
Authors note: Sorry for slow updates again...

Either way, this story would mostly filled with action.



"What the?"

"Is that even an IS?"

You simply stand quietly as the spectators around the arena where loud, not because of the duel, but because they are curious about your IS.

Curious that your IS suit is pretty much non-existant...

"Eh? Where is your IS? Don't tell me that it malfunctioned? Because if you your IS doesn't work then I win by default!" Said by the blonde girl across the arena who was using a blue IS suit.

"Oh, my IS didn't malfunction, its already activated." You said very casually before pointing at one of the Arena's huge television screens. "My IS is already activated, just look at its shield points blondie."

Blondie or Cecilia looked at the screen and saw your IS' shield points. Needless to say that she was surprised...


Shield Points

Cecilia/Blue Tears: 860

(Y/N)/Army: 9000


"Nine-thousand? How!?" Cecilia and the spectators were really surprised about it. Most IS only has hundreds of shield points, but thousands of shield points? Surprising.

"Can't believe me? How about shooting me?" You said with a confident smirk as the shield flickered. The shield was revealed to be a bubble shield around you.

"Wha...? Even you have a powerful IS shield you won't be able to fight back!" She shouted at you but didn't attack. At least she has some slight sense of fairness to not attack the unarmed.

Although, you simply sighed and pretended your aiming a rifle at her.

"What are you doing?" Your opponent asked, thinking if you have mental problems.

"About to shoot you." As you answered a huge rifle that can be considered as an auto-cannon materialized in your hands.

You grinned in a sinister manner before pulling its trigger.


Your huge rifle(meant for an IS) recoiled as it fired a burst at Cecilia with all shots landing a hit and chipping off her 60 shield points.

"Don't forget that we're in a duel blondie. A duel that you started."
You said in serious tone as you re-aim your rifle that looks like an oversized M82 Barret.

Your rifle is heavy and the very reason you can carry it very easily is because of the magic of IS technology.

"You might have a powerful shield and a somewhat decent weapon but you will never wi- Ah!"


Her words were cut off by your rifle/auto-cannon firing a burst of three rounds that managed to chip off another 60 shield points.

"That does it!" She shouted and fired her sniper rifle at you. Her sniper rifle is less rifle and more plasma blaster...

"Shit." Your shield flickered as she managed to land a hit on you chipping off 500 shield points from you. "I guess a plasma blasts have different trajector-!"

You're mumbling was cut off as your opponent fired at you again causing you to side-step and avoiding the shot by an inch. You looked at your opponent and saw her aiming down with a sinister smile.

"Hmph! I guess your powerful shield will be a problem but you won't be able to move fast or be able to fly because your IS is not a suit unlike most IS'. And why is your IS called 'Army' anyways? It sounds stupid!" She mocked you and pulled the trigger, firing another shot at you.

You tried to dodge but your bulky rifle/auto-cannon slowed you down a bit which caused Cecilia's shot to land a hit on your shield. And before you can even recover, four blue colored objects came out from 'Blue Tears' and floated in mid-air before pointing at you and firing.

The shield around you flickered as some shots managed to land a hit but mostly missed as you dematerialized your rifle and started dodging by predicting where the shots will land and side-stepping.

Cecilia was about to say something to mock you but you beat her to it by standing still and absorbing the shots from her drones. "Your wondering why my IS' isn't a suit and why its called 'Army right? Well here's your answer." You raised one of your hands and flicked your fingers.

And in that exact moment you flicked your fingers, multiple objects spawned around you. It was weapons...



Cecilia stopped her attacks due to shock and the spectators were surprised. You expected such reaction.

Because you simply summoned  a lot of weapons that covered 1/6 of the arena...

The weapons consisted of futuristic auto-cannons, gatling guns, missile pods, and cannons. All were floating as if it was being lifted up by a supernatural force.

"Here's your answer blondie! My little Army!" The floating weapons that can be considered as drones ominously turned to Cecilia which caused her to gasp that gave you a reason to smile like a psycho.


All your weapon drones fired at Cecilia as you ordered. Bullets, cannon rounds, and missiles covered half of the Arena as the weapons launched their projectiles at the blue IS suit.

Cecilia, the girl operating the blue IS suit dodged desperately as anti-IS bullets was sprayed to her direction. She fired back but can't land a proper hit due to the fact that she was being supressed by the 'Army' of guns. A lot of shots landed a hit on her Blue Tears that caused her to look at the screen and check on the status of her IS.


Shield Points

Cecilia/Blue Tears: 160

(Y/N)/Army: 6020


"Not good. Looks like I have to use my surprise weapon a little early." She said to herself, clearly not willing to lose.

As she continued to dodge the attack of your drones, she fired her surprise weapons.


Missiles isn't really something to be afraid of especially if you are in an IS.

But there's a problem.

Those missiles she fired were advanced anti-IS missiles and your drones are not programmed to automatically shoot down incoming projectiles.

Even worse that those missiles are beelining towards you...

"Oh shit. Fire at the missiles!" The drones followed your order and fired at thier fellow missile pod drones.

Your missile pod drones...

"Not the missile pods! Her missiles!" You shouted your order and your drones started firing at the incoming hostile missiles but the cannon drones also tried to fire at the missiles...

Needless to say, that the cannon shells missed the hostile missiles and destroyed your other drones.

You really wish that your drones were programmed to be a little more smarter...

The missiles were getting close so you materialized your rifle again and shot the missiles. Due to your godlike accuracy and aiming skills, you accurately shot down the hostile missiles.

You succesfully shot down the missiles which caused it to detonate before hitting you.

There is another problem though.

The missiles detonated next to your drones...

Detonated next to your last remaining drones...

"Bloody hell..."

"My attack worked? Hah! Looks like lady luck is smiling at me!" Cecilia said proudly, never expected that two of her missiles caused a chain reaction that destroyed or heavily damaged your drones.

"I admit that your IS has some powerful armaments but you'te horrible at using them!" Cecilia added as her drones positioned themselves and fired at you.

"In my defense, I only have little experience using my IS!" You dodged again with only few shots chipping off your shield points. The shield is kinda problematic itself because the shots can easily hit the shield's bubble shape.

"And also, my gun is smaller compared to your huge sniper rifle!" You added as you fired back.

Cecilia managed to dodge your fire as she made it difficult for you to aim by supressing you with her drones and that she realized that your gun fires slow velocity rounds.

"Size doesn't matter as long as you know how to use it!" She replied not realizing what she said.

You chuckled. "I never expected such lewd sentence to come out from the mouth of a girl who claims to be noble!" You pointed out as you chuckle and struggle to dodge her attacks from her drones.

It took her a second to realize what she said earlier. She blushed hard and madly fired her sniper rifle at you.

"You insolent male! Making me say such dirty sentence!"

"Yet you said it anyways!" You dodged but it looks like Cecilia is adjusting her aim still causing her shots to hit your bubble IS shield. You dodged again and again but it keeps hitting your shield again and again. And its even worse since that her sniper rifle deals lot of damage.


Shield Points

Cecilia/Blue Tears: 150

(Y/N)/Army: 1080



You really wish your shield has a more smaller silhouette.


~Cecilia's POV~

I aimed and fired, watching the projectile fly off towards (Y/N). He side-stepped to the right to dodge my shot. The shot missed his silhouette but his shield flickered signalling that I managed to hit his shield, removing 500 shield points from him.

He can dodge my shot by inches but his bubble shaped IS shield still takes the hit. He could have dodged my shots if his shield had a more smaller silhouette. But why would I point that out? His bubble shaped shield gave him a disadvantage of having a bigger hit box that worked in my favor.

His drones were very deadly due to quantity and heavy firepower very fitting the name of 'Army'. Luckily, I manage to destroy his drones, or should I say that he accidentally destroyed his own drones.

His rifle on the other hand was fairly deadly. With the help of the IS technology, he can carry it like a normal rifle and he's very accurate as he fired in bursts which would be enough to take me down if I wasn't careful.

I simply countered his accurate fire by supressing him with my bits/drones. He constantly moved and dodged so he can't really aim properly and the fact that his huge rifle is quite bulky makes it hard for him to aim quickly.

Looks like the duel is in my favor.

I aimed again and pulled the trigger. I watched the projectile fly to him but he dodged again causing my shot to miss by an inch.

But I didn't saw his shield flickering...

I watched my bits that was currently shooting him but all shots missed his body by an inch or by a millimeter. What happened to his shield?

Don't tell me he turned it off...

I saw him dematerializing his rifle before grabbing something behind his military jacket and once he pulled it out, it revealed to be a normal handgun.

Turning off his shield and pulling out a normal gun? All while dodging my shots.

What is he planning?


You turned off your shield since it was giving you a huge hit box, dematerialized your rifle to remove its bulky shape off your hands, and picked-up your Chiappa Rhino Revolver, all while dodging the shots from Cecilia's bits.

"(Y/N)?! What are you doing?!" Miss Yamada asked very worryingly on your earpiece.

"Dodging." You answered casually as if its the most normal thing in the world.

"I know your dodging!" She shouted. "Why did you turn off your shield!? Your gonna get yourself killed!" She added.

Before you can reply. A voice from your strict teacher comes in. "(Y/N), you better not get hurt or die because your father is gonna kill me."

"Don't worry, I won't get hurt Miss Chifuyu!" You slightly shouted as you side-stepped and dodged a shot from one of the drones.

"Its Orimura Sens-"

"Sorry, I have to go!" You said as you cut off your strict teacher.

You dodged the drones fire by predicting their trajectory and quickly getting out of the way when you see a glow on the drone's muzzle.

You also didn't worry about Cecilia firing her sniper rifle at you because she's focused on controlling her drones. If she wants to use her sniper rifle, she'll have to pause using her drones.

But you need to end the fight quickly. Cecilia might be arrogant but she has skills. She has fairly good skills for her age and can reasonably adopt quickly.

So you swinged out your revolver's cylinder, pushed the ejector rod to unload the normal bullets before filling the six empty chambers with anti-IS rounds and finally pushing the cylinder back into place.

You flashed-stepped left and right to avoid getting shot by Cecilia's drones. You take a very quick look at all the four drones before aiming for one the drones muzzle.


In just a single second, all four drones has a 357. Magnum round entering their muzzle that damaged its internal parts. The damaged internals caused the drones to make a small pop before electricity surged the drones and falling to the ground with a hard thud.

"What the..? How did he..?" Cecilia mumbled with a surprised expression. She clearly saw that all her drones in front of you were shot down within a second.

The spectators were also surprised as they made a short silence before one of the huge TV screens showed a slow-motion of you firing a shot for each drones. Needless to say that the crowd went wild from your top notch skills.

You simply twirled your revolver around your finger while smirking at Cecilia's shocked expression.

"I see that you're surprised by my skills blondie." You said as you throw your gun in the air before catching it and twirling it again.

"How..? I-it doesn't matter! Your skills won't matter! You wouldn't be able to damage my IS with your little gun! You won't win!" Your opponent shouted in frustration. She does have a point that your gun will fail to damage her IS, and the anti-IS rounds will harmlessly bounce off her shields.

"And you're also being unfair by turning off your shield! I will not take the blame if you die!" Cecilia added.

"Oh, you don't have worry blondie. I'll turn on my shields if you manage to land a hit on me. So don't hold back." You simply said as you kept your smirk while twirling your revolver.

Cecilia replies by angrily shooting you with her sniper rifle. You simply dodged out of the projectile's path.

"Ooh... Close call blondie. Are you even trying?" You mocked as you dodge another shot.

"Don't hold back blondie. I'll turn on my shield at the exact moment you hit me." You said as you side-stepped away from her shot. "If you actually hit me of course."

"SHUT UP!" She shouted, clearly getting pissed by your not so subtle insult. In anger, she fired another two missiles at you.

You grinned as you stopped twirling your revolver before firing the two remaining rounds at the two missiles.


The crowd cheered at you as each of Cecilia's missiles detonated early as they got shot down by the anti-IS 357.Magnum bullets fired by your revolver.

You silently smirked at Cecilia as you casually reload you revolver by loading bullets one-by-one as opposed by the use of a quick loaders. Cecilia was on the edge as she gritted her teeth, glaring daggers at you.

When you finished reloading, you broke the silence by mocking Cecilia again. "Is that the best you got blondie?"

"Just die you insolent male!" She finally snapped as she looked at you angrily and fired her sniper rifle wildly at you trying to hit you. Needless to say that you dodged all her shots like last time which caused her pride to crack.

"I guess you had your fun. But its my turn." You said as you holstered your Chiappa Rhino and sprinted to Cecilia.

She saw you sprinting to her before she fired at you but all shots missed again as you dodged. Cecilia dematerialized her sniper rifle as it was replaced by a combat knife for IS use. She charged at you before trying to stab and slice you with it.

Keyword: Tried

Cecilia's IS combat knife was for hostiles in melee range or her last resort weapon. The reason she was using it on you is because of the first reason. But needless to say, that she is sloppy at using knives or overall bad at fighting in melee range.

It was easy for you to dodge the Blue Tears' overly large knife as the pilot has a predictable melee pattern. Side-step if she attempts to stab you, jump back if she tries to slice you and etc. And the fact that she's pretty sluggish means you have an extra second to dodge her large knife.

Due her stress and anger, she failed to notice that you planted a few explosive cannisters around her IS suit during the exact time you were dodging her knife attacks. Similar to Satchel Charge the Explosive Cannisters are canned shape explosives that attaches itself to the targets. But before it blows up, the Explosive Cannisters will drill itself to its targets before detonating.

An effective weapon against the IS.

You jumped away from Cecilia before making a small sprint away from her. She then materialized her sniper rifle in an attempt to shoot you. But before she can even aim and fire, she noticed you covering your ears.


Blue Tears was covered in smoke as the explosion slightly shaken the Arena. The Explosive Cannisters is pretty much a C4 explosive that is modified to pierce its target before exploding.

A minute later and the smoke around your opponent cleared. It revealed that Cecilia herself was fine from the explosion because of the 'Ultimate Protection System'. Its the secondary shield meant to protect the pilot if the main shield has been destroyed.

Despite the fact that Cecilia wasn't harmed from the explosion, her IS, the Blue Tears, was the exact opposite. It was heavily damaged as random damaged parts were scattered all around her, and some of the parts are beyond repair.

The spectators were silent in shock from your impressive stunt on taking down an IS without using one yourself.

The silence was finally broken as the TV screens showed the announced the winner.

"(Y/N) Runner wins!"

And the crowd cheered at you, covering the Arena with a deafening cheer. You slighly blushed and smirked at the  praise you were getting.

It feels great.

You looked back to Cecilia and felt bad for her. She was on her knees crying with her pride blown to million of pieces.

So like some generic protagonist you walked to her and try to be a good sport.

When you reached her she shouted. "What do you want!? You've won! You don't have to rub it on to me!"

"Stop crying Cecilia, I know you lost but that doesn-"

"What do you know!? You don't know what it feels like to lose with your pride blown to pieces!"

"And do you know me Cecilia? I've lost more than you think! I've lost more than just a duel and pride!"

"Then what do you want?! What are trying to do?!" Cecilia shouted in tears as she tried to push you away but failed.

You then used your right hand and held her cheeks to force her to look at your face while the other hand was on her shoulder.

"I've won and I'm now the Class  Representative so its my duty to watch out and help my fellow classmates! And that includes you Cecilia!" You looked at her with caring gentle eyes as your voice started getting soft. "Despite the fact that I don't like you, I need to help you."

"....." Cecilia remained quiet but she became more calm and less tear drops falling off from her ocean blue eyes.

"Look Cecilia, life is never fair, it was never fair from the begining. I might've defeated you and ripped your pride to millions of pieces but that doesn't mean you have to fall to your knees and cry like you've lost everything. You're still young, meaning that you still have room for more improvements."

You tapped her shoulder trying to comfort her.

"Now I'm gonna order you to be more respectful to our fellow students and teachers to avoid a duel like this again, and clean up your tears, you look less cute with it." You added before leaving her alone.

As you walk away, you felt a gaze of adoration from Cecilia's direction.

"Judging from how I defeated her, I highly doubt she likes me." You said as you tempted fate.


As you exited the Arena, you were stopped by Orimura Sensei.

"From the little stunt you did today like turning off your shields and blowing up an IS suit without one yourself. I think the students have guessed that you're the Hunter." Orimura Sensei said as she was reading your file. "You're gonna have to confirm the answers tommorow morning to every students."



Cecilia was deep in thought as she took a shower. Like a love struck maiden, she was deeply thinking about you.

"(Y/N) Runner... I would want to know you more..."

Cecilia said as she touched her  cheek and shoulder.

The cheek and shoulder that you've touched...


For those who failed to understand (Y/N)'s IS. Here is a summary.

(Y/N)'s IS is not a suit like others. He can activate the IS shield and IS weapons but not the exo-skeleton of the IS.

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