Mahnoor stood up from her sit and place her baby leisurely on it, they are talking nonsense now. They are already discussing how the case is going to be closed and never to rise again while she sat there with her dead baby in her arms. That is not going to happen on her watch, she won't allow that. Closing the case for the sake of their son and letting their grandson's life to not Rest In Peace?
They are thinking about letting the murderer go scot free while her son hasn't even rested in his final abode? Are they out of their minds now?
"You are also corrupted, ACP. I never knew you would result to accepting bribe in a murder case. And you will be able to sleep like that with someone's justice superseded because of your selfish needs?" She spoke, her voice more poised than before just like her expression and stance.
Everyone in the room yaw their attention to her because they didn't notice when she stood up or even knew she was listening to Zubairu Ajuji talk about something they all don't agree with, even Hajiya Hadiza for once don't agree with her husband's decision to not get justice for their grandson. What doesn't make sense here is, why would a father kill his own son just because he was intoxicated?
Stunned into silence, the ACP watched her with his mouth slightly agape, she is such a midget but her words release such strong impact on him that no one's ever had. He's been in that system for awhile now and living his whole life in Nigeria showed him exactly how things go in a Herculean way. Whether he accepts this bribe or not, this case is going to be dismissed quicker than anyone could blink an eye and not a soul in public will know about it. That is what happens when you have both power and wealth in the society that rates that more than anything. Nothing could ever go against you and not even the law itself. You can dismiss almost everything within a snap of fingers.
That is what is going to happen with this case too. The Ajuji family has always been puissant and dynamic right from his forefathers, a powerful family that got more power than the president himself. All the generations of Ajuji were respected to the core and no one wants to be involved in their bad books, not even the constitution. Their branch spread throughout Nigeria, intertwining it with it's firm stance and guiding them in sheaves. The most easiest way is go with the flow, accept whatever they offer and move on.
It is exactly what ACP Abubakar is doing, getting something off situation he knew will be handled with or without his help. He needs the money, so why not accept it and do what needs to be done while the family rest and settle their stuff? There is nothing he can do to change the omnipotence this family have and the sooner Mahnoor accepts that, the better it would be for her. No one wants to fight a game he won't win in, it'd be a failure you will never forget.
"Justice must be served. How could you even think about letting this go when your grandson's corpse is still with us right now? He is lying there, dead, murdered and his murderer is about to be dismissed just like that? This is unfair!" Asad ejaculated, his eyes piercing through his father's unfeeling one for the first time holding eye contact with the powerful man that's always sent shivers down his spine but he is going to help Mahnoor fight this case or she will be all alone.
He is the only one that is willing to stand against his father for the first time in his entire life, he won't stop until things are set right. Whether his father will be disappointed or not, that won't be his cup of tea anymore. This is the last straw of his injustice. He's been unjust to his children and now to his grandson too? What is the world turning to and why is his father the way he is? So selfish with only one motive, to become the governor of the state in three years and continue to reign for eight then campaign for presidency.
"Asad, don't talk when elders are talking. I don't want to hear your opinion on this." Zubairu warned, the threat beneath his voice earning a startled look from all his children as they've never heard him talk with such drip of precariousness till today. That side is always hidden for his political people.
Asad wasn't having it though, he won't be quiet in this case even with a knife slicing his limbs one after the other. "If you think hiding this because of your campaign will be worth it, then go ahead and do so but just know that secrets don't stay hidden for long. Some of them are not meant to be what they are, it will come out. Especially one related to murder."
"That's right. You can close his mouth..." Mahnoor gestured to the ACP standing beside him. "But can you do that to everybody? All your children might back you up but I won't, neither would my parents. How is that going to work out for you then?"
Zubairu parted his lips to say something but decided against it, he will deal with this mutinous lady later but he will handle the force first. Taking the police officers with him, he left the family living room and went to talk to them while Mahnoor stood rooted, her eyes on her son's murderer again. Aman is not saying anything and standing the way he's been doing since she walked in is not tiring him at all it seems. It is as though he is not in his right state of mind like they've said.
The other occupants of the room are quiet, their minds running far ahead of them. Mahnoor is the only one standing, even Asad sat down with his head in between his two palms. She does not know what to do. She's planned how she wanted to slap Aman and kick him where the sun doesn't shine but all that slipped between her fingers for she does not have the energy to do so. Her emotions are getting the best of her slowly but surely.
The police men and Zubairu Ajuji returned back few minutes later and the ACP bid them adieu and left like nothing's happened.
Mahnoor couldn't believe that, she went after him only to be stopped by Zubairu Ajuji as he held onto her arm like she's a small ragged doll. Her eyes filled with indictment fell on his phlegmatic ones and she knew instantly that this man would go to any extent to get what he wants just like he is willing to dismiss the case of his own grandson's murder. Her head throbbed, she's never seen a family like this one in her life and she is hating Nigeria more and more with every minute added.
"Don't waste your time trying to fight what you won't win. Come with me to the study." He let go of her and trudged forward expecting her to follow him but she stayed rooted to the cold tiled floor, he yawed around to glare at her.
She crossed her arms across her chest, her stance defiant and mutinous like the expression on her face. "Even if I don't get to see him in jail, I'll ruin your political career and everything you've been working hard for. People will hate you whether they believe me or not. The rumor will circulate around the entire world, I'll make sure of that. Then what? You are finished and done for! That is also an achievement, don't you think so?"
"Tour de force." She added pitilessly, her expression hard as nails.
Umbrage and out of words yet again by the girl's audacity, Zubairu Ajuji retreated back to where she stands and tower over her like some eminent tyrant. She didn't flinch or cower away like any other person in would have, like the little girl she's been few hours ago. Her eyes trained deep in his, sending the message that says nothing but pure hatred she's got bubbling inside her for him. Such rancor wasn't even trained on Aman the real murderer but his father is getting it just with what he's done.
She despises him more than she does Aman right this moment. She is glad Aman didn't say anything, she would've done something she would regret later in future but not when she is blinded by nothing but her strong will for justice and unwavering acrimony for him. The dolefulness and poignance of losing her baby is not yet overtaking that unyielding need for his justice, that should be later when everything is arranged. She wants to take this to court and get justice or just take a knife and kill him herself then go to jail. She won't mind that, it's for the sake of her son.
Aman does not have the right to continue living in the world. He should die along with his son. She wants to see him hanged or imprisoned or shoot to death but not like this, breathing the same air as she is after taking that away from her son. She swallowed thickly, willing her wicked mind to stop conjuring how satanic and foul she can also be with them.
How she can get the justice with her own hands right then and there.
"Don't even think about getting this out in the public because I'll make sure you regret your mere existence in the world. I am not amiable." Zubairu Ajuji bellowed, his entire face flushing with fury that have no right to exist. She is the one that's supposed to be this furious but he? Who gave him that right?
Still not moved in the slightest by his bullshit explosion, she rolled her eyes. "After your son killed mine, you think there is anything else in this world that can move me? Then go ahead and do it. My death won't matter to me as long as I can get my son justice. I will play with fire even if I'm going to end up getting burnt alive inside. Which means I'm going to stand against you even if you think you can maim me further than your son had. Go ahead, I'm not afraid of you or your power."
Amazed, the sisters watched Mahnoor with opened mouths. No one's ever dared to talk to their father like that and from the way he is staring down at her, he is also staggered by her audacity. Asad almost clapped both his hands and also salute to that but this is not the right time for it. Zubairu Ajuji needs to be placed right where he is supposed to be. Someone should push him off his high horse so he can see just how muddy things are beneath his throne.
Hajiya Hadiza is just looking at them without interest, her mind so far from there but she is supporting the notion. She wants her son released off this mainly because of their political career that they've been working so hard for day and night but not because she wants her son to be free of what he's done. She also wants justice for her grandson and had it not been for their reputation that'll be at precipice, she would've done all she could to send Aman to prison. He is better off there since he refused therapy and all other things that will help him with his drinking habit. It has result to assassination.
"Don't drag this. Your son is just a baby. Who knows why God took his life now? Maybe he would've suffered some more had he grown up. Just accept this and stop being so puerile with justice." His tone now lowered to near propitiating but his expression is still stoic, austere even.
Mahnoor's face yawed to that look of scout. Did this man seriously just say that to a mother who's grieving? She wants to raise her hand to slap his lean face but her limbs won't move, they stayed rooted underneath her bosom -that desperate style in show of strength she lacks. She gritted her teeth instead, look away from his face so she won't trample on it after using all her strength to get him flat on the floor. What the hell. Her nostrils are flaring, her hands quivering with unbound irascibility.
"I swear to God, I want to kill you more than I want to kill your son. I want to have your blood in my hands more than I've ever wanted to do anything else in my life. You should be lucky I wasn't brought up heartless, you would've been dead by now. Childish? You are calling me childish for wanting justice? Because you want to become a governor? I pray to God that doesn't happen." She thundered and hissed, her breath coming out chopped and uneven with sheer surfeit anger.
Her whole face is red with flushed wrath, her heartbeat speeding alongside her pulse that throbs like she's been chased from within. All her muscles are quivering, including the ones in her face.
Zubairu Ajuji knew that this woman won't surrender so easily. He should've followed another root in getting her to succumb to his own type of bribery but shouting at her won't work as he'd expected. He thought she would be afraid of him since he is able to dismiss the police officers in just a few minutes but that only got her more determined to ruin his career and send his son to jail. Women are complicated creatures but this particular one in front of him have no words to describe her.
"How about we talk about this in my study? I have a preposition for you and if you don't like that, I'll let you do what you want." He suggested instead, his face reticent and indifferent. "Please."
That word elicited wide eyes from his children before they blink again. So many things happening that they cannot wrap one before the other one comes striking in and unknotting the other then they are chunked in one place.
Mahnoor surveyed him from head to toe, trying to gauge out anything that'll threat her safety with him in that study. He might kill her too and his family won't say a thing against him as they fear him more than they do their own deaths. Sensing that things might go as she wants, her face relaxed with something she's seen in his eyes and she gave a jerky nod filled with mutinousness. That nod alone is telling him she might not agree with him no matter what he is going to say but will still listen just so she can use it against him in the future.
She silently followed him, leaving the quiet room behind her and the statue-like people in it. She wants to go and shout at them, ask them to talk or react violently like she did but that is going to be futile since they won't ever go against their father. Not even raise his voice at him but Asad tried for her, he's said something when no one could. Not even the mother could say anything but according to her reaction, she is just as shocked as the other sisters and she would've said something except that the pique really shook through her.
They arrive at the study, he entered inside first then she followed closely behind, her arms still tucked underneath her bosom. Instead of sitting at the head chair, he went to one of the swivel ones in front of the desk and gestured for her to sit at the other one in front of him which she did. Her eyes trained on him like a private investigator or an officer scrutinizing a culprit in the questioning room. He didn't talk for awhile, his eyes examining her and gearing where to approach the entire changing of decision talks.
Clearing his throat, he clasped his palms in front of him. "I know this hurts more than anything you've ever endured but-" she cut him off with a scoff but he continued like she didn't impeded. "-there is nothing we can do to bring back your son. He also won't want his father to be humiliated and killed for something he did while he was intoxicated and out of it."
He didn't finish before she cut him off yet again with a look of pure disbelieve. "My son would want his father to rot in hell for what he's done. Who wouldn't want justice? Killing a child of all crimes? And you think he deserves to be forgiven? Are you out of your mind because this is something a lunatic will say and not someone with good rationality."
Insulted, Zubairu Ajuji's nose flared and he flushed all over again at that. No one's ever insulted him or talk back at him or even cut him off but this girl has crossed all of them today but he can still do nothing but tame his plethora of anger and talk to her like a calm adult. He is the one begging now which means he needs to bow down, he has never done such a thing. Just look at the small midget he is doing it to, this wee woman earning a genuflect from a respectable man like him. She shouldn't push him to the wall, things will get ugly.
"Let's not talk about the death now. I'm deeply sorry for your loss." He did look sorry for the lost of his grandchild but still not sorry enough to want justice for him. "The fact here about the justice you've been shouting about is, you won't get it. Don't cut me off this time around. But here in Nigeria, power and money works more than anything you can think of. Not only Nigeria, the entire world. You might be able to blemish and mar my reputation but I can tame it down in time for the election, what else would you have achieved then? Absolutely nothing. My son won't be going to jail with a few words whispered in the right ears. I have an offer for you if you'd like to hear it."
Mahnoor raised a brow, letting his words sink in. From the way he is talking, he is very sure he is going to win the upcoming election coming up in three years with his wealth and connection. And he is right, if that isn't ruined, then there is nothing she's achieved and all her effort will go in vain.
She narrowed her eyes and gave a jerky nod, she is going to plan something against him too now or in future. This matter won't be closed just like that, she vowed mentally. She won't even shed tears until justice is served for her son because her tears will be useless, needless too. She won't grieve or mourn till she sees Aman rotting behind the bars or hanged with the black enshrouding his face. That is the only time she shall permit the sadness to overtake her and the emotions to be let out.
A satisfied smile crossed his cold face and she grimaced, he looks so grotesque with that maleficent smile on his face. "I can offer you some money, so much of it that you won't have to ever work in future. I don't want this to reach your parents ears or any other person outside the family. Name your price, I'll give it to you."
Mahnoor wanted to stand up and haul insults at him, do so many things in fit of hysterics but she didn't, she sat calmly and calculated in her head what needs to be done. He is offering her money for her silence, then why the heck not? Since he thinks wealth, power and connection is what works in Nigeria, then why won't she get that same thing and work things out for herself? He got everything because of money huh? She will also do that which is why she blurted out the price without thinking.
"I want fifty million dollars."
Zubairu Ajuji widened his eyes in wonder. How does she know so much about money to even request it in dollars? Had she been married to his son because of his money or did her parents plot something? Did Aman really killed her son or she did it to get this money from him? So many questions flooded his head but he remembered what the ACP told him earlier. He emphasized that his son really killed his grandson with proof that will send his son straight to life imprisonment without delay.
He licked his lips. "Fifty million dollars? That is too much, dear. How about in naira?"
Mahnoor let out an emotionless detached laugh. "You expect me to collect fifty million naira for my silence? You are not that stupid, are you?"
Swallowing back the strong urge to retort at the insult, he replied. "Not the same price. I can't go higher than two hundred million."
She calculated some more in her head before she gave him her hand to shake, he did reluctantly in an expeditious manner. "Five hundred million naira and that is my last price."
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