A Date Gone Wrong
You jumped down into the sewers in some casual clothes. Not too fancy, but a little fancier than what you normally wear. Your shoes made a quiet splash as they hit the water. You continued walking, when you heard some giggling in the lair, followed by a scream. That was enough to turn your slow walking into a sprint.
Once you arrived at the lair, there was nobody in sight. You looked around, confused, and just as you were about to call out someone's name, a green hand put their hand on your mouth from behind.
"Shhhhhh!" Raph shushed you, "It's Mrs. Cuddles! She came back!"
...I'm sorry, w h a t ?
"Erm, Raph, who is—?" You were cut off by a giant stuffed bunny jumping in front on you. Just as you were about to scream, Raph covered your mouth, "Don't! She gets bigger the more you scream!"
"Aw, don't be like that, Raphie!" Miss Cuddles said in a childish voice as she held Donnie's staff. She pressed a button and turned it into a chainsaw. "Now...give me a big scream!" she yelled, swinging her saw at the two of you. Raph grabbed you and jumped out of the way.
"Where are the others?!" you questioned. Miss Cuddles giggled, "In a place where their screams can make me bigger and bigger forever! Now...IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO JOIN THEM!"
She continued to swing the saw, the two of you dodging as you yelled, "This was supposed to be the perfect date, and you just had to ruin it!" You could see Miss Cuddles grow just a bit as she giggled.
"Hehehe! Thanks for the yell, but I'm looking for a scream!" she yelled, bringing her saw down once again and cut a small chunk of skin off.
"(Y/N)!" Raph yelled, not even noticing, nor caring, that Miss Cuddles was growing even more. He rushed over to your side, holding you.
"Ah— I-It's fine Raph. B-Besides..." you said, getting up eight Raph's help, "We've gotta take down this big bunny bully." You chuckled.
You heard Miss Cuddles groan in pain. You looked over at her in confusion as Raph seemed to just come into realization. "Stop giggling!" she screamed in agony, covering her large ears, "No giggling! Your giggles make me smaller! I need a SCREAM!"
She lunged at you two. Raph picked you up bridal style and jumped out of the way. "(Y/N)! Keep laughing!" he yelled, "Please! This is a serious situation!"
You snickered, "Really? You're telling me a giant bunny is serious?" You started giggling. "Gah!" Miss Cuddles yelled, getting even smaller. "That's it! You big meanies! I've had enough! I don't care anymore! You give me no screams, I give you no more time to live!" She started laughing maniacally and swung her chainsaw like a maniac.
Raph looked down at you in his arms, "Sorry, (Y/N)." "Sorry for wha- PFFF- BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!" You burst into laughter as Raph started tickling your sides.
"Stop it!" Miss Cuddles yelled, attempting to swing the saw, but was now too small to even hold it. She grunted in frustration and attempted to punch Raph. All she achieved was looking no more intimidating than Warren Stone.
"BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! R-RAPH! SH-SHE'S SMALL AGAIN! GAHAHAHAHAHAHA, YOU CAN STOP NOW!" you yelled between laughs. Raph chuckled and stopped. You took some deep breathes as Miss Cuddles continued her pathetic attempts of attacking.
"Hah...hahah...I'll...I'll get you back someday..." you said between breathes. Raph chuckled once again as he put you down and grabbed Miss Cuddles, shoving her into her box.
Time skip to a few hours later. You had untied the boys and your cousin, and Raph was just now wrapping your arm in a bandage.
"L-Listen (Y/N), I-I'm so sorry I forgot to tell ya 'bout this whole...thing. I-I just— I lost track of time, a-and I didn't realize you were comin' over for our date, a-and— I-I'm sorry our date's ruined, I—" You put a finger over his lips to shush him.
"It's no problem, Big Red. You didn't know, I didn't know, nobody could've known! It's nobody's fault. Besides, who said the date was ruined? We can still have it now," you said as Raph had just finished bandaging you up.
He grinned and said, "Heh, yeah. I'd like that." He scratched the back of his head and you giggled as April and the other turtles watched from the other side of the room.
"Aww~ Young love~" April said, putting her hands together. "April, they're only a year younger than you," Donnie said with a deadpanned face. April shrugged and said, "Young enough for me." The rest of the day was spent by you and Raph binge watching Jupiter Jim movies as April tried to think of the best ship name for you two.
"I gotta go, you two!"
"No! Don't go, big sissy!"
"I won't be long!"
"Yes you will!"
You tried desperately to pry your sisters off your legs, but they clung on too tightly. You sighed and sat down on your bed.
"Come on! I'm going to be late to my date!" you said, pointing at the clock. That was true; your date with Leo was going to be at around 7:00, and it was already 6:58.
"You're also gonna be late to our tea party!" Daisy, the younger of the twins, said. "Pleeeaaase sissy? Can't you just go on your date another time?" Lily, the elder of the two, asked with pleasing eyes.
You were finally able to get them off your legs, but just as they let go, they clung right back onto your arms. You sighed and shook your head, "Please, you two. I'll join your tea party next time! We can have tea parties at any time. Dates? Not so much. Now, please, I'm not even ready for my date!"
The twins huffed and finally let go. "But you're gonna have a big party with us tomorrow, alright?" Daisy said, crossing her arms and tapping her foot as she puffed her cheeks. You chuckled and ruffled her hair, "Yes, yes, I promise. Now go on."
You sighed as the two girls ran off to their little party. You heard a tapping at your window and turned around. There, you saw Leo with your favorite flowers in your favorite color. You smiled and opened your window.
"I see you're gonna be busy later tomorrow, huh?" Leo said, trying to hold in a laugh. You huffed, "Oh shut up. Now, Imma need you to step out. I'm not ready." You closed the window once again and pulled your curtains over it.
You got dressed (choose whatever you want to wear for your date) and opened the window. Leo whistled and said, "Just so you know, if I freeze at any time during the date, it wasn't cause of a virus, but 'cause I was stunned by your beauty~" You giggled and said, "Well, let's test that theory. C'mon, let's go." You both jumped out your window and jumped rooftop to rooftop.
"M'lady~" he said as you arrived at your destination. It was a picnic blanket with several pizza boxes. You giggled and said with slight sarcasm in your voice, "Oh, how charming." Leo chuckled as he held your hand and brought you to the little picnic he set up.
"A toast to a first date," he said, raising a soda bottle up. You giggled and raised yours up, hitting them both lightly together, making a small clunk.
Just as you were about to take a sip, you got a phone call. You sighed and picked it up.
"(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N), GET HOME RIGHT NOW!" your father screamed.
"Dad? What d'you need now?"
"M'goin out with this this chick! You better stay home with your sisters!"
"Dad! I'm on a—!"
"Did you hear me?! Do you want me to snap your nagato in half?!"
"It's a naginata—!"
"You get it! Well?! D'you want me to get rid of that old thing?!"
"That's what I thought. Now get over here!"
You sighed, hanging up. "I'm so sorry Leo, I—" "No no no, it's fine," Leo said, raising his hand, "You go ahead." You gave him a smile, a quick peck on the cheek, and a quick 'Thank you' before rushing home.
You entered through your window, and saw your father waiting in the living room. "For Pete's sake (Y/N), would ya stop sneakin' out through your goddamn window?!" he yelled, frightening your little sisters as they ran behind you. You sighed and shook your head saying, "Yeah yeah, alright dad."
He huffed and went out, slamming the door. You sighed, looking down at the two frightened girls. "Well, looks like it's just the three of us," you said, kneeling down to their height.
"Make that four!"
You gasped as you heard an all too familiar voice. You turned around and saw Leo climbing in through the window.
"Hi Mister Turtle!" Lily exclaimed, hugging his leg. "Are you (Y/N)'s boyfriend?" Daisy asked, tilting her head. You opened your mouth to speak, but you were cut off when Leo wrapped an arm around your shoulders, saying, "Eh, sort of. But don't worry little girls, you'll have a big brother turtle soon."
You snorted as he spoke. "Hey, you two, keep this a secret, k?" Leo whispered to the girls, "People aren't supposed to know about me..."
"Don't worry, turtle!" Daisy exclaimed, "We're reeaally good at keeping secrets! Like the secret that (Y/N) has a—!" "Alright, you two!" you exclaimed, "Is there anything in particular you want to do?"
Leo stared at you, "(Y/N), what do you—?"
"Tea party!" the two girls exclaimed, grabbing your and Leo's hands, dragging them to their room.
You jumped down into the sewers and made your way to the lair. You stopped when you heard screaming, metal clashing together, and...fire?! You ran to the lair to see Sheldon trying to saw Donnie in half.
"What's going on in here?!" you asked/yelled. All the attention was drawn to you.
"Oh, sup (Y/N)!" Sheldon exclaimed, "I was just busy gettin' rid of this problem right here! And don't worry 'bout your date, there are plenty of fish in the sea for ya!"
Sheldon...doesn't usually talk like that. "Ok, we may or may not have tried to reprogram Sheldon to make him just a bit cooler..." Raph said, sweat dropping. You stared at him with a deadpanned look.
"Anyways, back to business!" Sheldon exclaimed, "Oh, and, uh, sorry 'bout this (Y/N), but Imma hafta do this so ya don't, y'know, mess with my plans." He tied you up in chords just like he did the other turtles.
"Wha- Hey!" you yelled in anger. You struggled to escape as you yelled, "What the heck's gone into you, Sheldon!" "Some sense, that's what!" he yelled back.
"Alright, hold still, and I'll do you a favor of making this quick," he said as the saw started getting closer to Donnie.
Then, all of a sudden, a microwave was thrown into Sheldon's face, smashing him into pieces and releasing all of you from the iron grips.
"Wha...?" you looked around confused, until you saw who had thrown the microwave and saved your life. "Jax!" you yelled, running up to your your younger brother and hugging him.
Once you released him, you asked, "What're you doing down here? Aren't you supposed to be at home?" He awkwardly coughed and said, "Well, I just though that maybe I could help you, y'know...find a cure to my mutation?" You blinked a few times, but smiled. You ruffled his hair and said, "Y'know, Jax, you could've just said, and we would've done the experiments at home so you could help. But I'm glad you came here anyways." You hugged your little brother.
"What's going on in here?! Who destroyed my microwave?!" Splinter yelled/asked, causing everyone to flinch, "Did any of you do it?"
"...We would never!"
"They would never!"
"Night mom," you said as your mom walked out of the door. You layer there for a few minutes, maybe even half an hour, just to make sure she wasn't there. Once you knew she had to be asleep, you excitedly rushed into your closet, took off your PJs, and got dressed into something more appropriate for a date, but made sure that your wings were sticking out so you could fly.
Once you had gotten ready, you opened the window and flew out to the place you said you'd be meeting Mikey. There, you could see him on a rooftop with a picnic blanket and a lot of really fancy food.
...Ok, so maybe a bunch of pizza, some chicken, and Sprite in fancy glasses and on fancy plates isn't exactly that fancy, but it's fancy enough!
You smiled and flew down. Noticing you, Mikey grinned and ran up to you, engulfing you into a hug, "(Y/N)! I thought you'd never make it!" You chuckled and said, "Well, you though wrong." He snickered and led you to the food.
And so, you two talked about random stuff. Y'know, who's the more overprotective older brother, Raph or Jason (your brother), doing more cool tricks in the future, and even slightly talking about planning a next date!
Until the sun rose.
Your phone started playing it's signature ringtone. You swiped the answer button and placed it against you ear.
"WHERE ARE YOU?!" Jason yelled. You removed the phone for a split second to let your ears recover before saying,
"What's the matter?"
"What's the matter? What's the matter?! I'll tell you what's the matter; I went into your room to see you gone and the window wide open, that's what's the matter!"
"Calm down, bro, I'm just on a—!"
You paused.
"...on a what?"
"(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N), on a what?"
"...on a building."
"Where?! And why?!"
"On an apartment. And because I'm on a date."
"...Repeat that?"
"On an apa—"
"No no no, I heard that, what was the last part?"
"And because I'm on a date."
"...a date."
"...WHAT THE FU—!"
You quickly hung up. "Well, I have some explaining to do," you said, readying to fly off as Mikey poured, "But we were having so much fun!"
You chuckled and kissed his forehead, "Don't worry, Micheal, how about another one next week?" Mikey sighed but nodded. You smiled and backed away from him.
You jumped off the roof, and flew off, ready to confront a probably fuming Jason.
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