Part 1:

Art above is mine
If anyone wants to reuse it, please let me know😊
And once again:
My mothertongue is not English so please let me know if there are any spelling mistakes or the sentences don't make any sense😅😂
His P.o.V.

I made my usual walk in the evening and crossed a few parks, looking for new victims. I haven't eaten very much in the last weeks, so I was already starving. 

At this time I didn't care, what kind of woman I would catch with my charm and I also played with the thought of just giving them only the blue rose to be able to kill her instantly.
I shook my head. I would never in my life break my codex, what said, the woman has to pick her fate. It wasn't really a codex, but it was my own recognition sign.
While Slenders victims would slowly get his stupid Slender-Sickness, I used my own strategy to weaken my victims.
I had the ability to create a powerful spell, called charm, to seduce a woman and have them to pick one of the roses I offered to her.
The blue one-killing the woman instantly or the red one-having a pleasurable night with her and killing her after.
Both of them are enjoyable to me. 

So I continued walking through a park and teleporting to different spots, where depressed or lonely girls would be, to have some time for themselves. Nothing.
I growled slightly frustrated and leaned on the nearest street light. I lowered my head and pulled my fedora over to where my eyes would be. 

Suddenly I heard footsteps and a feminine voice humming a sweet melody in the distance. Her voice appeared smooth and melodic.
I smirked and looked a bit up.
The girl reached me and abruptly stopped singing and looked on her feet in embarrassment. “Hello love~,” I said in a deep voice and grinned.
She looked at me slightly confused and embarrassed. “Why did you stop singing? You have a lovely voice, dear.”

I pushed myself from the streetlight and took a few steps closer to her. She blushed a bit and looked back to her feet. “There's no need to be shy, dear. I'm just impressed by your talent, that's all.”
I eyed her, taking her full body in.
She was the perfect victim.
Her (h/l) (h/c) hair shimmered softly in the light of the streetlamp and her delicate (e/c) were stuck to her feet.
She bit her bottom lip nervously.
I stuck my tongue out, licking my lips hungrily. 

I took one more step closer to her and raised my hands. In each of them appeared a rose.
The one in my left hand was the blue rose.
The one in the right was the red one.

"Here, pick one, love. That's a little present for you, that I had the opportunity to listen to your beautiful voice~” The girl looked at both of them in awe and reached out for the red one, but she stopped.

She looked up at me to look at my face, half covered in the shadows with only the big grin plastered to my face being visible.
She returned my smile and showed her white teeth in a sweet little grin.

I was surprised.
She didn't seem to be the shy girl, I met the second before.
She opened her mouth and pulled back her hand: “I'm sorry, but I don't take any roses or presents from strangers.”

She turned and continued walking, leaving me behind baffled.
It never happened in my life before, that a girl resisted my charm.
I closed my mouth, which I unnoticed opened in shock, and grinned evilly. That was definitely something different. 
She aroused somehow my hunting instinct.

This girl is definitely an interesting being to mess with.

Her P.oV. (You are 'her'-I wanted it to sound more elegant😂)

I opened my front door and walked inside my house. Everything was still how I left it. The only change was, that it was now something after midnight and everything was dark. I shut the door behind me and turned on the hallway lights. Then I threw my keys on the shelf and slid down the door, sighing in exhaustion. 

This party, where my best friend dragged me to, was definitely too much for me.
It wasn't just a normal party with drinking something, dancing and laughing.
It was a complete mess with people drinking OVER their limits and making out in every corner.
This kind of party, where people come to, who are not even invited and with someone throwing up the liquids they drank before everywhere.
I'm not the type of person, who often goes to parties. It's just so loud and annoying, almost exhausting. I only agreed to go to this party with my best friend to take care of her.
Wouldn't want her to get banged by a stranger, she forgets about in the next morning.
And yeah...she is the kind of person, who perfectly fits in this kind of party.
A few hours later I eventually lost her, so I decided to go back home.
It's not like I didn't look for her, but it was already too crowded to find anyone and things started to get dirty and I just left.

I closed my eyes and sighed one more time. In a flash of a second the stranger, who offered me these roses, shot through my mind. 

He seemed very peculiar to me. Not only his appearance was strange, but there was also a weird aura coming from him, what intrigued me for a second and his self-confident and unnatural. I couldn't even tell if I could trust him or not. He seemed so mysterious. 

He wasn't a random stranger-that's for sure. He was there on a beast, waiting for his victim to cross parts. 

And his smile...this smile said more than a thousand words could, but still, you couldn't figure out anything about it. No matter how hard you would try, you would never be able to read his expressions-his thoughts, lingering in his mind. 

I shook my head.
He was just a weird stranger, maybe on drugs or an unrestrained pervert, testing a new strategy on a young, innocent woman.

But still...something about him lets him stick to my mind permanently. 

I just took off my shoes and stood back up to walk in the kitchen.
Once there, I turned on the water tap and poured myself some water in a glass, I grabbed from a shelf.
I took a sip of it and decided to sit for a second on my couch and enjoy the silence for once this day.
I opened the living room door but stopped instantly.

Something was different, but I couldn't put my finger on it.
My gaze wandered around the dark room.
Only the silhouettes of my furniture could be seen in the soft moonshine. 

A breeze hit my face, making me shudder.
The window was opened and the curtains wafted slightly in the wind.
I shrugged and turned my face to the wall and scanned it with my hands for the light switch.
As I found it, I pressed it instantly.

But when I looked back to my armchair across from me at the end of the room,
I dropped my glass in shock. 

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