
Author's Note: Sorry again for the long updates, especially for the people who enjoys my story. Real life is just making me busy.

Either way, comment and enjoy the chapter.


Morning is the time where the sun rises up, lights the world, and warms up the cold breez from the leaving night. Morning is the time where people wakes up from their sleep and continue their life.

And morning is the time where you simply don't give a shit about anything and stay in your comfy bed floating away in your dreams.


"Bloody hell..." You annoyingly said as you try to open your eyes and try to get up from the grasps of the beautiful temptress named 'sleep'. You rubbed your eyes to clear up your vision and look around yourself and your room.

Thankfully, your still in your assigned room in IS Academy, not tied up to a chair or in a bed in a dark room with a shady person greeting you along with his/her torture equipments.

Yeah, that kinda happens every once in a while...

"Time to start another day in this cruel, strange world..." You said, followed by a long yawn as you stretched.

You grabbed your phone, turned off the alarm and checked the time.

"Five-o-clock." Despite the fact that you'd rather sleep some more especially that you stayed a little late from the party last night, you have to wake up early because school, and your responsibility as a Class Representative. And since your occupation as a mercenary requires you to be fit, you have to do some morning excercises to maintain your health.

After going to the bathroom to refresh yourself, you put on a tracksuit with some stripes with a logo of 'adidas' and exited the room. After some navigations, you're finally outside the school buildings and on the open school grounds.

Since the Academy is located in a huge man-made island, you decided to circle the entire island as a 'jogging route.'

Walking near the edge of the island, you glanced at the horizon and saw a small portion of the sun slowly rising. You then looked back at your jogging route and took a deep breath before running away to circle the entire island.

15 minutes later...

After all those minutes of running, you show not a single sign of getting tired, not even a single sweat was in sight. Although, despite you running for 15 minutes straight, you only have just covered 1/4 of the island and if you continue your running pace, you'll probably circle the entire island in an hour. And yet you're still far from getting tired.

Looks like being part of a brutal super-soldier project from a young age has its perks...

You continued running until you saw someone in the distance who's also having a morning jog. As you got closer, you got a clear sight of who it was due to the long black hair along with a well shaped body.

"Good morning Miss Orimura!" You greeted as you ran past her.

"Its Orimura Sensei!" She shouted back as you continue running and not even slowing down.

"Hmph. Brat." Chifuyu looked at you as you ran in the distance with some slight annoyance and thinking why you're running as an exercise. Running like that would cause him to get tired easily. She thought to herself before remembering that you're not a normal person.

She remembered the information about you from your files and talks from your father about your horrible past. Just thinking about your suffering from the horrible and brutal super-soldier project made her really feel sorry for you even though it doesn't show in her face.

The idea of using children for war left a bad tast in Chifuyu's mouth. It reminded her how cruel and selfish humanity can be just to forward their goals...

Although, the Germans has their own super-soldier project, it was more humane because they took great care for the children and gave them the proper training without hurting them too much. Compared to the militia and groups that supported the project in Africa. A lot of children died in the project and despite some of the children surviving and being rescued, they were all mentally broken and needed to be rehabilitated.

The only child with most of its sanity intact was (Y/N)...

It kinda surprised Chifuyu that you still manage to maintain your sanity from the terrible project and even manage to live a normal life... Almost a normal life because she remembered the story from your father that you were socially inept, having a hard time figuring out social cues when you were young, and physically more stronger than the average kids even though you look a bit slim.

Poor delinquents that had been punched to the hospital...

She looked in the distance and saw you still running with little signs of being tired. Maybe she could request you to drag Ichika for a morning execise, he kinda needs it, not to mention, a fellow male would help maintain his sanity in this female dominated school. Chifuyu thought to herself as she continued to jog.


In one of the dorms, the shower was turned on as someone was taking a warm bath in the breezy morning. The person in the shower was a girl. She had blonde hair with some curls on the end, crystal blue eyes that shows some excitement, and a clear white skin to complement her well shaped body.

The girl was Cecilia Alcott.

An IS Cadet Representative from England. She had shown exceptional skills when piloting an IS and good display of marksmanship, not to mention capable of adapting fairly quickly against her opponents tactics.

She is also the CEO of the Alcott Corporation, despite her young age. She is shown to be capable of handling a huge business and making sure it holds its ground in the harsh business world.

And she is also in love.

Turning off the shower, Cecilia wiped her skin dry and walked out off the bathroom covered in her towel. There was a small smile on her face but her crystal blue eyes smiled brighter.

She was in love. In love to an interesting boy.

She puts on her uniform, all while maintaining her smile. It was a rare smile she's making. Most of the time she often puts on a fake smile, this was a genuine smile.

She was in love. In love to a person named (Y/N) Runner.

Cecilia grabbed her comb and started fixing her hair. She then grabbed some hair fixing equipment that most men don't know and started her maintaining her curls in the ends of her hair.

And like typical girls, they'll be spending a lot of time fixing their hair to look good in front of everyone, especially to their crush.

Cecilia was in love, and she can't stop thinking about (Y/N).

Why was she in love with (Y/N)?

It all began in the day of her embarrasing defeat. She looked through the scope of her rifle and saw the smirk on his face. (Y/N) was toying with her as he evades her attacks, she then saw his eyes.

The eyes of wanting to tear her pride.

She fought with her all, putting Blue Tears to its limits, using all the things she learned, but it was not enough as she was defeated by a young man, with his very flawed IS, with his mere revolver, and with some cheap explosives. And he was smiling at her defeat, but his eyes smiled brighter, enjoying her defeat.

She was mad at him, for destroying her IS to million of pieces, for embarassing her in front of thousands of people, and for tearing off her pride as she knelt on the ground in tears.

And then (Y/N) approached her, he was going to tear her what's left of her remaining pride. But he didn't.

Instead, he simply snapped her out from her tears, telling her that defeat is not worth crying over as it is used as a type of stepping stone to improve. But what really intrigued her that it was not an act, it was honest.

She looked at him in the eyes and no longer saw the person who wants to tear her pride apart. She can only see the eyes of a person who's willing to pick her up from her knees and give her a chance to become a better person. And for some reason, she felt very comfortable when she felt his touch.

She wants to know him more. She feels that under his tough and cool personality, is a soft and warm person who will show great love and care.

She wants and need him to fill an empty space in her heart...

After losing her parents who unintentionally neglected her, she wants someone to lean on. Sure, she has her maids back in the mansion that acts as her family but she has a strange feeling that (Y/N) is the one that will give her the love she truly wants.

She wants him, and no one will get in her way...


After she finally fixed her hair, which almost took half an hour, she picked up her expensive perfume and sprayed herself to give her a high-quality scent. It was a normal routine for her, well almost, as it usually takes her fifteen minutes to fully prepare herself most of the time, but today is a special day.

A day where she will try to get close to her crush.

When she was done preparing herself, she puts on her blue headband that matches well with her blonde hair and looks at the mirror with a smile on her face.

She went out of her room with the intent to meet (Y/N) in the morning and invite for breakfast which is a perfect oppurtunity to know him more. Cecilia smiled at her little plan. She's looking forward to know more about him, his interests, dislikes, hobbies, talents, and maybe his favorite food.

Especially his favorite food so she can cook it for him. Her maids did say that she's a great cook to the point they fainted when they tasted it...

After a minute of walking, she finally reached (Y/N)'s room. She was about to knock but got interupted by someone.

"Hey there Cecilia." Greeted by the one and only (Y/N) Runner. He was wearing a tracksuit and was sweating heavily. Despite the amount of sweat, he didn't look so tired.

"Ah, good morning (Y/N), I was planning to invite you for breakfast." Cecilia confidently said with subtle shyness. Years of meeting with intimidating business men and women made her more confident or at least good at hiding her emotions. Even then, she's at her maximum effort to hide her shyness around her crush.

"Okay. But why though?" He asked, with doubt in his eyes.

Cecilia also noticed the doubt in his eyes. He clearly distrust her and expecting an ulterior motive. She thought to herself. She berates herself for showing a bad impression in the first day and constantly looking down on him before their duel. She really  regretted it.

But right now, Cecilia needs to answer (Y/N)'s question. She quickly thought for any possible answer. If she tries to make a fake answer he might see it as a suspicious act that he will avoid. Looks like she needs an honest reason.

"W-well I-I just want to make a-an apology... Y-you know... Me being very m-mean..." Cecilia struggled to say, she was no longer showing off her confident persona as it already breaked, she's now a stuttering mess. But despite that, she continued. "M-m-maybe we should have breakfast t-t-together to clear things up b-between us..."

"I thought the party was your apology." (Y/N) said, still looking at Cecilia with some doubt.

'Oh no! He's gonna drop my request!' Cecilia nervously thought to herself as she waited for his final words.

"Eh. Sure, why not? My mother did say that 'if a person has a bad first impression, keep observing to see who they really are.'" He shrugged with a little smile, looking at Cecilia with little doubt than before.

"Thank you!" Cecilia loudly said, looking at (Y/N) with excitement, and her heart beating faster every second.


"Just let me change my sweaty clothes first." You said to Cecilia as you were went to the door. It kinda surprised when she asked you to join her for breakfast. You had doubted that little request, but remembered the little party she made for you and the fact that she's doesn't hold any grudge or show any hostility like in the first day. But of course, you kept your guard up, maybe she's hiding her grudge or this is part of her sinister plan that does or doesn't exist.

As you were about to enter your dorm, you got interupted when another girl came close. And thank goodness its not some random girl that waste your time.

"Good morning Houki, what brings you here?" You greeted th  brown haired girl with a little smile.

"Morning to you too (Y/N)." Houki greeted back, also with a little smile. She was already wearing her uniform, and carrying her wooden sword again.

Unknown to the both of you, Cecilia was staring at Houki with her blue eyes. Empty lifeless blue eyes.

'Who is she? Is she here for (Y/N) too? A rival. She must be removed. No one will stand in my way to getting (Y/N).' Cecilia thought to herself, already planning ways to remove her.

"I was planning to invite Ichika for breakfast. Is he awake?" Houki asked with a little blush. An obvious sign that she has a crush on Ichika which is obvious for mostly everyone except Ichika himself.

He's pretty damn dense.

"Ichika? Probably still asleep so come on in and whack him with your sword to wake him up." You invited as you open the door and saw Ichika wrapped in his blanket still asleep.

"Hey! I'm not that violent!" Houki loudly said to you as she came up to Ichika's bed to wake him up without resorting to violence like she did last night due to some misunderstandings. You ignore those two as you pick up some fresh clothes and went to the bathroom to change.

Cecilia on the other hand was outside the room, looking through the open door with normal eyes unlike few moments ago. She breathed in relief as Houki was not a rival that she needs to remove as she was in love with the loser Ichika, not with her (Y/N). She hoped that she won't encounter any possible rivals.

It didn't take long for you to come out from the bathroom with T-shirt and pants. Of course, you didn't forget to carry your revolver the Chiappa Rhino. Never leave home without em'.

"Houki, I'll be in the cafeteria, watch you're boyfrien-"

"(Y/N)!" Houki glared and shouted at you red faced. While the newly awaken Ichika was just confused.

"Hehe. Okay Cecilia, lead the way." Running away from Houki's glare, you walked next to Cecilia as she smiled. The two of you left and walked together to the cafeteria in silence.

After few minutes, the two of finally reached the cafeteria which was currently half full, with students from multiple classes. As the two of you entered, some of the girls greeted you, and for some reason, you felt some bloodlust from Cecilia.

Grabbing breakfast, the two of you went to an empty table and started filling up your stomach for the new day. Although, despite being invited for breakfast, Cecilia was pretty quiet. She said that she wanted to clear things up between you during the first day and the duel.

"I'll be direct Cecilia, I don't hate or dislike you from what you did back in the first day, I just got pretty competitive, and probably humiliated you." You said in a very direct and serious tone to break the awkward silence between you.

Cecilia, on the other hand was pretty shocked on how you can be very direct, and not using unecessary words to soften what you're really are saying. She never experienced people like that, because all the people she met kept using wordplay to mask their real intention but you... You're very honest, and directly say your very intentions.

"T-Thanks for your honest thoughts... I apologize for looking down on you that day. I-I often encounter a lot of weak men these days, especially my father, I guess that's the reason why I have low opinion on men." She struggles to say it honestly. Cecilia often lies or only give half-truth to most people but she's never been the most honest person in the world. But since you're so direct, you gave the impression that you're very honest.

"Eh. Understandable so I can forgive. Just try to keep the negative thoughts to yourself most of the time because its not good for your image, not mention the people you're gonna piss off that could bite back." You suggested with no to nonsense tone as you eat your breakfast. She simply nodded at you as a reply.

"Thank you for your forgiveness (Y/N). I never thought I changed this quickly." She blushed as she said it. Within a day, some of her mindsets quickly changed, she became more humble, and more respectful than before.

Its all because of you.

"Oh by the way, I'm so sorry for destroying your IS back in the duel. I get very competitive at times, not to mention, my line of work often includes blowing up an IS." You apologetically said with a sheepish smile.

"N-No worries (Y/N)! Its already being repaired."

"Heh, mine is also in repair. Well at least for the stupid drones." You said with annoyance in your face when the drones are mentioned.

"Your drones weren't stupid..." Cecilia tries to comfort you.

"Yeah? Well your face says otherwise. And don't worry, I'm not offended. My drones are that bad." You said. "My drones are just poorly programmed."

"I-Is that so... Do you want me to help you?" Cecilia asked. She found a good opportunity to get more closer to you. "I mean, the use of drones is one of my combat capabilities. I can help you use your drones more effectively and my company can help you program your drones better than ever."

"Really?" You raised a brow at her with a small smile. Despite the effort of your engineers of improving your flawed IS, they had limited skills, and pretty underfunded. Your drones really require better programing, not to mention, the need to train yourself to make full use of it. "I'll think about it..."

"Don't hesitate (Y/N). Just ask and I'll answer. Those drones would be very useful for you." She remarked with a kind smile, the opposite of her haughty, and arrogant self during the first day.

"Alright, at least I don't have to rely with only my revolver and explosives for firepower." You said as you remember how tired you are from fighting those IS everytime you dodge their attacks and can't find a way to supress them, which often force you too find a more longer and tiring way to take down the IS.

Cecilia gave you a worrying look when she realized how really risky your line of work is. How many times have you almost taken by death? Cecilia thought and had the urge to ask you about it but delayed it as it might be a sensitive topic for you.

"Say (Y/N), about your gun..." Cecilia changing the subject.

"My little trusty friend?" You removed your revolver from your holster and raised it. "What about it?"

"It looks a little odd." She looked at it with curiousity.

"Yeah, I got that a lot. This revolver, the Chiappa Rhino, has an odd design where the barrel is positioned in a six-o-clock position to decrease recoil. Also, the design itself gives out a futuristic look despite having similar mechanisms of most revolvers. Not mention, the design makes it fitting for this generation of high-tech." You answered passionately.

You liked guns a lot.

Your passion was also noticed by Cecilia too. It was pretty common for her to see some workers in her company who shows passion for their work and seeing you who has some passion for guns already gave her some gift ideas for you.

"Either way, I should go. I need to take a shower, see ya in class." You stood up, and walked off back to your room leaving Cecilia alone. She looked at you before smiling herself as she confirm that you don't hold any grudge at her, found an opportunity to get closer to you, and manage to know some of your interests. She congratulated herself before her eyes went empty and murmured something.

"You're in my sights (Y/N)... Soon you'll be captured by the chains of love..."


After taking a fresh bath and seeing Ichika getting beaten by Houki in the hallways for some reason, you finally reach the classroom where the first day of being the class representative will start. It was very similar to a class president like keeping the class in watch, assisting the teachers, and other school related crap. The only difference is that you're in IS academy and that means you'll be fighting other IS and win for your class.

Before the class starts, you checked the lesson plans. The class were supposed to have some IS demonstration and their first time using an IS but it was delayed due to the damaged IS of you and Cecilia, and damage in the arena so the demonstrations has to be moved next week. Other than that, it was just the typical lessons for the day.

You hoped that this day will be normal because the last few days are full of incidents like the bitching of Cecilia, jumping off the balcony, using a weapons testing room as a shooting range, the day of the duel, and the little party with some shenanigans.

Please be a normal day.

"This is the class representative of Class 1-3, Lingyin Huang! And I declare war on your Class 1-2!" Someone shouted from outside the classroom.

You and the other students looked at the door and saw a student from another class. She has twin-tailed hair, short, and has a little fang.

It was Lingyin...

You walked up to the door as Lingyin looked at you with some  expectations. When you were in front of her, you quickly grabbed the door and slammed it shut.

"(Y/N)?! What was that for?!" The door suddenly opened by the same girl who's currently pissed at you.

"This is class 1-1! Please leave! I don't want another incident!" You shouted as you close the door again and blocked it.

You have a feeling that normal days will no longer appear in your life...


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