Destroyer Meet Forced Destroyer - Part 2

I do not own this picture/frame shot, it belongs to it's respectful owner. 

Where: Dragon Ball Super

Ship: Error x Beerus

When Error woke up with two kids in his arms and found himself on a floating triangle like island surrounded by planets with a huge tree in the middle that had buildings on it, that did not even phase him at all. He's seen a lot of stranger AU's in his life. It was only when he was about to look through the world's Codes did he feel it; Destruction. It shot up and was heading his way, fast approaching him. Quickly hiding the kids, Error was in for a world of confusion when a purple, hairless cat in a nightgown suddenly dropped down from the sky. It was only when the other introduced himself as a God of Destruction did Error realize he was far away from his own Multiverse.

Error had no idea that when his eyes met the other, that this person would be the one to help him on the long road of healing.....In their own unique way.

Destroyer of Worlds meet Forced Destroyer of Universes.

- This one is going to be a hell of a long one, I know that even before writing it as I want to get to a certain point before letting this part be done. I'm going through like three or so episodes in this part alone. Having said, this is just the start. So while there are going to be differences, they are not going to be huge ones besides maybe one or two here and there. Error being in the DBZ universe changes things. It is going to make ripples, but at the center, the start, there are small ripples until they getting bigger and bigger in size the further you get out. It is the same in this story, the changes start small but grow bigger as time goes on.

I am mostly going off the Dragon Ball Super anime that is subbed, not the dubbed. Just in case anyone wanted to know.

-Chapter Start-

"Do you have everything ready Lord Error?" Whis asked as the two walked to where Beerus was waiting for them, carrying bentos in his free hand.

Error grunted and patted a black messenger bag, It looked to be stitched up with his blue strings, that was strapped over his shoulder to show that he had everything. It was made like Null's and Void's, meaning that it held a lot of space on the inside. And Error likes to be prepared when it comes down to it. Not doing so would be like betting his kids's lives as it can mean death. "yES."

"And what about the Little Lords?" Whis inquired with a amused smile. "They could just hold onto my legs you know as we travel."

Error rolled his eyes, patting his long scarf that he made into a baby-like sling. Little hat covered skulls poked out, blinking up to Whis. "SaFEr ThIS WaY. THIS WAY No OnE WiLl LEt gO oR gET TIrED oF sTAnDiNG, yOU DiD SAY iT WoULD tAkE a WHiLE. iS bERRuS ReaDY?"

"He went off on his own, destroying eight and a half planets because he got tired of waiting." Whis sighed, his head falling at his First Lords actions. "Sometimes I don't know what to do with him I swear..."

"hE'S LIkE a ChILD aT TimEs." Error agreed, smirking at the image of a baby Beerus before putting that thought away for later. "THAt IMPaTiEnT ASs, He cOULd hAvE wAiTEd FoR us BEfORe hE lEfT FoR tHE PLanEtS oR taKEN oNe oF uS WiTH hIM." Error shook his head, feeling his eye twitch. "bUT It'S noT lIKE iT's AnYThInG nEw RiGHt? hE'S juSt FiGHt haPPy RiGHt nOW, WanTINg THAt PromISeD fiGHtER."

"Yes, I suppose that is true." Whis nodded and turned his attention forward. All four looked up to see Beerus standing up on a tall tree stump, looking away from them.

"Lord Beerus!" Whis called out, making said Destroyer turn to look at the new comers. "I packed the lunches!"

"I see." Beerus then did a double take at Error and the children. "What are you doing?"

"i mADE a cArRiER TO makE THiNGs EasIEr ON US." Error explained, patting the children's backs through the scarf, making them giggle. "LOnG trAvElINg CaN BE hArD oN KIDs fROm WhAT i'VE sEEn oN tHE Tv."

Beerus frowned, hopping down in front of Error, peering down into the sling at the smiling faces. "But is that comfortable?"

"Hmm~" Null nodded, cuddling his little brother closer and snuggling into his Father's chest. "Like a warm hug!"

"Nyha~" Void giggled, following Null's lead. "Daddy gives the best hugs~"

Beerus snorted, glancing up at Error's confused face. "Is that so?" With that, Beerus twisted his body so that he was now looking at the blue wrapped bentos. "What sides did you get?"

"The centerpieces are fried salmon from Planet Watrin, and Nubula 65's famous chicken and tartare sauce." Whis then looked up with a smile, gesturing with his head to the two kids wrapped up to Error's chest. "The Little Lords were a big help in making them. They made sure to put as much love in it as possible~"

Beerus glanced to Null and Void. "Well then, a thank you must be in order."

"Your welcome~" Came the chorus of replies, the two children almost singing it.

Error patted them once more, glancing at the other two adults. "ThErY'RE vERy ExCiTEd To gO tO anOThEr PLaNEt; FiRsT ReAL FamILy TRiP....OffICaL oNE aT LEaST." Error tacked on at the end, thinking about his fall into the VOID.

Whis giggled while Beerus huffed in amusement. Beerus then straightened and looked to Whis. "What did those taste like again?" Beerus asked about the food, forgetting when he had it and what it tasted like, before he shrugged and turned around. "Well, whatever. I guess I'll eat it on the way if we find a place with a nice view."

"i WoULd lIKe To SEE A NIcE CoNStEllATiON OR ShOOtInG StaRS." Error stated plainly, hiding his fondness of the stars. But Whis and Beerus knew better then that, they can see his eyes glittering in wonder and joy every time the skeleton looks up to the stars. Error glanced down to Null and Void. "WhAT DO yOU ThInK?"

"I wanna flower field!" Void immediately put out there, his little hand waving in excitement. "See pretty flowers~"

Null hummed in thought, a slight pout on his face. "I...The big water! The one you talked about in your stories with the ships and big fishes!" Error frowned thinking about it before it hit him.

"THe OCEaN?"


Whis sighed at them all, but eventually let it all go. He was sure he could find a spot eventually that they will all like. "Very well. I'll keep a look out for something." With that he waved the orb staff over the lunches, making them disappear. "Well then, let us be off. We do have a Family Trip to get to~"

Beerus looked over to Whis with a smirk while the children cheered. "Yeah." With that, Beerus put his hand on Whis's back while Error put a hand on Beerus's shoulder. Once he saw everyone was ready, Whis tapped his staff, making light surround them. Listening to Null and Void gasping and cooing at it all, Error knew they would be fine. After they were surrounded, they were off, shooting into the sky and off the planet.

-WIth Kibito Kai And Old Kai-

"After waking up, Lord Beerus destroyed nine and a half planets in just half a day." Old Kai said, looking up into the sky with Kibito right next to him. Both standing on a cliff, looking worried for what was to come. "But yet, the other Destroyer only helped with that one planet."

"Did Lord Beerus really do that in such a short amount of time?" Kibito asked, turning his attention to the elder Kai, sweat going down his face. "Maybe the other Destroy left?" He added on hopefully, only to have that quickly dashed by the older one.

"No, I can still feel that weird energy with Lord Beerus's, meaning that the new comer is with him right now." Old Kai sighed, hands going behind his back. "In any case, that's what makes Lord Beerus so terrifying, even without the new Destroyer." He leaned forward, memories coming to surface. "As a matter of fact, it was Lord Beerus who sealed me up in the Z-Sword, too!"

Kibito gasped, eyes going small in shock. He had never really asked how the older one had gotten sealed up, but knowing that a God of Destruction can do that? Taking a little step back, Kibito quickly turned to face Old Kai.

"That, too, happened in a blink of an eye." Old Kai said sadly as he closed his eyes, memories of that day hitting him hard.

Kibito frowned, looking away in shame. "I...seem to have taken Lord Beerus too lightly."

Old Kai opened his eyes, humming before asking the taller one something. "Can you sense Lord Beerus's Ki? The other one's energy?"

Kibito closed his eyes, concentrating before they shot back open. "I can." Turning, he looked back up at the sky. "They are moving at incredible speeds."

Old Kai frowned, concentrating as well as he turned back to the sky. Narrowing his eyes, he followed the Ki and energy, trying to trace where they were going, only for a flash of purple and blue to hit him as he realized what direction they were going in.

Gasping in horror, Old Kai jolted away, falling backwards onto his bottom. Kibito quickly went to Old Kai's side, grabbing his hand to help him sit up. "Why?!" Old Kai gasped, eyes never leaving the sky. "Lord Beerus and the other....They're heading to the North Kai's planet!"

"I sensed it too." Kibito admitted, sweat going down his cheek as worry clouded his face. "But why would they be heading towards where Goku is?"

"T-This was what I feared the most..." Old Kai muttered, still shivering at sensing the energies and Ki of the Destroyers. "'Peace' is something awfully short-lived...." Old Kai sadly muttered, standing up as he did so.

Kibito shifted where he knelled. "Is there no way to prevent them all from meeting?" The taller Kai asked urgently.

"No matter what we did, it'd be in vain." Old Kai denied, keeping his eyes on the Destroyers's Ki and energy. "Lord Beerus's actions are no different from the workings of nature. We can do nothing until the storm passes."

"No..." Kibito whispered, not wanting to believe it.

"He might not settle for a planet or two this time...The entire Universe might disappear!" Old Kai told the younger Kai, shaking lightly as he thought about it. "We are no longer dealing with just one God of Destruction, that would be bad enough on it's own, no, now we are dealing with two! Two!" Old Kai held up two fingers that were shaking in fear. "And we don't know anything about the other! For two Gods of Destruction, destroying the entire Universe would be child's play!"

"...T-The entire Universe..." Kibito softly said in shock, looking up to the sky in shock as he went to sense the Ki and energy again.

-With The Skeleton Trio, Beerus, And Whis-

"AnD THIs WOrKS?" Error asked Whis, fiddling with the fabric tied around his forarm.

"Yes Lord Error, as long as I am touching the same thing you are or even better, person you are touching as well, it will be fine." Whis calmly explained as he handed Beerus his packed lunch. "Although, physical contact is not a must, it makes thing easier on myself."

Only a few minutes ago, Beerus started complained that he was hungry. So, with a roll of his eyes, Whis made a short stop so that Beerus could tie him up to his waist tightly as to make sure he wasn't going to be jostled. While the purple Destroyer did that, Whis got another piece of fabric and tied his and Error's forarms together. This way Error could move his arm still and move around slightly, like facing Beerus who he was standing besides - making Whis's arm go back a little, but nothing hurtful - or to bend down slightly.

After that was done, they were back to traveling. Error pulled out little juice pouches for Null and Void to drink while Beerus licked his lips as he opened the packed lunch, only to freeze once he saw what was inside.

A dead fish's head as one side, purple and dark blue fish, rice, some green stuff on top of the fish, tentacles and some other fish with some bright blue and yellow fruit behind the fish head.

Beerus made a grim face, before he dropped his head in agony. "Now I remember..." Error blinked, turning his head to look down at Beerus. The guy looked like he was in pain. But that pain quickly faded as Beerus's head came back up and turned his head around to look at Whis.

"Hey, Whis!" Beerus snarled, eyes in a glare. "Couldn't you have got some other sides?! There's nothing but Planet Watrin's fried fish salmon and Nebula 65's chicken in tartare sauce here!" Beerus turned back to look forward, lifting a piece of fish with a pair of chopsticks. "I'm so tired of their taste."

"nUlL aND vOID hElpEd mAkE tHAT." Beerus glanced up, only to freeze at the deadly glare directed at him from the dark skeleton, a twisted smile across the skull. "ThEy wORkEd haRD oN iT FoR yOU."

The implied 'You better eat it if you know what's good for you you no good fucker, because if my kids cry because you insulted their cooking, then no God or power up there will save you from my wrath you idiotic cat!' was silent, but it might as well been screamed to the heavens with how heavily implied it was.

Without another word, Beerus ate the piece of fish that was on the chopsticks, hearing the unsaid words loud and clear.

"How can you be tired of them," Whis started to ask, keeping his eyes straight ahead of him, and internally laughing at the two Destroyers. "when I've only made you this once, 160 years ago?" Then he glanced to Beerus over his shoulder from the corner of his eye. "That time you destroyed planet Monster?"

Now, Error should be shocked by this, after all it was called  'Planet Monster'. But he wasn't. Beerus couldn't kill him, and he could protect the kids fine if it came down to it. There is also the fact that Monster has a different meaning to this Multiverse then his. What counts as a Monster there is not the same here.

And Error is in no way a hypocrite, or at least not like how others are. Error has a lot of Monsters's dust and blood on his hands, he has killed more Monster planets - Universes - then Beerus ever has. So he wasn't shocked or the least bit worried. It happens.

Beerus turned his head around, face extremely annoyed. "I'm tired of them, I'm tired of them!"

Error cleared his throat once, making Beerus's mouth slam shut. Beerus gulped, but refused to look away from Whis, knowing that Error was glaring down at him. A bead of sweat rolled down his cheek, feeling like something was crawling up his back as Error burned holes into the back of his head.

"Either way, you had better finish your food quickly, Lord Beerus." Whis stated, looking back to the front. "We'll be arriving at the North Kai's planet in about ten minutes."

"Oh, really?" Beerus asked calmly before glancing down to his food, then the next thing Error knew Beerus was shoveling it all into his mouth and chewing loudly.

Error gave a silent sigh, thankful that Beerus wasn't trying to shove more food into his mouth. Maybe he can get away with him not eating the lunch with how distracted Beerus is for this 'Super Sayian God'. He wasn't hungry right now, not like he ever is, but because his kids helped make it he will eat it. But not right now, he was tired of eating. Maybe he will get by eating it for dinner? In any case, Error could already feel today was going to be a long day for everyone. Maybe everything is actually not go to hell once everything is said and done.

But knowing his luck, everything is most likely going headfirst into a shit creek once everything is said and done.

-North Kai's Planet-

'Why?' North Kai scowled, slightly curled and holding his head as he despaired. Not paying mind to Goku who was jogging around the small planet. 'Why is Lord Beerus's ki along with that other Destroyer's energy heading for this planet....?'

North Kai shot up, sweat pouring off him as nerves over took him. "Oh, I can't take it!" He looked off into the distance with Bubbles - the monkey- and Gregory - the cricket - staring up at him as he freaked out. "They'll be here any moment!"

Both gasped as North Kai blubbered to himself, clumsily taking a few steps only to fall to his knees soon after.

North Kai harshly sighed, not noticing Goku watching him and then walking up to him.

"What're ya doin', North Kai?" Goku asked the Kai, confused and a bit worried at seeing the Kai acting so off. It didn't help that North Kai gasped, shooting up and away from him after seeing him leaning down to talk to him.

The Kai fell to his butt not too far from where he was, sweat pouring off of him as he pointed to a now standing Goku. "G-G-Goku! Y-You're still here?! Didn't you say that "Bulma" friend of yours was having a birthday party?" North Kai reminded, hoping that Goku would finally just up and go, meaning he doesn't have to worry too much about what was going to happen in the next few moments.

Goku's brows frowned even as he grinned, rubbing the back of his head nervously. "Well, you know, I ain't too great at dealing with parties."

Still pointing up at Goku, and with sweat still flying off him, North Kai desperately tried to think of a way to get rid of the saiyan without giving out the reason why he wants the alien gone. If he did that, then the battle addict would never leave. The idea of fighting one Destroyer was enough, but with possible two coming? The Dragon Balls themselves wouldn't be able to wish Goku away if he knew. "Y-Your going to loose friends with that attitude!"

Goku just gave a little hum, walking over to where North Kai sat and leaned down so that they were face to face. "You've been actin' weird for a while, North Kai, so I was wonderin' why?" Goku asked once more, curious more then anything on what was going on with the Kai.

North Kai gaped, flinching away at the very question. Mind scrambling on what to say. "I've been acting weird?!"

Then it hit him. Acting weird. It was like a bell went off in his head.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Pride has no meaning right now, time to do whatever it takes.

Crawling away from Goku, Gregory and Bubbles following his lead, North Kai faced away from Goku and started a dance. Bouncing on one foot to the other, hands up in the air, the three all sweated nervously and prayed it worked.

"I'm weird! I'm weird! I'm going crazy!" North Kai chanted along with Gregory, Bubbles too chanting as well with the other two. While North Kai danced farther and farther away from Goku, making his escape with the other two, he was finding a lot of truth in these words he was chanting. "I'm weird! I'm weird! I'm going crazy!"

Goku frowned as he raised a brow at what the three were doing as they went off into the distance, then looking up as he crossed his arms in thought. "Something really does seem weird...."

-On Earth, Training Pod With Vegeta-

With a grunt, a jump, dogging lasers of all kinds, Vegeta landed with a smirk. Sweat starting to form and come down his face as he looked forward to the other lasers. The whole room covered in a red light, machines flying about that could shoot lasers as well.

The machines closed in, making Vegeta move out of the way as they shot their lasers. Dogging left and right as more and more lasers closed in, Vegeta moved in a blink of a eye to one of the flying machines that looked almost like a eye. With a hit, it shot off.

With one down, Vegeta moved as fast as he can to the other machines flying about firing off lasers. Hitting the buttons on them to make them shut off. Sweat was pouring off him while he did so, gravity pushing him down as he dogged laser after laser, but soon all the machines where down for the count, shut off completely.

With all of them off, Vegeta landed with a scoff and a smirk, looking as proud as he could. "Even 150-fold gravity has outlived its purpose..."

The smirk soon fell away to confusion as everything shut off. The red lights going away as normal lights set in, the harsher gravity going back to normal as well. Then, hearing the door open, Vegeta didn't even turn to see who was coming in. His frown just grew.

A women with short brown hair cut off at the chin, dark purple eyes, round gold earrings, black dress shoes, and wearing a burgundy jacket, whit under shirt and black skirt with a Capsule Corp badge on her chest walked in, a house phone in her hands that was facing out. "Excuse me, Mr. Vegeta?"

Vegeta didn't even turn around, wanting this to be over already so that he could get back to training. "Leave! You're interrupting training!"

The women gulped at the other's tone, but forged on. "M-Ms. Bulma called, she wants you to came to her birthday party."

"Just go away already!" Vegeta snapped, feeling annoyed and frustrated at being interrupted. "Tell her I'm not going to such a thing!"

The women flinched as her boss finally spoke out of the phone with a yell. 

"Vegeta!" Bulma's voice snapped out of the phone, sounding very annoyed and angered. "I don't know what is going on in that head of yours, not coming to your pretty wife's birthday party?!" Bulma's voice grew louder and louder as she went on. "Make sure you come, you hear me!" Bulma finally slammed the phone down, making it sound like a expulsion had went off. The women looked wide eyed to the phone, never having heard her boss go off like that before.

Vegeta breathed out heavily through his nose, looking out from the corner of his eye to the phone. Before tuning his focused forward once more with a glare. "Tch!"

Seems his training must be cut short today.

-North Kai's Planet-

"Oh, I can't take it, oh...." North Kai grumbled to himself as he repainted his rebuilt home along with his two companions, feeling like his heart was about to give in again even if he was already dead. Goku practicing his punches in the distance, grunting with each practice hit.

North Kai glanced to where Goku was before sighing, stopping his painting as he bowed his head. "Oh...why's Lord Beerus coming here with the new Destroyer?"

"Ka..." Goku started to chant, hands coming into position as Ki formed into his hands. "me..." The saiyan ready himself, getting into position. "ha..." Bring his hands up and over, he held them in front of himself. "me..." The bringing his hands back, the ki ball getting bigger and bigger, he got ready to fire. "ha!" With that final chant, Goku shot forward his kamehameha, firing it in front of him.

The Kamehameha shot forward,nearly hitting North Kai along with Bubbles and Gregory. The three dove out of the way of the powerful attack, hanging onto the tree nearby the house as the wind kicked up, sending dirt flying everywhere. The attack went around the small planet, coming back to where it started. Aiming to hit the back of Goku.

Just before the Kamehameha hit, Goku turned and brought his hands up, grunting as the attack slammed into his palms. With a war cry and sliding feet, Goku fought his own attack. Gritting his teath, sweat starting to form, Goku gave on final push, crying out as he pushed against the attack one more time.

Smoke quickly formed as Goku outlived the attack, finally beating it and stopping it. Breathing heavily, Goku grinned and straightened after a few moments of catching his breath. "That was a nice one..."

"You idiot!"

Goku closed his eyes tightly as he flinched at the sudden scolding and insult. Opening his eyes and turning to the cry, Goku raised his brows and blinked when he saw the three in the tree.

North Kai frowned as he held onto a branch, waving a fist about. "Tell me before you go firing that everywhere!" Bubbles then started to slide off from the weight of Gregory, who was holding onto the monkey, making said monkey grab a hold of the Kai as he lost his grip on the tree. The Kai panicked as the combined weight of them all made them all fall to the ground with a cry.

Goku watched as they fell to the ground, only for the crash to set off a domino effect. Not even a second later, the crash made the ground shake, making the newly rebuilt house fall apart once more. Goku flinched, bring his hands up in a worried gestured as debris filled the air as the once almost finished house become ruble once more.

Goku shot around, hands clinched to his chest as he sweated nervously, looking worried as smoke and dust gathered behind him. "This ain't good...."

With a gulp, the warrior started walking to where North Kai landed with the other two, smoke starting to go away once everything settled down again.

North Kai groaned, sitting up with a glare once he saw Goku stopping in front of him. "Give us some thought sometimes, won't you?!"

Rubbing the back of his head, Goku gave a guilty smile as a sweat dropped formed on his cheek. "Sorry about that..I just want to train and get stronger..." Goku tried to explain and apologize, not wanting North Kai to be mad or for their to be any hard feelings about what he did.

The Kai frowned up at the Saiyan before sighing. Getting up, North Kai patted himself to get rid of the dirt on him. "Really now..." North Kai looked off to the side, not really thinking on who was in front of him. "This is why I don't want you to meet Lord Beerus or the other one." North Kai absent mindlessly said.

Goke frowned in confusion, tilting his head in question. "Huh? Who's Lord Beerus and 'the other one'?"

North Kai turned his head around, gaping as he realized what he just said and in front of who. Craddling his head and looking away from the warrior, the Kai berated himself. "Oh, I'm such a idiot, an idiot, and idiot!"

With a grin over taking his face, Goku leaned over the side of North Kai, looking excited. "You really were hidin' somethin' from me!" Taking a step closer, Goku beamed down at the Kai who was still hiding his face from the world. "So that's why you were actin' so weird!"

North Kai, turned the other way, still hiding his face. Goku followed suit, leaning over to the other side to try and get the Kai to look at him or answer him. "Are they human?"

Uncovering his face slowly, North Kai started humming with a frown. Scratching his cheek in thought, the Kai decided the cat was out of the bag. Might as well answer the other before he got a stupid idea in his head, North Kai remembers Goku's more.....not as bright moments.

Looking to Goku, North Kai answered. "Lord Beerus is not a human, he is a God. As for the other, they have the same feel as Lord Beerus, so they are most likely is a God as well." North Kai explained further for the Earth raised Saiyan. "Lord Beerus is on the same level as the Kai's. So the other one is as well by going with that fact. Both are headed this way."

Goku just grinned down at North Kai, not seeing any issue with these facts. "But if they're Gods, that shouldn't be a problem, should it?"

North Kai looked to the ground with a concerned frown. "Lord Beerus is a fickle and incredibly fearsome God, you see." Noth Kai then straightened, looking up at Goku. "And the other God is a unknown, they're energy unlike anything I have ever felt before, only that it feels similar to Lord Beerus's."

Now Goku looked confused and a bit worried, his grin falling down. "A fearsome God and a Unknown God?"

North Kai looked to the side, thinking back on a exploding planet. "The Unknown God's energy feels ever changing, like a walking contradiction. I have never felt this kind of energy before, as it is unlike Ki. But it does have the feeling of destruction to it, which is a lot like Lord Beerus's. Lord Beerus governs over the destruction in the Universe, and destroys planets and lifeforms at the slightest peeve." North Kai explained shortly.

Goku knelt down in front of the Kai, so that they were face to face. "Like someone not pickin' up after walkin' their dog?" Goku asked, genuinely interested in the answer to his question.

North Kai looked off into the distance, thinking about it before putting a hand to his chin when he turned his head back to look at Goku. "Well, I guess so..."

"Like someone not eatin' everything on their plate?" Goku asked about another scenario straight off the bat.

Looking up once more, North Kai nodded when he turned back to Goku. "Well, I guess so..."

"Like someone peein' in a hot spring?" Now Goku looked annoyed at his own scenario, showing how he felt about someone peeing in a hot springs.

North Kai barred his teeth, growling and feeling frustrated at these questions. "That's right!" North Kai snapped, making Goku turn his head to the side and hold up his hands to show he meant no harm, smiling as he sweated slightly at the anger directed at him. "When Lord Beerus wakes up, he just keeps destroying tons until he gets sleepy again!"

It was like a lightbulb went off in Goku's head as a realization hit him. With a slight gasp, Goku turned to look at North Kai with a serious face. "I get it. He's a bad guy! So that must mean that other guy must be bad too!"

But North Kai just shook his head in answer, looking up to the sky. "That's not so."

Goku followed the Kai's line of sight, looking up to the sky in confusion while Bubbles and Gregory started working on rebuilding the house for a second time.

"Lord Beerus is a God." North Kai started to explain gravely. "For there to be balance in this plane of existence, if there are Gods that create, there must be Gods that destroy." North Kai stated seriously, not giving any mind to that Bubbles and Gregory fell through the roof that they were rebuilding, making the whole house come down once more as the two screamed in shock and pain. 

"What is shocking is that there are two of them now for some reason. We only felt their energy together once, meaning that they destroyed a planet together. Lord Beerus doesn't need help destroying planets, he's proved that enough over the years." North Kai sighed harshly as he looked off into the distance, stepping away from Goku. "Lord Beerus is not one to just make friends on a whim, he is more likely to destroy the person before befriending them. So I have no idea why another Destroyer would be with Lord Beerus and not on their own, never mind that Lord Beerus is letting them come along with him. It brings up so many questions on what is going on, on who this unknown God is and where they come from. Why would Lord Beerus even want another Destroyer with him?" North Kai shivered, thinking back on the feeling of the weird energy mixing in with Lord Beerus's when the first planet was destroyed. "But there is no doubt that they too are a God of Destruction."

Goku crocked his head after he stood up, stepping so that he was standing by North Kai. Glancing to the Kai, Goku asked the true question that was nagging in his mind. "Then they're strong, right?"

North Kai turned, pointing up at Goku. "They're on a level beyond "strong"! They are capable of destroying absolutely everything there is. Nobody stands a chance against them. Especially if they are working together. Lord Beerus can do that all alone by himself, but with another Destroyer with him? Helping him for whatever reason? Both could make sure that there wouldn't even be a crumb of the whole universe left when they're done with it."

Goku beamed, smiling brightly at the thought of the two that were on their way. "I can't wait to meet them!"

"Goku!" Suddenly turned, North Kai started pushing at Goku's legs as if getting him to leave, but the Kai has given up on that notion when he spilled the beans. "I'm begging you, please try your hardest not to do anything stupid." North Kai started pushing him in the direction of the ruble that was once his house. "Okay? You understand?"

"Got it." Goku pouted, letting the Kai push him to wherever he wanted. "As long as they don't do anythin' bad, I'll keep away."

Then, North Kai felt it. Freezing on the spot, a shiver went down his back once he realized what he felt was. On how close it was. Looking around, North Kai knew that this could get messy in a hurry if he didn't get this battle addict away right now.

With a quiet war cry, North Kai used all his strength and pushed Goku into the doorway of his home that was still missing the roof and a chunk of the sides. Panting and sweating from all that exercise, North Kai then ran as fast as he could to the area where he could feel the Ki and energy going to.

"Oww..." Goku groaned in pain as he rubbed the back of his head, not having expected the Kai to just shove him in. With a slight glare and pout, Goku looked over the rubble to see just what was going on. "What was that for?!"

"Honestly..." North Kai panted, shoulders going up and down as he sighed.

"What is it?" A voice went of in the North Kai's head, making him straightened with a gap. But before he could answer, a bright light went off in front of him, making him gulp as he knew who just landed on his planet.

Goku's eyes narrowed as the dust settled while North Kai shook and trembled at who was in front of him, the shivering getting worse at the new arrival with them as well. Said new arrival looked down at him with a slight glare, making the shaking grow worse.

Taking a gulp, the North Kai looked to the tall blue alien in front of him. "Lord Beerus!"

Goku's eyes widened as he stared at the tall blue alien. "So that's this "God of Destruction"..." Finally turning his attention to the one standing next to the alien, Goku gasped.

A tall, dark skeleton that was glitching stood by the blue one, just as tall as long as you don't count that white hair. The skeleton's sockets red, and multicolored eyes that glowed as he stared down at North Kai. Wearing a black trench coat that had glowing stitching on it, multicolored sweater - it was red with blue and black stitching - along with black pants, tennis shoes, and a bag around his shoulders the skeleton really stood out. Especially with the tear marks going down his face, like he was always crying. But what really caught Goku's eyes was his scarf, it was bundled up like it was holding something. Goku's eyes also caught all the scars, marks and chips on the skeleton. The skeleton looked like he had just gotten out of a fight or had been in so many fights.

"That must be that Unknown God!" Goku gasped in amazement, never having seen an actual skeleton like this. Not one that could blink in any case and move around alive. It made Goku wonder just what else the skeleton can do and where his power comes from. How would a skeleton fight? What were the stories behind all those scars? "That's Amazin'...They both look tough, all right." Goku whispered aloud to himself. "But I can't feel any of their Ki. Such a strange bunch."

Goku suddenly grinned, bringing his hands up into fists as he stared down the skeleton and blue skinned alien. "I'm gettin' kinda excited!"

Gergory, who was sitting by the down, started waving his hands as he sweated nervously. His little heart pounding. "Please! Be quiet! They'll notice you!"

"O-Oh, if it isn't Lord Beerus." North Kai looked up to the blue skinned one before looking around the tall one. "I'm honored that you would come all the way to my planet..." North Kai gulped as the glitching skeleton continued to stare at him. It felt like something horrible was climbing up his back as the stare grew heavier.

Error mentally sighed while Beerus went side to side behind Whis, making the short pudgy blue skinned...'Kai' do the same until they met eye to eye. Holding onto the makeshift carrier, Error kept still as Null and Void were napping inside of it. But while this went on, it gave Error time to get a feel for the one Whis called 'North Kai'. Apparently these are the Gods of Creation here, ones that actually obey the rules from what he can gather from Whis on the way here. Seeing the North Kai be so respectful, if not out right fearing Beerus, made Error wish that the Creator he was Yin too would be the same. 'I swear, some Multiverses get all the luck...' Error's eyes narrowed, not noticing North Kai sweating more and more at the look directed at him from said skeleton.

Beerus stepped up with a smirk, now standing in front of Error and Whis. "Long time, no see, North Kai."

Goku's eyes widened to comical degrees at this new information form where he hid, peeking out of the doorway now. "Huh? That's Beerus?"

Gregory saw this and flew up, pushing at Goku's face. "You're peaking your head out too much!" Goku grunted as Gregory pushed his head down and out of sight.

"How many years has it been?" asked Beerus as he stood with his arms crossed behind his back, Whis stood straight as both looked down at North Kai. Error meanwhile was wondering when the short Kai was going to finally pass out from all three of them staring him down. Seriously, the Kai was getting paler and paler by the second. Honestly, it made Error want to laugh at it all. Never mind the other SOULS that he keeps feeling on the small planet. Meaning that some others are hiding out. It made him itch, feeling like it was another trap for him. An ambush waiting to happen.

But seeing North Kai blink, and then held up both hands and started counting taking the question too seriously, made Error silently snort and let go of that feeling. Even if for a moment.

"Ah, well, let's see....1, 2, 3, 4...." He paused before going on. "5, 6, 7..."

Finally, Whis had enough of this and turned his head to look down at Beerus. "327 years." He promptly stated out the fact.

"What?" North Kai questioned, not actually remembering the number of years, before deciding to roll with it. "Yes, that's exactly right. It's been 327 years."

"Ah, so." Beerus simply said while Error rolled his eyes discreetly at this.

Kneeling down and holding himself up with his elbows, Goku blinked at the scene that he was watching play out right in front of him. "North Kai's awfully nervous..." Goku frowned in question. "Is that Beerus guy and skeleton really that strong?"

Gregory just kept holding down the Saiyan, never looking away from the where the Kai and Destroyers were. "Ignorance is bliss, I suppose."

Beerus finally looked away from the Kai, making said Kai sigh a bit in relief. Only to straighten back up when the Kai noticed that the skeleton was still staring at him.

"Anyway, your planet sure is small." Beerus bluntly said, looking around the small planet.

"Oh, I'm very sorry." North Kai apologized right away, making the skeleton raise a brow at him. For a moment, North Kai wondered on if he could get away with asking just who this skeleton was and why he was with Lord Beerus and his attendant. Glancing to Lord Beerus, he decided not to chance anything right now. Asking the wrong question could mean no longer having a planet, no matter how small it was. "Please excuse the cramped space."

Rubbing his hands together, North Kai decided to offer the only thing that he knew may save him, as long as Lord Beerus liked it of course. "A-Anyway, Lord Beerus, would you care for a meal?"

Now Error visibly rolled his eyes when Beerus gave a small smile at the offer, making Whis give a tiny smirk when he saw Error do so from the corner of his eye. "A meal? Tasty, I hope."

Goku blinked at the sight of a skeleton rolling their eyes while North Kai sweated, quickly assuring Beerus of the meal's taste. "Oh yes, of course it's quite delicious!"

Then it hit Goku on what North Kai was talking about. "North Kai, how'd you manage to make somethin' like that without me noticin'?" Goku muttered himself, wanting nothing more then to eat something now.

"So it is tasty, huh?" Beerus asked with a straight face, a glint in his eye. "If it's as bad as last time, I'm going to make this planet even smaller." Beerus then looked to the yellow shed not too far off from where the group was standing. "About the size of that shed over there."

North Kai's heart stopped, sweating up a storm when he turned and cried out for Bubbles. "Bubbles, go prepare the food right now!"

Error laughed when he saw a monkey actually move to the call, going to make the food apparently, gaining the attention of everyone as his laughs died down to a amused chuckle. Error decided this went on long enough anyway, Beerus has had enough fun. The skeleton just wanted this hunt to be over with so that he can get back to knitting and watching his shows on the TV.

"bErRUS." North Kai and Goku flinched back at the sound coming from the skeleton. His voice low yet ever changing, like it was glitching with every word. With wide eyes, they watched as the skeleton talked down to the God, making North Kai worry that a fight was going to happen on his small planet.

"Hm? What is is?" Beerus asked, turning his head to look up and over at Error, who was looking back amused.

"yOU JUsT aTE TEn minutES AgO." Error pointed out, rubbing the carrier when he felt the kids shifting in it. It seems they were waking up from their short nap. "YoU DON't nEEd tO EaT rIgHT noW."

North Kai started to panic when he saw Beerus frown, but Goku noticed it was more of a pout then anything.

Beerus sighed and closed his eyes, tapping his foot. "I was thinking more of the lines of you eating something tasty."

While North Kai choked silently in shock, a light bulb started flickering in Goku's head. The Saiyan frowned, something nagging at his mind as he watches the two interact with one another.

North Kai blankly watched the skeleton raise one hand off whatever he was carrying in his scarf, waving his hand dismissively. "i hAVE a pAckED lUnCh ToO. EvEN iF i DON't WanT tO Eat IT," Beerus frowned tightly, eyes snapping open and glaring up at the skeleton, making North Kai take a step back in fear. "i KNoW yoU'LL mAkE mE EaT iT evENtuALLy. NEvER mINd tHAt tHE tErRORs hElpEd maKE iT, MEaniNG i WIlL EaT iT foR suRE. I AlREaDY hAvE FOoD, sO i DOn'T NEEd To EaT 'SomEthINg TasTy' riGhT noW bEErUS."

The Cat God looked Error up and down for any lies before addressing North Kai when he didn't find any in the skeleton - not that he expected to, Error was a blunt Monster that didn't like beating around the bush for anything.

"I think I'll have to say, "no thanks" ." Beerus stated aloud, not looking away from Error as he relaxed a touch. "I just ate a boxed lunch."

Whis's eyes gained a gleam, a smile working it's way up. "Indeed, the lunch I made with some adorable helpers." With that said, Whis tapped the orb that was apart of his staff on his hand, making the packed lunches appear from it.

"W-Well then, how about some delicious biscuits or something?" North Kai nervously offered a hand up, not wanting to loose this gamble and to stall for time. Time for what? He had no idea, just prayed it was something good. North Kai turned as if to get them, starting to talk away. "You should still have room for that, right?"

Error sighed, unconsciously shaking his head at the offer. Beerus's eyes sharpened at this while Whis just kept smiling as he held the boxed lunches.

Beerus's head snapped into the North Kai's direction. "I said "no thanks", and I meant "no thanks"!" Beerus snapped out, starting to get annoyed at the Kai not listening to him. "If you keep nagging..." Beerus's eyes narrowed into a glare. "I'll destroy this planet."

It was like watching some get electrified or stab in the back to Error, watching the reaction North Kai gave.

North Kai was quick to back track, bowing apologetically to the group. "I-I'm very sorry."

Beerus lightened at the apologies, lifting his head up and loosing the glare. "Maybe we'll have some next time." He then glanced back up to Error. "Maybe by then I'll have your apatite back to normal."

"i nEvER HAVE a ApAtiTe BeErUS." Error stated blandly, like they have had this conversation a million times. Which technically they have had this conversation too many times before, Whis knows this much as he has walked in on this argument plenty of times. "iTS liKE i KEEp TellINg YOu; I dON't nEEd To EaT."

"We'll see about that." Beerus challenged before turning his attention back to the bowed Kai, who was now starting to think it would be worth it to ask just who this skeleton was and how they could talk back to Beerus without harm befalling them. "Well?" Beerus snapped, making North Kai bow once more.

"A-All right." North Kai gestured to Bubbles, making Bubbles look up then back away, seeing that he wasn't needed anymore. "B-But anyway, what brings you here, Lord Beerus?" North Kai smiled shakily, rubbing his hands once more as he risked a glance over Beerus to the skeleton. The skeleton wasn't paying him any mind anymore, looking to something in front of himself but behind North Kai. The paled when he realized what was behind him. Or more specifically, who was hiding beyond him.

Beerus frowned, glancing to where Error had been staring at for a while now. "Well, I have some business with that Saiyan over there!" Beerus called out, getting said Saiyan's attention while North Kai flinched down and freaked out.

Goku shot up from his knelling, pulling at his hair as he sweated nervously. "Crap!"

Gregory wasn't any better as he floated up a bit, paling. "I told you to stay hidden!"

"O-Oh, kindly excuses me." North Kai turned a bit so that he was facing the house. "Goku, come out and meet Lord Beerus!"

"I can go out?" Now Goku felt confused, as North Kai had drilled it in his head to stay out of sight, pretty much shoving him out of sight too.

"Mind your manners as best as you can though." Gregory warned lowly, knowing that this was going to blow up in some way and or fashion. This is Goku after all.

Goku chuckled a bit as he stood up. "Yeah, I know."

Error watched the 'Saiyan' in a white and light blue jogging outfit jog up to them. The Saiyan looked just like a human to Error, but admittedly had a different feel to him. Just as the Charas had a different feel, so did this Goku. Not to say that Goku and Chara are the same. No, they couldn't be more different. It was just that both sides are more complicated, very different from humans. So while the one before him looked like a human, Error knew better. He was too old to be fooled by looks anymore.

Goku beamed brightly at the group, lifting a hand up in greeting as he grinned widely. "Yo! I'm Goku!"

After that wonderful greeting, he was then promptly hit on top of the head by a enraged North Kai.

"OW!" Goku groaned in pain, clutching his head as he slightly bent down from the blow. "That really hurt!"

North Kai lowly growled up at Goku, teeth growing sharp as his face grew distress lines and turning a darker blue in anger. "You're getting pretty old yourself, so you should at least be able to give a proper greeting, you idiot!"

"That hurt!" Goku complained once more before what North Kai said hit him. Blinking in realization. "Ah! Good morning to you, sirs." Goku straightened and walked up to the group. Stopping in front of them, Goku tried to remember what was a proper greeting. "Um...I'm...I mean..." Thinking back, Goku decided to just go for it. "I am he who is known by the name of Son Goku, Sirs." Glancing to the skeleton, Goku gave a friendly smile. "So what's-I mean...May I ask of your name Sir?"

Error was chuckling by now, finding amusement in the alien in front of him, someone as awkward as he himself was! "i'M ErRoR, GoD of DesTRucTIOn FrOM anoTHEr mUltivERsE anD destRoyER oF unIVerSEs." Error introduced himself, not paying any mind to the rapidly paling Kai as he glanced down into his scarf carrier, two pairs of blurry eyes sleepily blinking up at him. "mY kIND ArE cALLEd mONsTErs. I'M a skELEton MONstER iF yoU WanT to GEt technicAL." Error didn't want there to be any confusion on who and what he was. He's lived through enough misunderstandings that have lead to his pain too many times. Besides, he doesn't have to lie here or tell half-truths, he's not hiding in any form of the word here.

"Another....Multiverse? Monsters? That's kind of cool name though...." Goku mumbled to himself before shrugging with a grin, starting to lift his hand to offer it in greeting. "Man, you sure are a long way from home then, huh?"

Whis hid a smile while he put the boxed lunches back into his staff, watching out of the corner of his eye at how Beerus stiffened.

But before the hand could come up all the way, and just when North Kai was about to wack the idiot, the bundle that Error was holding onto started to move, making Goku still and blink curiously at said bundle.

"Oh!" Goku gasped as Error shifted his arms around the bundle. "Is there somethin' in there?" Taking some steps closer, Goku and North Kai both flinched back in surprise when two little heads peeked out of the bundle.

"moRE liKE soMEOnEs." Error corrected, lifting his hands to rub the top of his sons's covered heads. "thEsE aRE mY sONS; NuLL anD vOID." Error introduced, gesturing to who was who. "thEY wERE napPinG bEfoRE noW."

Before North Kai could process on what was going on, Goku was in Error's space, moving so that he was face to face with the little skeletons who blinked up at him. "They're adorable!" Goku then beamed up at Error, who was twitching lightly with how close the other was to him. "You know, I have two sons too!"

Error blinked, now interested in the conversation. "ReaLLy?" Error's face grew serious as he asked a question that had been bugging him awhile now about his kids. "mY kIDs loVe to GivE ME kISSes, iS thIS noRmaL? aRE thEY GOinG tO kISs sTRanGErs?" Sure, they were both different species, but any help here would be nice. Error doesn't know if it was normal for kids to be so affectionate or if it was just his. He wouldn't change Null and Void for the world, any world, but he just wanted to know if he should keep a eye out for someone who may take advantage of his kids loving natures.

What Error doesn't realize is that it is only with him that they are the most affectionate, so there will not be any worries about that. They would listen to Error first and foremost over anyone else.

"Um..." Goku rubbed the back of his head in thought. "I think it is? I mean, I remember my kids doin' that when they were younger..." Goku grinned, reaching a hand out to pat the skeleton's arm in comfort. "But don' worry! I'm sure they wouldn't go around kissin' strangers-"

The hand he was reaching out was suddenly slapped away swiftly.

Taking a step back in surprise, Goku blinked in confused shock once he saw that Beerus was now standing partially in front of Error, a deep frown on his face. Error was just confused before Null and Void stole his attention, the little skeletons rubbing their eyes and sleepily asking their Daddy what was going on.

"And what, pray tell, where you thinking on doing?" Beerus scowled, raising a brow in question at the Saiyan. How dare this lowly mortal think it was okay to get near Error and the children, much less get so close to them!

Goku opened his mouth to explain he meant no harm - something nagging at his mind as he saw Beerus standing so protectively in front of the skeletons, the light bulb flicking more and more - only for a cry of pain to come out. North Kai hit him so hard across the head he fell to the ground face first.

"Please forgive this idiot!" North Kai bowed once more as Goku slowly got back up, rubbing his head and complaining about the pain. "He doesn't understand what he does!"

Beersu growled, opening his mouth - most likely to have some choice words with this 'idiot' - only for Error to place a hand on his shoulder, making Beerus shut his mouth and turn to the taller skeleton.

Both Goku and North Kai watched in slight awe at the silent conversation that they were having, seeming to need no words as the two destroyers looked to one another.

North Kai was in shock. Another Destroyer from another Multiverse. Not just another Universe, but another Multiverse. One who destroyers whole Universes! This alone was worse then Lord Beerus, as said God only destroys worlds, planets, not whole Universes! Not to mention that somehow the two Gods get along with each other, seemingly to seek each other out. It just opens questions to as how and why Error got here and the reason that Beerus has seemingly taken him in. Or at the very least is fond of the three skeletons. With Beerus being so protective of Error, if someone so much as insults the other things could get bad. Never before has Beerus been so protective, let alone make a friend. There is also the case of Error having children with him, adding another layer. A protective Dad Destroyer? There wouldn't be anything left of the Universe, especially as the skeleton has openly admitted to destroying universes. Key word; Universes. Meaning that he has destroyed way more then one universes. A whole lot of Universes to get that title and be able to say it, meaning being able to back it up without being a smear on the wall as others challenge such a title.

Oh, something was going to go terribly wrong! North Kai could feel it!

Goku on the other hand had saw how Error stated it all, like it was a face that he couldn't change. Not really sounding proud, just like how one would say that stars are other planets or that the sky on Earth was blue. A unchangeable fact. But seeing how softly and gently the skeleton handles his children - softly patting their heads, looking at them with eyes that soften with every glance down at them, and asking questions in genuine worry about said children - the Saiyan knew he couldn't be a bad guy. Someone, even someone that has the species called 'Monster', couldn't be that all bad when they held such love in them.

That means that Beerus isn't so bad either, as he clearly cares for the skeletons. But something in the way he acts reminds Goku of something. It's nagging at his mind, he knows there is more then he is seeing, but what is it?

Then he saw movement. Looking up, Goku beamed brightly at the two little skeletons now looking at him in curiosity. Lifting a hand, he waved it. Laughing with the one in orange - who Error called Void - just as brightly beamed and waved back. The one in blue - Null, Goku thinks he was called - didn't wave back, but smiled lightly in greeting.

After a few moments, Beerus huffed. Grabbing a hold of Error's wrist, he tugged the skeleton more towards him. Error let him, not seeing anything wrong with it. Only when Beerus deemed Error close enough did he let go, but still stayed partially in front of the skeleton, and turned his attention back to the Saiyan, who was now making funny faces at a giggling Null and Void.

"Goku." Goku stopped in mid-funny face at the call, only straightening and putting on a serious face when North Kai kicked him in the leg. Beerus silently sighed before getting down to business. "There is something I wanted to ask you." Beerus closed his eyes, thinking hard on what it was called. "Um....Super...."

Null and Void giggled as they realized that the other destroyer forgot the name again. Sharing a glance with Whis, both knew that one of them would have to remind the other God if they wanted to leave sometime this lifetime. Having a silent argument on who, Whis gestured to Beerus with his head, eyes saying 'He'll listen to you better.'. Error sighed as if in great pain before reminding Beerus in a slight mummer. "suPEr SaiYAn GoD."

Really, Error just wanted for the kids to have fun somewhere on this 'family trip' - for them to see sights never seen before by them or even others. They had been trapped in the Underground with only seeing a piece of the upside. Error wanted to show his children the stars and ocean, fields of flowers that goes on beyond what even his eyes can see. He wants Null and Void to experience all the worlds there are in this Universe, to go in them without fear unlike he could ever do in his Multiverse. He couldn't even stay in a AU long enough to get some flowers to make a flower crown much less visit the Charas or destroy the AU. Inky and Dream show up and fight him no matter what, even if he is somewhere not to destroy. - or just go home already.

It didn't hit Error until much, much later that he thinks of Beerus's home as his own. Something he never did with his own Multiverse or Anti-VOID.

Beerus glanced to Error before looking away, scratching his head with one finger as he remembered. "Ah, yeah. That's it." Beerus then turned his attention back to Goku. "Do you know anything about this being they call "Super Saiyan God"?"

Goku leaned up, tilting his head back in thought as he put his fists to his hips. "Huh? Super Saiyan God?" Leaning down a bit, he grabbed his chin as he tried thinking if he has ever heard if has met someone called that. Sure, there is 'Super Saiyan', but 'God'? "I know about regular old Super Saiyan, but...." Goku looked back at up Beerus, waving the hand that was once on his chin dismissively. "Nope, ain't heard of him." Goku declared eventually.

North Kai's head snapped in his direction with a tight frown on his face, making Goku give a small gasp as he realized what he did wrong.

Goku forced his face to be serious. "I ain't heard of him, Sir!"

"Likewise," North Kai spoke up, taking a step next to Goku. "I've never heard anything about a "Super Saiyan God"."

"I see." Beerus said before coming up closer to Goku. "I heard you defeated Freeza..." Beerus topped just in front of Goku, making North Kai shiver. "Is this true?"

With a blink, Goku ginned widely as he closed his eyes in a beam. "Oh, yeah, I beat him alright!"

Error snorted with his children while Whis suddenly sighed when Beerus poked the Saiyan in the chest, making said Saiyan change his words from before quickly. "Uh, I mean, I did defeat him sir."

Beerus looked the Sayian up and down, poking him and lifting up a arm to inspect before backing away, hand to his chin in thought. "You don't look like you'd be possible be able to beat him as you are now," Beerus then tilted his head. "but, you're one of those transforming Saiyans, right?" Beerus righted his head with a grin. "You can turn into that Super Saiyan thing."

Rolling his eyes, Error sighed. Beerus really wanted to find this so-called God didn't he? He could see this turning ugly fast. Glancing at Whis, Error could see he was getting annoyed fast and in a hurry, not even beliving that there is a 'Super Saiyan God', that it was all just a normal dream. Error didn't blame him, but then again he hated Fate, so he was biased.

Null and Void meanwhile were looking at everything they could, pointing and whispering to one another. In awe at such a small planet.

"Y-Yes." North Kai stepped up to answer in fear that Goku would blotch things up. "Goku can perform a power-up transformation called "Super Saiyan"."

"souNDs lIKe a ANimE." Error couldn't help but mention, making Whis cough to hide his laugh while Beerus gave a slight glare. But Error knew he too was hiding a smile from the way he tightened his mouth into a straight line. "couLdN'T thINk oF a bETTEr nAmE?"

"Nope!" Error snorted loudly at the answer, liking how honest this alien was. Goku rubbed the back of his head, smiling guiltily. "To be honest, I've never thought about it..."

"In any case, you don't know about a Super Saiyan God..." Beerus cut in, frown tugging at his lips. Beerus turned away from them all, walking a bit away from them as he hummed in thought at this new information.

Let's just go home, Lord Beerus." Whis finally spoke up, feeling done with this. "It seems it wasn't a prophetic dream after all, just an ordinary dream." Whis tilted his head, glancing to Error out of the corner of his eye. "Besides, there's only one other person that could fight evenly with you in the first place. And we both know you haven't even asked for a fight with them yet."

Error just blinked along with the rest - besides Beerus -, confused as to who they are talking about.

'We both know why I haven't asked for a fight yet.' Beerus hummed, putting his hand back behind him as he refused to look at Error. 'To force another to fight isn't what I want. Maybe one day I can ask without fear of Error breaking down in some kind of fashion, but not now. In any case, I had that dream about Error before he showed up, with it coming true as soon as I awoke...' Beerus's eyes narrowed. 'Someone was talking to me, most likely a deity from that Multiverse...but I didn't hear all the words before Error landed.'

Beerus looked off into the distance. "But it wasn't just me. The Prophet Fish said the same thing." Beerus said, not mentioning his prophetic dream about Error for now. Looking back at the group, Beerus smirked. "Let's ask Prince Vegeta, too. Earth isn't that far away from here."

"Erath?" North Kai freaked out slightly at hearing this.

Meanwhile Whis was feeling enough was enough with this so called 'prophetic dream'. "Are you sure?" Whis asked, face never changing. "It'll take a whole three minutes to get there."

"i WouLDn't mINd goINg." Error mentioned just as Beerus opened his mouth to speak. "i AlWaYS WanTEd To shOW tHE tErRORs EaRtH withOut FeaR." The glitch stated, knowing that no Monsters were trapped or on Earth. Or at the very least, not the Monsters he knows or even calls Monsters. Different words have different meanings here after all. Error tilted his head with a smirk. "bEsiDEs, We arE iN thE miDDle oF ouR FamILY TrIp!" He glanced around the tiny planet. "AnD thIS haSN'T bEEn mUCh oF a FamILY tRiP sO FaR. thERe iS a LOT tO DO anD ExpEriEnCe oN EaRTh FroM WhAT i CaN RemEmbER."

"Yeah!" Void agreed, waving his hands with a grin. "I wanna go~!"

"I wanna see the ocean Daddy!" Null pouted up at Error, beaming when Error nodded in agreement with him. "You make it sound so pretty in your stories! Does it really shine like gems?" Null asked in awe.

"SomEtimEs. iT dEpEnds On tHE suN, MOoN AnD stARs." Error explained to the child. "bUT RemEmbER, tHE oCeaN CaN alSO bE danGEROUS. stAY NEar mE aT alL TImes OR in my SigHT iF WE EvER gO nEaR iT."

Whis sighed at Lord Beerus's face, knowing that nothing will stop him from going to Earth now that Error, Null and Void have all said that they want to go. 'Really, he spoils them way to much...Even Error he tries to spoil in his own way.' A small smile grew on his face as he glanced to the excited children and content adult skeleton. 'Not to say that they don't deserve it though.'

"Time is no issue Whis." Beerus immediately stated after hearing the skeletons wanting to go. "Besides, three "whole" minutes? You sound like you really don't want us to go?" Beerus snorted, gesturing with his head to Error and the children. "You heard Error, this is a family trip! We have to go to at least one more planet to make things more fun for the kids. Error can see how different and the same Earth is too from, I'm sure he'll like that. Would it really be the bothersome?"

The light bulb finally went off in Goku's head. His eyes widened and gaped for a moment, gape turning into a big grin once he realized just who Error was too Beerus.

Whis just sniffed, looking to the side at His Second Lord at his First Lord's question. Not wanting to say anything against it now that Error, Null and Void have said that they want to go. Whis slowly looked back at a smug Beerus. "Oh, no, not at all."

North Kai ignored all this, just focusing on his worry for the Earth with two destroyers going to it. "Don't tell me..." North Kai gulped as he took a step forward. "You're not planning to destroy Earth, are you?"

"Not unless they get on my nerves." Beerus answered straight away with a smirk, glancing to Error, who was now describing to the children on the types of fish he has seen before in all the different AU's. A enthroned Goku also listening in with awe on his face. "That, or if they try anything funny."

North Kai twitched violently, backing away quickly at this answer.

"Error," Error stopped his stories, to the pouting of Null, Void and Goku, looking up to Beerus. "Whis, let's go."

Error just nodded walking to Beerus as did Whis. "Very well, Lord Beerus." Whis sighed aloud, having a feeling that something was going to go wrong eventually.

"Um, Lord Beerus, Lord Error?" Both Gods of Destruction turned to face Goku in question. "U-Umm, I heard..." Goku smiled nervously. "you're both supposed to be freakishly strong..." Goku lifted a hand up in offering and question. "Do you think both could show me if that's true or not?"

"Goku!" North Kai scolded harshly, while Gregory and Bubbles freaked out in the background.

Rubbing his tear marks, Error twitched. "iT'S jUSt liKE wiTh DuSt alL oVeR agAIN." Error muttered to himself, making Whis and Beerus glance to him. "tEstINg mY sTRenGth oVeR anD oVeR. FiRst To TRY anD kILL mE unTil We mAdE a GamE ouT oF iT." Error muttered so that only the two and his kids could hear him, sounding fond. "FuN tIMEs. EspeCiAllY whEN hE staBBEd INkY foR INtruPPtinG OuR gamE."

"Your Multiverse has some weird games." Whis muttered back, not knowing how he should feel with Error sounding fond at someone who has apparently tried to kill him many times before, and then making a game out of the whole murder business.

"You want us to put my power to the test?" Beerus asked aloud, not knowing what he would do if Error agreed to a fight with this mortal before fighting with him. He'd most likely blow up the planet(s) in anger if Error so much as liked the very idea of fighting this Saiyan. "How?"

Goku scratched his cheek, grinning with no worries while North Kai looked ready to have a heart attack. "Could we have a match? It doesn't have to be long.....Sirs." Goku shortly jogged up to the Destroyers, hands clinched excitedly at the very thought of fighting them. "We could have a three way match! Or even just the two of you against me if you don't want to waste time taking turns. I don't mind!"

Just as North Kai growled, looking like he was about to tear Goku a new one, Error stepped up.

"A mATcH? lIkE a SpaR?" Error questioned, brows frowning in thought. "noT a FuLL oN FIGHT?"

"Yeah!" Goku beamed in joy as the skeleton considered his request. "We don't need to go all the way! But I would really like it if you went all the way in the fight."

Beerus scowled as he watched Error hum from the comer of his eye. Whis glanced behind Beerus, seeing that the Destroyer's hands were shaking in anger. 'I really hope for the Kai's sake,' Whis thought to himself as he looked back to Error. 'that Error says no to the offer. Lord Beerus has always been a jealous individual.'

Finally, Error shook his head in negative. "nO."

"W-What?!" Goku pouted, while North Kai and Beerus relaxed a bit at the answer. "But why not?"

Waving a hand to calm the mortal down, Error explained. "i'M noT USEd To HolDing bAcK. i WouLd mOSt liEklY kILL yOU bEcuASe oF hOW i FIGHT." Error started grimly, looking a shocked Goku in the eyes. "i hAVe taUGHt mYSELf fiGHtinG, NO onE hAS tauGHt mE anYTHinG. i hAVE lEaRNed tO FigHT wiTHoUt MERCY. i uSE mY inStinCts moRe tHEN anYThINg, i FIGHt to DestROy, i FiGht To KIll." Error shook his head once more. "i'M juST noW lEaRNinG hoW tO hOILd bAcK mY strenGTh IN WhAT mAny to BE conSidERED noRmAL sEttINgs, aNd i'M FaiLING aT thAT. iN a fIGHt, iF yOu comE aT mE, I am MORe likEly to Just kILL yoU, sEEing yOU aS a thREaT to ME anD miNE." Error shrugged at the looks directed at himself. "i Don't havE a 'WaRRiaR's CoDE' oR hoNOR, i GO bY bAsER InstINctS WhEN fiGHtinG moStlY whILE miXinG iN mY knoWlEDgE. HonOR aND tHOse TyPRs oF coDEs aRE pOINtlEsS tO mE, NO onE HAs EvER shOWn mE iT. i SeE no pOINt iN thEM. ONlY inStinCtS, DestrucTion, anD to ProtecT whaT iS mINe nO maTTER thE coST. iF WE fiGHt, I'D pRopAblY slAUghTER yOU bEfoRE i EvEn REaliZe WhaT i'D donE. mAYbE whEN i UNdERstAND thE conCepT oF hOILDinG bAck....BuT thEN AgaIN i DOn'T sEE mySElf DOInG thAT In yoUR liFEtiME." Error bluntly finished.

It was true too, if Error fought he would be more then likely to just snap the guy's neck when he comes at him. Not that Error minds killing people, he is just tired of it for right now. Maybe later he will be up for fighting. Error has been taught in his Multiverse by others on how to fight by fighting them. Fighting to live had turned to fighting to destroy and get the job done when he found out he couldn't die. He has learned to listen to his instincts instinctively, he listens to his body and just reacts, sometimes without thought. Error is just now learning to do normal things as he tries to hold back, like not eating the fork with the food, but is failing that. So a fight would be worse as Error has no concept of what a spar is, much less holding back.

And while he did hold back with Dust, he didn't really fight him to be honest. Error always went on the defense, not the offensive. No matter how many times Dust went after the Destroyer of Universes, Error never really fought back besides a few shoves, slaps, and soft as he could hits. And said soft hits were still enough to make the other skeleton go flying many feet and/or bounce way more then once after hitting the ground painfully, but he wasn't dead or had a huge broken bone, so Error called it a win. Still would have killed a normal Monster and human, but Dust was never normal in any form of the word. That's as much holding back Error knows, but that's with a person he knows and is fond of. So doing that with a stranger? Yeah, Error would be holding a dead body before he knows what he was even doing, let alone snapping someone's neck.

Seeing that Error would not be swayed from his rejection, Goku turned his sparkling eyes to Beerus who has yet to answer him. Who had relaxed fully after Error said no. Whis was just grateful that he wouldn't have to do any damage control right now.

"I've lived for hundred of millions of years, but I've never heard anyone utter such a unique line." Beerus said, focusing fully on Goku now that Error has given his answer - or more importantly, his rejection to the request. "Could you be incredibly full of yourself?" Beerus tilted his head with a searching glare, looking the Saiyan in front of him up and down. "Or are you simply a big imbecile?"

"The latter! He's just one big imbecile!" North Kai cut in, face frustrated as he tried to save Goku from a very stupid decision.

"All right." Beerus lifted a hand in agreement. "I'll let you see my power." He glanced back to where Error was slowly unwrapping the kids out of the scarf carrier. "A good show is needed in a family trip I suppose." His eyes cut to Goku. "I surely hope you don't disappoint."

"Really?!" North Kai choked out, face paling.

Meanwhile Goku looked like Christmas has come early. "Awesome!" Then he remembered who he was talking to. "Uh...Thank you very much, Sir. I'll try not to disappoint, Sir."

"Goku!" North Kai started shoving him to the house once more. "Don't be a fool!" North Kai stopped pushing and started following Goku to the broken house, Goku heading there to hide behind some rubble and change into his fighting outfit. "Lord Beerus is in a entirely different league from anyone you've fought before!" North Kai hissed on the other side of the rubble as he waited for Goku to come out. "He's so strong he can send the likes of you flying to the furthest ends of the Universe with a single snort, as if you were a mere booger!" North Kai sighed harshly when Goku just hummed as he changed, knowing there wouldn't be any way to change the idiot's mind. "At least Lord Error is merciful enough not to fight you, even if the reason are worrying as well." North Kai muttered near silently. "I wonder why he's with Lord Beerus though?" He questioned himself, flinching back in shock when Goku actually answered him.

"It'll be fine North Kai! That's why I want to fight him, I'm so excited!" Goku brightly said as he tugged his pants on. "But I'm shocked you don't know."

"Don't know what Goku?" North Kai sighed tiredly when Goku finally stepped out from the rubble, in his normal orange and blue training/fighting outfit.

"We'll, I thought it was obvious..." Goku scratched his cheek, thinking back on what he saw. "They're married!"

North Kai froze, slowly turning to look over his shoulder at the group. Seeing that Error was sitting the kids down, and Beerus was distracted by Error and the children, North Kai relaxed a little bit when he turned back to Goku. "What are you saying you fool!" North Kai hissed more then asked.

"W-Well, remember when I went to touch Lord Error?" North Kai nodded in answer. "Lord Beerus was sure quick to make me move away, steppin' in front of Lord Error protectively. Then, Error stopped him with a touch alone and had one of those 'silent' conversations, understandin' each other with a look alone." Goku shrugged at North Kai's rapidly paling face. "Even before all that, Lord Beerus was thinkin' about Lord Error, with that tasty food you mentioned. It wasn't for him, but Lord Error." Goku brightly grinned as he glanced to the couple, who were now talking about something as the children stretched and ran around them under Whis's watchful eyes. "They act like a lot of couples I've seen on Earth!"

With that, Goku was walking back to the group, leaving a near white faced Kai behind.

'This can't be true! If Lord Beerus got married, everyone would have heard about it!' North Kai gulped, eyes wide behind his glasses. 'He would have thrown a big wedding too I'm sure! With tons of food and guests, as to have a ton of presents as well. Everyone would have heard about it!' Then a thought hit him, making his head turn so fast to look at Error that it cracked. Looking at all the nicks and scars on the skeleton made something heavy land in the Kai's stomach. 'There are only a few reason a destroyer would leave their post. None of them good. Maybe Lord Error didn't want a big wedding? There could be someone after him too. Explaining Lord Beerus's protectiveness over him....That or he is one jealous lover.' North Kai gulped as he shakily walked back to the group as well, thinking to what all Goku said. 'Oh Kami.....They really are married or well on their way to be!'

Two destroyers married or getting married? Their first fight would destroy the whole Universe!

Error looked up, scooping Null and Void into his arms when he saw Goku walking up and starting to stretch. Floating up with Whis, both sat on the shed together as to be out of the way and watch the fight. Error shifted as he sat the children on his lap, keeping a eye on everything that he could, feeling a bit twitchy.

Beerus just looked to Goku, face bored. "So are we going to fight or not?"

"We'll fight! we'll fight...Sir." Goku quickly assured, standing up from his stretches in a hurry.

"I see. Well, whenever you're ready." Beerus stated, standing a bit straighter when Null and Void started cheering him on.

"Go! Go! Mr. Beerus~!" Void called with each word, bouncing in his Daddy's hold. He was so excited to finally see Mr. Beerus fight!

"Fight! Fight! Win~!" Null cheered along with his younger brother, tugging at his Daddy's scarf. When Daddy looked down to him, Null pointed at where Mr. Beerus was. "Daddy! You have to cheer on Mr. Beerus too!" Null pouted up at his confused Daddy's face.

Error glanced to Whis, who was silently cooing at the children and therefor was no help to him, and then looked to Beerus in befuddlement. "uM.....gO bEEruS? yOU caN dO iT....?" Error glanced around, not knowing how to cheer on someone who he knows is going to win no matter what. "i KNoW yOU caN WiN?"

While both boys cheered in agreement, Whis was now laughing behind his hand at the sight of his First Lord growing serious all of a sudden. 'I wonder how Lord Beerus will show off this time?' Whis giggled, remembering Beerus dragging Lord Error to that planet with the dragon he destroyed and fought in.

North Kai saw all this and just took it as more proof to what Goku had said, making him sweat all the more nervously.

"I can always fight you like this," Goku started to say pleasantly, a smirk growing on his face. "but that would be just rude to a God Of Destruction, right?"

Error's brows went up when all of a sudden a energy spike went up, and then Goku was bathed in a golden yellow and was blond haired that spiked and blue eyed now. The Ki felt denser then magic, which was usually much more light weight until you added your aura to it. Adding aura, your SOUL and very definition of what you are and stand for, can make magic feel heavy even when it isn't. Like when Nightmare shows up, his magic feels heavy as he is negative emotions, that's where his powers come from and where his strength lies. For Error, it is Destruction mostly, but negative emotions can play apart as well. Magic can be used to make other feel sick, react violently to said feeling of magic. Every magic has a different feel to it depending on the person and type of magic. Magic is layers, not straight forward. Ki on the other hand has weight to it, almost like it is gravity in a way as the Ki pushes down on the person while they get a power-up. Ki has body and weight to it, magic doesn't unless you are powerful enough to force it to have weight and body to it.

It fascinated Error in ways he couldn't really explain. It makes him wonder if Ki has a Judge like Magic appoints a Judge. Before Error was Error, he was Magic's Judge before even the King's Judge. He wonders how Ki would handle Judgment from a Judge.

Would their sins still crawl up their back?

"Oh?" The Cat Destroyer's ears perked up at the sight in front of him.

"This is "Super Saiyan"." Goku stated seriously.

"I see. So that's what you used to defeat Freeza." Beerus observed aloud. "It seems you powered up a bit. Come at me whenever you're ready."

'It must be nice to power-up like that.' Error mentally sighed, nearly pouting at the very thought. 'Wish I could have done that with Inky....But then again if I could do it, that certainly means that Inky could too....Ki is so confusing.'

What happened next made it painfully obvious why Beerus is called a God.

Beerus effortlessly dodged every hit, floating with his eyes closed.

Whis sighed, placing a hand to his cheek while he watched the 'fight'. "Seems like we won't have time to eat our lunches."

Error waved him off, making sure he had a good hold on the bouncing babybones. "We'LL hAve tIme LatER. tHAt, oR WE coULD havE iT foR diNNeR iNStEAd."

The dark skeleton watched as Beerus yawned in the middle of the fight, causing Goku to get aggravated. After some talking that Error paid no mind to, Goku then went 'Super Saiyan 2'. The Ki around him got denser and heavier, the energy around him crackling like lightening.

Fascinating, but Error really thinks they could have had better names for this. It all sounded very lazy to be honest. 'Oh, another power-up? Let's just put a two in front of it!', is what Error is hearing when they say the name.

'Oh, he powered up this much?' Beerus smirked as he dogged, feeling a bit interested now.

The Cat God of Destruction dodged effortlessly, making Goku hit the ground or thin air. It made the whole tiny planet shake and stutter. Watching debris go flying in the air reminded Error of a AU crumbling. Whis made sure none of the flying debris hit them.

It was getting to the point where Error was seriously thinking that the planet would just crumble from all the abuse it was taking, but then Goku lifted a hand and actually called for a time out. Error leaned forward a bit curious on what was going to happen now.

"Lord Beerus..." Goku started to say, looking a bit wide eyed at the Destroyer. "Couldn't you attack a bit too?" The a devious smirk grew on his face. "I can't tell your true strength if all you do is doge me."

"GOKU!" North Kai yelled, the name sounding more like a curse then anything else.

"hA...." Whis glanced over at the skeleton sitting next him, only to go wide eyed when he saw the wide grin on the other's face. "HAhAHAHhAHA!"

Error lost it, laughing as memories of those who he once claimed as his own filled his head. Of Dust challenging him to fight after fight, telling him to hit back. Of Nightmare poisoning him but then staying with him the whole way, asking him why he didn't fight back. Of Horror biting and chewing on him, a few times offering his own arm for Error to chew on. Of Cross turning purple all over, tripping over himself as he stuttered out a request for a sword fight before calling himself stupid. Of Slayer sitting in his lap, listening to all his stories about his battles years before his AU was a idea, and then asking Error to fight him so that he could get a taste of those stories. Of the Charas all listening to him as he gave them lessons on how to fight, of them all asking to fight him as practice.

Every single one of them had asked Error to fight in some way or another, either at full strength or not with that same hopeful gleam in their eyes like Goku has.

Error laughed because he knew he lost what was once his, but in the end it's most likely for the better. He laughed because this Saiyan, this mortal, reminded him of happier times that stung. 

Better to laugh it out then to scream out of the things that are now long lost to him. It's better this way in any case, because Error is finally free and without chains of Fate dragging behind him, weighing him down as he goes about doing the job he was formed to do.

Still doesn't change the fact that he misses some things - people - in that hellhole called a Multiverse that he was forced to live in before he finally took the plunge. That faces of the past can haunt no matter where you are, no matter if they even look like the person the face can still be there, overlapping.

After his laughing fit calmed - with everyone staring at him like he grew another head - Error turned his attention to Goku, pointing at him with a smirk. "yOU WaNT To FacE a GoD oF DestRucTiOn, oNe tHAt yOU aRE alREadY hAvinG trOUblE lAndinG a HIT ON, fuLL oN?" Error chuckled, already knowing the answer while Goku just nodded yes in answer. "aRE yOU suiCIdaL?" Error bluntly asked next, making North Kai gape at him as if that thought has never hit him before. Why shouldn't he have thought of that? When hanging didn't work, Error let Inky hurt him to extreme lengths to see if that would do him in. It didn't, but by that time Error has lost the point in fighting back unless they were in the way of his job. Which was most of the time now that the skeleton thought about it.

"Ummm..." Goku scratched his cheek, wondering if he really came off that way to others. "No?"

"i LovE hoW thAT'S a QuEstION aNd nOt a AnsWER." Error snickered, patting a squirming Void's head as he shuffled Null and Void closer to him. Then Error turned his attention to Beerus. "WeLL bEEruS, WhaT aRE yoU GoinG to DO?"

Beerus stared at Error, looking him up and down. The purple cat God wondered if the skeleton was really feeling alright. The laughing before had a undertone of something darker then joy. The God hummed in reply. "It depends. Would you rather leave now for Earth?" Beerus asked aloud, making North Kai look both hopeful and shocked at the same time while Goku gasped in disappointment. "I don't mind cutting this short if you are not enjoying the show."

All North Kai could do was gape at what he was hearing and seeing. Lord Beerus never listened to anyone but himself for as long as he could remember. The God of Destruction did what he wanted when he wanted and gave no cares to anyone else. But now? Now Lord Beerus cared, was listening, was willing to end a fight if someone else wanted him to. Never mind the fact that Lord Beerus called it a show, meaning that he was showing off for Lord Error and the children.

'Oh my....Goku was actually right.' North Kai numbly thought to himself, feeling like he was having a out of body experience. 'Lord Beerus and Lord Error are either married or at the least lovers and are raising two children together....'

This can either go very badly or great for the Universe, but it all hinges on what kind of person - or was it Monster? - that Lord Error was.

"i'M VeRY amuSEd RIgHT noW if noThinG elSE. i Do lIKE a GooD fiGHt, anD whILe noT tHE bEsT fIGht i'VE SEeN, iT's bETTeR thEn soME." Error openly admitted. Hey, he was a God of Destruction too, no matter if he was forced into being formed into one. While he does like knitting, sewing, and watching his shows on TV, watching fights and things get destroyed was fun to Error. The glitch could admit to himself that he misses fighting a bit, but not enough to actual get into one. While he didn't really care if he killed someone if he couldn't control himself - unless they were interesting, amusing, or one of his, then he wouldn't chance anything - Error was tired of fighting right now. Sure, he trains alone to keep his body and mind sharp, but that's out of habit. It's a contradicting feeling that he has; He misses fighting so much it makes him twitchy, yet he doesn't want to fight because he is tired of fighting as a whole.

Maybe he's just tired of fighting for something that he was forced to fight for? But without a reason to fight, why bother?

"i DoN'T caRE EithER wAy reALly." Error settled on saying after a moment. "I'M FiNe eiTHeR waY, dO WhaT yOU WaNt."

Beerus just looked at the skeleton for a moment longer before giving a sharp nod and then turning back to a worried Goku. "Fine then. But only if you can show me enough power that I deem it worth my while." Beerus snorted, glancing to where the skeletons and Whis sat. "Maybe we can make this into a good fight."

Then, the same thing started happening. With Goku trowing punch after punch with Beerus doing nothing but dodging gracefully. Things only changed when Beerus called Goku out for hiding some of his power, making Goku power up even more.

Error didn't even blink when a bright yellow light over took everything. All he did was cover his children's eyes until it was gone. It amused and fascinated him that Goku looked and felt so different with each power up, even if he stayed the same at a base level and the power-up had a simple and frankly lazy name. - Really it reminded Error of Classic - The Saiyan had a lot of DETERMINATION for sure, Error could see it in the Saiyan's SOUL. It was like he wore it on his chest for everyone to see. So while Error can't visually see the shape of his SOUL, he can make out the traits from feeling said SOUL. But there was also a bit of INTEGRITY and quite of bit of CODE OF HONOR - which is a very light yellow and the name can be shortened to HONOR. Yet what he glows is the color of JUSTICE mixing in with HONOR, but Error suppose those two can go hand in hand at times.

But Ki is different to magic. Just because they glow a certain color doesn't mean that is their magic type unlike with Monsters. So why glow at all? Do the colors have meaning to them at all? Error supposes it could be like Monsters, but it all holds a different meaning in this Multiverse then his Original one. Because while HONOR is all well and good, it can also be tainted just as much as JUSTICE can. Error knows that more then anyone, yet everything he feels from Goku's SOUL is so bright and pure, it was almost concerning. For all he knew, Goku pushed all his darker emotions aside, forming another personality unknown to anyone - even himself.

The skeleton pondered all of this as he took his hands off his children's faces as the light finally died down. Said children clapped in delight at seeing Goku's new form while Whis was just amused with everything and everyone.

Before Error knew it, Goku was going in for a punch. Beerus caught it, making the wind pick up violently before the cat god threw him down. Goku caught himself, flying up to meet Beerus who has floated into the air. Error watched blankly as Goku threw punch after punch, Beerus stopping them all with one hand while Whis got out his lunch and started eating it. 'It kinds of reminds me of when I first met Beerus...Only it was the other way around and Beerus didn't go in for a second hit.'

Grass started being blown away violently as Goku kept punching and punching, before he flew back and powered up a Kamehameha, firing point blank at Beerus who didn't even try to dodge it.

Excitement coursed through Goku when the attack ended, and Beerus was standing there without a scratch, cleaning off his shoulder. "You took it all head on? Interestin'!"

Beerus just glanced to the hand which he used to stop the attack, having not even felt a sting to it. He could remember going to hit Error, not even at full strength, yet the skeleton stopped him with one hand before the skeleton clinched his hand and then throwing him away, not having moved a inch from his punch. It had hurt, it had stung, and the skeleton didn't even do it at full strength either. Compared to this fight, he would rather be thinking of ways to Error to agree to at least spar with him in some way or form so that he could feel that excitement once more. To fight a equal or even someone stronger then him in some areas. Even doing that puppet fight was more exciting then this. Much more fun in any case.

Goku flew straight at Beerus, intending to go for another hit, but before he knew it he retreated. "W-What?!" Looking down at his own body in shock and betrayal, he had no reason for doing what he did. Or at least, not a reason he could think of. "Why'd I retreat?!"

"You are really are something." Beerus stated, making Goku's head jerk up. "Actually, I was thinking of attacking just now. If you hadn't moved away, you'd have lost..." Beerus looked smug as he stared at Goku. "No doubt about it."

Goku tsked, sharply glaring at the purple cat.

"You can't sense the Ki of deities." Beerus said, looking plainly at Goku. "Even so, you dodged." Beerus bowed his head a little in thought. "Could you be a fighting prodigy? You might actually still be hiding some power..." Beerus lifted his head thinking on it before shrugging. "But I suppose it doesn't matter. You obviously can't match me, only one other can for sure." Beerus pointedly looked down to Error, making Goku follow his gaze. "So I guess I should be finishing this up soon. Wouldn't want to make them bored. We have a family trip to get to, so making them wait is pointless." Beerus looked back up, locking gazes with the Saiyan. "Not when the show has gotten boring, and especially when you're not the one I am looking for..." Beerus smirked, tilting his head. "Are you?"

Goku frowned deeply, feeling insulted that the other would dismiss him so easily. "Don't make fun of me!" Powering up once more, Goku flew in for a hit only to miss and miss again. Kicking and hitting did nothing, not when the other kept dodging without any trouble. 'He took my attacks on purpose!'

"WeLL, thIS iS HAppENiNG." Error bluntly observed when he saw Goku powering up a attack, not paying any mind to everyone on the planet - who were below a floating and smug Beerus. "aND i THoUGht i hAD no seLF conTRol..."

"It won't hit us." Whis assured as he took another bit out of his lunch. "I would never let anything hurt you Lord Error, and certainty not the Little Lords either, even if it would be aimed at us."

"I knOW iT WON't hIT US, BUt tHAnkS anYWaY." Error said nonchalantly as the attack went through the whole planet, in one end out shooting out the other, when Beerus calmly dodge the attack. While debris was flying everywhere, Error looked down at the kids. "kiDs, thIs IS WhY yOU havE tO thINk fiRSt bEfoRE attaCKinG. UnlEsS yOU haVE a lOT oF exPerIEnce lIKE mE oR bEErus wiTh fiGHtinG. nOT thAT i WOULd EvER lEt tHAT haPPEN mIND yOU..."

"Okay Daddy!" Null agreed brightly, cuddling close to said Daddy while Void was leaning out a bit, as if trying to look into the hole that now went through the planet.

"Daddy, can you do that?" Void asked in curiosity, pointing to the hole. Null looked up too, interested in the answer.

Error just nodded. "SuRE i cAN, i coULD Do iT wiTh mY blAStERs EAsilY....WhY?" Error asked, looking down at his kids in question. He didn't see the point in it, not when he could easily crush a planet's Code and be done with the whole thing. While he may not be able to destroy this whole Universe - not without a lot of time, concentration, magic, and power on his part - like he could with his own Original Multiverse, planets are another matter. It was like the planets are the AU's and this lone Universe is the Multiverse. It was weird, but Error could work with it.

"Daddy's strong!" Void cheered aloud, waving his hands. "Des'oryer of Uni'erses! My Daddy's better then you!" Void blew out his tongue up at the floating Saiyan, making Error just blink in confusion - he had no idea what was going on anymore.

"Mhm!" Null hummed in agreement, patting Error's chest. "Daddy's strongest there is~!"

"Ohohoho~" Whis giggled at the scene right by him, loving Error's befuddlement on what Null and Void were even talking about let alone what was going on. "I think this is going to be a fun 'Family Trip'!"

Up above, Goku was breathing heavily after that attack, only to jerk around once Beerus's voice sounded out from behind him.

"Too bad..." Beerus grinned slyly. "Still, I got to see something interesting today while you put on a good enough show for the others."

Goku jumped back in surprise while Beerus just floated closer. "I'll tell you something good in return." Soon Beerus was right in front of Goku. "The Gods of Destruction," Beerus lowered his head slightly, his face darkening. "is scary. Error didn't fight you for a very good reason, if you did, you would already be long dead after the first punch."

Snorting, Error grinned slightly when he watched Beerus flick Goku's forehead, making the warrior go flying. Once Goku was off flying, Beerus quickly flew in front of the screaming Saiyan, putting a hand on his shoulder with a sly smirk. With a little push on that shoulder, Goku was hurdled downward, making a small crater when landing and going out of his super mode.

"GOKU!" North Kai nearly screamed as he, Gregory and Bubbles ran to the crater, worried that the idiot is finally dead.

"Wow~" Void gushed as Error and Whis jumped off the shed and started walking to where Beerus was floating down to. "Didn't even hit him!"

"Mr. Beerus, you're very strong!" Null said excitedly when they were all right by Beerus, the babybones in their Father's hold. "You won like it was nothing! Like Daddy did before we got here!"

"Thank you children." Beerus stated proudly, not missing how Error twitched at the reminder of before he fell here. "Well, Error?" The skeleton looked down at him in question. "What did you think? Good enough show?"

"iT WaS shoRt." Beerus twitched and went to say something, but what Error said next made him slam his mouth shut. "bUt THAt WAs a GivEN. i KNeW yOU'D WiN riGHt AwAy whEN yoU stoPPEd plAYinG aroUnd."

Whis coughed behind his hand when Beerus puffed his chest out a bit, finding the whole thing more amusing then it should be.

"Let's go. Whis." Beerus said while he reached up and gripped Error's arm so that the skeleton wouldn't have to put the children down to put a hand on Whis.

"Yes." Whis answered after wiping his mouth, lunch box on hand. Raising a hand, his staff appeared and floated into his hand.

"Umm..." Both Nor Kai and Bubbles turned around to look at the group behind them. "Could you wash this for me?" Whis asked, holding up the bento for them to see.

Error silently laughed while Null and Void watched in awe as the monkey came walking up, taking the bento from Whis. Error knew you could train monkeys, but he didn't know that they could be this well trained. Then again, for all Error knew, Bubbles - and wasn't that a hilarious adorable name for a monkey? - was some type of alien. Who ever up there knows Error doesn't understand how this Multiverse works yet.

"Thank you." Whis thanked as he handed over the now empty boxes.

With that out of the way, Beerus stepped up and placed a hand on Whis's back. "Lather then, North Kai."

Just as Whis tapped the ground, the light flaring up all around them, a thought just hit Error.

Error tilted his head as he looked to Whis. "whIS....DiD yOU EaT mY lUnchEs anD thE kIDs ToO?" Error asked slowly as he thought back to when Whis was eating. The skeleton knows Whis is much like Beerus, eating and not stopping when food is in front of them. the only reason Beerus stops at all is to shove food to Error for whatever reason. "WeREn'T OuR fOOd IN thE bOXeS tOO?"

Beerus's ear twitched, a dark glare directed at his attendant. "Whis," Beerus started to say so calmly while Whis became still as a statue. "do not tell me you ate one of the only meals that Error would have eaten without trouble." Beerus took in a deep breath, obviously trying to calm himself. "Do not tell me you have just eaten the children's and Error's meal, something all three of them need." By the tone of his voice, the deep breath didn't help at all.

Whis's smile became strained as it suddenly hit him at what he did. "Oh....Well...."

The last thing North Kai, Bubbles and Gregory heard before the light over took the group and shot off was Beerus's enraged yell. "WHIS!"

"Have a safe trip." North Kai blankly said as he watched them all disappear. 'Oh Kami, they really are lovers...'

Noise behind the three made them turn around to see Goku grunting in pain. 

"Oh, you're alive?" North Kai asked as all three leaned over Goku to get a better look at him. "You're lucky Lord Beerus held back and that Lord Error refused to fight you for the very reason of not being able to hold back."

Then just where the group was going slapped itself across North Kai's face. "Oh, this won't do!"

- Earth, Bulma's Party On A Yacht -

Walking around the yacht, Bulma - wearing a sleeveless short purple part dress, small light green scarf tied around her neck, gold bracelets and heels - paused with her drink in hand at seeing her husband lounging on a outdoor chair alone.

Bulma smiled brightly as she walked up to the chair. "Oh, you came after all?" Vegeta opened his eyes, looking up at Bulma with a frown. But that was his usual expression anyway so Bulma didn't take any offence to that. "No matter what you said, you just couldn't stay away from your beautiful wife, could you?"

Vegeta scoffed, turning his head away from the blue short haired women.

Keeping her smile, Bulma lifted a hand and gestured for the Saiyan Prince to get up. "Come on, the others are here too." Bending down a bit, Bulma offered her hand to the other. "Let's go join them and have a good time."

"Mind your own business." Vegeta said, not even glancing in his wife's direction.

The women frowned angrily, glare on her face as she straightened up. "What's your problem, sitting there on your own, acting all high and mighty?" She asked frustrated. When no answer was immediately given, she scowled. "Fine, then! Just do whatever you want!"

She then turned and left in a huff, calling out in annoyance as she walked off. "You Saiyans are such a pain!"

Vegeta snarled after her, but froze when a voice went off in his head.

"Vegeta. This is North kai."

Shooting up at this information, Vegeta couldn't help but be shocked. "North Kai?! What business does a Kai have with me?"

"Calm down and listen carefully to what I'm about to say. Two Gods of Destruction, Lord Beerus and Lord Error, will soon be heading your way."

Vegeta frowned, something nagging in the back of his mind. "The God of Destruction, Beerus? I've heard that name before...But not Error's."

"Lord Error is a God of Destruction from another Multiverse and has said he is known as the Destroyer of Universes. I am inclined to believe him." Vegeta choked in shock at this information. "Not only that, but he is Lord Beerus's lover and has two children with him. The eldest is Null and the youngest Void. The attendant called them 'Little Lords', so I would tread carefully with them, especially as all three adults seemed very protective of them. They did not call Lord Beerus 'Father', so I am guessing that he is not their father biologically. But other then that, I do not have a whole lot of information on Lord Error, he is a unknown mostly."

Two Gods of Destruction, one with kids and both lovers as well as their attendant is coming to Earth apparently. Just what is Vegeta's life now?

"Anyway, Once Lord Beerus and Lord Error arrive there..." The Kai started to warn the Saiyan. "you must NOT start anything with them! You got that? Don't do anything to them or even insult one of them! Lord Beerus alone seemed very over-protective of his lover, so to insult one is to insult the other. If you do, the Earth itself could very well be lost."

Vegeta's frown deepened at this new information. "The Earth itself could be lost?" The Prince repeated in question, not understanding how this could be possible.

"Goku just stepped out of line and was taken out effortlessly. In just two hits at that."

"What?!" Vegeta's jaw dropped in horrified shock. "Kakarot was defeated in just two hits?!"

"Yes, and that was with Lord Beerus holding back. Lord Error admitted to not being able to hold back properly, so I would be careful around him as that can make him the most dangerous out of the two of them if it comes down to it, even if he does seem the lest likely to start a fight as he had turned down fighting Goku unlike Lord Beerus who fought Goku more for amusement then anything else until he soundly defeated him when ho got bored with the fight."

Horror settled in, wondering just what in hell these Destroyers wanted and just how powerful they were.

Horror also hit him hard once he realized that everyone on the yacht were some of the most annoying people he knew.

The Saiyan Prince had a feeling this was going to be a difficult mission, keeping the Gods of Destruction from killing everyone and/or destroying the Earth.

-North Kai's Planet-

"Oh, you're awake?"

Goku opened his eyes, a tired but awed expression took over his face as he smiled despite the pain. "Amazin'...I can't believe a guy like that was out there." Goku breathed out in awe. "Not just one, but two of them."

Gregory flew down closer to Goku, a stern look on his face. "We kept warning you, but you didn't listen!"

"You should be glad you weren't killed you fool!" North Kai scolded without ant real heat, just glad that Goku was still alive. "You should be thankful that Lord Error didn't take up your ridiculous request for a fight either! You would have surly been killed then!"

Goku's smile slipped from his face. "This ain't good..." Goku slowly lifted his head, pain filling his face, "The only way to get stronger would be to merge with Vegeta. And even then, I don't think I could win against them, let alone one of them." Goku didn't only want to fight Lord Beerus, he wanted to go toe to toe with both of them. He wanted to see and feel Lord Error's strength as well. Maybe even to fight against both Gods at the same time, to see such power working together in a thrilling fight. It made his heart speed up just thinking about fighting against such power, even a portion of it.

"Goku!" North Kai started to sweat, balling his hands into fists as he nearly yelled in shock. "You still want to fight them?!"

"Lord Beerus said somethin' about a "Super Saiyan God" or something' didn't he?" Goku asked aloud, mind wondering. "I wonder if that's something you can become through trainin'? Or is there some Saiyan out there named "God"?"

"I won't go along with this." Declared North Kai, who turned away from Goku.

"Oh, North Kai." Goku groaned out in pain as he tried to sit up more. "We have to let the guys on Earth know!"

"I have already told Vegeta." North Kai informed the Saiyan, refusing to look his way. "After all, he's the most likely to do something stupid."

"Vegeta, huh...?" Goku breathed out, thinking on it before making up his mind. "Things look bad. I should head back to Earth, too."

Goku sat up slowly, stopping when Gregory flew up and placed his hands on his chest, stopping him. "Don't move you fool!"

"I ain't going to lie down here like this and do nothin' when the Earth's in danger!" Goku grounded out as he painfully stood up, ignoring the cricket's words.

North Kai finally looked to Goku as he stood, taking a step closer when Goku wobbled as he stood, only to stop when the Saiyan stopped himself and finally stood straight. "Goku..."

It took a bit, but Goku finally ate a Senzu bean, changed into some clean clothes - the same orange and blue training/fighting outfit - and got ready to head off. Standing on the planet, Goku yalled as he charged his Ki.

"No! Absolutely not!" Cried North Kai as he hanged onto Goku's leg for all he was worth. If he let go, he knew he would go flying back. Bubbles hanged off the other leg, both trying to stop Goku from going off.

"You can't go to the party!" North Kai yelled out as Goku kept charging up. At the final yell, Goku finally stopped charging up.

With a sigh, Goku rubbed the back of his neck in confusion. "Why not?" Goku asked the two still holding onto his legs. "Just a while ago you were talkin' like you wanted me to go." The orange clad warrior pointed out.

"And you said you didn't want to go!" North Kai pointed right back as he tugged on Goku's leg in frustration.

"Well, yeah..." Goku admitted before lifting up a fist with a grin. "Anyway, the power of the Senzu Beans sure is amazin'! I'm completley healed up!"

"I shouldn't have given you one..." North Kai sighed painfully, regretting his decision deeply.

"Ah!" Goku quickly looke down at North Kai at the sound, hearing the pain in it. "You okay, North Kai?"

North Kai's head shot up to look up at Goku. "Not in the slightest!" His head fell back down as everything started hitting him. "I feel like all my anixiety is gonna shorten my lifespan!"

Leaning down with his fits at his hips, Goku peered down at the Kai. "What lifespan? You're already dead, ain't you?"

A vain popped out as North Kai's head shot up once more. "What?" The Kai snarled out.

"Fine, I got it!" Goku quickly said after shivering from the look he got from the shorter kai. "So I gotta stay away from the party, right?"

"Oh, so you understand?" North Kai questioned as both he and Bubbles finally let go of Goku's legs.

Goku had a serious face on as he floated up and plopped down to sit on the shed, crisscross. "The destruction of the universe ain't nothin' to joke about." Goku stated seriously. "I'll just wait it out here."

North Kai run up to the shed, feeling a thousand times lighter now that the hardheaded Saiyan was finally getting it. "Yes, that's good!"

Goku stared up at the sky before his serious face fell into frustration, hands coming up to his head as uncertainty hit. "But can I really keep myself here? I ain't so sure..." Goku admitted aloud in worry.

Bubbles, Gregory and North Kai all sweated harshly as they watched the worried Saiyan. "Oh, my..."

-Earth, Bulma's Party On The Yacht-


Vegeta frowned harshly as his hand left a dent on the wall of the yacht.

"Kakarot, taken out in just two hits?" The Prince whispered before straightening, glaring at his shaking fist. "Damn it..."

Slowly opening the fist, and having trouble doing that, Vegeta frowned deeply at his trembling hand. "I, Prince Vegeta, am frightened?!"

'Beerus and Error, Gods of Destruction...' Vegeta trembled as he numbly thought to himself. 'I've heard Beerus's name before.' Scowling, Vegeta closed his hand back into a fist. 'But where?!'

"Hi, Prince Vegeta." A voice called out, suddenly five presences behind him.

Sharply turning, Vegeta balked at seeing no one there. Turning around once more, he saw that no one was around him. Doing this a few more times, Vegeta frowned. "Was it just my imagination?"

Vegeta never noticed a clawed finger coming mere inches away from the back of his head.


Vegeta violently flinched, stumbling away from the yell. stumbling a few feet away, he turned mid jump to see a now smirking purple humanoid cat, a tall blue skinned alien with a staff, a snickering tall dark skeleton that glitched in appearance and voice, and two laughing children skeletons - in admittedly well done and pretty dresses - that stood by the taller skeleton's legs, holding onto the taller one's pant legs.

Twitching and snarling, Vegeta glared at the cat.

Meanwhile, said cat just looked amused as he lowed his hand. "Greetings." The cat called out politely with a smirk playing on his face.

"Who are you?!" Vegeta yelled out, not wanting to play any games and get straight to the point.

The cat lifted his chin up with his eyes closed, a smile playing at his lips. "Do I really have to give you my name?"

"hE DId aSk vERy RudeLy." The tall glitching skeleton added in, a ghost of a smirk on his scarred and chipped face. "SO i DOn'T sEE a ReaSOn To." 

The cat opened his eyes, looking to Vegeta. "Besides, you are already dead." The cat stated lifting up his finger once more, claw shining in the sunlight.

Vegeta clinched his fist. "W-Why you!" The prince snarled out, starting to run to them, intent on starting a fight.

But then the cat glared and the tall skeleton's eyes flashed, and the next thing Vegeta knew he was falling to the ground.

'I...I can't move?!' Vegeta panicked, trembling as if there was a wight on him yet feeling nothing. Painfully slow, Vegeta fought to lift his head, greeted with the sight of the cat frowning down at him with both hands folded behind him and the skeleton standing just behind the cat, glaring down at him with mismatched eyes.

But the cat was the only one who had his full attention now, a memory slamming painfully to the front of his mind.

-His Father was bowing, knees and hands to the ground as he held in his sounds of terror and pain. The cat standing above him, one foot on his Father's head as he blankly looked down at him.

"Do you know why I'm so upset with you?" The cat asked aloud, making the king shriek in fear. "Do you?" The cat asked once more.

Vegeta remembered peeking out, hidden from sight, watching with tears in his eyes.

"B-Because I couldn't carry out your orders before the agreed deadline..." His father was able to stutter out.

"Wrong." The cat disagreed, making the king give another distressed sound, shaking in terror.

"He's got Dad on his knees..." His younger self whispered in fear and shock, and not with a little bit of anger. ""You gotta be kidding me! Who is that guy?!"

The cat pushed down harder on the King's head. "I'm a very generous God." The purple being stated. "But there's just one thing I absolutely cannot stand." The now identified God glared down hard at his Father. "And that is the insensitivity of people who won't give me my due respect!"

Vegeta watched wide eyed as the cat slammed his foot down, making his Father's head make a crater in the ground when it hit.

"I ordered you to bring me the most comfortable pillow in the universe." The cat rubbed his foot on the head, making the king whimper in pain and fear. "So you stole it from some planet somewhere." Taking his foot off the king, the cat squatted down, lifting the king up by his hair. "I don't know how many people you killed to get it..." The Cat snarled. "You then kept that one to yourself, and gave me the second most comfortable one! What, did you think I wouldn't notice?!" The cat tightened his grip on the hair, the king held back the cry of pain he wanted to let out.

Vegeta watched in horror as his Father was brutally hurt, his Father's scream echoing out in the chamber.

"D-Don't get cocky!" Vegeta screamed out, running for all he was worth to the cat like being.

But then the Cat eyes flickered, and the next thing Vegeta knew, he was down on the ground trembling.-

Shaking, it hit Vegeta just who it was that he was rushing to fight. 'The God of Destruction...Beerus. I can see HIM being able to take out Kakarot in two hits' Taking a deep breath, glancing away from the smirking Beerus to look to the glitching skeleton that was staring down at him, making him feel naked. 'And so, that must be...the other God of Destruction, the one from another multiverse and lover to Beerus....Error. Just from the way he looks, I can see he is not one to mess with.'

"I hoped you might have grown up into someone worth hanging out with to kill some time..." Beerus said with a smirk, looking down at the fallen prince in amusement. "This was disappointing. I should have destroyed your planet back then."

"AS a pRincE, I thOUghT hE woULD haVE bEttER manNERs." Error mused aloud while Beerus walked up to Vegeta, squatting down in front of the prince. Then the skeleton remembered all the different royalty in his Multiverse, not all of them kind or even remotely polite. "...thEn agAIn i hAVE mEt ANd SEen RudER onEs."

"I hope that you dealt with them then if they were so rude." Beerus called back over his shoulder, only to get a shrug in return and a gesture of 'so-so'. "tch! Next time, if someone's so rude to you, then kill them or destroy their planet! Or better yet, tell me. I'll deal with it." Vegeta shivered at that. The word 'deal' sounding way more ominous then it had the right to be.

With that out of the way, Beerus turned his attention back to the shaking prince. "Say..." Vegeta gulped as the purple God leaned down. "Does the name "Super Saiyan God" ring a bell to you?"

""Super Saiyan God"?" Vegeta numbly repeated back, mind going blank.

Scoffing, Beerus closed his eyes and moved his head to the side. "Seems you don't know."

Just as Vegeta stuttered for a reply, a women's sigh drew all their attention to behind them.

Error blinked at seeing a blue haired human female. Was that a normal hair color? But then again, the only humans he really interacted with in his Multiverse were all the same people technically, counterparts, although some had differences here and there, most looked the same. Only a few looked like entirely different people.

Bulma blinked when she felt stares on her, turning she first saw her husband down on the ground. With a bland look on her face, she stared down at him. "Oh, this was where you were?" But then her eyes widen when she saw him trying to get up, only to fall back down.

Only panic was in his mind when Vegeta saw Bulma taking a step toward him, in the direction of the two Destroyers. "Stay back!"

Bulma stopped with a small gasp, not understanding what was wrong.

"Don't be so rude towards the lady, Prince Vegeta." Beerus said scolded lightly as he stood up. Beerus hid a smirk when Vegeta coughed, turning to look over at the women. "It seems he's had a bit too much to drink."

"Who might you all be?" Bulma asked, looking to them all but stopping her gaze on the glitching skeleton. Now Bulma has seen a lot of crazy things in her life, more then she should have ever seen, but a glitching skeleton was a new one.

Whis smiled pleasantly, lifting up a hand. "Oh, pardon me. My name is Whis." Then Whis gestured to the purple humanoid cat. "This is my First Master, Lord Beerus." Then he gestured to the tall dark skeleton who was closer to where she was. "This is my Second Master, Lord Error." Finally he moved his hand down to gesture to some admittedly adorable tiny skeletons. "And these are Lord Error's sons. Little Lord Null and Little Lord Void."

Bulma had to keep in a squeal when both little skeletons hid behind their Father's pant legs, shyly peering up at her. The cuteness getting to her and shooting a arrow straight into her heart.

Unknown she was the first human they officially met. The only other human was one that Error personally threw into the road for daring to try something with Null back in that Other Multiverse, so both boys didn't know how to think or feel around the women.

"We were just stopping by the Earth and happened to spot Vegeta." Beerus half lied and told the truth, leaving out a whole lot.

"Oh, how unexpected. You actually have friends!" Bulma blinked in shock at Vegeta before smiling as she took a better look at them all. "Come to think of it, none of you really look like you're from Earth." Bulma said as she walked up to Error.

"H-Hey!" Vegeta tried to warn, but failed as his wife now stood in front of the tall God.

"I'm Vegeta's wife, Bulma." Bulma introduced herself warmly, offering her hand to shake.

Error blankly started down at the women, making Whis sigh as he knew how socially awkward this skeleton must be after being pretty much isolated for his whole life. But before Whis could do anything, Error reacted to the greeting.

Looking down at the human, something blurry hit Error's mind. Going to quick for Error to really see what it was or what was going on, only that is made his head and SOUL hurt.

-A blurred female stood in front of him, offering her hand. She wore a expensive and beautiful purple dress and had a kind smile. Classical music played all around them, words whispering and humming about as dresses and tailcoats swirled about.

There is only one way to greet a Lady of such high standing.-

Before Error knew what he was doing, he stood straight and took the hand in front of him. Putting his free hand to his chest, laying it right over his SOUL, Error bowed slightly and lifted the hand up to his lips, kissing the air right above the hand before straightening once more. "iT iS MY hONoR tO mEEt yOU, lAdY bUlmA."

Whis's eyes widened in shock along with Vegeta's, both of them not having expected this. Null and Void were silently cooing at how cool and handsome their Father looked, and Beerus was pouting slightly, wondering if Error had been watching too much TV for him to think that was a normal greeting.

Taking her hand back, she put it to her now pink cheeks, smiling brightly. "Oh, my! What a gentleman you are!" She lightly glared in Vegeta's direction. "You act more like a prince then Vegeta does! But you don't have to call me "Lady Bulma", just "Bulma" is fine." Turning her attention back to the confused looking skeleton, she smiled warmly and lost her glare. "Would you like to join our celebration?" She turned slightly, gesturing to behind her. "It's my birthday today. You're all welcome to join in."

Beerus quickly walked up to stand next to Error, grabbing onto the skeleton's arm and smiling pleasantly at the women. "Why, thank you for the kind offer." Beerus lifted his head a bit and sniffed. "Actually, I've felt rather attracted by this delicious smell for a while now..." The Cat God then opened his eyes a bit, side glaring at a nervously smiling Whis while he tugged at Error's arm, making said skeleton grumble lightly. "And because someone ate Error's and the children's lunches, they really should eat."

"i Don'T NEEd To." Error didn't pout when he said this, he really didn't. Beerus growled lowly, tightened his grip on the arm, yanking Error's scarf and making him choke silently. "You're eating even if I have to shove my whole hand down your throat to make sure of it!"

Both Destroyers stopped when laughter sounded out. Letting go of Error's scarf, Beerus looked to see Bulma laughing at them.

The blue haired women had a suspicion about the two, from the way they acted they were either related in some way or in a romantic relationship. And with how close they were standing next to one another, she was going with the latter.

"Then let's go." Bulma gestured for them to follow her before she turned around to lead them. "We wouldn't want anyone to starve." She smiled down at the two children who were now clinging to their Father's pant leg as he walked, both giggling as they went up and down with each step. "You have two adorable sons!" Bulma observed before glancing up to Error. "Those dresses are simply gorgeous! If you don't mind me asking, where did you get them?"

"i mAdE tHEM mySeLF."

"Really?! You must have a lot of talent! They're so well done, like a high-end designer made them."

"W-Wait!" Vegeta called out to the group, raising a hand as if to stop them. All Vegeta could do was watch in shock as they turned a corner. Once out of sight, Vegeta found he could move once more. Without wasting a second, Vegeta ran after to follow.

But it was too late. Vegeta could only observe as he hid behind some bushes near the corner as Bulma walked with the stage with the group behind her.

"Attention, everyone!" Bulma called out, making everyone gather before the platform.

Once everyone was gathered, Bulma gestured to the group standing besides her, going in order to who was standing closest to the furthest away. "These are Vegeta's friends; Error, Beerus, and Whis." She then gestured down, making two little skeletons peek out from behind Error's pant legs. "And these two adorable skeletons are Error sons, Null and Void."

Beerus lifted his free hand up in greeting. "Good afternoon!"

Error blinked at all the clapping and greetings coming at once, having no idea what to do. In fact, the loud noises they were making was making him nervous. Seeing this, Beerus lowered the hand that was on the skeleton's arm to his wrist, then lifted up the hand and forced it up like his in greeting. Whis held in his inner fanboy at seeing Null and Void give tiny shy waves behind their Father.

"Hello, nice to meet you." Beerus called out for all of them while Vegeta watched in shock.

But then he stilled when Beerus glanced over to him, Vegeta's heart felt like it was going to give. He only relaxed slightly when the God looked back to the crowed. The other God, Error, was distracted by his children who were both pointing to the ocean with awe in their eyes.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Beerus called out as he waved Error's hand along with his own while Error was softly talking to the kids about the ocean.

"It smells weird." Void pointed out with a sniff, face scrunching up.

"Why's that Daddy?" Null questioned as he tugged at his Father's pant leg.

"thE oCeaN iS SEa WaTER, nOt FreSH WatER." Error explained, not even caring that Beerus is pretty much using him as a puppet right now. In fact it was slightly calming, talking to his kids and having Beerus have a hold of him reminded him where he was. "SeA WatER hAS SaLt IN iT, FrEsH WatER - LIKe IN riVErS ANd POunDs - DOn'T. IT'S WhY yOU dON'T DrINK FrOM tHE oCeAN, ThE saLt IN iT caN kILL yOU." Error knew this well. He drank so much of it, trying to kill himself with it, only to find out that it didn't work on him. His magic just dissolved it before it got past his throat.

"Really!" Void gasped in amazement, looking at the ocean with new eyes.

"But it looks so pretty, it sparkles like gems like you said it did!" Null gaped lightly, eyes sparkling just like the ocean water that he was staring at.

"moST thING In lIFe aRE liKE tHAt nULL." Error pointed out for the children. "A lOT oF thE tiMEs, The mORE PReTTy soMEthINg iS, tHE moRE dEaDLY. NoT aLL thE tIME, BUt iN nAtuRE iT iS a CoMMon thINg."

"Ooohhh~!" Both kids chorused in awe.

'I suppose as long as they all stay in a good mood this won't cause any harm...' Vegeta frowned as he observed all what was going on in front of him. Glancing out in the crowed, Vegeta caught sight of a frowning Piccolo and munching Buu who was sitting down and eating. 'Those likely to cause unnecessary trouble ARE here, huh?' Vegeta realized with horror.

"This is Yumcha." Bulma's voice sounded out, making Vegeta's eyes snap to where she sounded out to see that they were now off the stage and that Bulma was introducing the new group to everyone.

Beerus lifted up his free hand for a handshake, the other holding on to Error's hand - to make sure the skeleton didn't wonder off and keep him calm as he was glancing to the group around them with slight panic in his sockets, and to make sure that Error didn't make a run for it when Beerus tries to force some food into him. "How do you do?"

The man laughed, waving a hand. "No need to be so formal!" Yamcha then reached out a laid a hand on Beerus's should and Error's arm, making the skeleton glitch, Beerus keeping his pleasent face, and Vegeta have a heart attack.

"I mean sure, I've been in this group longer then most." Then Yamcha leaned close as if given a secrete. "Plus, and I shouldn't say this too loud, I'm also a contender for the best martial artist around. I can see why you'd be nervous."

Error straight up snorted, relaxing a bit at that ridiculous notion. He could feel this human's power, and it didn't even graze Goku's let alone his own. If nothing else, this mortal amused him for being friendly yet insane. Who brags to a unknown about being more powerful then they really are unless you are THAT powerful and have enough to back it up? This Yamcha was asking to be a stain on the wall if he can't back this up. Maybe to other humans he can, but to others such as Error and Beerus? Yeah, no. In any case, it was funny what the mortal was trying to do.

Null and Void peeked out, blinking up at the strange human with long hair before looking out. Both caught the eye of a tall green person, making then both gulp and hide behind their Father once more. Neither Null or Void caught the sight of a smile tugging on the tall green alien's lips.

"Still, it's a party, after all. Who cares about ranks?" Yamcha asked aloud, wide grin on his face.

'Apparently you.' Error thought to himself, only to freeze when the human slapped his hand on his arm.

Vegeta watched in horror as the fool slapped Error in the arm, the skeleton not moving a inch from the slap. But the Prince's eyes caught the skeleton's fingers twitch and how Beerus suddenly frowned. "That idiot!" Vegeta cried out in horror, getting ready to run over and do some damage control, when a call made him stop and look over.

"Sorry for the wait!"

Everyone turned to see Krillin running up with a platter of food in his hands.

Soon the group was standing around the new comers, making Error twitch but not say anything. Breathing in and out, he concentrated on Beerus's hold on him, on his children's hands on his leg, on Whis's presence on his side. Firmly trying to keep that in mind, that he is blocked all around by those he trust and that the strangers on not touching him anymore, Error focused on the short black haired human wearing green.

With that big grin and short stature, it reminded Error a little of Swap. Taking a closer look, the short human had a kind gleam in his eyes as he stared up at them all, so most worries about him passed the skeleton easily. Reminding him of Swap was a good way of doing that he supposed, Error couldn't imagine Swap doing anyone any harm unless it was real bad. Hell, Swap never hurt him and he used the shorter skeleton as a puppet, made him fight against his own brother, tried and nearly succeed in destroying his AU, kidnapped for all intent and purposes, and destroyed his world-view and rose-tinted glasses with no MERCY or regret. So Error doesn't know how far would be too far to Swap. In any case, Error senses no negative emotions in the smaller human, so it was a weight off his mind, especially with him knelling in front of him, offering the platter up with a goofy grin on his face. It would be so easy to just kick him if he was a threat - and Error can feel that this little human was actually quite strong when compared to the other humans on board this yacht - so it all works out either way.

Peeking around Error's legs, both Null and Void looked up to the small human with a big goofy grin on his face. To Null, he looked so different then that mean human that scared him back before they all fell into that black hole. Seeing so many different humans made Null realize they were like Monsters, that they come in all different shapes and sizes. But unlike Monsters, humans still have so many similarities. Where you have Skeleton Monsters, who look like skeletons with some differences, you can also get Goat Monsters and even Slime Monsters. There are a ton of Monsters, all different types and kinds and most of them looking nothing alike at all, that much Null is for sure about because his Daddy made sure to teach him and his brother about all the different kinds there are. For humans, it is different. To Null, it made him calm down somewhat. He remembered Mr. Beerus's promise as well, and promises are not something to take lightly, his Daddy told him that. So they will all be fine, with his Daddy here along with Mr. Beerus and Whis, everything is going to be fine. It has to be.

To Void, it made him so curious. So many differences and yet similarities Monsters and humans seem to have. But it also made him feel good. Not once did these humans try anything like that mean human Daddy dealt with before, so that must mean everything is good for right now. Relaxing a bit, Void took a sniff, finding the food in front of him to smell good. It made his mouth water, even more when he helped make that lunch. Cooking was so much fun, but Void found that eating what was made was a close third to what Void loved doing most.

The first was spending time with his Daddy of course.

"Ta-daah!" The sort human cheered aloud, offering the latter up high.

Beerus leaned down closer to the platter, sniffing at it. "What's this?"

"I've never seen this dish before." Whis said, staring at the round balls of food in interest.

"i'VE sEEn iT IN a fEW aU's bEfoRE, BUt i Don'T KNow THE nAme oF iT oR haD iT bEfoRE." Error mentioned once he got a closer look at what was on the platter. He had seen the stuff in a SamuraiTale before for example, but never had time to stop and eat, not that he had even wanted to do such a thing in the first place.

"Well, this is..." The human shot up, platter over his head, shooting his fist out in a dramatic fashion. "Russian Octopus Balls!"

'I hope it's nothing like RussianTale.' Error blankly thought to himself as he stared down at the food. Some - a whole lot of - AU's he will never understand or get why Inky made them, but then again, there is a reason he's not the creator. And looking at some of the AU's Inky created - FlowerFell, FlowerTale, even(especially) HorrorTale are just a few, very few, examples of some messed up AU's that Inky created, claiming to love them even as all the Monsters inside cry in pain. Inky had a messed up sense of love, but then again maybe he meant LOVE instead and no one noticed that because of his position? - Error didn't want to know why or even think on being the creator, Inky's mind must be one fucked up place.

"It's set up so that a single ball is filled with heaps of wasabi instead of octopus meat was added to the mix!" The short human explained before grinning brightly and lifting a fist up in excitement. "Now let's have some fun!"

'That fool!' Vegeta scowled as he shot out from the bushes, imagining all the horrors that could happen if any of the destroyers or children got the wasabi ball. Stomping up behind the little fool, Vegeta snarled. "Cut the crap Krillin!"

Error raised his brows at the angry Saiyan before just mentally shrugging. At least he knew the short one's name now and it wasn't like he cared that the Prince looked ready to have a heart attack/panic attack. Just so long as it doesn't scar his kids for life.

Krillin just turned, brows frowned and a pout on his face. "What's you problem? Killjoy."

"Yeah, don't be such a killjoy." Error snorted at Beerus's reply, especially when said reply made Vegeta freeze, laughing almost hysterically quietly, and then take a few steps back while looking like he was ready to pass out. Why couldn't his Multiverse be like this?

Once that was done with, Beerus turned his attention to the platter. "I don't know what this wasabi thing is..." Beerus admitted aloud while Error tried to think back on what wasabi was. The skeleton was sure it had something to do with spice and or fire, he's not for sure which or if it is both though. "...but these Russian Octopus Balls do look incredibly tempting."

"It looks rather similar to the super sweet black cherry sauce from Planet Banng." Whis observed, sniffing the air above the platter. "It smells rather different though."

"juST TrY iT tO FInD ouT iF yOU WanT To." Error told the two, not seeing the issue with one of them picking one up by the toothpick in them and then eating the food if they really wanted to.

"Error's right, so be quiet. We'll know once we try it." Beerus stated, reaching down and picking one up.

"Oh, you're taking the first bite?" Yamcha asked taking a step towards them and looking at Beerus in shock before grinning. "Here's one who gets it!"

"Yeah! Beerus! Beerus!" Krillin started to chant, making most of the others join in along with clapping.

"Beerus! Beerus! Beerus!"

'C-Calm down...There are so many of them.' Vegeta, meanwhile, was mentally praying to every other God that the God of Destruction doesn't get the wrong Ball to eat. He watched almost numbly as Lord Beerus blew on the Octopus Ball. 'There's no way he'd hit upon the one with wasabi in it on his first try.' Just as the God opened his mouth to eat the whole thing, Vegeta closed his eyes and begged for mercy. 'Please!'

It was only when he heard chewing did Vegeta finally open his eyes. At first he thought it was all in the clear, but then Lord Beerus's eyes shot open, his head falling and making it shadowed. It only got worse when Lord Error leaned down slightly, placing his free hand on Lord Beerus's shoulder and patting it as in comfort.

What Vegeta didn't know is that Error knew how dramatic Beerus can get when food is involved - he should know as Beerus loved to shove food at him to 'show him the greatness that is food!'. - so Error knew there was nothing wrong with Beerus. He just patted his shoulder as Beerus can get emotional when there is good food.

Error will never understand this, it's just food. Doesn't stop Beerus from trying to change the skeleton's mind though.

Meanwhile Vegeta was having the image of the Earth being blown up in his mind, thinking that they all finally fucked everything up. "it's all over..." Vegeta whispered, falling to his knee as if hit by a powerful hit.

But when Error grunted Vegeta looked up and nearly fainted in relief.

"Delicious!" Beerus's head shot up with a grin, lifting both hands up in fists. Error grunted at the sting as Beerus still had his own hand in his own, making the skeleton's hand go up with Beerus's.

"The chewy texture of octopus lurking inside this fluffy white ball!" Beerus closed his eyes in pleasure at the taste in his mouth. "How did I never know about this combination before?!"

"The sauce was great, too! Absolutely wonderful!" Beerus grinned, taking another before turning and lifting it up to Error. "Here! You have to try this!" Beerus grinned, but his eyes had steel in them. Error stared back with burning hell fire in his eyes.

Now, to them, they were having a silent argument over Error eating once more. Whis and the children knew this and were used to it, in fact they were used to the more violent and less silent arguments over this issue.

'i aM noT eaTinG tHAT.'

"Oh, yes, you are.'

'i KeEP YeLLInG yOU, i dO nOt nEEd tO EaT!'

'And I'm telling you, yes, you need to eat!'

'OkaY, lIstEn hErE kITTy! i aM noT hUNgrY-!'




And so on, that's pretty normal for them.

To outsiders though, it looks like Beerus and Error are having a lovey-dovey moment with Beerus hand feeding Error and the both staring so passionately in the other's eyes.

No, seriously. All the ones who don't know better are seeing hearts around them and sparkles floating about as the two have this 'romantic' moment. While Beerus and Error see nothing but flashes lightning and thunder as they argue mentally to each other.

Finally, after a few silent moments, gave up and opened his mouth. Beersu smirked and placed the food in and only pulling out the stick once Error shut his mouth. "See? Isn't it good?" Beerus asked smugly, missing Error just shrugging in answer.

Whis just smiled as he grabbed one for his own, trying it as well. But unlike Beerus, he held in his inner fanboy for food. "It truly is exquisite. Let us add this to today's dinner menu."

"Daddy!" Error's head shot down at the two cries, both boys tugging at his coat.

"I wanna try, ple'se!" Void bounced in his spot, tugging and pointing to the platter.

"Mh!" Null nodded in agreement, doing the same only without the bouncing in place. "Please, Daddy?! I wanna try it too!"

"SuRE." Error shrugged, not seeing the issue. Both Null and Void cheered, both, for the first time since getting on the yacht, let go of their Father and went to the platter that Krillin was now holding down for them to reach. Just as they were getting theirs, two more boys ran up to get theirs.

One of the boys - who looked a lot like Goku - grabbed one and bit into it. "There's no wasabi in this one. Thank goodness!"

"You dummy. At this point, the one with wasabi in it would taste way better then the others!" The one with purple hair said before taking a bit in his own. "Darn, I didn't get it."

It was when Null and Void picked theirs up did the other boys notice them. Both flinched back, jaws dropping. Seeing this, Null and Void quickly ran to their Father, hiding under his coat. The two other boys followed them with their eyes, and then their eyes shot up once Null and Void were sadly tucked under their Father.

Trunks's and Goten's jaws dropped further as their eyes slowly went up and was met with such a scary and fierce face. The tall, dark skeleton stared back at them before smirking, giving them a nod in greeting.

"Wow...." Goten breathed out in awe. "I didn't know skeletons could look like that..."

"Don't be stupid!" Trunks slapped Goten on the back, making the other boy wobble a bit. "There's no way he's a normal skeleton! He must be a alien or something."

Error chuckled silently at the two little boys arguing in front of him, having no idea that he could hear them both loud and clear. Null and Void both peeked out, munching on their treat at the two boys, having no idea what to do now. They felt safer just staying near their Daddy for right now, as they are both surrounded by the unknown.

Vegeta breath heavily, flopping down on his butt. "I'm gonna have a heart attack..."

Krillin grinned as he knelled down on one leg in front of Vegeta, the platter almost empty in his hands as he picked one up. "See? Everyone got all fired up, right?" Then, Krillin lifted one up and ate it.

It was fascinating to Error. He never knew humans could turn as red as a skeleton could if they had red magic. Nor did he know that humans could spit out fire just from food alone. Or maybe this is all just because he was in a different Multiverse? Humans could be way different here then in his own one after all.

"Why is it always me?" Krillin groaned in pain as he laid flat on the ground, lips red from the fire and heat.

'I feel you.' Error felt so much sympathy in that moment. He thought that so many times when getting beat on Inky. Being Fate's favorite, there was no point for Error to fight Inky at his best or full force. With being Fate's favorite, Inky could win no matter what it seemed, so there was no point. Besides, it was always Error in the wrong, never Inky.

After that, Error sighed as Beerus started to drag him around the booths, shoving food after food on him. Null and Void laughed and giggled at the faces he made in return to all the food being shoved in his mouth, Whis enjoyed trying all the food, and they met most of the others along the way.

Eventually all of them where standing near the railing, Beerus leaning on it while Error and Whis stood besides him with Null and Void on Error's shoulders so that they could see everything better.

Right now they were watching the other two children, Goten and Trunks, have a water gun battle. Eventually Trunks had downed Goten, shooting him with water until taking off, making Goten run after Trunks with a war cry.

"They're half Earthling..." Beerus sighed, watching them run off. "And only children too."

"There's another one, too, but he's in that state..." Whis said, looking off to the side.

"thAT StaTE?" Error questioned in confusion, not getting it.

"Lovesick, Lord Error, he's in the state of love~!" Whis giggled, not looking away from the sight to the side.

The other four followed his line of sight, seeing the other one along with a women leaning on each other watching the ocean together.

"Just where is this Super Saiyan God?" Beerus sighed, leaning back on the railing.

"ArE yOu fiNAlLy giVinG uP?" Error asked the downtrodden cat God, making sure to have a grip on each kids legs as the pointed out to the ocean and sky, talking about everything that they see. 

"I'm seriously thinking about it..." Beerus muttered as he leaned his head back. "If this God doesn't hurry, I'm going to get annoyed...."

"Sorry to have kept you waiting!"

All of them looked up to see Vegeta jump on the second flooring of the yacht, slid to them, and then kept kneeling as he offered up a huge platter of octopus balls. "Have a pyramid of octopus balls!"

Error's head snapped up, seemingly looking at something as he sat down Null and Void, who ran up to get more octopus balls from the platter like Beerus and Whis was doing. "Thanks." Beerus thanked blankly while Whis said his much cheerfully. "Much obliged~."

"T'ank you Mister~!" Void sang as he grabbed another one, munching happily on the snack.

"Thank you Mister." Null said more then sang unlike his little brother, grabbing two for himself.

"So, what now?" Whis asked Beerus aloud. "I agree with Lord Error, maybe it is time to just let this go."

"I don't have any other leads to go by, and I'm completely full. There is only so much food I can make Error eat as well..." Beerus closed his eyes as he leaned back, one arm behind his head while he twirled the stick in his other hand. "Maybe I should just go home and take a nap with Error and the kids?" Beerus yawned out.

'Yes, that's it...' Vegeta sweated, making sure to keep his head down as he glared at the Gods. 'Go back to your own planet already!'


Vegeta's head shot up at the purple God's call. "Yes?"

"About that guy on North Kai's Planet..." Beerus lifted up another octopus ball. "Uh, what was his name again?"

"He said his name was Son Goku, Mister Beerus." Null answered, tugging on the God's pants lightly while Void was grabbing another octopus ball.

Beerus glanced down to the little skeleton. "Yeah, yeah, Goku. Thank you Null." Null beamed and turned back to his treat while Beerus looked back down at Vegeta. "What's the relationship between you and him?"

Vegeta sweated, looking nervous as he answered, never really having thought about it. "W-Well, I guess we're like rivals..."

Beerus titled his head a bit. "You guess?" He repeated aloud, staring down at Vegeta.

Taking in a deep breath, Vegeta looked back down, feeling his hear thunder in his chest. Refusing to answer.

Beerus closed his eyes. "You Saiyans sure have changed since I last saw you. You become so meek." Before he could go on, hands grabbed him, making the octopus ball he had in his hands go flying.

The sound of water splashing sounded out, and when Beerus opened his eyes was looking at Error's chest. Blinking, Beerus took a step back and glanced around to see just what in hell happened. Looking behind him he saw water dripping where he once stood, following to the area of what used to be in front of him, he saw those two half-breed boys, the purple one still having the gun pointed to where he was and the black haired one on the ground.

Glancing to Error, he saw that the tall skeleton now had Null and Void in one of his arms, tucked to his chest and the skeleton still had a arm around him, looking around wildly. It seems that Error either saw the water coming or felt it coming and mistook it for a attack of some kind, reacting on instinct to get them out of danger as they were in range of the water unlike Whis, who stood far enough away for it to not even graze him. Sighing, Beerus looked around as the kids ran away, crying out apologizes. Glancing down, Beerus froze.

The Octopus Balls were all thrown about the ground, worthless now.

Not to mention that now Error was a paranoid mess, all that time making the other try and relax worthless now too like the food thrown about on the ground.

Vegeta gaped in horror up at the frozen God, his head down and shadowed so that Vegeta couldn't see his expression.

The sudden and fast movement had made Vegeta react, dropping the platter of food in the matter of seconds as to have his hands free to defend himself if need be. But it turns out that the sudden movement was Lord Error yanking the three who was in front of Vegeta away from the incoming water.

There was a lot of things going through Vegeta's mind. One of those things was that Lord Error was fast, so fast that he didn't see him moving but more or less felt it. It had to happen in less then a second as well, as the water landed just after Lord Beerus and the children were moved, the water would have hit them in that instant if nor for Lord Error reaching out to move them. It proved how scary the skeleton God can become if need be. Vegeta and the others would be dead before they would even notice with how fast this God is.

The next thing, was that Lord Error was looking around as if looking for a threat.

Pairing this with how Lord Beerus is looking, this doesn't spell good news for Earth's future as a planet. 'Oh, God!'

Error was looking around, searching for any and all threats, his SOUL pounding as he tucked his children closer to his chest and tightened his grip around Beerus. It was only when those two boys, Goten and Trucks, called out 'sorry!' did his mind snap back to where he was. Not letting go of those he held onto, Error slowly calmed down as he took in his sons's beating SOULS and Beerus's pules under his hands. Listening close to these noises, Error was able to slowly calm down a bit.

The glitching skeleton felt more then saw the attack at first. He had been watching the two boys run around and playing, listening to their laughter when they had ran out of sight. Just when he glanced back to Beerus and the children did he feel something coming at them. Glancing out, all Error saw was water coming at them before he reacted to pull the three out of danger and tuck them into his chest so that he could better protect them.

In some AU's, water was a dangerous thing. More like poison or acid in some AU's, and more then once was it used against Error. Even normal water had been used, although drowning him is impossible as they soon found out like Error himself did when he tried it, like other methods, it didn't work for him.

In any case, Error had just reacted before he realized what he was doing. Many times this has saved him from being torn apart - literally in most cases - so he isn't sorry for it.

Letting go of Beerus, Error finally noticed the look on the other God's face. "bErRuS?"

Whis hummed, plainly looking to his First Lord in question. "Are you angry?"

"Is that what is looks like?" Beerus asked lowly, eyes still shut.

"Yes." Whis bluntly answered in return, not even missing a beat.

"Wrong, I'm not angry." Beerus answered, tail twitching. Then his eyes shot open, eyes small in anger. "I'm super angry!"

Before anyone could do anything - well, Error could have be gave no shits because he knew nothing would happen to him or the kids - Beerus let his energy go, making the food around him be destroyed, looking like they were never there to begin with. Purple Ki flew about, making Vegeta go flying back. Error didn't even blink at the feeling of destruction all around him, didn't flinch back at the power of the Ki, he was a Monster formed to be destruction and a power source, to take everything and anything and survive.

Whis was the same, not moving or flinching. Null and Void just clinched onto their Father, watching the purple God in awe as the power flew about.

They all watched as Beerus floated into the sky, most likely getting ready to destroy the planet.

Vegeta watched this all with a pounding heart, when a idea slammed itself in his head.

When what sounded like a war cry sounded out, Beerus jerked his head to see Vegeta running off the boat. The shock of the scream being enough to make Beerus stop letting off his power while he watched in confusion at what Vegeta was doing.

Beerus quickly floated down next to Error, the children and Whis. "What's he doing?"

"No idea..." Whis admitted, looking off into the ocean where Vegeta dived into.

"hE lOOks LIke mE WhEN i TriEd tO coMMit SuiCiDE bY juMpINg iNtO a DanGERoUS oCeaN, BuT tHIs oNE lOOks mORe pEacEfuL thEn tHE onE i jUmpEd inTo." Error hummed, missing Whis's and Beerus's looks at this information. Error glanced down to Null and Void, who were still in his arms. "nEvER DO thAT."

Both hurriedly nodded in agreement to their Father's weird demand.

Just as Whis opened his mouth - to ask if that was a normal thing for Error to do, because he said all that as if talking about the weather or why the sky was blue - something shot up out of the ocean, causing a massive explosion of water as it went high up in the air.

"A...octopUS?" Error squinted, taking in the huge red octopus that Vegeta held by one tentacle.

"Wow!" Void gasped in awe at the huge thing while Null's jaw was dropped. Both had heard stories of such things from their Daddy, but never did they think they would see it in real life. "That's amazing!"

The Saiyan Prince twirled the huge octopus before flinging it away. Bringing his hands together, he fired some Ki blasts that cause a explosions of colors, much like fireworks. All the people on deck watched in awe and shock while Error was twitching from it all, the blasts and color explosions reminding him of Gaster Blasters too much for his liking.

After that was all done, Vegeta flew back on deck with a tentacle over his shoulder. The next thing Error and the others knew, Vegeta was getting ready to cook in one of the booths.

"I'm gonna bring you some fluffy, crunchy treats in a second!" Vegeta called up to the group, leaning out of the booth and waving his hand.

"Hold the wasabi this time!" Krillin called back, not understanding that anything could be wrong or go wrong.

"Somehow I don't feel angry anymore." Beerus smirked, relaxing before glancing to Error.

"Being angry makes you hungry, too." Whis commented pleasantly.

"EveRYthINg makEs hIM hUngRy." Error snorted, bouncing the kids in his arms, making them giggle.

"Anyways, Lord Beerus, Lord Error, Did you try the dessert called pudding?" Whis asked the two, making them look at him.

"Pudding?" Beerus asked in confusion, pausing when he saw Error's eyes light up with recognition to the word.

"It has quite the smooth texture and tastes lovely." Whis explained with a grin, remembering the taste of the one he tried before.

"WhAT kIND oF pUDDinG?" Error asked, having a vague memory of what it was.

"Where is it?" Beerus asked in excitement when Whis shrugged in confusion at Error's question.

"I wanna try it too!" Void pouted, lightly patting Error's cheek to get his attention.

"Me too, Daddy!" Null said, tugging at Error's scarf.

"finE, FInE." Error sighed aloud, glancing to Whis. "yOU've BoTh hAVE hAD ENoUGH SavoRY FooDS tO havE a SWEEt. WeLL, WhiS?"

"Well, then..." Whis gestured for them all to follow him.

-With Vegeta-

Bulma beamed at Vegeta, the whole gang behind her as they watched Vegeta cooking in the booth. "You're going above and beyond to liven up your beloved wife's birthday party..." Her eyes soften. "I've misjudged you Vegeta."

Vegeta frowned and closed his eyes, feeling so stressed in that moment. "Shut uuup..." The prince whispered, wishing they all knew how close they were to being killed.

Luckily for him, they took his response as embarrassment.

-With The Destruction Group-

'He reminds me of something...' Error thought to himself as they all walked up to a table with a male human that had a afro and pink blob like being. The kids now on the ground and following after Whis instead of himself. 'What is it? It starts with a b I think...'

"Pardon me." Whis called out politely as they all stopped at the table. "The person at the stand told us he was all sold out. Could you please share a single one of those puddings with us?"

Error looked to the table and stilled at the sight of one of the glasses. Inside the glass was a brown pudding with a very familiar smell to it. 'Chocolate...'

"See? I told you you shouldn't hog them all to your own." The human looked to his companion before turning to the group.

'Oh, so this is it.' Beerus smiled at the sight of the pudding, feeling his mouth water at the smell and look to it. 'It's all wobbly and smooth...It looks delicious!'

"I'm sorry about that. Don't just ask for one, you all should have one." The human smiled at them all, beaming down at the children.

The blob frowned, moving the platter of puddings away from the group. "No! They're all Buu's!"

"Come on..." The human groaned at the pink blob.

"Pardon me. We come from a distant planet, you see." Whis took a step forward, bending down slightly to get a better look at them, putting a hand to his chest as he looked at the two sincerely. "If we miss out on this "pudding" food now, there's no telling when we'll get to eat it again, so..."

A swish, and then the blob - apparently called Buu - was licking and slobbering his tongue on all the bottles on the platter.

Beerus gave a scream of terror of the sight, eyes so wide they could pop out and mouth wide open.

Buu titled his head and opened his mouth to say something, but then took a closer look at the platter in his hands. It took a moment, but the sound of sniffing made his head soot up to see the tall skeleton had stolen the chocolate pudding right from under his nose! "You steal from me?!"

Error had saw what the blob had planned and just reacted like old times, stealing chocolate with others non the wiser about it. Holding the pudding cup up to his face, Error sniffed it. "iT iS ChoColATe!" Error positively beamed at this, wanting nothing more then to taste the sweet once more.

'Chocolate?!' Beerus was shocked at Error's face, never having seen the skeleton so happy before now. Then he remembered that night, where Error admitted to his nightmares. That night he also admitted to chocolate being his favorite food, but hasn't had it in years. So long ago in fact that Error has mostly forgotten what it tastes like.

Buu slammed down his plate, making the cups rattle as he snarled. "Give that back! I'm strong, so I have to eat a lot!" When Error didn't even look at him, Buu scowled deeply and got up, poked the human away - and making him go flying a few feet - when he tried to stop him.

Error blinked in completely confusion when Beerus stepped in front of him protectively, having no idea what was going on as he hadn't been paying them any mind. Whis pulled the children away, making sure that they were out of the way and standing in front of them protectively.

"So that's your reasoning?" Beerus's face darkened, daring the pink beast to try anything. He made a signal behind his back to Error, for him not to try anything or do anything. Error lightly shifted and then lightly kicked his foot to Beerus's, showing he understood.

Buu shot up, flaring his Ki thus making the table go flying. Small pieces of debris floated around the three. Error looking confused but eyes hard and glowing, Beerus's face dark yet smug, and Buu looking angered at the slights against him.

Vegeta gaped, dropping the octopus balls he just made. "S-Stop it!" He yelled out in warning, but they all paid him no mind.

Then, Buu reached out and started punching rapidly at Beerus's face, the God not even moving a inch as he let it happen. Error just stared down at Buu, making Buu hit all the harder in anger.

"Oh, my..." Whis sighed, shaking his head. Turning his head around, he caught sight of a both. Glancing down at the children - who were staring at the fight before them - Whis started hurdling them to the booth. "Come Little Lords, why don't we have something tasty while we wait for your Father and Beerus to be done?"

"But-!" Null and Void both started to argue only for Whis to shake his head, making both boys pause.

"It won't take long." Whis smiled as he waved them to the booth. "And you know your Father would rather you be away from the fighting, he wouldn't want you two getting hurt in any way you know."

"Okay...." Null pouted while Void sadly nodded.

"Don't look so sad!" Whis laughed. "You can still see the fight from over there! You just not so close to it!"

Buu grunted as he hit harder, starting to slow down. Bringing his fist back, he got ready for a even stronger hit. "Fly away! Give me back my pudding cup you ugly skeleton!" Flinging his fist forward, it was caught mid-way by Beerus.

With open eyes, Buu struggled to get his fist out from Beerus's, but couldn't.

"I'm a very generous God." Beerus stated as he watched the pink beast struggle. With no effort at all, he picked Buu up with one arm, Error ducked down with no words needed, and Beerus started swinging Buu around at a fast pace.

"But there's just one thing I absolutely cannot stand." Beerus said calmly over Buu's, eyes closed before he peeked them open.

After a moment, the purple God swung Buu up into the air. Before anyone knew it, Beerus too was up in the air, catching Buu by his antenna.

Buu struggled mid-air while Beerus looked at him blankly. "And that is the insensitivity of people who won't give me my due respect!"

Beerus glanced down at the yacht, to Whis who was eating, to Null and Void who were running to Error now that Buu was gone, and to Error, who still had the chocolate pudding cup and was staring up at him, watching what was going on in curiosity.

Eyes snapping to the struggling blob, the God lowly growled so that only the the other could hear. "I suppose now, it would be two things that I can not stand." Beerus smirked darkly, eyes flashing. "Those who can not treat those who are mine with the respect they are due!"

With that, the God twirled Buu once more. Listening to the pained screams before tossing him off.

Dazed and confused, Buu fell to the ocean, not able to fly off. With a deep frown, Beerus powered up a Ki attack in his hand and aimed. Once in sight, Beerus smirked and fired with no regret. The yellow attack hit on target, and Buu's scream echoed before dying off suddenly.

The Ki blasted Buu off and into the ocean, the ocean itself exploding. The attack rocked the yacht, almost tipping it over. Everyone one board but four hanged on for dear life as water blinded them. Whis was just happily eating and watching everything, Null and Void were safely in their Father's hold, and said Father didn't even move a inch even as the boat tipped before righting itself.

Vegeta scrambled to right himself, head shooting up to stare up at Lord Beerus who stared right back down at him. All the Saiyan Prince could do was tremble, the words echoing in his ears like so many years ago. It brought back memories of his own Father and what Lord Beerus did to him. He didn't even want to chance looking at what the other God was doing or looked like right now, knowing that one Destroyer was pissed off was enough right now. Knowing that two of them were ready to destroy the place would shatter him.

With a sinking heart, Vegeta glared even as he shook, realization hitting him harder then ever as Lord Beerus smirked down at him.

'It's over...'

'It's all over.'

It finally hit Error, who eyes widen in realization. "bUbBlEGuM! ThAT's WhaT hE rEmINDeD mE oF!"

-End Chapter-

So here it is! And god am I glad it is done. Not that I didn't enjoy making it, it was just that I worked on it nonstop until it was done. I really wanted to do this one, but I also wanted to do it right no matter how many words and pages it took.

There are differences between Canon!Beerus and this Beerus. One of the main differences is about the Super Saiyan God that they are looking for.

Canon!Beerus wants a equal fighter, someone who can go toe to toe with him or even beat him in a fight. He wants that rush and feel of a fair and equal fight as he has no one to fight him. He could fight one of the other Gods of Destruction, but there are rules and laws that forbid that as it can destroy the whole Universe if that happened.

Beerus in this story, while wanting to fight this Super Saiyan God very much, has Error. While a God of Destruction as well, Error is from a different Multiverse with no Ki. Meaning that Error is a loophole in the rules and laws of the Gods of Destruction in the DBZ universe, the rules and laws hold no weight on him as he doesn't have to follow them. And with no Ki, Beerus and Error could fight without destroying off the Universe unless they got really careless while fighting. But he doesn't want to force Error into a fight because wither he admits it or not, Beerus does care and have a fondness for Error. But on the other hand, Beerus gets that rush when not physically fighting Error, he gets them when they play against each other in challenges; like racing or those puppet fights. So while he wants to fight the Saiyan God, he is also fine without it unlike Canon!Beerus.

Error will eventually fight, but not just yet.

-On another note, I wanted to tell you about some other stories I am working on for this book. I have been getting requests or suggestions for stories, and while I love that, I wanted to let you all know what I have working on or a idea for so you're not all suggesting the same thing over and over again. If you have suggestions for the stories themselves, I am happy to hear them. I also am happy to hear other places Error can land in as well. I can't promise I can make them or use the idea/suggestion, but I always enjoy hearing them. Keep in mind I am also working on other parts of stories I have up as well, like I have part two of Cops, Robbers, Strippers and Error on the works, but because the story is already up and running, I will not put that up on the list I have made.

-World/AU,Name Of story,Error(Erratum) Pairing if it is decided along with other pairings that are decided if there are any - Pairing and Name might change later on though as the stories are not yet up. (If it is a AU I made up, I will not put the name of the AU as it doesn't have one. I will put up the story name and pairing if there is one though. You can read about the AU description when the story is published, like with what I did with CRSE. Something to look forward to. These are not in order of how they will come out, they will come when I finish the first part whenever that will be.)

- Vampire-Verse, The Fallacy Of Lord Error, Pairings Undecided

- DreamSwap!Multiverse, Miscalculated Dreams, Erratum/DS!Dream, DS!Dream/Erratum, DS!Error/DS!Cross, DS!Cross/DS!Error, one-sided DS!Nightmare/Erratum, DS!Ink/Erratum and DS!Blueberry/Erratum

- Heathers (Mostly based off the Musical, but will be using elements of the movie. More explained in the chapter. with UnderTale AU characters in place of the other characters), Errors For The Heathers, Marvul/Error, Error/Marvul (Starts out very one-sided)

- One Piece, The Glitching Pirate, Error/Zoro, Zoro/Error - Requested/Suggest by TwoTone on AO3

- PJ's Daycare, Erratum's Daycare, Pairings Undecided

- Swap!Multiverse, Rebooting Errors, Error/Reboot, Reboot/Error

- CEO Multiverse(With a ton of differences in it that I am making, so it might not look like the CEO Multiverse when I'm done with it, warnings.), Business Errors, Pairing Undecided

- The Nightmare Before Christmas, A Very Glitched Up Halloween, Jack Skellington/Error, Error/Jack Skellington

- Danny Phantom, Ghost King Error, Pairing Undecided for Error, Older!Null/Danny, Older!Void/Ember

- Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel In Errors, Pairing Undecided

- Looking Into A Flawed Mirror, Error/Erratum, Erratum/Error, a lot of one-sided relationships

- Number One Father, Error Begs To Differ(Thinking of a better name, so this one's name is most likely going to change.), Pairing Undecided

I have other ideas as well, but I have not yet started working on them so I won't put them down unless you really want me to. If I start working on a idea for a story, I will put it down so that you know that world/AU is being worked on. You can suggest any world/AU - cartoon, anime, movie, comic, ect. It can even be a huge crossover and/or AU world that you made up for all I care! Any ideas for the stories above or other stories I have made I will also read. But I can not promise anything, for that I'm sorry.

Again, you can make suggestions for ideas for these stories or even offer up a new idea for a story for this book, I don't mind it and in fact love it! If you don't want everyone to see the idea in the comments, you can message me on Wattpad if this is the case, I don't mind.

Words(And wholly crap I just looked at the word count just now and am having a heart attack at the number! I just beat out my previous word count by a long shot! Time for me to go and celebrate~!): 30,064

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