"A WONDERFUL IDEA, Princess Irina," Lady Katharine said with a smile that didn't feel quite real. "A luncheon to calm everyone's nerves after that horrifying incident."
"Well, General Lan is well now. And we have had much process finding the poisoner," Irina replied with a matching lift of her lips, "General Lan would not want us to be cooped up within the Palace worrying for her sake."
Lady Katharine lifted her teacup up to her mouth and gave a little cough. "No, of course not."
Irina looked away. Those gathered around gave awkward little grins and started diverting the conversation. It was no secret that she did not get along well with Lady Katharine at this point. The walls had ears, even walls that belonged to her whispered to those she was not friends with. One always had to be careful with what they said and did.
"I've long heard about the splendour of Luo Yun Garden. I am so glad to finally be able to visit." The girl who spoke was Vayantean, though she travelled with the Caershireen voyage. One of Lady Katharine's friends, actually, Valeria Bustillos Ramos. A chestnut haired girl with freckles and a bright smile. Unlike her friend, she seemed to realise the importance of befriending someone of Irina's status. She wasn't the first.
Irina let out a little laugh. "Yes, the old dynasty spent a lot of money building it. Keeping up renovations takes far too much of our budget, hence why part of it is open to the public now."
"Do you lack the money?" An Arecian lord asked incredulously.
"No, but we agreed that the budget was better off spent elsewhere, wouldn't you agree?"
"Of course, Your Highness. I didn't mean to suggest otherwise."
Irina tilted her head in acknowledgement. "Of course not."
The lord tittered nervously. Irina knew she made them all nervous. She wasn't Stephen, who was easygoing and always made everyone around him comfortable no matter what. She was Irina Gu. Not him.
She had no interest in, nor the ability to make people around her feel more comfortable. It simply wasn't her purpose.
Asteria, who'd just walked by, cleared her throat. "Is there anyone else who'd like to sign up for the shooting competition?" she asked, tilting her head, sizing everyone up.
One lord stood up. The rest of them remained seated. Irina shooed them off with a wave of her hand before tilting her head at those gathered around, "Well, we should probably go to the range as well, if we want to watch the competition. There's only so many seats."
She led the group through the paths and corridors until they'd reached the shooting range. Myrina stood to the side, speaking to the servants in a hushed, hurried tone, gesturing wildly at the entire range. Irina turned away. Right. She quickly pointed the group at a few tables and chairs being set up near the perimeter of the area, and at the stands surrounding the range, telling them to sit wherever they wanted to. They were quick to take up the offer, filing into the seats without another word. Meanwhile, Irina walked towards where Myrina was. "Is all well?"
Myrina's eyes snapped to hers and then flickered away. "It's fine. We just have more competitors than originally expected."
"I'm sure that will be no big problem." It shouldn't be, anyways.
Myrina shook her head. "The scoring system needs a bit of an adjustment. And this might take longer than originally thought."
"We can push the returning time by a bit," Irina said. "It doesn't matter that much anyways. Remember what we're here for, Myrina."
She dipped her head. "I know. No need to remind me."
The assassin. Their friends were spread all among the guests, keeping ears out, being on the watchout for any attempts. Irina felt safe and secure, knowing that there were so many people who were looking out for her.
Irina gave a small nod and turned away. The servant, clearly flummoxed by the conversation, continued rambling on to Myrina. Irina went to find Danna, who had just extracted herself from a group of Meliqueans whom she was rather unwillingly speaking to. At the sight of Irina, she rolled her eyes. "Somehow, none of them recognised me."
Irina raised a brow. "That's good, isn't it?"
"I spent three years rather under their noses, and none of them recognised me."
"If they did," Irina muttered, "we'd be in trouble."
"Oh please," Danna said, "espionage is fair game in a war like this. No one would blame us. Though," she drawled, "it does mean I'll become useless the next time you need an agent tossed in Melique."
"I—" but the words choked in her mouth, and so Irina shook her head. "I'm not sending you to Melique again."
"Huh," was Danna's response. "Isn't that reassuring?"
"I'm serious," Irina insisted. "I'm not sending you back there again. Promise."
"Doesn't matter." Danna slanted her a look. "You've already sent me there once."
Irina stayed quiet.
Danna shrugged. "It's not the Meliqueans. They're just as confused, and most of them think this was a ploy to frame them. I agree. I'm sure you do as well. I assured them we don't think it's them, which is the truth."
"Even if it was them, they wouldn't do it the day they arrived."
"Precisely," Danna said. "No one's tried to kill you yet, I presume?"
"No one. It's been splendidly wonderful. I don't have Justine to act as a shield for me again."
Danna hummed. "Still plenty of us lying around for your disposal, though."
Irina wasn't sure how to respond to that. It felt like an awful accusation that wasn't all that true, but Irina could see why Danna would think that as well. Her conversation with Myrina had made her more... sensitive to things like that. She didn't know if that was necessarily good, all things considered.
Danna slanted her a glance. "What, no quippy response to that?"
"One doesn't seem necessary."
Danna shook her head. "Is it bad if I'm hoping someone tries to kill you sometime soon? This day is already starting to get boring."
"The luncheon has barely started," Irina pointed out. "I'm sure something will interest you sooner or later."
"I just need to find Aleks."
"You're here to find an assassin, not to have fun with your lover."
"I can do both. He's an agent, you know."
Irina was painfully aware of that fact. A romance between two allied agents, like the sable sisters and their Arecian lords could be tolerated. But the Kozlov regime in Novokuluga was not an ally. At best, relations were tense. At worst, they were almost enemies.
Which was why to this day, Irina was still apprehensive about Danna's relationship with Aleksandr Volkov. It didn't seem to be purely out of an act of rebellion—the two were genuinely fond of each other, it was that obvious. But it still had rather unnecessary complications that made her regret ever allowing Danna to invite Volkov to Sai in the first place.
It was out of some guilt. Most definitely that. Some guilt for what she'd forced Danna to go through, at the time she'd thought that she could at least offer Danna this one thing. It was why she still hadn't said anything about Volkov, even though her doubts grew day by day.
"He's not Saian."
"Your future husband is Arecian. You will technically become Arecian. Asteria's lover is Caershireen. It has never stopped anyone. What makes this different?"
"He's Novokulugan."
"At least he's not Meliquean."
Irina shut her eyes. "You know the deal, Danna."
"I make sure I don't accidentally reveal anything that's meant to be confidential, and you let us stay together. Yes, I get it, Your Highness. You don't need to repeat it for me."
"You realise that his very presence is on a tightrope?" Irina asked quietly. "The Novokulugans here are imperialists. He is an agent of the Kozlov, and a well-known agent at that. Disguised or not, his very presence here is technically an issue."
"You can trust him."
"I'll see about that." Irina raised her chin. "But what I do know, Danna, is that even though I understand why you feel the need to act out, there is a certain line you cannot cross."
Something not quite discernable flickered in Danna's eyes. "Well, I obviously haven't crossed it yet."
"Have you?" Irina asked, tilting her head. "Or have you just not realised that most of us are already getting extremely annoyed?"
Danna straightened. "You have guests to receive, Irina, don't let all your time be wasted on me." She bared a saccharine-laced smile. "I'll see you around, Your Highness." And she walked away.
Right when Irina turned, anxiously trying to find someone else to attach herself to for the next while, a familiar voice sounded from her right. "Irina."
She turned, smiled and gave a tiny curtsy. "Stephen. Have you been enjoying yourself so far?"
"Excellently." He nodded. "Trouble?" he asked, nudging his head in Danna's direction.
Irina let out a sigh. "You heard?"
He shook his head. "Saw your expression."
He was, as she'd noted a few times, very good at reading people's emotions. She'd been doing her best to hide her irritance, and that was usually enough to fool most people. Not him, clearly.
"But yes," she admitted. "Another argument. Is it not funny, how many I have these days? It's quite astonishing, really, how much secret discourse and disagreement exists among my friends."
"Well, it's normal, I think, for friends to disagree about a thing or two."
"Not this many. And not all at once."
"Sometimes, you have to let go." He stepped besides her, playing the role of the perfect fiance, courteous and polite. He offered his arm. She took it.
"It's easy to say, difficult to do. They've been my friends for a long time." Irina inched her arm forward from the loop Stephen's arm had formed to pull her sleeve down. "Have you ever had a big argument among your friends?"
"Quite a few, if I must be honest with you," Stephen admitted. "We all have different views, different interests. We tend to clash over various topics, but we usually make our way through those disagreements."
"Well." Irina wasn't sure her situation was as simple as that, but she knew Stephen was trying to comfort her, to assure her that everything would be alright.
Stephen tilted his head at her. "You don't think this will blow over."
Irina's brows creased. "Knowing my friends? No. They're all as stubborn as a rock."
He let out a startled laugh. "Well, they say friends are a reflection of a person."
"I am very stubborn," Irina argued. "I've never denied that."
"No, no, of course not." Stephen glanced around. "Ah, the shooting competition is about to start, I see. Are you not participating?"
"No, I'm a bad shot. Are you not participating?"
Stephen said, "When I know Stoneworth will beat me every time? Not particularly wanting that humiliation, thank you. Is General Lan a good shot?"
"Yes, but the best one is Lady Asteria."
"Ah, I've heard about that." Stephen turned to look at Asteria, who was standing next to Lieutenant Harlande. "I'm excited to see it in person for the first time."
Irina smiled. "Keep your eyes wide open. She'll blow your mind. She used to have to purposefully shoot her bullet astray just to give the rest of us a chance."
"Well," Stephen said, one brow raised. "That is certainly very impressive indeed."
"It is. Why don't we find somewhere to sit?" She gestured at a table still left unoccupied.
"Of course," Stephen said, leading her towards it. He pulled out a chair for her, and she sat down, eyes on the range. Asteria had just been passed a pistol. She was better at rifles, but pistols did the job perfectly fine. Irina raised her head high and watched as the competitors started to get into their positions. A crowd had gathered around the range, everyone interested in watching the entertainment prepared. A servant came around, serving everyone some tea. Irina picked up her own cup and took a sip. Cold-brew tea today, rather than the usual ones served hot. The leaves would have been soaked for a day or two before being served. It was refreshing and perfectly suited for such a hot day under the sun.
Stephen asked for his to be served with some ice. The servant returned a moment later, ice tray in hand before leaving.
One by one, the competitors took their shots. Irina didn't really care about the results—technically the more important thing was that she sat here looking like a sitting duck, which was exactly what she was. To lure out the poisoner, because surely they wouldn't give up this easily, especially if the murder was political?
She did straighten when it was Asteria's shot, though. She wasn't sure why. The result was as expected. One shot, straight bull's-eye. Asteria's expression didn't move an inch as she lowered the pistol. Besides her, Maximilian Harlande took his shot. Another bull's-eye. He was a soldier too, it was expected.
They were quite suitable for each other. She could see the attraction, the stoic nature, the lack of need for words, the subtle leadership.
Now that she thought about it, Danna and Volkov matched each other perfectly as well. Both possessed a tongue far too sharp for their own good, and an attitude that would get them disciplined in any army. Irina's makeshift one was clearly too relaxed in its rules.
Too late to do anything about it. It was difficult to put a leash on a dog once you've put a crown on its head, and the rule fit perfectly here. There was no asking Danna to curb her tongue. Unless Irina did something drastic—punishment, apology, she wasn't sure—Danna wouldn't be stopping any time soon. Perhaps this kind of behaviour incited a thrill in her. She could see why.
Stephen said, "Well, I can see what you mean by Lady Asteria's spectacular aim."
She gave a little smile. "Asteria takes great pride in her skills with a pistol. It's slightly worrying at times."
"Well, she is the daughter of the Duke of Shui Xiang. It does not hurt to know how to protect herself."
"She is a high profile target," Irina agreed. "And a force to be reckoned with even on her own."
"You're quite close?"
"She's part of my inner circle, as you might have guessed by now."
"I have, in fact." He straightened, tugging on his cotton shirt. Most of the men had taken their coats off considering the weather, and no one could fault them for it. "You are friends with the most unique yet oddly skillful group of people I've ever encountered in my life."
"I shall take that as a compliment to both me and my friends."
He tipped his head, glancing in her direction. "It was meant to be."
The rest of the competitors continued shooting. From the corner of her eye Irina saw Io moving around the groups of guests, looking inconspicuous, but clearly taking the long way round, probably to eavesdrop. She was pretending to be a busy little maid, and circled around one particular table a couple times. Irina took a better look. It was the Hrishnan table.
Of course. That was expected.
"Your Highness," came a voice from behind. Irina turned around. It was Valeria Bustillos Ramos. "I was wondering what the plan for the rest of the day was?"
"Oh," Irina smiled, "I'd suggest you go ask Lady Myrina for a programme. She's over there somewhere." She nudged her chin at Myrina's general direction. "I'd suggest any questions about today's activities be directed at her. She was the real brains behind this event."
"Of course, thank you, Your Highness!" Valeria curtsied before turning away.
When Irina returned to her original position, Stephen was staring after Valeria with an arched brow. Irina tilted her head, and he immediately answered her silent question. "She's a friend of Kate's. I've never actually properly met her, though. She's a Vayantean refugee?"
Irina nodded. "She moved to Caershire with her family a while after the war started, like many other Vayanteans during that period of time."
"She's very extroverted and social."
"I believe that is the preferred state for most women in society," Irina said wryly. "Except for a specific few of us, of course."
"Those of you with power."
Irina smiled. "We can't all be budding little socialites."
"Miss Valeria strikes me as someone with a story to tell," Stephen admitted. "I must admit I'm intrigued."
"She's an immigrant who escaped from the Meliqueans. I'm sure she has had many interesting experiences."
The second round of the competition was about to begin. This time, Irina didn't bother watching anyone but Asteria. Another bull's-eye. Truly, very much expected.
Io stopped by her table then, curtsying. "Gong ju." She used the Xiang Zhou dialect Danna spoke, rather than standard Saian. Irina's eyes flickered towards her. That meant she had something to say that wasn't for Stephen's ears.
Irina turned to Stephen. "Excuse me for a second," she said politely, standing up. Io led her away from the range and to a quieter corner. She glanced around, waited for a moment to make sure no one was eavesdropping, and then let out a soft sigh.
"Lady Katharine is suspicious."
"Lady Katharine?" Irina asked, brows creasing. "Why?"
Io said, "Heard her talking to someone. I know her voice. Not sure who the other person was, but they were discussing how to get you today. Be careful when horse-riding. They had something planned then, I didn't hear everything because they went into the crowd and it got too loud."
"You're absolutely certain it was her. I'm not surprised, I mean, but she is still, well, you know."
"I'm aware. Which is why I'm not suggesting we do anything about it yet, but be careful. Watch out. Preferably don't even get on a horse."
"Io. If I don't get a horse—which is the most logical way to get me, probably by messing with the horse's horseshoe or something—we're not going to get them. We can see what to do then. Go tell the others, get someone to guard the stables. And have them be willing to turn a blind eye if someone tries to sneak in, but catch them in the act if they actually do."
"Got it," Io said, standing up straight. "Well, this is about to get interesting."
"Was the other voice feminine or masculine?"
"Lady Katharine spoke loudly. Her companion, not so much." Something flickered through Io's eyes. "Do you think it was the Meliqueans?"
"Why would Lady Katharine be working with the Meliqueans?" Irina asked, shaking her head. "Oh well. Keep up the good work. I need to rejoin the others before my absence is noted."
"I'll go find Danna and Myrina," Io promised. "I'll see you later."
Irina, meanwhile, walked back to rejoin Stephen, who looked up at her as she sat. "All is well?" he asked, brows furrowed.
Irina took great care to make sure no kind of unexpected emotion showed itself on her face. "All is perfectly well. One of the guests had a bit of a problem they wanted to tell me about, that's all."
"Huh. That wasn't your usual maid."
"Bing Yi is a bit tired today, so I decided to take someone else instead."
"Have I seen that girl around before? She looks a bit familiar."
Irina paused for a moment, pretending to think. "I don't believe so, no. Her name is Yu Ying. She's usually in charge of another Palace, but when Bing Yi is unavailable I have her attend me instead." She was lying between her teeth, of course. Yu Ying did exist. But she was thirty-two and a gugu, not a lowly maid.
"I've noticed your household here is... tiny. Just one maid, and Lady Myrina as a lady-in-waiting." Stephen gave it a thought. "I don't mean to suggest anything, it's just a bit odd for someone of your status."
"I don't like having too many people around," Irina explained. "I prefer the peace and quiet, and I can't have that with a half dozen servants running around the Palace. And one close maid is more than enough—someone else comes in to do the cleaning once a day, usually when I'm out."
"Would you prefer a smaller household in Arecia as well? Or do you not mind a bigger one? The latter would be more expected of your status, but it wouldn't really matter."
"I don't mind," Irina confirmed. "More people means more people to help, as long as they're quiet."
"I'll make sure of it."
Irina let out a laugh. "You almost make me feel like a spoilt child, how much you're adhering to my requirements."
Stephen shrugged. "I'm your fiance. I need to ensure your comfort. And it's not as if your requests are ridiculous—they're perfectly normal, and, if I must admit, expected."
"I could not have asked for a better fiance." Irina shook her head in disbelief. "I suppose you being a prince has its advantages, huh?"
Stephen's responding grin was wry. "Well, I have to use that power somehow."
The competition was in its fourth round now–she'd missed most of the third. "Has Asteria missed anything?"
Stephen shook his head. "Four bull's-eyes, I believe. She's toe-to-toe with the guests on the military aspect—Gabriel included." Irina's eyes jumped to General Stoneworth, whom she'd been neglecting throughout the match.
"I must admit I haven't been paying any attention to the general. How does he fare in this competition?"
"Same result as Lady Asteria. Forty points both. Lieutenant Harlande and Lord Viraj score the same points as them. They're in the lead right now."
"Your bet?"
"Tie," Stephen admitted, "unless you continue on. All four seem to be in a very steady condition, so unless someone makes a mistake, I don't expect any one to make it to the top."
It was at that moment Lord Viraj, a dark-skinned, joyous looking man in his forties who did not at all fit the usual expected appearance of an army commander (which he was) fired his shot. Irina glanced intently at the target, murmuring, "Is it just me, or..."
Stephen nodded grimly. "He missed the centre."
"I'd say you jinxed him..."
Stephen chuckled. "I'd better keep my mouth shut. He put up a good fight, though. Perhaps he'd take second place?"
"After the joint first?" Irina asked sarcastically.
There were only around ten competitors left, but it was clear to anyone who had eyes who'd be the last ones standing. Lieutenant Harlande clapped Lord Viraj on the back, and the lord laughingly responded with something that caused Asteria to smile too.
"Well," Irina said, "everyone seems to be having fun. That's good."
"I believe that is the point of the luncheon, yes," Stephen said wryly. "Lady Myrina planned this, I heard?"
"She did. Myrina has particular talent in this sector of things."
"She seems like a very responsible and reliable person," he said carefully, knowing he was treading on slightly touchy territory. Irina placed both hands on her lap, her silken sleeves falling down to cover her palms.
She responded, a bit tightly, "She is."
He turned to look at her. She looked back, and then they both turned away. Back to the competition.
The fifth round. Only six competitors remained. One Caershireen, one Arecian, one Hrishnan, one Novokulugan, one Saian, and one Dumahian. Rather equally spaced out, in her honest opinion. She tilted her head. Around the range people laughed and chatted, enjoying their beverages and the snacks the servants had been bringing out, one dish after another in an endless buffet.
This was part of why Irina had forced Myrina to stay, even when she knew the countess didn't want to. Because Myrina was simply too good at this to be wasted in some temple.
Was it the right decision?
Irina wasn't sure about that. She didn't actually think there was an answer. Depending on which side you looked at it, the result was different.
The competitors got ready. And one by one, they began to shoot.
Bam! The Novokulugan took his shot. A nine, right outside the bull's-eye.
Bam! Asteria took her shot. Perfect aim once more.
Bam! Went Lieutenant Harlande's shot. Another perfect aim. Irina shook her head. She was correct. These two were made for each other.
Stephen muttered, "Bloody hell. We'll be here for a long time in this case."
Next was the Dumahian. A bull's-eye. The lady grinned, glancing around, her mirth obvious. Asteria grinned at her, the only other female left, in a rare display of affection in the public. Irina tilted her head. She didn't recognise the Dumahian girl. She couldn't be older than nineteen. Her skin was a light brown shade, her hair hidden under a veil.
Irina murmured, "What's her name?"
Stephen said, "I've seen her with the Dumahians, but I never quite caught what she's called, now that I think about it. Well, I'm sure it'll be announced sooner or later."
"She's a good shot. I wasn't paying much attention to her."
Everyone else took their shots quickly. Stoneworth hit a bull's-eye, but Lord Viraj missed again, even more fatally this time, only scoring a seven. A murmur of sympathy sounded around the range, but he took it well, laughing at something Harlande said.
When the list of eliminations were read out, Lord Viraj and the Novokulugan were on the list.
Four left. Harlande, Asteria, Stoneworth and the Dumahian girl.
Irina laughed, "And balance is achieved once more."
"Interesting, is it not? The way nature works?" Stephen said with a grin. "It keeps managing to balance itself, again and again. I find it rather glorious."
Irina smiled. "As do I, as do I. It's quite beautiful. Let us see who makes it through."
"I have a feeling," Stephen began, "that this round would end with a tie."
"I share the same sentiment." Irina let out a light chuckle. "I would not want to face any of their wraths if a gun is nearby."
And so the next round began, the four getting into position, spacing out in the range with so little people left. And as both Irina and Stephen had guessed, none of them missed a thing. The laughter and chatter from the crowd became louder and louder, both out of boredom and excitement, the contrasting emotions creating a chaotic scene. Irina sat up a bit straighter, became a bit more alert. Chaos was opportunity. And for someone here today, the preferred end to today would be with her dead. And there was no better time for this, even if what Io had overheard was true.
Lady Katharine. Irina stole a quick glance at Stephen. No way he knew. The Arecians needed this just as much as they did. So, why then? The first thing that popped into her mind was jealousy. It seemed the most likely option. Lady Katharine seemed quite attached to Stephen, and had taken an immediate dislike to her—because of the engagement? She'd seen no evidence of the lady being infatuated with Stephen, but who knew with these things?
But the lady just didn't seem like the type of person who'd be willing to kill for something like this. And perhaps that was where the accomplice Io had heard came in. Someone who had fanned her emotions, and possibly taught her what to do. A Meliquean, maybe? Jie dao sha ren. Using a borrowed knife to kill someone. It was something they'd done before in the past–last year in Melique, just before Danna had came back, for example, they'd done something very similar.
Because, after all the thinking Irina had done, the Meliqueans really were the only people with clear motives for killing her. This alliance was going to be in blood, not something that could easily be pried apart. And though the Meliqueans had stood against the might of Sai, Arecia and Caershire until now, they could not forever. Three always beat one—there was strength in numbers.
Either Lady Katharine or the Meliqueans could have sought each other out, sensing or knowing the hostility they faced towards her. And they could very well be working together, though Lady Katharine was far out of her league to be playing games with the Meliqueans. Especially since a scheme like this would have to had gone by Anthony Contreras.
She was being used. There was no doubt about that.
Now they needed evidence. Though most likely this would all be solved in a hush, because a public accusation of the Meliqueans would most probably reincite the war immediately.
Her eyes shut momentarily at the thought.
She just wanted the wedding to go smoothly, bloody hell. Was that truly too much to ask for? Apparently so.
There was a loud sigh from all around that caused Irina to snap back into reality. Her eyes flickered to the range. The Dumahian girl had just taken her shot, and she'd missed. An eight. The girl bit her lip, glancing around sheepishly. Asteria smilingly said something to her and the girl nodded. Most likely, she'd be out this round.
"She's done very well already," Stephen commented. "Give her a few years, she'll be the new shooting champion among these people."
"If she can dethrone Asteria."
"You have a lot of confidence in the countess. Well, my bet is on Stoneworth now, if this doesn't end in a tie. But imagine if Harlande wins instead."
"If it's down to him and Asteria, he'll let her win," Irina said confidently. "That, and he can't actually shoot as well as Asteria. They've both admitted it."
"They've shot together before?"
"They're very close." Irina's brows creased as she glanced at him. "Don't tell me you're unaware? He's been courting her for years. Everyone's just waiting for the wedding date."
"Oh." Stephen's face lit up in surprise. "I'd heard rumours, but I didn't realise it was true."
"It is," Irina smiled. "Therefore, he'll let her win. If General Stoneworth is eliminated, Asteria is most definitely going to be the winner."
"Feel free to call him Gabriel, by the way," Stephen offered. "I know he can seem quite cold and distant, but, well..."
"It's a thing that runs along most generals, it seems," Irina said with a tint of laughter. "Justine is much the same. Gabriel, then. If Gabriel is eliminated, Asteria is the winner by default."
"If Gabriel is eliminated," Stephen repeated. "If."
Irina deigned not to reply.
She saw Danna shuffling among the crowd from the corner of her eye, the girl's slightly darker complexion standing out among the crowd of Saians she was trapped in. Her eyes turned to Irina for a second, and their gazes met. Irina gave the slightest bit of a nod. Danna tipped her head as well, before turning away, murmuring something a lady next to her who was unwittingly standing in her way. The matron let out a small laugh and what Irina assumed was an apology before shifting out of the way. Danna pushed through.
"I can't help but notice..." Stephen's voice began, and Irina turned to face him, startled. He was staring in Danna's direction. Well. "That something seems to be afoot here, Irina. A scheme, I should think?"
Irina raised her fan before her mouth. "I'm afraid I can't say, Stephen."
"You can trust me, you know?"
"Yes, but you also do not need to be involved in this particular situation. Don't worry. It's for a good cause."
"Those words do bring comfort and assurance." It was an excuse she'd always used. For a good cause. For a better future. Sacrifices now for a more comfortable tomorrow. She'd used those words again and again. But today, for once, she was saying it because Stephen could not be involved.
For starters, their main suspect now was one of his closest friends. And this could potentially be dangerous for him. Lady Katharine may not dare hurt him, but if her accomplice really was Meliquean, they'd have no qualm with hurting Stephen.
She had to keep him safe. Or at least attempt her best to do so.
"Trust me," Irina murmured.
Stephen raised one brow at her. Asteria, Gabriel and Harlande were in their... third round now, or so she assumed. It had been going on for a little while, and the excitement around the range was starting to dissipate again. Shooting guns could only capture the ton's attention for so long.
Even her own concentration was starting to fade. Her eyes moved around the range again and again, only returning to the three remaining when a shot was heard.
Yes, this will take a while.
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