Mixed Feelings II

      “Korah!!”. I heard Ma Diane call,making me cover my ears with my pillow. I'm so exhausted I could sleep the whole day.

“Korah!!!”. I heard again,this time louder. I reluctantly got up,pushing my books to the side. I read for three hours before falling asleep.

I washed my face to see properly before heading downstairs with my messy hair and dull face.

“It's Saturday Korah. You promised to go to the market”. Ma Diane said,helping Sarah wear her socks properly.

The house is filled children. We are 23 Orphanages here which means there is no room for privacy.

“Oh..yes, I remember”. I went closer. “What's the time?”

My eyes cleared at once. “10:30?, damn..it's getting late”. I rub my eyes with my hands.

“The list of what you need to get is over there,with my credit card”. Ma Diane said.

“I'll go now”. I assure,running up to the stairs to take a shower and freshen up.

I jogged out into the street to get a bus. Its already 11:30am, almost noon. I pray I come back early to sleep some more.


           “Trevor”. I call my bro who is busy with his books. He look up to my voice.

“Happy birthday bro”. He said with a smirk. He doesn't talk much but he sure is funny sometimes.
I giggle,seating beside him. “Thanks”.

“So..how's today going to be?”. Trevor closed his books,interested in me.

“Lot of fun.. Drinks..and..”
“Girls”. Trevor completed,laughing.

“Well..yeah but I just..seem to like someone now”.
I started,waving my hands into my hair.

Trevor's eyes widen,still laughing. “I don't believe you Evan”.
I kept looking at him with a serious face.

“Okay then,who is she?” Trevor asked, noticing how serious I look.“Korah,your classmate”. I said calmly.
“Oh..may I ask why?”.

“I don't know..she's just.. Herself”. I try to explain but just can't. “You two are classmates,you should know more about her”.

Trevor shake his head slowly. “I don't. We don't talk”.
“Seriously Trevor? How can you have someone like that within you and you two don't talk”. I snap.

“Umm..because I'm not you”. Trevor answered straight,laughing.

“I'm thinking of telling her today though”. I pressed my lips, hoping to hear a good review.

“Wow.. You seem different”. Trevor commented.
I blushed faintly,exhaling sharply. “I just..want to tell her how I feel”.

“That's not bad though,I got you bro”. Trevor smile,tapping my shoulders.

“Thanks”. I got up to leave but turned back. “And I'm going to take this and this”. I cleared Trevor's books from his reading table. “You can't be reading on my birthday”.

He laughed loudly. “Seriously Evan?. Its okay,take it”. He said,following me.

Me and Trevor understand ourselves which is makes it all super easy to flow.


          “I'm home..”. I chorused,taking off my shoes in frustration with four heavy bags in my hands.

“Thanks Korah”. Ma Diane collected the bags from me.  “The kids are in the playground”.

I nod,my face caked with tiredness. “I'll just upstairs and rest”. I ended,sluggishly going upstairs.

Checking time once again,it is 3:05pm. I threw my phone to a corner before dosing off.

I opened my eyes to the continual ringing of my phone. “Hello..”. I said with total weakness, not caring to see who's calling.

“Korah,where are you?”.  Tatiana's voice came in sharply.
“We are supposed to meet at my place by 4:30pm before going to Evan's party and this is 5:00pm already”. Tatiana complained, sounding a bit annoyed.

“Oh my God..Tatiana,I'm so sorry. I'll be there soon”. I apologized with all sincerity. I've totally forgotten Evan's birthday party and slept off.

I hastily took my clothes off to wear the white gown Tatiana gifted me. I turn to the mirror,realizing how messy my hair is. I flew to my drawer to straighten my hair a bit.

Not so bad...

“I have to go to Silicon estate mum,I'd be back before midnight”. I told Ma Diane who stared at me in surprise.

“What's going on there?”
“A friend's birthday party. Evan Bingham”. I explained,trying to knot my shoelace.

“Bingham?, the school's owner son?”. Ma Diane asked,standing akimbo.

“Yes...” I smile with sweat,dripping from my face.
“Alright then. Don't stay out too late”. She advised,going to the kitchen.

I hopped on the first taxi I saw to Tatiana's place. The breeze touched my face for a minute,drying up my sweats quickly.

“Thank you”. I paid the taxi driver the moment I came down,jogging into Tatiana's gate.

“Tatiana, I'm so sorry. I had a lot to do and slept off”. I explain to her.

She was already standing at the balcony, awaiting my arrival.

“It's okay..” Tatiana smiles. “You look really good by the way,your hips came out well”.

I giggled. “Thanks..you too”. She is also putting on a white gown but with pitch heels and bag. Mine with Orange sneakers and a mini bag.
“Let's go”.

We walked down together, took a few pictures. Thanks to Tatiana's driver,he sure take good pictures.

The distant from Tatiana to Evan's place is a ten minute drive. We finally got to Evan's Villa at fifteen minutes to six. Other people are already there and its quite crowdy.
“This is heaven”. I comment as we alight from the vehicle.

“Told you these boys live in a Villa”. Tatiana chuckles,walking ahead.

I took a gulp and followed her since she entered like she's been here before.

The music became louder as we went up the stairs,seeing almost everyone from school hanging around.

“Korah!!”. I saw Dawn coming to me,passing beside the pool.

Not again...

“Thought you said you won't be here”. She said,almost shouting because of the music. She's putting on a baggy blue shirt with drawings in front and a short jean,exposing her thighs. Her hair caressing down her back with light makeup.

“I changed my mind”. I said,forming a fake smile.
“Oh..okay then. Evan will be here any minute. I need to find Trevor”. Dawn ended,walking back.
I shake my head in anxiety.

Tatiana walked around to greet some friends,leaving me to walk around the big house.

My eyes traced all way upstairs. I sighted Trevor standing alone,looking at everyone having fun downstairs. We lock glances which made me look back to the pool.

“Korah...” I saw Evan coming closer. He's looking stunning in his black round neck and jean jacket.

His face glowing in the bright light.
“Evan...hey. Happy birthday”. I stretch my hand but he hug me instead.

“Thanks for coming”. He said, sounding super cool.
“Sure..I couldn't miss out”. I smile,exposing my teeth after he withdrew from me.
“So..how is it?”. Evan asked, suddenly looking a bit shy.

I stare around for some seconds. “Heaven”. I mutter.
He chuckles,putting his hands in his pocket. “Um..I have something to tell you Korah”.

“Oh..okay. What is it?”. I ask,facing him fully.
“Evan,you need to come now”. A guy shouted from the crowd,impatiently.

He turns to me,indirectly seeking approval.
“It's okay..you can go”. I agreed,still smiling as I sip some juice.
“Uh..please wait for me in that room”. He pointed to a reserved looking room at the  side of the pooI. I  nod immediately as he disappeared into the crowd. I looked around for Tatiana but I couldn't find her,she might have gone  upstairs. They are just too many doors around here.

I slowly opened the door to another room in heaven. Everything in the room is designed with silver and white. The sound of the music dulled the minute I entered,I would say its soundproof.
“Hey..sorry I kept you waiting”. Evan closed the door after coming in.

“It's okay..its your birthday, you practically have today to yourself”. I said,staring at myself in the mirror.
“Korah.. This might sound lame..and I...I know we just met last month..but I'm saying it now. I like you”. Evan confessed,standing behind me.
My breath stopped. I turn slowly to see Evan looking at me intensively.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out, I couldn't think straight as to why exactly he likes me out of all other girls.
He bit his lower lip. “You know.. You don't really have to say anything. I just wanted you to know”. Evan either way,looks nervous but is trying to wear it up.
It's his birthday too,I wouldn't want to spoil his mood in anyway.
“You are a great person. I love your personality and I think anyone who get to know the kind of person you are,will be really lucky to have you,as a friend or more”. Evan voiced out again.
I couldn't help but notice every atom of truth in his words.

I went closer to cuddle him. I still couldn't say a word but I just wanted him to know that his words are appreciated and taken to heart.

“I like you too,Evan”. The words finally spill out. “I don't want you to take this as a rejection but we are great,just the way the are. I appreciate the fact that you told me and I wouldn't want to loose you”.
I feel his hands tighten around me as he took a deep breath. “I understand you Korah, Don't feel bad”. He release himself to look at me. “I got you”.
“I got you too”. I let out a smile.

“Have I told you how beautiful you look today..I mean..you always do,don't get me wrong but you really wowed me today”. Evan said,smiling non stop.
I'm glad he understands perfectly.

I chuckle,waving my hair to back. “Well..thank you and you too. you look stunning”.

Silence swallowed our mist before I walked to the entrance. “um..Tatiana would be looking for me by now,I have to go out”. I said shyly.

He nodded,staring at me as I leave the room.

I strolled towards the pool where some people were having the fun of their lives. Splashing water to themselves with me dodging like a I'd turn to a mermaid if a drop touches my skin.

“Oh my Gosh..I'm sorry”. A tipsy girl apologized after spilling wine on my white dress.

My face turned sad in embarrassment. “Uh..its okay,I'll just clean it”. I walked away,avoiding attention from others.

“Look at her, the girl from the orphanage”.  Someone shouted,getting almost everyone's attention to me.

“Yeah...I wonder how she got in into Bingham”. The person beside her added.

My feet became Stiff as I stood in the middle,trying to see the person who said those words.

“And here she is..flirting with no one but Evan Bingham.. ”. They all laughed.

My heart broke into tiny pieces but my feet still refused to move.

I turn a bit to see Tatiana staring at me,also looking surprised.
My hands began to shake as I started feeling cold and hatred at the same time. The heavenly atmosphere turned dim to my eyes all of a sudden.

“You should just go back home girl..you don't belong here,I'm very sure you borrowed your clothes from your best friend because you just couldn't afford it”.

At this rate,tears rolled down my eyes. I wish I could wake up from this terrible dream but it looks real enough.

I suddenly felt a thick jacket around my shoulders,holding me firmly around my waist,he led me through the crowd which left them all surprised. I didn't at the point cared who took me out of there,I'm just glad I'm out of there.

Opening a door at the back of the house,we entered and he locked the door behind. I wipe my tears away so I could see properly.

'Trevor?' I look up to see my saviour who turns out to be Trevor.

Did he just take me to his room?..

I watch him open his wardrobe and brought out a shirt and a track. “Here..change into this”. Trevor handed over his clothes to me before going out.

“Trevor”. I call.  This is the first time in four weeks of been classmates I've voiced out his name. He turn,holding the door handle. His eyes directly into mine. “Why did you help me?”. I ask,my hair waved back and forth due to the cool breeze.

He took a deep breath. “My instincts”.
I nod slowly,deviating my eyes elsewhere. “Thanks”.

“Sure..”. He ended then went out for me to change.
I glance around the room before taking off the jacket on my shoulders. It has his scent too.

I wondered why Tatiana didn't come up to help me.

Guess she was also surprised..

Trevor's clothes looks bigger on me but its way comfortable. I folded my stained clothes into a polythene I found close to his bed before going out.

“Thank you so much”. I said again to Trevor who stood the exact place I saw him when I arrived. “I'll return this on Monday”.

“Alright”. He agreed without looking up at me.
I pressed my lips together, waiting if he'd say something else.

“I..I'll get going now”. I said,still hoping to hear something from him.

“Evan ordered his driver to take you home. He's waiting downstairs”. Trevor suddenly looks different... Like I'm seeing another phase of him.

“Oh..please thank him for me. Bye”. I slowly took some steps back before walking out,passing the back of the house where no one is.

Evan's driver was truly waiting for me. I looked up one more time to see Trevor still standing in the  balcony,looking down at me.

I sigh,slipping into the back sit as the driver drove off.

I sent a text to Tatiana telling her I've left the party and she shouldn't worry too much.

Although Trevor seem to surprise me today...
“Thanks”. I told the driver who just nod and drove off. I blew my cheeks out before going in. It's just 8:55 and everyone's asleep,I trust Ma Diane for that.

My thoughts went viral as I lie down down to sleep. Not only does the entire school now know that I live in an Orphanage home but adding the fact that I'm close with  Tatiana just to benefit from her.

That's what broke me.

I sank into my bed in Trevor's clothes,keeping me warm. I can't believe I'm wearing the outfit of a guy I never thought I'd talk to...


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