind felt odd - a mixture of sad , happy , scared , anxious .
Harry watched him for a few seconds before walking over to him and wrapping his arms around him from behind , "Feeling okay , love ?"
Louis leaned back against him a bit before turning around to face him , "I'm fine , it's just - it's weird . Everything feels odd ."
"It does ." Harry leaned in and kissed his forehead , "But it'll be okay , we'll be okay ." He pressed his forehead to Louis' , Louis gave him a light smile , "I know ." He let out a tiny giggle , "I'm excited ."
Harry smiled back , moving his head forward just a tiny bit to brush his nose against Louis' . He felt Louis' small hands holding onto his biceps , barely circling halfway around them .
He leaned in and left a few kisses on Louis' cheek , before finally pressing his lips to Louis' . He wrapped his arms tighter around the smaller boy and kissed him again and again ; after waiting for too long to be able to kiss him , he was going to use every second he had to having his lips on Louis' .
Louis moved one of his hands up to cup Harry's cheek , stretching up on his tip-toes to push himself closer .
They kissed for a bit before pulling back , Harry stole one more kiss , "Finally able to kiss you ."
Louis couldn't help the soft giggle escaping his lips , Harry pecked his lips once more before kissing his forehead , "Let's go back to my place ."
In the evening , after Louis studied a bit more and then showered , Harry made them grilled cheese sandwiches and played a movie .
Once done eating the sandwiches they snuggled on the couch ; Harry had Louis on his lap , their legs tangled together , as they kissed and talked quietly .
Harry kept his hands on Louis' back , he moved them down to his waist and flipped them to lay sideways in front of each other , pressing Louis to the back of the couch .
"Lou ." Harry pulled back from the kisses , Louis looked up from his lips to his eyes . Harry smiled , "Can I take you out this weekend ? Officially ?"
Louis smiled , the answer was obvious yet he still wanted to tease Harry a bit . "Hm ... can I think about it ?"
Harry chuckled and played along , "Sure . How long do you need ? Ten seconds ? Fifteen seconds ?"
"I need to sleep on it ." Louis let his forehead rest against Harry's chest as he closed his eyes , Harry scrunched his nose ; Louis was too cute .
"How about , if you don't give me an answer in ten seconds , I'll have to get the answer myself ." Harry pressed his nose to Louis' hair , Louis giggled and looked up at him , "What would you do ? Hold me in a headlock until I tap out ?"
Harry shook his head , "Worse ."
"Worse ? What -- Harry !" Louis laughed as Harry started tickling him , he squirmed and tried getting away , though Harry had him against the back of the couch so he didn't have many choices .
Harry grinned as he moved his fingers around , tickling his tummy , his waist , up to his ribs . He knew Louis was ticklish , as he poked his sides and ribs quite a few times these past three months they spent together , and even tickled his feet a few times , but he never realized just how ticklish he was .
"You have such a cute laugh ." Harry grinned as he stopped , Louis sat up with his arms hugged around his stomach to protect himself , a wide smile still on his lips , "That was so mean ." He gave Harry a light shove .
"I know , but now you owe me an answer . Would you go out with me this weekend ?" Harry sat up aswell , wrapping his arms around Louis .
Louis huffed , "I don't know . You were really mean ."
Harry hooked his chin on his shoulder , pressing a kiss to his cheek . "Can I make it up to you with kisses ?"
Louis blushed as he nodded , Harry pulled him closer to sit sideways across his lap and pressed their lips together . Louis cupped his cheeks and brought him closer , pulling back just a bit .
"I'd love to go out with you ."
Hope you liked it x
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