Ch 4: The little Visit

~(Y/n)'s POV~

-at home. It's 3pm~

I bolt up awake from a nightmare about my parents. I felt my eyes get watery, but held back the tears; trying to calm myself.

I get out of bed and go downstairs to find something to eat. I grab my (f/b/f) (favorite breakfast food) to eat. Make it, then take it to the table to eat up.

I grab the newspaper to see what there was to read and saw that someone last spotted the murderer near the gas station. "Weird the gas station they are talking about is a few miles away from my home."

You read and it said:
Last we heard from the guy that killed those children has been spotted by a gas station near Lakewoods. It seems like they got a picture of the criminal that is still on the loose. He has what it seems to be are white eyes, he has a night guard suit on. The color of his clothing is a somewhat dark purple while his skin is a violet color. He had black shoes with his outfit. He looked to be about 6 feet tall. We couldn't get anymore information about him.' What I read next confused me a little. 'We also saw a woman with him but she had tan skin and long (h/c). We were not sure if she is working with him or not but we'll give an update on them soon. Stay safe!

'Well that was weird.' I thought to myself. I finished eating and went to (wash the bowl or throw away the plate.) I look at the time and it's 4pm.

I go upstairs to take a shower while listening to music.

-30 minutes later-

I get out and put on some clothes. (I honestly don't care what it is) I walk downstairs to watch (f/tv/s).

-time skip to 10:30pm-

I get dressed in my night guard clothing and left to go to work.

About 5 minutes later I get there because I didn't want to take my time; plus with the kill on the streets, not taking any chances. I get out and walk inside. Scott doesn't seem to be here so I just lock the door behind me.

"Finally I made it." I sigh in relief.

"Hey (y/n)!" Goldie said from the shadows but starts walking out of there.

I jump a little. "Hey!" I giggle. "Don't do that."

Goldie give you a hug. "Sorry about that." He smiles. I hug him.

(Sorry if I am going back and forth from I and you even through they are both meant towards you guys the readers.)

Out of no where I loud thump was heard. Everyone looked at each other.

"I'll be right back." He smiles then teleported away. 'Hmm.. wonder what he's doing.' I thought. I walk over to the others and start talking.

~Goldie's POV~

I teleport to the basement to see someone in particular hurt himself.

"Geez dude. Your gonna get yourself caught at some point if you don't stop making noise." I hissed quietly to my brother.

"Sorry. I just thought I could stand up but guess that's not the case, now is it?" He sarcastically states; looking at me with his silver eyes.

"Anyways, are you gonna stop making a ruckus down here or do you want to others to know your still here?" I looked at him dead in the eyes. My brother has changed a little over time. Not in a way that he would kill anyone just he felt more pain then me over these years. Wonder why..

"Fine I'll stop but can I at be able to move from here to the parts n' service room? I hate sitting down here." He plead.

"Sure but if you get caught it's not my fault, got it?"

"Fine." He sighs getting up off the ground; stretching.

"See you later." I say then telaport to the party area to see the other four talking to (y/n). I walk up to them. "Hey guys, what are you doing?" I asked.

"A drawing contest. We all draw something and once we are all done we turn our paper over and show each other." (Y/n) answered, still drawing. "Can I be judge this round?" I asked. They all nodded. I sit in front of them all.

-10 minutes later-

After waiting for them all to finished, they all seem to be done.

"Pick your papers up in 3..... 2.... 1... Now!" I urged. They all show up their drawings and my ears go down in embarrassment. 'They did a drawing of... M-me?! Oh god!' I thought not knowing how to feel about it. Looking at three of them, it looked like (y/n) and Foxy didn't want to show. I wonder why. "(Y/n), Foxy, why are you two not showing?" I asked.

"Well I honestly don't think I did good." (Y/n) sighed looking down. "And besides everytime I draw and someone sees it they say that I did "Amazing" at it. I feel like they are lying sometimes."

"I feel like no one is gonna like me picture." Foxy looked away from everyone feeling extremely sad.

"Oh come on you two, it can't be that bad." They both showed me and I look at the draw of me they did. Foxy... Just wow. He did good. So did the other's but when I looked at (y/n)'s drawing of me it looked like she didn't do just me. It looked like the past me with Springtrap? More so like Springbonnie. She went over board with the drawing but did an incredible job.

"Guys look at her's." Goldie plead. They all did and wowed in surprise.

"Geez, when have you been learning to draw like that?" Freddy asked.

"I've been learning since I was 5. Self taught, learned by watching, and tracing. I've basically learned how to draw in lots of different way, but still have self doubt about it being good like everyone says it to be." (Y/n) explains.

"Still, with you learning at such a young age and with your drawing growing and changing over time it Incredible! (Y/n) I don't know why you have self doubt but you should be proud of yourself. Everyone has their own talents." Goldie explains.

"No kidding. Everyone is different in their own way. There is no one else out in the world like you. That's what makes you unique!" Freddy smiles. The other's nod their head in agreement.

"Heh, thanks guys. It means alot." I give them each a hug.

"No problem." Chica chirps.

You looked at the time to see that it was only 2am. Time sure is moving slow today.

"Want do you guys want..," gets cut off by a loud banging at the entrance of the building, " Who's here?" I asked looking at the door which startled me. "No one is supposed to be here at night." I whispered. 'Besides me of course.' I told myself in my thoughts.

"You guys go back to your places and (y/n) hide in the parts n' service room. Stay there and don't come out until I say so." Goldie urged. They do as told.

~Goldie's POV~

Yes I know telling (y/n) to hide in there was not much of a good idea because Spring is in there but he is a nice guy, but he won't do anything to hurt her.

I hide in the shadows to see who is at the door. Can't see anything at the moment because of how dark it is out there, then it hit me when I saw who it was.

'It's Vincent! The guy that killed us! He's here! He's here? Who is that with him?' I thought. A woman standing behind him holding a knife? Oh alri- Wait What?! Oh god this is not good.

They break into the build looking around for something or someone? I wonder what it or who it is.

"Come on! We need to find her!" Vincent hissed.

"How do you even know she came back here? We told her not to come back here ever again. What makes you think she would be here." The woman asked; confused out of her mind.

"Because on her 6th birthday she didn't want to leave after what that stupid fox did to the other kid! If you would of seen it in her eyes you would of known that she would come back when given the chance!" He yelled. They start moving to look for who I can take a guess on is (y/n)? I just hope they don't find her.

~???'s POV~

'Why is it so quiet up there? They are all usually moving and talking up there.' I thought to myself.

I decide to walk up the stairs to check it out. Stealth is the way to go when wanting to know what's going on without being caught.

I get to the door and slowly open it, seeing a girl sitting in a corner crying it seems like. She's making soft sobs even through her head is in her hands. I want to go up to her but I feel like I'm gonna scare her. I guess I'll go say hi and see what is going on.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

I'm shaking and scared on what's going to happen. I heard the two people that got inside talk. The man seemed to be mad about something but I wasn't sure on what it could be.

"Hey..." A soft and gentle yet somewhat deep voice spoke to me.

"Huh..?" I look up to see a somewhat dirty golden bunny standing in front of me. Seems like he is in his animatronic form. "Who are you?" I whisper. He doesn't seem to scare me yet he looks cool.

"I'm not here to hurt you. I'm Goldie's brother. My name is Springbonnie. But please just call me Spring. I want to help you but I don't know what's going on. Can you explain it please?" He asked softly; slightly above a whisper.

(Springtrap will be in the story at some point, maybe not in this one but in a future book,. Just right now is not a good time. Springbonnie has not been shut off completely yet and I just wanted him to move around and see him every now and then. Hope you don't mind.)

"Uh.. S-sure. First of all, I kinda figured who you would be once you told me that your were Gold's brothers. Goldie, the others, and I were all just talking when a loud bang was heard on the doors that open at the entrance of the building. Goldie told them to go back to their places and told me to hide here while he went to check it out. Whoever was at the door is inside the building now. I'm scared on who is out there and I don't want to get hurt." You whispered in a shaky voice.

"I'll help you. Come, follow me. The basement is a more saver area then up here. Again, I won't hurt you. I will protect you from them, if they come down there." Spring smiled softly and started walking back down the basement stairs quietly with you following him behind.

-an hour later-

The basement door swings open hitting the wall hard. It makes you jump.

"I'll look down here! You look out there and make Sure you look Everywhere!" A man yelled at someone, then started walking down the stairs.

"Spring..." You whispered to him hugging him tight not wanting to get hurt. The both of you were hiding under the stair behind a few boxes.

He puts his robotic finger over your lips to make sure you keep quiet. You only nodded to keep quiet.

"Hmm... Now where could she be." The guy now fully in our sight is looking around for me. He had or basically was all Purple, like it said on the news paper. 'Oh God!' You said to yourself now shaking.

Spring rubs your back to make the tension go away; which works. You calm down but still a bit scared.

"Come out come out where ever you are! You can't hide from me forever little girl!" He chuckles then turns to face towards us. We are in where the light can't reach so it's kinda hard to see us from where he is standing.

I honestly don't want him to find me, us. I don't want to die nor do I want him to find out that I'm here. All I want is for him and whoever else is here to leave and never return. 'Wait.. What time is it?'

~Spring's POV~

I have both my ears down and am ready to pounce when given the chance. I want her safe not hurt. It would kill me to see her hurt.

'Wait what? I only just met her and I'm already starting to get feeling for her? What, no. That's ridiculous. Who in their right mind want to love a human, in a bf gf way? I'm not even sure if it's those type of feeling anyways.' I shake my head to push the feeling aside. Protective mode on!

He starts walking over to us and looks at us dead in the eyes. 'Whoops.. Forgot my animatronic eyes light up in the dark.'

"Well, well well. Look who we have here. My daughter with a stupid animatronic. Let's see, who could this be.. Bonnie? No he has red eyes. Who might you be?" He asked the question towards me.

"None of your business." I growl, holding (y/n) close to me.

"Oh wait, weren't you the animatronic bunny at Fredbear's Diner? What was the name again... Oh yes. Springbonnie. Anyways, it was nice knowing you. Now you can hand me her or we can do this the hard way."

"Not happening.." I growl again.

"So is that your choice? Well then so-" he gets cut off by a huge kick to the stomach I gave him. "You talk too much." It seemed like I kicked him a little to hard so he went flying to the wall across from us. 'Hmm. Touch luck dude.' I thought laughing to myself. "Not a chance!"

I pick (y/n) up and run around and up the stairs away from him. We go through the parts n' service room and out to the party room where the others are. "We got away from him for now."

Goldie pops up. "What are you doing out here?!" He yells.

"He found her with me in the basement. I thought he wouldn't be able to find her there but I guess I was wrong. She's not hurt her I did hurt him. Also it seems like she is their daughter.. Not sure why but can we talk about this another time?" I asked him.

"Yes. We will." The 6am bell rings. But the animatronics don't shut down. The others move again now knowing that (y/n) needs more help.

"Hey! Who are you?" Bonnie yells at me.

"No time to explain. We need to-" I get cut off my Freddy.

"Get Away From Her!" He comes up and pushes me to the ground.

"Do you always have to do things so Violently?!" (Y/n) wines. "He did nothing to me. He helped me stay safe from that thing that called me his "daughter"! We will talk about this Later Freddy but right now is Not the time!" She yells.

It seems like the purple grape, 'yep.. I'm calling him that!', is up here now. Looking at us all. Whoever was with him is right behind us.

"Who are you guys?" The woman asked scared.

'Wait why does that voice sound familiar to me..' I asked myself knowing well that Goldie is able to read my mind. It only makes sense for him to know what I'm saying if he asked my question on who he was yesterday.

"Who are you is what I should ask?" (Y/n) asked looking at her.

"M-my name is Stephanie (l/n). Again, I'm gonna asked. Who are you and who are they?"

"Don't worry about who those things are, worry about getting her! Your Daughter!" Vincent yelled!

"How am I your daughter if I don't even know you? You look Nothing Like my Father! And besides, before I even started this job, it said on the news that my parents were dead. Though I didn't believe it; it just felt like that was the only option to take the case on. My parents Left or more like Disappeared out of know where the last two month! I highly doubt your my father. You on the other hand," she says turning around to look at the woman, "look and sound like my mom. Even the name says it but how am I supposed to believe you?"

She looked at her with heart breaking eyes. For sure we didn't know who her parents looked like or if they ever did anything to her but for all we know it could just be random people wanting to take her for something. Who knows.

'Just leave...." (Y/n) states.

"But (y/n)... I-"

"Leave! You too!" She yells at both the guy and the woman. She doesn't seem to be in a good mood.

(Yes they are your parents but they have no proof on that to show you. That's why you don't believe them)

"Fine we will, but don't you ever forget! We will come back!" Vincent growls and then walks out with Stephanie following him behind.

It was now 7am and anyone could be walking in right about now for all we know.

"We will talk about this later tonight." (Y/n) yawned, tired. "I honestly don't want to go back home because that just happened and if they truly are my parents then they know where our house is. Not taking the chance."

"Well I'm glade your alright." Chica smiled, giving her a hug. The others nodded.

"Well if you don't want to stay there then do you want to stay here? I honestly don't think Scott would care." Goldie asked getting down to her level.

"Yeah I would love to but I am not sure if he would care or not. Besides I don't want to get into trouble." She said looking down.

"Come on. Spring and I can watch over you while you sleep."

"Sure I'll stay but please don't watch watch over me. It's creepy knowing you were being watched while you slept. I don't mind you guys being around but just don't stare at me."

I gave her a hug. "We won't, I promise." She hugged me back. She keeps on hugging me so I just pick her up.

"Alright guys bavk to your places before someone else come in." Freddy states. Him and the other three go back to their places. Goldie and I teleport to Gold's room with (y/n) still in my arms.

I place her down on his bed and sit down on the ground next to her letting her know I'm still near. She lays down holding into my hand and falls fast asleep.

"Well, hope you have a sweet dreams (y/n). Good night." Goldie smiles then lays on his bed at the end of it with his legs hanging off the bed. Him and I both go to sleep as the day goes by.


A/n: wow that was a lot to write. That was 3274 words in total in that story. Geez. Well anyways I won't be posting the next chapter for a while. Anyways thank you for being here with me in this story.

Make sure to check out the other stories I'm working on. Anyways I hope your day goes well and if it's night then hope you have a good nights rest. I love you all and will see yah in the next chapter.

Bye bye my fellow wolves! 🐺

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