Chapter 1: Dooku's Fate
Blaster fire flew past the viewport of Zelina's Jedi Interceptor Starfighter in dizzying patterns, too complicated for Zelina to follow with her eyes. However, she did possess the skill with the Force to avoid the blasts that came too close to her ship.
She wasn't the only one navigating this colorful battlefield, however. Two other Jedi Starfighters were close to her position, a squadron of clone pilots assisting in a mad dash for the Separatist ship looming over the planet of Coruscant as it attempted to escape.
The Invisible Hand.
And Chancellor Palpatine was also on that ship, and also the reason they were rushing towards it in the first place.
Can't we just leave him? A small part of Zelina complained, but she snuffed the little voice out, focusing on flying through the explosion of two ships just ahead of her without hitting any shrapnel. Around her, vulture droids chased Republic fighters, warships exchanged fire against surfaces both shielded and vulnerable, chaos reigned.
But it all boiled down to one small group for her, three ships, with the squadron covering them background noise as well.
Yellow, red, and purple pained Jedi Starfighters. Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Zelina.
A Separatist ship exploded, causing the three to pull up to avoid the falling mass, one last futile missile launching from the ship to cause perhaps a scorch mark on the Republic ship that had shot it down.
While the kidnapping of Chancellor Palpatine by Grievous was daring, and the Republic Forces were the ones scattered thin all across the galaxy right now, the sight was rather...pitiful.
But that was just one ship in a very large-scale battle, and if they didn't hurry, the Separatists would get away with a prize too valuable for the Republic to lose.
Maybe the Senate shouldn't have given him so much power, then we could elect a new chancellor if something happened without utter chaos occurring, and we'd all be better off, Zelina thought bitterly.
"General Grievous' ship is dead ahead—the one crawling with vulture droids," Anakin's voice suddenly came over through Zelina's headset, causing her to smile slightly.
It had been too long since she'd last heard her friend's voice.
"I see it. Oh, this is going to be easy," Obi-Wan said sarcastically. Zelina brought her ship into position just between and above them, trailing slightly behind as she too focused on the ship ahead.
Obi-Wan connected to the troops that were flying behind them over their communications unit, giving orders for the squad to form behind Obi-Wan. Zelina automatically adjusted her position, coming even with Anakin's and Obi-Wan's ships but giving them enough room they could carry out evasive maneuvers if they had to.
"This is where the fun begins," Anakin declared, the vulture droids speeding towards their group.
"Let them pass between us," Obi-Wan reminded him, the three Jedi angling their starfighters so that the vulture droids would be assaulted by Oddball's squadron, allowing the Jedi to pass the vulture droids and keep racing for Grievous' ship before it could escape.
The vulture droids weren't even past the three Jedi before the firefight erupted, explosions occurring almost immediately as ships on both sides were blasted away. The Jedi starfighters rushed ahead, rapidly closing the distance between themselves and Grevious' ship.
Over their communications, they heard the sounds of overwhelmed pilots, the outbreak of dogfighting coming to an end as quickly as it started.
"I'm gonna go help them out," Anakin announced as one of the soldier's announcements ended with an abrupt loss of contact.
"No! No, they are doing their job so that we can do ours."
Zelina had to agree with Obi-Wan on that one. She hated losing men, but they were here so that the three Jedi could get on board that ship.
At least the 105th wasn't here—most of them were back on Ruusan with Cruiser, a few with some prisoners on Coruscant.
That wasn't a matter for right now, though; right now she needed to keep her head in the fight.
Example—vulture droids that hadn't reached them yet fired missiles their way, the neon blue streams the missiles left behind leaving a stark contrast against the black of space.
"Missiles—pull up!" Anakin barked. Zelina pulled sharply up, Obi-Wan and Anakin leaning to starboard and port respectively so the missiles went right between them, the three resuming their previous formation.
"They overshot us," Obi-Wan assured them. Anakin was quick to prove him wrong.
"They're coming around."
"They've locked onto us, be ready," Zelina chipped in, the three of them going in different directions to avoid their respective missiles.
"Ah, she speaks!" Anakin crowed, and Zelina rolled her eyes.
"I'm focused," she chided him, though there was a smile on her face as she spoke.
One missile followed Zelina, another following Obi-Wan, and two following Anakin. Zelina didn't pay much mind to what was going on with the other two, confident that they'd be able to shake their missiles. Instead, she focused on flying, angling her starfighter towards one of the Separatist ships and punching forward, the missile trailing close behind. She came close enough the rational, self-preservation part of her brain was screaming at her to pull up, but she stayed on course, relying on the Force to tell her when the right time was to pull sharply up, causing the missile to smash headfirst into the main bridge of the Separatist ship. She pulled up, doing a one-eighty and making her way back in the direction that the other two had been headed, looking to see if Obi-Wan or Anakin needed any help.
It looked like Obi-Wan could use some assistance. Anakin had gotten rid of his missiles as quickly as Zelina had. Obi-Wan, on the other hand...
The missile that had been tailing him pulled ahead of Obi-Wan, and Zelina realized that these missiles hadn't been the impact and destroy kind, they had been the sabotage kind.
There were buzz droids in that missile.
Coming in hot, Zelina angled herself towards Obi-Wan, coming in on his starboard side and positioning herself just ahead of him before opening fire, successfully shooting down the missile before it could explode and release an angry barrage of buzz droids on him.
"You're welcome," Zelina called into their com channel. "Now, shall we get back on course?" she asked, bringing her ship into the lead just ahead of Obi-Wan. Anakin appeared at her port side, the three of them collectively returning to their original course, almost to the Invisible Hand.
"Grievous' ship is up ahead," Anakin announced.
Obi-Wan voiced Zelina's concern before she could, his voice cracking at the end of his shouted statement.
"Well have you noticed the shields are still up?"
They were coming in a little fast, enough that the fact there were still shields was worrisome.
That had been Anakin's job.
"Sorry, Master," Anakin replied, flipping over Zelina's ship as she moved aside so he could get a clear shot at the shield generator.
As the vacuum of space started to pull the contents of the hangar out into the battle, they all pushed their ships forward, hoping to make it into the hanger before the emergency door slammed shut, denying them access.
It was going to be a tight squeeze, that was for sure.
"Oh, I have a bad feeling about this," Obi-Wan declared before the three ships angled themselves to fit through the small space still open to them to get inside once they reached the hangar. Obi-Wan's ship hit the ground almost immediately since he'd been on the bottom as they squeezed inside, the red starfighter skidding across the floor of the hangar before he popped open the cockpit and leapt out, leaving the starfighter to stop whenever it pleased. Anakin, having been in the middle, had a smoother skid, and he even managed to plow through several battle droids along the way, making the number of droids they'd have to face outside their ships significantly smaller.
Zelina, being on top, managed to circle around with a dangerously sharp turn, her ship straining and slowing down considerably as she focused on using her ship's blasters to blow a few more droids away before setting her ship down. Anakin and Obi-Wan were already cutting through the droids when she got out of her ship, easily stepping off the wing.
Most of the droids were focused on Anakin and Obi-Wan, and she only had to take care of a few who turned their attention to her and her violet lightsaber before she was coming up behind the droids who had been too preoccupied with Anakin and Obi-Wan to notice her. Between the three of them, they made quick work of the droids in the hanger bay.
As the last droid fell to the ground, Zelina turned off her lightsaber and clipped it back to its usual position hooked to her hip, turning to Anakin with a large grin on her face before pulling him in for a welcoming hug.
The last time she'd seen him had been that mess with Fives, far too long ago. Recently, he and Obi-Wan had been dealing with the fighting on Mandalore, fighting that had included the return of Maul and reappearance of Ahsoka, apparently. As much as Zelina would have liked to have been there, both to finally capture Maul and to see Ahsoka again to see how she was doing, instead of being sent to help the others with Mandalore and Maul, she'd been sent to Ruusan, a Separatist planet that had been used as a base of operations as the Separatists tried to choke off supplies to Republic forces by taking hold of the hyperlanes close to Ruusan. She'd left not long before the assault on the capital began, loath to leave her men behind while she returned to Coruscant, but confident in her Commander's ability to lead her men in her absence.
At least, in being called back, she was reunited with her friends.
Anakin returned the tight hug before Zelina pulled away, giving Obi-Wan a similar but also shorter embrace. "Sorry—I know we have an important mission and everything, but I just had to do that, first. I've missed you both."
"We'll have to catch up later—for now, we have a Chancellor to rescue," Obi-Wan said as she pulled away. They all made their way to where R2 was tapped into the ship's system, displaying a layout of the ship with a clear path marked out to where the Chancellor was being kept.
"The Chancellor's signal is coming from right there. The observation platform at the top of that spire," Obi-Wan said, his finger tracing the orange path to the dot that represented the Chancellor.
"I sense Count Dooku," Anakin commented, looking slightly distracted.
"I sense a trap," Obi-Wan returned, looking around at the carnage they'd left upon entering the ship.
"Next move?" Anakin asked, a small smile on his face. Obi-Wan grinned, a light of mischievousness in his eyes.
"Spring the trap."
"Obi-Wan, I'm used to seeing that gleam in Anakin's eyes, not yours," Zelina teased as they started to walk away. R2 whistled at them, almost sounding offended and inquisitive at the same time.
"R2, go back, I need you to stay with the ship," Anakin chided him. Obi-Wan was a step ahead, pulling out a personal com unit and tossing it R2's way.
"Here, take this—wait for orders."
Then they were finally moving to find their way through Grievous' ship and reach the chancellor.
Ideally before the Separatists made a jump into hyperspace to flee Coruscant.
The elevator they wanted wasn't far from the hanger, just down a few halls that were unsettlingly empty, practically waiting for the three of them.
Obi-Wan had hardly pressed the button to open the elevator doors when the distinct sound of metal rolling across the metal floors reached their ears, the three of them turning, on the defensive.
"Destroyers!" Anakin announced needlessly, and Zelina scowled, falling behind the two as they deflected the blaster fire.
They didn't need a third blade to do that.
The doors hissed open, and Zelina turned, pausing in alarm when she saw the elevator filled with Separatist droids.
They only stared at each other for a second before she leapt at them, cutting through the droids in the elevator in a matter of seconds, Obi-Wan and Anakin backing in as she advanced to avoid the destroyers.
The doors hissed closed not long after the last droid dropped to the ground.
"Watch your step," she quipped, earning a small smile from both of them.
"Glad we have you along to watch our backs, Zee," Anakin returned.
"That tends to be my job whenever I get paired up with you two, yes."
The elevator started its rapid ascent, their goal the very top of the Invisible Hand's spire. A little convenient for them, honestly. Then again, Obi-Wan had stated he sensed a trap.
Trap, indeed.
The elevator suddenly screeched to a halt, Causing all three of them to look at each other in surprise.
"Did you press the stop button?" Obi-Wan asked.
"No, did you?" Anakin returned. Zelina rolled her eyes.
"Obviously no one pressed the button—shall we try a different elevator?" Zelina asked.
"There are three," Anakin agreed, opening the door of the elevator.
Almost instantly blaster fire erupted, coming straight at them from a multitude of points in the hall, as it was packed full of droids. Zelina lurched forward with both of her lightsabers to deflect the blasts coming Anakin's way—Obi-Wan held his own ground—as he started to slam the button to shut the doors again repeatedly.
"Bad idea!" he declared before anyone else could. Looking around again, they tried to think of another way to get moving.
The doors weren't an option as there was an army of battle droids on the other side waiting for them, probably getting ready to open the door again soon if they didn't get moving.
"Well, there's more than one way out of here," Anakin declared, activating his lightsaber yet again and lifting it to the ceiling, slowly cutting a hole they could potentially escape through.
Obi-Wan tried a more civilized approach.
"We don't want to get out, we want to get moving," Obi-Wan said as he fished a communication device out of his pocket. "R2, activate elevator 31174. Come in R2. R2, do you copy? R2, activate the elevator 31174."
"Getting out and getting a move on might become the same thing, those droids aren't just going to politely wait for us to open the door again, Obi-Wan," Zelina said pointedly. Obi-Wan was about to respond before they all suddenly had to take a step back, the chunk of ceiling Anakin was cutting through dropping straight to the floor. "Thanks for the warning," Zelina shouted at Anakin as he immediately jumped through the hole, using the Force to put more power in the movement, landing on top of the elevator with a dull thud.
Obi-Wan sighed rather dramatically. "Always on the move..."
Instead of following Anakin, the two of them remained in the elevator, Obi-Wan still trying to hail R2. Zelina figured if Anakin found another way, he'd tell them, and if Obi-Wan finally got in touch with R2, she would already be in the elevator.
Abruptly, while Obi-Wan was actually in the middle of trying to reach R2 again, the elevator lurched, throwing Zelina and Obi-Wan rather ungracefully to the floor.
From the lack of a sound of a body hitting the elevator or a person falling a great distance, Zelina assumed Anakin had grabbed onto a ledge before the elevator plummeted.
Obi-Wan was the first on his feet, eyes locking on the flashing lights indicating the floors rapidly passing them by one by one as he helped Zelina to her feet as well.
"Stop—stop, R2, we need to be going up!" Obi-Wan said in an exasperated tone. Zelina braced herself in one of the elevator's corners for the inevitable rough stop and resumed ascent, looking at Obi-Wan with a slight expression of disdain.
She didn't want to end up on the floor again.
"R2, do you copy? R2, do you hear me? R2, we need to be going up, not down." Obi-Wan looked at Zelina, pausing to wait and see if R2 would respond before turning away, about to try and speak again.
The elevator lurched, and Zelina tensed, knees buckling slightly but her arms keeping her from falling ungracefully to the floor--like Obi-Wan--a second time. She reached out to try and catch him before he fell, accidentally clipping him in the jaw. She hissed, withdrawing her hand and shaking it like it would get rid of the pain, looking at Obi-Wan apologetically as he got back to his feet rubbing his jaw.
"Sorry," she said sheepishly, feeling her cheeks burning while he simply gave her a reprimanding look and hailed R2 once again.
"Now, that's better," he told the little droid, rubbing at his jaw still.
She hadn't hit him that hard, had she?
There was a couple clanks on the roof of the elevator, causing Zelina and Obi-Wan to reach for their lightsabers instinctively in case a few battle droids got the bright idea to try and jump onto the elevator.
Or it was Anakin. He still needed to get back in the elevator.
A mass of dark brown and black dropped down into the middle of the elevator, Obi-Wan activating his lightsaber and whipping around to attack the threat before Zelina grabbed his arm to stop him and he realized it was Anakin who had just dropped into the space behind him.
"Oh, it's you," Obi-Wan said in relief while Anakin adjusted his Jedi robe, giving Obi-Wan an accusing look.
"What was that all about?" Anakin asked. Zelina assumed he meant the elevator dropping out from underneath him suddenly. That or Obi-Wan trying to slice him in half when he returned to the elevator.
"Well, R2 has been—" Obi-Wan started, but Anakin cut him off before he could finish.
"Ah, ah, ah, no loose wire jokes."
"Did I say anything?" Obi-Wan asked defensively.
"He's trying."
"I didn't say anything!"
"Okay!" Zelina said a little loudly, drawing the attention to her. "Moving on. We're back en-route to the Chancellor and the trap that probably goes along with it. Do any of us have any semblance of a plan?"
Anakin made a show of looking contemplative for a few seconds before shrugging. "None whatsoever."
"So we're still winging it—got it," Zelina said with a shake of her head.
"Well, we can't exactly plan for the trap if we don't know what the trap is," Anakin said pointedly.
"Yes, but I am willing to bet it involves trapping us on that observation deck. Block the elevators, and we have no way out," Zelina pointed out.
"You're saying we can count on someone showing up at the elevators not long after us?"
"It would make sense—wait until we're in the room, then corner us there. So I'd assume there's no one waiting for us there—except the Chancellor, of course."
Obi-Wan gave Anakin a pointed look. "It's a thought."
"In any case, we should get ready," Zelina said pointedly, nodding towards the panel that showed their floor was quickly arriving.
The rescue was truly underway now, and soon, the trap would be sprung as well.
The elevator doors hissed open, allowing the three to enter the large and suspiciously empty observation deck. Upon hearing their entrance, a chair at the far end swiveled around, putting the back of the chair to the large viewports that displayed the battle currently going on in the space above Coruscant.
In the chair sat Palpatine, bound to the chair by energy binders on both wrists.
No one else was in sight, and the three hastily made their way down the stairs and to the Chancellor, Zelina glancing expectantly at the elevators every now and then.
Obi-Wan gave a very formal bow when they reached Palpatine. "Chancellor."
"Are you all right?" Anakin asked.
Zelina didn't ask after his health or anything, and she definitely didn't bow. She just stood off to the side, watching the elevators and listening to the conversation.
"Count Dooku," Palpatine said in reply, the same moment one of the four elevators that led to the observation deck opened, admitting the Sith himself and two super battle droids.
Hadn't he learned by now he needed a little more than that to hold them off? The three of them had been growing steadily stronger throughout the Clone Wars, and combined, she was rather confident they could take him.
Maybe this time, even beat him.
"This time we will do it together..." Obi-Wan said quietly as Zelina came to stand beside Obi-Wan, Anakin making his way to the other side.
"I was about to say that," Anakin answered quietly.
Zelina snorted, but didn't look Anakin's way. She knew he was giving her a dirty look, she didn't have to look at him to know that.
Up ahead, Dooku flipped over the railing, landing nimbly on his feet and reaching for his lightsaber as he began to approach the three Jedi.
Show off.
"Get help, you're no match for him—he's a Sith Lord," Palpatine protested. Zelina had to resist the urge to roll her eyes.
Someone had been rather disconnected in regards to what was happening in the war. They'd had issues fighting Dooku in the past, but they were stronger now, and this time there were three of them, planning on working together against Dooku.
They were in a much better position to fight him this time.
Obi-Wan was the one who answered the Chancellor, turning to him with a slightly smug expression. "Chancellor Palpatine, Sith Lords are our specialty."
All three of them shed their Jedi cloaks, Anakin's dark brown, Obi-Wan's light brown, and Zelina's dark grey cloaks falling to disregarded crumpled heaps near the Chancellor's chair.
That way, they would be out of the way.
"Your swords, please. We don't want to make a mess of things in front of the Chancellor," Dooku goaded as the four met in the middle, the tension before the battle thick in the air. After all these years in the Clone Wars, Zelina almost had a grudging respect for the Sith.
But he was also a cruel, monstrous man who'd taken Anakin's arm, and nearly killed all of them more than once, and those were just the instances that first came to mind.
"You won't get away this time, Dooku," Obi-Wan said calmly before activating his lightsaber. Anakin's snapped to life next, and then Zelina's violet blade, breaking the blue lightsaber theme.
A second later, Dooku's red lightsaber snapped to life, and the battle began.
Thankfully, the droids weren't a factor yet.
Anakin and Obi-Wan advanced, coming in on Dooku's left and right sides while Zelina cut right down the middle, Dooku's blade still arching gracefully to block their lightsabers despite the three pronged attack. Though their advances weren't all at once, giving Dooku fractions of seconds to adjust his lightsaber where it needed to be before he was overwhelmed.
Obi-Wan shifted, Zelina moving to take up where he'd been on Dooku's right as he tried to move behind the Count. Dooku still kept up with their movements, Anakin shifting to attack from the front as Obi-Wan ended up on Dooku's left.
They came to a stop after the brief flurry of fighting, everyone tense and ready for someone else to make a move.
"I've been looking forward to this," Dooku said, a twisted smile flickering across his face.
"For the day we beat you? I will admit, it's been a long time coming," Zelina countered.
"Don't be so sure that day is today, Du'ahn," Dooku replied coolly.
Obi-Wan was the first to attack this time, both he and Anakin coming at Dooku from the front while Zelina attacked from the side. Dooku deflected their blades, leaning away from Zelina's attack before swiping at her midriff and causing her to have to back away a few steps. While she moved, Anakin and Obi-Wan both went in for another attack, Dooku catching both their blades on his at the same time before forcing himself between the two and shoving Obi-Wan to the other side of the room with a Force Push. Anakin and Zelina stayed on Dooku, Anakin taking a powerful swing at Dooku's head while Zelina came at him from the side again. Dooku ducked under Anakin's swing, knocking Zelina's lightsaber away with his own as he started to retreat back up the steps, carrying out the same dance he'd been doing with Obi-Wan and Anakin with Zelina and Anakin.
Except Zelina was just as aggressive in her fighting style as Anakin, which caused Dooku to have to rely heavily on defensive movements, and was most of the reason he was being force back up the steps as the two tag teamed him, hopefully slowly wearing him down.
On the other set of stairs, Obi-Wan was taking care of the droids who had tried to attack him while he ascended the stairs, slightly delayed in finally reaching them. When he did, Dooku resulted to a three pronged attack that none of them had expected.
Before Obi-Wan could even reengage in the fight, Dooku grabbed him in a Force Choke, lifting him up in the air. When Anakin and Zelina tried to interfere, Dooku kicked Anakin into the wall, momentarily stunning him—he'd probably augmented the kick with the Force—while Dooku replanted his feet and caught Zelina's attack on his lightsaber, pushing her back before he threw Obi-Wan aside into an overpass, Obi-Wan hitting hard enough to dent the steel railings and be knocked unconscious by the blow before he fell to the floor below. Zelina was about to attack Dooku again, as she was the only one still on her feet, when Dooku suddenly tried to pull the overpass on top of Obi-Wan.
Instead of attacking Dooku—as he'd probably only deflect her again and it wouldn't do much good—Zelina threw her arm out, catching the overpass in the Force before it could crush Obi-Wan, eyes searching for a good place to put it down.
Since she was momentarily distracted, Dooku came at her, Zelina forced to split her attention between holding the overpass and holding off Dooku's focused attacks, the overpass tilting precariously in its spot hovering over Obi-Wan.
She needed to find a place to put it down so she could turn her full attention to the fight at hand.
Suddenly, Anakin reappeared, having recovered from his momentary stun, kicking Dooku in the chest and sending him backflipping over the railing to the ground below. Anakin didn't hesitate from following him, and knowing that the battle was taken care of for the moment, Zelina focused her attention on finding somewhere out of the way to finally set the overpass down.
Turning back to the battle, Zelina leaned over the railing to see Dooku and Anakin with blades locked, pushing against each other with brute strength while Dooku goaded Anakin.
Not a smart move...
"I sense great...fear in you, Skywalker," Dooku growled as Zelina made her way down the stairs like a normal person to rejoin the fight. "You have have anger...but you don't use them," Dooku chided.
In the next moment, Anakin broke the lock, pushing Dooku back at the same time before advancing with a dark look.
Well, Sithspit, now he's using them, Zelina thought in exasperation, finally coming even with Anakin to rejoin the fight.
Anakin's attacks came hard and fast, Zelina hardly having to do much as the raw intensity of Anakin's attacks began to overwhelm Dooku, sending him backtracking rapidly towards where the Chancellor was seated watching the fight unfold.
Anakin went high with his attack, Zelina forced Dooku to move as she went low, Anakin came at him from the front, Zelina the side, Dooku hard pressed to keep up with their combined attacks. He tried to move around Anakin, to get a better angle, to put off his footing.
Anakin followed him, using the maneuver to his advantage before finding himself close enough he grabbed Dooku's arms and in one smooth motion—that partially shocked Zelina—cut off his hands, calling Dooku's lightsaber into his free hand.
Zelina stepped back, taking a position behind Dooku as the Count fell to his knees, Anakin crossing his blue blade and Dooku's red at his neck, keeping the Sith where he was. Zelina's blade hummed off to her side just behind him, like a warning that even if he managed to wiggle away from Anakin, Zelina was still right behind him.
"Good, Anakin, good!" Palpatine crowed, obviously pleased with the outcome of events. He laughed for a brief moment before, with that smile still in place, giving a chilling order. "Kill him."
"Chancellor," Zelina started to protest, eyeing Anakin warily. Palpatine cut her off.
"Kill him, now."
Zelina's gaze was still on Anakin, on the confliction clearly manifested in his features that mirrored the conflict she could sense within him in the Force. That age old conflict Anakin had been struggling with this entire war.
The conflict Luke had been asking her to help him with in her visions.
"I shouldn't," Anakin said through grit teeth, trying to choose the moral high ground even though the opportunity for revenge was right here, so close, and he was being given an order by the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic to execute the Sith Lord here and now, something that would excuse acting on that chance for revenge.
The chance was ripe, but if he killed Dooku in this moment, it would have dark repercussions and feed the wrong side of the conflict in Anakin.
"Do it," the Chancellor ordered sharply.
Before Anakin could decide what he was going to do, Zelina suddenly reached to her right with her free hand, pulling off her green shoto blade and, with a reverse grip on the lightsaber, shoving the blade sharply upwards through Dooku's chest. The Count arched, Anakin stepping back in shock as Zelina yanked her shoto blade back out, pulling the Count's body down to the ground with the motion.
She turned off both her lightsabers, clipping them to their respective places at her waist before turning on her heel, putting her back to the stunned Anakin and shocked but contemplative Palpatine before making her way over to where Obi-Wan still lay unconscious.
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