Chapter Sixteen - Spark's Extinguish
Every time when I look in the mirror
All these lines on my face getting clearer
The past is gone
It went by, like dusk to dawn
Isn't that the way
Everybody's got the dues in life to pay
I know nobody knows
Where it comes and where it goes
I know it's everybody sin
You got to lose to know how to win
Half my life
Is books, written pages
Live and learn from fools and
From sages
You know it's true, oh
All these feelings come back to you
Dream On - Aerosmith
"So we know what the Dagger's Tip is and how to get there. Ya called Lennox and now we're trying to figure out the three kings?" Metallicar leaned against the pyramid and was trying to sort out what had gone on when she fell behind.
"Exactly. Now where were ya during all o' this?" She shrugged.
"Saw that someone was chasing me and tried to lose them." She sat down, hiding the patch she had made on her side. Crosshairs nodded and stretched, going and sitting by her before falling over on her side. She rolled her optics and shoved him, causing him to fall over and off the edge of the stand they were sitting on. Metallicar looked over the edge, seeing him sprawled out on the ground.
She laughed and fell back as he flipped her off, the sound bouncing off the nearby pyramids. "Yeah yeah, real funny Sparky."
"Aww Crossers! Ya know I love mah little brotha' righ'?" She grinned, her accent thickening for a moment. She leaned back to avoid the rock he threw at her. It came back down before she could dodge and hit her in the back of the helm. "Ow!"
"Yeah!" He cheered. Metallicar grinned and picked up the rock, throwing it and hitting him between the optics. While he was distracted she lunged, tackling him and throwing him back. He laughed and tried to capture her in a headlock but she slipped free easily, pinning him down and sitting on his back.
"Surrender!" He growled and twisted, grabbing the smaller femme and throwing her into the ground. She snarled and grinned.
"Sammy! There ya are!" Crosshairs turned and Metallicar used this against him, elbowing him in the gut and pinning him against the pyramid. "I win." She released him and backed up, noting a flicker of pain in his optics. Instantly she knew what was wrong and walked up, hugging him tightly.
"Sparky." He hugged her in return and she refused to release him.
"Shh. It's okay Crossers. I know." Since she had used the bond earlier it had been growing stronger and stronger, now allowing her to feel his pain and vise versa. Though she'd never admit it, she missed this bond. The ability to know exactly where her brother was and what condition he was in.
Now, the pain was overwhelming and she felt both Crosshairs and a pain coming from a distant half of his spark. Drift was injured. And Crosshairs was missing him with all his spark.
"We'll get Drift back. I swear." He merely nodded against her shoulder. She stepped away and he smiled a bit. "There's my little brother. Now come on, surely they'd have-"
"Guys! We got it!" Metallicar transformed in an instant, her engine revving. Sam dove into the car and pointed to Samuel.
"Follow them. Go!" She launched forwards and Sam looked around. "Alright. Samuel will explain, Bee's patching us in on the comms." Her response was setting the comm to play through the speakers.
::The pyramids were built to mirror the three kings. Orion's belt.::
::The star system?:: Sunstreaker's voice overlapped Samuel's for a moment.
::Yes, the star system.:: Samuel sighed.
::And they're pointing to something.:: Metllicar finished, her tone thoughtful.
"But what if the Decepticons know? I mean they did see the symbols and the Fallen could easily translate them." Sam's idea made everyone fall silent.
::Metallicar, you're in charge here, what do you say?:: She revved her engine and sped up, overtaking the others so she could take the lead.
::Decepticons or not this Matrix could be our only chance to bring Optimus back.:: She sped up even more, the others falling into a line behind her. ::So let's roll out!::
Dean was clinging onto the interior of the plane as if his life depended on it. The pilot hd just called for a bailout and the door was currently open, allowing wind to rip past them. Hysteria was barely visible, hidden in a corner near the Prime. She wasn't as freaked out as Dean but it was obvious that she was scared.
His gaze fell on Lennox, who was securing a parachute on Galloway at the back of the plane. "Why aren't you wearing your chute?" The man yelled.
"Because I have to secure the VIPs first! Ok I want you to listen very carefully, and memorize everything that I say. Each chute has a GPS tracker so you can be found by Search and Rescue. Right next to that's a fabric webbing called a bridle, which holds the pin that keeps the main container closed. Ok, are you listening?" Dean began to move towards them as Lennox spoke.
"I can't hear what-" Dean bit back a laugh as Lennox slapped Galloway. Suddenly an idea formed and he walked towards them, forgetting his fear of flying for a few moments.
"Stop that!" Galloway nodded, not noticing the man closing in on him. As Dean walked up he secured his own parachute.
"All right, all right."
"All right when the pilot chute inflates into the air, it pulls the pin and opens the main. Red's your backup, blue's your primary. I want you to pull the blue. I need you to pull it really hard!" He pulled the cord as Dean reached them, grabbing the front of the harness. "Not now, we're on the plane you dumbass!"
"What? No!" With that Dean shoved him backwards, the parachute ripping open and catching the falling man. He walked back with a grinning Lennox.
"Did he say good-bye?"
"No, he didn't say good-bye." Lennox turned to Dean and patted him on the shoulder. "You know, for someone who's afraid of planes you did good today."
"What can I say? I've been wanting to push him off a plane since we met." Dean then looked out the closing door, barely seeing the Pyramids of Giza in the distance.
"Dean?" He turned, looking to Epps. "Something wrong?"
"Just really missing my car." Lennox walked up to him, clapping him on the shoulder.
"You'll see her soon." He looked confused. "Metallicar's with Sam here in Egypt. They're the one's who gave us the coordinates."
"Baby's here? She's hurt and she's going into the fray of whatever the hell we're getting into?!" He forgot his fear of planes and ran his hand through his hair.
"Dean. She'll be fine. She's an Autobot." He sighed and looked around, confusion taking over his features.
"Has anyone seen Crowley?"
Crowley grumbled quietly to himself as he picked his way through hallways and corridors of the abandoned military base. The ceilings arched high in the air signifying that this was indeed the right place. Quietly he rounded a corner, seeing a Decepticon drone fast asleep in the corner.
"They make this too easy." He muttered, sneaking into the room and looking at the two modified cells. In one sat a blue Autobot, and in the other an unknown silver, red and blue mech. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." He mused.
With a quick gesture the doors flew open and the blue bot sprang to his pedes. He took up an immediate defensive stance and looked down at him. "What?"
"Shut up. I'm here to save you. Moose and Squirrel need your help." He nodded, though still confused and walked into the other cell, picking up the unconscious mech. "Who's he?"
"An old friend." He walked out with that and Crowley sighed.
"Great. Just great." He took off after the mechs, unaware of the eyes that watched him from a dark corner of the room.
"Hmm. So it appears these are what has dear Crowley so occupied. Most interesting..."
Metallicar slowed to a stop outside of a large structure, set deep in the mountain side. She opened the door, Sam climbing out and allowing her to transform. "Hey guys. I think we found it." Everyone pulled up behind her and transformed as well, the humans walking up to the doorway. They were joined by Bumblebee and Metallicar, the others staying behind.
"We're trusting old Grandpa Blackbird, who can't even remember which planet he's on?" Leo sighed, climbing into the building. Skids and Mudflap walked up and joined them, gaining a dark look from Metallicar.
"Well, in his defense, this is the biggest doorway I've seen in my life." Simmons gestured to the doorway, which Metallicar looked up at.
"Humans would have on hell of a time building this thing."
"All right. Let me do a quick check." He did a three sixty and threw his arms out. "Nope! Doesn't it look like archaeologists have been here, guys?"
Metallicar ignored as the twins started a fight, running her hand along the wall. One felt colder than the others, making her face twist in confusion.
"Are you scared?" Skids yelled, making her turn.
"Scared? Scared of your ugly face!"
"I'm ugly? Well, we're twins, you stupid genius!" Metallicar stepped back as Skids threw Mudflap, hitting the wall she was just examining. She growled and threw Skids across the room, Bumblebee grabbing him and Mudflap. He slammed their helms together and threw them out of the building. "Ah, now that's rude."
Metallicar ignored them and turned back to the wall, seeing a crack in it from when the twin hit. "Bumblebee?" She called. He walked over, kneeling by the door with Samuel and the others.
"Blast it." Sam spoke. Metallicar nodded and stepped away, allowing Bumblebee to put a hole in the wall. The room pulled in air, creating a mini-vacuum.
"They hid the Primes." Metallicar whispered. "Those humans knew that something bad would happen and helped hide the Primes."
"Cleva!" She chuckled, glancing to Bumblebee as he played a radio clip.
Samuel walked in with Mikeala and Sam, Simmons and Leo lingering in the doorway. "Ya guys find anything?" It was deathly silent, only whispers that Metallicar couldn't quite catch. A moment later Samuel stormed out, a sock filled with dirt in his hand. Metallicar looked closely at the sock as it glowed slightly. "Samuel?"
"Metallicar." She turned, picking up Sam. "The Martix is gone. It's nothing more than dust." She winced and turned away.
"So there is no hope now." She sighed.
"There is hope. We just need to know where to look." She stepped out and transformed, Sam landing in the driver's seat. "Hey Metallicar?"
::Yes, Sam?::
"Why are you in charge instead of Sunstreaker?"
::I learned a lot from Prime in the way of leadership skills.:: She turned then and joined the others. ::What now?::
"We're taking the Matrix to Optimus." Samuel then looked to her. "Sam. We need you with us. Metallicar?"
::What do ya need me to do?::
"I'm not jumping from a plane!" Dean yelled, his eyes wide.
"You have to Dean." Hysteria smiled. "I'm jumping too."
"Yeah but you're insane!" Se smirked.
"Yes. I am." She grabbed him by the harness, grinning wickedly. "Have a nice trip Dean." She shoved him from the plane, earning shocked looks from everyone inside.
"Hyst?" She turned to Lennox, smiling innocently.
"See you down there!" She leaped, enjoying the feel of the wind whipping past her.
Dean, on the other hand, was panicking, his fingers tightened on the blue rip cord. He took aa deep breath and pulled. The chute deployed, pulling him to a sharp stop and making his stomach leap into his throat. He held on tightly as Hysteria flew past him. It was then that he realized. She wasn't wearing a parachute.
A few moments later she stretched out her arms, the wind catching the fabric between her arms and sides. The same fabric ran the interior of her legs, stopping at the feet. He watched in awe as the wind caught it, allowing her to glide out and over the expanse of the battlefield.
The comm that Ratchet had given him crackled and came to life, allowing him to hear Hysteria.
::All clear. No sign of any Decepticons. Or Autobots, for that matter.::
::Thanks Hyst.:: Dean looked over to see the other bots leaping from their plane, all falling towards the drop point. Their parachutes engaged and allowed their decent to slow astronomically.
"Okay. This isn't the worst." Dean muttered, watching the mountains. He saw a glimmer of black and perked up. "Guys! I see her! I see Metallicar!" His heart thrummed with excitement as she transformed, her face to far away to be visible.
::Is that Dean?:: He laughed at the sound of her voice and grinned.
"Baby!" Her laughter filled the link as she transformed, heading towards them.
::Dean! You're parachuting!::
"I had no other choice. Hysteria pushed me out of the plane." He heard the all to familiar engine roar and grinned, looking down to see the ground nearing.
::Remind me to thank her later. Al least now I don't have to wait until Diego Garcia to see ya.:: He focused on landing and hit the ground, walking forwards to balance himself. He unhooked the parachute and turned, seeing Sideswipe cut through his parachute as it landed on him, tangling him in the large sheet.
"Cover Optimus!" Lennox shouted.
"We just dropped ten tons of dead robot out in the middle of nowhere. I sure hope this kid knows what he's doing." Epps muttered.
"Yeah, me too." Dean joined them, listening closely.
"Decepticons attack!"
"Shit." Dean groaned.
Metallicar felt the sand under her tires, causing her to slide once in a while. She always managed to straighten herself out, allowing her to fly towards Dean and the humans, avoiding shots from the Decepticons. However, their accuracy was ever increasing.
"I see Metallicar!" Ironhide shouted. She could see him, just over the rise of the next hill. She pushed herself to go faster, seeing Dean beside her opiluk. Were she in bipedal she would have been grinning. His face suddenly paled, panic overtaking him.
"Baby behind you!" She looked back, seeing Megatron aiming a shot at her. She growled and drove as fast as her injured frame allowed.
It seemed to take hours as she neared Dean, the terror on his face showing just how close Megatron's shot was to her. But she couldn't let him hit her. She had to reach them.
Pain ripped through her as the bolt hit a transformation seam, forcing her into bipedal as yet another shot ripped through, hitting dangerously close to her spark. She rolled through the sand, hitting a pillar and feeling a piece of her armor break away. One final shot hit, freezing her into immobility as she looked down, her spark now exposed. It was pulsing faintly, barely enough to keep her online.
She felt no pain as she allowed herself to sink into the sand, her servo outstretched towards Dean. And as she reached out she saw the Autobot symbol normally hidden within her jacket. Just past that, a blurry figure struggling to reach her, though held back by Ironhide.
"Dean." She ex-vented, her frame falling still as Dean broke free.
"Baby!" She heard nothing more as her world went black.
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