Ch. 6
Enjoy x
After being checked and having his bullet wound treated , stitched and wrapped , Harry was given crutches . The first thing he did was go to see Louis .
He made his way through the hallways , seeing two police officers standing outside Louis' room . They gave him a nod , he nodded back and knocked on the door .
"He's being checked by the Doctor , you can go in ." One of the officers told him , Harry nodded again and opened the door , slipping into the room and closing the door behind him .
Louis turned his head towards him , visibly relaxing when he saw him . Harry gave him a smile and walked closer , "Sorry to bother ."
"You're all good , Mr. Styles ." The Doctor smiled at him as he finished wrapping Louis' stitched bullet wound , covering his leg with the blanket to keep him warm .
"Is it okay if I ask how things are going ?" Harry asked , the Doctor turned to Louis , "Do I have permission to tell him about your condition ?"
Louis nodded and clutched the blanket with both his hands .
The Doctor turned to face Harry . "We took the bullet out , cleaned the wound and stitched him up , now it's wrapped . Make sure he doesn't move or stretch his leg a lot so the stitches wouldn't rip open . About his cuts ; none of them are major , none needed stitches , so we cleaned him up and wrapped them ."
Harry nodded , "Good . What about some food ? Water ?"
"He didn't eat all day , make sure he drinks at least one bottle of water before he eats anything . Small doses of food , too , start with something dry . Toast , rice . Orange juice will be good for him , too ."
"Okay , thank you ." Harry shook the Doctor's hand , the man smiled , "I want you to know that I'm looking up to you , what you did was truly heroic ."
"Thank you ." Harry nodded , the Doctor patted his shoulder before leaving the room .
Harry moved closer to Louis and sat at the edge of his bed , "Hi ." He smiled softly , Louis gave him a faint smile , "Hi ."
"I'm sorry ." Harry shook his head , Louis frowned , "What for ?"
"How you were treated , by the two people who were meant to protect you ." Harry's voice dropped , almost whispering . Louis shook his head , "None of this has to do with you , you have nothing to be sorry for ."
"They don't matter anymore . They're going to jail ." Harry took his smaller hand into his large one , frowning when Louis' eyes filled with tears . He put his hand on his cheek , "Hey , don't cry ."
"I f-feel lost ." Louis bit his lower lip to stop it from trembling . "Just this morning I was about to go to school , I had parents . A home . What now ?"
Harry swiped his thumb under his eye , catching a single tear . "We'll figure it out , I promise you . I'm not leaving your side , I won't let anyone separate us ." He moved to sit closer and wrapped Louis in a hug , rubbing his hand on his back .
When Louis calmed down he pulled back , Harry gave him a gentle smile and rubbed his hands from his back to his sides , "I'll go ask for someone to bring us food , okay ?"
Louis nodded and watched Harry standing up from the bed , using his crutches to walk to the door .
Harry talked to the two police officers and they gave him a note and a pen , he wrote down their food order and handed the note and pen back , thanking them and continuing down the hallway to the closest vending machine , taking out two water bottles and two gatorade bottles , before making his way back to Louis' room .
"Got us something to drink ." Harry said as he walked into the room , he closed the door behind him and sat back down on Louis' bed , handing him a water bottle . "Small sips ." He took the other bottle for himself and drank a bit , placing the bottle on the beside table along with Louis' when he finished drinking .
He looked at Louis' arms , seeing the wrapped cut on his bicep , the other wrapped cut on his forearm , the reddened wrists from being tied roughly .
"Are you in pain ?" He asked , Louis shook his head . "Took some pain relievers because of the bullet wound , so I don't feel much pain . The cuts don't hurt ."
Harry licked his bottom lip and nodded , "Okay . Tell me if anything hurts , alright ?"
Louis nodded , "Okay ."
"Come here ." Harry brought him into another hug , he cuddled him close and rubbed his back softly , "I want to ask you something . Take your time to think about it before you answer , okay ? Whatever you decide ."
"Is it something bad ?" Louis asked quietly into his shoulder , Harry tightened his grip around him , "No , don't worry ."
"What is it , then ?"
Harry took a minute to breathe , he cuddled Louis and rubbed his back to calm the both of them down .
"I - I care about you . A lot . After today , I just - don't want to let you out of my sight . Not literally , but , you know what I mean . I don't want to leave you , don't want you to leave me . Can't bear the thought of not knowing how are you and what you're up to ." Harry tilted his head down a bit and pressed a gentle kiss to his clothed shoulder . "I wanted to ask you to come live with me . You're legal , older than eighteen , you don't need permission to do so . Thankfully . Want you close to me so I can be there for you ."
Louis' breath got caught in his throat . "Wha -- I -- really ? A-Are you being serious ?"
"Very much so ." Harry smiled a bit and pulled back from their cuddle , keeping his hands on Louis' waist . "We're already friends , we know each other ." I also really like you and would love to take you out on a date and kiss you .
Louis pursed his lips together . "I - I'll think about it ."
"Okay ." Harry smiled , "Will you smile for me ?"
Louis smiled shyly and blushed soft-pink , looking down to his lap . Harry took one of his hands with both his large ones and brought it to his lips , kissing his knuckles tenderly , before moving up to kiss his reddened wrist a few times .
When he looked up he smiled at Louis' pink cheeks and wrapped him in another cuddle , Louis wrapped his arms around his back and rested his head on his shoulder . "Do you think our food will be here soon ? I'm a bit sleepy , but I want to eat before I go to sleep ."
"I'm not sure , actually . I hope it will , I'm hungry too ." Harry said , his hand rubbing up and down his back , "Wanto to try to sleep , and I'll wake you up to eat ?"
"No , I won't be able to wake up properly ." Louis shook his head . "Can we just - stay like this ?"
"Of course ." Harry smiled and brought him closer .
Soon enough the two ate a very late dinner , when they finished there was a knock on the door .
Harry stood up from his spot on Louis' bed and took the crutches with him , he opened the door to a man dressed in an all-black suit .
"Harry Styles . Nice finally meeting you in person . Dan James ." The man , Dan , held his hand out to shake Harry's .
Harry shook his hand , "Nice meeting you , too . Come in ." He moved from the door , Dan walked into the room and smiled at Louis . He introduced himself and shook Louis' hand aswell .
"I'm not here for long , it's getting quite late and all of us had a rough and long day ." Dan said and turned his attention to Harry , "I wanted to see how you two were doing , and tell you that I'm immensely proud of the both of you ."
Harry nodded once , "We're both good , we just finished eating and feeling better , though we're pretty exhausted ."
"I can only imagine ." Dan smiled lightly , "Two more things ; tomorrow morning all of the high-ranked people who work on the case will be here , so you two need to be up and ready by ten a.m . We'll try to make it short , though I can't promise . Do you want to hear about what we know so far , or you want to wait for tomorrow ?"
Harry looked over to Louis , "Now or tomorrow ?"
Louis brought the blanket up a bit more . "I-I'd rather it be tomorrow . I'm really tired , and I feel like hearing about the case would keep me up ."
Dan nodded , "Okay . Go to sleep , you two , get some proper rest ." He shook their hands and left the room .
Louis yawned into his palm , Harry pushed his fringe off his forehead , "Bedtime ?"
"Yeah . So tired ." Louis took the bed's remote controller and lowered the back to a laying position , before looking at Harry . "Wh-Where will you sleep ?"
Harry smiled , "I wanted to know if it's okay to bring a bed in here , so we can stay together ."
Louis found himself smiling , his cheeks pink with blush . "Okay ."
"I'll go ask , then ." Harry walked to the door and asked one of the staff to bring a bed into the room , the guy nodded and told the police officers his name so they know to let him in when he came back with the bed .
Harry walked into the room , he stood next to Louis' bed and held his hand , "Are you comfortable ? Cold ? Warm enough ?"
"Ehm , a bit - a bit cold ." Louis mumbled , Harry tucked the blanket higher and tighter around him , before grabbing a second blanket from the cabinet and covering Louis with it . "Better ?"
"Yes . Thanks ." Louis held onto the blankets , Harry ran his fingers through his hair , brushing his fringe gently , "Anything else ?"
Louis shook his head , feeling his eyes fluttering shut , his eyelids getting heavy . He was startled out of his sleepy daze when two staff workers walked into the room , wheeling a bed for Harry .
"Here will be good , thank you ." Harry nodded and gestured to the spot right next to Louis' bed , they positioned the bed and locked it's wheels .
Harry sighed and sat on his bed , he positioned his pillow and unfolded a blanket , Louis gave him a sleepy smile , "Good night ."
"Good night , Lou ." Harry took the slippers off and laid back on the bed covered in the blanket , turned sideways with his injured leg up . He reached over and grabbed Louis' hand , waiting for Louis to fall asleep before allowing himself to shut his eyes and fall asleep , too .
It was the morning after , Harry woke up first when there was a knock on the door . He sighed and sat up as the door opened , turning his head to see a nurse wheeling a cart into the room , filled with breakfast .
"Good morning , Mr. Styles ." The nurse gave him a smile .
Harry yawned and smiled back , "Good morning . What time is it ?"
"Just a bit after eight a.m . I was told to let you and Mr. Tomlinson know that the meeting will be held at ten a.m , so you two need to be ready by nine thirty ." The nurse said as she placed the plates and glasses onto the small table in the corner of the room .
"Okay . Thank you ." Harry said and stretched his arms forward before swinging his legs off the bed , reaching for his crutches to go to the toilet . When he returned he went to wake Louis up , as much as he didn't want to - the smaller boy looked so comfy and peaceful , his long eyelashes resting on his cheekbones as he breathed in and out softly .
He took a short bit longer to admire Louis' cute face before rubbing his shoulder , "Lou . Wake up ."
Louis shifted a bit , his eyes slowly fluttered open as he brought the blankets higher up to stay warm . Harry smiled , "Hey there . Good morning ." He said , smiling wider when Louis hid his face under the blankets as he yawned .
"So tired ." He heard Louis whispering , Harry ran his fingers through his hair , "I know , we need to get up and get ready , though . There's a meeting we need to be at . I promise we can nap when it's over ."
"Okay ." Louis yawned again and took the blankets off , sniffing a bit . "Is it breakfast ?"
"Yes , it's on the table ." Harry nodded his head towards the small table in the corner , "Sit up , I'll bring it over here ."
Louis pushed himself to sit up , shivering as he took the blankets off , "I-I'm going to the bathroom ." He swung his legs off the bed and pressed them to the cold floor , though couldn't lean his weight on them , he was too weak .
Harry was quickly by his side , "Hey , hey , slowly . Come here ." He placed his hands on his hips and helped him off the bed , Louis blushed as he held onto his biceps for balance . He only had a pair of boxers under the hospital gown .
"Are you feeling alright ? Light-headed ? Anythings hurts ?" Harry asked as he helped Louis walk to the bathroom , now side-by-side with his arm around his waist .
Louis shook his head , "Just - just weak ." He said , Harry nodded , "Okay . Finish and we'll eat ." He closed the bathroom door and went to bring the food from the table to the folding tray of Louis' bed .
Once done Louis walked out of the bathroom , one hand on the wall for support . Harry helped him back to bed and covered him with the blankets to keep him warm , even taking his sweatshirt off for Louis to wear .
Louis' eyes fell on the wrapped cut on Harry's bicep . "What's - what's that from ?"
Harry looked down to where Louis was looking , shaking his head , "Nothing major , I promise . I was shot at and the bullet grazed my arm , didn't even go in or anything ." He said and handed Louis a fork .
"A-And - and your bullet wound . On your thigh ." Louis shifted as he moved the scrambled eggs around his plate . "You carried me out of there even when you were wounded ." His voice dropped , almost whispering .
Harry only smiled , "I did . No way I was letting anyone else hold you ." He shook his head , "Let me tell you this ; after I was shot , I went to take the bullet out . Did it a few times before , back in the army , so it wasn't anything new ."
Louis scrunched his nose when he said that , because it meant he was shot a few times before , and still willed to risk it again to save him .
"I went to the bathroom in your room , put the picture frame of us in front of me . The one of the selfie you took a while back ." Harry reached to grab Louis' hand . "When the pain got a bit too much , I looked at our picture . I looked at you . And it soothed me , brought me back down . Grounded me ."
Louis' heart was beating loudly in his chest , slowly looking up from his plate to Harry .
"It's something I'll talk to you about later ." Harry rubbed his thumb on the back of his hand , "When you're out of here and feeling better ."
After they had their breakfast they headed to the room that was arranged for the meeting . Louis was in a wheelchair , still too weak to walk long distances . He held Harry's crutches for him as he wheeled him through the hallways , an officer walking ahead of them .
They walked into the meeting room , Harry brought Louis to the table and sat down next to him , as the few people around the room came over to introduce themselves and shake their hands .
Harry smiled when he saw Liam , they shared a quick hug before Liam turned to Louis .
"Liam Payne , special forces commander ." Liam smiled , Louis smiled back and shook his hand , "Hi . I remember you . Thank you ."
"No worries ." Liam shook his head , "You two feeling alright ?"
"We're good ." Harry nodded , Liam sat in the empty seat next to Harry .
Louis patted Harry's arm , "Harry ."
Harry turned to face him , smiling gently at his blush-covered cheeks , "Is everything alright ?"
"Ehm - I uh , can I - can I ask you for a favor ?"
"Always ." Harry turned himself to face him , "You feeling okay ? Is it the wound ?"
"It's n-not it . I - could you help me to the coffee desk ?" Louis pointed his thumb back to where there was a desk of paper cups and hot water .
Harry bit his lower lip , not helping the smile spreading on his lips . "You're so cute . Is it tea that you want ?" He asked as he stood up from his seat , taking one of his crutches . Louis nodded shyly , "Please ."
"I'll be right back ." Harry smiled and turned to go to the table , holding himself back from jumping on Louis and kissing all over his face . He made Louis his tea and brought it to him , Louis thanked him and wrapped his hands around the paper cup to keep his hands warm .
Harry patted Liam's shoulder , "I'm getting myself some coffee , want anything ?"
"No , mate , thanks though ." Liam shook his head .
Harry made himself some coffee and sat back down next to Louis , he put his elbow on the armrest of Louis' wheelchair with Louis' hand hooked around his elbow .
Once the room was filled with all the people who were needed there , the doors closed and Dan James stood at the end of the table .
He talked about the arrest of Frank and Martha , that they confessed and gave them information about the deal they made with the kidnappers . The mansion was still out of reach and inspected as a crime scene , meaning Louis couldn't have anything from his room - no clothes , no toiletries , no pictures .
Dan talked about all of the kidnappers being dead , and read out the names of the mansion workers who were unfortunately killed aswell . Louis teared up and shrunk in his chair , Harry turned to look at him and frowned , bringing his hand to his lips and kissing his knuckles gently .
Dan continued and explained where things were headed with the trial , the next steps and asked them to not talk to the press or any media sources .
Once the meeting was done Harry turned to look at Louis , who's expression was still blank . He grabbed his hand with both his large ones , "Lou , look at me ."
Louis swallowed thickly and looked at him through glossy eyes , Harry shook his head , "Let's get back to the room ." He stood up and handed Louis his crutches to hold as he wheeled him out of the meeting room .
Once back in their hospital room Harry helped Louis back onto the bed , he covered him with the blankets and sat next to him . "Talk to me ."
Louis' lower lip trembled as his eyes filled with tears , he covered his face with his hands , "I f-feel so bad ." He managed to choke out .
"Why ? What is it ?"
"The mansion s-staff - th-they - they died because of me ." Louis cried quietly .
Harry's jaw dropped in shock . "What - baby , what are you talking about ? This isn't your fault ."
"I'm the reason f-for the kidnappers being there , sh-shooting everyone ." Louis shook his head .
"No , no , Lou - not at all ." Harry moved closer and wrapped him in a tight hug , "You are not the reason . Frank and Martha are the reason , you did absolutely nothing wrong ." He rubbed his back and pressed a kiss to his shoulder , "Don't ever think that what happened yesterday is your fault - you are not to blame , okay ?"
Louis' cried quietened , he pulled back from their hug just a bit to dry his cheeks . Harry rubbed up and down his side , "Want anything to drink ? Eat ?" He asked , Louis shook his head and reached for the tissue paper to blow his nose .
"Lay back , get some rest ." Harry fluffed his pillow , Louis laid back on the bed and brought the blankets up to his chin , Harry made sure the blankets were tucked around Louis' small body to keep him warm . "Comfy ? Warm ?"
"Yeah ." Louis nodded , Harry brought the chair closer to sit next to his bed , He sat down and ran his fingers through his hair , fingerpads tracing his scalp . "Take a nap , I'll wake you up later to eat something ."
It took a bit of time before Louis fell asleep , when there was a knock on the door and one of the officers poked his head in , "Mr. Styles ."
Harry turned to face him , "Is it important ?"
"There's a woman at the front desk waiting for you , Anne Twist ." He said , Harry sat up straight , "Tell them I'll be down there in two minutes ."
When Louis woke up again , Harry wasn't in the room . He used the bed's remote controller to sit up , looking around the room . He saw a note on the beside table with his name on it .
My mother came to visit . If I'm not back by the time you wake up and read this , ask one of the officers out of the room to call me and I'll come back
Louis put the note back down and reached for the water bottle Harry left for him , taking a small sip . He put the bottle away and took the TV remote , keeping himself busy while Harry was still with his mother .
Almost an hour later Harry was back , he walked into the room carrying a bouquet of flowers , a backpack over his shoulder and a tupperware box .
"Lou , hi . When did you wake up ?" He asked and closed the door behind him .
"A while ago . Almost an hour ." Louis looked at the watch .
"Why didn't you call me ? I would've come back ." Harry put the bag down by the bed .
Louis shook his head , "Didn't want to take you away from your mother ."
Harry sighed softly and smiled , handing him the bouquet , "From my mum and my sister ."
"Oh . Thank you ." Louis took the bouquet , admiring the flowers and leaning his head down to take in their scent . Harry smiled as he watched him , Louis looked up with pink cheeks and shifted to the side , patting the space next to him .
Harry took his slippers off and settled next to Louis on his bed , their sides pressed together . Louis covered him with the blankets , too , "What's in the box ?"
"Mum made some cookies ." Harry said and lifted the lid , handing the box to Louis . Louis took a cookie and munched in small bites , Harry looked at the small TV screen , "What are we watching ?"
"Not sure , actually . I just flipped through the channels , didn't find anything interesting ." He said and continued changing the channels .
Harry moved his arm to rest around Louis' back , cuddling him under his arm .
It was three days later that Louis was released from the hospital . Harry dressed him in his clothes , since Louis hadn't had his own clothes yet , as the mansion was still off limits .
As they were signing the release papers , waiting for the Doctor to fill in what was needed , Harry grabbed Louis' hand . "Have you thought about it ?"
Louis bit his lower lip and nodded , "Yeah . I uh ... I - hope I won't be a bother ."
Harry smiled and shook his head , "Never ."
The Doctor handed the papers back and shook the two's hands , "Wishing you two the best ."
Harry helped Louis out of the hospital , both with crutches - Harry had one , and Louis had two . Harry kept his free arm around Louis as they were escorted out by the police , since there were photographers and press and media people waiting for them outside .
They were rushed into a black SUV , Harry made sure Louis was seated comfortably before closing the door and going around the car to get into the backseat on the other side .
"Seatbelts ." Harry said as he shut the door , placing his crutch next to him before reaching for the belt . He gave the driver his address as the driver pulled out of the parking spot , a police car riding ahead of them , and another one right behind them .
Harry's apartment wasn't anything fancy nor big , yet Louis still liked it . It was nothing like the mansion , but he always felt like a small and comfortable place was better than a fancy , large house that most of it wasn't even used .
"Are you tired ?" Harry asked , Louis shook his head , "No . I uh - could I shower , though ?"
"Yeah , of course ." Harry pointed to one of the doors , "Go in , I'll get you a towel and clothes ."
Louis went into the bathroom , he put his crutches by the door and went to sit on the edge on the closed toilet seat .
Harry returned quickly with a towel and clothes , placing them on the counter . "Want me to cover the stitches so you wouldn't worry about getting them wet ?" He asked ; he remembered from his own injuries that stitches shouldn't get wet .
"You have anything that can work ?" Louis asked , Harry nodded , "Of course . Used it for my own stitches back then , and I'm going to have to use it now . I'll be right back ."
Harry walked out of the bathroom and came back with a kit , he opened it and pulled out a sealed plaster . He held it up , "Got a lot of them a while back , from eBay ."
Louis nodded , then blushed when he realized he would back to take his sweatpants off for Harry to put the plaster on his wound . Harry noticed the blush and wordlessly turned with his back to Louis .
Louis stood up and pulled the sweatpants off , sitting back down and pulling the pants off his ankles . He folded them and put them neatly on the counter , then reached for the towel to cover himself , laying the cloth over his lap .
"Done ." He bit his lower lip shyly . Harry turned to face him and kneeled in front of him , he let Louis hold the plaster while he pulled the pad off his stitched wound .
Louis felt himself shivering at the touch , and he couldn't help but notice just how large Harry's hands looked around his leg . He handed Harry the plaster when he held his hand out , Harry pealed the wrapping and pressed the plaster's pad to the stitches , making sure it fully covered it before smoothing down the sticky sides over Louis' skin , thumbs rubbing the plaster down gently .
"There you go . It's completely waterproof , so you can shower properly ." Harry said and turned to the cabinet , he pulled out a small folding stool and placed it under the shower-head , then brought the shampoo and body soap bottles down to the floor for easy reach .
"You have a folding stool for showering ?" Louis found himself asking , Harry only smiled , "Got injured quite a bit in the army . Sprained ankles , bullet wounds . Learned my lesson after having to sit on the freezing cold tiles , so I always keep one in the cabinet ." Harry pulled the pant of his leg up to his knee , showing Louis three different scars , "Those three are from bullets . Sprained this ankle once , and the other one twice ."
Louis scrunched his nose again , Harry smiled at his cute face , "Nothing to worry about anymore ." He turned back to the shower and turned the faucet on , "Get in shower , I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything ." He gave Louis a smile and walked out of the bathroom , closing the door behind him .
After Louis showered he dried himself , making sure not to reopen the cuts as he patted the water off him gently . He got dressed and made sure his hair looked presentable , before walking out of the bathroom with his crutches .
He found Harry in the kitchen , Harry smiled , "Did you take the plaster off ?"
"Yeah , hurt a bit . I just need to put a pad on the stitches ." Louis said , Harry nodded and wiped his hands on a towel , "Follow me ."
Louis followed Harry to his room , Harry told him to sit on the bed . He watched as Harry opened the second drawer in his dresser and pulled out a first aid kit , pulling out a pad and tape .
"Do you need my help for this ?" Harry asked as he handed Louis the pad and tape , Louis shook his head , "I've got it . I'll be done in a minute ."
"Okay . Our food is ready , come to the living room when you're done ." Harry said and walked out of the room , closing the door behind him . Louis pulled his sweatpants down and quickly wrapped his stitches , before pulling the pants back on and walking out of the room .
He went to the living room and sat next to Harry , placing his crutches down . He smiled at the bowls of alfredo pasta and grabbed the one Harry handed him , they both leaned back on the couch as a movie played on the TV .
Harry inflated an air mattress in his room , he covered it with soft sheets , placed a pillow and a warm blanket on . He settled down on the mattress and covered himself with the blanket , when Louis walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom .
Louis frowned , "Why aren't you on the bed ? I thought I was taking the air mattress ."
"Don't worry about it , it's quite comfortable ." Harry smiled , "Get in bed ."
Louis sat down on the edge of the bed and shoved his hands under his thighs . "I feel bad that you have to sleep on the floor . Can we switch ?"
"No ." Harry turned on his side and placed his warm hand on Louis' ankle , "I'm more than fine on the air mattress ."
"Any way I can change your mind ?" Louis asked once more , Harry rubbed his hand on his ankle , "You're cute . Don't worry about having the bed , okay ? I want you to ." He said ; although in his head he already imagined them sharing the bed , cuddling to sleep .
Louis pouted but nodded , Harry gave his ankle a light squeeze , "Don't pout . Get some sleep ." He let go of his ankle , Louis settled in bed close to the edge , so he could see Harry .
Harry turned to lay on his back and reached his hand up , booping Louis' nose , "Good night ."
"Good night ." Louis blushed .
Over the next few days , the two found themselves growing closer .
They sat closer to each other on the couch , cooked together , Harry would have his hands on Louis' back and waist more often .
Once in every two or three days a police investigator would come over to update them about the case , if not an officer then Dan James would come over instead . Even Liam came for a visit once .
It was about ten days after they were released from the hospital that they were back to have their stitches removed .
Louis insisted that Harry went first , he sat on the chair next to the bed Harry was sitting on . He shyly looked away with pink cheeks when Harry pulled off the pant leg of his sweatpants , staying in gym shorts .
After the nurse took his stitches out and wrapped the wound , Harry pulled his sweatpants back on and moved off the bed , switching places with Louis .
Louis took off one pant leg , staying in gym shorts , biting his nails nervously as the nurse grabbed the small scissors .
"W-Wait ." He stopped her , "I-Is it going to hurt ?"
"No , I promise it won't ." She assured him , "You'll feel the tugging on your skin , it won't hurt though ."
Harry grabbed his hand , "It's not painful , I promise you ."
Louis squeezed his hand and leaned back , looking away from the stitches . He squeezed his eyes shut and gripped Harry's hand tighter , Harry gave his hand a squeeze and found himself smiling ; he couldn't get over Louis' cuteness .
Once done , the nurse wrapped Louis' wound and signed their papers , dismissing them .
They went back to the front desk , giving away the papers and returning their crutches . They were escorted back to Harry's car by the hospital's security , thanking the two guards once they were seated in the car .
"Want takeout for lunch ?" Harry asked , "We could get burgers on the way back to the house ."
"Sure ." Louis nodded as he buckled himself .
Louis laid on the couch on his side , his head propped on a pillow on Harry's lap - on his uninjured thigh .
"Can I - can I ask you a question ?" Louis asked , turning to lay on his back so he could look up at Harry .
Harry , who previously had his hand on Louis waist , now rested it on his stomach , covering most of his tiny body all the way down his side . "Always ."
"What are we going to do ?" Louis placed one of his hands over Harry's , "Like , where do we go from here ? I haven't even finished school yet , and you would look for another job , and when you find one where will I go ? What are we going to do ?"
Harry brought his free hand to Louis' head , running his fingers through his hair , "I'll be completely honest with you , okay ?"
Louis nodded , Harry rubbed his side softly , "I'm not sure yet . The only thing I could come up with , is for you to finish school online , unless you want to go back to being in school . I started looking for a new job , but - I'm not planning on us staying here , in London . Was thinking about moving away to somewhere quieter , smaller ."
"U-Us ?" Louis found himself blushing .
Harry gave him a gentle smile , "Yeah , if you'd like that . Was thinking of moving away with you . Unless - unless you had other plans ."
"I haven't had any plans ." Louis shook his head , "Do you really want me to move with you ?"
"Would love that ." Harry nodded . He bit his lower lip , "I wasn't planning on telling you this soon , since everything that had happened is still fresh . But I really like you , Lou . I've liked you for a while ."
Louis sat up and turned to face him , his eyes wide and eyebrows raised .
"I enjoy my time around you , I like making you smile . The thought of maybe losing you two weeks ago was one of the worst feelings I've felt ." Harry turned in his seat to face him , "I would love to properly take you out , once everything is over . Would love to move away and start over , with you by my side ."
Louis' heart was hammering in his chest , before he moved closer and wrapped his arms around Harry's shoulders , "I'd love that , too . Slowly ."
Harry wrapped his arms around him and nodded , "Slowly ."
Hope you liked it x
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