"Hey! Y/N OVER HEEEEEERE!" Alfre yelled as you slowly waddled over.
"Dude why won't you run? You're such a slow poke!" He whined and you rolled your eyes.
"You know why Dummkopf. I'm not strong enough to." You said smacking him over the head.
"First of all, OWWW. Second, you said you'd stop! You promised!" He pouted already figuring out why. You just patted his face.
"Listen Cupcake. I don't have the power to eat all I want and not get fat." You sighed putting your arm over your stomach.
Alfred looked at you with a glare before pulling up his shirt showing a cubby belly.
"Aww" You said poking his stomach.
"I don't have the power to eat whatever I want either, so trust me when I say you don't have to starve yourself. You promised me you wouldn't." He said pulling his shirt back down.
"You of all people should know I can't just stop at the snap of a finger!" You said looking like you were about to cry.
"Oh no you don't." Alfred said and took his sleeve and wiped all over your face just to dry your eyes.
"Ack-Al-Not-Eh-Bleh shirt taste-Ah in my eye-Wait-Sto-Stop-I SAID STOP." Alfred froze and pulled his hand away.
"Hey dude, I know you're having trouble, but please, lets start with something small, first, your wight. Tell me." He said pulling you down to sit on the hallway floor ignoring the after school cram classes that had already started.
"Well.... Uh...." You mumbled and little.
"What was that?" He said leaning closer to you.
"90 pounds...." You said looking good away.
"WHAT." He said in shock.
"I know I'm fat you don't have to tell me I know that already!" You cried.
"No! Your not fat at all! Thats...." He counted the numbers on his fingers. "That's 25 pounds underweight for someone your age!" He said grabbing your hand only to have you yank it away.
"Why...." He asked. "Why do you think you need to be so boney to be pretty. Personally, I hate boney people, always getting jabbed when you try and hug them." He whispered the last sentence.
"Ootori...." You mumbled.
"Whaaaa? He told you this!?" He stood up quickly. "I'm gonna give him a peace of my mind!"
"No Al please, he didn't say anything!" You said grabbing his hand. "It.... It's the way he looks...." You said quietly.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, he's tall, skinny, and beautiful all around, and because of that, everyone loves him, so if I can be like that, maybe.... Just maybe.... I can be loved by him back...." You say only to get pulled into a hug.
"It's going to be okay, I promise. You'll find love someday Y/N." He said with a smile.
"Let's go see the Host Club, so you can fawn over him from a distance." Alfred joked.
He grabbed your arm dragging you down the hall. You sighed and went along, and before you knew it you're at the host club door.
He opened the door and you cringed a little as the light in the room blinded you from the darker hallways.
"Ah, Alfred, Y/N, so glad to see you back. Who would you like to request." Kyoya said not looking up from the note book he was writing in.
"Uh...." You started not wanting to look at him right now. "Tamaki...." You mumbled. You knew Tamaki would be able to make a big enough scene to distract you from the perfect Kyoya Ootori.
"Do you need me to show you the way or do you know?" Kyoya asked.
"No thanks dude, we got it!" Alfred said happily. He held your hand again and lead you over to Tamaki's area. Alfred sat you down on a couch and just stood behind you leaning on the edge resting his chin on your head.
"Ah, my darling, its wonderful to see you again." Tamaki said taking your hand and kissing it lightly. "And to you to Alfred. How is he doing?" Tamaki asked with a slight smirk.
"Oh he's doing fine, he has a cold though, so he's not here today. Thanks for asking though" Alfred said smiling. He noticed how you were staring at the cake that was in front of you evilly like you wanted to chuck it at a wall.
"Well I'm glad to see you're still having a good relationship. Now, to you my dear." Tamaki said averting his attention back to you.
You blinked not paying attention. "W-well.... Um.... Uh...." You thought before giving up and letting out a loud sigh. "I need a distraction from my problems." You said defeated. You glanced at Kyoya and you noticed he was glaring at Tamaki....
"A distraction? Well I feel just being here is better than some measly distraction you may have thought of." Tamaki said picking up some cake.
I don't think you know that you're the distraction Tamaki....
"Would you like some cake?" He asked holding a bite size piece on a fork out to you. You quickly shot up from your seat and backed away, causing Alfred to rub his jaw from you hitting his head that was resting on yours.
"N-no thank you." You said as heat rose to your cheeks slightly. You felt dizzy after getting up so fast and blood rushed to your head, but Tamaki took that as embarassment.
"It's all right your Highness. Maybe you would prefer to take the bite from me personally." He said getting close, taking the piece in his mouth.
You backed up into a table, no where to go. You hated this, but every other girl was swooning over him, wishing they were you.
A pen was pushed to Tamaki's mouth that lightly pushed him away from you.
"That's enough now. Can't you see poor Y/N is not okay with this." Kyoya said standing between you too. You could see Tamaki had a certain glint in his eyes that was sort of challenging Kyoya.
You gave a light smile to Kyoya and quickly and quietly walked off to Honey and Mori's table, with Alfred following of course.
You sat down with a tired sigh. "I guess it's that's time...." You said to yourself with a small smile.
You sat there half listening to what Honey saying while you wrote a note as you kept holding your head tiredly. You folded it up slowly. And handed it to Alfred.
"Be a dear and give this to Kyoya. Please?" You asked with tired eyes and Alfred didn't think much of it as he took the note and gave it to Kyoya.
"Honey, can...." You paused to take in a sharp breath. "Can I have a piece of your cake? I uh.... Don't feel so well.... And its just.... Your cake is my favorite flavor and it's been a while since the last time I've had cake...." You said trying to keep your eyes open.
"Oh sure Y/N-chan! Here, you can have the rest!" Honey said handing his cake over to you. You smiled weakly and took it, taing a small bide and eating it.
The icing was sweet and fluffy, the cake itself was moist and you felt like its the best cake you have ever had.
You set the cake down after one bite, and looked over as Kyoya unfolded the note.
You stood up adjusting your uniform.
"I'm feeling tired. Thank you, for being so kind to me. I meant a lot to me. I'm going to go home, I'm feeling very tired." You said loudly enough for everyone to hear. You quietly walked out of the room. The room was sitting in confused silence.
There was a quiet thud as Kyoya dropped his notebook and ran out of the room.
Kyoya ran down the hallway just in time to see you fall to the ground. He ran to you picking you up in his arms.
"Y-Y/N why would you do this to yourself...?" He asked his voice shaking. He looked you in the eyes as your hand touched his face lightly.
"I.... Just wanted you to like me...." You said quietly.
"Y/N I do like you! I lobve you! Why would you starve yourself for me!? You know this would happen but you didn't stop it! Why!?" He said as tears rolled down his cheeks.
You didn't respond.
"Y/N answer me!"
"No...." He said pulling you close so he could hold your thin body in his arms.
"You were beautiful since the beginning.... Y/N.... Why did you have to leave me...." He said as docters were rushing down the halls to take you away.
In loving memory of Y/N L/N, a young child.
Loved by all.
Died of heart failure.
//This story was dedicated to someone I used to know. He died of heart failure due to the lack of protine in his blood from his anorexia.
You don't need to be skinny to be pretty. No one needs to lose waight unless its clinically unhealthy, and even then, don't starve yourself.
Both my sister and girlfriend are going through this and I'm scared that I'll lose them both to this. I need to make sure that you understand that you're all beautiful just the way you are.
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