Gravity Lapses - Part 1

I do not own the song or video, they belong to their respectful owner. I do not own Gravity Falls or Undertale, they belong to their respectful owners. I only own this story and my OCs. While I was always going to make a Gravity Falls AU for this, the comments really made me want to make this so bad! I hope and pray that there will be fanart for this story, if only for the pairings alone.

Please remember that with Error and the kids being in this, it changes a lot. It might not show a lot at first, but it will cause a ripple effect. One example is that Stan doesn't pretend all that much about not knowing about what is strange with the town like he did in the first episodes or season. He has a literally Monster God working with him along with said God's kids, he has no leg to stand on if he says there is nothing wrong with the town.

Although, now that I think about it, I can still see Stan trying that just because he is Stan... like in the first episode, instead of "Monsters in the forest isn't real..." he could say "Look, the only Monsters that are real are inside the house. By your logic, it would be safer out in the woods.". Hmm, I might use this later on.

World: Gravity Falls

Pairings: Error/Stan, Null/Dipper, Void/Mabel, One-sided Error/Bill, One-sided Error/Ford, One-sided Null/Pacifica, and One-sided Void/Gideon

When: I had a choice to make, three choices in fact on when I could make Error land. First, Weirdmageddon. But I want time devoted to character, plot and relationship development, around that time it is closer to the end of Summer, meaning that Dipper and Mabel leave. Next options was around the time Stan sets up shop or in between the first two episodes where there was a time skip. After much, and I mean much, debating with myself, I have decided to go with when Stan is younger. This way Error and the kids know the town and said town's people are very protective of the skeleton Monster family. It also gives me time to age up Null and Void a bit so that they are more closer to the twins physical ages. While there are rumors of walking talking skeletons in town there is no proof of this because no one lets the world out too much, only tourist talk about them and it isn't like the government is going to come knocking just for that kind of rumor, if they did, then the government would be just be about everywhere looking for Big Foot or The Moth Man. Time moves faster in Gravity Falls then in Error's Original Multiverse.

Stan was on his way to see his brother after years of not, driving in the dark. Then suddenly, a sobbing whisper sounded out in his ear and a bright light nearly blinded him. Slamming the breaks, Stanley Pines ran out of his car to see just what in hell was going on.

A downtrodden man broken by his own mistakes was then faced with a Monster God broken by years of abuse and torment for doing his own job and duty that was barely hanging on by a thin string that was called 'Null and Void' or simply called 'His kids'. Faced with someone much more broken then even he could be, Stan took them all in with no regrets. He made a promise that day after all.

Years later, Dipper and Mabel are faced with the supernatural and magical just as they step off the bus in this Universe. Their family here is more strange, their adventures more dangerous and a lot more mysterious but they wouldn't have it any other way. Both twins gain two more friends, Mabel gains a knitting teacher and buddy while Dipper gains a teacher on the strange and thought to be long gone or not thought to be real. Stan gains someone to lean on and for someone to lean on him as well and three certain Monsters who made him smile, making sure he was never truly alone.

Error gains too much in his eyes, things that he shouldn't have because he knew he would mess it up or taint it with his bloody dust hands. Yet, he wouldn't trade it for anything in the end, even with all the trouble that comes with it.

It's amazing what destiny can do, how much can change, when you add a bit more to something already amazing.

Error watched his Original Multiverse, LOVE surrounding him.

This Multiverse watched Error, a broken unconditional love in everything he does.

While Error's Original Multiverse didn't love him, didn't accept him as himself, Gravity Falls could. Weirdness was something they held dearly and proudly, and Error was one of the weirdest Monster they have ever seen.

Error watched this New Multiverse, love surrounding him as they all opened their arms for him to rest in, for him to come and heal in.

To truly heal, love and move on...

All you have to do is trust in others and yourself.

-Start Chapter-

"Man, I must really be in the boonies!" A man with brown hair grumbled, squinting out into the dark as he drove down a deserted road. "Nothing but trees..."

Stanley Pines sighed, making sure to keep a eye out on the road in front of him. "This reminds me of a horror movi-"

"Please! Promise me-" Stan jerked the car at the sudden noise in his ear. The car swerved as the voice sobbed as if in great pain, whispering words that Stan could barely make out. Just when the voice stopped and Stan got the car straight again, a bright light blinded him as it flashed in front of him.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" Stan yelled out, slamming his foot on the breaks. He faintly could hear a thud as the car jerked to a full stop, tires squealing from the strain. Stan almost hit his head on the dash board, chest heaving as everything finally stopped.

Silence took over, the light fading into nothing like it was never there. "Just like a horror movie...." Stan whispered, only to then chuckle lowly. "That, or a alien movie-"


Stan was out of the car before he even knew what he was doing. Fearing that he had hit someone, Stan ran to the front of the car only to freeze. His headlights the only light there was, but it was enough to tell that the tall being a few feet in front of him was in no way human. The being almost blended in with the dark, crouched down as if protecting something with their body.

Taking a small step forward, Stan stilled when the other's head snapped up and he was struck with multicolored glowing eyes in a cracked skull with what seemed to be blue tears going down their eye sockets. Seeing the warning in the other's eyes, Stan slowly raised his hands to show he meant no harm.

As the other slowly relaxed at his motion, Stan took a closer look at the other's face. Even in his headlights, Stan could see blood leaking off the other. Scars that are fresh and old alike on the skull, chips and marks littered everywhere. To be honest, this skeleton - because what else can this creature be? - looked like he went to hell, stayed there for a while, then finally decided to fight their way out.

It was only when the tall skeleton shifted that Stan noticed the little skeletons that the taller held to his chest protectively. His mouth went dry. All this didn't paint a good picture and it did not sit well with the only human in the area. Before Stan noticed, he was already talking to the creature that could likely kill him. The smart thing would be to go back into his car, turn it around, and never look back or think about this again.

Stan never said he was smart, that's more his brother's area anyway.

"Um, hey!" Stan stumbled, hesitantly taking a very small step forward. Eyes trained on him like a scope on a gun. "A-Are you okay? I mean, that thump sounded like you had a rough landing! D-Do you need help? Maybe someone I could call...? I could drive ya home if it's near..." Stan had no idea what he was doing or asking, but his heart was screaming at him to do something - so he was going to do it. He can still hear that sobbing voice echoing in his head from before.

"Please! Promise me you'll help them! Help him heal! Help My Child!"

Stan might be a crook and have some very twisted morals, but he isn't heartless. Some parent was crying for help, somehow, and now another parent was on the ground trying to protect their kids. While he may be horribly confused, he was going to do his best by doing what he does best.

He's going to wing it like no tomorrow.

"i.....nO." Stan was in awe when the other slowly sat up, bones cracking as they slowly did so. The voice was ever changing, like it was glitched to be honest. And he could see the skeleton glitching too, this is really not what he expected when he started driving today, it really wasn't. "I haVE NO hOME."

"Oh...." Stan glanced around as if the trees themselves would give him a answer to what to do. Noise caught his attention, and he saw the little skeletons in dresses move about, yawning and slowly waking up. The taller one - He? Stan is pretty sure that it is a male from the voice alone, it is pretty deep no matter how it changes pitch, but Stan also didn't want to assume. - quickly cuddle them close, a cold wind whipping through them.

'I'm such a sap...' Stan sighed, closing his eyes. Then he opened them, knowing what he was about to do could end very badly for himself, but then again most of everything he does ends badly for him. What's one more time?

"How....How about you stay the night with me then?" Eyes snapped to him while he rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm going to check into a cheap motel for the night, so it wont be much, but it's better then staying out in the cold dark, right?" Stan sighed harshly, ruffling his hair. "Just for the night, find out what your going to be doing now." Stan glances to the now squirming kids who are now finally waking up. The dark skeleton seemed to be debating, so Stan went for the throat - meteorically because Stan didn't think he could take on this skeleton. It was like something dark and powerful was wrapped around him, held tightly but could be released at any moment. Stan did not want to be the one to help release that. "Give the kids a dry place to sleep for the night."

The skeleton twitched before gracefully standing up. Stan almost took a step back at the other's height. Sure, he could tell he was tall, but not this tall! Stan only went up to his middle chest if that, and he wasn't a small fry himself either.

The skeleton was soon right in front of him, bending down so that they were eye to eye. Stan's heart stopped, it was like the dark skeleton was looking right through him - seeing everything.

Eventually the skeleton nodded. "okAY. DO anYthINg To mE aND MInE," Here the skeleton clutched the kids tighter to him. "i WiLL maKE YoU wiSH FOr tHE MERCY oF DeaTH."

Well, what can Stan say to that? Although, is it really that unfair? This is stranger danger on both sides and a opposite side of hitch hiking - where the driver picks up someone off the side of the road instead of someone on the side of the road asking for a ride from the driver. Stan could hardly believe he is going through with this, because if he was on the skeletons end he wouldn't even consider accepting. So, not that unfair to threaten him. With a shrug, Stan agreed with him. "Fair enough."

After that, Stan and the skeleton were in the car with Stan wondering how this is his life now. Stan had to move the car seat a bit for the taller one, make it lower as well as back so that the skeleton could actually sit down much less fit inside the car. The supernatural, paranormal, and magical wasn't something he believed in...Well, not until it landed right in front of him. The dark skeleton wasn't buckled in and was holding the half-asleep children in his lap. Stan wasn't about to tell him to buckle up, he liked living too much for that. In fact, he would pay good money to see a officer pull them over and try to tell the taller on to buckle up. No, better yet, he would make tickets and then sell them to other people. It would be a good slaughter.

With a gulp, Stan started driving once more.

"D...Daddy...?" A quiet mumble was heard, then Stan out of the corner of his eye saw the taller skeleton lean down and almost silently cooed something to the small skeleton in blue. He did the same with the one in orange, making both relax fully. Before long, they both were almost fully asleep.

Silence once again over took everything, only the sound of slurred mumbling from the children who were slowly going back to sleep from the movement of the car and parent and breathing.

Then the skeleton broke it. 

"thANK yOU." The skeleton quietly said.

Stan flinched before laughing nervously. "Y....You're welcome...." With a dry gulp, Stan let everything tumble out of his mouth without thought now that the skeleton broke the silence. It was like the other broke a lock that Stan held on his words. "So, I've been calling you 'Skeleton' and 'them' in my head, and I don't really know if that is racist or not." Stan glanced out of the corner of his eye to see the skeleton slowly turn their head to look at him. "Like, what I'm asking is....How do I say this without looking like a jerk? Can I just ask what's in their pants? No, that sounds worse...What if they're one of those people who don't have a gender? They're a skeleton though....Is he a zombie?!" Stan mumbled to himself.

A deep chuckle made him stop. Chancing a look over, he saw the skeleton laughing with a gleam in his eyes. A very small smirk coming up on his face.

"I aM mAlE aND iDenTifY mySeLF AS maLE. althOUgH, wiTh maGIC, i cAN maKE eiTHeR oR boTH repRoDuctiVE 'oRgaNS' IN mY paNTS. skELeTONs ArE nOT boRN wiTh pHySicaL oRgANs, SO wE makE thEM wiTH OUr maGIC." Stan choked, nearly crashing the car at the matter-of-factually tone the skeleton was talking in, like he was a teacher almost, and what he was saying. "mY naME iS eRRoR, anD mY RacE aRE caLLEd MonsTERs. SO i aM a SkelEtON mONStER. nOt a zOMbiE, noR aRE tHE kiDS foR thAT maTTeR."

With now red cheeks, Stan still grinned. While embarrassed, he felt good about this. Maybe it wouldn't be as dangerous or as awkward as he thought it would be. Sure, Error admitted to being a Monster, but he said it was what his race was called. Not racist for thinking it then, at least that was one worry off his mind. Although, Stan had to admire the skeleton for out right talking about how babies are born via Skeleton Monsters. Not many people like talking about that.

"Error, huh? Nice name!" Stan could feel himself relax a bit. "The name's Stanley Pines. Call me Stan."

"huMaNS AlwAYs haVE suCH fuNNy namES." Error chuckled out loud. "stAnlEY. mEnaINg: liVEs bY thE sTONe groVE. dId yOU liVe BY a sTONE GroVE? i CaN sEE it maKINg SenSE thEN."

"Hey now-" Stan stopped himself, thinking about it. It could be a culture difference now that he was thinking about it. He could remember some different languages having some funky meanings yet parents still naming their kids them for whatever reason. Then again, just where in hell did this Monster come from now that he was thinking on it. "So, Error, where are you from? Oh, and the kids's names, what are they?" Stan tacked on, glancing down to the dozing children.

Error paused, eyes dimming in thought. He thought to when he awoke, blinded by a light. Coming to, he found the light to be from a car, a man now standing in front of the car. It had taken everything in him not to lash out for blood, feeling the little SOULS under him slumbering peacefully made his instincts heighten to new degrees. His mind wasn't right - not that it ever is right or safe - in that moment. The only thing that stopped him was the fact that he wasn't willing to let the babybones go or get blood on them. 

Then, the man started talking to him. It was obvious he was slightly scared and way out of his depth, yet here he was trying. That was more then anyone has ever done for him. He offered a way home, and when he heard Error didn't have a home, the human offered a ride and a night somewhere dry and warm for Error to think on where home could be.

Looking in the human's eyes, seeing a little bit of the other's SOUL within, made Error accept. This human was not a bad one, not really. There were sins, a ton of sins, but not huge ones. Petty crimes it looks like, Error has done worse. The human might be tainted with sins, but Error is drowning in them. What right did he have to judge the human? None. Besides, if it came down to it, Error can protect himself and his.

After this night he probably wasn't going to see this human - Stan - again. When the other is asleep, he is going to check the Codes and see what he can do, find out if there are any other Monsters like him or not. But seeing how Stan reacted, they are either still underground or not at all here. After tonight, they were going their separate ways, that much Error could tell.

What was the harm in sharing his story for once? It wasn't like anyone would believe Stan if he mentions it to anyone after they part ways.

"thEsE....aRE mY SOnS. nULl ANd VOiD." Error eventually stated slowly, mind whirling. "nUlL IS thE oNE iN bluE, mY EldEST. VOiD iS In oRnagE aND mY yoUnGesT." Error smiled softly down at the children. "thEY'RE MY baBYboNES."

"Null and Void?" Stan snorted with a sassy grin. "And you say my name is funny? Is this some sort of Monster thing then?"

"YEs, iN a WaY." Error nodded as he thought on the history he had learned over the years. "mOSt aRE namED aFtER fOnTs bAsED ON hoW thEY soUND aND laTEr wRitE, BuT thAT iS ThE olD wAY. whEN thEY foUNd ME, i WaS gOING to NAmE thEM SaNS anD papYRuS. buT thEY wanTEd a nAME liKE mINE." Error frowned tightly, feeling bittersweet over it. "ERRoR, i AM naMED thAT becaUSE I aM a GliTCH, a ErRoR IN thE coDES. bUT iT IS coMMaN tO giVe nAMEs SImilAR tO oNE'S chILDrEN."

Stan was listening, but all he could focus on was the 'when they found me' part. "Um...bucko, what do you mean 'when they found you'?" Stan glanced to Error in apprehension. "Ain't they your kids-um, I mean, babybones?"

"i cOME frOM anoTheR mulTIvERse." Error bluntly stated. "i'M ErROr, ForcED goD oF dEstRuctION anD dEstroYER oF uniVeRsES. goT tiREd oF beiNG haTED aND abuSEd foR keEPiNG evERythING IN balAncE, TriED TO kiLL mySelF by juMpINg IN a VOID - TwiCE - anD thEN somEhoW diDN't DIE anD lanDED hERE." Error said this all bluntly and calmly, like he was stating what the weather was. Said skeleton then looked to a shell shocked Stan, who was numbly driving. "thE fiRST tIME i juMPED, i lANDeD whERE nuLL anD voID WERE, iN a DifFEREnT mulTIvERsE. thEY uSEd TO bE liVE EXperimEnts bEfoRE i ToOK thEM. WhEN i JUmpEd fOR thE secOND tIME, tHEY jUmpEd aFTeR mE foR whaTEvER REasON. SO, yES, thEY aRE mINe."

".....I think this is a conversation for when I'm not driving." Stan eventually said, feeling like he was having a out of body experience. "Because most of that, multiverses and voids, I don't really understand. I'm a twin okay, my brother is the smart one who could understand you. Me though, not so much unless you explain it more."

Error snorted, liking how honest the other was. "WeLL, iT's nOT liKE I'M nEEdeD anyWheRE anYmoRE."

Taking that as agreement, Stan concentrated on driving, mind going all different places.

'I have a God in my car.' Stan blankly thought to himself. 'I have a God of Destruction, one who has admitted to destroying universes, has calmly said he has tried to commit suicide twice and has his two little kids with him - who he saved from being experiments.' Thinking back on all that, Stan felt kind of torn. Should he be afraid right now? Because from all that he has heard so far, Error sounds less like a threat and more like a broken person who saves children. Besides, Error said 'forced God of Destruction'. How can someone force that?

'Man, Ford would kill to be in this car right now to pick Error's brain.' Stan silently snorted, picturing a younger Ford in the back seat, clinging to Error's seat, fire question after question and pleading and begging for information the other must have.

But that was how Ford used to be before everything that had happened. There was no telling how he was now that ten years have passed. Stan doesn't even know what he looks like anymore. Probably like himself, because, hey, twins! But then again, time changes people. But for some reason, Ford needed him after all this time. Might as well see what the other needed, maybe they could still build that boat together. Maybe they could make up after all these years.

Before long, Stan was pulling into a ratty old motel on the side of the road. It almost looked abandoned to be honest, with only a crappy dinner and suspicious looking gas station by it.

It was perfect.

"Okay then, this is how we are going to do it." Stan shut off the car, turning to look at the three skeletons right by him. "While it would be hilarious if all us went in there to get the key for a room, it would most likely end with me getting arrested and you..." Stan looked Error up and down, recalling the other's words. "You would most likely kill everyone and be gone before they even knew it."

"DoN'T woRRy, i woULdn'T lEt thEM aRResT yOU." Error assured calmly. "thE lEasT i cAN DO fOR giVing mE anD thE kidS a RidE ANd sOMEwhERE dRY foR thE niGHT sO i caN fiGUrE oUT whaT TO dO NExT."

"Really? Thanks!" Stan grinned brightly at that. If only he had a God of Destruction backing him up in Colombia, things would have been much more different then. "Anyway, I'm going in and get a room we can share. After I get the key, I'll come and get you. You need to cover up and stay in the dark though..."

"juST gET thE keY aND THeN gO tO thE doOR wE haVE, thAT waY i knoW whAT ROOm WE haVE." Error grinned right back at Stan, a glint in his eyes. "i'LL hanDLe thE resT."

With that ominous sentence out of the way, Stan shrugged and got out of the car, heading into the office to the motel to get a semi-decent room for a low price. Time for him to talk his way into a good price. Bullshitting is something he was always good at.

Error blankly watched the human walking away. Once out of sight, Error got out of the car, glancing around to make sure no one was watching or could see him. After that, Error swiped his hand, a small portal opening up to show this Universes Codes. Symbols, numbers and letters filled the small portal, not much of it making sense. The only things that he could make sense was that there were other dimensions and Alternate Universe here as well, it was a different Multiverse after all, and that Fate had no hold here. In fact, it was like chaos reigned supreme here if he was reading what he could right. Honestly, it would take Error time to try and make sense of this new Coding, trying to find what he needed to know - but time was something he had now.

That alone blew his mind. Time was something he never had, much like freedom. But now he has both for the first time in his very long life.

Error has no idea what to do with himself now that his shackles have been broken off.

Just before Stan stepped out of the office, Error closed the small portal. He would look at it more later tonight when everyone was asleep.

Error shifted so that Stan could see him, making the man jump then sigh in relief when he saw who it was. "Give a man a heart attack!"

Seeing Error smirk, Stan sighed, not getting made when he saw that it amused the skeleton so much. The other deserved to laugh at something, that much Stan knew. With that is mind, Stan started going up to the second floor, stopping in front of the room on the edge near the stairs. It was the only one with two beds and a bathroom apparently. But both were needed, how else were they to sleep and get all that blood and dust off of Error?

'I feel like I am helping commit a murder or helping in the aftermath.' Yet, that didn't horrify him like it should, Stan could roll with the punches.

Looking to Error, Stan pointed to the door, number 10. He saw Error nod, then he blinked and Error was standing right next to him.

"Whoa!" Stan almost stumbled over the railing. "What in Sam's Hell did you do?!"

Error just looked at him with a smirk. "mAGiC."

Stan threw his arms up in the air. "Sure, why not?!" He then started walking back to the door, unlocking it and opening it, mumbling all the way. "Skeleton Gods from another Multiverse, doing magic, why freaking not? Magic is real, who knew? Not me, that's for sure!"

Error chuckled, following the amusing human into the motel room.

It was a small room, with two twin beds, a side table in between them, a small chair by on of the beds nearest to it. The chair was on the wall, on the other side of the wall was the bathroom. A little closet by the door, a rickety TV stand and a small old fashion TV on it.

All in all, not the worse place Error has stayed in. But considering that he lived in the Anti-VOID in the VOID, and has been in some AU's that have been worse then hell, so that's not saying much.

"I'm going to head to the bathroom." Stan sighed as he shut the door after Error walked in. He watched Error go to the chair, gently laying the children on the bed and then sitting the travel bag down on the chair. "We can clean that blood and...dust after that." The dust part really confused Stan, but he figured he can ask later. "By the way, if anyone calls or knocks to ask who you are, I told the old women at the counter you were my cousin who just got into a accident, killing your wife and leaving you alone with the kids. I came to pick you up so that we can live together until you get back on your feet." It was either that or saying Error was his husband/wife, and he didn't know how Error would react to that kind of lie, so he went with the other. In any case, he got a good deal for the room when he played it up.

"okAY." Error agreed absent mindlessly, opening the bag and getting out a raggedy T-shirt and that onesie he had found for Void before he 'got' the dresses for them. for the kids to sleep in. Sleeping in shoes and pearls must not be comfortable, they were not that soft after all...right? Error had no idea, he doesn't sleep, so might as well go with what he saw Toriel's do through the portals. Everyone always said she was the best Goat Mom - or Dad depending on the AU, might be Asgore in there instead of Toriel.

When the bathroom door shut, Error set to work. Gently taking off the shoes, socks, pearls and hats, Error then got to work dressing them once more after taking off their dresses and folding them up for tomorrow. He would either steal or make new clothes for them later - stealing what he needed.....In the end he was stealing either way now that he thinks about it.

But does he care?

No. Not really.

Then again, he could form some clothing with his strings like he did with his dolls....

Options for later.

Just as Error was tucking the two babybones into the bed - moving the pillows and bunching up the blanket as to make sure they don't roll off the bed - the toilet flushed and Stan opened the door, sticking his head out of the door and around the corner. "Hey, I found some towels for you to use, I'm iffy about the soap thou-are those peals?"

Error glanced to the travel bag in the chair, the pearls laying on top of the folded clothing. "yES. thEy aRE nUlL'S anD voiD'S."

"You bought your kids pearls?" Stan asked shocked as he stepped out of the bathroom, looking to Error's clothing then to the pearls. Did he spend all his money on his kids and nothing on him? "How did you get the money for that? Did you con someone rich?"

"NO, doN't bE stupID." Error snorted, walking away from the bed and pass Stan to go into the bathroom. "i sTolE thE thE pEaRLs." Stan's jaw dropped, watching Error's back as he passed him. "WhY WOUlD i steAL monEY WHeN i CaN juST StEaL whAT i WanTED anyWAY. i DiDn'T wanT moNEy, i WantED thE pEarLS. nULl WantEd somEthINg pReTTy, SO i gOT HiM anD voID soME pReTTY pEaRlS."

'What a man!' Stan was impressed and strangely maybe, sorta, kind of having some sort of small attraction to the Monster right now. So what if he was a tall skeleton littered with scars, he always did like someone who could out smart the cops and commit a crime without getting caught.

Pushing those weird thoughts away, Stan walked into the bathroom to see Error just blankly looking at everything like he didn't know what was what.

"Um, here." Stan walked in, turning on the faucet on the stained sink. Lifting up the towel from where he sat in on the toilet lid, he wet it and put some soap on it. "It's not much, but it should be enough to clean most of it off ya."

Error took the rag, slowly wiping his face off and dipping the rag into the water when it got too dirty. Slowly the sink water turned a bloody red, almost brown color with flecks of dust in it.

"So, I gotta ask, what's up with the dust?" Stan asked aloud, leaning on the doorway as he watched Error clean his face. "Blood I can unserstand, but not the dust."

"WhEN a mONsTEr'S SOUL ShatTERS, thEY tuRN tO dusT." Error answered, adding more soap to the rag. "mONstERs aRE maGIcaL bAsEd unliKE huMANs, whO aRE phySicaLLy bAsED. mONsTERs CaN blEEd, moST caN anyWaY, buT whEN onE diES, thEY dON'T lEavE behIND a ColD boDY, thEy lEavE a piLE oF dusT."

Stan blinked, understanding but also confused. " said soul.." Stan's eyes widened. "Does that mean souls actually exist?!" Stan shook his head, scratching his head in confusion. "How do they even work?"

Error snorted, finding it funny that was the part the man focused on. "SOULS, noT souls. aND yEs, thEY aRE reAL. EvEN hUMAns hAVE thEM, thOUgh yOu dON'T havE enoUGh maGIC tO pulL thEM ouT." Error paused, thinking about it before reminding his sentence. "thOUgH, i suPPose soMEoNE wiTh EnouGH DETERMINATION CaN puLL thEIR's ouT." The skeleton put down his rag, turning to look at Stan. "EvERy SOUL haS TraiTS, vIrtUes aND viCES. SOULS StaRT ouT whiTE, WhiTE iS thE TRaiT fOR HOPE. iT's WHY EvERYonE SaYS bABiEs aRE puRE. yOUr SOUL GaiNS colOR AS yoU liVE oN. iT caN ChanGE anD gaIN moRE coloRS aS liFE goES ON. buT juST bEcaUSE YOuR SOUL DoesN't ShoW a TRaiT doESn't mEAN yOU DON'T havE iT, iT jusT mEaNS thAT iT iSN'T AS sTRONG aS yoUR mAINs. ANd EvEn mAINs CAn comE iN liTTle doSEs CompAIRd TO thE othERS." Error paused, looking grim and serious. "yoUR SOUL iS yOU, youR vERy beING anD coRE. TreAT iT AS suCH." 

"Right." Stan immediately agreed when such a look was directed at him. "But, um..." The man gulped when the Monster raised a brow in question at him. "Could you...I don't know, but could you show me my soul-I mean SOUL?"

Error twitched, that wasn't something that was ever asked of him. Taking out another's SOUL could mean a few things. First was that it was for a checkup, a doctor of some kind taking out the SOUL to check up on it or to do a procedure. Even then, the doctor must ask for permission unless it is a emergency - like the SOUL was cracking and about to shatter. Second is for family and/or loved ones, something you do in private of course. Then finally the only other option, besides the option of proposing for marriage/being SoulMates, it can be a form of showing trust in another. You are asking someone to take out your SOUL, meaning that you trust the other with your very being and for them not to hurt you the moment the SOUL was out.

If someone had asked this of Error before in his own Multiverse, he would wonder if they had hit their head one too many times.

But, for all he knew, he was the only Monster here. Stan might never had the chance to see his own SOUL after Error leaves with the kids, so he might as well do it.

"StaY StILL, yOU miGHt FeEl a tuGGinG senSaTION." Error lifted his hand and placed it over Stan's chest. "iT shoULDn'T huRT unlEsS yoU figHT iT. iF iT staRTS huRTinG evEN a lITTle, TeLL mE. SomEthINg miGHt bE WroNG tHEN."

Nodding quickly, Stan hoped that Error didn't notice his pounding heart. But he couldn't help it, he was about to see his own SOUL! Ford would kill to have this, having always raved about these type of things. In fact, Ford had wanted to study SOULS before everything went down.

Before he knew it, he felt a slight tug inside his chest before a purple light came shinning through.

With wide eyes, Stan looked down at the heart that was floating inside Error's hand.

"PERSEVERANCE, tHAT iS yoUR mAIN TraiT." Error glanced to Stan, softly smirking at the awe filled look the other was holding. It reminded Error of Swap when he talk him about magic and the Multiverse. "VicES aRE iNflExabiLiTY AND apaThY. buT dON'T woRRY, i DOn'T sEE mUCH oF thE viCES In yOU. ONlY a lITTle biT oF ApaTHy, buT thAT's noRMaL AS yOU aRE A aDulT. iF you WerE a ChILD, i WOuLD bE moRE woRRIED...." Error glanced down at the SOUL. "DO you WanT tO hEaR yOUR stATS?"

Stan chanced a glance at Error, fearing if he looked away from his SOUL it would go away. "Stats? Like a game?"

"humANs, IN my mulTIvERsE, TOOk thE staTS TO uSE iN GamES, buT thEY foRgoT WHaT thEY mEanT oRiGinALLy." Error chuckled a bit darkly, knowing that is one of the main reasons why the human child that fell started killing. "thERE iS AT, mEaniNG ATTaCK, DF, mEANinG DefENsE, thE onLY TwO thAT aRE thE SaME. HP StanDS fOR HoPe FOR moNStERs, AS WE aRE maDE uP oF emoTIONS anD maGIC. EMoTIonS aRE whAT kEEPs US gOING, WithoUT thEM WE FALL DOWN. FALLING DOWN mEaNS TO GO inTO a comA thAT LEADs tO DeaTH, thERE is NO knoWN cuRE." Error explained at the human's confused look. "iT caN MEAN thE samE foR hUMANs, buT humANS CaN liVE wiTHouT HoPe, thoUGh iT CaN eFFEct HOW muCH HP thEY haVE. iNStEAD HP foR hUMANs ARe hEaltH pOINTs oR hIT pOINTs, bASed ON thE hUMANs HoPe anD oVeRaLL hEalTH. hoW manY hiTs YOU caN TakE bEfoRE yoU aRE doWN."

"It sounds like a video game." Stan stated in slight humor, though thinking of 'FALLING DOWN' was really a damper on the whole thing. No wonder most humans commit suicide when they loose all hope.

"The oThER StATS aRE whERE thINGs GeT skEtCHY." Error lifted up Stan's SOUL a bit. "INV stanDS fOR InVuLnERabiliTY, hoW mANy AtTaCKS thAT CAn noT huRT yoU aFTEr YOUR SOUL TakES A hiT. SPEED IS SPEED, hoW faST yOU caN movE yOUR SOUL WhEn iT iS oUT." Now, Error's face turns grim yet amused. "LV aND ExP GO hanD in hAND. LV stANDs FoR LOVE."

"Love?" Stan snorts at that, giving Error a funny eye. "That doesn't sound too bad."

"LOVE, noT love, iS a AcroNyM AS wELL. iT stAnDs FoR LEVEL OF VIOLENCE." Stan now grew serious at that, while also looking a bit shocked. "EXP sTanDs fOR EXACTION POINTS, hoW maNY pEoplE yOU havE kiLLED. boTH go HANd iN hAND, thOUgh YOU caN hAvE hiGHER LV thE EXP. LV alSO EffECts THE resT oF yoUR staTS, bRinGinG uP HP aND AT. AND DOn'T woRRY, LV iSn'T TOO bAD. WhAT iF yOU wERE DEfenDIng youRsELF? bEsiDEs, EvERyONE hAS 1 LV, EvERyoNE iS boRN WiTH tHE abiLiTy TO huRT, EvEN bAbiES. onLy vERy senSiTivE pEOPLE havE 0 oR nEgaTivE LV. bUT thoSE aRE raRE To sEE anD havE." Error chuckled."iN mY caSE, mY staTS aRE gliTChED AND vErY hiGH uP. in anY caSE, I AM a JUDGE. i CaN sEE youR stATS EasiLY AS i WaS piCKEd BY maGIC TO GivE juDgmenT onE oTHER'S SOULS."

"...I would like to hear my stats." Stan eventually decided, curiosity getting the best of him.

Error's eyes glowed, looking into the SOUL, making Stan shift. It felt like Error could see everything about him, all the lies and sins, all the hopes and dreams that are within him. It wasn't a unpleasant feeling, but it wasn't a good one either. It just was.

"StAnlEy pINEs; knoWN cOnmAN AND cRIminAL. HP: 1599." Error stated almost mechanically, eyes never leaving the SOUL. "LV: 89, EXP: 5, AT - NoRMaL: 84. AT - WiTH bRaSS knUCKlES: 168. DF: 100. INV: 98. SPEED: 46." Error hummed, finally taking his eyes off the SOUL to look at Stan. "AlL IN aLL, QuiTE nORmAL foR a ADulT WiTH yoUR BackGROunD, bEttER evEN wiTH thE loW EXP. UnliKE oTHEr MONStERs, i unDeRsTaND anD REspECt yoUR LV anD EXP. mY joB calLEd foR hiGH lEvELS iN aS WeLL."

"I see..." Stan felt a bit better about that then. It wasn't often he was talk that having amounts of violence in you was a good thing, or that having killed - by accident and self-defense in his case - was alright. Then, Stan back tracked a bit as Error pushed his SOUL back into his chest. The purple glow gone and leaving Stan feeling less exposed. "You mentioned a job before..." Stan frowned, thinking about it. "And that you are a forced destroyer...But I don't see how that is."

Well, Error decided to rip it off like a band-aid. Might as well tell the other, it wasn't like he had anyone else to tell his side of the story too. "FaTE IS Real WhERe i AM fROM. At tHE sTaRT thERE wAS onlY ONE UNivERSE, SO FaTE CreaTED thEIR FirsT chiLD...."

Error lowly told the story, the start of everything in his universe, while he washed the rest of his face and hands. He even took off his coat to clean his arms and redo his wrappings. He got out his strings as to help the healing time, never stopping as he told the basics of what he knew.

Late at night some time later, Stan was laying awake in the bed nearest to the door, mind whirring from what he had been told. Chancing a glance to the side, he saw that Error was looking through what he had called 'Codes'. Looking back to the ceiling, Stan kind of wished he could box that so called creator in the face.

Stan is not smart by any means, he knows this and accepts this, but you don't beat on another guy for doing his job, a job that meant life or death, and the only reason he has the job is because you screwed it all up and is trying to fix said screw up. Stan can read in between the lines of what Error said and didn't say. Stan himself had to grow up fast to live after he was kicked out, but he could tell Error never had the chance to be a child or relax. He saw the way the skeleton watched everything, like he was waiting for the attack to come.

'PTSD.' His mind supplied, remembering hearing that in history class a few times. About the soldiers or POWs that came back from war and were twitchy for many reasons. Error had admitted to living many years, even older then this Earth he had said. So this might be beyond PTSD and depression at this point if he has had it even for a fraction he has been alive.

Although the whole tale felt like a story - how Error told it captivated Stan, making him think that Error used to be a storyteller or book writer of some kind, that or he could be one here. - Stan knew it was all true. Unlike Ford, Stan listened to his guts more then his head, it just wasn't his forte. But with all the proof there was - walking talking skeleton, SOULS coming out of chest, magical strings, seeing a rib fall off and going back on like it was nothing and making Stan almost scream like a little girl because of said rib, and then seeing a real honest to god portal as well as other little things. - he was safe in thinking that, yes, Error is telling the truth about the whole thing. He believed in both in mind and gut - his very SOUL.

So, where did that leave him?

Thinking about the two little ones in the bed next to him, of Error covered in blood and dust, of that falling rib and Error saying it was normal of all things, of seeing how warm Error's eyes got at talking about his kids, of the near silent mutterings of what he was supposed to do now, Stan felt torn.

In the end, Stan never claimed to be smart. It just wasn't his side of things, it was more of his brother's area. But of there was one thing he had, it was being able to read people. Error wasn't all that hard to read, not on the surface at least. The dark skeleton was a broken mess, much more then even himself. Yet the skeleton isn't giving up anymore - and not just because he can't die. Boy, when Error mentioned that and how many attempts he tried, Stan was humbled and very worried about the other. Like, wrap him up in bubble wrap and keep him safe kind of worried. The last time he felt like that was with Ford when they were young teens. - and trying to do his best, not for himself, but for his kids.

With that in mind, just as sleep claimed him, Stanley Pines came to a decision that would open so many more roads in his destiny then he would have originally had.

-Early Morning-

"Hmmmm...Ghnn..." Stan groaned in annoyance when he felt light hitting his face, the noise of slight muttering next to him. Slowly opening his eyes, he blinked a few times to clear the blurriness of his sight.

When his vision was cleared, he was met with two skulls looking down on him.

"AHHH!" With a scream, Stan rolled off the bed in pure instincts to get away. But before he could hit the ground, a strong breeze flew passed him, hands catching him before he hit the ground.

"StaNlEY?" Stan gasped, hand on his chest and the other clinging to the red scarf like it was a life line. Blinking a few times, calming his heart, he saw Error's kids now looking over the edge of the bed at him while Error was leaning over him, holding half his body so that he doesn't fall all the way off and hit his head. "WhY DId YOU scREaM?"

"I-I....Kids...." Stan panted out, still trying to calm his beating heart. He felt like it was going to beat right out of his chest by the way it was pounding. "...N-Not....Clo-ose!"

"kiDS?" Error frowned, looking up to Null and Void. "..WhAT-OH. i SEE noW, thEY wERe tOO closE tO yOU whEN yOU wokE uP. SoRRy abouT tHAT." Error chuckled, lifted Stan up much to his shock and placing in back on the bed. Null and Void scooted away, but kept their wide eyes on Stan. "yOU'RE thE fiRST niCE hUMAn thEY EvER sEEN muCH lESS meT bEfoRe. thEy WantED tO geT a cloSER lOOk aT yOU, SO i lET thEM."

'Well, shit. What can I say to that that doesn't make me look like a asshole?' Stan sighed, turning to look at the children that were now dressed. Null was wearing a simple blue off the shoulder sundress that had a yellow ribbon on the front, heeled shoes, and cloche hat with his pearls. Void wore a simple sleeveless orange sundress that had a red ribbon on the front, red booties and a orange cloche hat.

"Error." Error looked down at Stan with a blink, Stan just stared at the kids. "Where did you get those clothes? Did you have even more in the bag or something? I thought you said you only stole the ones."

"i mADe thoSE cloTHEs wiTH maGIC. mY sTRinGs CaN foRM inTO othER iTemS." Error answered, walking over to the chair where his bag sat. "i alREaDy FEd thEM ToO. Do yOU WanT sOME aPPLEsauCE StaN?"

"Sure..." Hey, Stan wasn't about to turn down free food no matter what it was. While Error was digging through the bag, Stan turned his attention down to the still staring babybones. "Why hello adorable!" Stan grinned down at them, not minding the staring now that he knew the reason why. "I'm Stanley Pines if ya didn't know."

"....I'm Null." Null stated proudly before shifting Void, who was in his grasp so that the baby didn't go tumbling off the bed on accident. "This is Void, my baby b'other."

Recalling how Error called the kids 'My' and 'Mine' with the same tone, he could see where Null got that from. Both kids are probably going to grow up into possessive little Monsters, but who could blame them or Error? "Is he now? You must be a good older brother then, he looks happy and taken care of." Null puffed up slightly while Error walked over, a few applesauce cups in his hands as well as a plastic spoon.

"Daddy?" Error looked down at Void, handing the cups and spoon to Stan. It was the least he could for the man, besides, he can always steal more later. "Are we going to live here now?"

"nO." Error shook his head with a sigh, going over and picking the two up. Null immediately curled up into Error's chest while Void cooed, curling and chewing on Error's scarf. "i havEn'T fouND a plAcE fOR uS yEt. BuT dON't WOrRY, i Won'T lEt anyTHing hapPEN tO YoU tWO."

While the babybones cooed and talked to their Father, Stan noticed how Error mentioned nothing about himself in that sentence. Oh, he said they would find them all a place to stay, but nothing about protecting himself, only protecting the children.

Stan decided to go for it now.

"So, um, about that..." All three skeletons looked to Stan, who was now getting off the bed to stand. "See, the thing is, if you don't have anywhere to could, maybe stay with me for a while?" See Error's brows go up, Stan hurried on. "I mean, I'm living in my car right now, but it's better then nothing, right? I'm on my way to see my twin brother, Stanford. He said he needed help and we didn't part on good terms." Understatement of the century right there. "But he was always the smarter of the two of us, and really good at that paranormal stuff unlike me. So maybe he could help you out with something or find you some place to stay where it is safe. If nothing else, on our way there, you could find yourself a home without the government coming for you...maybe...potentially." Stan then thought about before sighing. "But in that scenario, I think you'll be fine. I just ask you not to destroy my car if that happens if I am near you."

Error laughed, liking how Stan didn't ask for him not to kill the others or even not destroy the Universe. Just as long as his car is fine of all things. "i'M a kILlER, yOU WanT mE tO travEl WitH YOu?" Error couldn't help but ask. He will never understand others. First Null and Void want him to be their father, now a strange human wants him to essentially live with him.

"You planning on killing me?" Stan didn't even skip a beat asking that.

"nO." The dark skeleton admitted. No plans for that whatsoever, he might even say he is a bit fond of the weird human.

"Then we're good." Stan shrugged at the look he got. "Look, I might not know all about you, but I can see you're not a bad guy - Monster? - even if you have hurt and killed others before." Not with the way he sees Error tenderly hold his children and look down at them with complete devotion in his eyes. All of it really makes him wish to hit Fate in the face with his brass knuckles when he thinks about it even a little bit. "So, what do you three say?" Stan grinned brightly, gesturing to himself. "Who wants to travel with this hobo on a cross country trip that may or may not end well?"

All three skeletons blankly stared.

-One Hour Later-

"How's it feel?" Stan asked as he parked the car in a supermarket's parking lot. "The sunglasses staying on?"

"yES." Error shifted, making sure both his kids were covered with blanket that Stan kept in his backseat so that no one could see that they were skeletons. Error himself wearing a beanie, sunglasses and pulled his scarf up so that you couldn't see his face. With how all three were covered, it looked like the kids were sick and Error was just a really tall and thin human who was covered up.

"Now remember, you have to own it so that no one asks any questions. Ignore all the looks and just go about everything." Stan explained as he turned off the car. "Now, what is it you need to do?"

"i'M GOinG tO sELl SOme GOld-" Error ignored Stan's choking. "anD thEN buY...WhaT diD yOU caLL iT? SeaTS foR nULL anD voiD? i CouLD sTeaL oR foRM tHEM likE i DID wiTH thE CloTHeS, buT i doN'T knoW WHaT thEY lOOk likE oR whERE thEY woULD bE. bEsT tO juST buY thEM iN THiS CaSE."

"Booster seats, car seats. They can be called a number of things depending on where you are." Stan supplied, watching in awed shock when Error pulled out some gold from his bag and put it into his coat pocket. "Why do you have gold?"

"MonSTEr curREnCY." Error handed on to Stan, who just numbly looked at it. "WoRthlESS hERE, bUt i'M goiNG to KEEp onE AT lEaST foR seNtimENtal ValUE."

"I see..."

After that, both were in the store. The great thing about this supermarket was that it was in a little town in the middle of nowhere. So while people stared, barely anyone was in the place. It was also great because no one asked any questions, not with how Error stood and walked, how he portrayed himself naturally. Stan had a feeling that Error could and would wear just about anything and own it like it was made for him. If only because the skeleton didn't know anything else or why he should be embarrassed about wearing it. Trading the gold for money was a shocking moment, if only because a few coins got them so much money. Just enough for two very expensive booster seats, Error wouldn't buy his kids anything cheap. Stan can respect that and admire that. Error was a better dad then his was, that's much for sure.

They bought two car seats, said to be three-in-one and were high up on the price side. One was black and blue, the other orange and black. The blue one had kittens on it and the orange one had puppies on it, Stan thought it was fitting in a way.

Under the weary eye of the cashier - who shivered violently in fear when they noticed Error just staring at them - both Stan and the undercover skeletons left back to the car. Luckily no one was near them or could see them with how far away they were. So it was simple for Stan to buckle in the kids for Error - who had no idea how to do it, so Stan showed him to do it by letting the other watch him - without fear of someone noticing they were skeletons.

"There we go!" Stan grinned, putting his hands to his hips as he stepped back so that Error could step to the open door. "Both kids are safely buckled in, and both can see out side the windows. Because my windows are tinted, it should be fine. Even then, I don't think anyone would really believe their eyes if they saw any of you."

Error hummed, looking into the backseats. Void behind the driver seat and Null behind the passenger seat. Both looking comfortable, making Error give a satisfied nod. "thANK yOU."

"Welcome." Stan's smile then fell slightly as he thought about all the other things that would need to be bought. Sure, they got a lot of money from Error's gold coins, but those were Error's. he would hate for Error to waste all that money on him when Error and his kids needed it more. With a sigh, Stan lowered his head. "Now, about food-"

"oH, thANkS foR remiNDinG mE." Stan blinked and looked up, and then nearly fell to the ground when he saw Error open his trench coat wide open, food falling out of it. Before Stan knew it, there was a small mountain of food around Error, who was pulling out even more food out of his pockets. "AlmOST foRGOT aboUt ALL thiS."

'HOW DID HE STEAL ALL THAT WITHOUT ME NOTICING?!' Stan was frozen, just watching the skeleton pull out drinks and food.

Sure most of the foods were considered snacks and were cheap and/or canned, but food was food. 

With his jaw on the floor, all he could do was blankly watch Error put boxes, packages and other containers of food into the car. Drink included too. Apparently Error's tench coat had pockets on the inside. The issue Stan was having with this was that there was no way a box of snake cakes could fit in there, much less a twelve pack of juice pouches.

Unknown to Stan, now that Error knew what some food items looked like, he opened small little portals in his pockets so that he could just reach in and grab the item, pulling out of his pocket with no one the wiser. Oh, Error could make his pockets limitless with a bit of magic, but this was easier in the long run. Besides, he could always steal from a different store later on from his pockets if need be.

Having no idea if this was enough food but figuring it was a good start, Error turned to Stan, pulling out a bottle of cold coffee. The tall skeleton once heard that this drink helps keep others awake and energized - a reason Swap was never aloud to have one from what he heard - and with Stan driving, he needed it. "hEre StaN. iF yoU wanT anYTHinG, juST TakE iT. i CaN alWAyS SteAL mORE." Handing the frozen man the coffee, Error leaned down to speak with his kids. "okAY, i GoT mY kNITTinG nEEdlES anD sTRIngS. WhaT kInD oF blANkeT DO yOU WanT?"

"DA!" Void cheered brightly, waving his arms about. "Dadadadadadadadadada~!"

Null hummed in thought. "I want....something soft and warm like Daddy's hugs, like what Void wants!"

"....noT WhAT i mEanT, buT okAY." Not that Error thought he was warm or soft, but he wasn't going to argue with the kids right now. "WhAT DO yoU wanT iT To lOOk liKE iS whAT i mEaNT. ColoRS? thINGs On iT?"

There was only one thought running through Stan's head as he stood there, bottle of cold coffee in his hands and watching the God of Destruction put away food that the God had stolen as the God talked to the children softly about blankets to keep them warm and safe while in the back seat.

'I think I'm in love...'

Thus was the start of a free fall that would last for years.

-Three Hours Later-

"hErE nULL." Error reached over and around his seat, handing Null a juice pouch with the straw already in it. "iT sayS iT's 'FruiT pUnCh', sO iT muST pACK a pUnCH."

"T'ank you Daddy~!" Null cooed out before sipping from the pouch, Void already drinking from his bottle.

"Still can't believe that you all have...what did you call it? 'Echo stomachs'? That you can make to absorb and hold food." Stan muttered to himself, relaxing as he drove down the highway. Luckily no one was peering into their car, and with the tainted windows they were fine unless a cop pulled them over. But if that happened, Stan could either talk their way out or Error could...handle it.

"ECtO. NOt EcHO. EcTO, shoRT foR EcTOplASMa." Error corrected, putting the box of juice pouches back on the floor in the backseat. "UnlEsS tHE toNgue DiSsOlvES iT, thEN thE boDy wILl foRM a EcTO sTomACh TO holD tHE foOD unTIl thE maGIC DiSSolVEs iT comPLeTlY fROM tHERE. likE a hUMan StomAch, onlY wiTh LEsS oRgAns AnD mORe maGiC."

"I also can't believe you have five tongues." Stan said aloud, thinking back a hour ago. He had been childish, sticking his tongue out at Error after the skeleton teased him on something. Said skeleton stuck his as well, making Stan bit his tongue when he saw give blue - almost transparent - tongues come out.

"iT fEELs NATurAL TO hAVE FivE, BUt i CaN FoRM As manY aS i WanT." Error shrugged, seeing no big deal about it. "WiTh a biT oF FoCUsE, i CaN havE oNE TonGUE oR eiGHtEEn. AS manY oR lESS aS i WanT. unLIKE oThEr moNStERs, FoRMinG comEs EasY TO ME."

"Magic..." Stan shook his head, feeling like his life has done a whole 360 turn. He had three magical Monsters in his car, one a God of all things, food of all kinds in his car, and now he was calmly talking about magic as if it was a everyday thing with said God. His life has taken one hell of a weird turn, but then again, does he care?

No. Not really.

"Anyway, have you eaten Error?" Stan chanced a glance to Error with a raised brow. "You must be hungry about now, right? Using magic is like using a muscle right?"

"yES, bUT i'M a GLitCH. i'm noT gEttING TiREd eaSIlY. BEsiDEs, i DOn'T nEEd TO EaT." Error shrugged, leaning back in his seat with his arms crossed. "havEN'T EatEN iN YEaRS."

"Years?!" Stan yelped as he almost hit another car, thinking of all the days he had to go hungry out on the streets. He couldn't imagine doing that for years. "But what about hunger pains?!"

"OH, thoSE." Error rolled his eyes as if talking about a annoying friend. "EvENtuALLy thEY stOPPEd....thAT oR tHEY juST bEcAME onE WiTH thE resT oF thE pAIN, WITH mE jusT geTTIng uSEd TO iT SO i DOn'T noTice IT anyMORe." Error tapped his chin in thought, now actually thinking on it for the first time. "i juSt nEVeR hAD thE tIME AnymORE. EatING iS SUcH a pAIn WHeN yoU'RE oN a TIME crUNCH."

"W-Why don't you eat something now then, now that you have time?" Stan tried to find a excuse. The very thought of Error going hungry did not sit right with him. "Do you remember any foods that you liked? Your favorite food?"

"FaVoRiTE?....ChoColATE." Error smiled, thinking about the food. "i StoLE ChoColaTE a lOT bEfoRE aT tHE sTaRT, ONlY StoPPinG wHEN WoRk GoT TO bE tOO muCH aND i GOT bEaTEN FoR iT onE tOO manY TimES. iT's bEEn yEarS siNCe I laSt hAD iT, i'vE foRGoTTeN WhaT iT tAStE liKE."

'At least now I have a motive for becoming a mass murder. Now onto making the list.' Stan just smiled. "I'm sure we got something chocolate in the car, you were bound to pick up at least one thing with chocolate in it. Why don't ya try one? You have time now."

Shrugging, Error turned to the backseats to dig around the pile of food and drinks that made a small mountain in the back floor. The skeleton saw no issue with this really, as it was chocolate. It wasn't like he was going to eat a meal or eat every day, but Stan made a point. He had time now. Might as well enjoy it while he can before it blows up in his face like usual.

"How about that one Daddy?" Null pointed to one that was to the side of him on the floor. "Choco'a'e is brown right?"

"uSuaLLy, buT IT caN comE iN WhiTE oR anY ColoR REalLY." Error told the babybone as he plucked the box Null had been pointing at. Picking it up, he saw that it was simple chocolate brownies with sprinkles on them. "thIS IS ChoCOlaTE. ThanK yOU nULL."

Null beamed, a pleased blush on his face as he slipped his drink. "Wel'ome Daddy!"

Before Error turned back around, he looked to Void who was swinging his bottle around. "voID, DOn'T DO thAT. You'RE GOinG TO drOP yoUR boTTlE."

"Da...ka..." Void pouted, stopping his shaking of the bottle. "Daaaa~...."

"DoN'T GivE ME thAT lOOk." Error sighed, closing his eyes as if in pain. "lOOk, DrINk yoUR boTTLe, ThEN i'LL GivE yOU a TReaT." He opened his eyes and glanced to Null. "FiniSH youR DinKS, aND i'LL give BoTH oF yoU a TreaT." The skeleton changed his sentence, thinking it would be unfair to just give one of the kids something and not the other.

"A treat?" Null perked up along with Void. "Wha' kind?"

"a ToY oR SomethING To weaR." Error eventually said after a moment of thinking. "i CaN makE yOU boTh somEthINg oR 'GeT' YOu somEthING, uP tO YoU WhiCh aND WhaT."

"Kay~!" Null sang out, going back to his drink along with Void, who lost his pout.

Error ignored Stan's snickering, opening the box of brownies. "DO yOU waNT OnE StaN?"

"Nah, you enjoy it-!" Stan started to say, only for the words to get lodged in his throat when he saw Error out of the corner of his eye eating the whole brownie....without taking the plastic wrapping off.

'You know what....ignore it.' Stan lightly shook his head, concentrating on the road. 'Must be a Monster thing....Probably a Error thing now that I'm thinking about it. Ask about it later if at all Stan, you took too much shock for one day.' "Hey Error, hand me another cold coffee would ya?"

"okAY." Error munched on another brownie, plastic and all, as he reached down for another bottle of cold coffee.

'This is my life now.' Stan thought to himself, hearing Error getting him a coffee and eating substances that would kill a person and hearing two kids in the backseats drinking and cooing to one another.

'Huh....It's not a bad life. Better then what it was by a long shot. Shocking how much your life can change forever in just a day or even a few hours.'

-Five Days Later, Gravity Falls, Oregon-

"Here we are!" Stan beamed, seeing the huge sign not too far from away now. "Gravity Falls, Oregon. We finally made it Monsters. Are pumped like I am!?"

"thE oNLy ReaSON yOU'RE sO hapPy aboUt thIS IS bEcauSe WE finALLy LoSt thoSE CopS anD thAT oNE maFia GroUp a hOuR aGO." Error pointed out bluntly, hands going to town as he formed something new. It was now dark, very early morning, and the kids were already awake and munching on some soft crackers because of them having no schedule in place for sleeping. But Stan couldn't blame them or Error about that, from what Stan could tell, Error had no sense of time. On the other hand though, Stan knew that Error didn't need to sleep. Error was the one to keep watch over them all when they pulled over and slept in the car after all. Error even dealt with some people who were stupid enough to try something with them during the time. Stan never did ask what Error did to them, because the only reason Stan knows about this is because Error mentioned it the next morning. "i StIlL Don'T SEE whY I CouLDn'T GeT riD oF thEM." Error grumbled with a frown.

"Because then it would put us behind schedule." Stan told the skeleton as the drove past the sign. "And although I think it would have been a sight to see, it would have just made more chase us in the end."

"PlEaSE, i'vE bEEn thROuGh tHAt TOns oF tIMEs." Error scoffed, the magical strings in his hands now formed into a doll that looked like Stan. It amazes Stan that Error could turn his strings into so many different things, like they were never magical glowing blue strings to begin with. "IF thEY StIlL ChaSED uS, I WouLD haVE DelT WiTH iT. i'vE dONE iT bEFoRE."

"Well, now you don't have to." While knowing that Error is strong and could most likely pick up a semi-truck and throw it without breaking a sweat, that didn't mean that Stan wanted Error to get his hands bloody again. Oh, Stan could tell Error liked destroying things and even fighting, even seeing it as a very normal thing to do, but Stan could also tell that Error was tired of seeing blood and dust on his hands. He's caught Error staring at his bare hands before when the skeleton took off his gloves, the skeleton's gaze hollow and haunted by what he has done. Maybe that will change for better or worse, but for now, Stan will try to keep Error's hands as clean as he can. 

It made Stan want to laugh, because his own hands were not the cleanest, yet here he was trying to make sure that another's doesn't get even more dirty. Error's hands were more then that to Stan, he has seen Error create such amazing and awe inspiring things. How a creative skeleton became the God of Destruction - no, how such a creative skeleton was forced to be the God of Destruction, Stan will never know.

Although, Stan knows better then to mention this to Error. The last and only time he called Error 'creative', Error broke down. Nearly screaming that no, he wasn't creative before 'ERROR' signs over took his eye sockets and only sounds and tones - much like a TV or something glitching sounded out - over took everything, no more words coming out of the skeleton. Later, Error explained that he 'crashed' and that it was normal when the skeleton felt high emotions or panicked too much. Error stayed blind for a while after that, nearly three hours after words. Luckily all this had happened when they were not in the car but in a closed down park where no one could see them. Error then told Stan, very brightly too, that he has been blinded before tons of times and that three hours was shorter then normal. It made Stan slightly sick and furious at how happy Error sounded at that.

Not at Error though. Never at him.

To Stan it sounded and looked like a disorder, like a panic attack mixed with blacking out or fainting. Maybe even a seizure now that he was thinking about it. In any case, it scared the crap out of him and the kids before and after, no matter how nonchalant Error was about the episode.

In fact, with how Error treated the whole thing, it made it worse.

"Now, Ford did say he lives not too far from the sign..." Stan muttered to himself, eyes squinting as he tried to look out in the dark. "I think he said he lived in a shack or something..."

"iS thAT iT." Stan slammed on the breaks, making the kids squeal in delight. Stan's head shot to where Error was pointing, a somewhat large shack or cabin was nestled down a road surrounded in trees. Honestly, Stan would have searched hours for it if Error didn't point it out.

"How...?" Stan trailed off, looking at the almost hidden out of sight shack.

"i hAVE NigHT visION." Error bluntly told the man, who hummed and then nodded. Stan could see that. It explained how Error was so good at moving around no matter the time of day or night. "That must be handy to have."

"yOU dO nOT KNoW hOW manY AU's WeRE juST DaRK oR coVEREd In shADoWS. HA! tHouGH i shoWEd tHEm." Error went on to say as Stan started driving again, going down the road. "TriED tO ATTaCk ME iN thE DaRK oNLy To gET A WoRlD fuLL oF pAIN WhEN i SaW thEM comING."

The grin on Error's face when he said this made Stan shiver. Not entirely from fear either.

"Oh! Look! Here we are!" Stan nearly screamed out as he almost crashed the car into a tree near the shack. Luckily for him, Error nor the kids were normal so they didn't question the sudden turn of his voice. With Error, his voice changes all the time, so he probably thought it was normal. "Time to see For-"

It finally hit him that he was about to see his twin.

The brother who he hasn't seen or contacted in ten years.

Error, noticing Stan's nerves and fears, put on his sunglasses and put the Stan doll into his pocket. "sO, WhaT DO We TeLL hIM?" Stan's head shot to Error, who was now putting on his beanie. "DO WE cOmE ouT wiTH thE TruTh, thAt i AM a MonsTER GOD oF DesTRucTIon, oR bruSH iT oFF unTIl WE hEaR whaT HE wanTS? oR DO wE liE anD thEN laUGH aT hiS facE whEN hE sEEs I'M a skElEtON? i lIke tHE lasT onE bEsT...juST SayinG."

Looking shocked, Stan eventually shrugged. "Honestly, I was thinking we could go with the flow on this. I have no idea how much he's changed or not."

"WoRks FOR mE." Error then turned to look back at the kids. "i'M nOt lEavING thEM iN thE caR."

"I'll carry them in." Stan offered as he shut off the car. "It would make Ford less likely to hit me." He narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "Still not for sure if he called for help like the postcard said, or to finally beat me up for messing up his life."

"hE hAS TwElvE pHds doEsn'T hE? EvEn iF he DIDn't GeT inTO thAt schOOl, iT soUNDs liKe hE's DOnE FinE wiTh hIS eduCaTioN." Error pointed out, lifting up his scarf to his his lower face before opening the car door. "i DoN't thINk yoU mESSEd uP hIS liFE iN thE loNG rUn. maYbE thAT mOmEnT, BuT nOT hiS WhoLE liFE afTER. thE resT oF hiS liFE is ON hIM, nOt yOU."

'But that doesn't change what I feel and believe, or what Ford does.' Stan sighed, getting out as well. It took them a moment to bundle up the children. Both babybones having their cloche hats on and wrapped in the blankets Error formed for them. Null's was the color of the ocean and had bubbles and stars on it. Void's was pastel orange with swirly suns and hearts on it. Both also had Error dolls with them, the toy that they ask for from a bewildered Error. Stan had laughed himself silly when they asked for a doll that looked like Error.

Why have a stuffed animal to protect you when your Daddy was better at it? Stan could understand that, Error could scare away anything under the bed, shadows or just about anyone with just a look alone. Not a glare, just a look.

-The first mob member that came after Stan for some reason or another had learned this the hard way. Error's stare is not to be underestimated. Stan still thinks that guy peed and crapped himself before running and fainting.-

Both got out of the car, snow crunching under their feet as snow gently fell down on them. The woods seemed to surround them, and made Error twitch as it made him feel slightly trapped in a way. But that wasn't on his mind, not too much anyway as he noticed something more important.

Magic was in the air. Magic was in the woods.

Magic was surrounding them unlike anything Error has seen before in this Multiverse, in this world. Some fresh, other stale.

Not Monsters, but magical creatures roam here. Something powerful, almost feeling like Error himself but not quite, was here. Yet, did not feel anything like a Monster or Monster magic. It confused and set Error on edge.

"So, how are we going to do this?" Error was snapped out of his thoughts at Stan's question. Looking over, he saw Stan looking through the back seat window at a giggling Void. "They don't have jackets do they? Are you going to whip one up or do that thing you did with your scarf like before?"

Tightening his gloves, Error made sure to listen to everything as he got out the kids, wrapping them together in their blankets. As Stan wanted to carry them, and as Error does trust Stan to make sure nothing happens, he combined the two blankets into a baby carrier, wrapping it around Stan.

Stan made sure to keep his arms around the bundle, hopping through the snow carefully, making the children laugh. Stan knew this was a bunch of trust Error was putting into him, not that he deserves it in his mind, but he for sure wasn't about to mess this up. These kids are Error's world and lifeline right now, if something happens to them, no one is getting out in one piece let alone alive.

With that in mind, Stan walked to the door with Error close behind him, much like a shadow. In fact, if Stan didn't know Error was walking behind him he would never know it. Error glided on top of the snow. Even as his feet went into the snow, it didn't make a sound. But Stan cross that off as a Monster thing.

Though it could be the signs saying 'Stay out' along with a bunch of other ones that are making Error slightly twitchy. It's making Stan twitchy at the least, because just what the hell did his brother get into?!

Unknown to Stan, Error was in protective predator mode. The skeleton and those who were his are in a unknown place with magic of all kinds surrounding them. A place where a powerful, destructive magical creature or being has been. Walking silently and swiftly, eyes hidden behind dark shades looking everywhere and anywhere, and limbs loose yet tense. Instincts are flaring and waiting for Error to use. Nothing would touch his.


" we go...." Stan gulped, glancing down at Null and Void, both cuddled together in the makeshift baby carrier. "I would keep quiet kids, I don't know how he's going to take this."

When they nodded, Stan lifted a hand to knock, only for the door to swing open.


"Wha-!" Stan blinked, and then the next thing he knew, he was moved back with Error in front of him protectively. The skeleton stood tall, arms crossed, and looking down at something in front of him. Stan leaned over and then promptly choked on the cold air, making his throat sting.

"What in the world?! Stan! Why did you bring more people?!" That was Ford yelling out. His twin brother he hasn't seen in years.

His twin brother who he hasn't seen in years who has a crossbow in his hands, armed and ready.

"FORD!?" Stan took a step back, turning slightly so that his body was more in front of the bundle, eyes wide as he realized that Error must have seen what his brother had and moved to protect them, thinking that Ford is a threat. It said a lot that Stan was more on Error side in this case, Ford could have harmed the kids! "What the hell are you doing?!"

'Put that thing down before Error kills you!' Stan screamed in his mind, feeling the tension as well as the feeling of destruction coming off Error. This was not going to end well at all.

Error, meanwhile, was pretty much waiting for this idiot to try it. 'Bitch, please.' Error's eyes narrowed behind the shades, hands tightening their grips on his own arms, holding back everything that was screaming at him to just kill the fool and be done with it. 'Try anything, I dare you.'

What a family reunion this is turning out to be. If he could, Stan would have started banging his head into the wall.

Hearing the little babybones's bones rattle from the cold and their slight whimpers made Stan reacted to the now instead of staying still imagining himself hitting Ford for being so stupid. Who points a crossbow at someone, much less someone who has children on them?! Much less a God of Destruction who looks about ready to prove that they destroyed whole universes for a living. Sure, Ford didn't know Error was all that, still didn't change the fact that Stan did and wouldn't blame Error for hitting Ford into the next Universe if he had hurt Null and Void.

What can Stan say? They were too adorable, he was wrapped around their little fingers and proud of it.

"...Ford, put it down." Stan took a step over so that Ford could see him, but making sure that the bundle while visible wasn't in any danger if Ford decided to fire. Seeing Ford's eyes widen made Stan sigh, knowing his smarter brother knew what was in the bundle. "I wasn't going to leave them. Now, you said you needed help?"

"Oh! Yes!" Ford glanced around wildly, slowly lowering the crossbow. "Come in....We need to hurry." Too much and too many worries were going in his mind to really think on what he was seeing in front of him. It really looks like his twin brother, Stanley, has became a family man. But he's a scientist, assumptions are below him. This tall, skinny and admittedly terrifying man - the taller one has a feel to him, one that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, the way he could feel that stare even behind shades going through him and seeing everything about him. Something was wrong with that man, something that made Ford want to run yet also question him on just what is he. He couldn't be fully human, there was no way. - could just be Stan's friend or something. The bundle is obviously a baby, maybe two in there from how it is shaped. They could be Stan's or the man's....maybe both of their's for all he knew.

But there are more important things to worry about. Ford needed this to happen, and quickly.

All of them shuffled inside, Error making sure that the three are still behind him at all times. Even when Ford put down the crossbow, Error wasn't taking any chances. He knows paranoia, and Ford wears it well. The way the human shifts, eyes moving about, and the way he watches and twitches at the shadows clued Error on that part.

But Error wears it better and for longer. Ford has nothing on his years of being alive, paranoid about everything and almost everyone.

So when Ford made for a grab for Stan, Error was quick to grab the hand reaching out, lifting Ford up by said wrist.

"Whoa! Okay now!" Stan quickly came out from behind Error to his side, grabbing the skeleton's arm and tugging at it, making sure to tuck the children so that Ford couldn't see their faces. Said children quiet, taking Stan's warnings to SOUL. They used to live in a place where bad things happen so they know to listen, they weren't going to make a noise unless something extreme happens. "There's no need for that, I'm sure he wasn't going to do anything..." Stan turned his gaze up to his shocked brother, turning into a suspicious glare. The man already turned a crossbow at him, who's to say he wasn't going to try anything else. But family is family. "Were you Ford?"

"N-No!" This just cemented that this man was in no way a normal human. There was no way this man could lift him up, the taller one had no muscle mass from what Ford could tell. "I-I had only wanted to check Stanley's eyes is all!"

"Why?" Stan's eyebrows shot up. "What kind of 'hello' is that?"

"I...I just..." Ford gulped, looking deeply into the shades right in front of him. "I had to make sure....I won't try anything, I promise."

Error titled his head before shrugging, lowering his arm so that Ford's feet were back on the ground, and then letting go of the other's wrist. Promises are important to the skeleton, just like with all the others. Promises might as well be deals, swears or even vows to the skeleton Monsters in his Original Multiverse. While Ford might now understand what he said, Error will hold him to it.

Rubbing his wrist, Ford led them all into another room that were filled with all kinds of things that made Stan go wide eyed. Glancing to Error, he couldn't help but snort when he saw that Error had no cares about all the gadgets or experiments. The Monster has probably seen better and much more amazing things before.

'A scientist...' Error mentally sighed to himself, rolling his eyes and hiding his twitches with practiced ease. 'Why is it always a scientist?' Now, Error didn't remember his past, so he could have been one for all he knew and he for sure could be one now with all his knowledge he has gained over the vast years he has been alive and watching everything, but that didn't change the fact that most scientists made him twitchy. Most of them he hated in fact. Most Sans and those taking his place were scientists at one point, and that's not counting the Gasters - especially the one he still wants to kill slowly and painfully.

"There isn't much time." Stan patted Null's and Void's back through the blankets when he felt them shift as he turned his attention to his now talking brother, who was grabbing a book and some papers now. "I've done things, terrible things."

'Preaching to choir about that one.' Both Error and Stan thought to themselves, clearing their throats awkwardly and looking away from everyone. None of their hands are even remotely clean, so much so they wonder if they even have the right to graze past the babybones.

Thinking on it, if Ford is telling the truth, then the only innocent ones here are Null and Void. You got Stan, a criminal and conman who has done some very sketchy things to get by in life, then you got Error, A God of Destruction who has killed off entire Universes as well has killed more people then there are numbers, and now apparently they have Ford, a very paranoid scientist who has apparently done some horrible things.

Error just hopes it's not human/Monster/alive creature experimentation. If it was, then there were going to be some issue.

Although, one another note, Error noticed this is starting to sound like a joke; Three people walking into a shack. One a paranoid scientist, the other a conman and the last one a Monster who happens to be a God of Destruction from another Multiverse.

He just hopes that there is a funny punch line to the end instead of a actual punch.

"I...I just don't know who to trust anymore." Ford sighed, walking past the group.

"Whoa there, take it easy." Stan took a step to his brother, not letting go of the bundle. While Ford might be kinda insane right now - he still hasn't forgotten the crossbow or the yell about eating his eyes or whatever - but he is still his twin. That has to count for something, right. "Let's talk this through, okay?"

Ford frowned, not looking at anyone. The he turned to his brother. "I have something to show you." He waved a hand in front of him, eyes tired yet alive at the same time. "Something you won't believe."

Stan snorted, he couldn't help it. "Look, I've been around the world." Stan made sure not to glance at Error who was standing behind him. "I've seen and heard some things that have shattered my world and reshaped it in ways I can't explain, seen things that make me question my very existence, and have so much more knowledge about the Universe as a whole that it makes me feel tiny in ways I don't want to say....all in this week alone." He rolls his eyes just thinking about all the things he has seen Error and the kids do, as well as what Error has told him. "Whatever it is, I'm sure I'll understand."

-Ten Minutes Later-

"I don't understand." Stan stated bluntly, looking up at the huge upside down triangle like machine in Ford's underground basement. This whole thing was starting to feel like one of those spy movies - with Ford starring as the mad scientist set out to take over or destroy the world. Which is kinda funny in retrospect, because he has the literally embodiment of destruction right behind him. "You're going to have to explain this to me."

"It's a trans-universal gateway." Ford explained as he walked to the huge device. "A punch hole in a weak spot in our dimension. I made it to unlock the secrets of the universe, but it could be used for terrible destruction." Ford missed how the taller one shifted awkwardly at this or how Stan looked ready to laugh for some reason. Ford reaches into his coat, bringing out a red journal with a golden six finger hand on it. "That's why I shut it down and hid my jounals that explain how to operate it. There's only one-"

"Look, this is interesting and all, but I'm still not getting what that does." Stan pointed to the device, interrupting Ford. "I'd like to know just what the hell you've made and gotten into before anything else."

"a pORtAl." Both humans jumped at the voice. Their heads shot to the covered up tall one. "yoU maDE a pORtaL. ThiS UniVeRsE miGhT bE mORE aDvanCED thEN i thOUghT...."

"Oh!" Stan's eyes lit up in realization at that. The skeleton had explained and even showed him the portals that skeleton could make. The only reason they didn't use the portal to get to Gravity Falls is because Error had no idea where it was, what it looked like, who was there, or even how to read the Codes in completion. The skeleton wasn't chancing anything and Stan could get behind that. "Why didn't you say so! So, what kind did you make? Multi-universal or just Universal? Dimensional maybe? I...If I'm remembering correctly, they're three completely different things, right?" He glances to Error, who nods yes in answer. "Right, good."

"H....How do you know that Stanley?" Ford jerked back in shock and slight awe. "It took me years to understand the differances and everything along with it!"

"Oh, I don't understand it all too much, but I got the best teacher around for that kind of stuff." Stan jerks his head to the taller one behind him, making Ford's eyes snap up. "This here is Error, he might as well be the smartest person I know. He would be like you if he went to school, having all those PHDs and stuff."

Ford stumbled forward a bit, eyes still on the covered one. "I see...So you understand all this?"

Both Stan and Error looked to one another. Error shrugged, making Stan sigh. "Well, you see Ford, I came to see...Well, I needed a bit of help too."

Ford's head shot to Stan, eyes slightly worried. "Help?"

"Um, yeah, you see..." Stan glanced to Error. "Error...Error isn't norm-no, that's not the right word for it." Error's hands went up to the sunglasses and beanie. "Error isn't human."

"What?!" Ford's neck cracked from how fast he turned it, heart beating fast at the now cracked skull looking down at him. "What in the world Stanley?! You brought a zombie into my house?!"

"Tch, looks like we might be more similar then I thought." Stan grumbled to himself before speaking back up with a grin. "Nah, he's not a zombie. Ford, meet Error, A Monster - and that's what their race is called! Jeez, don't make that face! - God from another multiverse who came here via trailing in something he calls the 'VOID'. Essentially he traveled across Multiverses to get here, by accident at that. We were wondering if you knew a place were they wouldn't be hunter."

"They?" Ford's mind was going a thousand miles per hour as he watched his brother unwrap the bundle. The next thing he knew, there were two admittedly adorable skeletons sitting by Stan's legs. "Stan! You didn't tell me there were children here!" Then, everything else Stan said caught up with Ford, making him choke as he looked to Error.

"Y....You traveled Multiverses! You-you must know so much!" Ford's eyes widened in awe and started to sparkle in a way that made Error very uncomfortable. "A God! J...Just how all of this is possible! And you didn't land in Gravity Falls?"

"nO, i lAnDEd In FrONt oF StaN'S caR wiTH MY kIDs aboUT SIX DaYS aGO." Error shortly said, keeping a weary eye on the nearly vibrating man. He really didn't like how the other was looking up at him in ways he couldn't explain. "AnD i WOuLD liKE TO SaY I knoW A loT." Error snorted just thinking about not knowing anything, he might as well have been Fate's puppet if that was the case. "i'VE bEEn alIVE lONGER thEN THiS EaRTH....mUCh lonGER." Error glanced to the portal, having a bad feeling about it. "bEsiDEs, mY joB bEfoRE mADe mE GO aLL aORUnD mY mUlTivERsE. PoRTaLS aRE EaSY TO makE whEN yOU havE maGIC. FiRsT tiME i'vE sEEN a HumAN buILD onE thoUGh." 'Not even the fallen human has tried that before.'

"Amazing...Such a anomaly." Ford breathed out in awe, reaching a hand out. Error, seeing this, backed up a bit. "Please! I have so many questions!"

"Whoa there Sixter, slow down." Stan cut in, seeing how uncomfortable Error was. "How about you back away a bit-"

"NO!" Ford suddenly screamed out, making Stan grab the kids and Error tense.

Ford blinked, shaking his head and the rubbing his face. "I...I'm sorry about that...I...I haven't been sleeping well." Ford then turned to Stan, holding out his journal. Stan looked him up and down wearily before slowly sitting down the kids once more. The one in blue grabbed the one in orange, and then ran to Error, hiding behind his legs. "I need you to take this Stan, you're the only one I can trust with this."

Stan slowly took the journal, keeping a eye on Ford's face. Before he could say anything, Ford had already turned back to Error, who shifted to stand more in front of the kids when he noticed this.

"About the issue from before, you three can stay here!" Ford opened his arms open, eyes having a gleam in them. "I'm sure that we can work something out, but the outside will never understand you. The government will find out about you then, and, well..." He glanced off to the side trailing off before looking back at Error. "But I'm sure it'll be fine as long as you stay hidden, here!"

"nO, i DoN'T tHINk thAT's GOinG tO woRK oUT tOO WeLL-" Error started to say, not liking the other's look nor how this all sounded. It was starting to sound like a prison like the Anti-VOID was.

"No! No, we can make it work!" Ford beamed, hands reaching out from a stilled Error, who was obviously trying to think of a way to get the other stop without resorting to kill the other. "I have plenty of room for you all! You could help me out with my experiments! I have so many questions and-"

By now, Null and Void were cuddled as close as they could be to Error's leg. They shivered, the weird human was starting to sound like HIM. Error slipped off one of his gloves slyly, getting ready for anything as he put both hands into his pockets so that Ford didn't notice anything - not that he would understand the meaning behind taking off even one glove.

Stan, having enough of Ford's rambling, decided to intervene before it got out of hand. Putting a hand on Ford's shoulder, he jerked him back harshly, enough to make him stumble. "Ford! Stop it, Error said no." Stan shook his head as Ford stumbled back a bit. "He's been traveling with me for a while, so he'll stay with me until he finds a diff-!" Stan jerked back when suddenly Ford was in his face. "What the-"

"You are so selfish!" Ford snapped, eyes almost mad looking. "Finally! FINALLY! There is someone here who can tell me everything, who can show me the wonders of MULTIPLE UNIVERSES! Not just this one, no! But tons of them!"

"Ford, you need to calm down!" Stan nearly growled, not liking how the other was sounding. "Error already said no, it's fine! Besides, he might not want to answer your questions! Did you ever think of that?"

"He told you! Why wouldn't he tell me then!" The Twin with the PHDs frowned harshly, a gleam entering his eyes. "You just want to take away the only chance I have for answers! Much like you did with my dream school! YOU JUST TAKE EVERYTHING I ALWAYS WANTED AWAY FROM ME!"

"THAT WAS TEN YEARS AGO!" Stan screamed back before snarling. "Error isn't a object or one of your experiment Ford! You don't do that to family! Especially MY family!"

Now, Error didn't understand a lot about social interactions or even what was considered okay or polite to do and say. But he is for sure about five things right now. First, he is pretty sure that he was now the bystander to some family drama. It was like watching Undernovela through one of his portals almost, only he can understand it right off the bat because he doesn't have to learn the language. Second, the tall skeleton doesn't think this is going to end well. He'll try to make sure it does, if only for Stan's sake, but he's pretty sure one of them is going to get. Not even Fate will save them if it happens to be one of the kids that get hurt. Third, even with his limited - none - social skills, he's pretty sure that you don't say stuff like that to your brother. He's never seen Sans or Papyrus do that-wait...He's never seen both do it before, and really mean it. Some AUs out there are harsh, just look at Dust's. But even then, Dust still loves his brother and his brother loved him until his last breath - even now as a ghost that he maybe sometimes can see....Error's still not for sure if he hallucinated that or not, it's hard to tell. Wouldn't be the first time. In any case, fourth thing he is for sure about is that after all this and all is said and done, Error is going to figure out the Codes if it is the last thing -HA! He's funny, isn't he?- does. There are too many things that are going on in this Universe, maybe even in it's AUs and pocket dimensions, that make Error too paranoid. Something is out there, he knows that. Something is chasing Ford, someone knows he has the knowledge, he can tell. Preparation must be had even if he is on the other side of the world. 

Fifth, Stan has claimed him.

No has ever really claimed Error. Nightmare's group had a few times as he did with them, but this was different. Nightmare's group claimed him as one of the 'dark' Sanses, one of their kind. They understood one another, saw where they stood and seen similar things in the short run.

With Stan though, he is claiming Error and his children as family. The only other time this happened was with Null. It made Error's SOUL beat all the faster, face feeling slightly warm. He had been claimed once more.

It felt nice to know he was wanted, even if he knew he didn't deserve it.

These thoughts almost made him missed seeing Ford talking Stan, making them roll into another room not too far off from where they were. Error's face grew grim, hearing and feeling the magic shift in the air. He knew what was going on even before the lights came on.

The machine has been turned on. A magical portal to stars knew where, one that Error may not be able to control as it runs on something different.

"kIDS, StaY StiLL." Error lifted his uncovered hand, strings coming to life. "thIS maY gET uGlY FaST."

Stan's screaming filled the whole basement, making Error's head snap to the direction. Ford came flying out of the room, journal now in hand once more. Stan stumbled out right after. But before he could do anything, the portal flared to life. Magic unlike any other he has felt before from the other side coming to life and coming out, echoing against his magic.

When the magic touched his, it created something new, exploding out all around him.

Stan winced, feeling the burn on his shoulder and back, pain flaring out. Just as he was going to tackle Ford once more, something heavy, chaotic yet every changing filled the air. He could almost taste something on the tip of his tongue yet he didn't know what. The air grew heavy, so why was he floating off into the air toward that machine his brother made.



Both babybones cried out as they started to go into the air, tears forming and floating as they did so. Fear clouded their minds, even as they knew their Daddy would save them from anything.

'Everything wrong!' Error's mind whirled, becoming worse and worse as the weird magic wrapped all around him, suffocating him. It was only Error's experience with Ink's magic that made him sorta used to this. The magic while different had the similar effect on him as Ink's did. Opposites. But this magic was similar to his own, adding another layer to the whole thing. It was like Error felt okay with it, but on the other hand felt violated with the way the magic was coming to his. 'NO! LEAVE ME AND MINE BE!'

Error had no idea who his mind was screaming to as he used his strings to get his kids. Tying them down with his strings quickly, making sure they didn't fly off, Error turned and didn't think about anything as he went into the air and dove for Stan. His Stan, the one whole claimed him as Null and Void did.

It was only right that he claimed him back, making Stan one of his.

And Error would do anything for what is his.

Stan choked out, tears coming out as his Brother was yelling for his help, for him to save him as they both flew to the portal. Ford was slowly going in, and just before Stan could get too close to the portal, hands grabbed him and brought him down to the ground.

"Error!" Stan gasped when he lifted his head and saw Error bringing him down to the ground, those glowing magical strings of his coming to life on one hand. Blinking, the next thing Stan knew was Error making strings come to life from the ground, and them wrapping around him. Stan blinked, feeling the same yet he wasn't moving. It hit him that Error was using his strings to make sure that he didn't go flying, as well as the kids. Error was probably used to these kinds of things.

"Error, what do we do!?" Stan yelled out in panic. Error lifted a hand, making him stop just in time to see Error get up and dive for the portal once more, going to get Ford who was almost all the way in, only part of his body was still out. "ERROR! FORD!" Stan struggled against the strings, wanting nothing more then to run and try to grab the both of them.

Ford couldn't stop yelling for his brother to save him, screaming for help. He blinked, and he saw a gloved hand reaching for him. It was like in slow motion. He saw multicolored lights in red sockets staring into his almost determinedly, gloved hand reached out. Hands were coming to him, yet still too far away.

"HELP ME! PLEASE!" Ford cried out, eyes tearing up in panic and slight hope.

The skeleton was coming close, but just as it looked like Error would be able to grab the human, a few things happened.

One, the glove that had been in Error's pocket had come loose, falling out of the pocket from all the movement only to fly to the portal from it's pulling everything in. Said glove his Ford's face, making him let go of his journal. Said journal then went flying out from Ford's sudden throw, hitting Error in the face. The unknown magic pulsed once more, making Error's bones rattle. It only made Error pause for a second from the shock of it all.

But a second was all it took.

Stan, Null and Void all watched in shock as Ford was fully sucked into the portal, making everything fall back down as the whole thing shut down. Error swiftly went back down on the ground, journal now in hand, disgusted with himself. While he may not have liked Ford, he was Stan's brother. That alone was enough for Error to try and dive in for Ford, yet he was too slow.

He knew he couldn't do anything about this. The Multiverse's Codes were unknown to him mostly, and then there was the fact Ford could have landed in a different dimension and not a AU. There could be millions and millions of different AUs and worlds, that alone could make hunting for Ford like a wild goose chase as Error didn't know where everything was. Never mind he hold on time was skewed from all the time in the Anti-VOID. Years could pass him by if he isn't careful.

It also didn't help that Ford called for help. Called him for help. Called Error for help.

It made his SOUL sting. He was just like the rest, not answering a call for help. Made one of his own feel pain much like others have felt before. In a way, Ford was like Error, only in the opposite of ways. Error watched his AU crumble, being ripped away from him as Fate destroyed it. Ford was ripped from here, yet knows this place is still standing - but he could be anywhere in any environment.

"NO!" Stan screamed out, the strings finally fading as Error wasn't concentrating on them even a little bit. While Null, who was carrying Void, ran to Error, Stan ran to the portal machine.

"GIVE ME BACK MY BROTHER!" Stan yelled, hitting the machine. Null and Void both lightly touched their Daddy, who had fallen to his knees, journal tight in his hands as he remembered Ford's words. "PLEASE! I'M SORRY!"

"hE caLLE FOR hELp....i CoulDN'T ansWER hIM." Error chuckled, tears slowly forming but not falling. "I'm No bEtTEr thEN thE REsT whO Can'T anSWeR. I FaiLED."

"Daddy..." Null sadly cooed out, hand lightly touching Error's arm. "Can't you find him?"

"Dadadada..." Void lightly hit Error's knees. "Da...."

Stan finally stopped hitting the machine and trying to turn the lever. He swiftly turned to Error, face harsh before it softened at how Error looked, crumbled and broken as he mumbled to himself, seemingly not hearing his children's soft cooing.

"....Error." Error's head shot up, looking up to Stan. "Error-"

"i'M soRRy...." Stan's throat kluged up at Error's pleading and broken expression. Error reached up, scratching at his face harshly, making Stan and the kids wince as blood started to come down from said scratching. "SoRRysoRRYsORRySoRRySORRyS0000RRRRyyYY-"

Stan knelt by the glitching skeleton, and then gently put his arms around the other, pulling the taller one into a hug. "I'm sorry too." Tears started to fall when he felt hands hesitatingly and ever so gently come around him as well. "I'm so sorry!"

Null and Void both wiggled their way into the hug, all of them but Error crying now. Error refused to let tears fall at his failure. He's cried too much, but at the same time, he clung all the hard to the ones in his hold. Fearing that he would fail them as well.

It would take a while before all of them let go of another. By that time, Error would wrap up Stan's burn in his strings to heal up. Stan would get a scar from it, as it is a magic symbol it wouldn't just go away. In a way, Stan has been branded, and that ranked up Error's nerves.

"Error....I can't do this alone." Error looked into Stan's watery and devastated eyes. Both were in Ford's house, Null and Void asleep in a makeshift bed while they sat on the couch together. Error not having to sleep and Stan not being able to. "I can't!"

"....i'LL HeLP yOU." Error decided. He had no where to go, and only Stan had given him a kind word and help. Stan was one of his, and Error would do anything for one of his. He failed once now, maybe he can make it up now, getting back Ford for Stan. Seeing Stan wavering made Error fear the worse, thinking that the burn he got was doing something more. You never know about magical symbols after all. "StaN? WhaT's WrONG?"

"You won't leave me?" Stan said much like Null or Void would, eyes lost and almost hollow. It made Error hug the other, SOUL tearing up for his failure.

All of this was Error's fault as always. He should have just stayed in the car. Or better yet, out of Stan's life. Then none of this would have happened. But it has, meaning that Error has to try and form something better out of this.

"i pRomISE yOU, I'LL nEvER lEavE yOU." Error swore, making Stan look at him. "yOU aRE oNE oF mINE, juST as I aM onE of YOUr'S. JUSt aS nuLL anD VOId aRE mINE. i WILL noT lEavE yOU aloNE liKE thIS." Error smirked softly. "hEY StaN? WhaT DO yOU sAY?"

Stan sniffed, feeling slightly better. "What do you...?"

"hoW WOulD yOU liKE tO woRk WiTH tHIS bROkEN MonsTER TO bRInG TO liFE a PORtAL mAchINE, bRInG bACK a CertAIN hUMAn aNd havE thE whoLE thING EnD WelL?" Error asked just as Stan had done for him, only with some slight differences.

Stan just stared at the skeleton.

Then a small smile finally grew.

-One Week Later-

A week passed then. Both Error and Stan trying their hardest to get the machine to work, but with only one journal and with Error not understanding the foundations and Codes of this Multiverse, it was very slow going. Both adults, were running themselves ragged. At times, even Error felt like the need to sleep, but refused to. While Stan tried to figure out the journal, Error found a clean journal himself and started trying to figure out the Codes.

Null and Void helped where they could, Error making sure to drag Stan out at times for a break so he didn't break, and as well as Error making sure to take care of the kids.

But food was running out and Stan needed some fresh air.

Error didn't know how it happened, but one moment he was reading the Codes after Stan went out, time passed and then he heard motion in the house, the next thing he knew, he was standing in the doorway with a huge group of people in front of him, with Stan at the end, holding a fake skeleton that was dressed in bright colors.

It only got worse by the fact that Null and Void were right behind him, peeking out into the crowd.

Humans stared at the tall skeleton. Empathy was a strong thing, just as much as compassion and love. Reading the body language wasn't a hard thing to do, and knowing that someone is drowning in some way isn't a hard thing to tell. It was easy to tell this skeleton had a story.

Susan walked up with a smile. "Hello there!" The skeleton blinked at her, the two little ones watched her with wide eyes. "And who might you be? Are you apart of the tour too?"

Before Stan could say anything, Error spoke up.

"i AM ERRoR. a MonsTEr skElEtON fRom anoTHEr mULtivERsE." Error looked to his one ungloved hand before looking back up. "i AM A GOD oF dEsTRucTION....DO yoU wiSH tO hEaR mY StaRT? tO hEaR hOW i aM aND whY? A SmaLL pARt oF mY stoRY?...mY stORy iSN'Y woRth anyTHiNg i FeaR....buT iT iS mE."

Ford might have said that no one would understand him, that the government would come sooner rather then later if he let himself out. But that is a chance he could take. Anything for his, anything. Ford might not be his, but he is Stan's. That is enough for Error. He knew Stan complained about money, even though Error could steal what was needed if not form it. But that took time and magic, one of those things they don't have time for ironically enough. Time was needed to understand everything, time was needed to get that damn machine running.

Time was suddenly important to the skeleton Monster who had no meaning of time before now.

'Anything.' Anything meant willing to put yourself on the chopping block. Time to see how humans work, time to see if he will break and fall or come out of this without needing to kill someone.

Money was needed to get things that Error wouldn't be able to steal. Not without knowing what it was or where he could find it. Codes would have to take priority, and unlike Stan, Error had the advantage of not having to sleep.

Time to tell his story, to get it out. So that he might be able to help Stan even a little bit. He was worthless for everything else, so he might as well.

Something green caught his eye. Blinking, the woman from before was now holding out something. With his gloved hand, he gently took it out from her hand. A twenty dollar bill was staring back at him.

"I think your story is worth more then all the money in the world, but I still want to hear it." The woman, with her big hair and one closed eye smiled gently at the skeleton, making the other people pay close attention. "I hope this is enough for a God to tell me even a small part of his story."

That made the others agree, and before Error knew it, he had wads of money in his hands. Looking confused, he saw Stan grinning. Stan shrugged at him, eyes laughing more then ever. Feeling Null and Void come out a bit more, Error made up his mind.

"iN mY muLtivERSE, thEy'RE usEd tO bE onLY ONE uniVERsE. FaTE, sEEinG thIS, cREatED thEIR FIrsT ChilD...."

At the end of the day, there wasn't one eye dry. It was only the first chapter of the story called 'Error', but it was heart breaking. The Monster was captivating as he told the story, using magic and much more to prove it all. When he finished the main parts, more then one person was sobbing when Error asked why they were crying.

Empathy was a strong thing, just like compassion and love. Error needed those, that much they could tell.

At the start of the next day, there were gift baskets given to the four, filled with random items, and more people willing to pay to see the shack as well as hear more about the broken God of Destruction called Error.

Gravity Falls loves the weird, prides themselves in it and holds it dearly. Error was the weirdest Monster to ever come around. If that other Multiverse didn't want such a loving God, then they'll take him in with arms wide open and smiles on their faces. Even as the years pass, the feelings only grow. They see Error helping out around town, taking care of those he calls 'his' with such a broken unconditional love. Like he has been burned too many times yet is still trying no matter what. It broke their heart.

Gravity Falls claimed Error without regret.

Error, for the first time in his long, long life, watched in shock as the whole town accepted him. While the whole state might know about him, none gave him out no matter how they felt about him or who he lived with. He watched in awe and fear as they opened his arms out to him, nothing but fondness in their eyes.

Error was waiting for it to all backfire on him, even years later.

Then, one day about twenty years later, they got a phone call.

That very same summer will change everything.

-End Chapter-

Here it is! Sorry it took so long to come out, life has been busy. This story was a long time coming to be honest, and the comments have just pumped me up so much for this! I hope it was all you were wanting and more. If it wasn't, don't worry. There is more of this story to come!

Ford is sleep deprived, paranoid like you wouldn't believe, most likely recovering from Bill himself, and has his emotions all over the place. When Error shows up, it was like all the answers he could ever want and need are right in front of him without Bill there to worry him. Even like this, he trusts Stan's judge of character, and seeing how comfortable he is with Error made Ford fall back on that trust. It's why he lashed out, all he could have wanted was right in front of him, everything just came to ahead. Ford will be better when he shows up again, or at least, as better as he can like in the cartoon.

In some ways, Ford reminds me a bit of Error when he comes back. Ford has forgotten what his own dimension is like, as well as what is normal. He even gave Mabel a crossbow, questioning if it is a thing that is done as he is confused if he is right in giving it to Mabel. Error would just ask if she knew how to use it, if no, then he would teach her how to use it. He taught a bunch of Charas how to wield a knife, maliciously even in some cases. Both do have some similarities, though Ford does freak Error and the kids out as he does want to run some tests on them here, which they do not like at all.

Having said that, all three of them - Stan, Ford and Error - and the kids have issues here. This whole thing messed with them mentally.

Because of Error, Null and Void being here, it changes things. For better and/or worse.

Destiny didn't just choose this Multiverse, they chose Stanley Pines. Error needs someone to be with him, a friend or more depending on their choices, and help him - someone who would understand even just a little bit. The world is weird, and Destiny knew that Stan was heading to the weirdest place on their Earth, so Destiny placed Error and his kids in the way so that Stan would take them in. Choosing a Universe is important, but the landing and who is there can be even more important. It's like in "Destroyer Meet Forced Destroyer" (DMFD) where Destiny chose Beerus to help Error.

Stan is slightly attracted to Error here, it grows as the years go on. By the time the twins come to town, Stan is in love with Error. It's actually natural that way, as Stan and Error have spent twenty or so years together in that time skip. If Stan doesn't fall for someone else and still holds that attraction, it like a flower can be watered and grow as time goes on. With spending so much time with Error, it is definitely watered throughout that time skip no matter what as Error is not pushing him away. Not that Error knows about these feelings, but he's still not giving Stan any reason to not be in love with him, and Stan naturally did not loose his attraction to Error, so it just grew.

Error meanwhile, has a fondness of Stan that has grown and claims him as one of his own, sorta like with Null and Void but not quite, but he doesn't understand attraction or love all that much even years later. All he has seen of that is by watching others, in life, through portals, or from TV and movies. Error is attracted to Stan, he just doesn't understand that himself all too much. This will be covered more as we go on as well as seeing this change slightly.

But Error is still Error no matter what. Poor oblivious unconventional Error.

Error has traits that Stan finds attractive as well as finding the skeleton actually pleasing to look at in some weird way - well, a weird way to Stan. One because Error is from another Multiverse, Stan never thought that he would meet much less fall in love with what is essentially, kinda, sorta an alien, but he's not against it. Second because Error is a Skeleton Monster God, of Destruction of all things, making Stan think he is WAY out of his league and also the 'WTF' factor there. Like, he's thinking how did this happen to him. We'll hear and see more of this later on in the story, through flashbacks or even just Stan thinking or talking about it. He is not oblivious to his feelings or anything like that, but he will not say anything even as the feelings grow over time. It will take a pair of twins to make him even admit aloud that he loves Error much less try to tell the other, but that comes later on.

There will be flashbacks, other mentioning things and such, explaining more and more about the past. It's why I didn't give many examples after that destiny filled tour.

I was going to end this chapter after "Thus was the start of a free fall that would last for years.", but I went on as I wanted to start on the actual episodes - from Gravity Falls and Original ones made by me - on the next chapter. And you all said you like long chapters, so I think it's fine. Not like it's over 30,000 unlike DMFD.


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