Asad swiveled around on his chair with his forefinger between his lips, not touching his tongue. His narrowed eyes focused on nothing but the myriad thoughts rushing through his head without rein.
He's managed to pull off yet another prodigious contract with some headstrong Aussies and will be leaving for Australia in a few days but he wants to see his father's face at the news of this new project they've been working on. Perhaps this will make his father proud of him?
He's been working under the man like a puppet trying to get attention but all the man does is push more work in front of him and regard him as he does all his employees. For God's sake, he is his son, flesh and blood. Sometimes he wished he'd followed his dreams like his twin brother did leaving the family business to rot.
But unlike his brother Aman, he's grown up thinking about taking over the company as the oldest son and pleasing his parents not knowing nothing he does will please them but the minute he results in creating scandals -he's avoided that since teenage years- they will turn their backs on him and scold him like a child.
His father wants to become the governor of Bauchi State in three years to come, he wants no hearsay to tarnish his reputation and reduce the likeliness of him getting elected by the poor and impoverished.
He is already trying his best to buy their love by sending free food under the facade of unknown man only to have a few other men shouting his name while he hid in the car, that was all a charade. He wants people to think he is doing it for them and don't want them to know but that's untrue, it is mainly for his own selfish motives and so far, he is getting ahead just well in fooling them.
The government won't ever change.
Asad sighed, he wants to get over everything and just leave the entire place for them and never see them again. His brother is one lucky bastard for choosing what he wanted over his own family, that is something he won't ever forgive him for.
Why would he leave him all alone without even telling him about it? He left without telling him he's planned things out and they were inseparable then. Asad felt betrayed by his own twin brother and didn't answer his calls for months. But he couldn't stay mad for long.
Asad knew he was different from all other people. He is easily attached to people and when they don't return that same effort and feelings, he will leave them for good and never turn back to them but this is his twin brother, he cannot do that to him. He couldn't actually, he's tried but it was hard.
They grew up having each other's backs and been the main support in each other's life. Had Aman been any other person, Asad is sure as hell he won't ever sniff anything he's ever been in the presence of. That is how he cuts people off, forgetting they existed and were merely figments of his imagination or daydreams. It's easier that way.
Cursing inwardly, he blinked back and listen to his girlfriend on phone. "...two hours ago. Why are you doing this to me?"
Asad cracked his head to remember what they were talking about before he slipped out of reality into his own cranium.
What had they been talking about just few minutes ago? Was she talking about her father's health or something else? She's been talking about him since he got hospitalized four days ago so she's probably talking about him visiting her father so she can see how serious he is about their relationship.
He cleared his throat and smiled at the view in front of him, the sun. "I'm sorry, sweetheart." He deepened his voice, he is sure she is blushing now and she's forgiven him, it has always worked. "I'll be there now. I don't have much to do anyway."
The thrill is there in her voice when she remarked. "Really? I wanted to leave the hospital but hurry up. I'll be waiting for you. I love you."
"I love you too." He whispered back, his husky voice melting the words in a seductive tone of melted butter and she bit her lower lip.
She cannot wait to see her handsome boyfriend, she thought from the other line.
Asad sighed and stood up, he is going to see her now it seems. His schedule is cleared for the next few hours since his last meeting didn't take as long as they'd thought. Being the Vice President in the company, his schedule is always tight without any personal life.
Even the President, Zubairu Ajuji doesn't work as much as Asad and it irritates him. Why not hand the whole company over to him so he can manage and the old man can continue thinking about his political affairs?
Pushing the thought aside, he took his car keys and left the office in unhurried agility.
"I'm going out for a bit. Clear my schedule for the next three hours." He informed his secretary who stood up beside her chair after she's seen him walking out of his office.
"Yes, sir." And with that he made it out of the company, bringing out his Persol sunglasses to shield his eyes away from the blazing sun.
"Welcome, baby. Thank you so much for coming." Azima beamed at the sight of Asad clad in his usual navy blue modern narrow peak suit, matching pants and necktie but a crisp white button up beneath.
He gave her a million dollar smile and brought her to his arms in a hug, she melted instantly disregarding the fact that she's in a public hospital with so many people around and will see them. And everyone around knew she is not married.
If her relatives see her with him, some will be jealous while the others will pat her back virtually because she is doing a good job in luring the wealthy man into their family even though that is not easy. That is why whatever he does, she is never mad at him and even if she is, she buries it deep beneath.
But she sincerely loves him from the core of her heart. She wasn't with him for his wealth at first but sooner realized that the world revolves around affluence.
Azima Lawal is a twenty two year old woman who is struggling to bag her degree in the University of Bauchi and get that over with. She met Asad a year ago in a cafe her friend invited her to.
He bumped into her in that cliche way and her bag fell, he bent down to retrieve it at the same time her hand clutched the bag handle and then there was chemistry. Asad Zubairu Ajuji is popular just like his family and most of all, his twin brother that is playing football abroad and the fact that they look alike is disarming.
He left the cafe after apologizing but she followed him, abandoning her guy friend inside the cafe and went to Asad. He wanted to ignore her at first but then something changed his mind and he stopped to talk to her cautiously.
She requested his personal phone number, he was reluctant but gave her after much persuasion and puppy dog eyes. She didn't call him that day, or the next, she waited until weeks later to call him up and then things just escalated from one end to another and they are dating now.
And yeah, she asked him out. She knew he was sensible enough to not turn her down because they were close even then. He accepted her proposal and she was over the moon. He's never talked about marriage but deep down, she knew it was coming soon, it is long overdue and he is probably waiting for her to sheaf her degree and then they can go ahead with the whole conjugation.
"How's your father's health?" He murmured from above her head then slowly pull away, his hands clasped around her shoulder to survey her face in search of any predicament.
She pouted her full lips, her snobby upturned nose squinted at him. She is an adorable little thing. Asad mused within.
"He is fine after the surgery. Thank you by the way. You've saved my father's life and gave him another chance to live. I can't thank you enough for that." Her eyes are brimming with tears, he cursed mentally because he cannot manage tears, his greatest enemy.
"Now, now, don't cry. It's alright, we should just thank Allah. Can we go see him now?" He positioned a cheerful smile on his face, trying his best to make sure she won't cry right there in front of him.
"Sure." She held his arm and guided him through the myriad of doors in the hospital, passing clerks, nurses in their uniforms and doctors wearing frost lab coats or doctor's gown -those that are probably going to do surgery or just finished one.
She stopped in front of an exclusive room which Asad paid for. Her father had cardiac arrest and they took him to a government hospital which wasn't helping his condition at all. He asked them to brought him bring here.
Upon entering the room, all her relatives stopped what they were doing to look at the famous Asad Zubairu Ajuji she's been talking about. She's already told them about his arrival and demand that each and every one of them should look presentable and be calm.
They've seen that same face on television times without number so seeing the twin in front of them looking every inch businessman is quite surprising and the younger ones gasped in amazement. They are seeing their role model, their favorite goat.
Asad is used to it. His twin is always on the television and whenever people see him, they all stop to take in that this one is his twin like Aman had publicly answered dozens of questions related to his twin brother and identity.
He greeted her father, asked about his health and then played a little with her younger relatives. He's always been like this, imposing presence and charming nature that could melt an ice queen. There is nobody on earth that Asad's charms doesn't move, merged with his looks, he could ask any woman to strip in the market and she'd do that without second thought.
"You are a hero, right? Some of them wear suits and not flying clothes." One of her younger relatives, Sumayyah asked in wonder, her hands clutching his bulging biceps and it's been long since he last visited the gym.
He chuckled, a quiet rich sound. "I'm not but I can be your hero, if you want?"
Before he could close his mouth, she is nodding repeatedly and he grinned at her. He's packed a few sweets from his office so he gave her two and all the other children circled him till everything is empty from his pocket.
Minutes later, he stood up with an apologetic smile. "I must take my leave now. So many pending work."
All the relatives present in the room smiled back at him, murmur their own adieu before Azima stood up, keeping her phone aside. Asad went to her father's bed, removed bundle of one thousand naira notes he's taken from his car and place it beside the man, smiled then turn to leave disregarding his thanks. Azima saw that and hid her grin, grasp his arm again and they strutted out of the room like happily married couple.
"You didn't have to do that, you know. You've done a lot for us already." She said in a quiet voice as she stood before him in front of his Bentley 2021.
Asad crossed his ankles and lean back against the hood of his car and regarded her with a lopsided smile. He's never seen anyone more adorable and jolly. There is just something about her that he cannot point out. Maybe the way she whines? Or the way she's wrapped him around her little finger with puppy eyes?
She can make him genuflect with her sultry voice and get blood rushing throughout his veins and capillaries with a wink, that's how powerful she is. He'd do anything for her.
He's brought the matter of his marriage with her but his father downright refused to pay any heed. Asad had gritted his teeth to stop himself from sprouting out years of suppressed fury and listened as his father ramble on and on about penury not merging with opulence.
And after the stunt he's pulled of not marrying the woman he was blackmailed to get one of his son's married to, he knew something like that would come up. All his siblings got married to their father's or mother's choices, he won't be different. He had smiled bitterly.
Maybe he is going to pull another stunt and elope to Gretna Green with her and get married then come back and see how his father will react. He's made up his mind, he will try persuading them again one last time and if they don't acquiesce, he will elope and marry Azima. To heck with their approval.
What has that done to him so far? Both his parents never appreciated his efforts, it's time to do something that will make them shake their heads in disapproval.
His eyes softened as they settle on Azima's innocent face. "If I don't do this for you, who would? I don't want anyone doing it anyway, that's my job and I take all my responsibilities seriously."
Azima blushed beneath his scrutiny then look around them and found the parking lot half empty and the few people around are minding their business. She tiptoed on her toes and place a shy kiss on his cheek then meandered around to leave, yelling out "I love you and bye bye."
Asad smiled at her retreating figure then chuckled and rounded his car. His heart stopped beating for a minute there, she knows how to get her way. He cannot wait to have her as his wife, he needs her buoyancy and exuberant nature to survive this world that's slowly collapsing on him.
He is just in his late twenties for goodness sake, allowed to have all the fun the world could offer but no, he's carrying the universe's burden on his shoulders. All thanks to his damned parents, they are not worth his energy.
His phone rang from the car's compartment and the car's bluetooth read out his father's name. He frowned. Why is his father calling him? He's definitely heard the news about the contract he's pulled with those headstrong Aussies but he's never called to congratulate him on anything and this isn't the toughest contract he's managed to pull off.
He answered at the third ring, listened attentively to his father's baritone voice. "Asad, I want you to stop whatever you are doing and come back home now. Your brother is coming back. I want all of you present when he arrives."
Asad's eyes widened, not at the surprise that his brother is coming back but the fact that his father wants them all present just because Aman is coming back. What the hell is going on behind his back? Why does his father want them all around for this? Is there any problem?
"I'm on my way." And the geriatric hung up the phone without further details about this mysterious meeting of theirs.
Asad made a sharp u-turn back to the main mansion he's grown up in till date. He's dreamt about leaving that house more times than he could count, to leave the shackles of his parents and be on his own. That should be soon, he is done being malleable to his entire family and it's time to take a selfish step for his heart's desire.
He made it to the mansion in few minutes, pulled in the driveway and entered the house with brisk footsteps. The house is a bit too loud than normal which means all his siblings and their children are inside waiting for him or his brother.
He entered the family living room where the commotion is coming from and sighted his nieces and nephews, his older sisters and young one along with his mother and father. He raised an inquiring brow at the sight, that's something he's never seen.
After greeting both his detached parents that sat close to one another discussing yet something about politics, he went to their oldest sister and sat close to her. "What is going on? What meeting is this all about? Did they finally decided to send us all away and live alone? Ah, the joy."
Haleema smiled affectionately at her younger brother and shook her head. She's been their mother, right from her immediate younger sister until the end, their youngest sister. Being the oldest of the six siblings, Haleema was the matriarch of the house while her mother was away building more allies for her husband's business and when the business blew, she started working for his political affairs leaving her little to no time with her family.
She's been the one taking care of them all right from diapers. At one point, she wanted to ask her mother why she keeps giving birth if she won't stay with the babies then remembered she needs heirs and the first three set are all girls and when she got the twins, she was content but then she wanted more heirs but unfortunate for her, she gave birth to a girl then she resigned.
The woman's actually more detached than their father, he could be a little bit affectionate when he wants to be but not that mistress.
Sadly, Haleema had to leave her parents home to marry the man they've chosen for her while she was just twenty three. They broke the news that she will be marrying one of his friend's son the day after her graduation from the university.
She went crazy, the whole house turning upside down but her parents weren't even in the house to see that commotion, she was left again with her siblings. But with Lord's mercy, she fell in love with her husband before their marriage because he was the gentlest soul she's ever met her entire life. That is the best gift her parents ever gave her.
"There is nothing going on and you will remain here even after your marriage." She blurted out, not afraid whether her parents heard her or not. "We are here to welcome Aman back home. It's been seven years, Asad, we miss him. I know you do more than anyone else."
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