Author's Note: Here's another chapter. I apologize if it takes too long to update, not just because of school, but also videogames.
After telling some of your background and getting a fresh shower, you decided to get your military-grade laptop and roam around the internet to pass the time. And as you roamed around the net, you see yourself looking at a lot of trending stories about the first IS pilot being you, 'Hunter'.
"Well, it looks like I'm famous." You said, "Don't know if it's a good thing or not." You looked through multiple websites and saw most of them has at least one article or video talking about you. Seriously, Youtube's trending videos are mostly talking about you, about the duel with Cecilia, and even some videos analyzes your IS and how you fight.
"Hunter's IS is underpowered." You read a video's title before clicking it. The video discussed about how and why your IS is underpowered and even lookong through an old article of your IS having a flaw so that's why they had to remove the body and compensate for more firepower and protection. It also discussed how the battle was won on mainly by your own skills as a lot of people noticed that you turned off your IS.
It kinda scares you that a lot of people can make an accurate guess even though the real answer is still confidential...
Either way, you roamed around the internet for few more hours to truly discover your popularity and your thankful that most the media see's you in a positive light. But of course, every popular people are going to get some hate, like some articles and forums talking about you being a murderer for killing IS pilots despite them being terrorists, and claiming you as a killer for hire due to your background of being a mercenary despite killing people who commited crimes against humanity.
But those negative talks didn't bother at all since you've been bullied in the internet multiple times when you were young. And plus, your supporters are fighting off your haters until it became a flame war.
Not the flame war where two people fight, but the type of flame war where one argument causes other people to join the toxicness of the internet.
It was honestly amusing to read a civil argument slowly turning into an all out trolling.
*Knock* *Knock*
Someone was knocking at the door, so you'll have to abandon your little amusement. You left your laptop and went for your gun, but you quickly remembered that you're in IS Academy, which is heavily secured. But you also remembered that you've been revealed as 'Hunter', so it might possible that you've made an enemy in the student body for whatever reasons.
So you quickly brought your trusty revolver and pointed at the door as you open it.
"Who is it?" You asked the people in front of you which revealed to be two girls. And judging by the camera's they're carrying, chances are that they probably came from the photography club. And they're also scared that the fact that you're pointing your gun at them.
"Oh sorry, I thought someone was going to attack me when I open the door." You apologized as you holster your handgun.
"O-okay..." One of them said nervously, "Either way, we're from the newspaper club and we're requesting for an interview from the 'Hunter' himself." One of the girl said in a cheery manner, pretty much forgeting the moment you pointed a gun at them.
"An interview? Now?" You asked.
"Not here, at the cafeteria." The other girl with a camera answered.
"Well I was planning to get some food, so alright, I'll go. Just let me change my clothes." With that, you went back inside and changed your casual wear with cargo pants and jacket along with your little berret.
After changing, you and the two members of the newspaper club walked to the cafeteria, occasionaly asking you some minor questions. Along the way, you noticed how quiet and empty the halls are, which is strange since the halls are often full of students at the early evening.
'Is this a set up for an attack?' You thought of the worse as you put your hand behind your jacket and prepare to grab your revolver.
The rest of the walk to the cafeteria was quiet and you constantly put your guard up preparing for any possible threat. Your paranoia increased when you finally reached the cafeteria, the two girls opened the door and-
You quickly draw your gun as you heard a pop of a gun and intruders inside the cafeteria. Only to realize that it was just the sounds of streamers going off, and students of Class 1-1. It was a party congratulating you as the new class representative.
They were deadly silent as they look at you in shock when you quickly drawed your gun and currently pointing at them. It was very awkward for you since it was just a harmless party made for you and you're currently pointing a gun at them.
"A party made for me? This is kinda unexpected. Hehe..." You chuckled nervously and started twirling your gun and making gunslinger tricks to lighten up the mood and to show you're definitely not going to shoot them because you were paranoid.
Thankfully, their mood quickly lightened up, ignoring or failing to notice your paranoia and cheered you for your gunslinger tricks.
"Congratulations (Y/N)! You're now the Class Representative of Class 1-1!" A sleepy looking girl with overly long sleeves cheered for you. You remembered that her name was Honne and she was the bubbly and friendly girl in class.
Houki, Ichika and along with the other classmates also congratulated you for your amazing victory in the duel against Cecilia. Which makes you wonder, why is she standing with the other classmates smiling at you...
You know you gave her a painful defeat but the fact that she's smiling at you makes you think suspiciously at her. Is she planning to make a commotion?
"Thanks for making a celebration guys, but who planned this little party anyway?" You looked around to see who will answer.
"It was me." One of them answered, which surprised you since the one who answered was your defeated opponent, Cecilia.
Cecilia stood up and faced her classmates, "I know I gave a bad impression to you all in the first day and I'm really sorry for it." She then faced you, "And I'm sorry (Y/N), I guess I was just used to getting things my own way all the time, but after my defeat against you, I remember what you told me that things never always go our desired ways. Thank you for enlightening me with your words." She gave a small smile as she bowed to you.
You looked at her with curiousity and some paranoia because she's acting a bit too different, too polite... Is she planning something sinister? Or simply saw her errors and willing to change herself. You simply let the ideas go, stay in guard and roll with it.
"Well its good that you noticed your errors and your willing to redeem yourself for everyone." You remarked, before looking at the little party for you, "And thank you for setting up this little party for me."
Cecilia blushed at your praise and thanks. You noticed it but simply ignored as you realized something about the party.
'This party is about me being victorious and now the class representative right? And since I'm the class representative means I'm resposible for most of the entire class...' You thought before chuckling sadly.
Everyone worriedly looked at your strange behaviour.
"I'm starting to wish that I lost the duel so I don't have to take the responsibilty of a class representative like watching over the class, doing class paperworks, attending student council meetings, etc." You heavily sighed, "Now, before I sell my soul to those annoying responsibilities, lets party..." You ended your words with 'dead on the inside' tone.
The little party went well for the entire evening, other than the girls getting in to your personal space while you were eating, someone attempting to put sleeping drugs to your drink, someone trying to add aprhodisiac to your drink, Ichika getting kicked in the nuts by Houki due to misunderstanding, and Cecilia acting a bit clingy towards you especially when she was glaring at the girls during the picture taking. Other than that, it was a good experience before doing those annoying class representative responsibilities.
Either way, you were going to go back to your room to have a good night sleep but that plan is quickly delayed when your phone started ringing. You checked out your little device and it was a phone call, a phone call from an unknown number.
"Hello, who the hell is this? Make sure your call is worth it or I'll hang up." You answered.
"Ah, (Y/N). Good to hear from you again." The caller replied, and for some reason, the voice was very familiar.
"Captain Price?" You asked curiously, "Now why is an SAS operative is calling me with a different number?"
"Shut it kid, you know that I need to stay low many times due to my line of work."
"So why did you call me, if your staying low?"
"Me and my team just infiltrated a hidden Phantom Task base to retrieve a stolen IS Core. We failed to retrieve it when the terrorists escaped along with the core. Despite the mission failure, we found some files they failed to erase."
"I'm guessing that some of those files are related to me since you're telling me this."
"You got that right, and did you remember when I helped you to hide your identity multiple times?"
"Yeah, what about it?"
"Some of the files we've found shows that they already knew you ever since you activated an IS in Africa so hiding your identity was useless from the start."
"What? Oh come on... I had to stop playing online games to hide my identity and the fact that it was useless makes it very annoying."
"You have some skewed priorities kid. But either way, since they already knew you from the start, you need to watch your back. There might be some unknown hostiles running around you in plain sight."
"Yeah, thanks for the warning, that's what I also thought when I got popular this day."
"Heh. Nice job taking down that IS in the duel though. The soldiers around the base is showing a lot of heavy support for you."
"Guess me being popular is an understatement but lets put my popularity aside, how's my father?"
"James? Still in prison kid. But don't worry, I heard that he started a dance class to keep his fellow prisoners fit and healthy, the guards didn't mind, hell some of them even joined the fun."
"Heh. Sounds like him."
"You're not the only one who miss him, he's a good friend and a useful informant. Besides, I heard he'll be released in few months."
"That's nice to hear, I was planning to raid the prison to get him out."
"Heh, and with your IS, I won't doubt you. Either way, I need to go, remember, always watch your back."
"And try to hold down your hormones especially that you're in a school full of estrogen filled teenage girls."
"Screw you Uncle Price." You said as the call ended.
"Well, looks like I have some future trouble coming towards me." Murmuring to yourself, you walk back through the hallways to get your room for a well deserved rest.
As you reach the door, you look back if anyone is following for sinister reasons, but found none. You enter the room and saw Ichika already while holding his balls from the painful kick of his friend. You ignored it and simply changed your clothes, brushed your teeth, cleaned your gun, and went to bed.
'I was planning to become an ordinary mercenary but now I'm piloting one of the worlds powerful weaponry, studying in a school full of cute, sexy girls, and I'm currently a target of one of the worlds powerful terrorist organization... what other odd things am I gonna experience?' You thought to yourself as you quickly fall asleep.
In another room, Cecilia was cuddling her huge pillow while quietly rolling around her bed with a smile on her face.
"(Y/N) forgave me and he was happy about the party, despite annoyed of the new responsibility, he had a good time." She giggled, "Just you wait (Y/N), you will fall in love with me soon enough, I have the looks, the money, and I can fix my personality for you."
She looks at her phone with a picture of you. "I will have you, and I won't let anyone stop me..."
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