Authors note: Sorry for the late update again. I usually make a chapter every week but school and laziness is the main reason why I was inactive for a while.
Either way, this chapter has a long flashback.
Enjoy the chapter!
The duel with Cecilia was now over as the IS Academy students were now freely roaming around the school. But despite the duel having finished, the students kept talking about you defeating Cecilia only using conventional weapons like explosives and a revolver.
The talks were about the rumors that you are the famous IS killer known as 'Hunter' due to the fact that you carried the exact same gun and the fact that you fought exactly like him. The rumors are far from wrong.
You are the famous 'Hunter'.
Which is the reason why you're in the Arena's control room with Yamada and Orimura Sensei, along with Houki and Ichika.
"Do you really have to reveal to the world that you're the famous 'Hunter'?" You strict teacher asked sternly.
"Revealed to the world?" You asked cluelessly.
Your teacher sighed. "The duel between you and Cecilia have been broadcasted around the world."
"Oh... Well I don't really care if I was revealed to be 'Hunter'. Besides, I'm pretty sure some top-notch inteligence team probably figured out my real identity months ago." You casually replied as if it was a normal thing. "And I'm pretty sure I'll end up revealing it sooner or later." You added.
"Then fighting terrorists was the reason why you left with your father for a few months, (Y/N)?" Houki worryingly asks as she stands next to Ichika.
"Yep. Joined my father for a little business trip." You casually answered again.
"Business trip? Do you mean Mercenary work?" Your strict teacher corrected as she showed a file related to your past.
"Mercenary work?!" Ichika and Houki asked in shocked unison, probably having a different definition of a mercenary.
"Why the shocked face guys?" You asked raising a brow.
"You're a Mercenary... You kill for money..." Ichika said as he slightly backed away from you in fear and disgust. Houki on the other hand simply looked at you with a worried expression as if asking a question like: 'What made you into a killer?'
You looked at them with a slightly surprised face. Did they really see you as a person who would kill for money?
"Calm down you two, especially you Ichika. Mercenaries are often hired to guard VIP's or fight in war-torned countries." You explained. Houki calmed down but Ichika is still giving you that disgusted look.
"Although I won't deny that us Mercenaries are hired to kill someone," Ichika winced at this. "But the said 'someone' are usually drug dealers, corrupted politicians, dictators, international criminals, and terrorists. And judging from the news about me, 'Hunter', I'm usually hired to hunt down terrorists like the 'Phantom Task'." You explained.
"And Mercenaries will be considered as criminals if they accept contracts from terrorists." An added explanation from Yamada Sensei who was looking at your IS' data on a computer.
"Yep, Yamada Sensei is right about that. We Mercenaries must always be careful to avoid getting tricked or blackmailed by those sick bastards." You added.
Ichika calmed down a bit, but still feeling uneasy towards you. He clearly dislikes you for killing for money even though you kill people that pretty much deserved it.
"(Y/N), you're young. How and why are you allowed to become a hired soldier?" Houki asked who is still showing some worried tone.
"Let's just say that I'm very skilled for my age." You shrugged.
"And how and when did you learn how to fight?" Your childhood friend asked again.
"I won't answer because its classified, but you can take this as a hint." You pulled one of the sleeves of your jacket upwards which revealed some nasty scars in your arms.
Ichika and Yamada Sensei flinched at the view of your nasty scars, Orimura Sensei just raised a brow, while Houki wasn't even surprised about it.
"You asked about my scars when we were kids, right Houki?" She nodded. "Well this scars are will give you a clue." You finished your answer.
Everyone in the room stayed quiet for a while before you killed the silence by bringing back the original topic.
"Either way, do you want me to make an official confirmation that I really am Hunter?" You asked. "It will save from dealing with nosey journalists from around the world." You added to tempt Orimura Sensei.
Your teacher, Orimura Sensei simply sighed. "Fine, how will you make the confirmation? A Twitter post, or a TV interview? Which one?" She asked.
"Twitter post. Post that I am Hunter, and don't worry about their questions, I'll answer." You casually requested.
"Alright make sure not to spill some sensitive infor-"
"Don't spill sensitive intel. Yeah I know that a long time ago." You interupted.
"Either way, I'll go now." You added as you walk towards the door. Your hand was about to reach the handle only to for your ice-cold demon teacher to grabs your jacket stopping you.
"(Y/N). We're not done yet. You still have to tell us about your odd IS. And also," She paused. "Don't interupt me ever again." She said sternly as cold aura surrounds her.
"Okay, okay. Jeez, I'm itching for a relaxing bath." You said as you tapped your jacket which spilled some bits of dust.
Yamada Sensei then perked up from the computer screen and looked at you and said. "(Y/N) we need to know more about your IS. The fact that your IS is odd in many ways means we need to gather some good amount information about it for future research."
"My IS ain't that complicated Yamada Sensei, its pretty simple.Take a seat guys and I'll tell you the long story of my IS." You sat down in a nearby chair which others followed.
"Now it all started..."
In War-torned North Africa, multiple Outposts were built nearby the borders to prevent the conflict from spreading to the more peaceful South Africa. Several of those Outposts are owned by 'Dark Sky' PMC and you are assigned in one of those Outposts for guard duty.
"This is boring. Can they at least assign me to do some scouting work. I don't mind driving around scouting for threaths." You lazily said as you slumped down in the railings of the guard tower you're in.
"The last time you were in a scouting mission, you almost crashed the jeep multiple times due to your reckless driving." A fellow mercenary reminded, as he gives you a can of Mountain Dew.
"Well it's not my fault that the jeep had an upgraded engine that gave it more speed and power!" You shouted back before opening your Mountain Dew and drinking it. "Thanks for the drink though."
"No problem kid." He drank his own drink before adding. "And despite the fact that the jeep is faster than before doesn't mean you have to drive it at full speed in bumpy, and unsafe terrain!" He raised his voice as he remembered you driving the jeep at high speeds through bumpy terrain causing you to lose control and accidentaly rammed a hidden hostile sniper and an entire squad of enemy patrol.
"Hey at least we caused trouble to those tribal militia who thinks conquering peaceful lands is a great idea."
"And brought back home a jeep with a damaged wheels and bumper, which I had to fix." He shakes his head in dissaproval.
"Well since scouting with a jeep is not allowed, how about I scout with a helicopter. I do know how to pilot it." You said as you pointed at the helipad where a Mi-35M Hind E is parked.
"And have the other PMC's calling us about an attack helicopter doing an Air Show? No chances kid." He shakes his head in disapproval again.
You simply sighed and went back to staring in the distance in huge boredom.
But you felt very strange. Why is it so peaceful? Usually the first signs of trouble and chaos will happen around you after few minutes, but nothing's happening.
Too peaceful...
A few moments later and rapid chopping sounds can be heard in the sky. You looked up in the sky and saw a pair of heavily armed UH-60 Blackhawk's.
You thought it was your first trouble and chaos for the day but the helicopters didn't attack and simply flew past the Outpost, clearly in a hurry.
"Aren't those choppers belongs to Diamond Dogs?" A fellow mercenary asked.
"Yup. But the real question is, why are they in a hurry and armed to the teeth?" You asked, starting to feel some trouble. But before someone answers, you and your allies radio's came to life.
"This is Outpost 'Star'! We're under attack by the Militia! And there's too many of them! Need reinforcements! Infantry, Armor, Air Support, just send them in!" Gun shots and explosions were heard as the radio call ended and without a word, you and your allies scrambled to the vehicles.
You and others quickly ran and went inside an Mi-35M Hind E that was about take-off. The helicopter finaly took off after it was full. You looked down and saw multiple vehicles ranging from trucks to APC's leaving the Outpost to provide reinforcements.
The flight took 15 minutes before Outpost Star was visible and luckily mercenaries are still holding their ground, barely. Before the helicopter landed, it fired its rockets and auto-cannon at the hostiles to ease the pressure the soldiers in the ground. The helicopter quickly landed behind the outpost and you and the others quickly ran and assist defense.
A lot of allied mercenaries are injured or dead but a good number of them are still alive and fighting. The helicopter took off again and continued the air support while you hid into cover with a tired mercenary firing at the hostiles.
"Hey! What Militia are attacking us?!" You shouted your question over the loud gunfight.
"All the militia's around here are fighting us!" He answered loudly. "They finally decided to work together!" He added.
Getting your answer, you cocked your AK-12 and fired several quick bursts at the hostiles before getting back to cover. You never expected the tribal militia's to work together because they often fight each other most of the time. You guessed that its just a temporary alliance to get through the border.
After few minutes of exchanging shots, the sound of engines and tracks are heard, they weren't hostile as the rest of the 'Dark Sky' reinforcements have arrived. The hostile forces retreated due to the presence of the armored vehicles, and the extra infantry along with it.
Outpost Star was finally clear from hostile attacks. As you got out of cover your phone started to ring. You checked and it was your father.
"Hey son, where are you? You okay?" He asked worryingly.
"I'm fine dad. Just done supporting Outpost Star."
"Bloody hell kid. Well at least your fine. I'm at Outpost 'Sky', currently under attack but we're holding and pushing the enemy away."
"We have several BRDM-2 armored cars here, and we can send them to support."
"Yeah send them in, and be safe son." The call ended and you immediately looked to the person in command.
"Sir, we need to send some support at Outpost 'Sky', few armored cars can do."
"Yeah, no worries kid, we're about to send support." He replied casually as he talked to others in the radio.
After getting your answer you immediately asked for a ride in one of the armored cars to support Outpost Sky and see your father.
The ride had taken 10 minutes before having a view of Outpost Sky. The place was holding fine as they have an BTR-80 assisting the defense. The gunners of the BRDM-2 fired at the hostiles before getting inside the Outpost and unloading you and other fellow Mercs.
You looked around and the place was mostly fine as it holds great defenses for the Mercs. A moment later and you found your dad crouched in cover with an LMG.
"Hey dad, I see the situation is under control." You asked, crouching next to him.
"Yep, better ask some support though, better safe than sorry." He replied before pulling the trigger of his PKP 'Pecheneg'.
You joined shooting with your father as your he fired at a group of hostiles and you firing at the enemy who tries to flank. It went on like that for few minutes before the BTR-80-
-exploded to pieces...
"What the hell was that?" You asked in shock. That BTR-80 had some anti-RPG defenses, so it wasn't an RPG that destroyed it.
"Enemy IS!" Your father shouted as he points at the flying exo-skeleton suit armed to the teeth. Without question you ,your father, and fellow mercs ran and find for stronger cover
"Shit! How can a militia obtain one!?" You asked with a raised voice as you ran with your dad.
"I don't know. Maybe they got allied with a specific terrorist group that specializes in stealing IS'!" You and your father finally reached a more tougher cover.
"You mean the Phantom Task!? Well that's possible!" You said as you fired at the enemy infantry who is now advancing.
A fellow mercenary grabbed an anti-air launcher and fired it at the IS. The IS dodged it and blasted the said merc with an auto-cannon.
"Shit! We better find a way to take that bitch down!" You shouted while firing accurate bursts at the enemy infantry being supported by the IS.
"Yeah, but our current weapons are pretty much useless against it! Sure, we have RPG's but we'll only cause minimal damage and we don't have enough rockets!" Your father replied getting stressed. The radio then came to life.
"This is Big Bird, air-support will be in 5 minutes."
"Five minutes?! Yep, we're dead." You said with hopes down. The mercenaries are doing their best to survive but they won't last long for 5 minutes as the enemy IS used its advanced weapons. Even worse that you've ran out of ammo for your AK-12.
The IS then stopped hovering and touched the ground as it continously fire its auto-cannon and the occasional missiles.
Touched the ground?
"Dad. Join the others and keep shooting at the infantry. I have a plan." You said as you prepared to run.
"What's your plan?" Your father is sensing some bad ideas from you.
"Just cover me." And without any other answers, you made run to the IS.
"(Y/N)! Come back! Shit! Everyone, shoot the infantry, provide cover for my son!" Without questions, dad and other mercs fired at the hostile infantry's as you sprint to the enemy IS.
The latex wearing female pilot noticed you and quickly tried to shoot you. Keyword: Tried.
You dodged at the exact moment she pulled the trigger while still sprinting towards her. The militia behind her tried to shoot you but quickly got shot by the fellow mercs who's providing cover fire.
When your 10 meters away from the IS, you immediately stopped running and quickly threw a grenade. You looked away with ears covered while the IS pilot simply showed little reaction, knowing that a grenade won't do damage her-
The IS pilot screamed in pain as she covered her eyes. It wasn't a normal grenade you threw, it was a flashbang. And the fact that the IS enchances the pilots senses means that the effect of the flash grenade was greater and probably a bit more painful.
The infantry of the Militia were pinned down and also got blinded by the flashbang which made it easier for the your fellow mercs to shoot them.
The IS pilot was starting to recover but before she could try and do anything, you grabbed your Chiappa Rhino and pressed it to her head before pulling the trigger and killing the pilot. The IS Shield only protects its pilot from speeding projectiles, and sharp objects, but the shield never considered a gun barrel as a threat, and since the gun barrel has passed through the shield, the bullet can pass through the shield and makes it home to her head.
The IS pilot was on the ground and lifeless. Your fellow mercs and your father is shocked about the fact that you took down an IS with only a flashbang and a revolver.
You're surprised yourself as well, the idea of getting through the IS shield was nothing more than a theory that you created, but it unexpectedly worked. As you congratulate yourself, the IS started to glow.
Your first reaction was to run as you think it was gonna explode. As you attpemted to run away, you felt something getting attached to you. You looked around and saw the IS suit had disappeared, you then looked at yourself only to see that you're holding an Auto-cannon and a small HUD near your face.
"What the fuck...?" You said very confused before a hidden enemy shot you in the chest only for the bullet to stop an inch away from your body and bouncing to ground.
The little HUD in your face showed a small circle identifying the exact location of the shooter. You aimed your Auto-cannon, that is seemingly light, and fired it at the not-so-hidden hostile.
The enemy got cut in half by the high caliber round of your Auto-cannon.
"What the hell?" You said as you looked at your huge gun.
The battle was over and almost all militia's around North Africa was destroyed as almost all PMC's were forced to destroy them as they got payed and ordered by the government to take them down.
Diamond Dogs did the heavy lifting since they're pretty much the most powerful PMC out there as they with some support of other PMC's destroyed the Militia's in a week. You on the other hand was brought to scientists and engineers to know how and why you can operate an IS. Luckily, they weren't going to lock you up in a lab for experimentation and instead chose to modify your IS.
You're compatible with an IS yes, but there's a flaw. The entire body of the IS doesn't work, and you can only activate the weapons and the shield.
The scientists and engineers made a compromise. They totally removed the body of the IS meaning the IS core can only focus on powering up the wepaons, hence the hundreds of weapon drones, and the shield, hence why your shield points are 9000, rather than the standard 500 shield points.
After the modifications, you were revealed in public that you're the first male to operate an IS. You were proud of the fact that you can activate and use an IS but the blessing is also a curse...
Multiple shady organizations wants you...
Lets just say that's where all the shenanigans in your life began...
*End of Flashback*
"And that's why and how my IS is very odd than others, and that's also the time where terrorists got interested in me. I'm pretty sure you guys can connect the lines." You finished your little story.
"Hm. Interesting. You can go now (Y/N), I think you gave us plenty of information." Orimura Sensei said.
You stand up and exited the control room followed by Houki and Ichika. Houki was kinda impressed at you while Ichika is still feeling uneasy about you.
They eventually excused themselves as they went to the cafeteria, while you continue your way back to your room.
Along the way, students looked at you and willing to ask about you being hunter and about your IS. You simply say that answers will come soon and they let you free from their gazes.
As you're almost to your room, you passed by Cecilia who blushed as she saw you and walked away.
"Probably holding her anger against me." You simply murmur to yourself "Highly doubt she likes me." You tempted fate again.
You simply ignored her and continued your way back to your room, looking forward for a fresh bath.
'Oh my god! It's (Y/N)! I wonder what he thinks about me?' Cecilia asked herself as she blushed and walked away from you.
'Did he just ignore me?! Oh no! He thinks I hate him!' She worriedly thought.
'What should I do to get his attention while making sure he wouldn't think badly about me?' Cecilia thinked hard. This is the first time she got interested in someone so much.
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