Mr. Erratum - Part 4
I now have a Patreon and KoFi set up! Someone had asked if I had one so that they could show support, so I made those for who want to show support that way. I don't mind if you do that or even if you just make fanart or do nothing but read my stories and leave likes. I'm just happy that others are enjoying my works. I honestly at first thought I would be terrible at this, so it makes my day that anyone wants to show support or even says that they love my stories so much. It's the readers that make this so enjoyable and fun to do, so thanks for that and any and all support you guys show.
I do not own this video or song, it belongs to it's respectful owner. This song fits so well with Erratum(Error) no matter where he is. And I can't help but think of the 'Valley of Dolls' as the Anti-VOID or even his home now because of Erratum having all those dolls strung up and around him. It also fits with his kids too now that I think about it.
Multiverse/World - Nerd and Jock.
Pairing - Erratum/Nightmare, Nightmare/Erratum
When - Error and his kids land in NAJ before the school year officially starts. So with them being there it changes quite a few things and causes a stir in the school.
Error, Null, and Void lands into a world where kids fight more with their fists then magic, Monsters are above ground and were never were trapped in the Underground behind a barrier, Gaster Blasters do not exist along with a lot of fighting magic, and all the Monsters Error can remember seem to be students and teachers along with others he has never seen before. Then if that wasn't strange enough, Error somehow gets roped into being a teacher of all things. Now he has to deal with all this school/romance drama he in no way ever wanted to deal with. Hell, he never even went to school!....That he remembers anyway. So why do these people think it is a good idea to put him in charge of a class?!
Destiny save him from hormonal teenagers and love struck teachers.
-I couldn't help but work on the next chapter for 'Mr. Erratum' after the last one. This story was all I could think about after the last chapter. Best not fight the creative juices and work with them, makes for a better chapter. Lets see if I can beat my word count record, maybe I'll hit 30,000 this time? If I think on it this way, then I won't pay attention until I finish, then I can freak out over how much I wrote and how many pages it filled up at the end. On the other hand, I'm happy that so many of you like long chapters. Makes me feel so much less guilty of making them so long.
NAJ!Swap!Sans is going to be called Blue from now on. Makes it less confusing for everyone and helps keep track of who is who. Swap is OM!Swap!Sans and Blue is his NAJ counterpart.
Also, more of my headcannons for Monster Kind is going to be in here. It is in no way cannon, just stuff that I thought up and makes sense in a realistic way. Or as realistic as it can get with magical skeleton Monsters that can bend reality itself.
-Chapter Start-
After a week of teaching at the school, Erratum didn't know how to feel about it really. All he knew for sure was that students and staff alike were weird. His students are the best of course - how couldn't they be when they are his? - but that still doesn't change the fact that they make no sense to him at times....Most of the times.
But Erratum thinks his class is going fine all-in-all. The first week was covering safety and how to use everything properly. Simple things that even Erratum knew about without reading about it. The kids were great with listening to him so he must have done a good job right? At the very least Erratum didn't fuck up as bad as he thought he would at teaching.
In all honesty, it was like when he was teaching the Charas and he liked to think he taught them well enough to get by in life.
-"okAY kIDS, thIS IS a SewING NEEdlE. A bAsiC oNE At lEaST. lIKE whAT yoU sEE uSUalLY WHen YoU thINk oF SewINg NEEdlES. SewINg NEEdlES COmE iN a lOT oF siZES anD FOR a TOn oF diFFeREnt FabRICs, SomE hAViNG cuRvES, pOINtEd ENDS, AnD sOME ArE madE fOR DiffEReNt mAchiNES. DIFFERenT nEEdlES foR EmbrOIdery, StiTChiNG, AnD so MUCh moRE As WeLL. ThErE aRE a tON oF nEEdlES thAT oNE caN USe FOr DiffEREnt THinGs IN SEWinG." Mr. Erratum explained from the front of his class right by his desk, holding up a small sewing needle. His desk covered with other equipment that they were supposed to cover by the end of class or at the least most of it. "ThINk oF iT lIKE a smALL knIFe...YEaH, tHAT WORkS. lIKE doLL SIzED KNIVES. iF yOUR NOt CarEFUl yOU cOULD huRT oR EVEn kILL somEONE WItH thEM."
PJ had to blink at that, looking doubtlessly at the sewing needle in Mr. Erratum's hands. He couldn't see how such a tiny needle could do so much damage. Sharing a glance with Undyne, he saw that she couldn't see it too. They weren't going to say anything about it though, but it seems like other teens couldn't help themselves.
Horror's hand shot up from where he sat at the table right by his and Undyne's so fast that PJ thought he had been electrocuted. It didn't take a genius to see where this was going. So when Mr. Erratum paused and asked Horror what he wanted, PJ closed his eyes briefly before opening them up, actually wondering how Mr. Erratum was going to answer, but also kind of not wanting him to answer.
"How can you kill someone with such a small needle?" Horror scoffed gruffly, eyes narrowing at the needle in Mr. Erratum's hand as if it offended him. "There's no way that such a small thing could do someone in."
It showed and said a lot that Mr. Erratum didn't even skip a beat at answering the rather morbid question with a straight and serious face.
"iF It iS a humAN oR a mONstER WiTH a pHySicaL bRaIN, iT iS EaSY." Mr. Erratum started to explain to PJ's horrified awe. "THe bRaIN iS riGHt bEHiNd THe EyES, AnD yoU caN't RestARt a brAIn liKE yOU caN WitH A hEaRT oR SOUL. At tHE mOST yoU DiE, tHE lEaST iS bEinG lEft bRaIN DEaD AnD oR looSinG a EYE." Mr. Erratum then showed them the movement of the whole thing. Twirling the needle before jabbing it in a certain manner at a angle, moving like he was stabbing/jabbing someone. "YoU hAvE tO hAvE thE RIgHT momEnTuM AnD fORcE, bUt iT IS pOSSiblE tO kiLL somEoNE thROuGH thE EYe. RemEMbER, iT IS juST aS EaSY tO kILL SOmEONE thROuGH thIS WaY as tHROuGh tHE SOUL. SOmEtIMEs EasiER. SOULS cAn CraCK, blEED, EvEn bREak oFF a bIT, BUt lIVe thROUgh bEinG stabBED hARShLY. thE braIN? noT so MUCH." The teacher then pointed to himself. "nOW mONstERs lIKE skELEtONs, mOnSTERs WIthOUt a pHySicaL bRaIN oR OrgANS - AS We ArE mOStlY mAdE UP oF mAGiC WItH vERy liTTle pHySicAL mASS miXinG iN, So EvERyTHinG comEs fROm oUR SOULS - ARE haRDER tO kILL oFF WItH A nEEdlE, bUt StiLL poSSiblE. iF yOUr noT stRonG enoUGh tO pUnch ThroUGh bONEs, yOU couLD DiVE doWN AnD thEn jUmp uP, StabBinG uP aND AroUNd oR uP unDeR thE RibS tO gET tO tHE SOUL." Mr. Erratum sighed, rubbing the back of his skull with his free hand. "oF COuRSe thIS woUld BE muCh EaSiEr WiTH A ActUAl KniFe, EvEn a bUtTER KNiFE. bEttER tO StAB hErE-" The tall teacher tapped near his eye socket where a nasty crack was. "aND bLinD thE pErsON IF yOU ONlY hAVe a SewINg NEEdlE tO USe iF yOU ArE gOINg uP againSt tHE moRE magICAl moNStERS. THAt WaY iT'S eaSIER aLL thE waY AroUND. pResSuRE pOINtS, EvEN mAGiCaL SkElEtoNS hAVE a VERsION oF thEm."
PJ will never look at a sewing needle the same way ever again. Glancing around, he knew that the rest of the class felt the same way. Even Horror was looking at the needle in a new light, though he did look a bit sparkly eyed at Mr. Erratum too.
A shaking hand went up in the front went up, and leaning over a bit, PJ saw that it was Blue who was sitting next to Killer in the very front that was by the teacher's desk.
"yES?" Mr. Erratum looked down at Blue, brows raised in question.
Blue coughed as he slowly put down his hand. "Y-You sound like this has happened before Mr. Erratum....Like you've seen it or...That it's been done to..." Blue left the sentence hang off, looking up at the teacher in sadness and shock.
'Oh!' PJ leaned forward, determined and grim as he listened close. He knew what Blue was doing. Digging for information about Mr. Erratum. Proof and another layer to add to the list of what was going on with Mr. Erratum - of how to help him. How the teachers are ignoring this he will never know. It hurts all the more that one of said teachers is his Dad.
What PJ didn't expect was the twisted, grim and broken grin that worked it's way up his teacher's face, his eyes seemed like they were screaming in agony as the clouded over. Memories that must be over taking him.
"kIDS, SomEtiMES thE besT kIND of REvEngE, oF gETtINg EVEN, tO tHOse thAT huRt yOU iSN't huRtINg tHEM bAcK." Mr. Erratum chuckled lowly as he looked to the needle in his hand with a grim gleam in his eyes. "iT SuRviVinG. SuRvIVInG WhATevER thEY thROW aT yOU, To kEEp gEttINg bAkc uP WhEN thEY tRy tO DOWn yOU. tO kEEp WalkINg WHNE thEY bREaK yoUR leGS. To kEEP lIVinG WHnE thEY WanT yoU dEaD, tO kEEP on bREatHinG, WHEn tHEY tRY tO kiLL yOU." Mr. Erratum twirled the needle in his hand, eyes looking out to all of them. "thE FAceS thEY'LL mAKe." The teacher laughed suddenly, leaving the rest of it hanging before he went back to normal, face set back into a neutral line and eyes sharp but no longer clouded or grim. "NOW, DOeS tHAT ansWER yOuR QuEsTIOn? yEs? GOoD. noW, hoW to HAndlE thE neEDlE-"
Looking at the small sewing needle, PJ now knew for sure that he would see it as a small knife for the rest of his life. A dangerous weapon that would need to be handled carefully and not recklessly. The teen taking the warnings close to his SOUL about what seemed to be a close to harmless needle.
Because when he looks at the little needle, all he can see Mr. Erratum being stabbed by someone, someone trying to make him fall only for his teacher get back up. To spit back in the faces of his abusers in the only way that he can, surviving the abuse thrown at him because he couldn't get away from it all.
When the class were given each their own little needle to see and hold, all PJ could see was Mr. Erratum's grim face. With a dry gulp, PJ dropped the needle fast and in a hurry when he looked down at it, making Undyne look at him in worry.
Blood. PJ held back a cry. All he can see is blood on the needle, Mr. Erratum's blood.
But, PJ steeled himself. Picking up the needle, the teen paid close attention to what his teacher was saying. Holding the needle with more respect then what he would have done before. He must be brave for his teacher.
Because if PJ saw all that when he looked at the needle, then what did Mr. Erratum see? What did the one who was hurt by the very thing he holds see? Did he see his pain? The memories of what had happened? Mr. Erratum was a strong Monster then if he could teach the class about this if this was the case.
Still didn't change the fact that PJ wanted to use his new found knowledge about murdering someone with a sewing needle on the ones who thought it was okay to even think about doing it to his teacher.
'Surviving...' PJ sighed, looking down at the clean needle in his hands, knowing that the blood spots on it was all in his head. 'How long have you survived Mr. Erratum? Are you still surviving? Have you ever lived?'
The small sewing needle in his hand didn't answer his questions. It stayed cold and silent.
Just like death.-
Then again, some of Erratum's students were acting off to him. It felt like they were planning something and he had no idea what they were planning. It made his paranoia shoot through the roof at times, but he held himself back. They did weird and strange things that Erratum can't understand why they are doing any of it.
On the plus side, Erratum now knows how to make eggs and toast. Null and Void had seen on the TV of a parent making food for their kids. So they had asked him in a very shy manner if he could do that. He wanted to, he really did, but he had no idea how to make anything. And he wanted to make it all on his own for his kids, like how the TV showed it, so asking Granny for help was out as she would be doing most of the cooking in the end.
Then Erratum found out that there was a Food Tech class in school.
It took a bit, but soon the young teacher taught Erratum how to make eggs and toast. Sure the toast was a bit burnt and the eggs over done, but his kids loved them. So it was a plus in the week as a whole.
Even if for some reason his students kept giving him food for whatever reason. Erratum is for sure he is missing something, but he knew he would never understand normal Monsters let alone teenagers so he left it alone until it either gets out of hand or dangerous.
-Papyrus blinked in confusion when he spotted a confused Mr. Erratum muttering to himself in the middle of the hallway. It was time for Lunch B and he was on his way to his next class, but after seeing his teacher so confused, he couldn't help but stop to see if everything was okay.
Especially because it was Mr. Erratum looking so confused.
"Mr. Erratum?" Papyrus asked softly once he was close enough. Mr. Erratum blinked before turning and looking down at him, tugging at his scarf. "Are you okay? Do you need any help with anything?"
"hELP? We'LL, i SuppOSE SO....BUT yOU hAVE clASS." Mr. Erratum muttered aloud before speaking up the last part, making Papyrus straightened as his teacher was actually asking for help from him.
From him. Papyrus. There is no way he is going to mess this up, not to someone who would help him if he needed it. So there was no way that he was going to let this go. He could be a little late to his next class, it's only the first week after all. They should be lenient.
"It's fine Mr. Erratum, i don't mind being late." Papyrus beamed up at the teacher, making said teacher twitch a little. "Besides, Food Tech is just down the hall-"
"fOOD TEcH?" Mr. Erratum cut in, focusing straight at Papyrus, making the teen blink at the sudden attention. "WhERe YoU lEaRn hOW To mAKe FoOD?"
"Y-Yes, that's what the class is for?" Papyrus asked more then stated, but couldn't help but grin when Mr. Erratum's face lit up with a bright grin, making him look years younger. It was all the better that he helped put that look on his face. It was like a achievement or a gift to see the usually so grim and serious, if not confused, teacher smile or grin. Usually he just smirks or frowns.
"i nEEd tO TAlk tO tHE fOOD tEcH tEacHER bUt i DOn't KNoW whERE thEIR clASSrOOm iS, cAN i WaLK yOU tO clASS?" Mr. Erratum looked down at the him expectantly, making him laugh lightly. Like he was going to say no to Mr. Erratum.
"Of course you can Mr. Erratum!" With a beaming smile, Papyrus started walking down the hall with the taller teacher following close behind. "You were actually very close! Food Tech is just down the hallway on the left." He pointed to a door with a young teacher in chief's uniform that had clouds floating around him. "See? That's Mr. Cloud, our teacher for the class."
"thANk yOU pAPyRuS." Mr. Erratum thanked him before walking up to Mr. Cloud, gaining the other teacher's attention. It was weird, but Mr. Erratum seemed to relax a bit once he got a better look at Mr. Cloud's face. "CloUD?"
Papyrus knew it was wrong to listen in, but couldn't help himself. So he went into the classroom, only to stay by the door to listen in, peeking around so that he could see them clearly. Other students in the classroom also coming close to listen in once they saw who was outside the classroom talking to Mr. Cloud. He wondered why Mr. Erratum need to talk to the cooking teacher. Why the sewing teacher would need to. He hoped nothing was wrong.
"Oh?" Mr. Cloud turned with a blink, looking up at Mr. Erratum as he only came to his middle chest. "You're the new sewing teacher right? Erratum Miscalculation?"
"yES, cALL mE ERRatUM." Erratum gave a nod in greeting before going on. "yoU'RE tHE fOOD TEachER? mEaninG yoU knOW hOW tO COOk?"
"We'll, I'd hope so." Mr. Cloud have a small smile and laugh, clouds lazily floating around him. "But in all honesty, yes, I know how to cook." Tilting his head, Mr. Cloud look up at the other teacher in curiosity. "Why? Do you need something?"
"i NEEd tO asK yOU a QuEstION." Mr. Erratum's face turned grave and serious, like he was about to go to war. This made Papyrus and all the other students gulp and Mr. Cloud straightened at the look. "iT'S vERy IMPoRtaNT tHAT i KNOW. i CaN NOT FaIL."
"....Okay then, what is it?" Mr. Cloud gulped, seeming to try to stand even straighter as Mr. Erratum leaned forward a bit. "I'll help in any way I can."
"i nEED yOU tO TElL mE...." Mr. Erratum eyes narrowed, looking all the more grim. "...hoW tO mAKe EgGS anD tOAsT."
Papyrus nearly fell over in shock, students behind him choked or even laughed, and Mr. Cloud's mouth dropped and his eyes widened. "....What?"
"i NEEd tO KNOW hOW TO mAke EgGS anD tOAST." M. Erratum repeated, face still serious. "i DOn't kNOW a ThINg abOuT CoOKinG, i'VE NEvER coOKEd a DaY iN mY lIFe!"
Mr. Cloud sighed, rubbing his eyes. "Then how have you survived this long? Instant meals?"
"hoW i'VE SuRviVED?" Mr. Erratum hummed before replaying. "i DOn't ReaLLy EAT....bUT i RemEmbER tAkiNg soME ChoCoLAtE AnD somEONE onCe gIVinG mE a...TaCO i tHINk iT WaS caLLED?" Mr. Erratum's eyes narrowed in thought, not paying attention to the now confused and slightly horrified people around him. "i CaN't RemEmBER ReALLy, tHAt WAs yEaRS aGO."
"Taking? You stole chocolate?" Mr. Cloud choked out, looking like he didn't know what to say or where to start. "Didn't your parents feed you growing up?!"
"whY WOuLD tHEY?" Mr. Erratum asked back in confusion before shrugging at Mr. Cloud's stunned face. "bEsiDES, i DiDn't hAVe anY mONEy So i COulDN't bUy anyTHinG. BuT don'T WoRRy. ONcE iT wAS foUND oUt tHAT i WaS takINg oThErS chOcoLATe foR mY oWN, thE bEaTinG i goT FOr iT WaS enoUGh For mE tO StOP DOinG iT." Mr. Erratum told the cooking teacher factually, like his stealing was the issue and not about him not eating, his parents not feeding him, getting beat down very badly for taking chocolate, and the fact that he doesn't see anything wrong with anything that he is saying.
"W-What about the taco that was given to you, didn't you eat that?" Mr. Cloud sputtered, his clouds turning darker and darker, swirling about more harshly.
"SURE i DiD!" Me. Erratum looked insulted, like there wouldn't have been any other option but to take the food. And for all Papyrus knew, there really wasn't any other option.
Mr. Erratum eyes grew fond even as his frown stayed in place. "soMEoNE i'M....WaS foNd oF MAdE iT FOR mE." The sewing teacher snorted, eyes going distant. "hE WaS....mINe. NoT lIKE a SLavE oR anYThiNG lIKE tHAT, bIt lIKE hOW tHE stUDenTS aRE MINe."
Mr. Cloud looked up at Mr. Erratum, clouds around him slowly calming down. Even if it was obvious he still was angered. "You two sound close then, I've heard some students rave about you. Why the was though? Couldn't you go ask him to teach you how to cook or even cook for you? If not now then in the past?"
The glitching teacher shook his head as if getting rid of the memories. "SaDLy hIs bROtHEr WanTEd mE dEAd AND thOUghT i WaS mUCh tOO DanGEroUS To HANg oUT WITH hIM. i agREEd wiTh HIM, sO i StaYEd AwAY." Mr. Erratum shrugged while Mr. Clouds face went cold. "bEsiDEs, iF anYonE oF mINe mAdE mE somEthINg, i WOulD taKE it." Mr. Erratum pointed out, rubbing his tear marks. "iF thEY mAdE SOmetHINg foR mE, thEN i WIlL takE thE tiME foR iT no mAttEr whAT iT iS." Mr. Erratum chucked, as if someone making him something was a nice joke.
"You don't get a lot of gifts do you?" Mr. Cloud asked rhetorically, obviously trying to make the situation more light. "Makes me wonder what your first gift ever was."
Sadly all the students are learning the hard way that Mr. Erratum doesn't understand a lot of social interaction and ques; Rhetorical questions being one of them.
"giFT? SOmetHINg ThAt WaS giVEN tO mE JUSt sO tHAT iT coULD bE giVEN? nOt a WelCOmINg, WOrRy, oR pAInfUL giFT?" Mr. Erratum asked aloud as he tilted his head in thought. The cooking teacher was mouthing 'Painful gift?!' making Mr. Erratum go on to explain what he meant, taking Mr. Cloud's expression as confusion. "tHE tAcO doEsn'T coUNt tHEN, As iT WaS moRE oF a 'PLEaSe EaT thIS sO yoU DOn'T DiE!' ThINg, NOt tHAT i WOulD'VE DiEd." The taller teacher snorted at the very thought before going on. "i GoT cOOKiEs As A WelCOmE giFT WhEN i mOvED......AnD a lOT oF pEOplE hAvE sAID 'hErE's a GifT', 'hOPe yOU lIKEd yOUR gIfT', anD 'thIS iS fROM mE tO YoU' bEofRE, afTER anD duRinG huRtiNG mE SO nonE of THoSe REaLLy couNT yOU SeE." Mr. Erratum's face lit up suddenly, smile growing on his face. "i gOt mY fiRst giFt AfTER tHE fiRSt DaY oF schOOl! mORe tHEN oNE giFt EvEN." Mr. Erratum looked so happy right then, but Papyrus was too busy wondering what kind of gift it was if his teacher counts getting hurt as a type of gift.
There was silence. Mr. Erratum was just looking down at Mr. Cloud waiting for him to talk back or say something while Mr. Cloud looked up at Mr. Erratum like he has never seen him before. Ir was only when the bell rang did everyone but Mr. Erratum jolt into the present.
"....I have a free period next, I know you do as well as it is C Lunch." Mr. Cloud cleared his throat, looking away from Mr. Erratum. It burned at Papyrus that his cooking teacher would look away. It was like Mr. Cloud was doing the 'if I can't see it, it isn't there' to Mr. Erratum's abuse. To all the signs that Mr. Erratum is hurt and needs help, the Mr. Erratum is no longer screaming for help because it has gone unanswered for so long. "Come by next class time and I'll show you how to make eggs and toast."
"thANKS." Mr. Erratum nodded in thanks before turning around, making all the students duck away back into the classroom. Papyrus could hear Mr. Erratum's glitched chuckle as he walked by the door. Hiding a smile as he went back to his seat, the teen realized that his sewing teacher knew the whole time that the students were listening in, and gave no cares of they did so.
During the whole class, Papyrus thought back to what Mr. Erratum said. How little he was eating and just doesn't care about it at all. It was like the teacher thought of eating as a choice, a chore really by how he described it. Like it was a waste of time, that he had other things to do besides eat.
Then, something Mr. Erratum said hit Papyrus.
"bEsiDEs, iF anYonE oF mINe mAdE mE somEthINg, i WOulD taKE it. iF thEY mAdE SOmetHINg foR mE, thEN i WIlL takE thE tiME foR iT no mAttEr whAT iT iS."
Mr. Erratum admitted that whoever gave him that taco was his, just like how he saw his students as his. Meaning, that if Papyrus was to give something to Mr. Erratum, the sewing teacher would take it and even eat it if it was food.
Needless to say that as soon as Papyrus was able to, he hit the library and computers for food that was suitable for Mr. Erratum to eat. It took his older brother, Sans, coming into the school library at the end of the day to drag him out when Mr. Goth couldn't. For the first time ever, Papyrus kept his mouth shut on what he planned from his brother.
When Mr. Cloud looked away from Mr. Erratum, it truly hit him on what PJ and Fresh was telling them about the teachers noticing and not doing anything. For the first time, Papyrus couldn't trust his brother with something or someone. Mr. Erratum deserved to get help, to get better. If the teachers will not do anything - even if it included his own brother - then he would. He would keep his mouth shut and watch the other teachers for any sudden movements while he tries his hardest to help Mr. Erratum.
So, that next morning just before class started, Papyrus gave a small plastic tub of plain broth that he made at home under his brother's watch while ignoring and deflecting all questions from said brother.
"thIS iS...WHAT?" Mr. Erratum questioned, looking the small tub up and down as he gently took it from his hands, not paying any mind to the other students watching them.
"This is some soup I made for you Mr. Erratum!" Papyrus grinned brightly up to the very confused teacher. "I noticed you never bring any lunch, so I went ahead and made you some to enjoy! You can keep the tub too, I bought a whole bunch of them yesterday. So you can eat all of it anytime if you can't finish it at lunch."
"yOU....MaDE tHIS foR ME? YOU WanT mE tO EaT tHIS? AlL oF iT DuRInG luNCH?" Mr. Erratum asked slowly, sounding like he had no idea what was going on anymore. The teen nodded brightly, making Mr. Erratum look less confused. "OkaY tHEN.....bECuaSE yOU'RE asKINg anD giVInG iT tO mE, i'LL EaT iT fOR yOU."
Papyrus glanced to his classmates, who looked like they wanted to ask so many questions on to how and why Papyrus is doing this. He had been too busy yesterday to spread the word or even text his friends what was going on.
So after class, Papyrus spread the word of what he saw and heard along with other students in Mr. Cloud's class. Making sure no teachers saw them, the students made a chart for volunteers to make food for Mr. Erratum while the nerds research what was fine and safe for the teacher to eat. But they had to do this slow and carefully, not wanting others to get suspicious. So only a few times a week they planned to give Mr. Erratum food, slowly working their way to everyday besides the weekend. While they would love nothing more to give Mr. Erratum piles of food now they knew that the teacher would eat for sure as long as his students - or those he saw as his - were the ones giving him food, they couldn't because they didn't want to tip the other teachers off. What if they tried to stop them for whatever reason? Like saying it was improper to give a teacher food unless it was a holiday or something?
No one could see what the teachers were thinking. All they knew was that they weren't helping Mr. Erratum. So they would do what they could without tipping them off. Too much was at stake here to go to the adults when said adults are doing nothing or being willingly blind to what is going on.
Meanwhile, while the students were busy, during Lunch A Mr. Erratum drank all the soup.
Then took a huge bite out of the plastic container, eating all of it just as he said he would.-
And it wasn't just the students Erratum had to deal with, there were also teachers.
Most teachers, Erratum could get away with not talking to. Not close enough to his class, no reason to talk to them, ect. But some seemed to like hunting him down and others Erratum just ran into at the time.
For example; During the whole week, Erratum had to deal with Nightmare at his heels for more information on the past.
This Nightmare seemed to share Mare's persistence if nothing else, always hunting him down and asking questions or wanting something. But in a way, he liked this Nightmare a little better as this one can't poison him without going to jail for it. Although that doesn't stop him from missing Mare and his poison attempts from time to time. It was a fun bonding experience if not helpful, he is now immune to most if not all poisons because of Mare.
In any case, in the middle of the first week, Nightmare had finally cornered him in his classroom. And while jumping out the window was a option, he didn't see the point. Nightmare was only asking for a history lesson on the past, it wasn't like he was asking for him to join his army to help take over the whole Multiverse like Mare usually asked for.
So Erratum told him about how skeleton Monsters used to communicate back before they had developed and evolved into what they were today. Much like humans, Monsters too evolved. A lot of myths and horror stories came from propaganda from the War - in most AU's - but some were based on how they used to look and act. All AU's are based off the Original, and life doesn't start at the war, it started even before Monster and Humans even knew about each other. Little differences may be sprinkled about in different AU's - more violent in some, others more affectionate - but fundamentally the same.
So Erratum told Nightmare about skeleton Monsters before they got lips, tongues, and could talk like a human does. How they showed affection and just have fun. He even told him about how skeleton Monster's language developed throughout the years. How Monsters still have their own language, multiple if you want to get technical, but it was lost to time eventually as more and more Monsters adopted the human language as their own. How even humans have taken Monster language and taken it as their own, claiming it was their own from the start.
Many Monster types have different traditions, life styles, and languages and doing things. Erratum knew most about Skeleton Monsters because he actively researched this during his free time. He stole books, watched AU's before they fully developed, and watched documentaries from other AU's that had information on it. Erratum had no past to speak of, not one that he remembers anyway.
Learning and knowing about how his kind was before was like knowing his past, where he came from. It made him feel less hollow knowing about his kin and how they used to do things, it made him feel like he had a past, that his wasn't lost to Fate.
So he didn't mind sharing it with Nightmare. Erratum felt that everyone should know where they came from, even if they hated it and never thought about it again. Everyone should at least have the chance to know their past. And this was the only kind of past that Erratum knew, so this was his whole past, his life that many take for granted.
So, Erratum had fun talking to Nightmare. It was nice even if Nightmare kept acting so weird to Erratum.
But then again, Erratum is used to Mare. So it should be a given that Nightmare would act different. He isn't Mare after all.
- "Erratum, I've finally found you!" Nightmare couldn't help but grin when he finally caught the taller skeleton alone in the sewing classroom. The school day has finally ended and his kids were busy doing their homework in his classroom while they waited for him to done with his work, meaning that there shouldn't be any interruptions while Nightmare hounds Erratum for history facts.
He couldn't help but smirk when he saw Erratum slump, knowing that he has worn the other out. Erratum sighed, waving him in. Nightmare chuckled gleefully under his breath as he shut the door as he walked in.
Walking to Erratum, who was by the teacher desk, Nightmare stood in front of him with a smirk. Erratum looked him up and down before sighing once more. "WhAT Do YOu WanT NIgHTmArE?" The taller teacher asked as if he didn't already know, making Nightmare's smirk grow.
"I just want to know more about the past Erratum." He stated clearly, straightening when Erratum focused fully on him. "Anything at all you know that isn't common knowledge." He further explained once he saw Erratum's confused face.
Seeing that Erratum was thinking, the glitching teacher's face was scrunched up and eyes distant, he kept quiet and looked around the classroom, only looking back when Erratum finally spoke up.
"....i DOn'T ReALLy kNOW whAT iS comMOn KNoWlEDGe abOUt THE pAsT." Erratum finally said, frowning as he looked down at him. "Do yOU knOW AboUt hOW skELetoN monStER uSeD tO coMMunICatE? abOUt BEfoRE We WeRE thiS evolVeD anD dEvEloPeD? OUR lANgUAgEs thROuGHt tHE yEaRS? oUR lAngyAgE noW?" Erratum asked him, making his SOUL beat a little faster at such knowledge.
"No." Nightmare shook a little in excitement, wanting nothing more for Erratum to tell him all the secrets in the world. For some reason, it seems like this new teacher held the answer to so much that was never known or thought of. "Not much before is known before Monsters and Humans started living together in peace, or as much peace as can be said during those times." He shook his head in wonder. "I never even knew that we, skeleton Monsters, looked any different then now. I mean, it should be a given as humans also went through evolution and development, but I didn't think too hard on it."
Erratum scoffed lightly, as if insulted at this. "oF couRse iT iS a GiVeN! AlL mONStERs HAve EvolVeD, bUT i kNOw bEsT abOUt oUr kIN tHEN oTHeRS." Erratum then looked to him, pointing to his lips, making Nightmare lightly flush as he looked to where Erratum was pointing. "WhEn SkEleTOn MONstERs fiRSt starTEd oUt, We LOOked mORE liKE a skELEton. MORe atOMically CoRrEct THAt iS. MEanINg, We DIDn'y HAVe anY lIPS, WE coULdn't bLINk, nO tALkINg bAck tHEN eiTHEr." Erratum shrugged while Nightmare couldn't help but stare up at Erratum in wonder. "mAGic WAs StiLL....hArsH i GuEsS yOU coULD sAY. iT WaSN't UsaBlE lIKE noW, nOt wiTH hOW We instinctivELY uSe iT TO mAKe uS TaLK. lEsS DevEloPED UnlIKE noW, mAKinG foR DifFEREnt MONstERs. MAgic IS lIKE ouR DNA aFtER alL, AND aS mAgIC bAsED mONStERs tHAt mAKEs fOR a vERy DIffErENt bAcK thEN."
"I'm guessing this effected how they communicated and did things as well." Nightmare breathed out in wonder, wishing for his notebook right now so that he could write everything that Erratum was saying down. "With Monsters turning to dust after they die, it is hard to get a feel for this like humans do." He couldn't help but sigh sadly while Erratum nodded in agreement.
"riGHt. SO, WiThoUt lIPS aND a vOICe, SkElEtonS uSed ThEir boNEs. YOu knoW thE sayINg 'it WaS bONE raTTalINg'?" Erratum snorted when he looked up at him in disbelief. "thAT's WhErE iT coMEs fROM, oR usED tO aT lEAsT. BacK tHEN, WHEN hUMAns hEaRD bONEs RaTTAlING, tHEY kNEW skELEton MonstERs WeRE neaRby. AnD bacK thEN, EatINg a hUmAn woULDn't hAVe bEEN unCOmmON."
"But without refined magic, we wouldn't have a ecto-stomach like we do now." Nightmare could help but frown in disgust while Erratum laughed at his face.
"yEs, bUt As tHE FOoD GoEs doWN, tHE bONEs ToOK in As mUCH As tHEY couLD fROM tHE foOD. WItH hUMAns ALSO haviNG unTOUChed mAGiC inSidE thEM, It fiLLEd tHEM uP in WaYS oTher FoOD coulDN't. bAck tHEN thAT wAS mONstER fOOD. fOOD wiTh magiC iN iT." Erratum waved off Nightmare's disgusted but wonder filled face as he went on. "noW, RaTTalING iS a ComplICaTEd WaY oF 'tALKinG' AnD is hARD tO traNSlatE."
"W-Wait!" Nightmare choked once he heard this, while Erratum just paused to look down at him in question. "You know these languages?! Actually know how to do and speak them all?!"
"i uSeD tO havE a TOn oF timE on MY hAnDs." Erratum explained, making him want to shake Erratum as that wasn't enough of a explanation! Just where has Erratum figured all this out?! Nightmare had so many questions that needed to be addressed, but he wanted to know about the past more right now.
"noW bODy lAnguAgE alSO plAys inTo ThiS." Suddenly Erratum shifted his feet, clapped his hands once, and rattled his bones shortly once. "thAT RiGHt tHErE WAs a GreEtinG, a BAsic ONE anD maIN onE. At fiRsT, EvERyONE WaS FamiLY. EvEryONE WaS kIN. iT's oNLy latER thAT tHIs chAngEd inTO mORe liKE toDaY, AnD thAT Was AfTer WatchinG oTher hUmanS AnD seeINg hOW thEY lIvEd. WhEN thAT hapPENd, DifFEreNt gREEtinGs WeRE thOUghT uP foR DiffEREnt pEOplE; FamILy, FriENds, lOVEd onEs, EcT." Erratum then shifted his feet once more, one foot in front of the other, offered up both hands, and rattled his bones a bit more harshly for a longer period of time. "hERE iS a GrEEtiNG foR friENds, clOSe FriENds AS tHEY saW iT. uSUaLLy THE oTHEr MonstER wouLD do The sAME, mAKinG tHEM clAP hANds ToGEtHER."
Nightmare glanced to the hands, then glanced up to Erratum who seemed to be waiting for something. Gulping, Nightmare clumsily did what he saw Erratum did. Shifting his feet, offered his hands, and much more softly then Erratum did, rattled his bones. Even as Erratum redid it and clapped his hands with his own, Nightmare frowned. Rattling bones was much more difficult then it looked with skeleton monsters. The way Erratum's sounded was different then how his sounded when he tried. Erratum must have rattled certain bones to make those sounds all at different frequencies and length, making for a unique bone rattle. It seems he underestimated just how much communication was developed even back then.
Erratum gently put down his hands, making Nightmare jolt out of thoughts and do the same.
"noW sHoWIng AffEctION WaS diFFeREnt AS WeLL yET stIll ALivE toDaY EvEN iF iT lOOKs DiffEREnt bAcK thEN. bUt tHAt's moStly BECAuSe MonStERs lOOked DiFFErenT BACk thEN. OthErS, nOt so MuCh WItH lOOkinG thE samE." Erratum pinched his fingers together, then to Nightmare's shock, quickly yet softly tapped them on his cheek. Erratum chuckled at his startled face, making him flush and glance away. "thAT RiGHt tHErE WAs A WaY oF AffEctION foR FriENDs. mOStlY chilDREn. a GooD WaY to GeT TheiR aTTEntiON yEt sTiLL bEInG fReNDlY aboUt IT. A vErSiON of TaPPing sOMEonE's shOUldER toDAy bUT hOLDiNg MORe mEaniNG lIKE a KiSS almoSt bUt nOT QuiTE liKE tHAT." Erratum tried to explain, visibly trying to find the words to explain. "iT IS a hARd tHINg To TRanSlaTE To AcTUAl WOrDS." The taller seemed frustrated for a moment before shrugging it off and going on while Nightmare was rubbing his cheek where Erratum had tapped it. "aS mAgiC pROgRESSeD anD RefINeD, So DiD thE lanGuagE aND WaYS oF shoWinG AffECtION. StILL nO lIPS EvEN AS diFFeREnt KINd oF relAtionSHiPS stARteD to FoRM, SO thEY maDE dO bY mAkinG thEIr oWN vErsION."
Before he could react, Erratum leaned down and lifted his hat up a bit so that his forehead was showing. Just when he opened to his mouth to ask what he was doing, Erratum and him were face to face with Erratum gently cupping his face to make sure that he couldn't look away.
Nightmare could feel his face getting hot as he felt Erratum's warm breath on his face. Those multicolored eyes staring dead straight into his, focusing only on him. His SOUL pounding even more as Erratum lightly bonked foreheads with him. He could feel himself starting to sweat a little.
"BeCAuSe THEy hAd nO liPS, bOnkINg hEaDs WaS thE fiRst vERsiON oF a kISS aloNG WIth nUzzLinG foREhEaDS aS WeLL. iT WaSn't SavEd ONLy FoR loVERs ThOUgH, iT WaS uSeD foR fRIendS anD faMIly As WeLL bEcuASe iT WaS thE onlY vERsION thEY hAa aT tHE staRT." Erratum explained, shortly nuzzling their foreheads together, making Nightmare's SOUL skip a beat. "lAtER, A diFFeRENt kiSS cAME tO bE afTER WaTChinG oTHEr MONstERs thAT hAd lIPS. SkElEtoNS woULd RuB tHEir tEEth toGEthER oR nuzzLE thEIR tEEth On THe ChEEk oR foREhEaD liKE bONkinG hEaDS bEfoRE." Then Erratum leaned up and put his lips to his forehead, nuzzling lightly there.
For a moment, Nightmare couldn't breath. Couldn't think on what was going on as he stood frozen. There could have been a war going outside the classroom and he wouldn't have noticed. All he could focus on was the fact that Erratum was kissing his forehead.
When Erratum pulled away, it took everything in Nightmare not to grab a hold of Erratum. He blinked when Erratum took a step away and started signing something with his hands. It was enough for him to come back to the present, enough to put these thoughts and feelings on the back burner to think about later. Focusing on the other's hands, and trying to will his blush away, Nightmare saw that it was very similar to ASL but also different as Erratum did signs that he has never seen before.
"thEN CamE WhAT WAs cALLEd 'tAlkINg WiTH hAnDS', WhaT hUMAnS noW cALL siGn lANguAGE." Erratum then started signing - some signs he had never seen before or looked slightly different then what he was used to - what he was saying, looking straight at him while his hands flew through the signs. "humAnS ToOK thE lAnguAGE aS thEiR oWN, SayINg tHAt tHEY WeRE thE onEs tO CreATE iT As MONStERs WeRE noT wELL liKED bAck tHEN, mAKinG diFFeRENcES tO thEM AS iT bETTER fiT With thiEr HANdS. yoU caN imAgiNE thE ouTCrY iF hUMAnS knEW thIS." Erratum chuckled, seeming to like the very thought of turning history up on it's head and all the chaos and fighting that would come with it.
Honestly, Nightmare wouldn't be shocked if this was the case. He could totally see Erratum laughing at everything and just watching everything turn to hell around him as long as everything he considers his is safe. After hearing Erratum talk to one of his sons, Nightmare has a better feel to how Erratum thinks. Or so he liked to think.
"AfTEr A qUITe a BiT oF TimE, mAgiC stARTEd To RefINE. thIS mEanT tHAT MOnstERs stARtED tO evOLvE inTo HOW thEY lOOk noW." Erratum gestured to his lips and eye sockets, blinking to show what he meant, then pinched his own cheek and pulled before stopping. "bONEs BEcAME mORE liKE skIN IN somE plAcES WHiLE yET staYINg tHE saME. ThEY coULD BlINk, THEy coULd mAKe soUNDs comINg FrOM wiTHin THEmsELvES wiThoUT NEEdinG tO raTTle thEIR bONEs. ChAngE wAS hERE, sO thAT mEanT tHEY muSt chNAGE thEY wAY thEY gO abOUt tHinGs IN oRdER to SurViVe." Erratum shifted, frowning a bit. "thE nEW lANgUAge iSn't ReaLLy....WorDS. thEY aRE moRE lIKE soUNDs AND TOnEs mAShiNG toGETHER TO MakE a nEW soUND. iT iS vERy DiffiCult tO tRaNSlatE inTO WORdS, bUt i'LL TrY."
Nightmare didn't expect the noise to come out of Erratum's mouth. It was like a rumble, a threatening growl, clips, tones and so much more mixing together to make a whole new sound at different frequencies and tones that he has never heard before. It wasn't smooth, but it made Nightmare still and flush at the sound directed at him. It wasn't a pretty language he found, but a strong one. If someone talked like that, it would gather attention for how strong and harsh it sounded. It demanded respect in a way Nightmare hasn't seen a language do before. It flowed a bit, but in the end it sounded rough and almost unforgiving. Like it was a threat but softening a touch for the sounds that was coming out, letting anyone who hears it know that the threat can and is there, but not for the receiver. No words, but sounds mixing together to make something new.
Erratum paused once he was done 'talking', before giving a smirk. "thAT ROuGHlY TrAnSlaTEs To 'mY GoOD fRIEnd, miSSeD yOU, Do NOt pARt RIGHt noW.'" Erratum shrugged, looking a bit frustrated. "noT ExaCtALLy iT, bUt cloSE enOuGh." Erratum then pointed to himself, looking down at Nightmare in question. "DiD yoU noTicE hoW ROuGh AnD haRSh mY SOuNDS wERE?"
"Yes!" Nightmare quickly said, then coughed and cleared his throat hoping to the stars that his flushing face wasn't as bright as the sun now. He didn't want to make himself look like a fool. "I mean, yes, I did. Is it always like that? I can't see such harsh tones coming from a child."
"nO, EvERyONE soUNDeD diFFeREnt FRom oNE anoThER." Nightmare frowned in confusion, flushing a little more when Erratum lightly poked his cheek once more with his pinched fingers to get his attention. Nightmare looked back up Erratum who just look amused with his confusion. "thE soUNDs CaME fROM thEIR mAgiC, thEIr SOUL iF yoU wANt tO gET teChinCaL. EvERyONE hAS a DiffEREnt SOUL, nOne Are THE ExaCt SAMe. thEN WItH thEIR SloWLy RefiNINg mAGiC aDDeD iN, iT aLSo ADDs a DiffEREnt lAyER tO hoW oNE SOUndS WHEn 'TalKinG'. mANy CalLEd iT 'TaLKinG In TonEs anD soUNDs' oR juST simPLy 'TaLKinG SounDS'." Erratum suddenly looked amused, making a smile slip it's way up Nightmare's face at the other's sudden amusement. "thIS IS WhERe FoNT nAMEs COmE fROM. skELeTOn MONsTER USeD to BE namED onLy afTER tHEY stARTed mAKinG noiSeS oR stRATEd wRitING. fOR ExamPLE, if A skELEtoN WaS namED 'ComIC SanS', thEY woULD soUND loW anD sloW, alMOSt lAzY liKE anD wRItE wiTh no CapitaLS." Nightmare couldn't help but snort at this, finding this fitting perfectly with the only Sans he knows. "SkEleTOn MONStERs maDE uP the FONTS FoR hoW SomEONE tALKEd oR wROTe, As maGic plAyED a A paRt iN tHAT aS wELL. hUMAns aLSO uSe THeSE FOntS foR thEIR oWN noW. bUT nOW EvERyONE caN WriTE aND tALK thE saME, lIKE huMANs, SO thAT pRacTicE haS stOppED. nAMEs hOLD diFFERent mEanINGs noW. alThoUgh yOU MigHT noTicE BabY bONEs anD liTTle bONEs WriTiNG WeiRdlY oR mAKinG soUNDs DurING BAbY baBBlinG, thaT's nATuRaL. iT's hoW PAREnts BAcK thEN deciDEd nAMEs afTEr aLL."
"Fascinating..." Nightmare breathed out at all this new information. Sure, there must be a ton that Erratum was leaving out or not out right saying, but it was enough for now. A lot of what Erratum has told him would be enough to over turn quite a bit in the history books. Then a thought hit him. He glanced up at Erratum, fixing his hat and couldn't help but ask. "Erratum...Is that how you got your name? Like back then? Erratum does mean 'A writing error'...."
Nightmare almost retracted his question once he saw Erratum twitch and still. Then the taller skeleton started rubbing his tear marks and tugging at his scarf, eye distant as he started talking. "i WaS namEd BasED ON hoW oTHErS saW mE, hoW I lOOk AnD tALK, hoW i uSeD to WriTE. SO yEs, i WaS namEd liKE in thE olDeN DaYS." Erratum chuckled a bit darkly. If Nightmare had hairs, they would be standing on edge at the sound. "thEY SaW mE AS a GLiTcH, somEthINg noT riGHT. i SounD likE onE aS wELL. mY voiCe gliTchES aLL thE tiME. iT taKEs ConcEnTRatION on mY paRT tO mAKE mY voicE stabLE. mY wRitInG usED TO bE a mIXtuRE oF EvERyThINg TO mAKE WoRDs; UsINg nUmbERs, symBolS, anD lEttERs tO mAKE thE woRDS." Erratum's grinned in a twisted way, sharply turning his head to Nightmare, who flinched back a little at the sudden movement. "thEY maDE suRE to REminD mE oF whO I aM evERyDaY. oF whERE mY pLAcE WAs." Erratum growled out, harshly tugging at his scarf now. It suddenly hit Nightmare that Erratum tugging on his scarf was a way to comfort himself. That or a way to stop himself from lashing out. Either option or both sounding plausible.
"Your place is here." Nightmare blurted out without thinking about it. Erratum froze in mid-tug, blankly looking at him. While he might have just blurted it out, Nightmare found what he said to be true. for the better lack of the word. The taller skeleton fit in ways that Nightmare couldn't understand. Just in a few days, Erratum had taken his students under his wings and the students seemed to love them for it. He knew for sure that his own sons admired and looked up to Erratum. Moonlight still raving about Erratum teaching him how to shoot a hoop and dribble, practicing almost all the time so that he can show 'Mr. Erratum how much I improved!'. It was cute and just showed how much that Erratum had touched the teens's SOULS with his words.
Erratum made a place here in just a few days, and Nightmare couldn't imagine anyone else in his place. The glitching skeleton fit here, much more then where he was that much Nightmare could tell. Those other people, wither they be family or not, don't deserve him if that's how they viewed him.
"It doesn't matter what they said now, your place is here now." Nightmare stated again, straightening and looking determined into Erratum's still blank eyes. "You fit here, the students love you even though you have only been teaching here a few days. Your place is a choice, and you made the choice to teach here. Therefore your place is here. In this school, in this classroom." Nightmare smiled up at Erratum, eyes softening. "You can have more then one place. But that's all up to. But I have to tell you, your students are more then likely to fight for you. I could see them tearing whoever told you such things a new one." He chuckled a bit darkly as he closed his eyes. "Don't tell them, but I wouldn't stop them. I might even join in!"
Nightmare stopped chuckling at once when hands gently cupped his face. Eyes shooting open, Nightmare was greeted with Erratum once more right in front of his face. Taking in a shuddering breath when Erratum lightly leaned forward so that they were touching foreheads once more. His SOUL started stuttering when the sewing teacher opened his mouth and started talking in tones and sounds. Shivers went down his spin with how the other sounded but looked at him with such gentle and soft eyes.
Erratum stopped talking in sounds and laughed before translating what he said. "aLL mY tHAnkS tO yoU, tO ONE nEaR mY SOUL, i hEaR yOUr soUNDs, aLL tO mY SOUL. CaRRY In mY SOUL, i taKE yoUr SoUNds." Erratum smiled brightly, cheeks lightly turning yellow. Nightmare's SOUL was flying as he gulped dryly at what he was seeing and hearing. "thANKS NighTmaRE. NO onEs hAS evER saID suCH thINGs TO mE."
"Y-Your welcome." Nightmare breathlessly stuttered, feeling out of breath while Erratum leaned away and stepped back. The history teacher suddenly felt colder.
Nightmare felt like he was in a daze when Erratum looked to the clock on the wall and frowned at what time was showing. He could barely make out Erratum saying he needed to get home, that he had fun, and telling Nightmare to lock up for him. He hummed in agreement, watching almost blankly as Erratum got ready and left with a wave and goodbye.
Stumbling to Erratum's desk, Nightmare leaned heavily on it as his mind raced. 'What is wrong with me?!'
It was only when his kids found him a hour later did he he finally calm down. He ignored the concerned and confused looks he got from his children as they all got in the care, not one asking why he was in Erratum's classroom. Both his sons knew he often tried to hunt-find Erratum to ask him about history facts that the other knew. But that still doesn't change the fact they found him leaning on the desk holding his head, muttering to himself.
His mind was jumbled and confused, his SOUL a mess. He had no idea what was wrong with him. All he knew was that Erratum was the issue. Nightmare knew he was attracted to Erratum, he wasn't stupid or oblivious, but he didn't know how much.
'This is just a small crush.' Nightmare eventually decided hours after he got home, his SOUL calming down. 'It will go away eventually. I just met Erratum after all! These feelings are small and shallow, they will just fade as time goes on. Sooner rather then later.'
The next day Nightmare cursed his SOUL as it skipped a beat when he caught sight of Erratum. -
Erratum is actually glad that he is making friends with Nightmare. It was familiar yet not. He was fond of Mare, but with Nightmare it was a softer friendship. You know, where he didn't have to fear getting poisoned, hurt and/or kidnapped to a random AU that is filled with poison. So all in all, Erratum thought that was going great! Swap would be proud of Erratum making a friend no matter where he found one.
Those were the main things in his week, and now it was the start of his second week at teaching, Monday. Saturday was spent taking Null and Void to the park that was a fifteen minute walk from his apartment, it was a day of spending time with them as he spent so much time away from them. He loves spending time with them and would do it all the time if he could. Sunday was Novela marathon day, as Erratum had bought all the seasons and movies online to watch them. He saw it as a good way to teach the kids Spanish anyway, as there was no dub or sub. Watching a live AU means no subs or dubbing, so Erratum had picked up Spanish in his long years of watching UnderNovela. Made understanding things so much easier in the long run, so, Erratum would teach the kids Spanish as the show went on or after it.
It was a great weekend, filled with his children's laughter. Erratum hated when Monday came, it meant that he would have to leave his kids for long hours, but it had to be done. No matter how much he would rather stay at home and play with Null and Void.
So when Granny G had come by early Monday morning with some news that worried and shocked Erratum, the world must have heard him and answered for once.
Figures the world and stars wouldn't answer him for anything else, like dying finally and staying dead.
"WHaT DO yOU mEaN YOu caN't WatCH thE kIDS nExT WeEK?!" Erratum questioned in shock from where he stood in the doorway of his entrance to his apartment.
"I know this is sudden." Gina sadly sighed from where she stood outside, a few travel bags at her feet. "But my youngest cousin is getting married. I have to go help with the wedding, so I am going to be gone for about a week or two. I would have told you sooner, but I didn't know this all until about a hour ago." Gina's eye twitched, showing her own frustration and annoyance. That alone saved her from a dangerous blow out from Erratum.
But Gina better hope her cousin doesn't come to town, because they won't be saved from a frustrated Erratum like Gina is.
"thEn WHAt DO i DO wiTH tHE kiDS?" Erratum scowled in frustration, hands almost making dents on the doorway as he held onto them. "I doN't TRusT DaYCAREs noR thEsE...'BabYsiTTerS'. i DON't WanT a StraNGEr IN hErE wiThoUt mE neaR thEM."
Gina bit her lip, thinking about it. "...All I can say is call the school and ask about options. I'm sure that this has happened with other teachers with children." The grey haired women shrugged sadly. "I'm sure the school system has changed a lot from when I taught. It's like every few years something changes."
Erratum closed his eyes and sighed lowly, letting go of the doorway to rub his tear marks. "...yEaH, i'LL dO THAT. noT likE i haVE muCH oF a chOICe ANyWAY." Erratum opened his eyes and glanced down to the bags near her feet. "DO yoU nEEd hELP wiTh tHE bAGS?"
"No, but thank you for asking." Gina thanked with a smile as she picked up her bags with a huff. "I need to go if I want to catch my plane. Be safe Erratum and tell the children I will miss them. Make sure to call me later on, I'll text you once I am at my Cousin's."
With a wave and a nod goodbye - Erratum watched to make sure she made it to her car alright as it was still slightly dark out being five in the morning at fall time - Erratum closed the door and lightly banged his head on the now closed door. While he didn't want his kids home alone or with a stranger, he also was worried about them coming to school with him. Or better yet, the school giving him a option he will not like. Either the kids come with him or he is staying home, this job be damned.
With that in mind, Erratum backed away from the door and went to the kitchen table where his cell phone sat. He needed to hurry, he had to be at school at six like the others teachers to get everything ready for class. Some teachers even coming in at five to get ready. In any case, Erratum needed to know what was going on in this week and maybe the next, wither he was going to get fired or not for not wanting to leave his kids alone or with a stranger.
Picking up the phone, Erratum looked for the number that was given to him. Putting the phone to his head as it rang, he sat down at the table and started tapping his fingers while he waited for someone to answer.
".....aH, yEs tHIs iS ERRatUM miscALculatION." Erratum stated right off the bat once the phone was answered. "i hAVE a iSSuE." A short pause. "i WOuLdn'T CaLL iT THAT. bUT i DOn'T hAVE anY ONE tO WaTCH mY kIDS fOR thIS WeEk anD maYBE thE nEXT. SO i WanTEd-" Erratum paused once more as someone talked on the other end. Suddenly a surprised expression over took Erratum's face. "REaLLy? juST liKE thAT?" A beat, then Erratum shrugged. "yEaH, TechINCaLLy oThEr TEachERs DO iT tOO, buT thEIR kIDs aRE enROlLED alREadY. BUT iF yoUR SayINg iT's alRiGHt...." Erratum chuckled after a moment. "yEaH, thANkS. My KIDs ArE pRefeCt anYWaY, i DOn'T knoW hoW thEY tuRNed oUt tHAt WaY, BUt i SuRE AS hELL don'T DeseRVe thEM. I'LL SeE yOU aT scHoOL tObY." With that Erratum hanged up and got up to get changed and get started on some eggs and toast.
His kids had a long day ahead of them and Erratum needed to pack a bag for them and get them ready, seems their starting school early. They only had a hour to get ready and Erratum had to talk to them about what was going on and some ground rules. If Null started talking about his magic, problems may come up unless he tells half truths that magic is in stories that he tells them, making them chalk it up over active imagination.
In any case, he got to spend more time with his baby bones.
-UnderHigh, A Hour Later, Cafeteria-
"I messed up the tables. I forgot to move one to the middle...." Sans groaned as he slumped onto the table, sitting next to Grillby. Nightmare snorted from his seat, sorting through some papers while Error snickered and leaned into Ink. Cross was looking over the tables, noticing one that was far off in the corner that needed to be put in the middle or move all the tables over and shove the table in line with the others, in any case it would take a bit of work. Dream meanwhile was just thinking on how Sans forgot to unhook a table and wheel it in place. Usually Asgore did all this, but he was needed to clean up a few classrooms right now, but Sans should be slightly used to this as he has helped out Asgore plenty of times before.
"Your such a lazy ass." Error snorted, making Ink lightly wack his arm. "What? He is!"
"I'm more concerned about how he forgot a table that he already undid off to the side when he should have wheeled it to the middle before unhooking it at all." Dream said, feeling a bit impressed but also confused. "How did you not notice this? Or did it to begin with?"
Cross sighed when Sans just lazily shrugged in answer. "We'll, unless you can wheel it around all the other tables, you are going to have to lock back up the other tables and move them around."
Before Sans could complain more, the doors leading to the side parking lot that was right by the cafeteria opened, making everyone turn to look to see who was walking in.
Many SOULS died from the cuteness and shocking scene that was in front of them.
Erratum was the one walking in, nothing off about that. No. It was the children on him that threw everyone for a loop.
Erratum was shutting the door now, wearing his trench coat and wearing a big over the shoulder bag that obviously a baby bag that was stuffed to the brim. He had made his scarf into a makeshift sling for one baby bones - who was in a lovely orange dress and red fluffy jacket and was trying to look at everything in wonder - and had another baby bones - who was in a pretty blue dress with flowers on it, a fluffy pastel yellow colored jacket and was looking at everything with caution but curiosity - sitting on his shoulders, the baby bones holding onto his head and legs wrapped around his neck. Both children had on knitted jackets that Erratum has obviously made for them.
"-AND thIS iS THE caFEtERiA. iT WhERE StuDENTs CaN EaT anD buY foOD." Erratum was explaining as he walked in, gesturing to the whole cafeteria. "noTiCe hOW iT LOokS liKE thAT pRisON We SaW oN TV thE oTHEr dAY. lUckILy, STuDenTS cAN EaT OUtSIDe oR IN a clASSroOm iF thE tEachERS alLOW iT."
Ink quickly cleared his throat to get the other's attention while jaws dropped or some where coughing to hide their laughs at how Erratum is explaining school to who were obviously his children.
Erratum jerked his head to the groups direction, calming down when he saw who was there. He would hate to run into the Gaster that works here when he had his kids with him. That's waiting for a explosion to happen.
Walking to the table where they all sat, Erratum got both his kids off of him and sat them down on the table so that they could see everything. Null and Void looked to everyone, both refusing to let go of their Daddy's arms even as he let go of them. They had only see so many strangers at the park, but never this close.
"So, who are these adorable baby bones~" Dream cooed out, making both said baby bones cuddle close onto Erratum who sat down and put them both in his lap once it was certain they were not going to let go. "They're so cute~"
The tall skeleton shifted, so that both children were facing outwards. Didn't stop the kids from clinging onto their Father though. Erratum looked to the older one in blue and yellow. "thIS hERE iS mY olDEst SOn, NUlL." Then he looked to the youngest in red and orange, who was nibbling on his Father's coat sleeve. "tHiS ONE hERE iS mY yOUNgESt sON VOId." Erratum then smirked, looking amused more then anything. "toGEthER tHEY aRE nULL anD vOID, mY liTTlE TeRRoRs." Both kids laughed and cooed when Erratum bounced them as he said this.
Error straight up laughed while the others were just staring at Erratum in shock that he would name them that. But Nightmare was soon hit with a thought, that maybe that there is a tradition that he doesn't know about or it was one of the ones that Erratum had mentioned before.
"Erratum, why did you name your children that?" Nightmare asked politely, setting down his paper work to give Erratum his full attention. "Those names sound....harsh to others."
"thEY WanTEd a nAME likE mINE oF aLL thINGS." Erratum frowned and shrugged, as if he didn't get it even though he named them, never mind that he was implying that waited so long to name them and asked them what they wanted to be named. "AlthOUgh iT IS a TRadiTION In Some FamiLIEs TO HAvE siMilAR oR ALikE namES noW thAT i THink ABouT iT...." Erratum muttered to himself a look of realization on his face.
While the other adult skeletons were trying to process this, or even think on what to say, Erratum was looking to the table in the far off corner. "WhaT's Up WitH thAT TablE? iT WaSn't liKE thIS laST wEEk." Erratum suddenly nodded as if he got it. "AH, iT's tHE shAME tabLE. fOR tHE stUDEntS yOU don'T lIKE oR DID somEthING wRONG riGHt?"
"What?!" Cross choked out while Sans was hurriedly shaking his head in denial. "No! I just messed up the tables!" Sans sighed, looking frustrated as he sat up. "It was meant to go over there." He pointed to a open space in the middle. "But for some reason my brain just went off and I thought I did put it there only to unlock it and leave it in the corner. I'm going to have to lock everything back up and move it, it's not like I could carry it there or wheel it in between everything." Suddenly Sans looked hopeful. "Unless you can do it for me Erratum~"
Grillby slapped Sans across the head, making him sputter, while Erratum shrugged. "SURe. i CaN do IT."
All the teachers turned to Erratum, who was getting up and sitting the kids back on the table. "StaY hERE, i'lL bE RIgHT bAcK. I'm GOInG tO moVe a TabLE." He patted each on the head, waited to nod, and started walking to the table in the corner, not listening to the other teachers calling for him and saying he doesn't need to do it.
Sans shrunk back at the glares directed at him while Ink turned his attention to the baby bones.
"Hello there!" Ink smiled brightly when the kids turned to look up at him, Null looking him up and down suspiciously. Ink figured he got it from his Father. "I'm Ink, a teacher here. I work in the room right by your Daddy's." Seeing them both relaxed, Ink asked a question that has been on his mind sense he saw them. "What are you doing here if you don't mind me asking?"
Null shifted, holding tightly onto his little brother. "Granny couldn't watch us, she had to go on a trip for a wedding for a few weeks." Null's pout turned into a bright smile. "So Daddy called the school and asked what to do, and the pr-in-c-i-ple said we could come to work with Daddy!"
"But what about your Mother? Or maybe other Father?" Error asked in confusion while others were cooing at Null. Nightmare sat straight, listening in more closely. Just because Erratum wasn't married didn't mean he hadn't been in a relationship before. The cooing stopped and Sans and Cross leaned forward a bit, remembering what Error had said on the first day about abusive relationships.
Seeing Null's and Void's confusion, and feeling a bit off about it, Dream elaborated a bit. "He means about the other person who watched over you. Who helped create you."
The sudden terrified looks that Null and Void sprouted made all the workers freeze.
"Daddy said He wouldn't get to us!" Null shook his head violently while Void curled up with a "No!".
"He?" Cross unconsciously asked before he thought about it. When Dream elbowed him, that made him backtrack. "You don't have to-"
"He had us before Daddy saved us!" Null suddenly looked happier. "Daddy knew that He was a bad person, but never knew about us. So when Daddy found us, Daddy said that He wouldn't touch us again!" Null looked proud while Void calmed down and slowly uncurled. "Daddy and Him got into a fight but Daddy ran with us before anything bad happened."
Oh, this was not painting a good picture at all for the teachers and workers.
"Did he hurt your Daddy badly?" Error asked softly, ignoring Ink's warning look. "More then once?"
Null frowned in thought. "Daddy's mentioned that He was a very bad Monster that has hurt him plenty of times." Null vaguely stated innocently. His Daddy had told him not to mention magic, the Multiverse, or his counterparts unless he mentions it was from his stories. Technically, the other counterparts are a version of his Daddy. But his Daddy is the best Daddy and the only one Null and Void need. "Daddy didn't want us to get hurt like he did by Him, so when he found us, he took us away from Him after a big fight."
Nightmare felt horrified and hurt that Erratum had been in such a abusive relationship, wondering if Erratum even knew what a healthy relationship looked like. Suddenly a lot of things Erratum did and said made a whole lot of sense, and he wondered if Erratum had been abused his whole life. At least one positive is that Erratum is away from his ex from the way it sounds.
Error felt grim, knowing he was right on the abuse. But at least Erratum is away from his ex partner. He thinks on it, shivering on the thought of a ex keeping children a secret. Null is older then Void by a few years at the least, meaning that the ex had to keep the pregnancy a secret while together with Erratum if they broke up before Erratum knew about the second pregnancy. And that's only if it was concessional at the time, both times as there are two kids. There are ways to get pregnant and the other not know. Error prays to everything and anything that Erratum hadn't been drugged and then rapped, he has heard the students mentioning in the hallways that Erratum has admitted to being poisoned before.
Looking around, Error noticed the other horrified and grim looks. It seems they had reached the same thought and conclusion that he did on this matter.
Before any had time to say something else, the sound of metal being moved caught their attention.
Everyone jerked their heads to the direction and promptly choked while Null and Void started cooing at the sight.
Erratum was lifting up the table like it was nothing. No sweat or anything, just looking so nonchalant as he lifted it up calmly and walking over to the spot it needed to be, making sure to lift the table over his shoulder so that it was over the tables as he walked straight. No huffing, no sweat, no nothing. It was like he wasn't even carrying anything!
Erratum put down the table were Sans said it needed to be and then turned to look at the teachers and his kids sitting at the table.
Sans was slumped against the table, eyes dark and blank as he stared at him while Grillby's flames were crackling. Dream had fallen out of his seat and Cross had caught his head before he hit the ground, both just staring at him as well. Error was leaning heavily on Ink, who's jaw might as well been on the floor, and glitching heavily as he too stared. Nightmare for some reason was turning colors at a rapid pace and was just staring with wide eyes and mouth slightly open.
His kids on the other hand, were cheering him on and cooing at him.
"Daddy's so strong~" Null cooed, feeling pride at having the best Daddy there is. Void on the other hand was clapping up a storm. "Dada~! S'tong~!"
Erratum just stared at the shocked group of teachers in confusion, seeing nothing wrong. "WhAT?! yOU SaId yOU coulDn't CaRRy thE tAblE in plAcE, sO i Did iT foR yOU!"
This all should have been a sign at how this week was going to go for everyone there.
Now, how are the students are going to react to the adorable terrors that are Erratum's sons, Null and Void?
-End Chapter-
Here it is! Sadly I didn't hit the 20,000 or 30,000, but it's still a long chapter. My fingers are definitely feeling it at least.
The first part of the chapter, the flashbacks, are in other's perspective to show how different Erratum views something compared to the other person. What Erratum sees as simple or no big deal isn't the same with others. I did this so that we hear about the time skip in Erratum's view as well as others's view as well. I might do this again as well, it was fine to do and write. As they are all watching how Erratum reacts, do and say and thinking something else then him as it goes on. Adds a new layer to the story.
Nightmare isn't a naive or real oblivious Monster, not like how Erratum himself is, he knows he is attracted to Erratum. But as they just met, Nightmare sees his attraction as shallow or just a simple crush. As time goes on, he is going to be in denial for a bit until it hits him on the head that this isn't just a shallow crush, that he is in love with Erratum and wants to be with him in a serious relationship.
I wanted to give Null and Void some more time in this story, so I decided to bring them to school with Erratum. Normal, this isn't allowed unless the teacher is having time off and decides to show off their new baby at school on one of those days - I've seen that happen before. But this is a fictional school and I can see them being more lax on the whole thing as long as the parent is with them at all times and keeping them in line.
Next chapter, the students meet Null and Void, and more assumptions and speculations run wild. Meanwhile, Erratum talks with the News Club as some members come to him wanting to talk to him. And while that is going on, Incubux and Moonlight wonder just what is going on with their Father.
Words: 12,887
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