Ch. 5

Enjoy x


Harry stood at the top of the staircase leading down to the basement , the first floor of the basement . He stuck close to the wall , tip-toeing down as he tried listening to voices .

"Where are they ? They were supposed to be back here a few minutes ago ."

"Should we go check ?"

"And leave the basement ? We can't ."

"Yeah but what if they got killed ? What if something happened ?"

"They're probably enjoying the fresh air , let them be ."

Harry reached for a grenade in his belt , he took it and pulled the pin , rolling it down the stairs and kneeling against the wall , hands covering his ears .

"What the f --"

The explosion cut the man off , Harry grabbed the m-16 gun and continued down the stairs , hearing coughs and groans . Harry couldn't see much from the smoke , but then two more men joined in from the second basement floor .

"What the fuck happened ?"

Harry raised his gun and started shooting all around as he walked carefully down the stairs . He managed to shoot all four men in the room , he waited a few seconds to catch if any of them was still alive .

He saw one of them trying to crawl , so he shot him twice and sighed in relief . He walked through the basement to the staircase , waving his arm and coughing a bit at the smoke . His m-16 catridge was empty , so he pulled it out and patted the men down to find at least one more . He found two catridges , one full and one half-full . He put the half full in first and cocked the gun , the other catridge he put in his belt .

He continued down the stairs to the second basement , seeing the security room door closed . This was it , he was getting Louis out .

He walked slowly towards the door , trying to come up with a plan ; he couldn't bomb down the door - Louis was inside . He couldn't shoot everywhere around the room - Louis was inside . He couldn't throw a grenade in - Louis was inside .

He leaned closer to the door to try and hear something , but he couldn't hear much . He pursed his lips and walked away from the door , going up the stairs to the entrace and pressing the button on his earpiece .

"Dan James speaking ."

"It's Harry , pass me to Ceid ."

It took a few seconds , before the call was answered .

"I'm really getting impatient here , Mr. Dan James . Where's my money ."

Harry's jaw tightened . "This isn't Dan . Put me on speaker ."

"Oh , we have a new player in the game . Talk , everybody in the room can hear you now ."

"My name is Harry Styles . I'm Louis' body guard ." Harry started , "And before I continue and tell you what I did to your men , I want to hear Louis ."

There were a few shuffling noises , before he heard him .

"H-Harry ... ?"

"Yeah , it's me . I've got you , Lou ." Harry said reassuringly , "Are you hurt ?" He asked , heart clenching when he heard him sniffling , "Y-Yes ."

"I'll get you out of there ."

"So optimistic , Mr. Harry Styles ." Ceid chuckled humourlessly .

"I've been here for hours , taking your men down one by one ." Harry said . "I shot the first two in the backyard , then shot two more in the kitchen . Their friends came in , I threw a grenade at them and then shot the ones who were still alive ."

"Who a --"

"Then I went upstairs to the second floor and shot two more men . I found the maps , I found the security room . Then I shot the six men on the roof , the ones you sent to shoot with Browning machine guns and RPG , while you cowardly hid in the security room ."

"Listen , y --"

"I left one of them alive long enough to confirm that it was a set up , by Frank and Martha . Now the two of them are arrested . I shot four more men in the first basement floor . Now I'll tell you what's going to happen ; you either willingly come out of the room and get arrested , or we do it the hard way and you and your men die ."

Ceid scoffed , "Here's another option ; you come down here and fight us properly , then we'll see who you really are ." He said and hung up .

Harry sighed and closed his eyes , trying to come up with a good enough plan that would grant him that Louis wouldn't get hurt .

He went through possibilities in his head , planning the scene out the best he could without being too risky . He tried thinking back to his experience in the army , missions they used to go on , trainings .

He was running out of time , he could feel the tension in the mansion and outside . He pressed the button in his earpiece .

"Dan James speaking ."

"Tell Payne's squad to come in , it's clear . I'm waiting in the entrace by the door ." Harry said , "Tell them to bring explosives and as much weapons as they can carry ."

"On it ." Dan said and ended the call . 

Harry took the minute he had to gearing himself up , he fixed his two smaller guns in his belt along with the catridges , the two grenades he had left , the catridge to the m-16 gun in his belt and the knife tied to his calf .

He looked up when the door slowly opened , he and Liam nodded their heads at each other before the six men were by his side .

"Talk to me ." Liam said , handing Harry a bulletproof vest .

"Most are dead , the mansion is clear . The ones still alive are in the security room with Louis ." Harry said as he strapped the vest on , "We need to figure out a way to get them out of there without hurting Louis , he's already hurt ." He looked around at the men , "Is there another vest for Louis ?"

One of the men held it up , Harry nodded , "Good ."

"How many are there with Louis ?" Liam asked .

"Six , one of them is Ceid ." Harry crossed his arms over his chest , "I need you to get him as far away from me as possible , because the moment I see him I'm going to shoot him ."

The corner of Liam's lip tugged up slightly , "Can't promise I won't do the same . But for now we need a plan ."

"Back in the army we trained for it , but it might not work ." Harry said , "There's a control room on the second floor , behind the wall of the walk-in closet , we can see inside of the security room . But we also need all of the men , we're seven and they're six plus Louis , one for each ."

Liam nodded , "I think I have something that can work ."


Harry stood in front of the security room door , banging his fist on the door .

"Little pig , little pig . Let me in ."

He pressed his ear to the door , trying to hear anything . He needed to keep them distracted while two of Liam's men were putting together an explosive to bomb the door open .

"Come on , Ceid . Just step outside for a bit , let's have a chat ." Harry egged him on , "I can't promise I won't shoot you , though ."

He waited a few more seconds before he continued .

"How about I come inside , instead ? Would that be better ?" Harry asked , nodding his head at one of Liam's men , who gave him a thumbs up to let him know the explosive was all set .

"I'm bringing a few friends , though . Just a heads up ." Harry said and pressed the button , going back to the stairs where Liam and his squad were . Seconds later there was an explosion , and that was the queue for Harry , Liam and the squad to go in .

One of Liam's men pulled the pin to a smoke bomb , to which Harry first disagreed on , but then realized it was better for them . Liam and Harry walked side by side , the five men following right behind them , all having their guns raised .

They heard coughs , Liam shot the first man he saw , after confirming it wasn't Louis nor Ceid .

One of Liam's men shot another one , Harry quickly shot one who shot at one of the men , luckily protected by the bulletproof vest so he wasn't injured .

The smoke slowly deflated , and that was when he saw Ceid standing in the corner of the room , hidden halfway behind Louis' smaller frame , his gun pressed to the back of his head .

"The deal isn't off , lads . Give me those hundred and fifty million dollars , and I won't shoot him ." Ceid pressed the gun against the back of his head .

Harry locked eyes with Louis , blood pumping with fury at the sight of Louis covered in cuts and dirt , shaking on his legs from being weak , his cheeks wet and eyes filled with tears .

"Let go of him and you might make it out alive ." Harry growled at him , "You lost . Let him go ."

Ceid looked at each one of them , slowly releasing the grip he had on the back of Louis' shirt . He brought his hand up to hold the gun with both hands , nudging Louis at the back of the head , "Step forward ."

Louis took tiny , shaking steps forward , keeping his eyes on Harry . Almost there , almost safe with him .

"Hey , Louis ." Ceid said , Louis stopped in his spot , slowly turning sideways towards him .

Ceid shook his head , "This isn't personal ." He said and pulled the trigger .

Harry squeezed the trigger at him , watching Ceid falling to the ground motionless , before dropping the gun and kneeling next to Louis . He untied his wrists , looking at the bullet wound in his thigh .

"Shh , I've got you ." Harry grabbed his cheeks , Louis cried in pain .

"Fucking get the medics to be ready for him ." Harry told Liam , before turning back to Louis , "Lou , hey , look at me . You're safe , no more . We're getting out of here ."

He took the m-16 gun and slung it across his body at his back , before scooping Louis in his arms and standing up , ignoring the pain in his thigh from his own wound .

Louis clutched him and cried , Harry held him tightly close and pressed their foreheads together , "We're getting out of here , I've got you ."

Harry followed Liam and his squad out of the room and up to the first floor , they had to help him walk and even offered to carry Louis , but Harry refused to put him down .

They made it to the entrace , the sun was slowly going down , as it was late afternoon . Harry kept talking to Louis as he carried him down the pathway to the front gates , where the paramedics waited for them with a stretcher .

He slowly sat Louis down on the stretcher , though didn't let go just yet - he wasn't ready to let go yet , and Louis wasn't ready either , since he was still clutching Harry as tightly as he could with being weak .

"We're going to the hospital , okay ? They'll take care of you . They'll take care of us , I'm going with you ." He kept talking to him , "Nod your head so I know you understand ."

Louis sniffled and nodded his head , "H-Hurts so bad ." He mumbled .

"I know , baby , I know it hurts . It won't hurt anymore , we're going to the hospital to get treatment and get better ."

"T-Together ?"

"Together ." Harry assured , "I'm letting go , okay ? We need to get into the ambulance ."

Louis nodded , before the two slowly pulled back from each other . Harry laid him back on the stretcher and held his hand as the two of them were taken into the ambulance .

Once inside , the doors closed and the ambulance started driving , the siren blaring through the streets .

"I'm good , take care of him ." Harry assured the medic , who looked down at his thigh . Harry followed his gaze and shook his head , "Took the bullet out and cleaned it up . Now please take care of Louis ."

Louis scrunched his face in pain , hand still clutching Harry's . Harry brought his hand up to his lips and kissed his knuckles , "I've got you ."


Hope you liked it x


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