Looking Into A Flawed Mirror - Part 1
Ship: Error/Error, Error x Error, Erratum X Error - AKA, yes I am doing this. I am taking that dive into those kinds of waters ladies, gentlemen and those of unspecified gender. Don't like, then don't read. It is not that hard. But they are counterparts like other Sanses, Error is from another Multiverse - both of them are, so I don't really see the issue with it to be honest with pairing them together. A lot of one-sided relationships to Erratum and Error, meaning others have feelings for them but Erratum and Error do not return these affections the same way.
I do not own this song or video, it belongs to it's respectful owners. I really thought that this song fitted in a weird way with the two Error's in this. I just imagine Error in all of this. Like instead of Papyrus, I think of the new Error with my Error and some moments with my Error with the new Error. It's like a mix of them both. And at the end, it's my Error along with Null and Void that holds the new Error instead of Frisk holding onto Papyrus. Instead of Chara and Sans, I see Ink/Inky - both of them really - and Nightmare. Showing both the different sides that want Error for something. That or Destiny and Fate.
World: Error and the Kids land in a Multiverse where it is the same as Error's with only a few slight differences. This new Error didn't leave or try to kill himself - not that others haven't tried to kill him off that is in his place, he just stopped killing of AU's and waited to rot instead of killing himself off. And while Fate plays a part, they do not have as much power in this Multiverse as they did in Old Error's.
Sometimes it is better to heal with the only one who can understand your pain. When you help another get better, that forces you to get better if only for that other person. So Error - Erratum now - takes the new Error into his arms and swears he will protect him no matter what. He would willingly become the Destroyer once more if it meant that this smaller Error was safe and happy. Erratum knew he - himself - was long gone, that there was no real hope for himself anymore. To heal, to be better, to truly live, to be something more then a destroyer are things just out of his reach but it seems it works out in the end now. The Error in his arms could have it better then he ever had it, and he would destroy as many Universes as it took for the little Error in his arms to be free.
Erratum protects what is his, he would kill whoever and destroy as many things as needed to prove that, even let the world go to hell for what is his, and Error is more then just his when you think about it. So Error is under Erratum's protection wither he likes it or not, Erratum will kill for Error as to give him a better life then he ever had.
Good thing too, because not too long after that the new Multiverse's Ink comes blazing in, demanding how Error killed off those AU's that just crumbled together. Only to get a shock of a lifetime when he sees that another yet much more broken skeleton, that looked like a taller more mature Error, is there holding Error and two little baby bones protectively.
It may take a while, but maybe one day this Multiverse will understand where Erratum's did not.
-Start Chapter-
Error awoke before he fell into the new Multiverse that Destiny was leading him to. It shocked Destiny, but allowed it to happen, for the new Multiverse was not too far below him. They did not question him looking around, many would do the same after all if they had the chance.
When Error came too, free falling at a moderate pace, he heard a voice similar to his. Whoever was the other one was crying, was begging for the pain to stop, for everything to just end. He didn't like it. The voice was slightly higher pitched then his, static flowing behind it as it glitched out. It ringed in his skull, echoing. Error didn't like that the other was crying. He never wanted another to go through what he did, not even a small portion of it.
"I-I d0n't w-w-w-ant this a-any-ym0re!"
'Where are you?!' Error glanced every which way, trying to find the source of the voice. Holes of many sizes showing different places and people.
'No! Don't cry!' His SOUL screamed, mind racing, when he finally saw where the voice was leading too. Not too far down was a portal filled to the brim with white. He could hear the voice cry from there!
"I-I jus-st w-wan-nt....it al-ll t0 st0p! I'M-M S0-0-0R-RRY!"
'Don't worry! I'm on my way.' Something not unlike DETERMINATION flared throughout his SOUL. JUSTICE can be a powerful motivator, can make many move to do right when others can and will not. Something was pulling him to the voice. It screamed at him to get there, and he would listen to it for once in his life. He would make his own choice now. He clutch the sleeping children tighter to himself. 'I will not let you fall like me. I swear it!'
What Destiny did not expect was for Error to grab tightly a hold of his children, and dive for a different Multiverse then the one they had picked out. They could only gasp when he somehow moved himself and the children in his hold to a different Multiverse, one too much like his own. But Destiny could not stop him. Error was making his own choice, making his own destiny.
And as they watched him go into the new Multiverse where one so much like him was crying out for help, looking so grim and determined to get to the other, they wondered if that was what he really needed. Destiny gave a small smile. This, while not be the Multiverse they were planning, could work. Sometimes healing the hurt was a long road as it dragged on. Sometimes it was quick and harsh, other times it was soft and warm. But this was a different kind.
Sometimes you can only heal with another that understands you like no other. Sometimes to heal, you have to heal another. Because you want to get better for them, if only for their sake and not your own.
But this Multiverse will make healing so much more difficult for Error. This Multiverse is so much like his own after all. The only difference is that Fate had less of a foothold, but still played a big part in making it like Error's even if Fate could no longer touch this Multiverse. Balance still hangs by a thread, there is still a creator and destroyer. There is still a Forced Destroyer.
Destiny could now only watch, nudge, and pray that everything will be alright. That Error chose a better destiny then they could have for him. But that was the whole point in destiny, choosing your own way with no higher power forcing their way onto them.
Destiny prayed that this kills two birds with one stone, that Error could help out the one even she can never reach for he refused to take his destiny in his own hands like Error did.
-New Multiverse, Anti-VOID-
When Error landed feet first into a very familiar place, he cursed in his head. The Anti-VOID could drive anyone insane. The endless white messes with the mind, the Voices yelling driving one to want to die. He had hoped that Null and Void would never have to come into this place. But a risk is needed for now. He had to know what the hell was going on and who was crying for help. After that Error can find a place for him and the kids to stay until he finds out what to do. Sniffing caught his attention.
Tucking the wakening children closer to his chest just in case, Error turned around only to still at just who he was seeing in the distance. It wasn't that hard with nothing but white surrounding them, he, like Error, stuck out in the white like a sore thumb. Just like Error.
Both babybones were awake, Error having no idea how much time passed as he stood there staring at the lump in the distance. Before the children could say anything, Error silently shook his head, shushing them. Surprising the other could make things worse in the long run after all. And if the other is anything like him in the surprise department, then it could get dusty real quick and in hurry.
Slowly and silently, he walked to the whimpering curled up Monster. Never taking his eyes off the other, feeling like he was having a out of body experience at seeing how different yet the same Monster in front of him. The other never paid him any mind, most likely lost in his own mind. Because soon Error was standing just by the smaller glitching skeleton.
Gently putting down Null and Void behind him, the taller glitch knelt down next to the crying lump. Having no idea what to do really - But when has Error ever had any idea on what to do though? Seriously, most of his life was based on 'when in doubt, wing it'. And if anyone hasn't noticed, he is always winging it for that very reason. - he cleared his throat.
A head shot up, and in that moment, Error was looking into a flawed mirror.
Although with different proportions and with way less scars and marks, it wasn't too hard to see that they shared a very similar face. The smaller had bigger eyes and sockets, less scars and marks, tear marks were also smaller yet seemed more potent in color, and the smaller one was also wearing the old clothes that the taller used to.
Both were dark in color with the colors of red, blue, and yellow mixing. Both were glitching, both were skeleton Monsters, and both felt almost the same.
Both have the feel of Destruction.
'Well....shit.' Error took in his smaller counterparts from this Multiverse - because he just woke up in the VOID, something he didn't think was possible by the way, and dove into a portal, landing in a Anti-VOID that looks the same yet different with another Error crying in it. If this isn't another Multiverse then his mind has finally been broken in ways unimaginable to be seeing what he's seeing. - tears, looking down the smaller's body, he saw that the other's leg was broken. Although the other had less permanent marks on him, he looked so beat up. The smaller almost looked like he did when he got out of that mass beating before he decided to jump into the VOID.
Slowly moving his hands - to make sure that the other knew he wasn't making any hostile movements, no need to start a fight that may never end if his counterpart is like him in the not dying department. - he took off his leather gloves as his mind raced one what the hell he was supposed to do in this situation. "....hEllO." Error could have slapped himself, but it was too late for regrets.
His smaller counterpart sniffed, glitching harshly before whispering out a reply. "H-H..H-Hell0-0-0...."
Letting his gloves fall to the endless white floor, He slowly moved his hands so that they were inches from touching the other, the other nervously glancing to the hands and back up to his face. Trying to put on a gentle smile, and most likely failing epically, Error tried to think on the next plan of action - especially when there is no plan of action. Winging it never got a definition until now for him.
'Oh, I am going to fuck this up ain't I....' The taller silently despaired, not noticing the smaller watching him closely.
Looking at the taller skeleton, Error had to wonder if Ink had finally hit him one too many times for him to be seeing what was in front of him. It was like looking in the future almost - Almost, because Error is fully grown and he knows he is never getting any taller. - and that scared him beyond belief. Yet at the same time, he felt comfort. The taller one was wearing destruction and power like a cloak, it wrapped around him as if hugging him, keeping all the bad away. The taller one felt safe. Something he had never really felt before. There is supposed to be nowhere safe for a good for nothing glitch like him, yet around this tall glitch he felt safer then ever, like nothing could touch him as long as the taller one was there.
Safety was nothing but a dream, wasn't it? Nothing he deserved, the Voices made sure to tell him that all the time along with much more. Wait. The Voices....Why are they so silent? The screaming has stopped....right about the time this Monster came to him....Why?!
Were the Voices too shocked to say anything like he was?
"liTTlE eRROr, dO yOU knoW WHo i aM?" The taller version of himself cooed out, eyes gentle and smile soft as he looked down at him. "DO yOu UNdeRsTaND wHO i AM liTTle ERRoR?"
Error's SOUL pounded as his mind races. There was only one real answer, because Ink would never create another Destroyer.....Right? "Y-Y0u're....m-m-me?" He was able to choke out, eyes lighting up when the taller's smile grew a inch.
"yEs anD nO." The taller glitch chuckled lightly, softly laying a hand on top of his head. Shivering at the gentle touch, Error couldn't stop himself from nuzzling into it. When was the last time he got a soft touch, a touch that didn't end in pain? Not one that he can remember in any case.
"i AM yOU, yET noT YoU." The hand tenderly rubbed the top of his head, making him purr slightly as he listened closely to the words that the other was kindly saying to him. "i AM a vERsiON oF yOU - a CounTerPARt - fROm anoTHeR mUltivERSE. i AM noT yOU, WE haVE liVEd diFFeREnt lIVEs aND havE diFFerENT SOULS, buT yOU CouLD saY i AM a 'WHaT iF' miRRoR, SHoWIng YOU WhaT yOU coULD havE bEEn. nOt tHE samE MONstER, WE jUST haPPen TO lOOk vERy muCH alIKE." The taller then snorted as two little heads peeked out form around him, making Error gasp out, to pain ridden to back away like he wanted to. "DOn'T woRRY. ONe diFFerENCe tHAt WE haVE - i hAVE tWO bABy bONEs wiTH mE. mEEt mY sONS, NUll anD vOID. NUlL, vOID, mEEt ErRoR."
Null and Void said nothing, but did give sweet smiles and waves. Both knew to let their Daddy deal with this, to help the smaller Error that looked so much like their Daddy yet not. Null figured that if their Daddy could save him and his brother, could help them and make everything better, to make them feel so safe, then he could do that with this new Monster. Their Daddy is a powerful Monster, more importantly a merciful one. He would make things better, that much they are for sure about.
Seeing that the two children were not going anything, Error whimpered as he tried to scoot closer to the taller counterpart, pain flaring up his mangled leg as he did so - but still he kept trying. Drinking up all the comfort that he could, afraid that it would disappear at a moments notice. But another hand stopped him. Opening his eyes slightly, he saw that the taller glitch had used his free hand and placed it on his shoulder to stop him from coming closer. Silently crying at this, only to flinch when the other Error let go of his shoulder to wipe away his tears.
"lITTlE ErroR, yOU aRE HUrT. YOU ShoULdn't BE moVInG aROunD. DO noT woRRy, I'M noT gOING anYWHErE." The taller shushed softly as he wiped away the tears. "WhY dON'T yOU lEt mE hElP yoU?" He asked, taking a quick glance to the broken leg before looking back down at him with such serene eyes. "wHIlE i DO thAT, YOU caN coME uP wiTH a nAME foR mE. TwO ErRoR's CaN gET a bIt ConfusiNg, DOn't YOu thINk? WOuLD yOU lIKe tHAT liTTle ErROR? To GivE mE mY nEW namE?"
"I-I-I c-ca-a-n na-ame y0-0u?" Error sniffed out, leaning into the hands that moved to lift him up. "A-a-a-nything?"
With a snicker, the taller sat down full and, with careful hands, sat Error down in his lap. The taller gently lead Error to lean on his chest so that he could let go and focus all his attention on the leg. "suRE. YOu CaN EvEn NAme ME 'RaINboW pRincEsS' oR hoW aboUT 'blAckBErRY' iF yOU wanT somEthINg moRe simPLE?" Error couldn't help but giggle - flinching at the pain it brought - along with the children at those names, it didn't fit the taller one at all. "i ThINk i CouLD makE THoSe nAMEs syNoNyMS WitH 'BADaSS'." The bigger Error commented, looking to the leg to assess the damage, strings coming to life on his hands.
"T-T-Th-hat....n-n-n0!" Error giggled out, a ghost of a smile growing on his face.
"WhaT?! WHY noT?!" The taller gave a over dramatic gasp, a smirk on his face as he tenderly wrapped his strings around the Error's mangled leg. To Error's surprise, the strings didn't hurt. they felt warm and comforting, much like the body he was leaning on. "yOU DOn'T thINk i caN? i'LL havE yOU knoW tHAT i aM onE-NO, THE moST baDASS mOthERfuCKER - dON'T saY thOSe WoRds bOYs, thEy'RE aDulT woRDs - aROuND. ANyoNE iN mY MUlTivERsE coULd tEll yoU thAT. aIn't tHAt riGHt boYs?"
"Daddy's the strongest!" The blue one - Null wasn't it? - said straight off the bat with a wide grin. Error blinked, only to glitch harshly when a small hand lightly touched his arm. Head shooting to the front, he was met with a babybone Papyrus in a orange dress - Void? - who was cooing at him, lightly patting his arm and trying to climb up his Father's lap to him. "Dadadada!" Void laughed before pouting. "Da~Ma~pa~!" He suddenly sang out, making no sens whatsoever, but Error couldn't help but smile a bit more at the two children.
"thERe We GO!" Error turned his head, looking to see that the taller one had wrapped his whole mangled leg up in his strings. "mY mAGiC WiLL FoRm yOUR leG bAcK tO hoW iT WaS, juSt giVE iT sOME tIME. soRTA LIKe hOW We foRM a DoLL ouT oF thE sTRIngs....yOU caN do THAt ToO, RIghT?" All Error could do was nod in agreement, tears starting to come alive once more.
No one has ever been this kind to him. Given him such tender looks or gentle touches. Never love, always LOVE. The taller one had drove away the Voices somehow, took care of his wounds, held him close, and hasn't made one threatening step towards him. How another him could be so benevolent and compassionate, Error will never know. This was something he didn't deserve, something that had only happened in his daydreams. Maybe this wasn't real? Was this all a lie? His mind playing tricks on him once more.
blue tears started to fall once more, pain flaring in his SOUL at the very thought that the one holding him wasn't real. That him and the two children were nothing but something his lonely mind made up to torture him once more.
"No, NO, nO....liTTle ErRoR." Arms enclosed around him, the sound of a SOUL beating right by his head and feeling like nothing bad could touch him happened next. Error blinked up to see his counterpart looking down at him in slight worry, yet never loosing the soft look to it. "thErE's NO nEed tO cRY liTTle ErRoR. WhaT's WRoNG? i'LL makE iT beTTEr." The taller swore with a grim edge to it. Unknown to the little Error, the taller would do anything for the other if asked. Even - especially - if the smaller had asked for Ink's head on a platter right then and there, the taller one would have done just that quite happily.
Error placed both hands on the taller's chest, one hand clinching the red scarf as he listened to the other's SOUL. "Y-Y-Y000u're n-n-n-n0t a dr-r-r-eam....r-r-rig-g-ht?"
"nO, i'M noT." Was the blunt answer, the taller shifting so that one arm was around Error and his free hand coming up to get rid of the tears once more. Eyes that seemed to understand so much stared down into Error's own watery eyes. "I'M ReaL As YOu oR tHE chilDrEN aRE, liTTle ErRoR, i'M noT goING anYWhErE unlEss yOU waNT mE tO."
That very idea terrified Error more then it should. "N0!" Error panicked yell sounded out as he reached out, tightly holding onto his counterpart. "I-I-I-I d0-0-0n't wa-a-ant th-h-h-at!"
"thEN, WhaT iS mY nAME liTTle ErRoR?" Was the soft coo in response to the panic. "i WoNt lEavE yOU, bUt i MUSt havE a NEW naME. thEre cAN onLy bE oNE 'ErRoR'. YOu aRE ErRoR, WHO aM i?"
"E-Errat-tum!" The name came out of Error's mouth without thought. "Y-Y-00-u ar-re Er-rra-atum..."
"ErrAtUm? WaY bEttER tHEN blACKbERRy, iSn't iT?" Erratum laughed slightly, then he glanced around him before settling back to the glitch in his arms. "WhaT dO yOU waNt liTTle ErROr?"
Error didn't even have to think about it. "I w-w-wa-ant y-y-0u t-t-to s-s-t-tay w-w-wit-th m-m-meee."
"i wILL stAY WiTH yOU aS lonG AS yOU waNT mE tO." Erratum agreed gently, trying to sooth the other's glitching and terror. He had to ask that though. If Error didn't want him near him, then he would have to plan accordingly. Erratum would in no way abandon Error, he would never have someone go through what he did. It doesn't matter if he has to go back to destroying, just so long as no one has to be beaten down like he was. If Error didn't want him near, then he would have became his shadow. Without the smaller noticing, Erratum would have protected him in the dark.
But now, he doesn't have to do that. Error wanted him to stay by him, meaning that Erratum could be his shield and guard for when shit hits the fan. Erratum would sooner deck Fate across the face then let another become what he is and was. He was already lost, too broken to be fixed or healed. But Error, he wasn't as lost as he was. So if falling deeper was all it took for Error, Null and Void to be safe and whole, then Erratum would readily jump and start the next free fall that he tried to escape by falling into the VOID.
Because, now Erratum had a reason to Destroy. A better reason, a reason to keep him going when all he gets is pain in the end.
It was just all the sweeter that Fate wasn't here to see this or feel this, to know that they failed once more, in more ways then one.. Erratum could sense the Voices, but they were not as strong as Fate or the other Voices - his power and magic are keeping them from screaming out. If Erratum had lower magic or was weakened, then the Voices would be able to be heard. But with Erratum's and Error's power together, the Voices were on mute you could say.
To be honest, the whole place felt....more like a echo to Erratum. The whole white prison felt weaker then his own, like it was missing more then just Fate's presence. But he put that to the back of his mind for later, he had more important things to worry about right now.
"nUlL, vOID." Both children giggled when their Daddy gently scooped them up and placed them in Error's lap, making Error gasp and jolt lightly. Now all three were in Erratum's lap. "mEeT ErRoR. ErRor, mEEt NUlL anD voID."
"Hello!" Null smiled brightly, leaning up and lightly laying down on Error's chest with his younger brother. "'M Null!"
"Mamamamama-pa~!" Void babbled out, lightly patting Error's chest. "Dadadada....papapa....pap!"
"I-I-I'm-m....E-E-E-Err-r0r." Error muttered out, burying his face into Erratum's chest.
"AnD i'M ERRaTUm." Erratum snorted, bringing both arms around all the skeletons that were sitting on him, cuddling them close. "noW, ErRoR, TeLL mE whY yOU WeRE cRyiNG. i hEaRD yOU IN thE VOID, iT's tHE reAsON whY i CamE hERE. i WanT tO hELp yOU, i WanT tO kEEp yOU saFE." Erratum added in when Error looked like he didn't want to say anything on the matter.
'Safe.' That took his breath away. Someone wanted to keep him safe, keep him protected. Besides, who better to understand him then another version of himself? With that in mind, Error didn't even hesitate to answer. "I-I-Ink a-an-nd 0-0-0the-ers am-mbu-shed m-me...T-Th-hey tr-r-ried t-t0 ki-il-l me-e-e, b-b-ut I g-g-ot a-a-away." Error grimaced thinking back on that day while Erratum looked grim. Null and Void were hanging off Error's every word, silently gasping at the thought of someone even thinking of doing that to someone else. "L-L-Land-ded he-ere. I c-c-an-n't!" Error sobbed out, shaking as he clawed at Erratum. Erratum didn't even flinch at this. "I-I-I c-c-a-annnn't d-d00-00 th-h-is a-a-any-y-m0re! N-N-N0 m0-0re d-d-destr-0-0ying!" The smaller panted, SOUL hurting more then ever at the thought of even leaving the Anti-VOID to go destroy a AU. "R-R-Rath-h-er r0-0-0-000t h-h-her-re! D0n-n-n't wa-a-an't t-t0!"
'So, instead of jumping like I did, you instead decided to stay in the Anti-VOID for the rest of your life. To see if you would finally rot and decay.' Erratum never really thought of that, mostly because he didn't want to deal with the Voices more then he had to and partly because he knew he couldn't die no matter what. He tried to rot in other AU's like Error is trying, but it never worked for him. But maybe there are more difference between him and Error then just looks and personality? In any matter, this Error is stronger then he is. He stayed, Erratum jumped. Sure, both wanted death, but one stayed where as the other went to the absolute last resort - and it figures that it didn't even work.
"Then don't do it." Null pointed out factually out of nowhere, making Erratum laugh and Error pause in his sobbing. Void giggled wile Null pouted up at the adults. "If you don't want to, then don't."
"NuLL iS RighT." Erratum cut in before Error could go on. "iF yOU dON't WanT tO Go on BEinG thE desTroYER, thEN doN't." Erratum took in a deep breath, using one hand to lightly rub Error's arm to calm him down. "lEt mE hanDle EvERyTHinG. lIttLE ErROR, thEy WiLL noT touCh YOU leT alONE foRce YOu inTO anyTHinG iF i hAVe anYThinG To sAY aboUT iT."
With that said, the four fell into a calm. As time has no meaning in the Anti-VOID, they could have sat there for just a second to years. But to all four of them, it didn't matter. Error was fine, lightly purring as Erratum tenderly rubbed his back and hearing the other's SOUL beat. Null was fine being near his Daddy and new friend, loving that he had so many new family members. Void was perfectly happy with everything that was going, knowing without a doubt that in that moment there was nothing but love unlike before Daddy came to them. And Erratum was finally at peace for once in his long life, holding those that were his close and safe with him.
So, of course, that fragile peace he had with him had to be shattered. Because when does Erratum ever deserve peace?
If Erratum had hair, it would have stand up on edge when he felt a familiar built up of magic, meaning that a portal was opening or someone was readying a attack - maybe even both. He blankly saw a swirl of colors come to life, making him sigh and rub Error's head to calm the now shaking skeleton down.
'Here comes the next contender...I wonder how much different yet the same this one is...'
"ERROR!" Ink roared as he jumped into the Anti-VOID, feeling anger unlike ever before.
After the huge war they had with Error, ending with them beating him and forcing him to hide away in the Anti-VOID, AU's were once more being destroyed. Ink had thought that Error had finally stopped this, that they had finally won. But apparently not. And just when Ink had been getting into a creative beige too.
Now all the AU's are heading to the Original AU's, just in case a certain someone decided to go and destroy their AU's. Finally having enough of this - and because the Council has a hold of the evacuations - Ink found that it was time to go have a talk with Error about his poor life choices.
- Looking back on it, maybe that is why Ink was so shocked to found everything out. Choices. Such a funny word that he had used to describe Error's...life in general he supposed. Something that many take for granted. -
Stepping into the endless white, Ink nearly fell flat on his face when he looked to Error, choking on the words he was going to yell out at the sight that greeted him in the Anti-VOID.
A older, more war torn Error was sitting there with the Error he knew in his lap, and then there were two babybones in his hold as well. The taller sat there, holding them protectively and seemed to be staring into Ink's SOUL.
"sOME tHINGs nEvER chANgE." Ink flinched back at the deeper voice, still glitching in a similar fashion as Error's.
Erratum took in the new Ink. Like the tall Ink, this Ink was taller but not reaching his height. This Ink came to Erratum's collar bone, where as Error came up to Erratum's lower chest/upper stomach area. But it is true, some things never change. Inky always busted in whenever he wanted to, yell at the ready for the 'slights' against him. Time to see if that's all there is that is the same, or if there is more.
Sliding the three off his lap - with the kids whining about while Error whimpered - Erratum stood up, taking off his bag, sitting it next to Error, and taking off his trench coat to put it around Error. Error softly cried, reaching up as if to grab a hold of him, but he lightly shook his head as he gently pushed the hands back down, promising with his eyes that he would be here and wouldn't leave him. Both Null and Void cuddled close to Error, trying to calm his shivering while Erratum turned to face Ink, making sure that the three were behind him safety.
"CreAtoR, wHY aRE yOU HeRE?" Might as well get this over with, he has more important things to do.
Ink, meanwhile, wasn't on the same page as the taller one. In fact, he was too busy gaping up at the taller figure that walked up to him, stopping at a safe distance from him. "E-Error...?"
".....nO, aT lEasT, noT iN thE waY yOU thINK. i AM ErraTUm." Erratum eventually stated before focusing fully on Ink, making the creator unwillingly take a step back at the darkly intense look he was getting. How something could be scarier then a glare, he will never know. "i ASk agaIN; CrEaTOR, whY aRe YoU hErE?"
Feeling super confused on just what the hell is going on, while wondering what the other meant by 'Not in the way you think', Ink decided there was no time to ask all the questions he wants to and went ahead on demanding information needed on the AU's being destroyed. His creations took propriety here.
Standing as tall as he could, Ink frowned harshly as he tried to glance around this 'Erratum'. "I'm Ink. I'm here to have a talk with Error about him destroying more AU's."
Erratum's eyes grew sharp when he heard Error whimper behind him. He had a good idea what was going on outside the Anti-VOID. Error had already admitted to staying in the Anti-VOID - where time has no meaning so he could have been in there way longer then how it felt - to rot. Without Error, and if Ink just went on creating, then AU's must be touching by now, destroying one another.
Too bad for Ink, Erratum in no way cares about this fact. It's mostly Ink's fault in his opinion anyway.
Luckily for Ink, Erratum was willing to step into the Destroyer's shoes once more. Just so that another may be free from Fate's shackles.
Only good thing out of the two is that Fate no longer is here, but it doesn't change the fact that Fate created this Multiverse most likely after his. That much isn't hard to figure out.
"CreaTOR, DiD A aU DesTRoy riGht BEfoRE yoU goT hERE?" At Ink's hesitating nod, Erratum went on with a slight growl in his voice. "eRRoR hAS bEEn wiTH mE aND mY chilDREN aT tHE tIME. SO tELL mE hoW ErRoR DesTROyEd thOSE aU'S WiTH hIM bEIng hERe wiTH mE."
Time to see just how alike and different this Ink really was to Inky.
With a startled look, Ink started to shake his head. What was this weird Skeleton Monster saying? There was no possible way it wasn't Error. He was the only one who could destroy whole AU's. There was no other way for all this to happen. "It has to be Error! He's the destroyer-"
"hE hAS a bROkeN LEg." Erratum cut off the Creator, pushing back the urge to strangle the other. "mAngLEd REaLLy. iT wAS aboUT tO faLL oFF WhEN i FOunD hIM, SO hoW coULd hE bE mOvINg aROUnd AU tO AU TO dEsTroY whILe i WAs WraPPing Up hiS lEG? oR bEfoRE i founD hiM wHEN hiS lEG WaS REaDY tO comE OFf?"
With a blink, Ink tilted so that he could finally take a better look at Error from around the other skeleton - Who, Ink had a feeling, would have forcibly made sure he wouldn't be able to get around him. - and gasped when he saw the glitches leg wrapped up in strings, blood and dust on him and surrounding him. Never mind that two little babybones glaring at him while Error holds them close, silently crying.
"B-But....Error...." Ink paused, brows frowning as he thought at the words that were being said. Logically, Erratum was right. Whoever this skeleton was, is right. And it couldn't have been Erratum either if this was the case then. If Erratum was telling the truth - and Ink couldn't sense no lies coming off of him - then that meant as soon as he came here - from wherever that was - he and his children had been with Error, who's leg was so badly messed up that he couldn't move.
The last time he had seen Error was when they all used the all out plan, attacking Error until he had jumped back into the Anti-VOID. That had been a while ago, so that meant Error had been here in the white for a long while with his injuries festering until Erratum and the kids showed up.
- Ink ignored a piece of him that was horrified on Error's behalf. To stay there, sitting in pain with no one coming for stars knows how long until someone finally did, a stranger at that most likely. A killer could have come by and Error would most likely have let the other do him in. But then again, isn't Ink and the others the killers in this instance? Ink had to push back the colorful vomit that wanted to come up at the thought. He had more important things to deal with right now. Error shouldn't have been destroying AU's, destroying lives and families. But now it seems Error has learned his lesson, so it's all good...right? -
This all points to it not being Error who was destroying the AU's. And while Ink couldn't see any other way, it doesn't mean he can't see logic when it was slammed in front of his face.
"So...It's not Error then." Ink sighed harshly, grimacing as a thought hit him. "But, then that means..."
Erratum's brows raised at this, was this new version of Ink actually going to own up to the fact that this is his fault?
"There's a new destroyer!" Ink gasped out, eyes widening in horror.
"WhAT." Erratum completely deadpanned. A few feet behind him, Error had stopped crying in pure shock. Null looked confused but had a deep frown on his face, showing that he was deep in thought, while Void was just plain confused at the turn of the mood in the air.
"I'm sorry Error. I blamed you for something you didn't so this time." Ink apologized with a sad air. "I don't know how another Destroyer came to be, but I'll catch him and leave you be....along with your....friends?"
"W-W-W-Wh-h-hat." Error was dumbfounded, tears gone as he stared wide eyed at the creator.
"WhY DO yOU thINK thERe iS a nEW DEstROYER?" Erratum couldn't help but ask, feeling like he was missing something right now, that, or this Ink was so deeply in denial at what he has done he is so delusional right now it isn't funny.
"How else are the AU's being killed off?" Ink asked back, lifting his brush to make a portal to leave. "Only Error has been able to destroy them. But I understand logic, so I know you speak the truth on this matter. So, therefore, only another destroy could have done this base on facts."
Now even Null was looking at the Creative Monster like he was a idiot. The babybones may not know exactly what was going on, but he knew there could be so many reasons for the littlest of things, that there is no way just one possible explanation. He had learned that from Him and the others in the labs - so many results from the hurts before Daddy had come to save them.
'Logic....and facts.' Well, at least this Ink is different then Inky, but still the same. Inky was emotionally driven, never stopping to look at the truth staring him in the face, even if it screamed at him like the Voices did to him. But the Ink here was willing to listen and hear them out, and after thinking on it, agreed with him because everything Erratum had said made sense and was perfectly logical. Sure, he still treated Error like dirt and Erratum could tell that Ink thought that Error deserved his wounds as the Creator didn't look like he cared about the broken leg.
But if this is the case, that Ink would listen to logic, then why is it that he is ignoring that he is the problem here? That he is so deeply in denial about his wrong doings? Erratum is missing pieces, and he wanted them so that he could have a full picture. Yet, for now, Erratum had to do something so that he could get Error out of the white without someone attacking them on spot, he had to do the others job without fights breaking out...He wouldn't take the same treatment as before, not when he had three Monsters to come home to. He didn't have time to waste spending on fighting, he wanted to do his job, get out, and then spend the rest of the time with Error, Null and Void.
'Inky always had it easy! If only the others knew-' A light bulb went off in Erratum's head. It could be a long shot, but maybe it could work. Luckily for him, he has lost so much he was willing to do just about anything for those he considers his to be safe and sound.
"lETS cuT tO thE ChASe, I knoW WHy thIS iS gOING ON. bUT i tHOUghT yOU alREaDy kNEW, sO i DIDn't saY anYTHinG bEfoRE." Erratum told the paintbrush wielding skeleton before he could leave. If he wanted this half-baked plan to work, then he needed to play along with the other's delusions.
While Erratum would rather just blast his way in and out, he could play sly if needed to. No matter how much it makes his magic crawl at the very thought of playing along with this insane Ink. But it's different now. He had others to worry about, others that he actually cares about.
Anything for for what is his.
Anything and everything.
Even if it destroys him.
Even if it shatters him beyond the point of return.
Because they are worth so much more than himself.
"You do?!" Ink nearly fell flat on his face when the taller said this, turning in haste to look up at him. "Why then?! Who's been doing this!?"
"hoLD ON." Erratum lifted up a hand, eyes grim and serious. "i WaNT tHERe tO bE NO miSunDERstANdiNGS oN WhaT iS gOING ON. I alSO WaNt EveRYoNE tO knOW ErROR is NOT aT faUlt hERe. SO i wILL onLY SaY thE reAsON ONCe - To EvERyONE."
Now, Ink was looking at him shrewdly. Seems he wasn't a total idiot after all. "And what's stopping you from attack everyone? You are a unknown, a Monster I know for sure I never created. I'm also pretty sure I never created those children too. Never mind that you look so much like Error, I have no guarantees that you are not planning anything violent for the others."
"i WiLL ExplAIn EvERyTHinG, abOUT mE inCluDEd, IN frONt oF evERyoNE. RemEmbER, i KNoW WHY tHE AU's aRE DesTRoyINg. I couLD bE yoUr ONlY choiCE, BEcauSE i CaN TeLL yOU nOW thAT iT wiLL noT StOP." Erratum held back the smirk that wanted to come up, he never thought he would be bargaining with any creator in his long life, but different Multiverse different rules. "WhiLE i CaN't GivE yOU pRoOF aboUt anYThinG riGHt noW, i DO SweaR ON mY SOUL thAT i WILL noT aTTaCk anYoNE UnlEss thEY aTTaCk fiRSt."When Ink glared at him, Erratum snorted right in his face. "yOU saID iT yoURsELF; i LOOk liKE eRRor. AND i'vE sEEN whAT yOU'vE doNE tO hIM." Erratum jerked his face to where Error was, Ink flushing a bit in shame at this. "i ALSo wiLL bE takINg ErRoR anD thE kiDS wiTH mE, SO iF anyONE gETS thE iDea iN thEIr emptY hEaD to TRy anYTHinG WitH thEM, I WiLL dEfenD thEM. i REfuSE tO lEavE thEM alONE In thIS hElLhoLE."
Ink had the idea that 'defend' was more like 'I will slaughter every single one of them, leaving not even dust behind or before they could even make a single sound'. He might be over reacting about it, but the way Erratum said it made it sound like a promise for murder of the highest degree if anyone so much as brushes past one of the three behind him. Did Ink really want to chance this?
"i aLSO knOW HOw TO sTOP iT." Erratum offered up absent mindlessly. "thE oNLy WaY TO mAKE iT sTOP."
Then again, they did gang up on Error to horrifically beat him while not listening to his screams for Mercy...So Ink thinks that this is perfectly understandable even if he doesn't like it and they all had a good reason for fighting Error.
Lowering his brush, he thought about it. What was there to really loose in the end from agreeing to this? AU's were dying off slowly now, but that could change in a moment. And if whoever or whatever kept killing them off, then they would all die no matter what. On the off chance that Erratum wants to get them together to kill all the Monsters off, then what does it matter in the long run? Because Ink knew that they had nothing to go off of now, now that he knows it wasn't Error who destroyed the AU's.
This new strange Monster was offering answers to all Ink could ask for, the answer that could save the whole Multiverse, and all he was asking for was for no violence towards him and his as he told everyone so that no misunderstandings happen. Not too bad, as long as he can get the others to not attack Error. But he's sure they could see the logic in it if it meant that the rest of the AU's can be saved. Now, the issue was getting all the main skeletons in one AU - including Night's gang - without their being bloodshed.
'Well, got nothing to loose.' And that was the cruncher, there was nothing to loose if this didn't work. But if it does? Then he had everything to gain.
But what did Erratum have to gain by sharing this? What did he have to loose?
Some part of Ink was dreading the answers he will get, but sacrifices must be done if he wants to make sure the Multiverse doesn't up and die on him. So, he pushed his feelings aside and decided to go for it.
"Alright then, I'll take your offer and deal." Ink made sure not to even glance at where Error and the children were, keeping his eyes on the mysterious Erratum. "It'll take me some time to gather everyone and tell them what is going on, so I'll come and get you three once everyone is in one place and they have been told not to touch you and yours."
"AS loNg aS thEY unDersTANd WhaT WiLL hapPEN iF thEY Do noT lisTEN TO yOU." Erratum nodded in agreement, watching blankly as Ink nodded once more before making a portal and leaving.
Once he was for sure that the creator was gone and not coming right back, Erratum relaxed and turned back to Error, who was watching him with wide eyes along as he held Null and Void.
Taking a deep breath, Erratum walked back to them, plopping down right by Error as he popped his neck. "WeLL...thAT haPPEnEd."
"Daddy, what's going on?" Null pouted up at his Daddy, not understanding what was going on. Void hummed loudly, chewing on his dress.
"DaDDy maDe a oFFeR tO thE deVIl, AnD saID DevIL tOOk iT." Erratum snorted, gently stopping Void from chewing on his dress. While he could fix holes easily, he didn't want the babybones to get into that habit. "DaDDy hAS a pLAn iN moTion, DesTRucTION iS nEEdeD ONce mORE."
"I-I-I d0n-n-n-n't wan-n-nt t-t0 des-s-str0y an-n-nym0re...." Error whispered out, reaching out to Erratum. Erratum knew that if Error could, he would be crawling to him. Not wanting the other to aggravate his wounds - especially the ones that Erratum hasn't looked at yet. The taller knows that Error has to have some broken ribs and other bones than just his leg. Although that must be the worse one...hopefully. - Erratum took the smaller's hands in his own, rubbing the back of the hands with his thumb to try and calm the other. "P-P-P-Plea-a-s-e....d-d-d0-000n't m-m-mak-ke me-e-e!"
"i'M nOT goiNG TO mAKE yOU DesTroY liTTle ErRoR, i WiLL TakE youR plAcE WhEN iT coMEs Time FOr iT." Erratum quickly hushed Error, who opened his mouth to protest. "i hAVE a PLaN liTTle ErROr. iT caN GO iN manY DirEctIONs dEpEndiNg On YouR mUltivERsE's cREaTOR. tElL mE," Here Erratum leaned down so that he and Error were face to face. "doES thE AU's KNoW aboUT US? abOUT FatE anD InK? OUr jOBs?"
Error sniffed silently, frowning a bit before shaking his head. "N-N0. T-T-T-The-e-y d0-0-0n't kn0-0w." Understanding lit up in Error's eyes. He looked to Erratum in shock. "A-A-Ar-re....y-y-00u g0-0ing t0-0 tel-ll th-he-em?"
"yES. i AM gOING tO tEll tHEm EveRythINg. i RefuSE TO lEt thIS GO oN IN anoTheR mulTivErSE, I wiLL noT leT ThiS GO oN." The taller glitch sighed, leaning back from Error. "BuT thEre aRE maNy poSSiblE ouTcomEs fROm thIS, nOt aLL goOD. bUt i SwEaR tO YOu, thEY wiLL noT sO muCh aS toUCh yOU. aNY oF yOU." Erratum glanced to Null and Void when he said this, the two children now quietly playing with one another as the two adults talked.
Error clinched the hands that he was holding onto, feeling like everything was going to change and never be like it was before. He now had someone on his side, someone who was willing to give up everything for him. It blew his mind and made his SOUL float lightly and skip a few beats. This Monster in front of him, another version of him and someone he could have been, was going to tell the whole Multiverse about everything and, from the he was saying it, didn't care for how they reacted too much. Erratum was going to bring chaos, and Error loves it.
Erratum was going to take away the pain, just like with the Voices. If Erratum can make the screaming stop with just his presence alone, then he could make the Monsters stop hurting him, right?
"0-0-00utc0m-mes?" Error asked aloud, mind going to how this could all go down, but feeling much better knowing that Erratum wasn't going to force him into anything and protect him.
"oNe WAy thIS cOULD ENd iS wiTH NO onE beliEviNG mE. tHuS i hAVe TWo iDeAS foR thAT." Erratum suddenly smiled. It reminded Error of a shark. "fiRST is tHAT i lET thEM fiGuRE oUT ThaT i aM teLLinG thE tRUtH tHE haRD wAY; mEanINg thAT i lET tHE AU's DestRoy thEMsELvES unTIl thEY cOME beGGing FOr mE tO fiX evERyTHinG. BuT whILe THEy dO tHAT, WE stAY saFelY tuCKEd AWAy ANd WaTCh thEm FaIL At evERyTHinG elSE uNtiL thEY dO. iF thEY dON't DO anYthiNg, thEn i CoulD eitHER WaiT foR ThEm TO moStlY bE desTORyEd bEfoRE saVIng tHE reST, moRE spAcE and QuiEt THAt waY, oR We couLD waTCh thEM aLL buRN. mEtapHOricalLy thAT iS - unlEsS yOU waNT Me tO SeT sOME oF thEm oN fiRE, nEvEr reALLy triEd thAT bEfoRE sO it's boUND tO bE fuN - aS thEY wiLL juSt CruMblE AwAY."
Error's jaw dropped a little while Erratum darkly chuckled. Erratum was petty, VENGEANCE was apart of him just as it JUSTICE, he could own up to that. Revenge and Vengeance went hand in hand, Justice was not peace nor was it nice and pretty. One person's justice could be another's torture and end. And while Erratum may not be able to get even, who is to say he wouldn't enjoy the same faces burning for what they did to him if it comes down to it. He's never tried it, and it's always what they say; Try it at least once, or, don't knock it until you try it.
Erratum truly is one petty Monster - but he's fine with it. Such thoughts are sometimes the only thing that kept him going after all in his more darker moments.
"SecONd thING i COUld DO iN thAT scENaRiO iS jUSt gO ThrOUGh wiTH dEstROyING whAT iS nEEdEd AnD lEt thEM sEE thAT i AM riGHt thAT waY. bUT thAT opTioN depENDS ON iF iNK stOPS cREaTINg tHEN. I aLSO DOn't WanT thIS tO bE liKE bACk in My mULtiVERsE oR liKE hoW youRs iS bEfoRE alL thiS, SO lasT REsoRT." Error nodded in agreement with that. "thE oTHEr WaY thEY coulD reacT TO thIS iS tO SeE i AM TelLINg thE truTH, EndinG wiTH foRcinG INk tO mAkE a DeaL wiTH mE iF thE othERs gANg uP on HIM anD baCk mE uP iF hE doESn't TakE tHE deaL."
"D-D-Deea-al?" Error almost pitied Ink. Almost.
"HmMM, yEs, a DeaL." Erratum hummed, smiling going softer as he let go of Error's hands and started to take off his jacket. Error helped him take it off without protest, only whimpering at the slight pain and shifting so that he didn't drop Null and Void. Seeing that the smaller's arms were also cracked and banged up, Erratum got out his strings and went to work. "i WiLL oFfeR UP a DeAL AftER i AM dONe explAinING. thEY wiLL bE aBLE tO moVe tHE MONsTERs aND oTHErS IN thE AU's tHAT nEEd To BE DesTRoyED - bUT thEiR CoDES nEEd TO bE enTEREd IN tHE AU thAT tHEY wILL bE liVing IN FROm NOW oN. mEaNINg thAT tHEY wILL hAVE TO mERgE. thE oTHeR pARt oF tHE dEAL iS thAT INk stOPS cREaTIng aND WE stOP DesTRoyiNG WhEN thIS iS aLL DOne." Error's head shot up, breath stopping while Erratum grinned at him. "unLESS AU's aRE aboUT tO TouCH oF couRSE. thEN wE wILL waRN EvERyONE aND a MErgE CAN hapPEn so thAT i CaN desTRoy WhaT nEEds TO bE. BUt, i'M TiREd TOO liTTle ErRoR. hopEfuLLy sOOn WE wILL boTH bE fReE fROM FaTe's shacKlES."
While Error was processing this, Null blinked up at Erratum as he cuddled Void close. "What happens after all that Daddy?" Null may not understand fully what was going on, but he knew it was a make or break decision that was going to happen soon. But he wondered what will go on after that, what will they do then?
Erratum blinked, stilling from where he was wrapping up Error's arm and glanced down at the smaller glitch.
"aFtER tHAT, hMmM? SO manY choiCEs."
'Choices'. Erratum used to think that word was a lie, a funny joke.
For the first time ever, it held meaning.
But looking to the three in front of him, he knew many other words suddenly held meaning to him now. And he would sooner watch this whole Multiverse burn to the ground before he looses these meanings, these Monsters that give color and definition to the words that had been nothing to him before.
'Family' was just one of those words.
-End Chapter-
Here it is! Sorry for the long wait. I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter as I did making it.
Inky is emotionally driven. He can be reasoned with, but it is a hard thing to do because he lets his emotions blind him most of the time. It's one of the main reasons he doesn't ask the important questions, besides him believing that he is right. Where Ink was willing to listen to Erratum and see the truth in his words, Inky wouldn't have listen and would have attacked. It will take a whole lot more then just talking facts at him to believe in something he thought was right - something Erratum knows well and painfully.
Ink on the other hand is logically driven. He can be swayed with emotions and can get very emotionally - like we will see in the next part - but he would sooner listen to the facts then his own emotions most of the time. That's why he would hear Erratum out and not attack, he sees the logic in it after hearing the others words and seeing proof with Error being too hurt to move really. And while this Creator does believe he is right, it's because he doesn't have anything else to say he is wrong.
Both Creators are similar, but very different in the inner workings of their minds. both do not know the truth, and both are going to find out in different ways eventually.
It's the same with Erratum and Error too, which will be more obvious as time goes on. Erratum is older then Error. Fate tried to make another Multiverse, but lost their power in that Multiverse early on because of Destiny - that will be explained more on, much more later on in this story - so that explains why Erratum is older. Also time moves differently in the Multiverse too, adding in another factor.
Next chapter, Erratum meets the whole group and pretty much starts a riot....that or WW3 Undertale version because of all the bombs he drops with no cares at all. Also, some bonding with Error and the Babybones!
Words: 9433
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