Sister Versus Sister
ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Steppenwolf - Born To Be Wild
◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 0:00 / 4:10 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐
I like smoke and lightning
Heavy metal thunder
Racin' with the wind
After Skylor and Jacob's fight, the ninja had discovered Skylor was the Master of Amber, meaning she was not related to Kai, making him happy.
''I hope the Tournament of Elements has entertained you as much as it has me. To thank you, I wanted to give everyone fancy jewels and untold shiny things.'' Chen told the Elemental Masters, holding up a box of jewels.
''But then in yesterday's battle, Master Jay and Cole tried to undermine me by teaming up and refusing to fight each other. And that made me very upset.'' The Noodle Man said, throwing away the box.
''For their insubordination, all of your fancy quarters will be taken away, and tonight everyone and tonight everyone must sleep together in the chow house. That is all. Thank you, you can go.'' He added, crushing a gem in his grip.
''Nice one, Jay,'' Kai said to the Master of Lightning.
''Whoa, easy, Romeo,'' Jay replied.
''Don't worry about them. We aren't here to make friends, just to save ours.'' Lloyd told them.
''Yes, but your exclusion of others has only made enemies. Beware how you treat those around you, for they will treat you the same.'' Garmadon replied.
Remo woke up in the middle of the night, feeling hungry for some food. He quietly slithered out of bed, careful not to wake (Y/n), who was sound asleep. The little snake glanced at Jay, who was once again kissing his pillow.
Raising his head a bit, Remo began to slither around until he caught the scent of food, his stomach grumbling like a miniature thunderstorm.
Hearing footsteps, he caught sight of Clouse, who walked past the beds, pacing as he looked for something.
Remo quickly hid, knowing if the Master of Dark Arts saw him he'd be a toasted ham sandwich. The little snake held his breath as Clouse walked past, who stopped and slowly bent down to look under the bed.
Finding a cup, he quickly made it his hiding spot, coiling like a cobra in a basket, faced towards the opening of the cup and poised to strike if any unfortunate hand were to wander too near.
Hearing the Master of Dark Arts walk away, the little snake cautiously peeked out of the cup, his forked tongue flickering as he searched for any signs of danger.
Finding none, Remo continued on with his search for ham sandwiches.
Finding that they couldn't get to sleep, the ninja stayed awake.
Jay slid out of his bed. ''Couldn't sleep either?'' He asked Lloyd.
''Not when we still have to get Zane and Cole back,'' Kai replied.
Lloyd grunted. ''Speaking of backs, these new beds are the worst.'' The Green Ninja told the others.
''I agree, I don't think I had a comfortable full night's rest-'' (Y/n) said, before an Anacondrai Cultist banged a gong, and the lights turned on.
''Quick, back in bed,'' Kai replied, and the ninja quickly went back into their beds.
''Good morning, fighters. Oh, that's right, it's the middle of the night.'' Clouse said, loud enough for the Elemental Masters to hear.
''Hey, what are you doing?'' Lloyd asked as a cultist attached the roller skates to his feet.
''Do you know what time it is?'' The Lightning Ninja questioned as another did the same.
''There's such thing as personal space.'' (Y/n) said as one shoved roller skates onto her feet.
''Roller skates?'' Kai asked, unable to stand up with the roller skates. ''Whoa, aah!'' He said, before falling and Skylor helped him to his feet. ''Thanks.''
''Let me guess, another one of Chen's impromptu battles?'' Lloyd asked the others.
''Oh, roller skates. I love roller skates!'' Jay exclaimed, jumping into the air and spinning like a ballerina and landing on his feet.
''We should be getting used to this by now,'' Lloyd replied.
''Did I ever mention I once placed first in the Mother-Son Skate-off? Hehe. I should have never admitted that.'' The Lightning Ninja gushed, showing his skills.
''Weirdo,'' Paleman told him, making (Y/n) glare at the partially invisible man, making him vanish.
''Master Chen wants everyone in the Royal Arena. I wouldn't be late if I were you.'' Clouse told the Elemental Masters, his hands folded behind his back.
''If most of us have already fought, why are we all in skates?'' Skylor questioned the Noodle Dude's right-hand man.
''Only two of you will be fighting, but the rest of you will have a chance to affect the outcome,'' Clouse answered.
''Who's fighting? Tell us now.'' Griffin replied, wanting answers.
''The Master of Illusion versus the Master of Form,'' Clouse answered before leaving.
''Master of Form? Who's that?'' Lloyd asked ''Kai''.
''You haven't heard? I hear she can look like anyone. She'd be right under your nose, and by the time you figure it out, she's discovered all your weaknesses, then it's game over. But you're the Orange Ninja, what weakness could you have?'' ''Kai'' asked (Y/n), who turned to glare at him.
''Not like I'd be telling you, sister, that'd give it away.'' (Y/n) replied, stretching her back.
Chamille's disguise wore off, though it wasn't much of a surprise to the Orange Ninja, who pushed her sister away.
''Whoo-hoo-hoo!'' Jay cheered as he jumped across the beds on roller skates.
''Skates.'' Kai said, trying to walk up to Lloyd with his new method of transportation. ''Why did it have to be skates?'' He then grunted as he fell.
''Watch your back, sister,'' Chamille warned, turning away and skating away.
''Oh, I sure will.'' (Y/n) replied as she watched her sister walk away.
''I do not like the look of this,'' (Y/n) told the others as they skated towards the arena.
''Don't worry, we got your back. Aah! Ugh.'' Kai said as he fell, again, groaning.
''Welcome to my favourite event. Thunderblade!'' Chen said, and the Elemental Masters turned to see him on roller skates, with the spotlight on him.
''Hey, I know this game. It's just like—'' Griffin started.
''No, it's not like that! This is my game. I made it up! Fully original!'' Chen interrupted. ''A Jadeblade for you, (Y/n), Master of Illusion.'' The Noodle Man said, tossing her a jade blade and an orange helmet.
''And another for Chamille, Master of Form. Where—Where are you?'' The Noodle Man asked before Chamille revealed herself. ''Oh, there you are.'' He said, tossing her a blade and a light purple helmet. ''Haha. Rules are simple. Each lap you complete with your Blade in possession, a point. Most points before time expire, you win.'' Chen instructed the Elemental Masters.
''Whoa, whoa, whoa. What about us? Are we supposed to just stand here?'' Griffin asked.
''You get to help anyone you wish or hurt for that matter. You're free to choose sides. I'm not a dictator.'' Chen answered, and almost immediately, the other Elemental Masters chose to side with (Y/n)'s sister.
''What was that you said about us having targets on our backs?'' Lloyd asked Jay.
''Don't worry, we're still a team—'' Kai said before falling again. ''Argh!''
Jay sighed. ''I gotta be honest. This doesn't look good.'' The Lightning Ninja replied, looking at the other Elemental Masters.
Everyone took their positions, with Chen in his chair with its many buttons.
''(Y/n), Master of Illusion, versus Chamille, master of Form. Most laps with their Jadeblade when time runs out wins. Loser is out. Thunderbladers on your mark, get set, good luck to everyone, but mostly Chamille because we all want her sister out. Now go!'' The Noodle Man said, spinning around in his chair.
''Oh, how I hate my lavender-haired sister.'' (Y/n) mumbled, getting a headstart along with her sister.
''Oh, how about some spectator ambience?'' Chen asked, pressing a button to make the speakers cheer. The others took off from their spots, following the two sisters.
''It's us against the world, Kai. If (Y/n) has any chance of moving forward in the tournament, it's up to you and me.'' Jay told the Fire Ninja.
''(Y/n)'s your greatest competition. If she loses today, what's left to stand in your way from winning it all?'' Skylor asked Kai, who was struggling to keep up.
''I'd never think of it,'' Kai answered.
''Maybe you should.'' The Master of Amber replied, pushing Kai out of her way, making him fall onto his back.
The other Elemental Masters pushed (Y/n) as she tried to catch up to her sister, struggling to do so.
''We have to give her room.'' The Lightning Ninja told Kai.
''And just how are we supposed to do that?'' The Fire Ninja asked.
''I got an idea. Don't touch anyone.'' Jay answered.
''Then who am I supposed to hold on to?'' Kai questioned, before the Lightning Ninja shocked the competitors, letting (Y/n) through.
''Thank you.'' (Y/n) said to Jay as she passed, smiling. He blushed, before almost getting tripped by Paleman.
''Sorry.'' Kai apologised as he pushed through the other Elemental Fighters but accidentally fell on (Y/n). He blushed, looking at the girl with an awkward smile, before remembering what he was supposed to do. ''Use your powers!''
''On roller skates? Are you crazy?'' (Y/n) asked, getting up. ''I'd never even stay on the track!''
''You're supposed to be helping, not hurting her chances,'' Jay told the Fire Ninja, stopping.
''Thanks for the tip, but I can't skate!'' Kai replied, sliding down on the track.
''Thunderblade never fails to deliver. Did you know I hold the record with a hundred points? Clouse can attest. Tell him, Clouse.'' The Noodle Man said, looking at his right-hand man.
''You were born with skates on, Master,'' Clouse replied.
''True story,'' Chen added.
''True story, hmph. Just like all of his far-fetched endeavours.'' Garmadon said.
''There was once a time when you were quite comfortable with lying. It worked on Misako, didn't it?'' Clouse asked the formerly evil Garmadon.
''Button, button, I love buttons. Aha, let's even the playing field, shall we?'' Chen asked, pressing a button to activate a ramp, which Kai fell on.
Remo appeared, pushing Chen out of his chair and taking control of the chair, pressing a button and a silver platter filled with ham sandwiches appeared, making him drool at the sight, before starting to devour them all.
''Grab my hand! I'll whip ya!'' Jay shouted, offering his hand to ''(Y/n)'' but when he did so, he soon discovered Chamile had taken the form of her sister to trick him.
''Ah. Her back is hurting her. Shade, strike her back.'' Chamille ordered the Master of Shadow.
''Wait, where'd the Master of Shadow go?'' Jay asked, seeing him disappear. He then reappeared behind (Y/n), hitting her back and making her fall, and Paleman snatched her Jade Blade which had fallen out of her hand.
Jay then took it back, glancing back at (Y/n) who had gotten up and caught up with him.
''Did you learn that in your Mother-Son Skate-off?'' She asked, pushing Paleman off the track.
''It's a fierce competition, (Y/n), and this isn't the time to judge. It's the time to skate faster.'' Jay answered, giving back her Jade Blade.
The bell rang as she crossed the line, gaining a point for the ninja. Jay jumped over Kai and Griffin, who had fallen. ''Haha! Watch out for the Poison cloud!'' The Lightning Ninja told (Y/n), and the two skated around it, but unfortunately for the Fire Ninja, he skated through it.
''Thanks for the warning.'' Kai groaned, falling down yet again.
''Cry Havoc and unleash the buggies!'' Remo exclaimed, pressing a button.
''Lookout, (Y/n)!'' Jay shouted, pushing her out of the path of the buggy, which had Chamille holding on to it.
''I really hate my sister...'' The Orange Ninja mumbled, seeing the Master of Form on the buggy.
''Sorry, Tox.'' The Lightning Ninja said as he pushed Tox aside. ''Must be my allergies kicking in.''
Shade, Neuro and Paleman grabbed (Y/n), attempting to keep her from winning the race. Jay came to help, but the Master of Mind and the Master of Speed grabbed Jay. ''Check this out,'' Griffin told Neuro.
''Gotcha.'' The Master of Mind replied. Griffin then put his hands on the Lightning Ninja's back and sped up, before pushing him into (Y/n).
Jay blinked, looking at the Orange Ninja while pink dusted his cheeks. ''We are so not loved.'' He groaned.
''You're very convincing. In no time, (Y/n) will be out.'' The Master of Amber told Kai, who was still struggling.
''Ah, my back feels so much better thanks to the others.'' The Master of Illusion told Jay.
''And she'll never suspect,'' Skylor added.
''Argh! That's it!'' Kai said, adjusting his helmet. ''I may not be able to skate, but that doesn't mean I can't help.'' He then used his fire to propel himself into Chamille, and Jay bent down as he skated past, snatching her Jade Blade.
''Haha! Nice, Kai! Now you're cooking with Fire!'' Jay complimented the Master of Fire. Chamille then started chasing him, as he had her blade. ''I got it, you want it! Come and get it! Come and get it!'' The Lightning Ninja taunted, holding her blade.
''What are you doing?'' Skylor asked Kai. ''We need (Y/n) out.''
''We need to stick together. I'm a Ninja. And so is she.'' Kai replied.
''Ugh. That's right. And the rest of us aren't. I should've known better.'' The Master of Amber told him, before skating off.
''(Y/n)'s closing the gap, but the clock's against us.'' Jay told Kai.
''So is everyone else. Garmadon's right. The more we exclude everyone, the more they gang up on us.'' Kai replied.
''What are you saying?'' The Lightning Ninja asked.
''I'm saying why don't we tell them about Chen? If others knew what this tournament was really about, maybe they'd help us.'' The Hotheaded Porcupine answered.
''Uh, worth a try, but time's running out and (Y/n)'s got a lot of ground to make up,'' Jay replied, looking ahead at the girl.
''Gimme!'' Chamille said, making Jay's grip on her Jade Blade loosen and drop it. She then took her blade back ''I've got a job to finish.''
Kai spun around in a circle, almost hitting Skylor on accident. ''Are you trying to take me out too?'' The Master of Amber asked him.
''No, you're right. We aren't all Ninja, but Chen's the real enemy. He doesn't care about who wins. He only wants to steal our powers so that he can perform some sort of spell.'' Kai told her.
''A spell? What kind of spell?'' Paleman asked.
''I don't know, but we have to stay in the tournament to find out.'' The Fire Ninja answered.
''This isn't about (Y/n) winning. It's about all of us stopping Chen.'' Jay told the other Elemental Masters.
''And why are you telling me this now?'' Griffin Turner asked.
''Because it's never too late to do the right thing,'' Lloyd replied.
Tox came in to attack, but Neuro pushed her aside. ''He's telling the truth. I know.''
''Then why have you now decided to help?'' The Ginger-haired Lightning Ninja asked.
''I'd rather be on the winning team.'' The Master of Mind answered.
''Then let's win this thing!'' Lloyd exclaimed, next to (Y/n).
Kai was riding next to Lloyd and (Y/n) on the buggy. ''Need a lift?'' The Fire Ninja asked, sitting next to Skylor.
''You took the buggy.'' The Green Ninja spoke, looking at them.
''We took the buggy,'' Kai replied.
''Lloyd, take the wheel!'' (Y/n) said, and the two got on, with the Green Ninja transforming the vehicle into his colour.
''Cut the orange girl some slack,'' Griffin said, pushing Tox.
''This is too much fun I can't stop,'' Remo said, pressing the buttons and accidentally making obstacles appear in the prophesied ninja's way.
(Y/n), passing her sister, she stuck out her tongue, doing raspberries at the Master of Form. Chamille looked up at her in surprise and disgust, wondering how she got a sister like (Y/n).
Chen then took back his place in his chair and pressed as many buttons as he could in order to stop the citrus fruit coloured pair.
''We don't have to keep fighting each other. We can all win.'' Lloyd told (Y/n)'s sister, while the Orange Ninja kept her eyes on the track ahead.
''All of us?'' Chamille asked.
''United.'' The Green Ninja told her, holding out his hand. Lloyd screamed as he was pulled out of the buggy, while Chamille laughed. ''Whoa!''
''Only one can remain,'' Chamille said, and the vehicle detransformed as the Green Ninja was no longer in it, and (Y/n) hopped out, following Lloyd.
''(Y/n) might win. Do something!'' Chen ordered Clouse, but Garmadon tackled the Master of Dark Arts before he could use his powers. He then nodded to the scorekeeper to change the score.
''Ugh, he's rigging the match. I'll stop him.'' Kai said, summoning his fire.
''Let me,'' Skylor replied, using gravity to levitate the scorekeeper.
(Y/n) fought with her sister, using her Jade Blade to deflect the Master of Form's hits. Chamille knocked down her sister, kicking her in the back and (Y/n) used her blade to trip her over.
The two fought, and Chamille crossed the finish line before her sister, and turned to her, a smirk on her face. Her smirk disappeared as (Y/n) held up her blade, while the Master of Form looked at her hands, seeing her Jade Blade, not in them.
''She doesn't have her Blade!'' Jay exclaimed, and Chamille looked back to see her Jade Blade on the ground behind her, where she dropped it.
''(Y/n) won!'' Kai shouted, and the ninja gathered around the girl, who wore a bright smile and Remo was on her shoulders, staring at the Jade Blade.
''Oops, I almost forgot,'' Skylor spoke, dropping the scorekeeper, making them accidentally change (Y/n)'s score to 107 points.
''Look at that, she broke your record,'' Garmadon told the noodle man.
''No, no, no! She cheated! (Y/n) loses!'' Chen replied.
''No way, (Y/n) won fair and square. You were the one who cheated.'' Griffin told Chen.
''My tournament, my rules.'' The Noodle Man replied.
''And just what rules are those?'' Paleman asked. ''If (Y/n)'s out, then so am I.''
''Me too.'' Kai agreed.
''And me three,'' Jay added.
''As well as me,'' Lloyd said.
''If you kick us all out, what kind of tournament will you have then?'' Skylor asked.
''Fine, have it your way. Form loses.'' Chen replied, pressing a button to open up a trapdoor under Chamille, making everyone cheer.
''Good riddance.'' (Y/n) said, sighing in relief now that her sister was out of the Tournament.
''All right! We won! Yeah!'' Jay exclaimed.
''If what you say is true, you are playing a dangerous game. Chen will find other ways to get you out of the tournament.'' The Master of Amber told Kai.
''Which is why we'll need all the friends we can get. There's always hope.'' The Fire Ninja told Skylor.
Tired XD
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See ya Bookworms.
WriterAgreste, over & out!
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