Chapter 44
Olivia North
I woke up with a heavy feeling in my heart. I looked around to find Nick but he's nowhere to be found, I guess he already left for work. I stood up and headed to the bathroom to take a bath and get ready for the day.
After I took a bath, I took my phone from my purse and turned it on to call Nikkie that I won't be in the office to today. I was surprised to see the amount of missed calls and voice mails that was came from Zac, Nick, Erin, and Jowee. Anyway, I will dwell with them later, let me call Nikkie first.
After I called to inform Nikkie, I exited my room and immediately smelled something being fried up. I followed the smell and saw Nick cooking while having a meeting I guess. He was having a video conference in his ipad while cooking and with my pink apron on. Gosh he looked so hot.
Anyway, I went straight to my Keurig to make me some coffee and I passed by him. I can feel his stare at the back of my head and I did not make any effort to look at him.
After I made my coffee, I went straight to my living room and read some magazines.
I was in the middle of browsing the magazine I was currently holding when he put a plate of english breakfast in front of me.
"I made breakfast, Olivia." He said while sitting down beside me. I scooted away from him a little and continued to read the magazine.
He sighed.
"Livy, I know you're still mad at me, but please eat? You haven't eaten anything since yesterday." I frowned. How did he know?
"I know you, Olivia. I know that you didn't try to eat anything yesterday. So please eat, I'm begging you." He pleaded.
"I'm not in the mood to eat and I'm not hungry." I said sternly and proceeded to read the magazine.
"Please Livy. I know you're still mad at me and I deserve that but please don't neglect yourself. If you want me to go, I will go, if that's the only way to make you eat." He stood up and went towards the door but he halted when his phone rang.
"Zac." He answered.
"What?! He agreed?! How did you... Then who it is? Ok. I'm actually here. Yes. Yes. I will tell it to her. Okay. We'll be there." I wonder what it was that made him happy?
"Livy baby, I have good news for you. Your dad agreed to undergo angioplasty." I looked at Niccolo immediately and stood up.
"You're not joking, right Nick?"
"I am not. Zac called me to inform you that he just scheduled Tony's surgery the day after tomorrow." He said and a tear ran down my cheek.
"Oh baby" he hugged me.
I pushed him gently and said, "Nick, let's go to the hospital. Come on." I walked to the door without caring if I was wearing only a sweater and leggings. I went straight to the lift and pressed the down button repeatedly. As Nick went out of my unit, he was holding my purse and phone and locked my door.
We went to the hospital and I ran quickly to see dad while Nick's trying to catch up with me and he's carrying my purse.
I entered dad's room quickly and saw Zac and dad listening to Uncle Eriq. I went immediately to dad and hugged him tightly and cried. I didn't care if they're in the middle of discussion as long as I get to hug him.
"Thank you, daddy." I hiccuped and he chuckled and patted my back.
"See, that's what I am talking about Tony." I heard Uncle Eriq spoke and I released dad from my hug. Nick passed me his hanky and I ignored it. I took a tissue from the tissuebox that sits atop the bedside table and wiped my tears.
"Uncle Eriq, what kind of surgery dad has to undergo? Walk me through the process, please." I asked
"So basically, angioplasty is not a surgery, it is a treatment where we will put stent or catheter to reach the blocked artery. But please be advised that arteries that opened by angioplasty will likely to be blocked again, so to prevent that, I suggest to put in a small stainless steel tube to prop open the artery walls." Uncle Eriq explained and I nodded.
"Let's do that. Whatever that makes dad's life longer, I'm ok with that and I trust you, Uncle." I said and put my arm around Dad's shoulder and kissed his temple.
"Don't worry, Livy, I will take very good care of this old man. Now if you may excuse me, I still have some appointments with my other patients. See you in two days, Tony." He nodded at us and he exited dad's room.
I looked at dad happily and spoke.
"Thank you dad for agreeing. Thank you so much." I hugged him again gave him kisses on his cheeks.
"Eew Olivia, stop it. Anyway, what made you change your mind, dad?" Zac asked.
"It's time for me to be a dad to the both of you. I want to witness both of you get married and have a family of their own. I want to play and spoil my future grandkids, just like what I am doing to my grandkid, Dylan. It's time for me to live a life outside work. That's what your sister told me last night." Dad replied and I smiled widely at him. Thank God he listened to me.
"You went here last night?" Zac asked but I ignored him. I faced dad and asked him if he ate already.
"I did, Lorna brought some bland pork stew. She was forcing me to finish it all but I couldn't because it has no taste at all. I bet she didn't put any salt in it." Dad complained and I laughed.
"That's what Uncle Eriq told us. That's healthy for you." I said and dad yawned.
I stood up and fixed his bed.
"You need to rest, dad. Sleep now." I tucked him in and kissed his forehead. He just laughed and he went to sleep immediately, I guess it's the after effect of his medicine.
I smiled and took a deep breath. Ah, I feel so light today.
"Olivia, I'll ask Lorna to buy you some food okay." Nick informed me and kissed my temple before he went out. I didn't react, I just stood there and stare at dad.
It was me and Zac left in the room.
"Thank you, Olivia for convincing dad." Zac went to me and put his arm around my shoulders. I evaded it and sat on the couch and picked up a magazine.
"Livy, I know you're mad at me, but please hear me out?" Zac asked but I still ignored him.
"Dad wanted it to be kept secret from you. He didn't want you to know because he didn't want to see you sad just like how you were when mom was diagnosed with cancer. He saw how hurt you were, Livy. He didn't want to see that especially when he was the reason behind your sadness." He explained.
"Still, you could've told me. This was why it didn't surprise you when I told you that dad had a heart attack because you knew all along. Kudos to you Zac, you really know how to keep a secret." I said sternly without even glancing his way.
"I'm so sorry, Livy. Please don't get mad at me or Niccolo. We were just obeying dad. Dad threatened us that if we told you, he will stop drinking his meds and all of his treatment. You know how he is." Zac explained.
The door opened and Nick entered. I rolled my eyes at him.
"I know how he is. But still both of you shouldn't confided in him. If Lorna hadn't informed me of his heart attack and if you weren't in India, you two would keep it a secret from me, just like what happened before, right?" I paused and glared at them both. Nick was surprised because he just got in and didn't expect this.
"See, I was right, wasn't it? You two won't tell me that Dad got a heart attack. Oh my God. What will your excuse be, huh? Business meeting? Vacation? What?" I raised my voice slightly, both of them flinched.
"Livy, please calm down. You---"
"Calm down? How can I calm down when everyone knows that he's this close to dying." I interrupted Zac and showed him my index finger and thumb.
"You know, I wanted to hurt both of you. But I won't, for the sake of dad's. Can you please get out of my face? I don't want to see the both of you." I stood up and went to the window to look at the concrete jungle.
"Okay, if that's what you want. We'll leave you alone." Zac stated and went out.
I sighed and closed my eyes but I was startled when I felt Nick's body near me.
"I'll be outside, Olivia. If you need anything, just tell me." He said and walked towards the door.
I went to dad's side and held his hand. I smiled at him and kissed his forehead.
"Thank you, dad. Be healthy." I whispered.
I was replying to some emails when the door was bursted open. I looked at it and saw a very angry looking Erin and Jowee. They both headed to my direction with a glare and I tell you, it was kinda scary to say the least.
I raised my hand to stop them and spoke.
"Dad's scheduled for his angioplasty on Friday." I informed them and Jowee smiled.
"Really? That's great!" They both said in unison.
Erin on the other hand went straight ahead and pulled my hair harshly.
"What the hell!?" I whisper-yelled.
"That's what you get when you don't answer your phone and made us worry about you." Jowee snickered.
"I'm sorry, okay. I just wanted to be alone. I went to mom, by the way. I was there the whole day and cleaned the mausoleum." I explained
They both hugged me.
"Livy, I'm sorry for what happened. But you should've atleast told us where you were. You know we will not tell it to anyone even Zac." Erin stated.
"I know, I just wanted to be alone, E. That's why I turned off my phone. I'm sorry for making you both worry." I apologized.
"You should. You made Niccolo worried, home boy was about to have a search party but we talked to him not to. You know, he was so mad yesterday for not knowing where you were, whether you're safe or not. He even shouted at me when I told him to go home and take a rest. And let me tell you, he was so scary when he's mad." Jowee said.
Really? He shouted at Jowee? Geez he was so scary when he's composing himself when he's mad, what more if he was that level of angry? I don't think I want to see it.
"I don't care, okay. I am still mad at him and Zac." I stated nonchalance.
"Is that why he's outside?" Jowee asked.
"He's still outside?" I asked in disbelief. I looked at my wrist watch and saw that it's already quarter to 6 in the evening. He really was serious about waiting for me outside.
"Yes. Why? What did you tell him?" Jowee asked.
"I told him and Zac to leave me alone. That I didn't want to see their faces for now." I answered.
Erin sighed.
"Livy, I know you're still mad at them for keeping it a secret from you. But understand them, try to stand on their shoes, your dad asked them to. If they only had their way and your dad didn't prevent them, they would most likely tell it to you. Stop getting mad at them, Livy. You all were just looking out for your father." Erin said.
Actually, I have thought about it but it just irked me to know that they kept me in the dark. That they hid his illness from me.
"E's right, Livy. You should hear the out. Also, let the poor man in. He's probably having cramps." Jowee said.
I sighed and just rolled my eyes.
"Both of you, who's friend are you? Nick and Zac or mine? Why are you siding with them?" I asked.
"We are not siding with them. We're giving you reason. We all know that you're dad didn't want you to get mad at them right? So please, for the sake of your dad, talk to them, hear them out." Erin said.
"Yes, let them explain." Jowee added.
I took a deep breath and nodded. They were right, they didn't want to hide it from me. They were just coerced by my dad to keep it a secret from me.
"Alright, fine. I will talk to them."
"That's our girl." Jowee pinched my cheeks and I swatted her hand.
"Oh Livy, I have to go, I have to be in the airport in an hour." Erin informed me.
"Oh yeah, me too. I have to go home and pack, I have an early flight tomorrow." Jowee informed me also.
"Ok go. Be safe okay." I said.
"We will. And don't worry, your dad will be fine." Erin said and hugged followed by Jowee.
"See you, on Friday Olivia." Jowee said.
"See you." And I bid my good byes.
Now it's time to talk to the man who's waiting outside.
I went to dad and kissed him to say good bye and I headed to the door.
I saw him stretching his whole body. Maybe his muscles were now strained due to sitting uncomfortably. Lorna saw me and called me.
"Livy, did you want anything else?" Nick looked at me quickly and went to my side directly.
"Nothing. I just want to tell you that I'm leaving now. Take care of daddy okay. I'll be back tomorrow." I hugged Lorna and waited for her to enter inside Dad's room. I walked away and when I was sure that Nick's not following me, I halted and looked at my left side.
"Let's have dinner." I said calmly and he quickly walked beside me and smiled.
I rolled my eyes at him.
"Where do you want to eat?" He asked while we're walking towards the lift.
"At my apartment. I'll order chinese takeouts while we're on our way." I answered him nonchalantly.
"Okay." He smiled at me.
I was standing by my spot when I felt Nick's arm around me.
"Livy, I know you're still mad at me but can you please hear me out? I don't want us to be in a cold war where you ignore me, it doesn't feel right." He paused and I didn't react.
"See, that's what I was talking about." He told turned me around to face him and I let him. Let's hear him out.
"Olivia, I know what I or we did was wrong and we shouldn't have done it in the first place. You know how I first knew about his illness? It's when he and I were having dinner while he's proposing the idea of marrying you. He was coughing non-stop that time, I thought he has a flu but when I realized that he's coughing abnormally, I immediately took him to the hospital. Then Dr. Stuart, your Uncle Eriq, checked him. I immediately called your brother Zac and told him that I went to the hospital with Tony. When Zac arrived, Dr. Stuart explained to him immediately what happened to your dad. And that's when I knew about it." I looked at Nick assessing him.
"Remember what I told you about the reason why I agreed to your dad? That was partially true but what really got me agreed was your dad's illness. He was literally begging me to agree while he's in the hospital bed Livy and I didn't have the heart to refuse so I agreed. But after I agreed, he made me swear to not tell you about his illness. Of course I disagreed and told him that you have the right to know however, Tony told me that he will be the one to tell it to you." He wiped the tear that ran down my cheeks.
I didn't know I was tearing up if he didn't wiped it. So dad, you really think of me even when you're in pain.
"Consequently, I made him agreed for me to accompany him his check ups with Dr. Stuart. Together with your brother, we took turns to take care of Tony. Now I know it still not justifies what I did but I'm so sorry Olivia for keeping it a secret from you. I really th---" I didn't let him finish and hugged him really tightly.
"Thank you, Nick. Thank you for taking care of my dad. You were with him when I thought that he was all alone. Thank you so much."
"No no no. Don't thank me, Livy. It's my responsibility to take care of him when I knew of his illness." He caressed my hair.
Dad really chose a good person not only to me but to him as well. This man is a really good person. Thank you God for giving him to us.
I released the hug and looked at him.
"Thank you, Nick." I thanked him once again and kissed him on his cheek.
"But please, no more secrets from now on." I said and he nodded.
"I promise." Then I hugged him again.
Hello loves.
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