Training day 1
I'm feeling better... Slight headache tho
"We begin training tommorow at daybreak" said retr0...
Next morning....
Retr0 woke up at 6:00 AM and and woke up everyone room by room first Splendor and Offender "Aye it's training day get up!" She said and they whined and slowly got up and they followed her in a line to slenders room " Slendy....wake up! If you wanna be alive!!" Said retr0 and Slender rose up since he usually woke up around this time and he got up and followed in line. Next stop was trender's room he was usually more sassy in the morning so it was a challenge waking him up retr0 knocked on his door and walked in, trender was dead asleep. Retr0 picked up a pillow and threw it at him "Get up we gotta train today!" She said and trender threw the pillow back and got up. Then violet on the other hand retr0 knocked on her door and she came out already dressed. Soon enough retr0 led them to the training room and retr0 made them stand in a single file line facing her and she snapped her fingers and they were all in gym wear well the brothers had on some basketball shorts and t-shirts and tennis shoes while violet had some track shorts on and a shirt while retr0 had some sweat pants on and a sports bra. "Alright...for training first we gonna start easy training our minds so he won't get into our heads..." Said retr0 "I'm gonna sit you all down and I'm gonna talk to you all telepathically and I'm gonna try to manipulate you all you have to block it out" retr0 said before they all sat down and closed their eyes retr0 cracked her knuckles and smirked and floated towards violet (zalgo is your leader he will guide you...Go with him instead) that's retr0 speaking telepathically to violet but violet blocked it out and retr0 smiled and retr0 went to Splendor and began to speak telepathically (You are nothing without zalgo...he is your leader...) Splendor blocked it out too....after all that they all passed and the real training began retr0 took them to a open yard that was part of the training room and she said "I am just as powerful as zalgo if not more so I'm gonna bring out some robots that are on hard mode they are gonna try to attack you and you have to fight through them to get to me and I'm also gonna fight you too I'm not taking it easy either so if you want a weapon grab one and if you think you can take fists to cuffs then meet at the line...once everyone is at the line the simulation will start and the bots will fight and I will too so everyone get ready and pick your weapons" and a line of bo staffs and practice katanas and swords, and a bunch of brass knuckles and knifes. Offender could fight with his bare hands, trender's grabbed a bo staff since he knew self defense with weapons karate, Slender knew how to use his tendrills along with boxing, Splendor knew judo and tai Kwon do and he could used his tendrills and violet was a great fight but she knew boxing when I came to punches and karate when dodging, kicking and reflexes. They all stood at the line and retr0 spoke "Ready? In 3...2...1 GO!" And they all dashed. Epic time freeze this is one of those anime cliffhangers...yep but I'm feeling waaaaaay better now and I will update tommorow... this is a long ass chapter...IM BACK BABY!! Hope you like it 👍
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