Revenge...prt 2

Retr0 walked in the woods and she finally saw the park and him...he was sitting on the bench by himself his friends didn't usually come till 8 she had hours before anyone could see, she walked out the woods and approached him. " Hey.." said retr0 she came off normal and Andrew stood up and retr0 smirked she walked up to him "Hey hottie" he said and as soon a retr0 was close enough she punched him so hard blood came out his mouth and nose. "What the fuck was that for?!" He yelled and retr0 smiled and licked her fangs "You shot my friend..." Retr0 said as she walked closer to him. "Wait who?!"  He said "The guy in the woods" and as soon as retr0 got close he got up and punched retr0 causing her to move back she touched her jaw and laughed...and lunged at Andrew and landed on top of him and punched him repeatedly, he kicked retr0 off but instead of retr0 falling she flipped and landed on the ground and Andrew lunged at her and she moved out the way and he ran so far he ran in the woods and retr0 went after him. Andrew fell on the ground and he couldn't find retr0 anymore but he heard her laughed from above him, as he looked up at the trees he could see her shadow "Hahaha you think you can get away from me?" Said retr0 and Andrew got confused of the voice and while he was off guard retr0 jumped from the high trees and landed on him and punched him. After she punched him like 10 times she jumped off him landing on her feet and let Andrew get up, while he slowly got up retr0 reached for her knife, it was a military like knife and she ran towards him and stabbed him in the arm deeply. As he screamed in pain she laughed and pulled the knife out,  "You bitch" said Andrew and retr0 smirked and tilted her head, she jumped in the air and landed on Andrew and bit his arm causing it too bleed. Retr0 jumped back off and spit the blood out her mouth "ew I'm glad I weren't gonna suck your blood you taste horrible" she said  as she took a gun from her side and Andrew didn't see it so he tried to run towards her to grab her and before he could retr0 shot him in the head once and his eyes rolled back and he groaned and fell and when he fell retr0 walked to his body and shot they whole clip into his head. She sighed and put her gun back and she walked back to the house.  But when she got outside the house she saw the shadow of everyone in the living room so she teleported to her secret room and put everything back up and cleaned the blood off her face and clothes and teleported back outside and walked through the front door like nothing happened "Heeey sorry it took so long the stores were out of what I needed" she said and slender looked at her and nodded and retr0 nodded back. The rest of them believed her and she went upstairs to check on Offender.

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