Chapter VII: Melancholy and a Monday
The weekend passed by in a blur, and before anyone knew it, Monday burst in to ruin everyone's mood. Specifically, three distressed teens.
Gemini, Cancer, and Virgo each felt like shit, and for not-so-different reasons.
Gemini was worried about Aquarius.
So was Cancer. He really hoped he hadn't ruined their friendship.
Virgo, meanwhile, just felt like a complete idiot.
Although on the inside they were hurting, they plastered smiles on their faces and settled into their seats as first period began.
"Hey-o!" Leo's voice rang out from the classroom doorway. "How are my favorite sad boys doing?"
Gemini and Cancer groaned as Leo ruffled both of their heads before taking a seat next to Gemini. He plopped his backpack on the ground and put his elbows on the table, leaning his chin into the palms of his hands. "Why the long face Gemmy-bear?" He cooed at the disgusted boy next to him. Gemini respondes by shoving the heal of his hand into the blond's face, causing him to let out a short "oof!"
"No need to get testy with me," Leo muttered as he rubbed the red spot forming on his cheek. Gemini wanted to feel sorry for his actions, but the perky lion was just irritating him to no end today. And the day was only about five minutes long.
Soon enough, each student was settled in their spots, leaving one seat vacant. Gemini couldn't help but feel guilty at the absence of a certain person.
Then, just as the bell rang, a mop of messy, brown hair burst into the classroom, muttering apologies of tardiness. Cancer and Gemini both whipped their heads towards the female voice, hoping to catch her gaze and offer smiles. She however, pointedly avoided both their stares and settled into her chair, pulled out her notebook, and began to take notes.
Scorpio felt great. For once, the normally apathetic girl had a permanent smile gracing her features. She was beaming sunshine as she zoned out in class, thinking of how amazing her life was at the moment. She had a boyfriend - who also happened to be her best friend - that was nothing short of perfect. He was a dork that she was falling in love with. That morning, he had left a tiny bouquet of flowers in her locker. Although he left no note, she knew that they could only be from him. She was so glad that they no longer had to hide their relationship from her friends. Although she could handle the secrecy, she enjoyed being able to be close to him in public. Scorpio sighed as she doodled little hearts on her lined paper, which was void of notes.
"Psst!" A voice from her left broke her out of her reverie, much to her disdain. She glanced over her shoulder at the blonde girl next to her. "Watch a drawin'?" She asked with a cutesy grin.
Scorpio groaned. "Nothing."
"It doesn't look like nothing, based on that look on your face," Pisces rebutted.
"What look?"
"Oh, you know," Pisces reclined in her chair and moved her finger in a circle in the air, as if gathering her thoughts. "The kind that says,'Capricorn, come whisk me away to a magical fairy tale land where we can eat chocolate raspberry cake and make love under the moonlight'. You know, that kind."
Scorpio, much to Pisces' surprise, blushed and hid her face in her hands and groaned louder than before.
Aries sat in his seat, bored out of his mind, which was nothing out of the ordinary. He honestly wasn't even sure which class he was in. Calculus? History? Literature? It was all the same to him. He took his pencil and prodded the poor girl who sat next to him in the side with the eraser. Sagittarius whipped her head at him with a fire in her eyes that amused the boy to no end. "What do you want?"
Aries smirked to himself and folded his hands over his lap, failing to look innocent. "Nothing."
Sagittarius quirked an eyebrow and moved to resume her gaze to the front of the room, when he poked her in the side again. She gave him the same look as before, this time poking him back with ferocity. It wasn't that she particularly wanted to pay attention, and it wasn't that she was particularly annoyed with Aries. She was just still down about the weekend and was hoping that schoolwork could, for once, get her mind off of things.
"I'm going to say it one more time," she glared. "What. Do. You. Want?"
His expression softened considerably when he asked, "Has Aqua reached out to you at all after, you know?"
Sagi shook her head, the fire in her eyes simmering down to a low flame. "No, she hasn't responded to my calls. I just wish she would talk to me."
Aries gave a shrug. "She just probably wants to be alone right now. Give her time."
"Yeah. I guess so," the female agreed. Suddenly, she perked up. "Hey, you took her home on Friday. How was she?"
Aries cocked his head, collecting his thoughts. "Pretty normal. I walked her home, she ranted a bit, the usual. We just watched a movie and then I went home."
Sagittarius seemed relieved that he didn't give details of a break down or any excessive crying. She hoped that her best friend was doing better after the weekend.
Just then, Aries' phone vibrated, alerting him of a text message.
Bucket Girl: Eat lunch outside with me today? Don't really feel like talking to anyone else
"Speak of the devil."
"What did she say?" Sagittarius leaned her head in front of Aries', invading his personal space. He took his pencil and pushed it against her forehead, guiding her back into her proper spot.
"Just wants me to eat lunch with her," he supplies. "Says that she doesn't want to talk to anyone else right now."
"Oh," Sagi quipped, looking quite forlorn as she drew absent minded circles into her worksheet. "Tell me how she is afterwards?"
Aries, unable to say no to her in her upset state, nodded and missed up her hair. "Sure thing, kiddo."
She sent him a frown at the nickname as the bell rang.
A/N: Hey hehe. Long time no see? *dodges barrage of tomatoes thrown*
Sorry for the hella long hiatus, my dudes. I really enjoyed writing some different character dynamics in this one. I've already started working on the next chapter, so you might get another very very soon!
But more importantly...
Big plans, big plans.
No questions for this chapter, since it's just a filler and I want to get started on the next chappie ASAP.
See ya soon,
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