Chapter 2

New Life, Hopefully New Friends Too


  I had woken up today with a dull pounding in my head. Why, you may ask? Well today is the day I start going to my new school, I was so nervous that I couldn't get much sleep during the previous night. I was too busy tossing and turning in the bed of my apartment, so by the time morning came; I had gotten little rest, more bags that sat under my eyes, crazy head hair, and a pounding in my head which would make me want to go suffer all eternity in hell than suffer with this.

  But enough of that, right now I am standing in front of a huge ass door that leads to my new class. I stood, gawking at the ridiculous height of the door, I gripped my handbag's shoulder strap as I started to feel even more butterflies than I did before. I was starting to rethink and evaluate my life choices and how it all lead up to this, my brain had just decided that we're not ready for this and was just about to nope-it out of there like the timid girl I am. But of course the door just had to open as I was about to leave. "-man, next time you should own up to your bets! This is the last time... I'm..go..nna..." the girl who stood in front of me, and had opened the door, slowly trailed off her sentence to another classmate as she stared at me.

  Uwah! Abort mission! I said ABORT MISSION!!!

  I panicked in my head as I stared up in disbelief at the orange haired girl that stood in the way. Her pine green eyes never left the hold of my blue, wide open orbs. She was wearing the normal grey school uniform but wore a strange type of black leggings underneath her skirt, and it went just a little past the knees. Her short, bob cut golden orange hair curls bounced with every little move she made. She had almost perfectly flawless skin and a wonderfully sculpted face, she did have a small scar that rested on her left cheek, it was noticeable but didn't make her look any worse.

  We just continued our strange staring contest until a male student, who's likely her friend, came up to us. "Yo, Tsuru, what's the problem? Cat got your to-" he stopped mid-sentence as soon as he spotted me.

  And his looks, well all I could call him was handsome or something closely related to the word beautiful. His orangish red hair matched with his crimson ruby eyes, and under his left sat a mole. He had a light smile adorning his features that would reflect in any person's eyes. His tan complex fits with his brightly colored hair and dark yet warm looking orbs. He wore the school uniform as well, but he seemed to be wearing the summer top and shorts. Of course it is already closing in on summer, but it's still significantly cold out, so I questioned his appearance. "Well look what we have here," the male said in a deep, monotoned voice.

  "What's a little girl like you doing here?" He smiled and crouched a bit so that he was at my level, "are you lost? Or perhaps trying to find someone?"

  I didn't know how to answer, no, scratch that, I do know how to answer but I couldn't...I choose not to answer with words.

  Instead I took out a notebook and pen from my bag and quickly wrote on a sheet, 'my name is Kaiya. I'm suppose to be starting school here today,' it said in messy, sloppy writing. "Hold up, you're Kaiya? As in Shino's mega smart younger sister?" The orange head girl asked in shock.

  I flinched once hearing her name and slowly nodded my head. I was still trying to overcome the trauma my sister did to me not even 3 months before. "Well, welcome to 3-A. I'm the class' vice president, you can just call me Atsuro though," the male spoke up as he reached his arm out, expecting me to shake it. But before I had the chance to the female tackled both me and Atsuro, sending us to the ground. "Aaaww~! She's sooo cute~!! Hey hey! Atsuro, let's make her our maskot! Our maskot!!" The girl started to rub her cheek on my own with a cat faced smile and hearts surrounding her. What is this?! Are we now in some kind of anime?!

  "Tsuruka...get. OFF!" A new voice called out as I noticed some of the weight that was on me suddenly vanished.

  I sat up and came face to face with a strange scene. There was a girl with red colored skin and brown dirt hair smooshing her foot onto the orange head's back. While doing this the girl started giving a lecture to her as I started to see smoke coming off of where foot made contact with back. "Calm down now Ash, don't blame Tsuru for getting all excited now that we have a new classmate," Atsuro said as he tried to calm the female raging beast. I didn't even see him move!! I thought to myself as I noticed how fast he moved from the spot next to me to where the girls are. I just decided to sit, crouched down against the wall as I watch the scene play out in front of me. I had a deadpanned look about me as I watched their childish squabble. First day and I'm already surrounded by crazy...I thought to myself in a tired voice. Not even 10 minutes into the day and I already wanna go home and take a good long nap.

  "Oh my...what are you three doing now..?" An older, more wise and calmer male voice spoke.

  I turned my head to the classroom door to find a white haired man, who looks to be in his late twenties, stare at all of us with a bored expression while holding a small smile with it. His eyes were slouched in boredom and fatigue but had a kind, fatherly glint in them. He wasn't wearing a hero costume, no, he just wore a wrinkled suit that had the tie missing and part of the shirt untucked from his black pants. His tennis shoes and cream pale skin didn't go with the outfit as a whole.

  The three stopped at his sudden appearance and got off of each other. They all stood up straight, expecting to have their ears chewed off in a lecture. Instead he turned to my still crouching figure and looked at me in puzzlement. I couldn't blame him; here he sees a strange little girl who isn't even wearing a uniform sitting next to the huge door that leads to a classroom with three other students who were previously fighting with each other. He looked up and down my figure, noting the jeans and baggy light sweater that I wore, along with the one strap handbag that held all of my school supplies in—and my notebook that I use to talk with as well.

  He then made a judgement and smiled at me, "you're new here correct?" I nodded, "well, I'm Kei Tsubaki. But call me Mr. Tsubaki while in class. I've heard a lot about you, and I hope we all get along with each other Kaiya."

  He reached his hand out to take like Atsuro did before and I grabbed hold of it, giving a solid shake. "Welcome to class 3-A of UA!"


  "Everyone take a seat, our new student has arrived," Mr. Tsubaki says as us five enter the room. The two girls and Atsuro go back to their desks after getting a small yet thorough lecture on proper manners and such. But both Tsubaki and I held our spots up in the front of the classroom so I could get a proper introduction. "This girl standing next to me is Kaiya Okamikaru. She is to be treated the same as you all: a student. She will be spending the rest of the year here with us and will be graduating as a hero in the spring. Do not let her small stature and young age fool you, she is just as smart and just as powerful as you all are with your quirks and bodily strength. That is all, Kaiya please take your seat over in the back right."

  Tsubaki motioned over to the empty seat in the back row which was in between two other students, one of the was the girl who had red skin, emphasis on the had, for she now had light blue skin that colored the majority of her visible body. The other girl had light curly black hair that framed her face but covered her right ash silver colored eye, her visible eye was darting around the room as she tried not to make eye contact with anyone. Her posture was stiff and ridged, like she was in a confined space or being squished between two people or walls. Her lips were curled into a nervous frown, you could even tell she was shaking slightly if you looked hard enough. She was wearing the summer uniform like everyone else, except Atsuro, but had on a long sleeve black shirt underneath.

  I shouldn't be one to judge her choice of wardrobe seeing as I am wearing long sleeved checker printed, fingerless gloves that have 10lb weights stuffed in them. Another thing that I've noticed is that this desk and this chair would have belonged to my sister if fate didn't pull a 180 with our family. I sunk back with that thought, making me hesitant on whether or not I should sit at this desk. After a moment, I slowly and reluctantly sat in the chair and placed my bag so that it was hanging by the strap on the back of the seat. Tsubaki started homeroom and began talking about how the school year will go and schedule for events and the like. "So with that in mind, as third years going into battle during the sports festival you will..."

  I began to tune him out as the now dark green skinned girl tapped my right shoulder, gaining my already weak attention away from the teacher. "Hey, sorry about that scene you saw earlier. It's kinda normal for us three to act like that," the girl whispered, giving me a sweet smile, "my name is Ash Umberto by the way."

  I shoot a lopsided smile back, showing her that I understood and that I would watch out for their antics for the next time around.

  She spread out her smile more before turning back to homeroom and I followed her lead, well I tried to anyway. Most of the stuff he's talking about is things that I've heard of before. Whether it was Mom and Dad talking about the 'good old days' of their time in this school or when it was Shino giving me a full on detailed 3 hour rants of what happened that same day. I smiled at the fond memory before going back to my stoic frown.

  A new life, huh? ...wait, I thought, does this mean that Ash and Atsuro...want to


  I smiled fondly at the picture frame in my hand, the photo was of me and my old classmates.....and friends. I placed the blue framed photo down on one of the more stable boxes that sat in the storage room and went back to work. I continued to think about my first week I attended UA and all the people I'd meet; which was also when that photo was taken. I then saw Todoroki, who was helping me organize one of the many storage rooms, pick up the frame that was in my hands not to long ago.

  "Is this you?" He asked as he pointed to a smaller version of me, who was blushing wildly and looking red as a tomato.

  I gave a light chuckle and walked up to him, "yeah it is, I was such a silent runt back then! Can't believe it's been 6 years already..."


  "Hm?" I faced a confused Todoroki, "oh that's right, I never told any of you about that part..well, you see after what had happened with my sister, I became a mute. Though it only lasted a few months until someone got me to speak up again... er, more like yelled ehehehe," I laughed nervously as I scratched the back of my neck.

  "You seem to care about them a lot," he smiled, which would make any girl squeal and faint right on the spot.

  "Yeah, I do! Anyway enough chitchat!" I pushed him on the back lightly, "we have work to do so come on!"

  Yeah...they really are my friends...

~ t o  b e  c o n t i n u e d ~

(Words: 2181)

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