All The King's Horses And All The King's Men

This song reminded me so much of Error, his Multiverse and a little bit about the new Multiverse! It just screamed at me, making me think of Error throughout the whole song. I just had to put it in and show you all. It is a simple song, but the lyrics hold a lot and tell a story. I also found a song that made me think about Inky and Error, but I will put that one up in the appropriate chapter for it.

I have decided, after thinking long and hard on it, not to make this Everyone X Error. Not to say not everyone will love Error, they will, but just not in a romantic way. They will love and protect him, and at times it may come off as romantic but it will just be extremely platonic, as they are the 'Error Protection Squad!'

Error will be for sure paired up with Death. In all honesty he was my original plan when I started making this and I have never seen this paring done before. I have seen Geno X Error, but never Reaper/Death x Error. 

Sorry for all that wanted Everyone x Error, but I just feel like it would be too much for this story. Not when I also have to concentrate all my other plans, Error's healing, and plots I have for this story along with romance building.

But have no fear, I am actually working on a new story in my free time when I am not working on any of my other stories, and I have three chapters of it done but I haven't published it yet, of a Harem/Everyone X Error fanfic. It is about a very different Error - Non Destroyer - with how he reacts to everything. He is unlike HWHBB Error and Twisted Error, and he reacts differently to the Anti VOID. I wanted to try and test my abilities on that kind of pairing, a harem, so I made a story to have it in it. So that is the main focus of that story, that way I can concentrate on it and see if I can do it.

There are going to be background relationships as well in here, but they will not be the main focus of the story.

I do not own this song, it belongs to it's respectful owner.

As this is now Error X Death, I'm going to give them a moment. But it will take a while for actual romance to bloom, at least for Error.

-Start Chapter-

Error couldn't help but glare at the other skeleton from across the little table. The table was a low square Japaneses sitting table, and one that Error knew he could easily reach across and strangle the other if he was quick enough. The only thing stopping him in the kids cuddled in his criss cross lap, both looking out the open wooden sliding doors in awe. The flowers blooming had caught there attention for now.

After Death had asked Blueberry to carry him into the house, Error had demanded to be put down. When it looked like the one in blue was going to say no, Error was quick to roll out of his hold, making the little finger on his left hand fall off, much to Error's annoyance and Blueberry's horror. Taking off his gloves on the little table, the bone fell out if, making Blueberry scream and the kids gasp.

In fact, Blueberry was still looking at the at little finger on the table in horror.

Huffing in frustration, Error picked up the little finger, placing it back on his hand. While other bones, the bigger ones and more mangled ones, take time to reattach, especially when they are broken off and not cleanly at that, little ones take almost effort on his part. Like his little toe and finger for example, but no bigger then that. Even his pointing finger has to take time before going back, much to Error's annoyance when he wanted to knit or had to fight. But he had gotten into the habit of waiting for his magic to do it on it's own, not by his prompting. It takes less magic when that happens, and for someone who has to kill and fight ever moment needed...Yeah, he had other things to worry about.

Blueberry watched wide eyed when Error put his little finger back in it's place, a light blue mixed with a darker blue wisps of magic swirled around it, then reattached. Flexing, the hand was back to normal.

"ThERe," Error gave a nod in satisfaction, sounding smug. "aS i hAVE bEEn tEllINg yOU aLL, ThEY wILL coME bAcK evENtUAllY."

Taking a closer look at the hand, Blueberry still felt Error needed some healing. The hand looked like it was put through a blender, literally. It was chipped and had scars all over it, Blueberry was shocked that Error could even use it and that it had no holes in it.

"I still think you need some healing." Blueberry stated firmly, leaning on the table now that the bone was gone. "One should not look so....hurt. You have too many chips on your bones to be healthy." But then Blueberry gave a bright smile. "But do not worry! Life will heal you up in no time!"

Error sincerely doubted it. With how much damage his body had taken, and with how he had never really properly healed, it would take years for his body to look as normal as it could. But e decided not to say anything, better not start fight right now when in a AU filled with Gods.

"So, Error." Blueberry got a curious look on his face. "Can you tell me something about your Multiverse? Maybe something that you like to do?" Blueberry thought this was a safer conversation that they could have while they waited.

Error nearly flinched, thinking of when Swap asked him that very same question. But this time, he had a clear mind to answer with. But what to answer with? 'Back before I got to busy maybe? But there are only a few things that I liked doing...Giving the kiddos chocolate, dolls, toys, and puppets was fun. They always looked so bright after that...Then when we all watched Undernovela was fun....God I hope that they don't break like I do...' Error narrowed his eyes in thought. 'And then there is when I went to the Original BittyTale when I could, where little Monsters along with big ones are, before i got to busy as well. Going after hours and just sitting in the play area was nice. It's funny that the Mother Monster never threw me out now that I think about it. All she did was let the bitties out into the play area with me, and then went off to get ready to open up the center. Maybe it's because I never hurt them and left before any humans or workers came? But I am a very different looking Monster, and not a pretty one at that....I don't know...' He could never admit to not being able to hurt his little kiddos or the bitties. The Kiddos were just like him, having the raw end of the deal. Even in his Madness he saw that after a while, making him stop fighting them. -"No, sWInG iT lIKE THIS! iT WiLL cAUSe MORe PAiN." - But someone had to do it, so he tried to help them whenever he could. And the bitties were so tiny, helpless in the ways that mattered. Used as toys and play things, abused too much in the end, like how he is to Fate. It made him want to take them all home with him - well, if he had one that is. But he knew he couldn't, he would just get them more hurt then before. And Inky might try something to them, that or make too many Bitty AU's, forcing him to kill them off.

Blueberry smile fell a notch at Error's concentrating face, trying hard to think of anything to say. 'Does he have hobbies? Any at all?' Blueberry felt determination, he would help this skeleton have fun now that he was in this Multiverse. 'Didn't he mention knitting before?...Oh, now I remember.' Blueberry gulped, thinking about it. 'He said it was hard to knit when he had fewer fingers...' Best not mention that part, Blueberry didn't want to know how Error knew that.

"You said something about knitting before right?" Error jolted out of his thoughts, blinking up at Blueberry. "Do you like knitting?"

"KnITTiNG, CRoChET, sEWinG, ThInGS wITH sTRinGS aND yARN moSTlY." Error nodded, thinking back to all his dolls and puppets he left behind. "i LIkE maKInG pUPpEtS oF aLL tHAT aU saNSeS." It made him feel like he had friends when he was alone in his part of the Anti-VOID.

"Daddy, you can make puppets?!" Null gasped, just thinking of the cute things his Daddy can make. He turned around in Error's lap, starting to tug at the coat. "Can you make me a doll of you?!"

"D'll!" Void called out excitedly, following his older brother's lead. "D-Doooo-ll!"

"vErY gOOd VoID." Error patted Void's hat covered head. The little orange covered Monster squealed in delight, nuzzling the hand. "WhEN i hAvE tHE matERialS I WiLL NUlL." 'Although why you want one of me I will never understand.' Error sighed, patting Null's head to, making him giggle. 'He'll most likely not want it when newer toys or something more interesting comes by.'

Blueberry giggled at the scene in front of him, Error looked like a very tired, but also very doting father to the two. 'It is a shame that the other Multiverse couldn't see this...' Blueberry hid a frown, just thinking about it. 'This Monster has more love then LOVE in him.' Leaning back, Blueberry gave a delighted chuckle. "You must be very creative then-"

"DO NoT sAY ThAT!"

All three skeletons froze at the tone of Error's voice; it was fear. Pure panicked fear, and seeing Error looking around crazed, it was steamed from paranoia after having learned to fear it the hard way. "Error, what is wrong?"

"i Am nOT crEaTIVe! i Am dEsTRuctiVE, i CaN NOt CreATE, oNLY destrOY." Error repeated to himself, like he had lived by it, said it everyday, and that it was beaten in him. And the sad thing is that Blueberry thinks that is what really happened to Error. "DO noT sAY thAT!"

"Okay." Blueberry held up both his hands in surrounded. Now was not the time to change his mind if he could, or argue about it. This wasn't something he could easily change his mind about, that would take time if not years to change something one had lived by. But Blueberry was up for the challenge! "I am very sorry for saying so." Blueberry apologized.

Taking in a deep breath, clinching both babybones close, Error calmed down. Fate was not here to scream at him, he was not in the Anti-VOID nor was Inky here to make sure he knows his place. He was fine, everything was fine. "iT's FINE."

"Blueberry?" A soft voice called from the right side.

Everyone jolted and shifted around to see Life standing in the doorway in the hallway, opposite of the door to the yard. She glanced to Error, saddened at what she had just found out. How can her counterpart not have stepped in? Or at least the other Gods have welcomed him? He is a God, just one of different origins. While she may not fully like Death, she knows he is needed. They have a great professional relationship, even if she hated the fact he had to kill her children. So why did the other side not see that too? 'Is our Multiverse really that different?'

"Yes Lady Life?" Blueberry stood at attention, scarf waving dramatically behind him. The kids looked at it in awe, before glancing to the scarf around Error. 'Can it do the same?' Error just quietly snorted, having seen Swap do the same thing only with a handkerchief. How he made that look so dramatic Error never knew nor asked, at the time he hadn't cared. But now he wonders if magic is involved in it.

"I need you to go get me a few things and tell the others that it is safe to come here." Life gestured for him to follow her. "And I have a few notes for you to give a few, as I may need help. I will know after checking Error of course, but I would like to prepare for the worst." Life glanced once more at Error, pain and shadows in her eyes before turning and leaving.

Blueberry was quick to move after her, making Error miss the grim look in his eyes. "Of course Lady Life." He knew what she meant by worse. If Death couldn't kill off Error, that means he can't die. So the worse for this situation would be Error living in pain for the rest of his life. Another worst case would be Life needing to keep Error here, bringing in the other Toriel's and Asgore's - the healers - and working on him none stop. Blueberry knows that healing can be a painful thing, especially when magic is involved. And he can see Error's magic rejecting their magic. 'I really hope this goes well...'

Scratching his cheek, Error wondered what that was all about before shrugging. A tugging got his attention, making him look down. Null's and Void's pleading faces were looking up at him, making him raise a brow in question. "Can we play in the flowers Daddy?" Null asked, pointing at all the pretty flowers. Void clapped his hands, pout ready. "Da-Daddy~"

Now, Error was sure that Life loved her flowers and wouldn't like kids picking them up and essentially killing them. But she was Life, she could make more flowers easily or bring them back to life if she tried hard enough. And it also could be said that Error didn't care about what she thought, if his kids wanted to play - and it wasn't hurting them and he could watch them - then who was he to say no? "SuRE, lEtS gO."

The kids laughed as he picked them up, walking to outside the sliding door. Walking to the edge of the low porch, he bent down and sat them down in the field. Before he could stand back up, Void tugged his scarf off. Blinking he watched as the little one toddled as fast as he could, long scarf blowing behind him. Null followed after, laughing when Void fell and helping him. Error relaxed at the sound, seeing them having fun. But the feeling of death made him look sharply to the side.

Death was now standing in the yard, only a few feet from him. The flowers under him as he floated wilting and dying. Error glanced to see that his scythe was put up, and Death wasn't reaching for it, so Error made no threatening moves. Instead, he gave a nod in greeting, waiting to see what the robed one wanted. 'Well, it's obviously not me SOUL....If it's the kids then we're going to have issues though.' Error knew if it came down to it, for his babybones, he would fight even Death off.

"Error." Death floated a bit closer, making a trail of dead flowers and grass under him as he went. He stilled, face twisting in a sad frown when he noticed. "Oh...I forgot." Everything died when he touched it, everything. Glancing to the giggling children, his face fell even further. He can't touch another, he couldn't even keep a pet fish if he wanted to! Sighing, he glanced down at his hands, thinking about it. A lot of the others try to stay away from him. Geno especially as he did not want to die, not that Death couldn't blame them. But that reminded him, he wanted to know something. "I...I wanted to ask you something."

Error tilted his head, thinking about it before shrugging. Why not? "ASk ThEN."

"Your Death, he-I can feel his magic on you!" Death quickly got out, deep voice getting slightly deeper in nervousness. "Why would he-" He broke off, trying to see how he can put it.

"WaNT tO KIlL mE?" Error finished. At seeing Death nod, he went on to answer. "ReAPER mOSt likELY hATEd thAT i MADe HIS jOB HarDER." Error glanced up, thinking about how Reaper carved numbers into his arms and legs, trying to put how many he has killed so that he wouldn't forget anytime soon. "He HAtES hIS JOB lAsT i CHECKEd, SO hE wAnTED mE dEaD sO ThaT i WOuLD sTOp KIlLiNG oTHERs."

"I don't understand." Death stated, face still set in it's sad state. 'Why get rid of something you can touch, and it would live afterwords?' Then it hit him, maybe he was wrong. Maybe Death couldn't touch Error and he would live to tell the tale. Death floated closer, just a few inches, lifting his hand slightly, before stopping once again 'Of course I can't touch him, I'm death. I'm not meant to touch another living being...' Doubts swirled in his mind, making him forget the logic right in front of him.

'What does he want?' Error frowned, seeing Death's hand just up in the air slightly toward him. And his face looked sadder and sadder by the second, honestly Error had no idea what to do. He was used to Reaper - the one who cracked jokes about his job and about being a grim reaper. He has never once seen Reaper sad, only angry and amused. He looked to the hand, then back up to the other's face. 'Is there something I'm missing here?....Is it a...' Suddenly a thought hit him. 'Oh, I see!'

At first, Death had no idea what was going on. But then he realized something is touching his hand. Jolting and twitching violently to jerk away, only for whatever was around his hand to tighten. opening his sockets, he glanced down to see a black hand tipped with red and yellow holding his hand. Following the arm all the way up, he soon was looking down slightly to Error's face.

'He's not dead.' Death's SOUL started beating wildly. 'He's not dust!' Trembling, Death slowly lifted his free hand. Not looking away from Error, he lightly cupped the others cheek. 'I can touch him...I can't kill him!' Why would Reaper want to get rid of such a treasure? To break the one he can touch without death following soon after? He lightly rubbed the chips and marks on the tear marked cheek, seeing a broken Monster in front of him. 'Broken into little bits, shattered.' Death's trembling worsened the longer he touched the other, almost not believing it.

Error didn't understand what was going on, he thought it was supposed to be a handshake. But maybe he was wrong, it's not like he ever shook hands with another in greeting. He wanted to say something, but the look of awe on the other's face stilled his tongue. With Death floating it made him taller then Error, so Error was stuck starring up at him as he lightly rubbed his cheek. 'Maybe I'm missing something here. Or maybe it is a Multiverse thing? Something different here then mine?' Error tried to think on what he did, or what he may have missed. He came up with a blank.

"They broke you." Error shifted, starring up into Death's dark sockets. While Error had no idea what was going on, he would not be crowned. The God of Destruction and the God of Death stared each other down before Error decided to answer. "yEs, ThEy DiD."

"We'll heal you." That wasn't a question, nor a demand. Death stated it as a fact, like it will happen no matter what. And to Death, that was a fact. He would get Error healed up even if he had to get every healer from every AU here to do it.

But to Error, they were just empty words.

"HEh, i'M bEyoNd BroKEn. I'M shaTTEred." Error admitted, giving the other a broken smirk. He knew he couldn't ever really be fully be healed. Some marks - most of them - will never leave him. "nO OnE cAn pUt mE bAcK tOgEtHER agAIN, I nEvER waS fULLy pUT toGEthER tO bEGiN WiTH."

"That doesn't matter." Death's tightened the hold on the darker one's hand. His SOUL raced, thinking about that other Multiverse, it made him wonder if the other reaper could withstand Death's scythe. "If no one can do it, then I will help you pick up the pieces." Error's sockets widened in shock, moving away from the hand on his cheek, but Death was not having it. Death pulled the other, making him glitch out slightly. Death's SOUL beating wildly in his chest. "I will put you back together." Death never looked away from Error's multicolored eyes. "I promise you this."

Error was in shock, no one had even made a promise to him. Especially not a promise to help him get better. But here was Death - A counterpart to the one who has tried to kill him too many times to count, in fact Error stop keeping count after one hundred. -  making him a impossible promise. 'The other Sanses should really learn by now,' Error chuckled, a broken sound muffled by the childish screaming and laughter not to far from them. 'to not make promises they can't keep.' "YOu shOUlDn'T mAkE ProMISeS You wON't bE aBLE To KEEp."

Death watched numbly as Error shook off his hands, going off to where his kids were playing. Death blankly looked down at his hands, trying to remember the feel of the other's bones and memorize it. Slowly hands closed into fists, Death's mouth slowly going into a small smile. "I promise." He chuckled, glancing up to see Error now sitting down in the field, covered in flowers. Null was plucking flowers for them, Error showing him how to make a flower crown. Void was grabbing random flowers, shoving the into Error's face to smell. Clapping in delight when he did so, dropping the flower and going for a new one. The red scarf laid across Error's lap, also covered in grass and flower petals. "I promise you Error, and I don't make promises lightly. They are a deathly matter and not to make for fun."

-Inside The House-

Geno and Killer both glanced to one another, having heard the whole thing outside.

When Blueberry had told the others that they can start going over, Geno and Killer we're the first to go as the others still had to talk to their brothers. And as the two without brothers, they decided to just go.

Killer raised a brow at what he had heard. It was rare for Death to get involved in anything. The skeleton was usually to standoffish, brooding and sulking away from the group. He was like a lone wolf, but one that could kill with a touch. Killer knew it was fear that was driving him, fear of accidentally dusting one of them, so he couldn't blame him really. 'But now...' Killer smirked, amused. 'What will Mr Gloom and Doom do now that there is someone who won't die at his touch?'

This would be very amusing to Killer, but Death had better keep his promise. He had never tried to stab the entity and God of Death before, but he wouldn't hesitate to do so if Error shattered even more because of him. It was like seeing the Demon kill all his friends and family all over again, what made him snap only this time the Monster can't die no matter how much the demons try to off him. So Death had better watch out, or Killer will become the death of Death. And he had a feeling all the others would join him gleefully.

Geno had in fact, never went down for breakfast. He knew a confrontation was going to happen, and knew he couldn't watch Error brake down again. But that didn't mean he couldn't hear what was going on, but it was better then seeing it. Hearing Error scream out that he was meant to die was enough for him, Geno did not need to see more to know that Error needed help and badly at that. So he stayed away, his little piece of his SOUL not able to take it.

But after hearing that Error is finally getting healing that he needs, Geno came out of his room above the kitchen to come too. He needed to hear what is going to be done. What is going to happen to Error, and help with anything he can. But after Life had pointed to where Error was, they were just about to walk out - only to quickly back away on their tip toes at seeing Error grab onto Death's hand out in the yard, not too far from the porch. Both stayed by the door, listening in just in case if Death's magic did something or if Error broke down again.

But instead, Geno heard quite the promise. In fact if he didn't know better-Geno's eyes widened, a smirk forming on his face.

Killer glanced down at the other skeleton, raiding a brow at the very delighted, but amused expression the other had. Feeling the stare, Geno looked the other in the eye and could only say one thing - making Killer choke in laughter and shock.

"I ship it so hard."

-End Chapter-

Geno can go to different AU's and out of the SAVE screen when he wants to, but most of the times doesn't feel up to it. As this Multiverse is stable, it can handle Geno doing so. Genocide on the other hand can not, or at least not without some very powerful magic and help.

Geno did not show up for the other chapters because he was hiding out in his room, listening in but not wanting to see how broken Error is. But he knew he would have to get over this and help out Error in any way he can, so he comes out to go to Life's to see if he can be of any help.

Error and Death had their first moment, not that they realize that. It is going to take a while, but eventually they will get there. And don't worry, Error will still have time with the others, it just won't lead to romance like Death's will.

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