Mission: Save Offender
Everyone was at the door waiting for retr0 to come downstairs, there was nothing but silence until retr0 came downstairs with a sigh as she was adjusting her katana at her side "ok.... everyone ready?" She asked and everyone nodded "ok everyone who's coming with me I gave you all a ear piece that has a world wide signal so no matter where you are we can still be in reach and it fits perfectly anywhere, the house is big so we'll be in different positions, if you see Joel let me know and we'll all move to your position, slender and mcree take the ground, Hanzo, Genji and I will take the sky, and Joel... he looks like a normal nerdy human so stay on the lookout for him...we can do this....I believe in all of you trust anything is possible, and Splendor I promise we'll come back with Offender" Retr0 said and Splendor gave a soft smile, retr0 smiled back and said "ok everyone let's go..." And everyone who was supposed to go with retr0 left the house....
In the forest....
Everyone (slender,hanzo,mcree,genji, and retr0) were walking through the forest since the hideout wasn't far from retr0's house, retr0 was very serious about this, no one had ever seen retr0 like this but before anyone could say anything they made it to the house.... retr0 clicked her mask into her face and drew her katana and she looked at everyone and nodded, they knew what the signal meant, slender went on side of the house and mcree to the other side and did their best to avoid any windows, Hanzo climbed to the top of a tree and drew his arrow ready to fire, genji went to another tree with his hand on his katana ready to attack, and retr0 was on a tree in front of the front door, "Everyone in position?" Slender asked and everyone replied with a yes, retr0 took a glass bottle and threw it and the front door to get Joel's attention.... everyone on guard.... soon enough Joel stepped outside...."Now!" Retr0 shouted and everyone jumped out of their position, mcree shot Joel in the shoulder, Hanzo's arrow went through Joel's other shoulder, genji summoned his dragon and it made Joel dizzy, slender grabbed joel with his tendrill and then held him in the air, retr0 jumped from the trees and grabbed joel from slender and slammed him to the ground and put her katana up to his neck "Give us back Offender or else!" Retr0 shouted, Joel just chuckled and said "or what?.... THIS?!" And he kicked retr0 off of him and quickly stood up, everyone took a step back, retr0 groaned in irritation as she got back up, Joel was slowly floating off the ground and his voice was getting deeper, "You think your getting Offender back?...he's mine and mine only!" Joel said as he then uses telekinesis to throw mcree into a tree, knocking mcree out, Hanzo looked at mcree and shouted his name, mcree grunted and slowly got up "I'm alright..." Mcree said in a low tone, slender glared at Joel and sent a tendrill flying towards joel, but it was like a invisible wall was put up because slenders tendrill was stopped from attacking Joel, Joel just smirked and chuckled before grabbing slenders tendrill and throwing him over his shoulder on to the ground.... Hanzo looked at genji and nodded and Genji nodded back and looked at retr0, she smirked and she knew what they had to do, they charged up their ultimates, retr0 inhaled and exhaled and made a circle with her hands in front of her necklace that held the shimada dragons power and her light purple and gold eyes glowed....Hanzo drew his arrow and his eyes and dragon tattoo started to glow blue, genji put one leg behind him and got lower to the floor with his hand on his katana with his visor glowing green, and they soon yelled the Japanese saying allowing the dragons to come out of their weapons and the huddle of dragons roared and went straight to joel, the dragons were so powerful that Joel couldn't block it with any force field, the dragons picked Joel up and flew into the air and disappeared making Joel fall out the sky.... Joel was screaming so loud birds in the trees flew away, Joel soon landed on the floor with the sound of bones breaking, Joel was on the verge of death.... retr0 walked up to Joel and stepped on Joel throat making him lose air and he soon passed out....Hanzo smirked, while genji put a hand on retr0's shoulder "c'mon sister....we have a mission to finish" genji said and retr0 nodded, slender and mcree slowly stood back up and hanzo ran to mcree and helped him stand back up.... slender had genji to help him.... retr0 ran inside the house and she immediately went to the closet door in the living room and that lead to the basement.... retr0 saw Offender sitting on the floor with his head hanging down.... Offender lifted his head and asked "master....is that you?" Retr0 was shocked and ran to Offender and kneeled down to Offender and said "Offender we came to get you don't worry I'll get you out" and retr0 started to pick the locks off the chains..."who....who are you? A-and where's my Master I can't leave without him!" Offender asked, retr0's eyes widened she couldn't believe that this happened to Offender, with a sigh retr0 took off Offenders chains and asked "can you stand?" Offender tried to but almost fell back down until retr0 caught him, she threw Offenders arm over her shoulder and wrapped her arm around Offenders waist to hold him up and they went back outside.... everyone had a shocked expression when they saw Offender...they couldn't believe what had happened to him "no time for questions we need to get home..." Retr0 said before anyone could say a thing, they all nodded and they walked back home....
10 minutes later...
Slender opened the door and walked in along with Genji, Hanzo and mcree, and retr0 did last since she had Offender to carry, Splendor tried to run up and hug Offender but slender stepped in front of Splendor and stopped him and shook his head "I'll go and heal him, but as for everyone else I'll need you all to not disturb me while I'm working on Offender....I'll let you all know how he's doing when I come back downstairs" retr0 said and she teleported upstairs.... Splendor sighed and sat back down on the couch, all the could do was hope Offender was going to be ok...
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