Groaning at the fifth outfit that she cannot wear for this evening dinner with Asad's business partners, she fell back on the bed and closed her eyes only for her to lull into a deep sleep. She awoke with the feel of Asad's fingers caressing her face, she drew the hand closer to her and snuggled some more for sleep but he chuckled and asked her to wake up. Pouting, she sat up and leaned her back against the tufted velvet headboard of the bed. She regarded him with hazy sleepy eyes that would've sent a different message.
"Why are you sleeping? We only have an hour or are you not going?" He inquired, sitting himself down on the bed beside her, taking her form away from the headboard to his broad arms.
Placing her head against his chest, she yawned, closing her mouth with the back of her palm. "I got tired choosing what to wear. Look at the position of the room, you know something has happened."
He laughed quietly, the lilt of tease finding it's way inside and she knew he was going to jeer her yet again. "I'm afraid the room always looks like this. Let's not forget how messy you are." He kissed her forehead, holding her down when she tried getting off of him probably to give him a threatening glare.
"I'm not always messy, just once in awhile and you are not a neat freak either. Now let's keep that aside and move to what you are wearing. I don't know what to wear and native clothes isn't an option since it's clearly just a dinner with business associates." Her eyes are closing on their own accord again, his scent lulling her to yet another deep slumber.
Married to him for just two weeks but she is more than comfortable with him than she is with any other person in the entire world apart from her parents. He makes her feel special, loved. Always knowing what is wrong with her with just the slight twitch of her mouth or change in her expression. He is just always there, when she needs him or not and that much she appreciates. Her feelings are ranging precariously and she cannot point out what she feels for Asad but it's more than anything she's ever felt for Aman whom she thought she was in love with.
Asad is everything she could ever ask for in a man. Patient, charming, respectful, loving and devoted. All he wants to do is please her, be around her and be her best friend also a lover at the same time. She could talk to him about everything, her passion for paint and even her moodiness during her period. And when she is down thinking about her son, he cheers her up with just a word. He would hold her in his arms to let her know that he is always going to be there for her.
When it comes to their bedroom matters, Mahnoor could only say that she is blown away. And that too time and time again because every time feels like the first time. Sometimes he makes her quiver with just a few words whispered to her ears, or his hands on her. A few touches can make her change into a completely different person, someone she doesn't know. He makes her wanton, he makes her crave for something she has no knowledge of, something that have no name or label. Something so unlike the one she's had with Aman, a deep memory she wants to erase.
She bit her lip at the mere though, he is a connoisseur and that is not debatable. She'd asked jealously whether he's been married before or had been with other women before her.
"I don't understand how someone can know how to handle a woman when you haven't been married and clearly wasn't brought up in a brothel. So tell me, how is that possible?" She had crossed her arms around her bosom, her eyes raving over his half naked body.
Asad's face slowly changed, he smiled at the possessiveness and fierce jealousy she didn't bother hiding. "The internet helps with everything nowadays so be rest assured, all my expertise came from there."
Instead of them to continue living in Bauchi State like everyone had expected, Asad surprised her when he told her they are going to live in Abuja, federal capital territory. That idea is mainly because he does not wish to stumble upon any of his family members, he wants to stay far away from them and shield Mahnoor away from their negativity. And it fell in right hands since his business is also branched in Abuja, the company he wants to open for motor parts to start with. And now they are living in a beautiful one storey house with three bedrooms each with it's bathroom, nice kitchen, living room and dining room with a small backyard.
"Go and get yourself something red. It's a red and black evening." Asad startled her out of her reverie and she blinked. Had she known, she would've ordered something online, she's seen a fine gown.
Standing up from the bed, she rushed to the closet leaving Asad in the room. She searched around for her red clothes and settled on something amazing, something she's never worn before. She's stopped wearing dark colors right after she left the court and changed to brighter ones from red, yellow, green and light pink all for her to look like her old self but that's a lie, there is still remains of that empty mother in her and she is sure it won't disappear even with her myriad effort. She's stopped trying.
"Found one! Come see how it looks." Asad stood at the doorway before she could close her mouth. His eyes sparkled at the appearance of what she has in her hand. It's a crimson silky A-line gown with leg of mutton sleeves, jewel neckline and black belt with the logo of Gucci in gold, right beneath her bosom.
"Perfect." He made a hand gesture too with his forefinger and thumb. "Are you going to take a bath or you are good to go?"
"I think I'll need to freshen up a bit. You get ready while I'm at it." She made her way to the ensuite and took a shower, rinsing her body quickly knowing she is going to use most of the one hour they have left for her makeup.
She moseyed out of the ensuite and bumped into Asad who's gotten dressed in his black and red outfit. She did another once over at his sable slacks, matching topnotch suit and neck tie then red button up shirt that he's tucked to perfection. He's brushed his growing hair to buzz cut, his beard methodized and modified. She's always loved his beard because it makes him look different from Aman whose face is smooth. She raise her hand to touch his chest, smooth down the suit again.
"I don't know how you always manage to look handsome." She pursed her lips then shook her head, pecked his jaw before making her way inside the closet to also get dressed.
She did her makeup, her eyes designed with Arabic eyeliner and lips ladened with little blood red lipstick. She wore her gown, strap onyx pumps to her feet, matching veil tied classically down her shoulders then took oil evening bag. Asad is staring at her from the door and won't stop smiling, eyes shining with adoration and love that makes her knees weak and heart to palpitate and fluctuate.
Mahnoor was startled to feel Asad's hand slide into her lap beneath the table. His fingers closed over hers in a gentle clasp. And all the while he took part in the conversation, talking and smiling easily to his business partners. Mahnoor reached for her nonalcoholic wine with her free hand and brought it to her lips. She took one sip, and then another, and nearly choked as Asad played lightly with her fingers beneath the table. Sensations that had lain quiescent for a week kindled into vibrant life. Why does it feel like this is their first time, she swallowed thickly.
They are currently at the dinner arranged for all his business partners that are going to launch their new products. Asad is there for investors and he's gotten quiet a few that will stabilize his business. She's met great people and made a friend there, the wife of a renowned businessman named Amir Malik Masari and his wife Bushra Amani Danbazau and she happens to be a businesswoman top herself but more into fashion. They hit it off quiet well despite their three years age difference.
"I don't have friends outside my family. They are mostly acquaintances or clients, I don't go that far because they tend to stress you the hell out. But I can change with you." Bushra Amani had smiled at her, a little bit older sisterly.
"Thank you. I don't like the idea of friends too but you are another label entirely. How about sisters?" Mahnoor beamed when Bushra gave a nod then hugged her.
A few other women in the room had stared at them with either contempt or envy because their husbands are the most handsome and well known ones in the room. She is already used to it by now, people in Bauchi State were all over her and then the debutantes in Niger.
Amir had started slowly but bloomed into a tycoon within a blink of an eye. She's told her how their love story started when his older brother divorced her, he's always been in love with her and jumped right into the opportunity. That is a story for another day but their lives kind of look alike from this angle. One brother divorce her and the other married her, coincidence much?
"Stop that, Asad." He ignored her, continued talking to a man named Muhammad Amin, he is into car business too which is why they are hitting it off very well with Asad.
When he didn't stop, she stood up and went to get ice cream from the table at the far end of the room that is ladened with desserts.
Asad continued to watch Mahnoor as she set aside her plate and stood with an inarticulate murmur. Pushing away from the chair, he came to her, his fingertips coming to her upper arms and tracing over them through the thickness of her gown. Mahnoor's heart began to pound, and her skin tingled beneath the layers of silk. She closed her eyes as he eased her closer, and his lips touched her eyebrow, her temple, the crest of her cheek. Such light caresses, while his intense arousal-and her own-seemed to enfold them in a burning mist. They stood together for a long time, barely touching, simply feeling each other's nearness.
She snapped out of it when she heard someone clearing their throat, turning around, they came face to face with Zubairu Ajuji. To say the both of them are shocked will be an understatement. Asad knew his father hardly attends such events for there are only few geriatrics, most of the people present there are young businessmen. Instead of them to keep so much distance between them at the sight of him, Asad only moved a bit, Mahnoor still in his arms as he regarded his father coolly.
"Good evening, Sir." Whether he wanted to greet him or not is out of question because no matter what's happened between them, Zubairu Ajuji will always be his father. He sired him.
Zubairu Ajuji didn't want to answer but then, he had to. "Evening. Enjoying the evening?"
"Good evening, Sir. Yes, we are enjoying ourselves quite well. May I ask why you are here, Sir?" Mahnoor chirped in, she knew how much the man despise her and that feeling is intensely mutual so she use any opportunity to get him all flush in wrath.
Zubairu Ajuji looked at her once then yaw his eyes back to his son. "I thought you could do better than this. Selling motor parts, seriously? I thought by now I've raised a better son."
Asad frowned, he is not going to take more insults from his father after leaving his home. "With due respect, Sir, I don't know what you are talking about. If you will excuse us." Asad placed his hand low behind Mahnoor's back and bid goodbye to few friends he's made while she did so from afar to Bushra Amani.
"That man always wants to get under my skin." Asad grumbled on their way back home, she placed a reassuring hand against his shoulder. That is what Zubairu Ajuji wants, to have power over his son all the time and Asad gives him that time and time again too. The man can ruin his mood with just a few words and she hates it.
"Don't let that get to you. Don't give him the power to always bring you down when you are healing. I don't understand what he is doing here though." She mused out loud, taking her hand off of him to allow him access to his arm so he can drive them back home. She is so tired and full, she needs good rest.
"He came here intentionally because he knew I would be here too. I don't understand why he keeps coming back to my life when he cut me off himself. I'll put an end to it if he comes in my way again." He scowled, eyes narrowed and voice raising as if he wants to argue.
Mahnoor gave a chuckle to lighten the atmosphere, his mood is definitely ruined now and it's not good for someone who is going to drive. "Calm down. Let's go home before he comes out and continue taunting us. God knows I can scratch his eyes off the next time he insults you and your capability."
A bit relieved at her comment, he threw her a wry smile before gearing up straight to their house in Maitama. They took turns taking baths and changing into sleeping outfits. Mahnoor sat at the edge of the bed waiting for him to come out of the closet which he did few minutes later, featuring pajamas pants and vest. The guy is never cold even with the weather that could freeze the blood.
She felt his fingers smoothed lightly over her upper back, as if he were searching for something...and then he began to knead her back with gentle, sure motions, easing the soreness of her tortured muscles. His artful fingertips probed places of aching tension, causing her to inhale sharply. The pressure of his hands intensified, his palms rolling over her back, his thumbs stroking deeply on either side of her spine. To her mortification, she found herself arching like a cat. Slowly working his way upward, Asad found the knotted muscles at the junctures of her shoulders and neck and concentrated on them, kneading and pressing until she felt a soft moan rise in her throat.
A woman could become a slave to those experienced hands. He touched her with perfect sensuality, drawing acute pleasure from her sore flesh. Leaning most of her weight against the doorjamb, Mahnoor felt her breathing turn slow and deep. Her back softened, lengthened beneath the coaxing manipulation, and it felt so wonderful that she dreaded the moment when he would stop.
He reached for her, his hand sliding around the back of her neck. Mahnoor was too startled to move or breathe, her entire body stiffening as his head lowered to hers. He touched her only with his lips and with his hand at her nape, but she was as helpless as if she had been bound to him with iron chains.
There had been no time to prepare herself... she was defenseless and stunned, unable to withhold her response. At first his lips were gentle, exquisitely careful, as if he feared bruising her. Then he coaxed her to give him more, his mouth settling more firmly on hers. The taste of him, his intimate flavor laced with the hint of coffee, affected her like a drug. The tip of his tongue slid past her teeth in silken exploration. He tasted the interior of her mouth, stroked the slick insides of her cheeks. Aman had never kissed her like this, feeding her rising passion as if he were layering kindling on a blaze. Devastated by his skill, Mahnoor swayed dizzily and clutched his hard neck.
Oh, if only he would hold her tightly and lock her full length against his. Her head lulled.
"You think I don't know what is going on?" Mahnoor laughed into the phone hearing the grumbles from Asad. He's been away for two days and came back few hours ago only for his attention to be needed at the office before he comes back. Now he is reassuring her he wasn't having an affair within those two days, she is just teasing him.
"This woman. You don't know how much I miss you that's why you are talking balderdash but don't allow me to have you in my arms, you won't walk for these two days I've missed straight." His comment is meant to be light filled with jeer but the under-laced desire she caught at the end of his words said otherwise.
Mahnoor blushed, heavy breathing, accompanied by racing pulse, her eyes sparkled as she ran her tongue over her lips. This man is shameless, she thought giddily. "I hope Mrs. Margie isn't there with you? I don't want the old woman leaping for her life."
Asad laughed hard, something similar had happened when she caught them kissing so fiercely in the office or were they making out? The poor old woman ran out of the office almost hitting her head with the door, she is his personal assistant. Mahnoor interviewed them and all the young ladies were immediately dismissed whether with good curriculum vitae or not, you won't be hired. She said her husband won't have any young unmarried woman in his office, even the married ones shouldn't be trusted so it's either a geriatric or a man.
"Oh, she's left already. Her grandson is there to meet her so I gave her the afternoon off." He played with the edge of a parchment paper in front of him, he's written a letter for his wife with ink like they do those years ago in 18's and 19's.
"Good, because we want her healthy so we won't have to hire another one- argh..." she cut off her sentence when she hit her toe with a chair and fell, her butt taking the whole impact harshly.
Asad sprang from his chair immediately at the awful sound of pain she's discharged. Even though it comes from far away, he's heard it. "Mahnoor? Babe? What's wrong? Is everything alright?"
She brought the phone closer to her mouth. "Don't worry, I just hit my toe with a chair and fell. Ah, my bum hurts." She grimaced after touching it, it's definitely bruising and red.
Asad left the office in a hurry, he wants to see her immediately or go crazy. To hell with the meeting he has, he doesn't want the money. There is nothing more important to him than Mahnoor but on his way back home, a lorry hit his car and he tumbled by the side of the road unconscious.
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