❤️ Oh No You're Cute ❤️
Requested by: Quotev user Lord explosion murder
Raph meets the reader, who's also a snapping turtle, and he immediately falls head over heals with her. While he's a pretty big snapping turtle, the reader is a smol one. And Raph just turns into a shy lovable mess.
Raph X Mutant Snapping Turtle Reader
"Nothin' here," Raph said into the wallow talkie. He and his brothers were spread out throughout the city, looking for some bad guys whose butts they could kick. However, so far, that was turning out to be unsuccessful, as the streets were pretty peaceful this night.
It was then he heard some footsteps and some rustling in the trash. He hummed and jumped down in curiosity. He landed on his feet, creating a loud thump in the process.
The rustling stopped, and a figure hid in the shadows. "Hey-Hey, don't worry! I know I'm not exactly the most normal lookin' guy, but I'm not gonna hurt ya!"
Footsteps could be heard from behind him. He turned around and saw you, and oH NO YOU'RE CUTE.
Raph could feel his face heat up as he saw you were a quite short female snapping turtle. You looked up at him with (E/C) eyes, which were perfectly complimented by your (F/C) mask.
"Uh...Hey," you greeted, rubbing the back of your head.
Raph blinked a few times, before saying, "O-Oh! Uhm... H-Hey, uh, th-the name's Raph! And... And, uh...You are...?"
"(Y/N)," you greeted.
"W-Well, uhm... N-Nice to meet ya, (Y/N)!" he said, holding his hand out for you to shake.
You hesitantly took his hand and slowly shook it. "Well... It's nice to know I'm not the only friendly mutant out here," you chuckled, a grin on your face.
Raph nodded, humming, "Mhm. Y-Yeah. N-Nice to know."
You awkwardly glanced around, "So... Can I have my hand back?" Realizing he was still holding your hand, he quickly pulled away.
"Eheh, s-sorry..." he said, scratching his neck.
You chuckled and shook your head, "No, no, it's fine, really."
You two looked away, feeling a bit awkward, until you asked, "So...Wanna hang out or somethin', or...?"
Raph blinked a few times before nodding, a grin on his face, "Y-Yeah! S-Sounds cool! Uhm- Y-You in the mood for, uhm... pizza?"
"I'll take pizza over food in the dumpster any time," you said, your hands on your hips.
"Man, where'd he go?" Leo asked as he was leaning on his sword, Donnie was on his phone, and Mikey was laying down on his skateboard, "He was supposed to be here an hour ago!"
"Relax, Leo," Donnie said, still not looking up from his phone, "I'm sure he just got distracted by something. He'll be back soon."
"Yeah, but still..." Leo sighed, before shaking his head, "I'll go look for him." He jumped off to another rooftop, as Mikey pushed himself off his skateboard.
"Hey! Wait up!"
As Mikey jumped over after him, Donnie sighed, turning off his phone and facepalmed. "Hold on, I'm coming as well," he called out, putting his phone away and going after them.
As they searched, Mikey heard laughter in the distance. "Hey, did ya hear that?" he asked, stopping to look around. Talking and laughing could be heard once again.
The three brothers didn't hesitate to rush over and check the source of the noise, and there they saw two snapping turtles eating some pizza, talking and laughing. One with a red mask, the other with a (F/C) one.
"Wha...? Who's that?" Mikey questioned as you continued the story you were telling Raph.
"I am unsure. However, what I am sure about is the fact that they're most likely the one that's kept Raph distracted for quite a long time," Donnie said, noticing the small bit of red on Raph's face, "And it seems as though Raph has grown quite attached to his new friend."
"What're you—" Leo started saying, before noticing the red on Raph's face and how much he was stuttering, "Ohoho! I see..."
"Come on! let's go talk to them!" Mikey exclaimed, before running over.
"Man, that sounds like quite the—"
"Hey Raph! Hey other turtle we've never met before!" Mikey cut you off as he and his brothers walked over.
"Oh! Hey! You guys're Raph's brothers, right?" you asked, standing up, "Raph and I were just talking about you guys! Leo, Donnie and Mikey, right?"
"Mhm, the one and onlys," Leo said, gesturing to him and his brothers, "And it seems as though you and our brother have been having quite the fun time with each other, correct?"
"Yep! Raph's actually been really nice," you said, pointing over at Raph- who was now standing up as well- with your thumb.
"Eheh, w-well, uh, you've-you've been really nice yourself, (Y/N)!" Raph said, a large grin on his face. Mikey, Leo, and Donnie glanced at each other, seemingly silently speaking with each other, before looking back.
Donnie finally spoke, "Well, we should be heading back to the lair. Patrol should've ended about half an hour ago."
You hummed, nodding, before looking over at Raph. "Hey, maybe we could meet up somewhere when you're free?" you suggested, "Maybe at... Bewlings Lane?"
"Uh- Y-Yeah! Sure!" Raph said, nodding and holding a thumbs up.
"Well, I'll see ya then!" you said, a large smile on your face.
You and Raph waved to each other as Raph and his brothers made their way back to their lair. You chuckled, before looking back and noticing the leftover pizza. "Well, I can't let good pizza go to waste," you said, humming as you picked up the boxes and made it back to the small place you liked to call home.
"So... Raph... About that other turtle... Do you happen to have any... Romantic feel—"
"Welp, bye."
Raph didn't hesitate to separate himself from the group by jumping down into an alleyway and finding a way to the lair from there.
994 words
Hope you enjoyed that one! Sorry about the silly bonus ending, I just found my opportunity and couldn't resist. Well, even with that bonus, I hope you enjoyed this oneshot, and I hope I get more requests!
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