Chapter 3

Third Person Pov

Xavier sat on the wooden benches quietly, leaning on his new best friend, kinda tired of waiting for his new sensei. They were waiting for sometime now. All the other teams had already left and they really wamted to go home. Naruto sighed in irritation, he rubbed his temple. "I'm tired of waiting, believe it!" He stood up, stomping his way towards the chalkboard, and successful startling Xavier.

Xavier blinked, looking at Naruto curiously. He took the stool and the chalkboard eraser and began to balance himself poorly on the sad little stool. He was chuckling to himself and a weird aura was circling around him.

Xavier shivered. What the hell was this boy even doing?

The boy plopped off the stool and presented his plan, pointing both his arms at the top of the door. "Thats what he gets for being late!" Naruto grinned. Xavier laughed and Sakura gasped standing up in a panic, she waved her hands around frantically. "Naruto you can't do that!" Sasuke only scoffed, turning his face. "Our teacher is an elite ninja, a Jonin, idiot."

"OuR TeAchEr iS An ELitE NinJa, A jONin, IDioT." Xavier mocked, sticking his tongue at him, waving his arm dissmissingly at Sasuke. Sasuke's face twisted with shock and disbelief, Sakura gasped again. Didn't this kid know who he was? Didn't he know who Sasuke Uchiha was?!

Xavier ignored his surprised look and turned to Naruto. "Check this out, Naruto." He said, laughing. He pulled out a bone from his pocket and chucked it at the door. "YeET!"

The door opened and not only did the chalkboard eraser hit the person's head but so did the bone. Straight in the middle of the guy's forehead.

The room became quiet and the man stood still with a dry look... But it didn't stop both those idiots from being stupid. Xavier and Naruto burst into laughter, pointing at the man that stood before them. Xavier doubled over, wheezing with laughter and Naruto was on the floor rolling around and shrieking. It was a pretty good start for the day.

"My first impression of all of you... Your all idiots." The other two shriveled at his comment, a gloomy aura surrounded them. Naruto and Xavier finished laughing catching their breaths and wiping the corner of their eyes. "Yeah... We be the idiots." Naruto was able to cough out, not really minding his statement.

"What of it?" Xavier smirked, leaning on his friend. Naruto flashed a smile at Xavier, they stood together. Kakashi sighed, rubbing his temple, already stressed and fed up with their bullshit. "Meet me up on the roof." He sighed and with that he poofed into nothing.

They looked at each other, Xavier shrugged, pulling the blond along with him. He bent down and picked up the bone, sticking it back into his pocket. "By the way.. Why do you have a bone in your pocket?" Naruto noted, pointing at the rather large and thick bone. "Its actually a weapon." Xavier explained as they walked up the stairs. Naruto awed, staring at the bone. "That actually makes prefect sense." Xavier nodded.

They saw the sunlight peak at the end of the stairs, their new sensei sat on rails at the edge of the roof. They sat on the concrete, facing the old man. The other two sat down next to them. Sakura was too close for his liking, resulting with Xavier moving the fuck away. "Alright, now its time for introductions!" He said cheerfully, clapping his hands together. Xavier grimaced, this was not going to be good.

He bit his lip and prayed he wouldn't be picked. Sakura raised her voice, opening her mouth without any permission. "Introductions? What do we say?" Xavier snorted, shoving his hands into his pockets. What kind of dumbass doesn't know what an intro is? Sakura deflated at his scoff, her face colored in embarrassment. "Your likes, dislikes, hobbies, dreams..." He droned. "Stuff like that..."

"You should go first, so we know how to do it." She muttered. Xavier looked completely done. Could she not hear herself or something? What was she trying to achieve from her mediocre questions? "Yeah, you kinda seem suspicious." Naruto spoke from behind, squinting his eyes at him. "Believe it!"

Xavier leaned on him and huffed. His teammates were going to be the end of him and he knew it. There was no way he was going to last long anyways. He scowled at the old man, giving him a pointed look. "Me?" He questioned, pointing at himself. "My name is Kakashi Hatake. My likes and dislikes..." He hummed, tapping his masked chin. "I don't feel like telling you. Hobbies? I don't have hobbies and as for dreams... I haven't really thought about it..."

Sasuke and Xavier snorted, which equally surprised both of them. They snapped their necks to looks at each other, shock covered their faces. They looked into each others eyes, Sasuke's eyes twinkle with interest. Xavier snorted again, it sounded like some shit from a sappy fan fiction. He turned away from him, ruining the moment voluntarily. But he definitely felt something weird about the look.

"All he really said was his name." Sakura murmured, gaining a solid nodded from Naruto. Xavier did have to admit, his intro was kind of bullshit. "Alright, you in the orange first." He chirped, pointing at the ball of sunshine, ignoring Sakura's little comment. Naruto's lips curled into a grin, fiddling with his headband, the way he would with his old goggles.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, believe it! I like ramen, especially the type Iruka-sensei buys me at the Ichiraku Ramen Shop. I dislike the three minutes you have to wait after you pour water into instant ramen. My hobbies include pranks and comparing different types of ramen flavors! My dreams for the future... Is to become the greatest Hokage! Believe it!" Xavier hummed fondly at his friend and his speech. At least he had a dream that was reachable.

"Alright, Pinkie your turn." Kakashi said, nodding his head towards her way. She perked up, starting her introduction. "My name is Sakura Haruno! I like... Well, the person I like is..." A faint blush spread on her cheeks, and she turned to look at Sasuke. The boy wasn't even looking at her, causing Xavier to cringe at the poor girl. He sighed, shaking his head in pity for both the teens. Oh well. "My hobbies are..." Her cheeks tinted with a brighter red, she squirmed in place and giggled. "And my dreams for the future is to-" She couldn't contain her excitement and squealed, hugging herself, squirming side to side. Kakashi clearly unimpressed, continued. "And your dislikes?"

She stopped squirming and sat upright. "Naruto!" She screeched, crossing her arms. Naruto slumped over, and bawled big fat tears. Little streams came out his eyes. Xavier patted his back, "Its okay buddy... She doesn't deserve you." He assured, trying his best to cheer him up. Naruto nodded weakly, leaning on Xavier.

"Alright, you in the blue next." Sasuke clicked his tongue and crossed his hands before his face. "My name is Sasuke Uchiha." He said in a brooding tone, still looking straight ahead. "I dislike everything and I have no hobbies. Its not a dream because I will make come true... Its more of an ambition... I'm going to kill a certain somebody and restore my clan." 

At the end of his introduction, Naruto shivered, Sakura swooned, Kakashi grimaced, and Xavier sat there with a deadpan. It was a short introduction but it was enough to make Xavier realize that his teammates needed serious help.

'That kid is literally a fetus.. And he already wants to fuck and kill.' Xavier groaned in despair, banging his face on the metal pole by him. Kakashi gave him the old brow look and nodded at him next. "Last one." Xavier exhaled heavily, crossing his legs.

"My name is Xavier. I like..." Xavier paused, biting his tongue for not thinking of what he should have said.  'Not giving a shit. Not being bothered. Meat. Mixing my own fucking business.' He thought sourly, before correcting himself.

"...Rabbits and cooking?" He hesitated, grimacing at the suspicious look his sensei gave him. "I also like Naruto, my friend.." He said, curling his fingers on his lap. "I dislike..."

He cursed to himself internally and chewed on his lip. He couldn't think of things that made him look normal which resulted with him blurting the things he actually disliked. "...Bitches that can't mind there own business and stare."

They gawked at him, mouths agaped. He continued with sweat pouring down his face. "My hobbies are cooking and fuck- I can't do this." He pushed Sakura, who was leaning on him and scrambled out of his sitting position. He ran to the edge of the building and jumped off.

Sakura screamed and other two gasped leaving them in a shock. Kakashi jumped up and ran to the edge and peered down worriedly. He sighed in relief when he saw the teen running through small market spaces below them, bumping into carts and people.

He turned back to his other students and saw Sakura on the floor and Naruto and Sasuke sitting there with their eyes wide open. Naruto had his hand on his chest, grasping his shirt roughly and Sasuke was dazed. "Hey guys. He's okay! He's just running!" He assured them, his hands in front of him defensively. He sweatdropped when he saw Naruto collapse on the floor, too.

He sighed, rubbing his forehead. Today was really bad. He sighed again. These kids really were something. "Sasuke... Help me drop off Sakura and Naruto to their homes, please." Sasuke sat for sometime before he recomposed himself and obliged.

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