Food cravings and a surprise
Offender woke up and luckily he wasn't sick today he was just hungry as hell, and he already knew Splendor was downstairs cooking (relationship goals) so he got up and went to the kitchen. Splendor was making waffles and other breakfast food, Offender kissed Splendor on the neck and Splendor just smiled, when the eggs were done Offender went to the freezer and got some ice cream too. Offender put the eggs in the ice cream and started eating, Splendor paused for a sec and just went with it, Splendor sat down and started eating too, after breakfast Offender and Splendor sat on the couch and watched TV and Offender got hungry again "Babe could you bring me some chocolate and some Oreos" asked Offender and of course Splendor went to go get it and when he came back with it Offender started to eat. After at least 20 minutes he got hungry again and this time Offender wanted something simple "Can you please get me some brownies and ice cream" asked Offender and Splendor chuckled and went to go get Offender some, once Splendor gave them to Offender it almost looked like he inhaled the food. Out of nowhere there was a knock on the door and Splendor went to go see who It was, it was retr0, Splendor opened the door and retr0 and greeted her and they went to the living room anwd retr0 hugged Offender "Soo how's it going" asked retr0. "Pretty good been eating a lot but pretty good" said Offender "That's normal" replied retr0, she had a bag with her, it was a surprise for Offender, she handed him the bag and when he opened it, it had all his favorite snacks in it and retr0 also bought Splendor a onesie knowing how he loved PJs. "Thank you!" Said Offender and Splendor, retr0 smiled "Always happy to help" she replied, Splendor almost forgot about what he wanted to show retr0 "oh retr0 I need to show you something" as he dragged her upstairs. When they got upstairs to a spare room Splendor closed the door and went in a closet to get something, it was a small box and when Splendor opened it, it was a ring. Retr0 gasped and said "I knew it! I knew it I knew I knew iiitt!" As she began to cheer "Shhh it's a surprise" said Splendor. "I'm planning on purposing on Christmas day But I don't know can you look and see" asked Splendor, retr0 closed her eyes and looked through time and it was a yes from the future, when retr0 opened her eyes she nodded her head happily. Splendor hugged retr0 and said "Thank you so much!" And they went back to the living room and started talking again like nothing happened
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