He Admits He Likes You
You were all hanging out at April's house, because fun, am I right?
Raph grumbled as he watched Leo use constant one-liners on you. They weren't even good one-liners, but they managed to make you laugh. And honestly, that's what ticked off Raph so much.
Now, if by any chance Leo did somehow win your heart, Raph...wouldn't know what to do. Yeah, he liked you, but at the same time, he loved his brother, so really, he'd be pretending to be happy for you, but he'd probably be screaming at himself on the inside.
Just as he snapped out of his 'What would I do if my brother started dating my crush?' mode, Leo told you he was going to go get some snacks.
Now was his chance.
As soon as Leo left, Raph walked over to you. "Hey (N/N)!" he said in his usual cheery voice. But you noticed something was...off. You ignored it, thinking of it to be just your emotions being weird and said, "Hey Big Red, what's up?" Raph sat down beside you and said, "I noticed you've been hanging 'round Leo lately... Uh, not that I -uh - have a problem with that or anything'! Just, uh...d-d'you...l-like him by any chance?" Raph silently swore at himself for stuttering.
"Oh! Yeah! Of course I do!" Raph's eyes widened. "He's like a brother to me!" He took a breathe of relief. "Hey, uh...(Y/N)?" You hummed in response. Raph scratches the back of his head, "D-D'you happen to have, a um...c-crush?" Your face went slightly pink as you turned away and mumbled, "I...I mean, yeah...I just don't know if he likes me back..." "Oh..."Raph mumbled.
You two sat in silence until you fake coughed and asked, "So, um...d-d'you have a crush?" He responded with, "Erm...y-yeah...you actually know them pretty well..." "Is it April?" you asked. Raph slightly flinched, "Wha- N-No! I-I mean, there's nothin' wrong with April, she's one of my best friends, i-it's just...I like someone else..." "Who is it?" you asked, inching slightly closer to him.
"W-Well...they have (H/L), (H/C) hair..."
"Some really nice (E/C) eyes..."
"Soft (S/C) skin..."
"Go on..."
"And one of the coolest names I've ever heard."
"What is it?"
Raph grinned, "(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N)."
You stared at him. Your eyes started to water as you hugged him. "*sniff* Raph... I... *sniff* I r-really like you t-to—"
You both jumped and saw Leo in the doorway. "I was wondering when my awesome one-liners would get you jealous enough to confess!" You giggled as Raph just stood there.
"Um...Leo, I think you broke him," you said through giggles. Leo chuckled as he walked out and said, "Welp, I'll give you love-birds some time alone. Later!"
"So...Raph, you alright?"
"Big Red?"
You snickered, "How about a date? Next week?"
He nods.
"Nice. Welp, Imma go get some snacks, k?"
"...hopefully you'll be fixed by the time I get back."
(DISCLAIMER: I can not learn Japanese to save my life. I'm using Google Translate, so if the one line that I wrote in Japanese (and possibly more things that'll probably be in Japanese as well in the future) sounds weird, that's why)
You sat on the rooftop, your naginata in your lap, your normal kunoichi outfit on, as you hummed the tune to (F/L/S). (favorite love song)
Leo climbed up the roof and sat beside you. "(F/L/S), right?" he asked. You nodded, pausing the song. "It's one of my favorite songs. It also reminds me of someone..." You whispered the last part, hoping Leo couldn't hear you.
Unfortunately, he did. "Who's it remind you of?" he questioned. You tensed up. "S...Someone I like..." Leo's usual grin started to falter. "Oh...so...like...your crush?" You nodded. He nodded slightly and looked down.
"By any chance...do you have a crush?" you asked. Leo sighed and said, "Yeah, I do...but I know she doesn't like me..." "How?" you asked. "...it's you," he answered, "But by the sounds of it, you already have a crush." You stared at him shocked. But then, you smiled, pulled your face-mask sand pecked his cheek.
"Watashi no tokimeki...Anata wa."
You giggled as Leo's face turned red and ran off, leaving him dumbfounded.
"...what did she say?"
He ran home and put what you said into Google Translate. His eyes lit up as the translation read, "My crush...is you." (I mean, I actually did this, and it said, "My crush...You are," but hey, close enough)
He rejoiced and jumped around yelling, "MY CRUSH LIKES ME BACK!" as his brothers tried to calm him down.
Right before he could destroy the whole lair, he got a text.
"Hey, you free for a date next week? Maybe at the same museum we met at?" - (Y/N) the Ninja Girl
Leo - "Yep, m'free"
"Nice! See you there, Leon" - (Y/N) the Ninja Girl
The boys were lucky their lair was still standing.
Lately, Donnie has been acting...strange.
Like, he would treat you with more respect than he would his brothers, and would get very protective over you.
Like how he did a few hours ago.
You were walking back home from school. You felt a rock hit the back of your head, though it didn't exactly hurt that much. Either;
(a) You were pretty tough, since the rock was actually pretty big
(b) Whoever threw it had a super weak throwing arm
(c) All of the above
Aaand it seems like it was (b). ...Well, it might have been (c), but you knew for sure it was at least (b) since you saw the person who threw it was Navaeh Lance. (feel free to change it if it's your name) The "pretty" girl with noodle arms, chicken legs but thighs the size of a chicken itself, a stomach skinnier than a piece of paper, eye-bleeding highlights in her hair, enough skin showing she was practically wearing a swimsuit, the and fakest tan that was almost as fake as her breasts.
"Oh look! It's the nerdy freak!" she yelled.
"Oh look! It's the Barbie Doll!" you yelled back.
"Oh look! It's the girl with the soon-to-be broken spine!" Mac, her boyfriend, said, walking up behind her and cracking his knuckles.
"Oh look! It's 4:52 p.m.! I should be getting back to my brother, and you two should go back to making out in the janitor's closet!" you said, turning around and walking away.
"Oh, you're not getting away that easily, b****!" Mac said, running towards you. "Pfff- CYA!" you yelled, sprinting away.
You were running for what seemed like forever. "Y'know what? Screw it. That guy wants a fight, he's gonna get it," you said between heavy breathes. You gradually stopped and turned around, only to see Mac not there.
"Looking for this young man?" a familiar voice asked from the rooftops. He jumped down and out of the shadows. You held in a laugh as you saw that Donnie had Mac tied up and thrown over his shoulder with a gag in his mouth.
"*snicker* D-Donnie, wha... Pfff— You-You just," you let out a small chuckle. You cleared your throat and finally gained some seriousness. You took a deep breathe and motioned at Mac, "Explain?"
Donnie threw him down and said, "Well, I saw you running from him, and I thought, 'Well, I obviously can't have my crush beaten up,' and so I did this!"
You giggled. Until you realized the 'my crush' part.
"Your...crush?" Donnie stiffened. "Well, erm...y'see (Y/N)...I've been, uh...well...I've been feeling some...romantic feelings towards you, and, erm...how d'you day this? I...I couldn't find the words to tell you."
You stood there in a daze. You stayed that way for about two minutes, Donnie started to worry for you. "Hey, (Y/N)? Earth to (Y/N)?" he said, waving his hand in front of your face.
You snapped out of your little trance and looked around, noticing that Mac was trying to scoot away.
"Hold up," you said, "I wanna do this at least once." You walked over to Mac and kicked him in the face, knocking him out. You chuckled, "Hah! Perfect revenge!" Donnie smirked and said, "I think I know a...better revenge."
Navaeh was scrolling through her social media, until she heard a knocking noise on her window.
"What the f***?" she wondered. She opened the window and screamed. Her boyfriend was there, tied up, hanging upside down from a tree branch.
You and Donnie watched the scene unfold from the rooftop. You two chuckled. You said, "Oh, and by the way, Donnie..." You kissed his nose, "I like you
He made a shocked face with his jaw hanging open. However, it didn't last long, since his shocked face turned into a (trying to be) sly smirk as he said, "Well then, how's about we have a date? Maybe around...next week I'd say?" You giggled and said, "Alright, I'd love to! See you then, Don," you said, climbing down the fire escape, and waking home.
Once Donnie knew(/thought) you were out of sight and ear range, he yelled, "HahaHA, YES!" and did his victory dance.
However, you heard the whole thing. You giggled and shook your head, "What a dork."
"Gah! How am I supposed to do this?!" Mikey exclaimed, waving his hands in the air. He, his brothers, and April were standing on a roof, talking about you.
"Hold up, mind tellin' me more 'bout this (Y/N) girl?" April questioned. "My pleasure!" Mikey exclaimed as he got up, not even noticing you were flying around nearby.
"Huh?" you hummed, seeing Mikey and his brothers on a roof with another girl. You slowly and silently started flying closer.
"She's kind of a part mutant bird, part human! It's so cool! Though I have to admit, she looks more like an angel than a half bird." You landed silently behind him. April, Leo, Raph, and Donnie notices you. Donnie smirked, Leo and Raph chuckled, and April put a finger over her lips, signaling for you to stay silent.
"So...tell me more," April said. "Well, she has beautiful (H/L), (H/C) hair, I could just run my fingers through it! Her (E/C) eyes pierce into my soul, I swear I see her white wings sparkle every time she flies, and her (S/C) skin shines in the moonlight, and it's so soft, I just wanna hug her!" Mikey continued with dramatic movements.
Mikey sighed and sat down, "The thing is...I just don't know how to tell her I like her!" April, Raph, Donnie, and Leo all motioned for you to do something. You blinked a few times, and smirked, your blush still there, but not as severe as before.
You slowly snuck up behind Mikey as his brothers and friend snickered. "What's so funny?" he questioned. "*snicker* W-Well...the thing is...you don't have to confess to her now," Raph said, trying to hold in a laugh.
"What're you—" he felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around. "Huh—?" "I LIKE YOU TOO, MIKEY!" you exclaimed, hugging him and flying into the sky, spinning around. His brothers and April cheered and whistled as Mikey yelped.
As soon as he noticed it was you, his face turned slightly pink and he laughed. "(Y/N)!" he exclaimed, hugging you back.
You flew back down and both your feet touched the roof. "Heheh, how long were you there?" he questioned, his blush growing a bit darker. You snickered and said, "Since the 'She has beautiful (H/L), (H/C) hair I could just run my fingers through it!' part."
April, Donnie, Leo, and Raph couldn't take it anymore and burst into laughter, some of them falling over.
Mikey awkwardly scratched the back of his head as you smirked, shaking your head and crossing your arms, "Hey, how about a date? Next week?" His eyes lit up as he said, "Alright! Sounds nice!" "Alright, c'ya Mike," you said, kissing his cheek. You winked and flew off.
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