Battle Start!

Authors note: I was starting to get excited writing the battle with Cecilia so I can't help but write this chapter already.


In an Unknown Location

In a poorly lit room, three unknown figures are seated in front of a table with random files scattered around it. The first figure was looking at the files, the other figure was drinking tea, and the last figure was doing nothing.

"So another IS was lost? Hm?" The tea drinking figure asked.

"Yes ma'am. Like what the news says, it was taken down by the 'Hunter'. Again." The last figure said who was simply sitting and doing nothing.

"Hunter? Again?! This is the 24th time we've lost an IS' and pilots to Hunter! And he embarrassed us and our organization by defeating our IS' with only conventional weapons!" The tea spilled as the figure clearly showed her anger by standing up and slamming her hands on the table.

The 'Hunter' was already doing heavy damage to their organization and they have huge trouble trying to stop(kill) Hunter from damaging and stopping their cause. He was a dangerous man, he killed their soldiers with high effeciency and with little mercy. He destroyed or sometimes steal their weapons and equipments. And he fights against the odds with sheer skill and willpower.

He was a dangerous man...

"Calm down." The figure who was looking at the files said with a calm voice.

"Calm down? CALM DOWN!? How can I calm down if Hunter has been destroying our properties, our organization, and our cause!" The figure who spilled her tea earlier banged at the table again with more anger.

"Calm down or else." The figure puts down the files gently on the table before giving the other figure an intimidating glare. She seems like the one to hold higher authority authority than the other two figures.

The figure who spilled the tea earlier simply sat down and calmed down in fear...

"Now since we're back in a professional mood, I want to discuss the about our little troublemaker..." Each figure took a file and opened it.

"T-t-this is Hunter!? The Hunter is just a teenager?!" One of the figure showed surprise and anger as she looked at a picture of a teenage boy wearing a combat uniform and a beret while carrying a revolver.

"......" The other figure stayed in silence as she reads random details.

"Yep. That's him, (Y/N) Runner. Our intel said that he was kidnapped in a young age before being used for a child soldier project of one of the well equipped Militia's in Africa, and its pretty much the reason why he has high-level combat skills. He was later saved by mercenaries from 'Dark Sky' PMC and was adopted by one of them. He lived mostly in Japan but occasionally move out of the country once in a while. After few years, he joined his father as a mercenary despite his young age. After few months of working as a mercnary, he had encountered his first IS battle and the said IS was ours. After he defeated it, he ended up activating the IS, hence the reason why he's in the IS Academy." The figure who holds authority summarized the backstory of (Y/N) Runner.

"So what's the plan?" The quiet figure finally talked.

"Let him join our side. Which is why I called you here. Your mission is to let him join our side, use any methods." The leader said in an ordering manner.

"Why do want him to join us  anyways?" The figure who was angry earlier said.

"His combat skills are very top-notch. He sneaked and destroyed one of our bases once without getting spotted. He can slow down or even hold his ground against overwhelming forces, and of course, destroying an IS withouy using one himself. You get the idea why he will be a very useful asset if he joins us." The leader explained

"And if he doesn't join us?" The quiet one asked again. The other figure was also curious too.

The leader looked at them with stern eyes before saying:

"Kill him..."


Somewhere in IS Academy

Early in the morning, a room meant to be used for testing IS weaponry was being used as a shooting range. There were many random objects displayed in the room, from empty soda cans, empty bottles, to wooden planks in different shapes and sizes being used as target practice.


Two 357.magnum rounds ended up hitting the same target in the same exact location with dead-on accurracy. The shots came from a Chiappa Rhino 60DS revolver being fired by you.

The reason you're up early in the morning in a made up shooting range is because you're making a last minute practice for your duel with Cecilia.

It may sound weird that you had to make a small made-up shooting range in the morning for a quick shooting practice but it won't sound weird if your gonna have duel with a highly weaponized exo-suit.

But why practice with a weapon that has very little connection to the IS? Shouldn't you be using weapon used by the IS?

The answer is simple. You train with weapons that doesn't use any any fancy technology so you won't rely on it so much. Because if you fight or use weapons without relying too much on technology, then there's a good chance your gonna end up holding some top-notch skills.


In one second, all the remaining four rounds of your revolver was fired with each round hitting a target.

"Shit. I hit all the targets again..." You simply said to yourself in a stressed manner as you swing out the revolver's chamber and ejecting the used cartridges. "I need to miss a shot so I can improve more!"

By this time, the 357. magnum rounds have already been loaded to your unusual revolver, the Chiappa Rhino.

The Chiappa Rhino is unusual because of its barrel being placed in a six-o-clock position rather than the traditional twelve-o-clock position of most revolvers and the gun looks heavy by looks but fairly light weight despite its bulky shape.

Its a good gun...


All six shots have been fired in one second, and in one second, six targets are down.

"Damn it! Why can't I miss?!" It was kinda frustrating for you when you fail to miss a shot. You always hit your targets without missing! Unless you don't hit the target intentionally, but there's a good chance it will cause the bullet to richochet and hit the target anyways.

Kinda unfortunate...

"Um...?" A curious voice came from behind.

"Hmm?" You turned to your back in curiousity to see where the voice came from.

It was a girl...

She was wearing an IS Academy uniform like any other students, but she has notable features like the blue hair, red eyes, the glasses, and shows a somewhat shy expression.

And she's cute too.

"......" The blue haired girl remained silent.

"Yes?" You broke the silence between you and the somewhat shy girl.

"Uh... w-why-"

"Why is half of the room turned into a shooting range?" You raised a brow as you stopped her words from exiting her mouth as you guess her question. She nodded quietly confirming that you guessed her question correctly.

"For beginners there's no shooting range here in the IS Academy. Sure, I can use one of the arena's to train in but there's a good chance that my IS will get revealed to my opponent for our duel. So yeah, I had to improvise by using this room meant for IS weapon testing as a shooting range." You explained to the blue haired girl.

"Y-you're the boy who had agreed to a duel with a student who uses a personal IS?" The blue-haired girl asked with a hint of surprise in her voice.

"Yep, that's me. You probably know my name already but just in case you don't know, I'm (Y/N) Runner." You intoduced yourself as you raised a hand to a handshake position to which she quietly shaked your hands.

"I-I'm Kanzashi Sarashiki..." After she lets go of your hand, she introduced herself before staying quiet making an awkward atmosphere.

Looks like you'll have to be the one breaking the silence...

"I'm kinda curious though. Why are you awake at 5:30 AM in a place like this? If its okay to ask of course."

"I-I'm developing an IS. And I was going to use this place to test its new weapons." She slightly stuttered as she answers your question.

"Oh. That IS over there?" You point at an IS frame across the room. The frame had a single tube missile launcher attached in the left shoulder.

The blue haired girl simply nodded with a slight blush, before replying:

"I-I'll be needing this room... B-b-but I'm not telling you to leave! Y-y-you can take your time!" Kanzashi, the shy blue haired girl stuttered loudly as she replied.

Seeing that Kanzashi just tells you to take your time to use the place even though she needs it kinda makes you feel like an asshole. Luckily, there's only few targets left.

"Don't worry, there's only few targets left. Just let me shoot down all of it. And while I'm at it, how about you prepare your IS." You re-assured her as you reloaded your revolver and pointing it to the empty soda cans.

The blue haired girl nodded and walked to the direction of her IS.

Kanzashi's POV

As I approach my incomplete IS, I can't help but notice (Y/N). He was kinda intimidating when I enter the room and saw him taking out multiple targets under a second.

Where did he learn such skills though? Taking out six targets under a second would require such high amount of skills.

Maybe he's like the heroes who trains very hard like in the anime's I watch. His skills and his somewhat kind personality kinda fits perfectly for a hero.

And he's kinda handsome too...

No! Focus Kanzashi! I need you to focus on developing my IS! And I know very little about him...

I turned on the computer that was attached to the my IS and start checking out the systems of my IS if its okay.


And he did it again! The empty soda cans hits the floor with each of them having a single bullet hole.

"Okay, I'm done Kanzashi! The room is yours! Good luck creating your IS!" He raised his voice from the other side of the huge room before exiting through the huge door.

"Good luck Runner-kun..."


It was six o clock in the morning when you reached the cafeteria. There were currently few students in the cafeteria right now, but no doubt that it will be full sooner or later.

So you took the chance and grabbed some food from a more nicer and professional employee of the cafeteria and start eating your breakfast.

The duel will start at 7:30 AM, so you still have an hour and extra minutes to prepare yourself and your IS.


It didn't take long until the cafeteria started getting more lively as students started flooding in the cafeteria. Some of the students walked like a zombies as they were still sleepy and some were still wearing pajamas, slightly revealing pajamas...

You look away from the pajama wearing girls because they might ruin your reputation by claiming you as a pervert. But why did you notice some of the girls swaying their hips as if they are trying to get your attention...

Either way, some of the girls who noticed you quickly fixed their hair and started being more active to make themselves pretty in your eyes. And you slowly noticed hundreds of glances in different directions...

"Its early in the morning and I already attracted a lot of attention..." You muttered to yourself as you look at your breakfast that is half-finished.

You remind yourself again and again that you can only handle little attention, but a lot of attention? Nope.

Either way, you came back eating your breakfast. After one bite and you notice a girl taking a sit right next to you.

It was your childhood friend, Houki.

"Good morning (Y/N). Are you prepared for your duel with Cecilia?" She greeted you with familiarity in her voice.

"You too Houki. And yes, I'm ready for the duel... mostly ready for the duel. I still need to check on my IS." You greeted and replied back as take another bite of your breakfast.

She nodded before taking some bites from her breakfast before asking you a question:

"Say (Y/N), I never saw your IS before. What does it look like anyway?"

"My IS? Lets just say its a secret for now." You winked, leaving Houki to raise a brow. "Either way, why aren't you hanging out with your childhood cru- hmph!" Houki blocks your mouth with her hand stopping you from finishing your words.

"Shhh! Ichika is just right there." She pointed at Ichika who was waiting in line to grab some food.

"Sorry. By the way, how hard did you hit him with your wooden sword? I mean, look at those bandages around his head and arms." You quietly pointed the several bandages wrapped around him.

"W-w-why are suspecting me for hitting him with my bokken?! I-it could be anyone else!" Houki said in a nervous manner.

You smirked as you remember that she's a terrible lier. If she's being defensive and stuttering, there's a high chance that she's lying.

You know her pretty well, enough to know if she's lying. Did she forgot that you're one of her close childhood friends?

"Oh really? What I've heard is that you beat him up with your bokken because there were girls flirting with him."

"W-what?! Where did you heard that? A-and is your source even reliable?!" She slightly raised her voice at your smirking face.

"Oh I don't know, maybe because Ichika told me how he got beaten up by a childhood friend as he bandaged himself. By the way, Ichika is my room mate."

Your words caused Houki to be in shock while also a hint of happiness in her eyes. Shocked, because you figured out that she's lying and happy that she has someone to keep in tabs with her crush.

"So is Ichika mad at me?" Houki nervously asked, fearing the answer.

"Kinda mad I guess, but he was mostly curious why you beat him up. As a friend, I advice you apologize to him and both of you would be back to good terms."

Your answer caused Houki to give you a warm smile. She was happy that you're a reliable friend. A friend willing to help...

"Thank you for the advice (Y/N), I'm gonna apologize to him right now." She thanked you with a warm smile as she stands up.

"You're welcome, but try not to get mad at him right now." You pointed at Ichika's table.

"Mad? Why would I get mad at him right now?" She asked curiously before looking at the direction you're pointing at.

She saw Ichika sitting with other girls trying to flirt with him...

"Grrr..." Houki growled in anger. She's having the intent to kill him right now.

"Goodluck apologizing to him now Houki..." You said as you finished up your breakfast before leaving.

Sure you can try to remind her not to get mad, but the fact that Houki has a short temper would make it difficult and you still need to get ready for the duel.

As you finally got out of the cafeteria, you heard Ichika scream in fear as you heard a war cry from Houki.

Poor guy...


You were sitting in the ground in the middle of the Arena waiting for your blonde opponent. You noticed the seats around the arena are starting to get full of students eager to watch the duel. Although, a lot of them are curious about you sitting in the middle of the arena rather than getting launched out with your IS.

A lot of students were pretty excited to see you fight when they heard that you entered the Arena thirty minutes early. The fact that you entered the Arena thirty minutes earlier means you are eager to have the duel, which makes it exciting to watch an eager fighter.

"Can you hear me Runner-kun?" The voice of Yamada-sensei asked you from your earpiece.

"I can hear you crystal clear Yamada-Sensei." You replied as you stand up and dust yourself.

"Okay. Runner-kun Can I ask you a question?" You heard a curious and a slightly worried tone in her voice.

"Sure. What will you ask?"

"It's about your IS. Before I allowed you to enter the Arena I scanned your IS first, but during the scan, I found something strange about your IS."

"Something strange about my IS? Yeah I get that a lot. My IS is odd in many ways." You replied looking at your dog-tag which was the alternative form of your IS.

"Yes. I only scanned your IS in its alternative form so I only know its statistics. And the statistics says that your IS holds an abnormally strong shield... and also holds so many weapons..." Judging from her voice and dialouge, she sounded surprised.

"My IS holds a strong shield and carry tons of weapons. So?" You replied, curious in what she's trying to point out.

"Activate your IS." The voice was now stern and strict. It was Orimura-Sensei.

"Sorry Sensei, but you would have wait a bit more to see my IS. Besides, the battle is about start." You replied as you look at a blue IS getting launched out to the other side of the Arena.

It was the Cec-... what's the name of the blondie again?

"I'm Cecilia Alcott! And I will be your downfall!" She introduced and declared as she starts hovering from the other side of the Arena.

"And I'm (Y/N) Runner! And I shall... Uh... yeah... I got nothing..." You said with an evident awkward tone in your voice.

"Hah! Are you afraid that you can't even boast about yourself?! It really fits your name 'Runner', why? Because you'll 'run' away in fear!"

She mocked at you, but you simply smirked, not getting affected by her insult.

"Heh. Nice pun. But I don't run away from battle, I simply run to the battle!" You smiled as you boasted loudly with no trace of fear in your eyes.

A moment later, the announcer started counting down for the duel to start.


The crowd waited in excitement.


Cecilia prepared her sniper rifle.

"One! Battle Start!"

Your dog-tag glowed before showing your IS.


The crowd and your opponent was surprised by your IS.


Sorry for the cliffhanger...

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