Mahnoor continue to stare at both the brothers as she slowly eats her brunch. They look ridiculously alike and have this familiarity with each other as if they haven't been away for seven whole years. They keep talking about business and football and those are things Mahnoor had never been interested in until now as they verbal about both professions with passion, each boasting lightly about his success. She could see the sibling rivalry but it's actually cute seeing grownup men being kids again. Refreshing in lack of words.
Asad had stopped to look at her with wide eyes when she introduced herself in front of him like a midget in the kitchen. The maids busied themselves with the breakfast knowing they are not allowed to gape or even eavesdrop but they cannot help it with their mistress's childish loud voice with mutinous lilt that could blind anyone at first sight.
Mahnoor stood akimbo, her hands clasped around her waist. "Who the hell are you? Oh, no, what are you doing in my home?"
There is no doubt she is either hallucinating or this man is her husbands twin brother but she cannot help being all defensive over their personal space. He shouldn't be comfortable coming in and out of their house without her knowledge when she's been living their for twelve months and a day with a few hours and no one has ever bothered coming and now they are suddenly interested in touring her tower because their brother is back? She won't have that, she will make sure they don't come at anytime they wish.
In-laws or not, she is going to put a cessation to this rubbish, she hates when things take her by surprise. And the fact that this man is exactly like the one she's seen in her dream doesn't sit well with her. Why didn't she see her husband there instead of his twin brother? She hopes nothing is going to go wrong since that dream really tilted her world a bit and she wanted to continue dreaming till eternity. That just isn't right, she is a married woman but she saw a man that is not her husband in her sleep and the man is now in front of her as her husband's twin brother.
Oh, fuck.
Asad scrutinized the tiny creature in front of him with blatant interest. His eyes shining with merit and charm while that glinting smile sat comfortably on his face. The face and smile of someone who knew just how handsome he is and how much effect he has on people especially women, that is how he looks at the moment. He surveyed her and thought without shame, she is fucking beautiful. He's never seen someone more beautiful and dazzling to be completely frank with himself, not even Azima that he is thinking she can get the next Miss Nigeria if she contests.
It is not just her fair ivory skin, so many things about her speak in volume. Her eyes are doe-like and very adorable, huge with soot eyeballs, he's never seen eyeballs so dark and pretty adorned more prettily with long curled dark eyelashes. They are really long, he's never seen anything more longer if not artificial. Her nose perk and ready to snub any peasant, straight but also mutinous-like. Following trail down to her thin but a little plush lips, blood started pumping to his head with extra two liters. Damn, she is one heck of a creature.
Why didn't he ask for her picture before turning down the proposal? On God, he would've left Azima for her but then, he wasn't even with Azima when the proposal came to him. And now his brother won't value this beauty because she is not the one he'll ever picture himself with and he is not even interested in women. Is she going to be a waste then?
"Easy there, little tigress. My name's Asad and I'm here to see my twin brother if you haven't noticed." He saw the exasperation on her face instead of that dreamy eyes all the women of his acquaintance would've exhibited. She is stubborn, challenging and also childish but no worries, she is still as perfect.
Mahnoor had smiled sarcastically before saying. "You are obviously his twin, I know that. But I don't understand what you are doing here when I've never seen you. You should've called him out so you can meet up somewhere. I thought y'all were afraid of my little tower? Worry not, I don't like your presence too."
Asad raised a brow in wonder, she's said all that without even breathing and her eyes are widened as she stare down at him underneath her nose even with her small stature. "I didn't know my brother's bride was such a tigress, I would've visited long ago. Worry not, I'll always come here to visit even if my brother isn't here."
Mahnoor had frowned her brows and regarded him with suspicion. He's managed to charm her too and she doesn't like it. She is now swayed by his nonchalant charm that seem to flow off of him without as much as an ounce of effort. It seems almost natural for him and she is not happy that she is falling hopelessly into one of his charms because why not? She is definitely going to enjoy his company if he keeps his words.
She rolled her eyes and pursed her lips forward. "Well, whatever you say. I don't like your family at all anyway. Do excuse me, I need to go make tea for myself before the brunch is ready."
And currently, they are talking like two kids plotting something mischievous and quiet evil. When the duo raise their heads to look at her, she was galvanized by the semblance and also the chill both eyes sent down her spine. There is something that is not right here. Why does she feel almost the same thing for the both of them just because they look alike? Her stomach plummeted with anxiousness, she is not herself, she tried cajoling herself. She is getting used to the same faces in front of her.
She took the safest side of the situation. "Better not be gossiping about me because the ones that did before ended up with bloody mouth." She gave a sheepish smile. "Just a warning."
The two brothers looked at each other and chortled as if sharing an inner joke she is not part of, she frowned again but didn't say anything. Just as long as they don't look at her and murmur, she is okay minding her business and stuffing her face with food. Filled to the brim, she burped out loud earning attention of both the brothers as they blinked at the small creature opposite them totally oblivious to their eyes as she palmed her food bump beneath her denim jacket with satisfaction.
She rolled her eyes and left the dining room without another word. Her phone beeped around her waist, she furrowed her brows in wonder, she's forgotten she has something called a cellphone. Who is this that bothered to message or call her, she's been so lonely anyway. Her husband back home didn't changed a thing, it just further agitate her instead of doing the exact opposite. How is she to move on with life like this?
Taking the phone off her pocket, she read the name called her out loud. It's Maha calling her. She answered without waiting for it to ring some more.
"Mahiiii." She beamed, walking briskly to her room and locked the door behind her for further privacy.
Susurrus and cacophony came from the other end before the person settled down. "Baby. I'm mad at you. Because you are married and living in Nigeria, you don't want to talk to us no more?" Maha kvetched in her fluent French, her tongue twisting making Mahnoor listen in wonder, it's been awhile.
"You don't know how hectic things are over here. I don't even know how the day starts or end and then this man is back home, I'm hating the fact that he is around instead of happily embracing it." She also reversed her own kvetch, her fingers gripping the soft long pillow behind her, bringing it to her thighs.
A giggle came from Maha making Mahnoor wonder what she finds funny. She is here trying so hard not to be mad at her husband and end up injuring him but her friend is giggling? Maybe she is talking to her husband or something because her situation is not amusing to say the least.
"Why do you sound so grumpy? I've never heard you sound so childish like right now even though you're clearly too immature for a twenty year old."
Mahnoor scowled at that. She is really giggling about her situation and this is no time for joke. "Maybe if you know what I'm going through, you'd give me a chance to be as childish as I want to be. This man..." and then she rambled on and on about what's transpired between her and Aman then her and Asad this morning, even her dream. Amongst her three friends, she trusts Maha more.
Maha was quiet for a while, thinking silently like an old grandma. "I feel like you are too lonely, dearest. Why don't you try consummating your marriage? This loneliness is leading you to something else."
What on earth is Maha talking about?
"What loneliness is this? I have three other friends in this house, well, they are maids but still human so I don't know what type of loneliness you are talking about."
Maha chortled, the innocent girl is about to be corrupted. "The loneliness that comes with lack of attention from husband, sweetheart. You know what I mean now?"
Mahnoor's mouth slagged in astonishment. Alright, she didn't expect that but after the words are out now, it sounds so true. "This is actually true. I've been looking forward to it for ages now and now that he is back, he is annoying my soul. Maha, I don't know what to do seriously. We can't consummate anytime soon and I'm afraid he will be leaving soon."
"Calm down. In just a few days, your period will be over and you can seduce him. Oh, my God! When did we become so naughty? But do all you can to make him notice you and then be done and over with. Maybe it's one go with a baby and then you won't be bored for long. Pregnancy is a journey on it's own. He might take you with him, you never know."
Mahnoor called her parents later on and talked to them about Aman's return and even lied that they are on good terms. She doesn't want trouble, not after what she's found out about herself. She is a voyeur no joke and it is irking her beyond words. It calmed her down a bit when Maha said there are people like her, it is still not easy knowing you are a wanton woman.
And that's how the day she finally bathed ghusl, she went to talk to her husband about consummating their marriage. Oh yes, a lot of people will call her shameless because she really is shameless after all but that's how she is. With childishness comes lack of modesty in most parts of her life and she's never seen consummation taking place so she doesn't know why a lot of people are shying away from it. Her friends explained enough that they must get naked and all but that's all she knows and is sufficient.
She found Aman sitting quietly in his room while chatting away with his phone. He is never at home except in the evenings, just the right time to seduce him. He raised his head to look at her then a brow was rise aloof, he tilted his head to the side at the sight of her clothing. She is wearing only a thin shirt that outlined the shape of her voluptuous chest and narrowed waist down to not so enormous behind. Aman stared in wonder, clearly getting what she is about to do.
They hardly talk and when they do, it's always fight. She is an untidy person and he hates that so his words are always about her disarray. He's stopped after finding out that she does that some more whenever he talked.
"Hey, I want to talk to you." Her French accent makes it obvious she is nervous. She should be because being comfortable around him shouldn't even be in her books.
With that aloofness surrounding him, he place his phone on the bed. "Go ahead."
Mahnoor gulped, he is not making it easy on her. She knows he is wicked and ruthless when it comes to many things but from her dressing, he should know something serious is up and at least smile or just remove that goddamned awful look from his face.
"I want to talk to you about our marriage." She spurted out fast, stopping to gulp again then continued without looking at him. "You must be wondering what about our marriage. Well, I'm a woman who's been lonely for a whole year topped with few days and hours. Now I need my husband... in an intimate way."
Aman wasn't surprised to say the least so he regarded her with nonchalant eyes. "Hope you are not expecting me to jump on you just because you are wearing a flimsy shirt? Well, I don't vibe like this and there won't be any consummation. You can amuse yourself with paramours outside our wedlock, I won't mind but just not me..." before he could close his mouth, a hand so small but painful hit the side of his face in a tight slap.
Both their eyes widened in astonishment and galvanization before Mahnoor's morphed into that of anger and surfeit fury. She started breathing heavily, satisfied she's slapped him and took him by surprise because what he's said is unforgivable. How could he suggest that she seek out pleasure outside her marriage just because he doesn't want her? What sort of man is this? Are they all like this in Nigeria or is he the only one so ruthless? God, she wants to throttle him till his eyes bulge out in near death experience.
"If you don't want me, countless others do. Divorce me right now. I don't want to stay married to you! How could you?" She breathed again, shallow and constricted. "First, I had to wait a whole year to see you as if you are some sort of God and then you act like I don't even exist and now you talk about adultery like it's the most common thing a husband should say to his wife that's just proposed consummation. Are you mad or high on something?"
Aman bit his lips and gnashed his teeth inside, he wants to divorce her and get over with but his father would disown him. Not after their relationship is now smooth and gliding perfectly. He would've divorced her had it been otherwise. Who does she think she is? Slapping him? Even his mother had never slapped him but this midget here thinks she can do that? What the actual fuck.
At his quietness, Mahnoor turned to leave the room when he called out behind her in a voice filled with threat that sent unpleasant shivers down her spine. "I will make sure you pay for this, dearly." It was through gritted teeth, voice ladened with need for blood-thirst.
Mahnoor went to her room and cried her eyes out, not believing what's happened back there in his room. He is clearly not going to divorce her which means she will have to call her father tomorrow morning and tell him everything she is going through. She is done hiding anything away from him when all the family she is guarding are doing is maltreating her like a bought-slave. They don't even do that to the maids in the house but why her?
What's behind this marriage that is so important to her parents and the Ajujis? It is causing her nothing but tribulation and dolor, she's slipping to nadir slowly but surely. She needs succor as soon as possible.
Just few minutes later or maybe hours later, she heard the creak of her door opening but she didn't move thinking Ummi or Nana want to straighten her room before morning. Well, that wasn't the case since she felt the bed lowered with the new weight it got ladened with. She still didn't turn, her brows fixed together wondering who this person is. Neither Nana nor Ummi would ever get on bed with her so who is this? Albeit filled with curiosity, she didn't turn around or ask who this person is—her voice is croaked anyway.
Mahnoor kept a calm expression in place as if it were a mask that had been plastered onto her face. Beneath the surface, however, a riot of expectation pumped through her veins. Realizing her hands alongside fingers trembled visibly underneath her, she brought them out and rested her hands on the pillow underneath her head. She listened to her heartbeat with only half a mind, the other half fixed on the person beside her.
She felt the smell of a masculine cologne that belongs to her husband, she stopped breathing yet again. She felt his hands around her, her eyes widened. He reached for her, his hand sliding around the back of her neck. Mahnoor was too startled to move or breathe, her entire body stiffening as his head lowered to hers. He touched her only with his lips and with his hand at her nape, but she was as helpless as if she had been bound to him with iron chains. All anger and fury vanished into thin air, like it was never there.
There had been no time to prepare herself... she was defenseless and stunned, unable to withhold her response. At first his lips were gentle, exquisitely careful, as if he feared bruising her. Then he coaxed her to give him more, his mouth settling more firmly on hers. The taste of him, his intimate flavor laced with the hint of coffee, affected her like a drug. The tip of his tongue slid past her teeth in silken exploration. He tasted the interior of her mouth, stroked the slick insides of her cheeks, feeding her rising passion as if he were layering kindling on a blaze. Devastated by his skill, Mahnoor swayed dizzily and clutched his hard neck.
Oh, if only he would hold her tightly and lock her full length against his, she is boneless. God, he is a good seducer and in no time, she is not in her mental state. She is filled to the brim with desire, everything about her now won't be from the rational side of her brain. It seems like he's injected her with something, she is not alright now. Why did he act like he didn't want her earlier? And now this?
He made love to her that night and left the country the next morning when she went to take bath.
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