
Author's note:

Summer is over and School is finally here. Yay. Thankfully, the classes and topics are more interesting than the previous years so at least I'm more motivated to study.

Since school has started, expect the chapter of my stories to be more shorter and rushed due to school taking my time, but of course I'll still try to update if I can to make up for my constant incativeness last year.

Either way, enjoy the chapter!


Life can be a huge jerk, indirectly at least, like life gave you a good moment in your life where you were blessed with something great like when you had a lucky day and had a great moment. Only for life to give you some(many) problems later on which involved your lucky day and great moment.

You can feel exactly that when you made a certain chinese girl into your friend.

Unfortunately, she's already dragging you to her table in the cafeteria.

"(Y/N), we have a lot to cacth up on! And you will not believe on how much I have improved!" Lingyin or Rin said with glee as she drags you by the arm.

"How did this happen...?"


Your father had a job in China to guard a VIP, and since no one was watching over you back home, he decided to bring you. It was strange since you can watch yourself just fine, and when you asked about it, his reason would be: 'You tend to get in trouble in school so I bringing you in for now.' Or anything similar to that reason.

What's the problem of beating up gangs of delinquents?

Either way, you were staying in a PMC owned safe house and since there's not much to do, you simply stroll around the town you're in. And the fact that you often walk around is the reason that you ended up finding a certain girl.


"If you don't want to get hurt then you better give us your money!" You heard someone shout in a nearby alleyway.

Curious, you checked out the alleyway and took a peek. You saw two girls and two boys surrounding a little girl. The little girl had a brown hair tied in twin-tails, and by the looks of it, she has tears in her eyes.

"Bullies." You murmured, identifying the boys and girls surrounding the little girl. They're basically assholes who hurts people for petty reasons.

People often tell everyone that bullying is bad and for good reason, but you still question why many people still do it even though they know its wrong. But one thing for sure is that bullies are looked down upon and know no one would mind if you beat the crap out of them.

That's what your dad told you anyway's...

After confirming that those bullies are not playing around, you decided to get their attention and fight them off. And as expected, you won the fight even those bullies are somewhat trained in martial arts, they were still lacking in many ways.

"Are you alright?" You asked the little girl.

"I-I didn't ask for your help..." She had a defiant look on her face as if she was struggling to hold her pride, but despite her pride, her eyes showed that she was grateful that you helped her.

"Yeah, but it looks like you can't handle such problem with those people, so I had to step in." You said, as you extend your arm to pick her up.

She didn't reply as she hesitated to grab your arm when you pulled her up to her feet. She wiped off her tears, and gave a moment to look at you. It was a look of admiration.

"It looks like your alright, make sure to avoid those guys." You pointed at the knocked out bullies in the ground.

"T-thanks, for helping me..." She said as she walked off.


A day after that, you ended up walking up to her, and this time, she had more confidence in her. She introduced herself as Lingyin, and demanded you to tell her your name. But before you say your name, the same bullies along with other delinquents were looking for you to beat you up in revenge.

It was obviously a curb-stomp battle, for you at least, as you end up beating each and everyone of them with little effort. Lingyin saw the little battle and was very impressed that she started pestering you to train her.

"Give me a good reason to train you." You waited for her answer to see if its worth your time and skills.

Lingyin spaced out for few moments thinking for a good reason before simply answering: "Because I need to defend myself and prepare when I join the military."

"Alright, fair enough." Her reason was good enough before looking at her and saw that she's phyiscally fit enough for your training.

"T-that's it...?" Lingyin asked with some surprise in her voice as she was expecting you to ask something in return. "You're not gonna ask for anything?"

"Not really, but now that you mention it, what would you give me if ask for payment?" Brow raised, you looked at Lingyin for her answer.

"I can cook you some food." She said with some nervousness in her tone, hoping if you would accept it as a payment and regretted mentioning a payment.

"Is your cooking good?" You gave an obvious hint of doubt.

"Hey! Don't doubt my cooking! It's beyond than good!" She blurted out, not accepting the fact that you're questioning her talent.

Noticing the pride she held, you put a great expectation on her cooking as you accepted it as payment. You can cook your own food, sure, but that talent has its limitations, not to mention there's not much tasty ingredients back in the safe house.


Every afternoon, Lingyin would come to you for her training, along with her tasty cooking. And yes, her cooking was great and was a worthy payment. Each day, the training gets harder and harder, but she quickly learned and adapted.

"Don't just use your arms to punch. Use your body to increase the force of your punch!"

She became stronger.

"If you can't avoid an attack then quickly deflect it!"

She became faster.

"Remember, different types attack for different types of enemies..."

She became smarter.

"Use your size as an advantage! I mean, you have a flat che-"



She kicked your balls once...

"Mm! Your cooking is so great..."

"Stop indulging around and train me!"

Her food is delicious!

Lingyin showed great improvement that she can hold her ground against professionals and it only took her an entire month to get to that skill level. With all that, she showed great respect and admiration for you that she even cried when you told her that your leaving China to go back home.

"You're leaving? Why?" Lingyin sniffed as tears slowly falls from her eyes.

"My dad's 'business contract' is already complete, there's nothing left to do but go home."

"P-please, don't leave..." More tears started flowing from Lingyin, eyes giving a pleading expression. "You're one of the few friends that I have..."

You looked at Lingyin as her body tried to stand strong trying not to be weak, tears finally flowed like a river, her hands holding her chest as if trying to hold down a great pain in her heart, her mouth wanted to send a more desperate message but can't spit it out, and her eyes looked pleading you not to go away. It was a complete opposite to her prideful, strong persona.

You really feel bad for her.

"Despite the fact that I don't mind staying here, I have things to take care back home, and I don't think my dad is going to allow to stay here all alone." You sadly said, not liking the fact that your prideful friend who often puts a strong front is crying in front of you.

"I'm really sorry Lingyin, I really am." A simple apology was the only thing you can think of to comfort her as you remain standing in front of her.

Lingyin remained in her position for a few moments before giving you a tight hug. She remained hugging you for minutes before letting go with less sadness than before.

"How much time before you leave?" She asked with some rush in her voice.

"Two hours. Why?"

"Stay here, I'll be back in twenty minutes!" She blurted out before running off.

"What is she planning?" You mumbled to yourself as you watched her ran off.

Twenty minutes later, and Lingyin finally came back, no longer showing a sad expression but acting in her usual prideful self. She was carrying a small goodbye gift which was a lunch box full of her delicious cooking and judging from the fact that she's still wearing an apron, she cooked it in a rush. But despite rushing, the food smelled great and the quality was unaffected, probably used to cooking food in a rush.

"You may be leaving but don't you dare forget me as the best chef who cooked you the best food okay?" Despite having a prideful tone, she still held a good hint of sadness.

You thankfully took her gift, but instead of saying goodbye, you put her gift on a nearby table and went into a combat stance.

"(Y/N)? W-what are you doing?"

"How about we have one last duel before we part ways."

"Then don't hold back." She said, preparing for a good duel. "Let's do this!"

The duel lasted for a good ten minutes, mostly with the both of you trying to find an opening to find an advantage for victory. Despite the fact she told you to not hold back, you did the opposite as fighting in full strength will hurt her and end the duel quickly. And you've been holding back when you were training her and she doesn't even know you're true strength.

Either way, you won and Lingyin lost the duel, but she didn't complain or wasn't even bothered losing at all. She instead showed a happy smile of spending great quality time with you as she panted on the floor.

"Get up, and here." You pulled her up while your other hand grabbed something from your pocket and pulled out a butterfly knife. "This isn't much but consider this as my goodbye gift and a remembrance of the great moments we spent with each other."

"T-thanks..." She took your gift with a very grateful smile and a blush on her face. "I'll cherish this..."

"Hehe. Use it for cooking or combat, especially for combat since the moves I thought you is very compatible with the use of knives." You remarked, as you took the lunchbox and started walking away. "Goodbye Rin."

"Goodbye, I hope we see each other again..."

~End of Flashback~

"My instructors has nothing but praises for my hand to hand combat skills!" Lingyin loudly shared her story to you. Many students in the cafeteria were looking at the both of you in curiousity. Very curious on what type of relationship you have with the recent transfer student as she was talking to you in a very familiar manner.

You were sure many ridiculous rumors will spread soon...

But you'll worry about that later since you're currently enjoying the lunch she shared with you. You missed her cooking a lot.

"And since I was so skillful, they only needed to train me for a year instead of two!" She pridefully said. "The remaining year was spent on advanced combat training, which makes me even more stronger than before!" She looked at you with some friendly arrogance. "You know what that means right?"

"You're strong enough to beat me?" You doubted, looking at Rin's prideful smile for a moment before giving out an annoyed look when she noticed your doubt.

"Hey! Don't give me the look of doubt, I was trained by elites so you better be sure I'm stronger than before!"

"You did remember what I said when I trained you right?" You asked her, with a brow raised.

"Training is just a preparation, it's what you do next that matters." Rin repeated your saying. "Don't worry, I kept those words at heart. And the fact that you're revealed as the infamous 'Hunter' makes me feel even more confident of your training." She then gaved you an annoyed look. "Even though you were holding back."

"Oh?" You gave a slightly surprised look. "I wasn't holding back during the time I trained you."

"No need to hide it (Y\N). When you left I noticed that you often make some stiff movements to hold down your strength. Why hold back huh?" She crossed her arms, looking at you annoyingly.

"You asked me to train you but that doesn't mean I will go all out, right?" You answered with smirk, which caused Lingyin to gave out a more annoyed look. "Besides, you were pretty weak back then and I wouldn't want to hurt you."

The concern you showed made Rin blush slightly and momentarily looked away and mumbled something to herself before going back to her normal state and looking at you with admiration.

"I guess it make sense, but if I was strong enough and have plenty of time, would you go all out training me?" She asked, eagerly waiting for your answer.

"No." You saw a very dissapointed look from her. "Going all out would mortally injure you or kill you."

You explained seriously. Rin was about to retort but stopped when you raised the sleeve of your jacket showing the scars in your arms. She already saw your scars when you were training her, you only showed it again to remind her.

"You're still not going to tell me about those scars right?" She asked with unease in her voice.

"Still a secret, but should remind you why I'd rather not go all out if I'm going to train someone." You covered your arms and went back to eating lunch.

"Fine, you won't be training me at your full strength, but you're still gonna duel with me, right?"

This is why you avoided her when you meet her again back in the classroom. She will constantly drag you to spar with her. One of the biggest reason you trained her back in China is because you have nothing better to do. And since you have plenty of things to do here in the IS Academy, you fear that she's going to drag constantly for a duel.

An aggressive petite girl constantly dragging you around.

"I think (Y\N) doesn't have the time for duels with you." A voice behind you said and you can sense some anger directed at Rin.

Curious on who said it, you looked back and saw Cecilia with a tray of food in her hands. She gave out friendly smile, but for some reason you felt a killing intent behind that smile.

"What do you mean he doesn't have the time-" Rin's question was cut off when Cecilia gave her a glare while still wearing her friendly smile. Cecilia set her tray on the table and sat next to you closely, very closely.

"He's holds the position of Class Representative, and that position often takes someones time." Cecilia elegantly took a sip of her soup before looking back to Rin. "Your also a Class Representative right? Then I'm sure you're also busy. So it's best if you stay out of the way."

Cecilia kept her friendly smile when she said all of that.

Rin felt the hate Cecilia gave out from her soft words. She was about to make her own reply but was cut off when you said something.

"Cecilia is kinda right Rin. I don't have much time and I think busy times are also going to reach you soon." And you're definitely not saying that because you don't want to get constanlty dragged by her for duels, that would be a pain in the ass.

"Fine." Rin glared at Cecilia. "But when you do have the time, then be sure to meet up with me for a duel, Okay (Y\N)?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it." You neutrally answered, observing that both Cecilia and Rin are constantly glaring with each other.

You felt a your spine chill, feeling that something comically bad is going to happen in the near future.


"Who the hell is that blonde bitch? And why was she sitting a bit too close to (Y/N) and giving me negative looks?" Rin mumbled to herself inside her room, twirling the butterfly knife you gave her. She really was enjoying the time being spent on you especially after finally meeting you again.

Rin lied down to her bed, knife still at hand, she looked at the butterfly knife you gave her with a nostalgic look as she remembered the time's spent with you. From having a friendly chat with each other, to being trained to become stronger, all those moments will always be treasured.

And Rin wants to spend more time with you.

She remembered the time's where she would go home very early from school, cooking high quality food, and going to a nearby abandoned warehouse in the seaside to meet you. She would walk through several warehouses where is being used as a hang out for delinquents. The delinquents would ignore or avoid her, seeing her as someone not meant to be messed with especially they know the person who was training her.

As Rin reached the usual meeting place, she would see you looking at the sea in silence from the other end of the open warehouse. Rin would place her cooking in a nearby table and prepare herself as you approach her. You would remove your military jacket, cracking your knuckles before putting on combat gloves, and stretching yourself as you approach her.

When you finally approach her, you wordlessly gave out an attack and that's where the training starts. The training would at least last for three hours, making sure Rin is learning and making sure she remembers it especially on how to properly act to different types of attacks. After finishing the training, the two of you would take a rest, you eating her food as the payment and her drinking energy drinks and eating small amounts of food.

After the small break, the two of you would finally go home. If Rin was strong enough to walk back by herself, you would let her walk alone, if she was still too tired or a bit injured, you would assist her to walk back home. There was one time where Rin where her legs was too tired to move that you had to carry her back home, she remembered when you got a bit mad at her for not warning you that she was too tired from the training.

"There's a reason why I ask you to tell me if you're too tired to train is because I'm afraid that this would happen." Despite your calm voice, Rin felt the anger born of worry in those words.

"S-sorry... I just want to become strong."

"And strong people requires a good rest every once in a while." You sternly said. "You need a rest Rin, I care for you..." You looked at her with care as you gently put Rin to her bed before giving her a kiss-

"Kyah~!" Rin went out from her daze and quickly got up from her bed. She looked around and realized that she's still in her room in IS academy. She looked at the time and realized that she slept for one hour and dreamed about the moments with you.

"All of those happened except for the kiss..." Rin mumbled to herself as she blushed at her dream. She remembered a few years ago when you left. She constantly kept dreaming about the moments with you and as she grows up, her dreams about you became more and more romantic to outright lewd.

And that recent dream was just the tip of the iceberg.

"(Y\N), I can't help but fall for you." She said to herself as she picks out the butterfly knife. "I want to know you more." She twirled her butterfly knife to reveal the blade. "And I'm not gonna allow anyone to stop me..."


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