He Realizes He Likes You More Than A Friend


About a month had passed, and Raph had been coming over more and more often. You didn't mind, though, he was pretty cool. But, you've been noticing that the majority of his visits, he's been talking to you most of the time. And it seems like April's noticed this, too. However, she didn't seem to mind. In fact, she seemed a bit... excited about it?

You shook off the thought and continued to play some Candy Crush on your phone. Just as you were about to beat the level you were currently on, you heard a tapping sound. You paused your game and looked up, seeing the all-too-familiar Raphael standing right outside your window.

You turned your phone off and put it in your pocket. You got up and opened the window, greeting him with a smile. "Hey, Big Red! What's up?" He chuckled and said, "Nothin' much (N/N). That's actually the reason I came; wanna hang?" You giggled and said, "Alright, Big Re—" "Actually, Raph, d'you kind of I talk t'you 'bout something?" April asked, poking her head into the room. Raph glanced over at you. You nodded, signaling that you could wait, and he walked over to April, who dragged him to the kitchen. April couldn't stop giggling the entire time, causing Raph to become both confused and concerned about what was going to happen next.

April made you you couldn't hear her. "Raph, I've noticed you've started getting close to my little couz..." she said, a smirk never leaving her face. Raph mumbled a quick, "Um" before saying, "Sorry Ape, if you've got a problem with—" "No no no, I'm fine with it, I'm completely fine."

Her giggling started to return. "In fact... I was wondering if you wanted to... you know... take things to the next level with her?" "What're you- oh..." Raph mumbled in realization. You? And him? A thing? Yeah, like someone as great as you would wanna date a giant turtle. I mean, what was he? A turtle. What were you? Brave, shameless, independent, he should really be asking what you weren't. He soon realized his face was becoming as red as his mask.

Unfortunately for him, so did April.

"So... you like her, huh?"
"...maybe...just a bit..."
"...I want a nephew—"


You and Leo would always hang out whenever you felt like it. It didn't have to be planned, you didn't even have to talk about it. It was like all one of you would have to do is say, "I'm bored," and the other would appear two feet behind you and be like, "Yo, waddup bish?"

You giggled at the thought of it as you leaped over alleyways and scanned the area. From the distance, you could hear a familiar voice saying, "Man, it's so boring today..." You rolled your eyes and began running to the source of the sound.

You saw Leo sitting on the edge of a building, his sword on his lap, supporting himself with his arms. You sneakily snuck up behind him. You waited a few seconds before grabbing his shoulders and yelling, "GOTCHA!" He screamed the girliest scream you've ever heard- possibly even girlier than either of your sisters'- and attempted to slash his sword at you, nearly falling off the roof. You ducked in time and, once again, saved him from falling off the roof.

"Really, Leo? You're making this into a daily routine," you said, hoisting him back up to his feet. She chuckled and shrugged, saying, "Well, I guess I can't help falling for you." He winked.

Oh yeah, did I mention he was a fricken flirt machine?

"Pff- that was so bad," you said, trying to hold in a laugh. "Not as bad as I want you," he replied, wrapping an arm around your waist. You giggled and flicked his forehead. "You dork."

He pulled his arms back and rubbed the back of his head, some pink being clearly visible on his face. "Hey, you wanna hang? Y'know, get some pizza or something?" he asked. You smiled and said, "Sure, sounds good!"


"Later, Leon!" you called out, jumping away. Leo grinned and turned around, only to be met by none other than Donnie. He helped and fell backwards. Once he realized who the purple clad turtle was, he wrapped an arm around his shoulders, saying, "Donnie! Wasn't expecting you! How ya doin'?" Donnie shoved Leo's arm off his shoulders, saying, "I'm here to pick you up from your little date. Now c'mon, the others are waiting." "Alright! Let's—" Wait... date?

"Woah woah woah woah, WOAH! What'd you say?" Leo said, taking a few steps back and putting his hands up. Donnie scoffed and said, "I'm here to pick you up from your little date. Now—" "What?! Date?! L-Listen, bro, don't get me wrong, (Y/N)'s awesome and all, not only that but she's talented, charming...maybe even a little cute- Wait, what?" He realized his hands were cupped together as he was ranting on about how amazing you were. Donnie raised his eyebrow with a look that said, "You were saying?"

Leo shook it off and said, "But trust me, she's just a friend!" Donnie sighed and shook his head. He placed a hand on Leo's shoulder and said, "My dear brother, you were just ranting on about why you adored her, that should be proof enough. But if it isn't, allow me to continue; You no longer spend hours in the lair just thinking about one-liners you could use in battle, you think of one-liners you could use on (Y/N). And remember the one time you flirted with her, she decided to flirt back? Your face was red that we couldn't see your marks anymore. For six days. You're always trying to show off in front of her, and not to mention, when you're not going on little dates with (Y/N), nor trying to think of those little flirts you could use to win her attention, you're going on and on about how amazing she is. If that's not proof enough, I'm not sure what is."

Donnie removed his hand as Leo stared into space. He seemed to be in a sort of daze. Donnie walked off to give him a bit of time and space, already knowing what was going to happen. It didn't take long for Leo to snap out of his short trance.

"I HAVE A CRUSH ON (Y/N) (L/N)!!" Donnie gave a small sigh of frustration as he heard a portal open.


"Slowly... slooowwlllyyyy..." Donnie said as he held the back of your hand in his, helping you pour the green substance in the blue liquid. As soon as a single drop reached the surface, the blue liquid turned purple and started fizzing up.

"Oh god," you mumbled as you placed the green substance to the side, examining the now purple substance as little sparks emitting from it, a crackling sound gradually getting louder and louder.

"Look out!" you yelled as you tackled him to the ground. The glass of the container broke as the purple liquid exploded, causing it to get everywhere. Some of it got on your arm, causing it to sting. You hissed in pain, grabbing your arm. Donnie held your arm and saw that it was slightly bleeding. He hummed to himself, "Seems like it was acidic...no worries, it wasn't harmful enough to cause any serious damage, but we should get you bandaged up." You nodded as Donnie wrapped your arm around himself and brought you to his room. He laid you down on his bed and said, "Alright, I'll be right back with the bandages, alright?" You nodded and smiled as he walked out.

Just as he closed the door and turned around, he was met face to face with his brothers, who were either smirking or grinning like an idiot. Donnie sighed, already knowing what they were going to say.

"Dude! You like—?!" "Shhh- UP UP UP UP PA PA PAP! I know what you're going to say, and yes, I have been...feeling this way for quite a while." His brothers stared at him.

Donnie took a deep breathe and said, "I like (Y/N) in a romantic way." His brothers continued to stare. "Wait...so...you're not trying to hide it from us?" Leo said, questioningly, while his brothers stood by him confused. Donnie shook his head and said, "No. It's simply a fact."

"So...you won't mine me telling (Y/N) then?" Leo's smirk returned. Donnie's eyes widened. "Hey, hey! I never said tha—!"



You hummed as you ruffled your feathers, ready for take-off. Just as you were about to jump, you heard a familiar voice call out your name from behind.

"(Y/N)!" Mikey yelled out, rushing towards you. You turned around and greeted him with a smile. "Hey Mike! What's up?" He had a bit of pink on his face as he grinned and said, "W-Well, I was just, uh, painting in the lair, and um... decided to paint you something, so... here!"

He held up the picture for you to see. It had a pair of white wings that looked exactly like yours but with light (F/C) tips. They were coming out from and slightly wrapping around a bright (F/C) heart with (S/F/C) swirls swirling around it.

"Oh, Mikey, it's awesome!" you exclaimed, hugging him and flying a few feet off the ground. You both giggled as you landed back down. "Here, keep it," he said, putting it in your hands. You smiled and said, "Thanks Mikey, I'll put it up in my room."

You then re-prepared yourself for flight, but not without giving Mikey one last side smile, and took off. He grinned as he watched you soar off into the distance, and soon disappear.

He sighed and turned around to be met with all three of his brothers. He yelped, jumping back again. "Wha- WHAT'RE YOU GUYS—?!" "They grow up so fast!" Raph said as small tears formed in the corners of his eyes and he pulled Mikey into a spine-crushing hug.

"ACK- Wha—?" "Dude! You've got your first crush! And before me!" Leo exclaimed. As soon as Raph put Mikey down, Leo said a quick, "Good job!" before slapping his back.

"Wha- GUYS! SHE'S JUST A—!" "—Friend? I don't think so," Donnie butt in, "You have been taking quite a fondness towards her. A fondness you don't even show towards April. It definitely seems like you share a bond with her that exceeds friendship."

Just as Mikey was about to protest, he froze.
I have been acting pretty weird around her...
BUT! Maybe I could just think she's a really cool friend...
BUT! I think April's a really good friend, and I don't act this way around her...
BUT! Then again, April's not half mutant, so maybe that's what makes (Y/N) so cool...
BUT! This whole conversation in my head has been about how cool (Y/N) is...
He gasped.


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