Face taut and determined, Mahnoor allowed the warden to lead her to Aman's cell room. It's now or never. Today she is dressed in all black, ready to take any blow that'll come from Aman and also return one of her own. She's brought a lot of protection in her bag because after finding out Aman believes she killed his brother, she cannot be more dependent on pepper spray and small pocketknife. She's brought a gun, knife, scissors and even chloroform. Oh, yes, she trusts him not. Aman can do anything to her while the warden is outside, killing her would be very easy for him to do when he is in jail.

And maybe act psychotic this time around?

They arrived in a few minutes, she gave the warden a small smile and entered after he's opened the door. Aman was inside lying on his cemented bed with scratchy bedclothes, he stood up immediately in defense, his hands reaching out for something behind him but when his eyes settled on her delicate frame with the help of the small fluorescent light in the room, he retreated. Suspiring, he pushed his fingers through the full hair atop his head then glare at her. He almost smashed a large log on her head, he wouldn't have regretted it but that wasn't how he planned to make her pay for all she's done.

"What are you doing here?" He reached out to turn the other light in the room, his eyes steely on her. She quivered, his eyes are so frosty and more than evacuated.

She gulped, can she do what she said she can? He gets scarier every time she sees him. How is that even possible? All she wants to do now is bolt out of the room and forget about everything but it clicked into her head again, she needs the fucking closure only he can give her. After that, she is going to run back to Agadez and live with her family till he comes out from jail looking for her. She knew it's only a matter of time before Zubairu Ajuji gets his son out of this place which means she needs to act fast. Maybe leave the whole Africa and go to another different continent.

"I'm here to talk about the murder. I want to know everything!" Whoa, she sounds she intrepid and impudent or maybe that's because of the outfit she is wearing?

You just never know sometimes, a bit shade of lipstick can make you smile countless times without realizing.

She is wearing on all black outfit for the day, not bothering to be unadorned since she clearly wasn't married to Asad. Oh, she hates that notion. Despise remembering that she's been betrayed by the one man she's acquiesced her heart to fall in love with.

Snug in an onyx body hug, palazzo leather pants, boots, large coat from her shoulders to her calf then she did a nice turban. Her eyes are shielded with Dior sunglasses, that is also helping her. Her eyes are filled with tremor and timidity, if he sees that, he won't tell her what she wants and continue to ridicule her for it but she doesn't have much time. She needs to extract the truth from him and get the hell out of the place.

She looked at him good through her spectacles. He looked as weary as she felt, with faint smudges beneath his brown eyes. The skin over his cheekbones was taut, and he was pale beneath the sun-kissed tint of his complexion. His night beard, which was inclined to grow quickly, was a shadow of glittering grease stubble. Somehow the roughening of his looks made him even more handsome, lending a textured grace to what otherwise might have been the sterile perfection of a marble masterpiece.

Aman's dark brows rise upward, his mouth twitch at this new found boldness of hers. "What do you want to know? Aren't you satisfied seeing me rotting here? What more do you want? See me hanged for killing your son?" He kept quiet when he saw her flinch, clenched his teeth in indignation and looked away. She always makes him feel like a sinner, knave and a deceitful scoundrel which he is. But she is there to remind him of that all the same time.

Mahnoor's heart thudded as plethora emotions wrecked through her, surfing from one place to another. Her head throbbed, she blinked her eyes to keep the migraine at bay. Aman wants her to kill him before his time, she won't hesitate to do that if he keeps getting underneath her skin. He is talking about killing their son so uncouthly, as if what he's done never touched him, as though he is not at all guilty for what he's done, killing his own son.

She took a deep calming breath, she needs all coherence to deal with this satanic beast.

Patiently, more like forced patience, she paste a beaming fake smile. "I'm not satisfied. I want to know why you did it and how it happened. Why you even thought about murdering your own son, in the first place. I want to know everything, the bad and the good because I am going to move on whether you want it or not!"

"Whoa! So much attitude. But who goaded you to come here after finding out everything from Ali? Because you're more in the lion's den right now, not the safest place on earth. And you think I'm going to talk to you about it just like that?" Her face crumbled at that, she's forgotten that this is his mouth they are talking about. He won't give in so easily.

Seeing as she is not about to say anything, he shrugged his shoulders. "You can be a bit more respectful and I'll consider telling you. A please will do and maybe a few sweet words...I mean, I'm still your husband so you should be excited seeing me after a long time."

She looks aghast at the idea of going close to him and he is talking about sweet words? No, just what the fuck is wrong with Aman? This is not the man she's been with, he doesn't joke around like this but instead mock and jeer her like an annoying older brother.

"You cannot be serious. What?" She pursed her lips when she saw his shoulders rocking, that means he was tormenting her yet again.

"Never mind. Come sit closer." He patted the space close to him on the bed, she reluctantly moved, eager to find out what's happened and leave.

He didn't talk for a few minutes, silence raining inside the room except for Mahnoor's loud heartbeat that she could hear in her ears. Is he going to do something to her? She beheld her pepper spray and knife inside her tote bag, ready to sprint into action any moment. He leaned back against the cold chirped grey wall in the cell, propped one of his knees upward and circled his right hand around it. It was a relaxed pose, as if whatever he is going to say is something she should've expected but to her, it's something definitely life changing.

After what seems like a decade, he asked. "When did you started hating me?"

Frowning, Mahnoor regarded him with suspicious eyes. "What does that have to do with the murder?" Seeing his eyes commanding her to just answer without throwing another question, she resigned. "When I approached you about... about the consummation." She swallowed, oh no.

"Very well then. So after you left my room that night, I wasn't the one that followed you to your room and had sex with you, Asad did." Aman didn't turn around to look at her, this is where the shock is.

Mahnoor gasped so loud that the warden yawed around to see what is going on, when he noticed that there is nothing out of ordinary, he pivoted.

She shrunk back and wrapped her arms around herself, suddenly conscious of her body and how the brothers had used her. She shivered, why did they do that to her? She married another and the other took her virginity? Tears welled in her eyes, she felt cheated, mislead and defrauded on. This is what real deception lives, in the Ajuji family. They just used her like that without any penitence and how could Asad do that to her? Was that all a facade?

Why is she even shocked?

What has this family yaw into? Playing with her and her emotions like she is a toy? Is that why they brought her to the family? Is this some sort of ritual or traditional nonsense she has no knowledge of because of that is the reason, she must stop it from ever happening again and Zubairu Ajuji will pay for his sins and his family's. Or is Asad just crazy? Maybe the guy has been unorthodox and they hadn't noticed? That is the only explanation as to why he would sleep with his younger brother's wife!

"Don't be too shocked just yet. Let me be straightforward with you now." She heard rustles and her distracted mind focused again on the matter in front of her.

She has an inkling scheme of what he is about to say. "That baby was his, you had sex with him once and conceived. I know Asad more than anyone else, he doesn't like the idea of his child growing up as an illegitimate child. He doesn't like children in a general, so he-he killed your son, his child and my nephew."

Sudden coldness that chilled her to the core gripped her. She blinked once, twice and then she fainted, her head falling on his shoulder. Oh, was she sitting that close to him?

Aman frowned, adjusted her head back on the bed and decided to allow her to sleep it off for a bit. She should rest, so much has happened in her life that she needs time to keep things weighted down. She's yet to convalesce from the fact that he is still her husband and Asad had betrayed her and now another bomb on her head? He commiserated a little, he watched her sleep uncomfortably then got tired after thirty minutes.

The warden came forward. "What's happened to her?" He gestured to her, moved to check whether she's breathing but got stopped by Aman.

"She is perfectly alright. Just decided to fall asleep." The warden stared at him with uncertainty but then nodded and left the room. Aman would do what he wants to and admit it but since he said she is alright, she is fine then.

He poured water in a clay urn and sprinkled it o her face, she moved then opened her eyes angelically. He stared with lack of interest, sat back down on the bed and waited for her to react. If she remembers then that's good for her and if she doesn't, he ain't gonna say nothing again. Saying those things makes him angry at both himself and Asad because they acted like complete psychotic scoundrels then. They were both battling different demons but made one person the center of all the catastrophes, he can't believe they did what they did.

He knew Asad was the one that slept with Mahnoor the second he heard about her pregnancy. He actually left the country that same night, didn't spend the night in the house so he knew not of what's happened but the interest in Asad's eyes was as clear as clarion. He told him he liked her but Aman thought it was all normal because Asad likes everyone. And he knew he was serious about Azima girl he's met so nothing as such crossed his mind. But his brother was mentally unstable added with more disorders, the guy was gone. A hopeless cause.

At first he thought what he's planned was going to go through perfectly but no. Dr. Ali came few months ago to tell him something.

"I think you should just confess that you didn't do anything and get over with. What Asad is doing is really getting out of hand. I know he is mentally not stable and all but that doesn't mean he should keep using the innocent girl like that. She's going to be shattered when she finds out, spare her the heartbreak." Dr. Ali suggested, trying his best to be comfortable on the cemented bed.

Aman had shrugged his shoulders. "I don't want him to fall apart. You said it takes no more than two to three years for his feelings to wear off, I will take action then. It's been two years already, just one more and things will get settled."

"This is not about what he wants and his feelings, it's about the girl too. She will be so wrecked when she finds out. Don't you have tiny bit of humanity?" The man frowned, examining his friend in search of any trace of sympathy towards his wife but found none so he gave up.

Mahnoor sat up, her arms lying limp beside her, her expression unresponsive as she stared down at her hands. Her shoulders hunched and rounded, her chin quivering because even though she wants to cry with desperation, she couldn't do so. Heart thudding dully in her chest, her breaths wheezing, her head also spinning, chest paining and a bit numb from another side, energy drained and lacking. Tears and heat blinded her eyes, a painful lump in her throat, her limbs too heavy for her to move. She despise feeling anything, she should've just died in some sort of accident than find out about this.

All she wants to do is flee from there, forget about everything.

"You've remembered what I just said or have you forgotten?" His words betrayed his expression, they were soft and soothing almost concerned that it startled her but she is in no position to act on it.

She gave a numb nod, wrapped her arms around herself. "I-I don't know what to say. I don't even want to know anything else except your reason for coming here instead of sending your brother. And for not telling me you didn't kill my son but your brother did."

Aman sighed, sympathy is slowly creeping up his heart and he doesn't like that. "I don't have any reason except that I wanted my brother to be happy even though I know he was going to hurt many people in process, I couldn't help it. He's been so unhappy his whole life while I got to do what I wanted to, the opportunity never dropped on him. I refrained myself from interrupting mainly because I knew he was going to love you more than I could ever do. I wasn't fit for love but he is, he made you fall in love with him didn't he? And you enjoyed it while it lasted. It is what it is."

"Why didn't you divorce me when he asked for it? You could've saved us all a bit of the drama."

Aman shook his head, this is a question he cannot answer. "I wanted too. Damn it, I was close to uttering those words but they wouldn't just leave my mouth. I started to think someone has done something, maybe a sorcerer or wizard but things weren't making sense. I don't know why I still can't say them!"

Mahnoor shook her head, he looks genuinely confused but the guy is fucking selfish even though his words states otherwise. "You also need mental help, you sound psychotic."

"Oh, I don't. I've changed even though that wasn't the plan. I forced myself to go to therapy after being accused of the murder I don't know of. I was dead drunk but I knew I never would've killed an animal talk less of human. It doesn't make sense but after seeing Asad's whole attitude the whole time and sensing the change, I knew he had so much to do with the case." Aman shrugged, leaned back again on the wall and watched her continue to quiver.

"I still hate you. You caused everything!" She accused, her eyes filled with unbound hatred that ran deep into her.

"I didn't. You would've done the same thing for your brother were you in my shoes." His eyes went straight to the door where a warden came to give him a plate of food which was placed just a little inside the cell. "And you caused that." He jerked his head to the plate in accusation.

Mahnoor scowled, how dare he accuse her now. "I did nothing. You admitted to murdering my son and I don't even know whether you really didn't kill. There is no evidence."

"I do have evidence. Now there is no need for me to stay behind bars since the person that would've taken my place and the one I'm protecting is no more, it is time for me to leave. I can't continue eating that food." He made a face, it is really terrible. From eating good healthy food to eating something he cannot even place a name on.

Mahnoor looked at the silver tray of food with bit of sympathy, it's really not easy being in the jail after all but she won't be satisfied now. Knowing he didn't kill her son and the wrong person was sent to jail made her quiver with anger, they fooled her, more like Aman fooled everyone. Now he is going to leave this place with no one to replace him, she gritted her teeth, why? Where the heck had she gone wrong in her life? She's worked so hard for justice and even worked with the person that's supposed to be here.

But why didn't anyone notice how Asad was acting off? Had she known him personally years before she met him, she would've understood that immediately but even his parents never felt the need to investigate further about his situation. Seriously, that family should be sued for all they've don't to their children. Some of the parents are not supposed to produce children and the ones that are desperately in need of the children don't have them, that's the mystery of life. Things are always complicated but you just have to live with it sometimes to pass your trials. They are all tests of life.

"What evidence do you have? Tell me about it before I see it since clearly, I'm in the dark now. I made sure all evidences about the murder are with me and it all indicated that you murdered my baby." She looks so adorable with her eyes filled with curiosity, her brows lowered. Her eyes crammed with disconsolateness.

Aman shook that freaking thought away from his mind, he shouldn't be having such thoughts about this childish nuisance and vermin. "First, those fingerprints, I knew Asad got mine on the gloves he used, I have proof for that because the inside of the gloves have Asad's fingerprints and not mine. I saw the syringe that was used in his room inside the manor and snapped it, even called Dr. Ali to see it that same night. And when the bairn was forced to inhale it, I have full proof that I wasn't in the house, I was with Dr. Ali and our friends catching up before I leave back for Portland. Lastly, I don't have the type of hoodie Asad was wearing, I also have it now in my possessions as proof. I'm going to use them all if I have to to get released."

Mahnoor clasped a hand to close her mouth. She started having a panic attack, something she's endured twice after the death of her son and Asad's but no one was present there, she did it all alone-during Aasim's death-but this time around, someone is here close to her but that someone looks troubled and aghast as he continue to stare at her.

Her heart pounded so hard as though it's about to take leave off it's rib cage, her breathe abandoning her and she feels like she is going to die in the next minute. Oh, why did she wish for death earlier? Now that she's got something to unravel, the life of her husband. She just had to die? Seriously?

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