"i'M beYoND BrOKEn."

This picture/animation does not belong to me, it belongs to it's respectful owner. But I thought it fit with Error's breakdown in this chapter.

I want to thank elenahedgehog for giving me image addresses for dresses that Null and Void can wear, giving me more options and having verity for them. They also gave me image addresses for pictures of Sans in dresses, cute little babybones pictures, and others. Not going to lie, I squealed like a little girl just thinking about Null and Void in the dresses they showed me. I'm like G!Mob!Sans, I think I have a problem.

They also gave me a nice idea for this story later on, so thank you elenahedgehog!

I had to start this chapter after so many positive comments for the last on, it was like I was set on fire!

-Start Chapter-

No one moved even as the CHECK box closed, not knowing what to do in this situation. Slowly Ink forced his own SOUL to go back in his chest. He placed his hand numbly above it on his chest, it felt more heavy then before.

Then Error glanced up, making all their SOUL'S freeze when he caught sight of his own mangled SOUL. Killer clutched his knife tighter and Death flinched back when a broken laugh echoed in the yard. Error glitched wildly, strings coming to life as he raised his hands, eyes glazed and unseeing as he was lost in his mind.

"HaHahahaHA!" Hearts shook, the blue strings wrapped around the SOUL, pulling it apart. "St-000Op It....No MOr-E..." Ink could hear another puking when a piece of the SOUL was ripped off, cracking even further. 'Oh God.....' Tears fell as he took a small step further. 'How can someone do this to another person?!'

"i-I-I-i____JuS--T wA_N-T T0 DIEEEEE---E!" Daze whimpered, hugging Misery tightly. No happiness, no dreams. 'To do this to another take years.' 

Misery thought blankly, finally knowing why he felt such negative emotions from the skeleton. 'He has fears, but in the end why fear what can never kill you? Fear what makes you keep living your personal hell.'

Death watched everything in a haze. Watched how Echo, Blue, Maple, and Honey were holding themselves back from showing their anger. How Hop was rubbing Hearts back as he dry heaved, his face hidden by his hood. How Fresh was twitching as Orbit held onto his arm so he couldn't fall to his knees, tears streaming down his face. How Murder and Killer were clutching their weapons, killing intent surrounding them. How Skull and Ink were slowly taking steps forward, their faces twisted in agony for Error. How Red was slowly rocking back and forth, hiding that he was crying. How Geno was rubbing his own wound on his chest, eyes wide as he watched Error scream out.

All Death could do was watch and think, his mind racing. Suicide was nothing too new to him, many Monsters and humans did it everyday sadly. But not one of them can escape his grasp like the one in front of him can. 'He doesn't want life, he wants death. Death can not take him, I can not take him. I can't kill him. I could touch him and it wouldn't do a thing.....' Death's sad frown twitched, anger slowly taking over as a realization took place. 'His Multiverse.....I see....How can he take for granted something so wonderful and precious?' But he also hoped he was dead wrong about it.

"plEaSE---N-0000___mO00Re pAI_N!" Error whimpered out, eyes only seeing his SOUL. White surrounded him, nothing but the Voices screaming at him. Nothing mattered but getting rid of all the pain, but also knowing he can't in the end. Blue and Yellow tears fell as his SOUL was slowly teared apart, cracks forming more and more. He knew it wouldn't kill him, it would just come back together, and that killed him on the inside all the more. "W__H--Y-?!"



All the adults besides Error jerked, all turning their heads to see Null with a crying Void in his arms running for all his worth to a very distressed Error. The other kids not too far behind them, yelling for them to stop.

Blue and Echo were quick to teleport in front of the kids, making almost all of them skid to a stop. Almost because Null didn't slow down a bit, in fact it seemed he was getting faster. "Hey kid-"

"OUTTA MY WAY NOW!" Echo's jaw dropped when little Null actually did a flying kick, slamming his little heel into Blue's leg, the momentum making Blue go to his knees. His eyes followed soon by going wide when Void slapped Blue straight in the face as they ran past him. His little face in a adorable but ferocious scowl at those meanies that tried to stop him and Null from getting to his Da. "DADDY!" "DADA!"

If it were any other time, Cherry would have bowed to Null and Void for making Blue curse and fall to his knees in pain. Just for the fact that they took down a adult, but also for doing it for a loved one, something that was rare in his AU. The other kids, besides Tick who just started ticking in laughter, were in shock that someone so small could have that much power. Peace is pretty sure he heard a crack sound out.

Red just gave a dark chuckle as his rocking slowed. 'Those kids are some ballsy Motherfuckers.'

Just when Error was about to squeeze all the magic out of his SOUL, he felt little hands tug at his coat. Jolting, Error looked down so fast his neck cracked. Eyes widening in horror at the little eyes looking up at him worry and concern, he lost what little concentration he had. The strings faded, the SOUL soon stitching itself back together, mashing back into it's mangled mess. The SOUL then faded from existence, going back inside Error.

Falling to his knees, Error glitched. "WhAT aRE yOU dOINg HERe?!" Error gasped out. He could see the kids and nothing but white, the Voices getting louder and louder. "ThE vOICeS WiLL tAKe YOu! tHE WhiTE WiLL C0NsuME yOU!"

"But Daddy-" Null began, only for Error to cut him off. 

"D0 NOt cALL mE THAT!" Error's shoulder shook as tears streamed down his face, hands clawing at the grass and dirt under him. "YoU nEEd SOmEoNE elSE TO BE ThaT! InKy anD tHE oTHErs Will TAKe anD HuRt YOU iF yOU stAY wITH ME!" Suddenly he gasped, hands jerking up, memories over taking him once more. All the hurt and pain coming back. "BROkEN boNEs, RipPED THem OFf, ShaTTERED sOUL, DRowNING, EleCtR0cutioN, bUriED ALIvE, ScREaM-"

Little hands patted his face, forcing him back into reality somewhat. Null huffed when he got the older one's attention, Void gave a teary smile once he saw Error looking at them. All three ignored the horrified Monsters behind them.

"I don' want someone else," Null pouted. "I wan' you, and only you, to be our Daddy." Void gave a agreeing "Da~" right after. Just as Error opened his mouth to argue, Null pointed to the ground. "Besides, not everything is white Daddy, so we should be fine!"

'Not everything is....white.' Error suddenly realized that there was color everywhere. Looking up, he was met with horrified faces. All he could see at first was Inky's face that was frowning down at him. Before he could fully remember where he was, Error swiftly took the kids in his arms, stood and backed away. "NOooOO00-!" Error whimpered out. "No mORe, PLEaSE!"


It was only after seeing them cry at his begging, that Error finally remembered where he was. The Monsters he knew laughed in his face when he begged for Mercy, not cry. Hands reached up, forcing his head to tilt down a bit. Little kisses were then peppered all over his face. Calming down, the ERROR signs around him going away, his glitching slowing until it was back to it's normal flow.

Null gave a delighted grin, seeing that Error was finally better. Void continued to give messy little kisses. "Kisses to make the pain go away Daddy!"

"PaIN GOinG awAy?" Error wondered aloud, sounding like that had never happened to him before. "....i'M beYoND BrOKEn." 'I'm always in pain.' Error smiled bitterly as he slowly gave his attention back to the other Monsters. "EvERyONE MAdE suRE OF tHAT."

Skull took a deep breath, before plastering a grin on his face, trying to hide his negative emotions. "We're sorry for all of that, we didn't mean to scare ya."

"You must be tired!" Ink cut in, rubbing his tears away. "Why don't one of us show you to a room you can rest in?"

"i DoN'T nEED sLEEp." Error blankly stated. Mistaking the other's wincing as not believing him, he decided to clarify. "I sLEPt yEsTERDay, BuT THAt wAS tHE fIRST tIme IN yEARS. I dON'T nEEd it."

Taking a deep breath, Maple decided to cut in and try his hand when Ink stuttered, trying to reply to Error. It was obvious that this Monster needed some type of rest after all that has happened. "But your kids do." He left it unsaid that he would stay with them no matter where the kids go, it was too obvious that Error would not leave them unattended or out of hearing range. "They are looking tired, It's nap time. why don't I and the kids show you to a room?"

Only after seeing Void's sockets drooping and Null yawn did Error give a nod in agreement. The kids lead him into the house, Maple following behind. Maple gave a wave with his hand, nodding to them. Now they could talk without worry about what just happened. When the back door closed, the yard silent. No one knowing where to start.

"Forced Destroyer...." Murder muttered darkly, but it might as well been a yell. "Forced to kill millions...."

"Millions?" Orbit asked in a whisper.

"He said before that their were billions, trillions of AU's. So I think the number is higher then what we're" Honey blankly pointed out, hand twitching. "And in his CHECK box it said he is apart of some type of balance, needed by Fate itself."

"Forced totes because of Ink." Fresh's shades were completely blank as  he stared up at Ink. "Do ya know anything?" The unsaid threat was hanging like Death's scythe around Ink's neck.

"No!" Ink was quick to deny. "I never met him before today! And besides..." Ink harshly rubbed his eyes. "I'm not the creator, or apart of the balance. I never created a AU or have the power to do so!"

"So, what?" Red suspiciously asked, frown growing. "Ya have a look-a-like running around?"

"We would have seen him by now, or heard about him at least." Echo said as he helped Blue up, who was now sporting a little hand shaped bruise on his cheek. "We only have a few AU's, not trillions."

"Then what is going on?" Hop muttered, finally loosening his hood to look at everyone. Daze glanced around hopelessly as Misery started mumbling theories. "Maybe he is from a AU before our time? Maybe their were more AU's before we were created?"

"There are a few holes in that..." Hearts whispered, face finally loosing it's sickly color. "Like that 'How we have never met him until now?', or better yet the 'Why do we look like some of the abusers?'"

"Not all of us." Killer's smile actually turned a bit smug. "He didn't show any negative to me or Murder here."

"More like acceptance," Daze agreed, having a feel for non-negitive emotions. "Or at least he didn't care that you were here."

"He has no Hope...." Geno shivered. "How can anyone-" He winced, trailing off.

During all of this, Death shifted, debating about sharing his theory. As the Grim Reaper, or at least one of them, he knew his theory was entirely possible, the most likely in fact. Eventually he looked up, deciding on what to do.

"His stats are insane." Blue added. "But that doesn't explain-"

"His CHECK box said 'His Multiverse.'" Death's deep, dark voice cut in, shocking everyone. Death rarely talked, preferring to keep quiet and secluded out of fear of killing another. So it was a shock to hear him speak out clearly.

"....It did!" Hop blinked, remembering all those horrifying facts in the box. "Not 'Multiverse', but 'His Multiverse'."

Hearts frowned, sharing a glance with Orbit. "That is a weird thing to put in."

"But what's that got to do with anythin'?" Red questioned confused, not understanding the importance.

"A CHECK box changes depending on who the person looking in is." Blue explained, his eyes getting wider as he realized where Death was going with this. "It's so the person CHECKING can understand who they are, the wording is very important."

Death gave a slow nod. "Yes. If it is saying 'His Multiverse', and not 'Multiverse or even 'Our Multiverse' or 'This Multiverse', then that means-"

"This isn't his Multiverse." Honey breathed out, eyes widening in shock. "His is one is probably next door to us as he fell into ours from the VOID when he jumped."

"One that runs on a different set rules." Hearts gulped, trying to wrap his mind around it.

"One that is totes unradical, unfresh, and needs to get a refresher on how to treat a bruh." Fresh fiddled with his shades, that were still blank, as he thought back to how Error watched him. Like a snake ready to strike at any moment. He wonders if that was beaten into him.

"One that has too many AU's." Killer added, his knife shining in the light as he lifted it higher.

"One that has a different kind of Balance needed to make everything run." Echo rubbed his face, not wanting to believe it but it made too much sense not too.

"One that is apparently very unbalanced." Hop chocked out, remembering what Error's CHECK box said.

"One where Fate plays a very big role, bigger then here at least." Red shivered, trying not to think about getting taken away and his whole AU destroyed.

"One where that some type of Anti-VOID exists." Blue wondered if the screams were connected to that, or if it was something else.

"One where it is okay to beat up another." Murder growled out, fingers twitching as he held his face.

"One that killed someone's Hope." Geno chocked out, hands clinging to his jacket.

"One that I want to go to and show the meaning of my name." Misery muttered out loud, getting nods of agreement all around.

"One where that doesn't deserve dreams." Daze tacked on harshly, feeling very disgusted that this could even happen in another Multiverse.

"One that I never want Error to go back to....Ever." Skull really wanted his gun, that or tell all the Toriel's what happened to Error then set them loose into the other Multiverse. Merciless won't even begin to cover how they would treat it. The others shivered just thinking about it.

"One that I hope never finds Error." Orbit said in horror, just thinking about what all they would do to him. He could still hear Error muttering about broken bones and other ways he most likely had been tortured with.

"And one that has us in it." Ink sobbed out, the others jolting at the realization of that.

"One that has other versions of us in it." Death nodded, his frown growing. "One where our counterparts killed, destroyed, and broke that skeleton into what he is. Abused and took him for granted."

"When he first saw us, first saw Ink, he thought he was looking at his abusers. He readily walked into a unknown place with the very people that look like the people who hurt him, knowing he was most likely going to get hurt. He has no Hope, no motivation, nothing. And it's all because the Monsters who look like us beat it into him. His SOUL proved it, Error is beyond broken. And it's technically our fault if you look at it from a scientifically view point."

The yard then was filled with crying, gagging, denials, and mutterings. Trying to come up with a decent plan or something before they see Error and the little ones again.

It was going to take a while.

-With Error, Null, and Void-

To TK, Error seemed to glide as he walked. Even after that big break down he still seemed so powerful as he held a dozing Null and Void. All the kids had felt his magic, the pain, but it screamed power. This Monster could have lashed out if any of them got close as he panicked, lost sight of reality.

But Null and Void ran straight to him, kicked and slapped Blue for even trying to stop them, calmed him down with a few words and kisses, and was totally relaxed in his hold.

To be honest TK fell a bit more in love with Null because of all this.

Cherry was just more sure that Void's and Null's kisses were magical, that they held something unlike any other to make such a powerhouse calm down. It made he want more, but he knew not to ask right now. The magic kisses has seemed to tired them out.

Orange knew Error was dangerous, but he also knew he was hurt more then anyone. It made him wonder if he had a big brother and where he was, because all he can think about if Bro was hurt and screaming so brokenly like Error was.

The rattling of a chain sounded out as Tick walked right by Error. He glanced up to see Void, the one on his side, curled up and sockets drooping sleepily. The little one in orange noticed his starring. Void gave a sleepy smile, giving a small childish wave. 'Innocence....' Tick wondered in slight awe. 'Not even something as powerful as the Monster holding them can strike it.' He knew he would have to introduce them to his brother, he needed some friends like them, not like that Undyne.

Fiddling with his colorful shades, Peace wondered about the Monsters in front of him. How did a Monster like Error get two sons like Null and Void? It was obvious that Error did not birth them or was biologically the parent in any way. But the magic that swirled around them showed that he was their father in all the ways that mattered most. So how did someone so terrifying, someone that was so broken, get two babybones to love him so much? 'But...' Peace glanced up, looking at Error's back. 'Do I really want to know?'

Cloud walked next to Maple, starring off into space. He had no idea what to think anymore. Null, Void, and Error seemed nice. Sure Error was a little scary at first, but not threatening, just over-protective of his kids. Which a good Dad should be! But seeing Null run into Error's arms without a worry as his magic was lashing out, seeing Void be so happy in his arms giving kiss after kiss, it made him worry a bit. He knew they were all hurt in a way, he could see them little things that made a ugly picture. He had no idea who these Monsters were, but they seemed to be very hurt. That made them dangerous in a way. In the end he would just have to wait and watch. 'Besides,' Cloud glanced to Maple, who was walking in his usual slouch. 'They won't let anything happen to us. In the end, that includes them as well. No can hurt them, not even themselves.'

Rubbing the spot those two new kids kissed, Gaz's annoyed face hid his worry and interest. He knew life was going to get more exiting - and dangerous - then ever before with these new Monsters. That worried him, but he also wanted to know more about them all. Where did they come from? What was their AU like? So many questions, but no answers. What can he say, his interest was peeked.

It also helped that the new kids were cute.

"Here we are." Maple opened a door, letting Error walk in with his two charges. A simple room with a king sized bed, desk and wooden chair, a little closet, and a window made up the room. Glancing over, Error saw that the sun was actually setting in this so called Multi-VOID.

"This is a guest room, we use it whenever we bring someone over from our AU's that don't usually come, like the human or Alphys." Maple explained. He made sure not to take a step into the room, seeing that Error was still on high alert from earlier. "Well, I'll leave you to it then. Someone will knock if anything happens or if they need ya."

And with that he shut the door, herding the kids back down the hall. He would make them a snack then head back to the yard to see if the others found anything out.

When Maple heard what they pieced together, he snapped and broke the table in the yard out of anger. He was just glad the kids didn't see him loose his shit like that.

-With Error-

Sitting down the yawning kids on the white bed, Error quickly took off the travel bag and his coat. After that he took out two big T-shirts for the kids to wear for bed. Then he set to getting them ready to sleep, he had seen enough from his portals to know the kids shouldn't sleep in their dresses, shoes, hats and pearls.

"i ReAlLY shOUld NOt BE yOUR dADDY." Error muttered lightly as he took off there shoes and silky socks, sitting them aside. "mAYbe ONe oF THe MOnsTErS doWN stAiRS wOUld MAkE a BeTTer ONe." Next thing off were the hats.

"But we want you to be our Daddy." Null sleepily answered, lifting his arms so that Error could slide the pearls off. "No one else."

"i'M BRokEN beYOnd RepAIR." Error stated, as he slipped the dresses and shorts under them off, and then putting the shirts on them. It dwarfed them, going past their feet acting like long night-dresses. "yOU desERvE bEttER." Error tried to explain simply, to show that they needed someone more stable then him.

"If it's not you, then I don't want better." Null simply stated back, rubbing his eyes tiredly. Error just sighed, rubbing both their heads before lifting them up and tucking them in. Soon both babybones were curled up together, holding onto one another asleep. They fell asleep easily, more easily then ever, because they knew Error would watch over them. Just like when they first met him under those big trees.

Error himself just sighed, mind wondering as he moved the chair by the bed, right in front of the window. Glancing out to see the darkening sky, he let himself relax as much as he could, pain flaring throughout his whole body.

'They'll see I'm not the best for them soon enough.' Error ignored the pain in his SOUL at that thought. 'Or those Sanses will take them away sooner or later. I'm not meant to have children, only Inky is. His AU's are his children, creating life even if it was too much. I am the Destroyer, I am only good for killing. My dusty and bloody hands should not even be near these two.'

'They'll all see that eventually and I will be paying the price just like before.'

-End Chapter-

Here it is! Error's second break down, with many more to come in later chapters. It gets worse before it gets better after all, healing is a long and painful road and is riddled with setbacks. And sometimes when you take a step forward, it seems like you are taking two steps back.

Error still thinks everything is going to go to hell eventually, that or come and kick him while he is down like in his Multiverse. The others have pieced together that he is from another Multiverse, but don't know all the details about what it means to be apart of the Balance, of all the abuse, and everything Error has had to do to make sure nothing falls apart in his Multiverse. And Error is not going to be willing to share everything right off the bat.

Everyone is in for a confusing and long ride, especially because Error still has no clue he is in a new Multiverse.

I also love all the Babybones Love, it is so cute! I can't wait when all the Quantum Papyruses meet little Void, they are not ready for this level of cuteness!


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